Stairs (DETAIL Practice)
Stairs (DETAIL Practice)
Stairs (DETAIL Practice)
Christian Peter
Christine Peter
Daniel Reisch
Katinka Temme
∂ Practice
Christian Peter
Christine Peter
Daniel Reisch
Katinka Temme
Cover Design:
Kai Meyer, Munich
Marion Griese
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Printed by:
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1st edition, 2018
5 Preface
Design typology
7 Methodology
8 Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
18 Stage and Landscape
26 Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
34 Volume vs Continuity
40 Furniture and Addition
48 Construction typology
Project examples
56 Navigator
58 Jacob’s ladder: Stepped house in Brugg (CH)
62 Sculpture: Winery in Bargino (IT)
65 Stage: Store conversion in New York (USA)
68 Landscape: City library in Seinäjoki (FI)
71 Aesthetics of technology: Gallery and bar in Kyoto (JP)
74 Longing for the archetype: School building in St. Peter (CH)
77 Volume: Church and community centre in Cologne (DE)
80 Continuity: Hotel in Obanazawa (JP)
82 Furniture: Residential building in Vrhovlje (SI)
85 Addition:
Exhibition and event centre, Franzensfeste (IT)
88 Matrix
Planning guide
95 Stair types
96 Stair parts
99 Dimensioning basics
103 Geometry and mounts
104 Types of construction
107 Materials for stair construction
109 Regulatory framework /standardisation
110 Accessibility
111 Fire safety
113 Sound insulation
114 Step by step: Defining stair geometry
117 Authors, Standards / Regulations, References
118 Photo credits
119 Subject index
120 Index of persons
Design typology
1 2
The planning of stairs normally sets Due to its potentially highly dominant
wide-ranging and partly highly complex spatial effect, as well as the direct bodily
requirements. Alongside functional, experience for every user, a stair is
structural and building physics-related decisive for the conception of spaces.
prerequisites (see “Planning guide”, In order to allow planners to classify
p. 94ff.), the design-based and aesthetic stairs in the design and construction pro-
aspects in particular are paramount cess, a categorisation into different types
here. is presented in this publication.
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
Viewed historically, stairs initially served Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park
the purpose of providing a purely func- (1989 – 99) by the architect Wolfgang
tional vertical link between two or more Christ from Darmstadt, in close collabor-
floors. The “stair per se” was primarily ation with the structural engineer Klaus
always about simple constructional Bollinger.
requirements (see also “Longing for
the archetype”, p. 29ff. as well as However, these “Jacob’s ladders” are,
“Construction typology”, p. 48ff.). Just in fact, anything but ladders: the stairs
as important was an “economy of become independent artistic objects,
space”, i.e. to give up as little space as walkable sculptures, and hence “land-
possible for a stair. Rapidly, however, marks” of an entire region.
the function of a stair was symbolically
inflated. In church construction, the stair At this point, at the latest, it becomes
was henceforth considered as a meta- apparent that the architectural element
1 phor for the connection between the of the stair can transcend the purely func-
earthly, secular, and the celestial, tional role of access, and can stand in a
sacred. In secular building, it represents dialogue of art – architecture – metaphys-
wealth and power. In conjunction with ics. The stair has the function of connec-
this upgrading, an abundance of tion, it is an “object” to be detailed inde-
forms as well as decorative design pendently as well as a spatial body,
details established themselves in stair though it also serves as a place of long-
construction. ing to reach the light or a higher level
(figs. 4, 6).
Numerous art works show the transcen-
dental power inherent in stairs even Linguistically, you ‘step up the game’ and
today, and how congenial the catego- climb a ‘career ladder’; in popular music,
ries “Jacob’s ladder” and “Sculpture” titles such as “Stairway to Heaven” char-
are with each other. The German art- acterise these age-old yearnings.
ist Hansjörg Voth takes up these topics
in his Jacob’s ladder sculptures in Jacob’s ladder
2 the desert of Morocco, translating them In various cultural circles, Jacob’s lad-
into an impressive artistic expression ders have a long tradition, especially
(fig. 1). shaped by faith. In spite of the different
religious backgrounds, they are, however,
Applying the motif of the stair as an ele- employed in basically similar ways. In
ment of suspense between two levels doing so, they usually represent the orien-
also, however, works particularly well in tation towards the divine on account of
landscape architecture, such as on the their elongated and rising linearity. For
Rheinelbe and Norddeutschland mine this reason, these orchestrated step for-
tips (fig. 2). The tetrahedron “Halden- mations often terminate in a place special
ereignis Emscherblick”, too, on the to faith, which is usually consecrated, or
Beckstrasse mine tip (fig. 3) success- in the “embodiment of the divine”, the sky.
fully symbolises the desire of the people In addition, in many cases, the physical
to reach the holy of holies in heaven, effort expended when walking up these
or at least come closer to the clouds. flights of steps is also meant to express a
This scenic outpost was conceived as gesture of humility and cleansing by the
3 a landmark during the International climber.
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
4 5
The step pyramids of the Maya stair. This shows the mathematical by the trigram in “The Book of Changes”
The pyramids of the Maya are stepped calculation basis of a stair since the [1]. The Chinese term for pilgrimage,
multiple times and contain a temple demonstrable objective is, in particular, “cháobài shèngshān”, literally means “to
space inside. With the pyramids, the to generate harmony between the num- pay one’s respects to a sacred moun-
Maya celebrated their affinity to the gods. ber of steps and the gradient, having tain”. The ascent thus is a conscious
The forecourt was used for ceremonies both a structural as well as an aesthetic religious act, with the stair, in this sense,
and games. In the design of the Maya effect. embodying a human being’s approach to
pyramids, the impact of the stair as the the heavenly. Some of these sacred
measure of all things in space, as Jacob’s ladders in the Asian region mountains can even only be climbed by
mentioned at the beginning, is also The sacred mountains in China are one steep ladders or stairs (fig. 7), emphasis-
recognisable (fig. 5). There is much of the main constituents of the religious ing the distance between the earthly and
speculation about the number of steps tradition of Taoism and Buddhism: the the divine.
