RD TIPS - 06 - Sentence Complete

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Completing Sentences
DIRECTIONS Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

STRATEGY Try to complete the sentence first, then return to the passage to check your answer.
Skim the passage looking for synonyms or paraphrases of words from the sentence.
The word that completes the sentence will be the same word in the passage. The
grammatical form will be the same.

TIP Make sure the word you write in the blank matches grammatically.

PRACTICE (answers on page 229)

Read the paragraph. Fill in each blank with ONE WORD ONLY from the paragraph.

Paragraph 1
The term insomnia, from a Latin word meaning sleepless, refers to a common sleep disorder where the suf­
ferer has difficulty falling or staying asleep. Acute insomnia lasts for just a few days or weeks and is often
brought on by a traumatic event, such as job loss or death of a loved one. It happens in situations of tempo­
rary stress. Chronic insomnia is long term. It is usually defined as insomnia that lasts for a month or longer.
Clinical depression, constant stress, and chronic pain are common causes. Secondary insomnia is not a
disease itself, but is a symptom of some other health condition such as arthritis, cancer, or pain, or it may be
caused by a patient's medication. Primary insomnia, on the other hand, is a disorder that is not caused by
some other medical issue.

1 ......................... insomnia is a sleep disorder that lasts a short period of time.

2 ......................... stress is one situation that can lead to chronic insomnia.
3 Secondary insomnia is a sign that the patient has some type of ......................... problem.

Paragraph 2
Moths and butterflies, animals of the Lepidoptera order, are very similar to each other. However, there are a
few characteristics by which you can tell them apart. Generally, butterflies are diurnal, active during the day,
and moths are nocturnal, active at night. There are some exceptions to this, though, such as the diurnal buck
moth. If you look at a butterfly's antennae, you will notice that they are long and thin with a knob at the end. A
moth's antennae, on the other hand, are not thin but feathery. When moths are at rest, they hold their wings
out flat, while butterflies at rest hold them up in a vertical position. There are many more species of moths
than butterflies. In fact, they make up around 90 percent of the Lepidoptera order.

4 Unlike most other moths, the buck moth is active in the ......................... .
5 Resting butterflies hold their ......................... vertically.
6 Around 90 percent of Lepidoptera are ......................... .

Paragraph 3
The list of health benefits, both physical and mental, that result from regular exercise is long. Most experts
recommend that you get a minimum of thirty minutes of moderate exercise per day, while forty-five minutes
or an hour, at least on some days out of every week, is even better. The good news is that you don't have to
take your daily exercise all at once. If your goal is sixty minutes a day, you can walk for fifteen minutes in the
morning, then do a forty-five minute workout at the gym later on, for example. Weight-bearing exercise, such
as walking and running, is important because it strengthens your bones and muscles. Any type of moderate
exercise increases the level of endorphins in the brain. These hormones are associated with a better mood,
so if you want to feel happier, exercise more. Exercise can also strengthen the immune system, reducing your
susceptibility to illness.

7 You should get at least ......................... minutes of moderate exercise daily.

8 Walking is an example of a ......................... exercise.
9 Endorphins are associated with improved ......................... .

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