Marketing of service-WPS Office

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ion ‘Option | ‘option piion 3 ‘options [Answers ichis nampa! he martenance cont fered Seren ts sence sett : Kenmore refrigerators, dishwashers and microwaves? Sowvico Exper ‘Are Good Eh a pond peroOneR? ane ae ae Tae 3 Jin ste deternar of whether arcing shoaEe frystaty | Aisencepesivty | tony Pereton 3 ctisroan 51 rice Skndoce Toxine caves Teomsoge] SRGEGEEN |eatsante eames | 2 7 _ “nom | _Baafarsterng | Theva he iencitetolonnaiceninmatiecaremnert ocr ienashe? | Rerlarentrats | erpineeiniern | ,bawltawars, | mevanraite | 4 dha pocge cle she wens wctave pec? Spaced ronary Avgnertee Secondy 2 chen fewest colder the ed oatrcte onciong? | Saerday Boece sugrertee >emary 1 : Tranatngcoodaton leh ane'srot werd service amotio? wwascasna ovorenes | Meacraknowioe | Sronsenie nae cute wote| 8 lores Inservice iauivies wich fie tcosbeiow senenay mower scons the oven por andhovms Ses aoe on ho eas Phys ovine Drocmes Inenaiity 1 ice cn tte sre lich is net the element of physcalevictence? ymmuunication mer Pree Tenge products Some een = me ‘eccompanying service 2 stapes sssssanaierniy | sepepargstute | yekin ichis nt the methed proving physica evidence? eter ineehyscel | ‘Ghyatelevseres’ | “andmademizetne | Wein ingle 4 oronaras taaree eon ‘oir apa guezench aurTrgFonyrant abindy a ori ondcponicconensatihesovestanetrann whastie | Ponoton Prope roscs ryt enience | 4 Gooursorounped fine otmartcimatetngtht eauteosponmotates mdtor%78 Fa) prenaton we > amount of money that they wil ask in exchange for their product s: * Piece ™ votes 5 EreracaMoring wikconorsedof te blonnacorourens xe pene ress rosea | mvtuienaene | ciigalrkerg Mk corpse ft ola conparenta on _ Tati = Prope ™ ode 2 [naman aon who plo pr horice very ands lfnce ne byes pert noe te mposonel fe ce on reone a eee Poce 1 [the ccsursh tse ero chs ct ingens of ys desma? 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' are the deed, presses ond parlarnoree? tee eperincas es a z ichisakey deternnot of whethera prcduct ofenng shouabe — Pryscoy Prudence posanty onary Perception 5 ies a5 Boat Oa see? wuisman S515? eivoe Sonaais Tsar Senice TecnalogepondardSenice —— fafServaeTreammens | > fechnclgies| jennie Crperation desions ts hetelnet sevice at many Fett tisuanghat type of state? tere’ pio ranges (Resconce inns Falla ne, Unio Resort Unifoentcted strategy ose ar tog Coneatition strategy ileertatd ticegy lenan ounaten ater ots develop oer nang Mic cusoMTavetNG Imassimoretng sete larieendtes monerna| nierentxes feachofitscucerers te using which type of catogy? ‘srotogy rmoriting steteay [The Southwest Satoshi the US represent ahh peat more sume patene —— “osnaconomie y fegmentaton vara consume Demographi fimgeting sot lnk zeros gh adr, cv heavy ware dapending = {ner consrnsionpattorsisan exargle of hic Seumerecion ceooiphic Denomapnic | corsumovenpattems | Socbeeoname 5 [rater ih the flourgicen edvartagact ung rumtcegretctin lenin te ood 1 rare nisenolovees Ielomeobusiess to (hag hier pes Nollows ebusresste tage fepremetional [ected os averse, laraeay more etect cy as ofS BORON vans eT HATS GHEEOHETIUEE | Corogopcorayss | _, SoeeTUm, asanayes | MOmeEERMIER | [ne clathna retale top Shop tiesto opneal to the tyle-conscous bnksenstgrec ve tosiengrsiumgantopprgcrsy wect| Sodeeanant: | Poctepeptc | roton} Pamowraptic | jn of the lotest het foshions. What kind of markat sagmertation is segmentation segmentation, eee segmentation berg uy og Soo" Ie Seren Gos CAUSE JO EH NOES Czas —| —Faegmpme —|-—Genarprie —| eta —| 5 fosuengisococe of win or neta Fekete | Twos rates | Teemenetts | macy | 2 ih of tha ellwing an example oF torgleconpenant ~ Wakeup eal uc Roar om Sarao Berens Check ut [Provided by by 0 hotel? 2 oer cf pra Wal cart of oan, bana of — Sandee panna we a oa [esoctononoreto ste roto esercay rangle od do 1 [rot result in the ownership of anyting? iar saloning ata desa 6 ROTTS TT TREE” IGE aVTRY —— BOGS a Be TES BEERS NOTES Imleanon retest om the itongbity serves inendarectire lepends omar fonmaniented javernee ‘ fermocton [reorhabe ks FB SAT ERT OTTO, WS SVT OVO er Tre SONIC Rare Tos [rage and good asthe prop to engage neudel custome) ory pet 4 frcr that ets omamorcbe event ids exam of The orkerance cen Oe BY SFOS BENGE ence ere a is Konmerlrgctor,delwocore and mronowes 1 Fa Te a ORS or PATO ‘Rbaies en an a ih aly dtcrson: of wheter o product fang Fas Phycol iionas pasty —flngbty renton Keessied a pemictora crea? ts moan SSIS? baniee cred — al Savi sardardSavice Kal Sanice > wean fecnnloges icra} ges reatrenes Fa ASTRA FEARS GODOT Ta rTP PaGEETOOT TR. — Payee UATOT — Bal or song wag v0? fecredobierotoral nararichasreceved, 4 VB FV DORROE CSTE GETS SVS a UROMT CNDETENDEGT vim cree anger > io Ve TERE SCOVST Te RT TELE waN BOC jpoecea apm Tay ing? 1 ich of he Teng NOT on earl sve business? Auasmeni Pore tT ar aan biter 7 Ihoned adc ard urveraly ccd afaance beinaon goods Hatarogenaty oabity rangity amparaiiy : [Examples of pure tangible goods include all o the following, ‘Soap ['o« preparation: Toothpaste it bach 2 Tt he Gang ae TERT eT CET Banting Taro — ar spate — Fre a Tract: maxetirgric srt made oF Pott Prva regen romstoT $ ET STOUT ee ren oT ST oEa REOTE TC Pee races rer rysce aace —|—s Fat oe Ba of hs ous ur itin Pe Seas Foe rae ORES Pree: cos Fora: merke frost mint Potted evdences, Kotabose een rope brn From scart: fnaogenrt que forseenozomont | very Ftensotdisoton Tarot is Telbring rato oe sence paREaRD People pecsaarg Posesnprccoang |Norncion paaearepryaeslevaenes | Iona a GT was IAT ircwaarg anaes fasaing maneaae [precy raaaia amor rapetsencs pootnoton among. fratie 7 even englyees oer preening sian pare cis | canon cosvane | voter: matt chore farst hepa win serves mre ma evemces ree [SUSE UNaDETIN| FECHPEONCOTOUE| cwegeranang: | 2 Spoon, gmansersgews) Se fous mpmrateat hd co yuvean ‘destnotion decreases fuss expenditure at canton deoxes [Guyer ceistne mute ener? 