and the ratio of the rise to the stair run; mountain is a basic cosmic element, In Buddhism, on the other hand, the stair
frequent interpretations see a calendrical and represents the connection between represents the threshold of a boundary, to
relationship to the proportions of the heaven and earth, which is also shown be passed over consciously, between the
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
real and the divine world. This makes it during his escape from his brother Esau, ing the biblical story is probably based
an important symbolic part of “o-mairi” on the way to Haran, sees a ladder in his on the temple stair of an ancient Near
(“going to the shrine or visiting the tem- dream, which stands on the Earth and Eastern ziggurat, which leads up from
ple”). All parts of a shrine complex are reaches to the heavens, and on which the Earth to the holy of holies [2] (fig. 9).
ritual. The stairs, like the gates, serve to God’s angels ascend and descend. At
mark this threshold (fig. 8). the very top, he sees God the Lord him- Numerous Jacob’s ladders can be found
self standing there, who introduces him- in sacred buildings, where the biblical
The sacred stair – Jacob’s ladder in the self as God of Abraham and Isaac, prom- text was realised as built form. Due to its
Christian tradition ising him land and offspring. Even though special importance, the Scala Regia must
Jacob’s ladder is the origin of the meta- the image of the ladder prevails in the be mentioned here (fig. 10). It connects
physical stair in the Christian world. It is occidental pictorial tradition, the Hebrew St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with the
the symbol for the ascent and descent word “sullām” can also be translated as Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel.
between Earth and the heavens. The Old stair, steps or ramp, thus providing Built in the 16th century by Antonio da
Testament, in the Book of Genesis, chap- diverse interpretations of the term Jacob’s Sangallo the Younger, it was rebuilt by
ter 28, narrates the story of Jacob who, ladder. The pictorial imagination underly- Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1663 –1666.
a Gate (torii)
b Stone stair (kaidan)
c Path to the main shrine (sandō)
d Water basin for washing the
hands and mouth (chōzuya or
e Lanterns (tōrō) m
f Stage for Kagura performances
g Administration office (shamusho)
h Prayer plaques (ema)
i Auxiliary shrine (setsumatsusha
sessha / massha) l
j Lion-dogs (komainu)
k Hall of worship (haiden)
l Fence / enclosure of the shrine
(tamagaki) i k
m Main shrine (honden)
7 h
8a 8b
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
Bernini had the stair taper down towards perspective, which is created by a for special building tasks. Steven Holl
the rear, in order to optically elongate the sequence of vertical elements such as very deliberately uses this motif for the
space. This topic of the manipulation of columns. Likewise, the gradient (i.e. step stair extension of the Department of
spatial perception repeatedly appears height) is often exaggerated, so that one Philosophy at New York University: the
in the Christian-religious context of the has to make a physically demanding and light breaks spectrally and through
Vatican: the trapezoidal complex of St. conscious effort to negotiate them. As in perforated handrails, which adds a meta-
Peter’s Square, with its fourfold row of Rome, the already mentioned pyramids physical layer to the space and epito-
columns in the colonnade (1656 –1667) of the Maya elevated the deities, not only mises the constructional philosophy.
by Bernini, likewise emphasises the in an imaginary sense, by means of an The stair winds up in a marginally offset
funnel-shaped effect of the square extremely steep stair with a large step manner, so that a positional change
towards St. Peter’s Basilica. height. always brings about an interesting
change of perspective. In doing so, in
Another outstanding example of imple- Contemporary Jacob’s ladders a generic sense, the different positions
menting the biblical template are the Though our age is largely secularised, in philosophy are metaphorically imple-
Holy Stairs (Scala Sancta) by the master Jacob’s ladders continue to be employed mented (fig. 11).
builder Domenico Fontana, which are also
located in Rome. They lead up to the
Sancta Sanctorum chapel on the site of
the Lateran, and supposedly come from
the palace of Pontius Pilate. Jesus is said
to have set foot on them in the trial prior to
his crucifixion. According to tradition, they
were brought from Jerusalem to Rome
by Constantine’s mother, St. Helena, in
326. In remembrance of the sufferings of
Christ, the stair is only supposed to be
stepped on in a kneeling posture. Wooden
cladding has protected the marble steps
from wear and tear since 1723. In order to
obtain an indulgence, pilgrims must
ascend the steps on their knees saying
the Lord’s Prayer on each step [3].
