Customizing Activities For Electronic Accounting

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Customizing Activities for Electronic Accounting (Mexico)

Version 2.1

Version History
Version Date Comments
1.0 August 15, 2014 First version
2.0 September 29, 2014 Second version, set up of fields for UUID and
2.1 November 19, 2014 Update of UUID and RFC in MM and TM

1. Customizing to classify G/L Accounts by Grouping Code: ................................................. 2
1.1 Create a New Financial Statement Version (transaction OB58) ............................... 4
1.2 Assign Accounts to their corresponding Grouping Code and Nature ........................... 5
(Transaction: FSE2) ................................................................................................................ 5
2. Customizing for CFDI fields for the Journal Entry XML file: ................................................ 7
2.1 Document Text fields for UUID: ....................................................................................... 7
2.2 Document Text fields for RFC (TAX Number 1):............................................................ 9
2.3 Amount of the CFDI: ....................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Concept fields in the JE XML file: .................................................................................. 10
1. Customizing to classify G/L Accounts by Grouping Code:

According to the explanation of the Tax Authorities (SAT), when a chart of account
has only one level (in SAP there are no subaccounts), only the first level of the
grouping ode has to be used to classify the accounts.

The Tax Authorities defined that no new accounts should be created, the existing
accounts of the company should be assigned to the most similar existing Grouping

The grouping codes of first level and their nature are defined in the table below.

There is an exception for the Capital Accounts, because in the Results of Current
and Previous Years, both natures exist. In this case, the accounts have to be
assigned at the second level of the grouping codes to be able to have the correct
nature. When the XML file will be generated, the first level grouping code will be
1.1 Create a New Financial Statement Version (transaction OB58)

In this customizing activity, you create a new Financial Statement Version (FSV)
where all the accounts of the chart of account will be classified in their
corresponding Grouping Code.

The system requires the following attributes for the Financial Statement Version definition:

 Financial Statement Version:

You specify the New Financial Statement Version code for the Electronic
Accounting classification. For exemple, code EAMX.
 Name:
You specify the name of the New Financial Statement Version, for example,
Electronic Accounting MX Grouping Codes and Nature
 Maint. Language:
You specify the language in which the data will be maintained, for example, ES
 Item keys auto:
This field has to be blank, to be able to manually assign the number of the
Grouping Code
 Chart of Accounts:
You specify the name of the Chart of Accounts used for Mexico, for example, INT
 Group Account Number:
This field has to be blank
 Fun.area.perm.:
This field has to be blank
1.2 Assign Accounts to their corresponding Grouping Code and Nature
(Transaction: FSE2)

In this customizing activity, you have to define the Grouping Codes and Natures, and
assign the accounts to the corresponding grouping code/nature.


a) Using the “Create Item” button you have to define all the Grouping Codes:

 First field (key) enter the Grouping Code Number

 Second field (description) enter the letter of the nature (“D” or “A”) and the name of
the grouping code, for example, D - CASH, D - BANKS,… , A - DEPRECIATIONS.

For example:

EAMX Electronic Accounting MX Grouping Codes and Nature

1 D Cash
2 D Banks
3 D Investments
4 D Customers
5 D Accounts Receivables
6 D Credit Titles

b) Assign the accounts to each Grouping Code / Nature:

 Select the Item

 Using the Assign Accounts button, enter the range(s) of accounts corresponding to
the Grouping Code selected.

For example:

Items 2
D Banks
ChAc From Acct To Account D C
113100 113109 x x

c) Default Items created in the new Financial Statement Version:

When a new FSV is created, some items are created by default. Those items are
not relevant for Electronic Accounting and their codes have to be changed to ones
that are different than the Grouping Codes.
For Example:

… …
NA xx Not assigned
XX1 xx Fin.Statement
XX2 xx P+L result
… … …

It is important to notice that for the “Not Assigned” item, the code has to be “NA”.
The accounts assigned in this “NA” item won’t be chosen by the report that will
generate the XML files of the Chart of Accounts and of the Balances.

All other default items can have any code because, not having any account
assigned to them, they are not selected by the report.
2. Customizing for CFDI fields for the Journal Entry XML file:

Part of the data needed for the incomes and expenses Journal Entries in the XML file, is
some CFDI information: UUID (e-invoice number), the RFC (tax-ID of the issuer of the e-
invoice) and the amount.

