SY 2021-2022 Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF)
SY 2021-2022 Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF)
SY 2021-2022 Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF)
Schools Division Office of Nueva Ecija
SY 2021-2022 Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF)
Position: School Principal II Position: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Review Period: Date of Review:
School: Patindig Araw Elementary School
Shall have . . . 30%
- Certification of the use of 2. ensured the full September 5% 5- ___ of ___ 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
the IM signed by the school implementation of the 2021-July produced target within the within the target date
head articulated basic education 2022 contextualized and approved working
4 4 4 4.00 0.20
- Inventory/List of IMs curriculum including its indigenized IMs budget
(modules, video lessons, contextualization, were utilized
etc.)per learning area indigenization, and innovation
by producing _____ learning 4- ___ of ___ 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
materials in the different produced target utilizing an one (1) working day
learning areas/ contextualized and additional 5% after the target date
curricular/special indigenized IMs supplementary fund
programs in the K to 12 were utilized
1 of 12
learning areas/
programs in the K to 12
-Reports on test results 3. attained the division target September 5% 5-Achieved 100% 5-Attained the objective
submitted to the SGOD's on learning outcomes (MPS) of 2021-July level of within the target date
5 5 5.00 0.25
School Management 34% for Elementary, 52% for 2022 accomplishment
Monitoring and Evaluation JHS and 19% for SHS in all
Section learning areas 4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Attained the objective
-Item Analysis Report Report level of one (1) working day
on most and least learned accomplishment after the target date
mastered competencies
from District ICT Coordinator 3-Achieved 60-79% 3-Attained the objective
on date of compliance to level of two (2) working days
reports accomplishment after the target date
- Accomplishment Report 4. improved learning outcomes September 5% 5-Attained 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
by creating a research culture 2021-July 100% of target within the within the target date
- Designation of members of through: 2022 accomplishment approved working 4 4 4 4.00 0.20
Research Committee a.sending of teachers to budget
members cluster, division and/or
- Certificate of participation regional level research 4-Attained 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
in Research seminars seminar/s level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
- Approval sheets -Copy b. forming of a accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
of action researched - research committee and supplementary fund
Certification of assigning a research
Implementation coordinator 3-Attained 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
c. conduct of school-level of the learning target utilizing an two (2) working days
seminar-workshop on research outcomes were additional 10% after the target date
assessed and supplementary fund
d.preparation and submission reported, and
of _____ action research/es by intervention
Master Teachers e.conduct programs/
researches on local heroes and innovation for
culture (folktales, music, dance, learners'
art, food, etc.) development were
2 of 12
2- Attained 60%- 2 - Completed the 2- Attained the
69% of the learning target utilizing an objective three (3)
outcomes were additional 15% working days after the
assessed and supplementary fund target date
reported, and
innovation for
development were
Approved class and teachers 5. Attained 100% compliance September 0% 5-Achieved 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
program, IS and TA plan and on the implementation of Senior 2021-July 100% level of target within the within the target date
reports of Principal/Asst. High School Program through: 2022 accomplishment approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.00
Principal,SHS Focal Person, a. Implementation of budget
Subject Group Heads (MTs) curriculum
4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
Accomplishment Reports b.Career Exits
level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
(PPAs) Tracer Study on c. Curricular and co-
accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
Graduates Reports on curricular programs
supplementary fund
Immersion Inventory of d. Career Guidance
Properties, MOOE Program e.