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
Stairs can be categorised as sculpture
when they exhibit strong individuality with
regard to their form, materials, construc-
tion and conception, i.e. when they stand
in clearly perceivable contrast to the rest
of the spatial concept. In doing so, the
stair seems like a single body, without, 16 a b
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
however, dividing the space (see “Vol- trate the spectacle, with the journey spatial geometry, and in connection with
ume vs Continuity”, p. 34ff.). simultaneously representing the destina- the painted ceiling, the impression of an
tion. These approaches are implemented endless expanse is created, which clearly
The staging of power in an almost ideal-typical manner in the reveals a connection with the characteris-
Historically, the category of sculpture stairs of the baroque period. tics of the sacred Jacob’s ladders. For
can be traced back to the development Balthasar Neumann, the model for the
of the stair in secular buildings, which is Stairs of the baroque period conception of the stair at the Residence
closely linked to the continuation of the In contrast to the spiral stairs of medieval in Würzburg was Schloss Weißenstein in
simple stair to the metaphysically castles and the more elaborate but spa- Pommersfelden, which was built by
charged Jacob’s ladder in sacred build- tially still restricted stairs of Renaissance Johann Dientzenhofer as a private sum-
ings. In place of the deities, there are palaces, stairwells in the baroque period mer residence for the Prince-Bishop of
now, however, omnipotent rulers. They were increasingly designed as ostenta- Bamberg and Elector of Mainz, between
use the stair to demonstrate power and tious reception rooms. The Residence in 1711 and 1718. The stairwell is decorated
status, and for this purpose, implement Würzburg, with its stairwell, can be seen with a ceiling fresco by Johann Rudolf
pompous and sweeping stairs in their as the architectural culmination of this Byss. As in the Residence in Würzburg,
residences. Opulent and magnificent development (fig. 3, p. 49). The court the stairs are characterised by a succes-
stairs require a large amount of free architect Balthasar Neumann placed sion of step sequences, while both stairs
space in order to be effective and a three-flight stair with an ambulatory are not located directly at the facade, but
to unfold. As such, due to their wasteful underneath an impressive vaulted ceiling are separated from the window openings
handling of resources, these sculptural decorated with a huge fresco from by an ambulatory. In Pommersfelden, the
step compositions are primarily reserved 1752 /53, painted by the Venetian ambulatory takes the form of a loggia gal-
for wealthy clients. They serve to orches- Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Owing to the lery, while in Würzburg, it is – together
18 a b
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
with the stair – part of a gigantic hall [4]. a twin circular stair (fig. 20 b). Due to the
While the two above-mentioned examples sequence of darker, tunnel-like sections
are housed inside, in specially designed and lighter, open-top parts, users experi-
stairwells, the stairs of many baroque ence a diversified and impressive walk
Neapolitan palazzi, by contrast, mark the through the building [5].
transition between indoor and outdoor
areas. Due to a dense road network in The stair halls of the 19th century
Naples, building development took the In the course of the 19th century, func-
form of rising blocks and contracting tional aspects again assumed greater
courtyards, where stairwells, with arches importance, alongside the task of repre-
open to the outer side, were arranged in sentation in the planning of stairs. In the
the form of courtyard loggias. These take large-format stairs of theatre buildings
on an important role for communication which were constructed in this period,
and exchange within the urban society, such as at the Paris Opera, designed by
while they are also popular among the Charles Garnier (fig. 21, p. 16), the exem-
citizen class, and not just reserved for plary focus was on the practical question
absolute rulers. In a comparatively of how a large number of visitors could be
confined space, spatially complex forma- guided through the building in a short
tions such as reciprocally running, inter- time. There were, moreover, deliberations
locking, and multi-flight stairs were built. on how individual building parts could be
The wealth of forms of these structures is logically linked with each other through
impressively comprehensive. the positioning of a stair. In spite of the
functional aspects, the representative a
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
21 Stair of the Palais Garnier opera house, Paris centre of the BTU Cottbus (DE) 2003, Herzog &
(FR) 1862 –1874, Charles Garnier de Meuron
22 Stair sculpture Landmarke Lausitzer Seen- 25 Mumuth musical theatre, Graz (AT) 2009,
landschaft [Landmark Lusatian Lake District], UN Studio
Senftenberg (DE) 2008, Stefan 26 Use of traditional materials in digital design,
Giers detail of stair, opera house, Harbin (CN) 2015,
23 Interior stair XXS House, Ljubljana (SI) 2004, MAD Architects
dekleva gregorič arhitekti 27 Design Collective furniture shop, Qingpu (CN)
21 24 IKMZ information, communication, and media 2012, Neri & Hu
(artistic) end in itself: towards Sedlitz tration of stairs in space requires artisanal
Lake, its imposing building structure with skills in order to realise the desired
its closed surfaces appears as a simple appearance in the first place. In the
stele; towards the land side, on the other Museum Küppersmühle in Duisburg, by
hand, it opens up and shows its sculp- Herzog & de Meuron, the stair is housed
tural flights of stairs. in a self-contained stairwell, similar to the
baroque constructions described above,
Dekleva gregorič arhitekti demonstrate in order to be free from constraints and
in the XXS House in Ljubljana that a dependencies. Only then can it have the
complex yet at the same time extremely envisaged impact: on account of the
delicate construction can be effective sculptural appearance of the stair, it now
as a sculpture, too (fig. 23). In the 43 m2 blends into the sequence of exhibition
holiday home in the centre of Ljubljana, rooms of the converted old building
the building dimensions were predeter- almost like an exhibition object (fig. 38,
mined by an existing building. Never- p. 107).
theless, all residential functions for two
persons were to be integrated. The In the buildings of Herzog & de Meuron,
materials orient themselves in character such as the Laban Dance Centre in Lon-
towards the traditional house next door, don, or the library at BTU Cottbus, the
which is distinguished by rough, unadul- stair often plays a significant role, and is
terated surfaces. For this reason, accordingly worked out, often by sculp-
concrete, terrazzo, plywood, iron and tural craftsmanship. In doing so, the stairs
felt dominate the interiors. The stair does of the library, in particular, are interesting
not require special material elevation, it since the interior presents itself as highly
takes up little space and seems almost complex due to the curving facade.
like a ladder. In spite of the spatial limita- Here, vertical air spaces and colourfully
tion, however, it manages to appear free designed bookshelf zones create a sense
and sculptural, thus making the space of order. Solid cores, but especially also
appear surprisingly large. the freely winding spiral stairs, connect all
floors with each other. These areas are
As defined at the outset, the stairs in the highly remarkable, both in colour-related
category of “sculpture” are usually inde- and formal terms, and have a distinct
pendent volumes. As a result, the bound- signalling effect (fig. 24).
ary to the artistic object is fluid. In doing
so, the sculptural stair has to act as a Likewise striking in its colour scheme is
strong element; correspondingly, all con- the stair in the Mumuth Musiktheater in
stituent parts are subordinated to this Graz. Here, the “black box” of the theatre
idea: the “handrail” is usually a closed is combined with a series of public move-
wall; the construction of the steps and ment spaces (foyer and access spaces).
