This document provides an overview of an upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the Eberron setting. The campaign will take place four years after the Mourning, where the nation of Cyre was destroyed. The player characters will seek to uncover threats and prevent a "Second Mourning" in the cities of Sharn and the haunted Mournland region. The campaign will use character options from several sourcebooks and employ house rules like flexible racial attributes and additional starting hit points.
This document provides an overview of an upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the Eberron setting. The campaign will take place four years after the Mourning, where the nation of Cyre was destroyed. The player characters will seek to uncover threats and prevent a "Second Mourning" in the cities of Sharn and the haunted Mournland region. The campaign will use character options from several sourcebooks and employ house rules like flexible racial attributes and additional starting hit points.
This document provides an overview of an upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the Eberron setting. The campaign will take place four years after the Mourning, where the nation of Cyre was destroyed. The player characters will seek to uncover threats and prevent a "Second Mourning" in the cities of Sharn and the haunted Mournland region. The campaign will use character options from several sourcebooks and employ house rules like flexible racial attributes and additional starting hit points.
This document provides an overview of an upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the Eberron setting. The campaign will take place four years after the Mourning, where the nation of Cyre was destroyed. The player characters will seek to uncover threats and prevent a "Second Mourning" in the cities of Sharn and the haunted Mournland region. The campaign will use character options from several sourcebooks and employ house rules like flexible racial attributes and additional starting hit points.
e begin a journey into a world of draconic prophecies, a land of harnessed magic, a city of towers stretching into the sky, and people World ravaged by war. Begin your journey by reading the introduction to Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Your character is a brave adventurer willing to The more you read from chapters 1, 2, and 3 of this explore the heights and depths of Sharn before book, the more you will enjoy our campaign. making your way into the Mournland. You seek to In this campaign we will use character options from travel with your band of companions, in the D&D Player’s Handbook, Eberron: Rising from the cooperation, to prevent the second Mourning. Last War, and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Tier 1: The City of Towers Campaign Summary The first part of our adventure begins in Sharn, the It’s been four years since the Mourning, the day Cyre City of Towers. It’s a place of magic, with skycoaches was wiped clean from the map leaving a gray haunted circling mile-high towers and mystic forges toiling hellscape in the center of Khorvaire. No one knows endlessly in the bowels. It’s a place of adventure and what caused the Mourning or whether it can be used intrigue. See Chapter 3 of Eberron: Rising of the Last again. While many seek the answer to these War for details of Sharn. questions, for both good and ill, our group of brave adventurers seek to uncover the threat and prevent the Second Mourning. Tier 2: The Mournland The second part of our adventure will take the Group Factions characters to the Mournland. Once, Cyre shone more brightly than any of its sibling nations in the kingdom Our group will determine a single group faction for of Galifar. Today, this region is a festering wound this campaign. Possible factions include: across Khorvaire. A wall of mist surrounds a land House Cannith. The Makers. Creators of the twisted into strange and terrible shapes. Countless Warforged, builders of airships and the lightning rails. ruins, monsters, and mysteries lay beneath the Most assume they had something to do with the blasted lands. Mourning and they may not be wrong. House Jorasco. The Healer’s Guild. Providers of healing services during the Last War and continue to House Rules do so this day. They seek to ensure the horror of the Our campaign will use the following house rules: Mourning doesn’t happen again for they may have a bigger part to play in it than they’re saying. • Flexible Racial Attributes. When you select a race King’s Dark Lanterns. Intelligence division of the with attribute bonuses, you can apply these King’s Citadel, sworn to defend Breland. They seek to bonuses to any attribute rather than those ensure the cause of the Mourning never threatens described. You cannot apply two sets of bonuses to Breland and have license to defend Breland at any the same attribute. price. • Burgeoning Heroes. Each character begins with 5 The Argentum. Ministry within the Church of the extra hit points. Silver Flame. They seek to uncover threats to the • Heroic Inspiration. All characters begin each Church and the people of Khorvaire. The Weapon of session with inspiration. the Last War must never be used again. • Devasting Critical Hits. Creatures double all The Finder’s Guild. The loose collection of damage on a critical hit. independent inquisitive agents overseen by House • Sundered Shields. When a character wearing a Tharashk. Great wonders and great dangers lie non-magical shield is hit by a melee weapon attack, beneath the ruins of Cyre. Preventing the next they can choose to have their shield destroyed and Mourning doesn’t mean we can’t earn a little coin on take no damage from the attack. the side.