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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)

Directions (1-5): Study the following information b) The one who renews immediately before Q
carefully and answer the below questions c) U
Eight persons- P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are d) V
renewing their driving licenses on two different e) The one who renews immediately after W
dates either 8 or 21 of different months-
January, April, July, and September of the same 3) Which of the following statement is/are true?
year. All the information is not necessarily in the a) V renews immediately before R
same order. b) U renews on September 21
P renews on an odd number date. P renews c) Only one person renews between W and R
three persons before U. V renews on an even d) P renews before S
number date but after P. Only two persons are e) None of these
renewing between V and Q. Neither Q nor W is
the last person to renew their license. S renews 4) If the persons are renewing in alphabetical
two persons order from January 8th, then how many persons
before W. T renews after R. The number of are unchanged in their position?
persons renews between R and T is the same a) No one
as between R and P. b) One
c) Two
1) On which of the following month and date d) Three
does R renew? e) More than Three
a) April 8
b) July 21 5) How many persons renew between V and
c) January 8 Q?
d) September 21 a) Five
e) None of the above b) Four
c) Three
2) Four of the following are alike in a certain way d) Two
and hence form a group. Who among the e) None of these
following ones does not belong to the group?
a) The one who renews on January 8

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)
Directions (6-10): Study the following information 8) Which of the following statement is/are true?
carefully and answer the below questions a) R goes on an odd number date
Eight persons- M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are b) Only one person goes between M and P
going to abroad on two different dates either 12 c) P goes immediately after Q
or 27 of different months- January, April, July d) N goes in the month which has an odd
and September in the same year. All the number of days
information is not necessarily in the same order. e) None of these
S goes in the month which has an odd number
of days and an odd number date. Only one 9)Who among the following person goes on
person goes between S and Q. O goes three September 12?
persons before Q. The number of persons goes a) N
before O is the same as the number of persons b) The one who goes immediately after Q
goes after P. T goes three months before M, c) The one who goes immediately before R
both are going on the same date. R goes before d) T
N but not immediately before N. Not more than e) P
one person goes between O and R.
10) How many persons are goes between S and
6) Which of the following month and date does P?
M go to abroad? a) Five
a) January 12 b) Four
b) July 12 c) Two
c) April 12 d) One
d) September 27 e) Three
e) September 12

7) Who among the following person does not go

to abroad after T? Directions (11-15): Study the following
a) The one who goes two persons after Q information carefully and answer the below
b) The one who goes immediately before P questions
c) Q Six persons- U, V, W, X, Y, and Z like different
d) M sports-Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Basketball,
e) O Football, and Tennis and they participate in this
sports event on two different dates either 8 or 17

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)
of three different months- March, June, and 13) How many persons participate before X?
August of the same year. All the information is a) One
not necessarily in the same order. b) Five
U Participates in the month which has an even c) Four
number of days. U participates two persons after d) Three
the one who likes Cricket. Z participates in the e) Two
odd number date but after U. X participates
three persons before the one who participates 14) Which of the following sports does W like?
immediately after the one who likes Football. X a) Badminton
does not participate in an even-numbered date. b) Basketball
U does not like Football. The one who likes c) Hockey
Basketball participates immediately before W. Y d) Tennis
likes neither Cricket nor badminton. The one e) Cricket
who likes Badminton participates in the same
month as Y. Neither X nor Y likes Tennis. 15)On which of the following month and date
does Z participate?
11) Who among the following person a) August 8
participates on August 17? b) March 8
a) X c) June 8
b) V d) June 17
c) The one who likes Football e) August 17
d) The one who likes Badminton
e) U

Directions (16-20): Study the following

12) Four of the following are alike in a certain
information carefully and answer the below
way. Who among the following does not belong
to the group?
Six persons- I, J, K, L, M, and N are attending
a) The one who likes Cricket
the conference on two different dates either 8 or
b) U
21 of three different months- January, April, and
c) Y
June of the same year. They attend in different
d) The one who likes Hockey
countries- Russia, Canada, Chile, Finland,
e) W
France, and China. All the information is not
necessarily in the same order.
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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)
I attends two persons before the one who d) Both (a) and (b)
attends in Chile. At least three persons attend e) Both (b) and (c)
after I. Only two persons attend between I and L.
The number of persons attend before L is the 18) In which of the following countries does K
same as the number of persons attend the attend the conference?
conference after the one who attends in Russia. a) Finland
N attends immediately after the one who attends b) Russia
in China. N neither attends in Chile nor Finland. c) France
K attends on an even number date but after I. M d) Chile
neither attends in Russia nor Chile. J attends e) Canada
immediately before the one who attends in
France. 19) How many persons attend before the one
who attends the conference in China?
16) Who among the following person attend the a) Two
conference on January 21? b) Three
a) J c) Four
b) The one who attends in China d) One
c) The one who attends in France e) None
d) N
e) K 20) Which of the following Date and Month does
L attend the conference?
17) Which of the following statement is/are a) April 8
correct? b) January 21
a) I attends two persons before N c) January 8
b) Only two persons attend between J and N d) June 8
c) No one attends after K e) June 21

Answer With Explanation

Directions (1-5): 4) Answer: B

1) Answer: B 5) Answer: D
2) Answer: E
3) Answer: A Final Arrangement

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)

Month & Date Person

Again we have,
January 8 S
• V renews on an even number date but
January 21 Q after P.
• Only two persons are renewing between
April 8 W
V and Q.
April 21 P • Neither Q nor W is the last person to
renew their license.
July 8 V
From the above condition, there are three
July 21 R possibilities.
Case1 Case2 Case1a
September 8 U
January 8
September 21 T
January 21 P Q P

We have, April 8 V
• P renews on an odd number date.
April 21 P Q
• P renews three persons before U.
From the above condition, there are two July 8 U V U
July 21 Q
Case1 Case2
September 8 U V
January 8
September 21
January 21 P

April 8
Again we have,
April 21 P • S renews two persons before W.
• T renews after R.
July 8 U
From the above condition, case1 gets
July 21 eliminated.