wall connection is invisible, while the With a view to emphasising the movement
structure is not recognisable from the flow taking place here, the design of the
outside. stair follows the fluid moment and, owing
to its winding shape, develops along
The stair usually has the effect of a total the upper floors in a downright dramatic
work of art, with the result that the individ- fashion. At the same time, visitors can
ual parts often strongly recede into also orient themselves by the bright red
the background. Frequently, the orches- colour (fig. 25), and are guided to the
Design typology
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture
22 23 24
rehearsal rooms and the music hall. Ben the stair creates a setting. One example the sacred to refer only to itself. In doing
van Berkel describes the new building as for the application of this category in so, however, the sculpture does not have
“a classical relationship between music other areas is the store designed by to seem like a foreign body in space. The
and architecture – classical but with a Neri & Hu for the avant-garde furniture stair as sculpture is in itself already a total
twist” [6]. shop Design Collective in a suburb of work of art, thus emancipating itself
Shanghai. The building is accessed by a almost automatically from the rest of the
The works of MAD Architects are repre- steel funnel, symbolising the transition spatial occurrences.
sentative of an entire generation of young from the urban space to the exhibition
architects, for whom digital media are space. This stair, too, seems like a part of
not only implementation tools but can also the exhibition since its colour scheme,
be applied in design generation. At the materials and form strongly contrast
same time, the dedication to detailing with the white interior (fig. 27). The stair
and artisanal development is extraordi- creates an extremely suspenseful space:
nary, such as in the stair in the opera the gaze is directed upwards or down-
house of the northern Chinese city of wards, and due to this changed view-
Harbin, displaying high appreciation of point, new perspectives are experienced.
traditional materials and construction Such a dramatic “sculpture” attracts and
techniques, in spite of a “modern” design almost automatically arouses curiosity.
vocabulary (fig. 26). This shows once Who and, above all, what is up there?
again how digital tools make it possible to
rethink traditional materials: the sculpture The examples show how stairs can free
in the opera house in Harbin gives cause themselves from the supposed spatial,
to pause, raises questions and generates formal or organisational constraints of the [1] I Ching: The Book of Changes, translation by
new viewing habits. It can thus bring building. Their colour scheme, form and Richard Wilhelm. Düsseldorf 1999
about a conscious involvement with the materials, as well as their construction, as on 02.05.2017
space and the viewer – just as every artis- can be independent of the building struc- [3], as
tic work would claim to do. ture as a whole. In this way, such stairs on 05.05.2017
[4] Mielke, Friedrich: Handbuch der Treppenkunde.
usually seem highly autonomous or “self- Hanover 1993, p. 64
In programmatic terms, the sculpture-stair confident”. Though they developed from [5] Daidalos, No. 9 Treppen, September 1983
occurs especially frequently – though not the tradition of the metaphysical Jacob’s theater_in_Graz_von_UN_Studio_fertig_742494.
exclusively – in cultural institutions. Here, ladder, this type of sculpture departs from html, as on 05.05.2017
25 26 27
Stage and Landscape
Similar to the conceptual pair of the towards the urban landscape can take
Jacob’s ladder and sculpture, the place. Schinkel consciously quoted
categories of the stage and landscape elements of the architecture of ancient
exhibit a large number of commonalities. Greece which – owing to the agora, in
They are mostly used to describe stairs particular – symbolised the life of an
which serve to orchestrate daily life in enlightened society.
exterior but also interior spaces. In doing
so, the social and spatial interaction The orchestrated stair
1 Culture for the bourgeoisie, Altes Museum, Berlin
(DE) 1825 – 30, Karl Friedrich Schinkel
always plays a major role. While in the The broad spectrum of the stair’s design
2 The stair as a stage in “Die Verachtung – Le stairs in the category of the stage, the potential as a stage can be analysed
Mépris”, Jean-Luc Godard, STUDIOCANAL / focus is on the entry and exit of users, by considering films and stage works,
3 A “stairwell” inspired by M.C. Escher in “Die Reise those in the category of landscape focus as stairs often display an elevated image
ins Labyrinth”, Jim Henson, TriStar Pictures 1986 on addressing, further developing or of reality here, due to their dramaturgic
4 The dizziness is symbolised by the stair in
“Vertigo”, Alfred Hitchcock, Paramount Pictures
newly defining existing topographies into application. When comparing the two
1958 space-determining atmospheres. media, film in particular represents an
interesting object of study since it fulfils
The stair as a stage the expectations of broad sections of
Historically, divine and feudal represen- society, on account of its usually more
tation still played a major role in the case realistic and less abstract quality, thus
of Jacob’s ladder and sculpture, while more closely corresponding to the
the category of the stage stood for the basic understanding of the stair as a
democratisation of the stair in public stage for all.
space, since with the demise of the Whether it is Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone
Ancien Régime, the opulently formed with the Wind” (1939), who glides
stair also became a real, accessible towards Rhett Buttler, or Brigitte Bardot,
place for ordinary citizens. who strides down the stair of the Casa
One example is Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s Malaparte, made famous by Jean-Luc
Altes Museum in Berlin. When the notion Godard’s “Contempt” (1963) (fig. 2), the
of cultural education of broad sections stair symbolically continues to have an
of society in the sense of Humboldt’s impact as a stage for the original link
1 educational ideal gained currency, the between two contrary poles. In both
Prussian king Frederick William III films, the drama dominates the power of
implemented a series of new buildings, love. In doing so, the stair emphasises
which were intended to lift the feudal the ups and downs in the relationships
boundaries of the institutions in favour between the protagonists (Scarlett vs.
of a public offering. The classicist out- Rhett and Ashley, or Camille vs. Paul
side stair emphasises the opening of and Jeremy), while the growing inde-
the educational institutions for a compre- pendence of women also finds a sym-
hensive group of people, and thus bolic analogy.