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Vino ftom Ste st apr ota IEW viopene cowie cok — / Nath area haps Wiha arate net depend te voles of en edatnl perce nie ees a Theater ewhidht | The manne much the vdecnse™ hasbeenrropery | preswesoomerted | souctespupl destes fects ue sperence! ‘Age. gender. mortal ifestyle, personality and) Perceptions, beliefs an borogarhe grants mtr Secerolcam | Lezaeneregen [MSE geo an recep eeond] sagan aeetbn hater paritipts | Src uly ope ich che folonng tteren denrbe a mating mplion at “ Senicasconbereaay | Severna fest tom ne uy ace andafectthe | erm uncrttebe | Creraiogad mene ‘ {iia ote derma wheter onic oerasteute ne cn 3 [reventns aroma el ars ben gH | ego oui veongtiey conpantiey | "for oyooUE tat const of actives Denes, oF neocon ofc fr sl ha oe assert tng ana do rot sevice Demons Need Pred bec fesitntheaoresnpo!anthing? Nero oreseocien 1 ester oesctenat eho hefolowng phases best descbesexturm fuattauim | “wehoreaicaive” | Tutiminere actual |ouism ogee nota ftenere inaosngkxonteage | AREA cooranGTON ichene not the eect serie pramtin? Ircening oworenes | HOS Corongseniee feces customer tafe arava moog wch iret deer nee suctarle ogculre? cvcnagniamatanpicndentpaditaan rataignicer| eatonmeroing Ives nneing anna [eva mottrg] — Uniloanited Jeach of its customers itis using which type of strategy? ‘strategy “ eting stetegy strategy. ‘morteting strategy Pras ancey bon vive oma abe | 5a See as mavanaan | MOOR eOTETE Fast ee ih ofthe flowingieNOT an example of wervee buses? | Amveoment Prk Heol aon Soft crc 5 Teas eases | Totes maka d | ategeinalaE | — pry Foster achace of ha hata euoara® | jreeaarenat | meetin Taft Talbaing era cna te re aan aT [ic os ewer not Oe he Tengbies | Emboye sotstocion] _Responsnenass | _assionce Prune actors wo ay pat sac avery rc nance frebayos poral nae the spore he custo’ ot Peo rows — | pryscatewicrment | ce i tereting reds voy tea ban ewawha Fe jy cn aroge fos eon aotlenedé ties] Erdantomen | Fastteranplas | Acker podute aE Ce ORE aS S Sa ad serena | Souring Conse | Sascrg~Ovtoind |. Suceg ening ssgnee™ caren | tasadgps™ | Sgencecenraor | igen dhl he ong senna? Mlotrinedgac™ | ‘ninindigtice= | Wlotrinadguaie™ | gees —conesen Swuoinapgeie = | Ovbouiagsis~ | “noeunslegeies | notineresgons ng conn tasang reg ict tefoaniate emi anise amonoyemen ste) secuttamng | camptefanng | vtterumng | megutdfomey peopaced destino Net seomentaicnis eaves Fomodnadcats | Toircrewepreaucten | Fortentoryallcaton | For tossed maetng [ashe ieftowraisonearet ofaimgteaneare DOE | aie yp ca sea awe | eecon lecandodNeriating Miccompried ofthe olowing components ice] ‘ple Preces Padegng hpi verse encapodty fat hed sordees ore ddn advance andthe Frerondl ces of mokng asa srelatvel/ion whehatthetoiowna | Mresbané |) ielamarogement | Leveleapocty lan | Chosedenoraron CSpocty plansmoy benest orpraete? hotel may fet that ts custorers ree convortabe foams, wenn Fc he malty af eens custome pera ite kre nes 2S ncwlecoe gop Standards 920 Delivery gap | Communications oo festurens This suteng era romthol coat of roving wrcatvely nce or [ncertamnotes| poral ret nh specie eject of ting eng ond sy ftw ouiom sotouren setuotoutem pagel meas wh dt Rc f os is wporsordantrelsos wel us ay es cul Inentecotone < sthe well sccepedierm forthe uneibn ak ASWINTTE —yascaogmanagemenn| PRISCHGSBLON man | Pachasracd spy [ppwcton'steoce wath a pple nals? ts money Tmonagement Lass anager chef thefelowingiarolabvnareqitedo become aur? Cipostlencane | Famer nthe | cpeatictine | Song wetvoton

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