September 8 U

September 21

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Case1 Case2 Case1a Directions (6-10):

6) Answer: B
January 8 S S
7) Answer: E
January 21 P Q P 8) Answer: A
9) Answer: A
April 8 V W W
10) Answer: D
April 21 P Q
Final Arrangement
July 8 U V U
Month & date Persons
July 21 Q R R
January 12 O
September 8 U V
January 27 R
September 21 T T
April 12 T

April 27 Q
Again we have,
• The number of persons renews between July 12 M
R and T is the same as between R and P.
July 27 S
From the above condition, case1a gets
eliminated. case2 shows the final arrangement. September 12 N
Case2 Case1a
September 27 P
January 8 S S

January 21 Q P We have,
• S goes in the month which has an odd
April 8 W W
number of days and an odd number date.
April 21 P Q • Only one person goes between S and Q.
From the above condition, there are three
July 8 V U
July 21 R R

September 8 U V

September 21 T T

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Case1 Case2 Case1a Case1 Case2 Case1a

January 12 January 12 T O O

January 27 S January 27 R S R

April 12 April 12 M T T

April 27 P Q Q
April 27 Q Q

July 12 O M M
July 12
July 27 S R S
July 27 S S
September 12 N N N
September 12
September 27 Q P P
September 27 Q
Again we have,
• Not more than one person goes between
Again we have,
O and R.
• O goes three persons before Q.
From the above condition, case1 gets
• The number of persons goes before O is
eliminated. Case1a shows the final
the same as the number of persons goes
after P.
Case1 Case1a
• T goes three months before M, both are
going on the same date. January 12 T O
• R goes before N but not immediately
January 27 R R
before N.
From the above condition, case2 gets April 12 M T
April 27 P Q

July 12 O M

July 27 S S

September 12 N N

September 27 Q P

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)
Directions (11-15): Case1 Case2
11) Answer: D
Person Sport Person Sport
12) Answer: B
13) Answer: A March 8 Cricket
14) Answer: A
March 17 Cricket
15) Answer: D
June 8 U
Final Arrangement
June 17 U
Person Sport
August 8
March 8 V Cricket
August 17
March 17 X Hockey

June 8 U Tennis
Again we have,
June 17 Z Football • Z participates in the odd number date but
after U.
August 8 Y Basketball
• X participates three persons before the
August 17 W Badminton one who participates immediately after
the one who likes Football.
• X does not participate in an even-
We have,
numbered date.
• U Participates in the month which has an
• U does not like Football.
even number of days.
From the above condition, case2 gets
• U participates two persons after the one
who likes Cricket.
From the above condition, there are two

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)

Case1 Case2 Case1a Case1 Case1a

Pers Sport Pers Spor Pers Sport Perso Sport Person Sport
on on t on n

Mar Crick Crick March V Cricket V Cricket

ch 8 et et 8

Mar X Cric X March X Hockey X

ch ket 17
June U Tennis U Basketbal
June U U 8 l
June Z Football W Football
June Z Foot U Foot 17
17 ball ball
Augus Y Basketbal Y
Aug t8 l
ust 8
Augus W Badminto Z Badminto
Aug Z Z t 17 n n
Directions (16-20):
16) Answer: C
17) Answer: B
Again we have, 18) Answer: D
• The one who likes Basketball participates 19) Answer: A
immediately before W. 20) Answer: E
• Y likes neither Cricket nor badminton.
• The one who likes Badminton participated
in the same month as Y.
• Neither X nor Y likes Tennis.
From the above condition, case1a gets
eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)
Final Arrangement Case1 Case2 Case3
Month with Date Person Country
Mont Pers Coun Pers Coun Pers Coun
January 8 J Russia h on try on try on try
January 21 M France
April 8 I China
Janu I
April 21 N Canada ary 8

June 8 K Chile Janu I

June 21 L Finland

April I Chile
We have,
• I attends two persons before the one who
attends in Chile. April Chile L
• At least three persons attend after I. 21
• Only two persons attend between I and L.
June Chile L
From the above condition, there are three
June L

Again we have,
• The number of persons attend before L is
the same as the number of persons
attend the conference after the one who
attends in Russia.
From the above condition, case3 gets

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Top Month and Day Based Puzzle Free PDF for SBI Clerk Prelims – (English Version)

Case1 Case2 Case3 Case1 Case2

Mont Pers Coun Pers Coun Pers Coun Month Person Country Person Country
h on try on try on try with Date
January 8 Russia
January I Russia
Janu Russ I
ary 8 ia
April 8 I China K
Janu I Russ
ary ia April 21 N Chile
June 8 K Chile L China
April I Chile
June 21 L N

April Chile L
Again we have,
• M neither attends in Russia nor Chile.
June Chile L • J attends immediately before the one who
8 attends in France.
From the above condition, case2 gets
June L
eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.

Again we have,
• N attends immediately after the one who
attends in China.
• N neither attends in Chile nor Finland.
• K attends on an even number date but
after I.

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Case1 Case2

Month Person Country Person Country

with Date

January 8 J Russia M

January M France I Russia


April 8 I China K

April 21 N Canada J Chile

June 8 K Chile L China

June 21 L Finland N

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