Liquidation Reports Immersion Program 3-Achieved 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
f. Physical facilities level of target utilizing an two (2) working days
g. accomplishment additional 10% after the target date
Financial management (MOOE) supplementary fund
Report on the Special 6. achieved 100% compliance September 5% 5-Achieved 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
Program on the implementation of the 2021-July 100% level of target within the within the target date
a. Work Plan following: 2022 accomplishment approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
b. a. division-initiated budget
Beneficiaries programs (CID Programs)
c. Accomplishment b. other special 4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
Report d. Impact Evaluation programs - level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
Report Special Science - accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
Special Program for Jornalism supplementary fund
Special Program for Foreign
Special Program for the Arts 3-Achieved 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
Special Program for Sports level of target utilizing an two (2) working days
IP Education (IPED) accomplishment additional 10% after the target date
Special Education supplementary fund
3 of 12
IP Education (IPED)
Special Education
- Accomplishment/ Activity 7. enriched the curriculum by September 5% 5-Achieved 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
Completion/ Progress Report making it relevant and 2021-July 100% level of target within the within the target date
Lesson Plan/logs on liberating through: 2022 accomplishment approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
integrateion of relevant and a. integration of: budget
current issues in lessons -Drug Education
-Gender and development and 4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
adolescent reproductive heatlh level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
(sex education, teenage accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
pregnancy) supplementary fund
-environment and climate
change 3-Achieved 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
b. fostering critical thinking level of target utilizing an two (2) working days
and appreciation of local accomplishment additional 10% after the target date
history, culture, and arts supplementary fund
(community folk tales, songs,
arts, and others)
2-Achieved 60-69% 2-Completed the 2-Attained the objective
level of target utilizing an three (3) working days
accomplishment additional 15% after the target date
supplementary fund
Approved plans: 1. provided healthy, safe, child- September 5% 5-Achieved 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
a.SCPP friendly, gender-sensitive and 2021-July 100% level of target within the within the target date
b.GAP motivating environment for 2022 accomplishment approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
c.SDRRM learners by implementing 100% budget
d. OK s of the programs, projects and
aDepEd Accomplishment activities enumerated in the 4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
Report following plans: a. School Child level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
Protection Plan (SCPP) b. accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
Gender and Development Plan supplementary fund
(GAD) c. School Disaster Risk
Reduction Management PLan
3-Achieved 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
(SDRRM), Oplan Kalusugan OK
level of target utilizing an two (2) working days
sa DepEd
accomplishment additional 10% after the target date
supplementary fund
4 of 12
1-Achieved 59% 1-Completed the 1-Attained the objective
and below level of target utilizing an four (4) working days
accomplishment additional 20% after the target date
supplementary fund
Child-Friendly School Report 2.ensured a child-friendly September 5% 5-Achieved a score 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
environment by scoring 35 2021-July of 36 points or target within the within the target date
a.CFSS Tool points or higher in the Child- 2022 higher in the CFSS approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
b. Friendly School System budget
Accomplishment Report per
goal 4-Achieved a score 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
c.Validation Report and of 30-35 points in target utilizing an one (1) working day
Certification on score the CFSS additional 5% after the target date
obtained supplementary fund
Accomplishment Reports 3. implemented the Creative September 5% 5-Achieved 90- 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
School Program by ensuring the 2021-July 100% level of target within the within the target date
development of the following: 2022 accomplishment approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
a. Love of Self
1.EsP and Guidance PPAs 4-Achieved 80-89% 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
2.Youth Formation level of target utilizing an one (1) working day
3.Counseling Sessions accomplishment additional 5% after the target date
4.Teaching and checking supplementary fund
students; hygiene
b. Love of God 3-Achieved 70-79% 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
1.Masses and bible level of target utilizing an two (2) working days
studies accomplishment additional 10% after the target date
2.Retreats/Recollections supplementary fund
3. Other spiritual
formation activities
c.Love of Nature 2-Achieved 60-69% 2-Completed the 2-Attained the objective
1.YES-O level of target utilizing an three (3) working days
4. Love of accomplishment additional 15% after the target date
Family 1.Family supplementary fund
e.Critical Thinking
1.Use of community as 1-Achieved 59% 1-Completed the 1-Attained the objective
laboratory for learning and below level of target utilizing an four (4) working days
2. Outreach accomplishment additional 20% after the target date
activities supplementary fund
Certification of the specialist 4. ensured a safe school September 5% 5-100% of school 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
on the evaluation and learning environment by 2021-July site and school target within the within the target date
assessment of school plant evaluating and inspecting the 2022 facilities were approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.25
and facilities school plant, physical faciltiies, evaluated by a budget
NSBI Report safety and sufficiency with the specialist
Site Development Plan assistance of a specialist
5 of 12
assessment of school plant evaluating and inspecting the 2022
and facilities school plant, physical faciltiies,
NSBI Report safety and sufficiency with the
