Electronic Lab Report App 3-4 20
Electronic Lab Report App 3-4 20
Electronic Lab Report App 3-4 20
Electronic Lab-II
Experiment-V Report
Name&Surname:Selcan KURT
ID Number: 170202022
Oğuzhan KURT
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe how the 'OR' and
'AND' gates work in the circuit.
Equipment Required:
Qty Apparatus
1 Electricity & Electronics Constructor EEC4770
1 Circuit applications Kit EEC474
1 Power supply unit; +5V d.c stabilized (e.g. Feedback PS445)
1 Multimeter or
1 Voltmeter 5V d.c
AND Gate OR Gate
Input Output Input Output
Volt Logic Volt Logic
000 0.61 0 000 0 0
001 0.63 0 001 4.41 1
011 0.65 0 011 4.44 1
111 5.08 1 111 4.47 1
100 0.64 0 100 4.42 1
110 0.66 0 110 4.45 1
010 0.63 0 010 4.41 1
101 0.69 0 101 4.45 1
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe how the 'AND' and
'NAND' gates work in the circuit.
Qty Apparatus
1 Electricity & Electronics Constructor EEC470
1 Circuit applications Kit EEC474
1 Power supply unit; +5V d.c regulated (e.g. Feedback PS445)
1 Multimeter or
1 Voltmeter 5V d.c
NAND Gate AND Gate
Input Output Output
Volt Logic Volt Logic
000 4.68 1 0.03 0
001 4.69 1 0.03 0
011 4.67 1 0.03 0
111 0.03 0 5.08 1
100 4.68 1 0.03 0
110 4.66 1 0.03 0
010 4.68 1 0.03 0
101 4.67 1 0.03 0
It is the gate that performs the impact and information applied from the
entrance. This process is known as multiplication. One of its inputs is zero,
making the output zero. Q = A.B or Q = AB.
In this experiment, we examined the AND gate, then we turned the circuit to OR
gate. We had 3 inputs for AND Gate circuits. The diode we use is reverse
biased. It is important that we use this diode because it does not along current
when you apply reverse biased voltage. We connected the yellow wires to the
inputs of switches 0, whites 1. We applied another 5 volt resistor 1k ohm from
the switch we connected. Our initial positions are 1-1-1. Our first output value is
5.08. Then, when we changed the third switch to 0, our output value changed to
0.66. Then we changed the 1st switch to 0 and our output value changed to
0.63. We changed the AND gate to OR gate. Makes the information from the
entries or the transaction. It is similar to addition, but different from addition, its
output is 1 even if it is 1 to 1 of its inputs. Q = A is shown as B. At this stage, we
changed all of the reverse biased diodes to forward biased and applied 5 V.
What happened all our switches are 1, our output value is 4.77 V. Then we
changed one by one our switches to 0 and we got output. When all were 0, our
output value was 0 V. Another gate commonly used in the logic is the NAND
gate, which is formed by the combination of the AND and NOT gates. If any of
the inputs at this gate is '0', the output becomes '1'. When all inputs are '1', the
output becomes '0'. we created AND gates using reverse diodes. We created a
NAND gate using a transistor. We repeated the stages.