forms a stage for the invigorated Apart from being a symbol for the am-
bourgeoisie (fig. 1). In the Altes Museum, bivalence of human relationships, the
the opening of the facade, and the rela- stair in film not only finds application as
tionship of the stairwell to the outside a metaphor for pursued, or already
space, ensures continuation of this new achieved, social advancement, but also
bourgeois life, thus leading to the con- as a motif in thrillers or horror films. It is
struction of a publicly accessible space employed as a mystical element, as in
2 where cultural exchange with a view Jim Henson’s fantasy film “Labyrinth”
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
5 6
Benches are integrated into the fall pro- 5 Apollo schools, Amsterdam (NL) 1980 – 83, Rojkind Arquitectos + Cadena y Asociados
Herman Hertzberger 9 Inhabited stair, orchestration of space, residential
tection, while concrete balustrades alter- 6 Spontaneous social meeting place, Alice Hall / building, Tokyo (JP) 2008,
nate with wooden elements, inviting users Juilliard School, New York (US) 2009, Atelier Bow-Wow
to lean on or against them. The stair is Diller Scofidio + Renfro / FXFowle 10 The monolithic stair requires the user as orches-
7 A stage as is, Chapel in Qinhuangdao (CN) trator. Haus Fabrizzi, Conthey (CH) 2014,
bipartite: a narrow, briskly walkable stair 2015, Vector Architects savioz fabrizzi architectes
with an appropriate tread line, on the one 8 The stair as a lounge. Showroom of the Síclo 11 The stair as a stage. Vals thermal bath (CH)
company, Mexico City (MX) 2015, 1996, Peter Zumthor
hand, and a podium stair, which leaves
out every other step, and instead offers
greater depth for sitting. The agora as a
place of assembly, which Schinkel had
already brought into the museum, estab-
lished itself in school and administration
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
Apart from the stated public buildings, What all these stage stairs have in com-
the stage-like “event stair” as a place of mon is that the surrounding space has
social exchange, is also found in numer- to very openly orient itself towards these
ous offices, shops and concepts for stairs. The stair is visible in full view, and
catering. Here, the desire for an urban usually lies along a wall, while the space
meeting place merges with a clever eco- orients itself in this direction. At the same
nomic concept (fig. 8). time, in construction terms, it can be
observed that the stairs, with their homo-
A stage on a small scale can be found genous materials, hold back very deliber-
in the residential project Machiya by ately, as in films, in order to leave the
Atelier Bow-Wow. Here, the stair is an entire attention to the user, or to highlight
internal meeting place for the residents, the (supposed) simplicity of the building.
and thus extends the confined living It is only through the user that the spaces
area of a former teahouse. Objects are orchestrated; otherwise, they remain
can be put down or consciously placed in an abstract, sober condition, almost as 9
on the steps; moreover, the stair offers an “objet d’art”.
inviting seating options, and in this way –
alongside the connection it provides The outside stair as a stage
between two levels – simultaneously The motif of the stair as a stage also
also functions as space-saving furniture appears in outdoor space, especially
(fig. 9). in outside stairs, such as the Spanish
Steps by Francesco De Sanctis in Rome.
In the residential building by savioz Though they primarily serve as a link
fabrizzi architectes, the monolithic- between the Piazza di Spagna and the
sculptural formulation of the stair can church of Santa Trinità dei Monti, they
likewise be associated with a stage. It offer tremendous qualities for lingering,
separates the more intimate sleeping and thus are an important part of urban
areas from the collectively used living life: the urban (open) space becomes a
hall. Walking down and walking up from “place to be” and a “place to meet”. This
one area to another can be appealingly is further suggested by the orchestra-
observed from the cooking, dining and tion of this stair in numerous films, such 10
living area, linked by split levels (fig. 10). as “La Dolce Vita” by Federico Fellini
(1960), “The Talented Mr. Ripley” (1999),
The Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, in right up to “To Rome with Love” (2012)
the thermal bath at Vals, created a by Woody Allen. As regards urban devel-
continuous transition from the inside opment, the connection of the two visual
to the outside by the consistent and axes is an aesthetic challenge here,
almost exclusive use of one material: which De Sanctis overcame with a cen-
local Vals gneiss. The shallow steps, tral stair and two parallel sideward flights
leading from the access and changing of stairs. As a symbol of the Holy Trinity
room level to the thermal landscape, (Trinità), the stairs merge and part three
seem as if hewn from a mountain. The times before reaching the church.
long treads create the illusion of a land-
scape, so that entering the thermal bath However, it is not only stairs in urban
feels almost like stepping onto a stage squares which are highly popular, but
set. Bathing is staged as a sensual also those by the water. While paying
pleasure (fig. 11). homage to nature, i.e. the view of the 11
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
12 13
water and, where applicable, of the sur- which were actually the first stairs The stair as a landscape
rounding (urban) landscape, as well as planned for open spaces with an The typology of the “stair as a landscape”
the view of an attractive panorama on the added value for the user or the audi- doesn’t refer to stairs which merely
other side of a river, as in Basel, Cologne ence. Many of these buildings, such stand in a landscape. Rather, it is about
or Dresden, for example (fig. 12), the as the amphitheatres in Taormina or the conception of the stair itself as
open space extension of the city is, how- Delphi, are picturesquely situated in landscape. This can, on the one hand,
ever, just as important, as is the formula- the landscape, offering both a clean mean that the landscape is continued
tion of a platform for the urban bustle. view of the theatre stage and an impres- or highlighted, or that the landscape is
Moreover, these gradations extending sive vista of the surrounding landscape artificially created by a stair in the first
towards the water fulfil functional aspects (fig. 13). In conclusion, it is precisely place. Reiulf Ramstad orchestrated a
and serve, for example, as a protective in this typological category that the stair and visitor platform made of pre-
measure against flooding. boundaries are highly fluid: the amphi- patinated steel in the fantastic fjord
theatre shows how a landscape can turn landscape of the Trollstigen Plateau in
Thanks to their features, all these facili- into a stage and a stage into a land- Norway, which may, however, be viewed
ties often evoke ancient amphitheatres, scape. more as a sculpture in an impressive
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
Orchestration of topography
The stair as landscape often takes up
the surrounding topography as the main
motif. With the Casa Tóló in Portugal,
Álvaro Leite Siza designed a building
which – in the shape of a stair – is inte-
grated into the slope and merges with the
topography (fig. 14). At the same time,
the stair shapes the entire building, which
almost completely recedes behind this
built topography (fig. 15).