2.1 Document Text fields for UUID:

The UUID is 36 characters long (i.e. fdfc9a39-797a-4aea-a66b-214cfeed2218). To

be able to enter this information, header texts need to be defined. The definition of
the field is the one used in the CFDI standard functionality.

In case the CFDI solution is used, the UUID text field exists for the financials and
the sales and distribution modules and no additional customizing is required for this

If the CFDI is not used, new header texts have to be defined as explained below:

2.1.1. Financials Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables (transaction OBT8)

Define document Text: YUUD for the UUID

Once the field is created, it can be accessed in the FI documents via the top menu:

Extras > Document texts…

A new window will be open and the new UUID text field is opened:

2.1.2. Sales and Distribution (transaction VOTXN)

 Choose “Billing Doc. - Header”

 Textprocedure:

- If a Text Procedure is already defined, this one has to be used.

- If no Text Procedure has been defined yet, a new one is required, for
 TxPrc: ZD
 TxtDetProc: MX Electronic Accounting Data

 Text ID’s in Textprocedure:

Define the Text ID for the UUID in the Textprocedure, for example:
 Sequence. 200 (define it according to other fields already defined)
 ID Description: CFDI: Unique Identifier

 Text Procedure assignment:

The text procedure that contains the UUID text ID has to be assigned to the
Billing document Type used to create Sales and Distribution Invoices, for
 BillT: F2
 TDHeader: ZD

The text determination at item level is not relevant for Electronic Accounting.

Once the field is created, it can be accessed in the Billing Document Header data,
in the “Head.text” tab:

2.1.3. Travel Management (transaction PR05)

In this case, the UUID data has to be entered in a field in the “Additional
information” for each travel expense reported by the employee.

Field to be used is:

- UUID in “Business Purpose” (PTRV_SADD-BUS_PURPO)

This field has to be defined as optional or mandatory (according to the business

rules) in the Implementation guide:
IMG > Financial Accounting > Travel Management > Travel Expenses > Dialog and
Travel Expenses Control > Dialog Control > Field Control for Additional Receipt

For each expense type that requires the UUID data, the Business Partner field has
to be activated.

2.1.4. Material Management (transaction MIRO)

The field for the RFC in transaction MIRO can be defined via a BAdI.

Please refer to OSS consulting note: 2075584 for more detail.

2.2 Document Text fields for RFC (TAX Number 1):

2.2.1. Financials Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables (transaction OBT8)

The RFC will normally be taken from the vendor/customer master data.

In some cases such as “factoraje” or imports via customs agents, the RFC of the
issuer of the CFDI invoice could be different than the business partner for which the
invoice is created.

If this case exists in the company, a new document text has to be defined:

 Define document Text: YRFC for the RFC

2.2.2. Sales and Distribution (transaction VOTXN)

In the “Billing Doc. - Header”, for the same Textprocedure where the UUID is
defined, a new Text ID has to be defined:

 Text ID’s in Textprocedure for RFC:

Define the Text ID for the UUID in the Textprocedure, for example:
 Sequence. 210 (define it according to other fields already defined)
 ID Description: CFDI: Tax ID

2.1.3. Travel Management (transaction PR05)

In this case, the RFC data has to be entered in a field in the “Additional information”
for each travel expense reported by the employee.

Field to be used is:

- RFC in “Business Partner” (PTRV_SADD-BUS_REASON)

This field has to be defined as optional or mandatory (according to the business
rules) in the Implementation guide:

IMG > Financial Accounting > Travel Management > Travel Expenses > Dialog and
Travel Expenses Control > Dialog Control > Field Control for Additional Receipt

For each expense type that requires the RFC data, the Business Partner field has
to be activated.

2.1.4. Material Management (transaction MIRO)

The field for the RFC in transaction MIRO can be defined via a BAdI.

Please refer to OSS consulting note: 2075584 for more detail.

2.3 Amount of the CFDI:

The Amount will be taken from the total amount of the corresponding invoices JE.

2.4 Concept fields in the JE XML file:

The Journal Entries XML file requires a “Concept” (description) at header and line
item level. The data to fill these fields will be taken from the Header Text (BKPF-
BKTXT) and the Line Item Text (BSEG-SGTXT) fields of the document.

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