Site Development Plan assistance of a specialist
annualy 4-90-99% of school 4-Completed the 4- Attained the
site and school target utilizing an objective one (1) month
facilities were additional 5% after the target date
evaluated by a supplementary fund
involvement and
Narrative report on parents' 1. improved parents' September 3% 5-Achieved 85% 5-Completed the 5-Conducted 5
meetings and activities List attendance, participation an 2021-July and above parents' target within the meetings and activities
of PTA officers Minutes of involvement in meetings and 2022 attendance approved working with parents 5 5 5 5.00 0.15
the Meeting Attendance activities to 85% budget
Sheets Summary of parents'
attendance 4-Achieved 70-84% 4-Completed the 4-Conducted 4
parents' attendance target utilizing an meetings and activities
additional 5% with parents
supplementary fund
List of stakeholders to be 3.strengthened stakeholders' September 3% 5-85-100% of 5-Completed the 5-Accomplished the
recognized involvement and community 2021-July stakeholders are target within the target as specified in
Attendance Sheet Certificate partnership by recognizing their 2022 recognized approved working the plan 5 5 5 5.00 0.15
of Recognition accomplishments and budget
contributions annualy
4-71-84% of 4-Completed the 4-Accomplished the
stakeholders are target utilizing an target one month after
recognized additional 5% the target date
supplementary fund
Human Resource
Management and 10%
- Approved School 1. enhanced the level of September 4% 5-100% of the PPAs 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
HRDevelopment Plan competence of all school 2021-July in the SHRDP were target within the within the target date
(SHRDP) personnel through the 2022 implemeted approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.20
- Approved Annual School implementation of the 100% of budget
Learning Action Cell (LAC) programs, projects, and
Plan activities enumerated in the 4-92%-99% of the 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
- Summary of Result of School Human Resource PPAs in the SHRDP target utilizing an one (1) working day
Teachers’ Self-Assessment Development Plan were implemeted additional 5% after the target date
and Development Plan supplementary fund
7 of 12
2-76%-83% of the 2-Completed the 2-Attained the objective
PPAs in the SHRDP target utilizing an three (3) working days
were implemeted additional 15% after the target date
supplementary fund
- Approved School Human 2. energized and boosted the September 3% 5-100% of the 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
Resource Development Plan morale of teachers and school 2021-July PPAs in the target within the within the target date
(SHRDP) personnel by implementing 2022 employee welfare approved working
- School memorandum on employee welfare and rewards and rewards budget 5 5 5 5.00 0.15
PRAISE and other employees systems: system were
welfare programs a. Awards and recognition for implemented
- Receiving copy of the personnel
endorsement on upgrading b. Assistance in the upgrading 4-92%-99% of the 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
and reclassification of and reclassification of positions PPAs in the target utilizing an one (1) working day
positions to the SDO (ERF) employee welfare additional 5% after the target date
- Accomplishment and c. Assistance for promotion and rewards supplementary fund
summary report on d. system were
employees awarded through Implementation of Employee's implemented
PRAISE and other Welfare Program in the SHRDP
recognition programs e. 3-84-91% of the 3-Completed the 3-Attained the objective
Awards and Incentives for PPAs in the target utilizing an two (2) working days
personnel employee welfare additional 10% after the target date
f. Updating of PSIPOP and rewards supplementary fund
system were
School Memorandum 3. developed and applied September 3% 5-Attained 100% 5-Attained the objective
Certificate of Participation Leadership by: a.Participating 2021-July level of within the target date 5 5 5.00 0.15
Accomplishment Report in programs and trainings on 2022 accomplishment
Reflection Note Book Values-Based Leadership b.
4-Attained 80-99% 4-Attained the objective
Published articles on Transformational Leadership
level of one (1) working day
leadership Program c.Reflections on
accomplishment after the target date
books on leadership read d.
Pubished articles on leadership
3-Attained 70-79% 3-Attained the objective
level of two (2) working days
accomplishment after the target date
8 of 12
Schol Leadership,
Management and 20%
For Implementing Units- For Implementing Units September 3% 5-100% accurate 5-Submitted the
documents prepared by 1.liquidated 98-100% of MOOE 2021-July liquidation report liquidation document
ADAS budget accurately and on time 2022 on time 5 5 5.00 0.15
For Non-
implementing Units -
4-90-99% accurate 4-Submitted the
documents prepared and
liquidation report liquidation document
submitted by school heads
three days late
2. complied with the following September 2% 5-complied with all 5-Submitted the
processes: a.improve 2021-July processes liquidation document
submission of liquidation 2022 accurately on time 5 5 5.00 0.10
reports through systematic
recording and reporting
b.attained 100% releases of 4-complied with all 4-Submitted the
salaries, allowances, and other processes but wih liquidation document
benefits of personnel through minimal three days late
accurate preparation, deficiencies
processing and submission of
Report of Disbursement 3-complied with 2 3-Submitted the
c.achieved 100% remittances of processes liquidation document
salary deductions, government accurately five days late
shares, government financing
institutions and private lending
2-complied with 2 2-Submitted the
institutions through monitoring
processes but with liquidation document
of accurate preparation, and
minimal one week late
processing of statement of
remittances for government
share and salary deductions on 1-complied with 1-Submitted the
the 10th day of succeeding one process liquidation document
month more than one week
Accomplishment reports 3. improved the level of September 3% 5-Adhered to 9-10 5-Attained the objective
Documentations on clientele's satfaction by 2021-July policies within the target date 4 4 4.00 0.12
adherence to ARTA and QMS adhering to RA 9485-Anti-Red 2022
Tape Act (ARTA) and Quality
Management Systems (QMS) 4-Adhered to 7-8 4-Attained the objective
a. No Collection Policy b. policies one (1) month after the
Updated Transparency Board target date
c. Reporting of Schools's
Accomplished PPAs (SOSA,
school paper d. No Noon
Break Policy e. Citizen's
Charter f. Help Desks or
Public Assistance Desk g.