In the ferry terminal in Yokohama by
Foreign Office Architects, by contrast, a
topography is artificially formed by the
building in the first place. With its stairs,
the entire building appears like an exten-
sive hilly landscape by the water, which
one can wander through; gradients are
transformed into step formations. To
access the building, openings are
embedded in the “landscape” through
which users can dip into the interior of
the structure (fig. 16).
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
bright marble stair in the Fondazione new with the old, but once again inte-
Olivetti metaphorically epitomises grates the museum meaningfully into the
Venice’s connection with the water: the urban context by creating several new
steps float on the mosaic of the floor, approaches and public outdoor terraces.
shifting in a floe-like fashion, and finally Moreover, Beel incorporates a pedestrian
piling up to the upper floor level (fig. 18). walkway through the museum and the
The glass mosaic of the floor follows a garden, so that the site connects with the
deliberate irregularity, thus creating the everyday life of the city. In doing so, the
“effect of a moving surface [...], as if the stairs are gentle mediators between the
floor was always flooded” [1]. urban spaces and the museum spaces.
The shallow gradient permits combination
The Dutch architecture firm OMA, with with a handicapped accessible ramp,
its extension of the site of the Illinois Insti- making this extension of the city accessi-
tute of Technology in Chicago, originally ble for all residents (fig. 20).
19 created by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,
expresses the democratic and particu- Zaha Hadid also demonstrates in the
larly North American ideal of an open Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center, how the
campus which, similar to a marketplace, stair can function as a continuation of the
is intended to be a central meeting place urban landscape. The building is shaped
for all students. Rem Koolhaas conceived by softly curved forms. It takes up the nat-
the building as a city within a city, which ural difference in terrain level, and fluidly
differentiates itself – only by small differ- carries it forward inside. For this reason,
ences in levels – into various, always the stair is a deliberately shallow thresh-
publicly accessible areas, such as a can- old: instead of displaying a steep rise, the
teen, a copy shop, a bookstore, social stair as landscape is also a mediator of
services, etc. Though the motif of the content (fig. 21).
outside stair is a landscape planning
element to begin with, it offers diverse The buildings of Sou Fujimoto prove
visual axes and openings, resulting in how the stair can be almost the sole
relationships and points of contact space-defining element. His “Final
20 otherwise known from an urban context Wooden House”, for example, a square
(fig. 19). The stair supports the quality of holiday home with an edge length of 4 m,
stay and communication of students on consists of stacked cedar wood beams
account of the shallow gradient and elon- with identical cross sections. The build-
gated steps. The slowed pace of ascent ing itself becomes a stair, and the stair
takes up Heidegger’s motif of a “philo- is space and furniture, construction,
sophical walk”. In the process, the physi- landscape and a stage rolled into one
cal activity supports the mental activity. (fig. 22).
The campus becomes a knowledge land-
scape with an “urban environment”. Also constructed out of wood, the
Hakusui nursery school in Sakura impres-
The Belgian architect Stéphane Beel sively shows how the exterior landscape
takes up the idea of a connecting stair can be continued inside as a play and
landscape within an urban network in recreation space for the children. Here,
his project for the M – Museum Leuven. the elongated, shallow stair is not a stage,
With the extension comprising two new but offers spatial, educational and playful
21 buildings, he not only combines the potential (fig. 23).
Design typology
Stage and Landscape
22 23 24
Reading landscapes
Similar to the “study stage” in the Apollo
schools by Hertzberger, reading land-
scapes are also multifunctional stairs. On
the one hand, they serve as a conven-
tional stair, and on the other, offer addi-
tional space for seating surfaces, while 18 The stair floats on the water in Venice. Fonda- furniture, construction, landscape and
also being observation posts and meeting zione Olivetti, Venice (IT) 1958, Carlo Scarpa stage, Kumamoto (JP) 2006, Sou Fujimoto
19 Campus - Landscape, IIT McCormick Tribune 23 Stepped play landscape in the Sakura nurs-
places. Many of these stairs combine two Campus Center, Chicago (US) 2003, OMA / Rem ery, Sakura (JP) 2014, Yamazaki Kentaro
different gradients and thus take up the Koolhaas Design Workshop
motif of an auditorium. In contrast to a 20 Stair and ramp merge into an abstract work of 24 Library on the beach (Seashore Library),
art. Barrier-free access, “M Museum” Leuven Qinhuangdao Shi (CN) 2015, Vector Archi-
stage, however, the seating surface is (NL) 2009, Stéphane Beel tects
not meant for an audience attending an 21 The stair becomes a landscape, the building 25 The stair as a multifunctional stage, reading
becomes an urban landscape. Heydar Aliyev landscape and structuring element. Liyuan
event, for example, but provides room for Center, Baku (AZ) 2012, Zaha Hadid Architects Library, Huairou near Beijing (CN) 2011,
a user’s own activities – reading, in this 22 House of wooden modules, stair as space, Li Xiaodong’s Atelier
case (fig. 24).
[1] Los, Sergio: Carlo Scarpa. Cologne 1994, p. 96 25
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing
for the archetype
Technical developments steadily drove the atmosphere (fig. 1). With its detailed
the evolution of the stair in the past. In opulence and aesthetic diversity, the
doing so, novel construction methods stair elevates the space. The construc-
also increasingly became the central tion is breathtaking, viewers marvel at its
design theme of stairs. The display of audacious structure. The red stair carpet
the aesthetics of technology had its hey- additionally crowns the centrally placed
day at the end of the 1990s, especially in element. As such, the bookstore doesn’t
the high-tech buildings of British archi- seem like a mundane shop but fasci-
tects such as Norman Foster or Richard nates as a “book palace”.
