Unit 1: Oral Quiz

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The document provides sample questions and answers for oral exams, with topics ranging from personal preferences to current events.

Some of the challenges faced by someone who doesn't follow the crowd could include facing criticism or disapproval from others for not conforming to social norms. However, being an independent thinker can also provide advantages such as finding one's own path and influencing others.

A student who follows a schedule of studying during the day and sleeping at night is likely to be more productive since maintaining a regular routine helps maximize focus and prevents fatigue. Studying at any time could lead to an irregular schedule and lack of rest.

Unit 1 Oral Quiz

Option A: Deliver a talk Option B: Personal choice

Describe a friend or family member you admire.
Some people think that raising children in a big,

What characteristics does this person have that extended family is important. Others think that a
make you admire him or her? small, nuclear family is best. Which kind of family do

What positive influence has this person had you think is best for raising a child? Why?
on you?

Unit 2 Oral Quiz

Option A: Personal preference Option B: Personal choice
Describe a decision you made in the past that had
Some people believe that they should solve all of
negative consequences. Explain how you dealt with
their problems by themselves. Others believe that
those consequences and what you think you should
it’s better to ask others for help. How do you prefer
have done differently. Include details and examples
to deal with problems? Why?
to support your explanation.

Unit 3 Oral Quiz

Option A: Personal preference Option B: Question bank
Describe some features of your city that you Talk about your ideal city.
consider interesting, and explain why. Include details
and examples to support your opinion.

What important features does your ideal city have?

What type of climate does your ideal city have?

Is your ideal city small or large? Why?

Do you prefer to live in a modern city or an old,
historic one? Why?

What’s the best way to get around in your ideal city?

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Unit 4 Oral Quiz
Option A: Personal choice Option B: Deliver a talk
Some students prefer to sleep only when they are Talk about your ideal schedule.
tired and study at any time of the day or night.
Others prefer to follow a schedule, studying during

When is the best time of day for you to
the day and sleeping at night. Which type of student concentrate hard on something?
do you think is more productive? Why? ■
When is the best time for you to go to bed? Why?

What happens when you don’t get enough sleep?

When is the best time of day for you to relax? Why?

Unit 5 Oral Quiz

Option A: Personal choice Option B: Question bank
Some people prefer to tell friends and colleagues Sharing secrets
about their personal life. Other people prefer to
keep details about their personal life to themselves.

Do you think it’s OK to talk about other people’s
Which kind of person do you prefer to have as a secrets?
friend? Why? ■
Are there situations in which it’s never OK to tell a
secret? What are some examples?

Are there situations in which it’s necessary to
share someone’s secret? What’s an example?

Have you ever shared someone’s secret with
another person? Why or why not?

What’s the best way to be sure that your secrets
won’t be shared with others?

Unit 6 Oral Quiz

Option A: Personal preference Option B: Personal choice
Name the news medium that you prefer to use to Some people prefer to read about current events in
find out about current events. Explain why you prefer the newspaper. Others prefer to watch the news on
this news medium over others. Include details and TV. Some people prefer to get news about current
examples to support your explanation. events online. Which kind of news medium do you
think is the most trustworthy? Explain your views.

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Unit 7 Oral Quiz
Option A: Question bank Option B: Personal choice
Online shopping Some people believe that children should learn to

How has the Internet changed the way people use a computer as early as possible. Others believe
make consumer choices? that computers interfere with children’s natural ability

Do people benefit from shopping online? Why or to learn about the world around them. Which do you
why not? think is true? Why?

Do you think online advertising is a good thing?
Why or why not?

Unit 8 Oral Quiz

Option A: Personal choice Option B: Personal preference
Some people think that only people with natural Describe several traits of creative people that
talent can be successful in a creative profession. you consider most important. Include details and
Others think that people who work hard can be examples to support your explanation.
successful in a creative field, whether or not they
have natural talent. Which do you believe? Why?

Unit 9 Oral Quiz

Option A: Deliver a talk Option B: Personal preference
Describe someone you know who doesn’t follow Describe a problem you used to have that you were
the crowd. able to solve. Explain how you solved the problem

What are some of the challenges this person and how you found the solution. Include details and
faces? examples to support your explanation.

Would it be easier for this person if he or she
conformed to society’s norms?

What advantages does this person have by
being his or her own person?

Has this person influenced you? How?

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Unit 10 Oral Quiz
Option A: Personal choice Option B: Question bank
Some people think it’s best to complain about Complaints
everything that goes wrong so that the problem can
be fixed. Others think it’s better to keep quiet and

What do people learn from hearing complaints
make the best out of a situation. Which do you think about themselves?
is the best way to deal with a problem? Why? ■
Is it more important to know about a complaint or
to feel that everything is OK? Why?

What are some ways to complain without being
offensive or disrespectful?

What’s the best way to approach a friend with a
complaint about him or her?

Unit 11 Oral Quiz

Option A: Deliver a talk Option B: Personal preference
Describe a moral dilemma you have faced in Describe the human character trait that you consider
the past. to be the most important, and explain why. Include

What was the dilemma, and what did you decide details and examples to support your explanation.
to do?

What did you learn from having faced the

Did the experience make you stronger? Why
or why not?

How would you be different if you hadn’t faced
the dilemma?

Unit 12 Oral Quiz

Option A: Question bank Option B: Personal choice
Traveling and learning Some people prefer to travel in large tour groups.

What do people learn from traveling? Other people prefer to travel alone. Which type of

What’s the best way for tourists to travel if they tourism do you think is best for learning about a
want to learn about the culture of the place place and its people? Why?
they’re visiting?

What are the important characteristics of a good
tourist? Why do you think so?

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