Suggestion Box and surveys
9 of 12
h. wearing of IDs or nameplates
i. Monitoring of Attendance of
a. No Collection Policy b.
Updated Transparency Board
c. Reporting of Schools's
Accomplished PPAs (SOSA,
school paper d. No Noon 3-Adhered to 5-6 3-Attained the objective
Break Policy e. Citizen's policies two (2) moths after the
Charter f. Help Desks or target date
Public Assistance Desk g.
Suggestion Box and surveys
h. wearing of IDs or nameplates 2-Adhered to 3-4 2-Attained the objective
i. Monitoring of Attendance of policies three (3) working
Personnel (Biometrics and months after the target
Logbook) j. QMS date
(Implementation of 5s,
documentation of processes 1-Adhered to 1-2 1-Attained the objective
policies four (4) months after
the target date
Screenshot of LIS & EBEIS 4.attained 100% completion September 4% 5-Encoded 100% of 5-Complied within the
LIS Reports EBEIS Reports of the encoding of learners' 2021-July data in the LIS and deadline 5 5 5.00 0.20
profile in the LIS and school 2022 EBEIS
data in the EBEIS duirng the 4-Encoded 90-99% 4-Complied 1 day after
beginning of the school year of data in the LIS the deadline
(BOSY and end of school year and EBEIS
-Approved School 5. led in crafting the School September 4% 5-100% of the 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
Improvement Plan (Medium Improvement Plan (SIP) and 2021-July operational plans target within the within the target date
Term Strategic Plan), Work Work and Financial Plan (WFP) 2022 were implemented approved working 5 5 5 5.00 0.20
and Financial Plan, and BE- and the implementation of the budget
LCP Continuous Improvement
4-92%-99% of the 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
Projects (CIP)
operational plans target utilizing an one (1) working day
were implemented additional 5% after the target date
supplementary fund
10 of 12
-Improved SBM Level of 6. improved School-Based September 4% 5-Achieved level 3 5-Completed the 5-Attained the objective
Practice Management level through: 2021-July and ___% increase target within the within the target date
- Documentation on a. Improved access to 2022 in the SBM rating approved working
improved SBM Level of education (enrolment and compared to last budget 5 5 5 5.00 0.20
Practice flexible learning options) year
- Report on efficiency b. Improved efficiency
indicators on drop-out rate, indicators (drop-out rate,
cohort survival rate, cohort-survival rate, completion
completion rate rate) 4-Achieved level 3 4-Completed the 4-Attained the objective
and maintained target utilizing an one (1) working day
- Accomplishment/ activity c. Organized SBM team
completion report on early d. Updated SBM documentation the same or there is additional 5% after the target date
a decrease in the supplementary fund
registration/ child mapping
activities SBM rating
compared to last
11 of 12
Certificate of Recognition 3. received award/recognition September 5-Received 5
Any proof of award (plaque, or citation at within the division 2021-July 2% awards 5 5.00 0.10
medal, trophy) level least 2022
4-Received 4
3-Received 3
2-Received 2
1-Received 1
ASP Reports DOD and DOA 4. generated resources for September 3% 5-Achieved 100% 5-Attained the objective
Financial Reports Summary school improvement and 2021-July level of within the target date 5 5 5.00 0.15
of generated resources operations amounting to _____ 2022 accomplishment
Mega school 500k and up
4-Achieved 90-99% 4-Attained the objective
Large school 300k-499k
level of one (1) week after the
Medium school 200k-299k
accomplishment target date
Small school 100k-199k
3-Achieved 80-89% 3-Attained the objective
level of two (2) weeks after the
accomplishment target date
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