Rogers. At the same time, a contrary Victor Horta, too, in the Hôtel Tassel in
movement set in, which once again strove Bruges imbued the access space with
for a rawer and more archaic expression. special significance owing to the atten-
This was linked to the longing for easily tion to detail of his curved flights of
comprehensible constructions – the stairs (fig. 13, p. 51). In both historical
longing for the archetype of the stair. This examples, the stair thus is a means to
new approach clearly shows how a upgrade the space and to shape it using
1 The stair dominates the space and upgrades the
change of values in society can even be ornamentation.
mundane use. Livraria Lello e Irmao, Porto (PT) reflected in the design of stairs. When
1906, Xavier Exteves a society is in a positively optimistic The audacity of the technical revolutions
2 Floor plan of mezzanine, residential building
Moller, Vienna (AT) 1927, Adolf Loos mood, this is usually accompanied by a not only spurred on the designers, but
3 The cool rationalism of Walter Gropius. Bauhaus forward-looking, bold and progressive accompanied the political mood from
Dessau (DE) 1926
4 Crown Hall IIT, Chicago, IL (US) 1956, Ludwig
architectural language. In times of the First World War to the global eco-
Mies van der Rohe uncertainty, however, what has been nomic crisis, and to the Second World
historically handed down and proven War. With the need to focus on pragmat-
assumes greater importance. ics in times of war and reconstruction,
the degree of detailing in stairs also
Aesthetics of technology declined. This approach, however, was
For centuries, it was the constructions not seen as deficient, but was perceived
and technical means that allowed the as being part of a new aesthetic which
stair volumes to appear almost weightless highlighted the simplicity of craftsman-
which attracted particular interest. This ship. In this way, the interplay between
endeavour was supported by new mate- light, space, form and colour took place
rials and production technologies with the in a concentrated manner, artistically
onset of industrialisation. Highly delicate reaching new dimensions.
steel constructions shaped the stair archi-
tecture of the fin de siècle and the emer- In the works of Adolf Loos, stairs and
ging Art Nouveau styles. In the Benelux landings, though largely unadorned and
countries and France in particular, this free of ornamentation, play a key role.
led to the development of a new space- They were fundamental prerequisites for
impacting stair aesthetics. his Raumplan [spatial plan]. In this archi-
tectural concept, Loos strove for both
Boldness versus pragmatism utmost rationality and elegant furnish-
The Livraria Lello e Irmao in Porto serves ings at the same time. The design prin-
as a good example for the way in which a ciple involves constructing individual
boldly constructed stair can dominate a spaces at various heights depending
design as a space-defining element, and on their significance, and arranging
1 as a feature which significantly shapes them on top of and next to each other
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
2 3
“in space”. As such, he “composed” the The finesse of floating mounted in a very gentle and delicate
spaces within the volume specified by In line with the Bauhaus teaching and manner in their appearance. Similar to
the external walls and located around the its discourse between craftsmanship and Schinkel (fig. 1, p. 18), a spatial flow is set
central chimney axis. The resulting levels industrial series production, the pursuit in motion here, owing to the technical
at different heights inevitably entail a of a technical aesthetic highlighting the possibilities of steel (fig. 4).
variety of stairs, which define the space construction is also discernible in the
and rhythm (fig. 2). work of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In The stair as a means of transparency
the case of Mies van der Rohe, however, In postmodernism, as with Art Nouveau,
The stairwells of the Bauhaus in Dessau the space is not anymore understood as form and colour are once again applied
and Weimar likewise impress on account a volume, as with Adolf Loos, but as a more playfully. While drawing from
of their meticulous composition and their sequence of dissolved discs, layered classicism, one also takes the chance to
technical aesthetic. Materials and colour, vertically or horizontally, subtly delimiting experiment in the fields of space and
reduction of ornamentation, clear con- the space. In doing so, Mies van der material. New composite materials and
structional details and generous spatial Rohe dissolved fixed spatial borders, adhesives as well as modern, sophisti-
arrangements define the circulation areas thus freeing the tectonic structure. This cated methods for glass production
here, which are used as assembly and effect also determines the design of the enrich the market and hence also the
meeting places for different disciplines stairs. In the Crown Hall at the IIT in diversity of stair constructions. Due to
(fig. 3). The social component elucidated Chicago, his place of activity after the the social desire for “transparency”,
by the Bauhaus philosophy, but also the Bauhaus, the campus grounds are liter- glass as a material especially gains
design-related artistic level, likewise ally drawn into the building. In doing so, increasing importance. However, skilful
becomes clear, both in the paintings of the stair serves as an almost indistin- application of non-transparent materials
Oskar Schlemmer and the photographs guishable link between the inside and the can also create permeability. The stair
of Lux Feininger. outside, where the individual steps are at the Institute of Molecular Genetics in
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
5 6a b
Prague, for example, appears dissolved innovative enterprise constantly reinvents The stair minimised by technology
in its constructional detailing even without itself with the aid of architecture and Technical innovations and the increas-
the use of glass (fig. 5). design. Made entirely out of glass, the ing acceptance of metal as a material
stair at the Apple Store in Regent Street also make possible new forms of stairs in
With rising growth and affluence, more in London, with its constructional ele- residential areas. In Toru Murakami’s
and more companies are taking the gance and technical finesse, corre- residential building in Imabari, the load-
chance to represent their entrepreneurial sponds to the philosophy of the brand bearing stringer of the steel stair visually
visions in structural form. However, this prevalent during the time of its creation recedes significantly to its central place-
does not necessarily mean a return to (2004) (fig. 6 a). In 2015, it was replaced ment, thus considerably reducing the
ornamentation and décor, but rather by a closed stair made of natural materi- perceived thickness of the material. The
results in a newly discovered audacity als with ergonomically formed wooden intrinsically archaic material of the darker
of form, appearance and construction. handrails. The showcasing of technical teakwood steps anticipates the residential
Companies continually adapt their possibilities was replaced by current use of the upper floors on account of the
market strategies. For example, Apple issues, such as ergonomics and sustain- warm character of the wood, and with its
Stores demonstrate how a contemporary, ability (fig. 6 b). filigree detailing, blends into the modern
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
aesthetic of the house (fig. 33, p. 106). to detail, they are perhaps meant to
In the case of Claus en Kaan, the techni- resemble a sophisticated display case –
cal aestheticisation is explained by the in terms of their appearance, degree of
desire for simplicity in appearance which constructional detail and impact. In other
in reality, however, possesses a high culture-related fields, however, such
degree of constructional complexity. stairs are spatially effective as models of
The apparent simplicity stands vis-à- an overall design idea. This is demon-
vis elaborately produced construction strated by, for example, the stair in the
details and complex manufacturing pro- Museum Judenplatz in Vienna (fig. 9), or
cesses of the folded steel stair. Since the one in the “Plastic House” for a pho-
the handrails are likewise exceedingly tographer in Tokyo (fig. 10).
reduced and designed to be almost
invisible, the architectural language pre- Even in minimalist architecture, technical
sents itself entirely free from any decor. achievements still reveal new design
The link between the wall and the stair potentials: handrails are reduced to thin
is negated in such a way that the stair pipes while ornamentation soberly and
merges into an almost artistic abstraction coolly takes a back seat. The guiding
(fig. 7). idea of the Bauhaus – planning by apply-
ing high-quality craftsmanship while
Many stairs in the category of “Aesthetics maintaining an appropriateness to the
of technology” are defined by a sophisti- material and resource efficiency – con-
cated reduction of material thickness, tinues to assert itself up to the present
combined with a complex treatment of day. Having primarily been an economic
architectural details in handrails, steps or decision during the Bauhaus period, it
landings. Due to the gentle handling of has today become a question of ecology
these details, these architectures are and sustainability. Consideration of pru-
ideologically very close to the design dent, seemingly simple concepts and
vocabulary of Carlo Scarpa (fig. 18, p. 24). constructions will surely continue to
remain expedient and hence sustainable.
Francesco Librizzi studio carried out an
intervention in a historic town house in Longing for the archetype 9
Milan from the year 1900, as Scarpa had The element of the originally simple lad-
similarly done in many of his buildings. der is also significant in contemporary
The available area in the floor plan is architecture. While “Jacob’s ladder” was
small, while instead, the room height is extensively detailed not only symbolically
imposing. The architects responded to but also aesthetically, contemporary lad-
this particularity in the spatial proportions ders are predominantly designed in a
with a minimal yet distinct intervention. restrained manner and committed to an
The new stair emphasises the potential of “economy of space”, i.e. to the demand
the space, though it leaves it untouched of using as little space as possible. In
in itself (fig. 8). Japan in particular, where building plots
are rare and therefore expensive, archi-
In fact, these technically apparently sim- tects often fall back on simple and
ple and visually minimalist stairs are often extremely steep stair forms or even the
applied in a museum-related context; with archetype of the stair – the ladder – as
their artistic restraint, combined with a a method for efficient space utilisation
craftsmanship displaying a great attention (fig. 11, p. 30). In the English-speaking 10
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
11 12 13
and Benelux countries, the tradition of the to reach deep into the space from the
steep stair lives on to this day. It leads skylight (fig. 15; fig. 11, p. 51).
the visitor to the upper floors almost
immediately after entering a flat. The primeval stair in traditional architecture
In their archaic appearance, many con-
The narrow residential building in the temporary stairs refer to historical ex-
centre of the city of Ghent, with a width of amples in vernacular architecture. The
only 3.50 m, exemplifies this application. simplicity of the stair as a constructional
Due to the staggered arrangement of the element is demonstrated particularly by
building structure, the architects never- the Dogon stairs in Mali: carved from a
theless ensure sufficient lighting, with a plain tree trunk with a forked branch at
split-level layout positioning the floors the upper end to find sufficient support
spaciously and open to each other. The along the mud walls (fig. 12). Further
likewise open wooden stair ensures com- interesting examples are early settle-
munication across levels and allows light ments in what is today Mesa Verde
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
15 a b
National Park in Colorado. Here, approxi- related philosophy also determines the
mately 600 partly well-preserved cliff conceptual approach for planning stairs
dwellings of the Anasazi tribes were in this context.
found. Cliff Palace is one of the largest of One of the pioneers of this development
these settlements in the Mesa Verde area. is undoubtedly the Mexican architect Luis
An overhanging niche in the rock had al- Barragán. The plain wooden stair at Casa
ready been used in 1200 AD to construct Barragán initially seems traditional. The
accommodations there, using available surrounding space, however, is distinc-
materials, such as soil, water, ash and tively modern in its form, proportion, guid-
sandstone. Wooden ladders connect all ance of light and colour. By linking tradi-
levels with each other. The simplicity and tion and modernity, a fascinating and
constructional clarity of these historical timeless spatial atmosphere is thus cre-
examples are still meaningful and contin- ated (fig. 16).
uously influence contemporary architec- The Chilean architect Mathias Klotz fol-
ture (fig. 13). lows the leads of Luis Baragán by trans- 16
ferring traditional materials into a modern
Analogue and archaic: longing for the design vocabulary (fig. 17).
Roger Boltshauer and Martin Rauch dem- Studio Mumbai from India, with its
onstrate the potential elegance of a mod- founder Bijoy Jain, also stands for this
ern archaic stair in their mud house in approach. The studio is more a workshop
Schlins, Austria (fig. 14). The steps “grow” than an office: in an open-air hall, where
out of the rammed earth wall while the dozens of material samples and building
balustrade logically results from the spiral components are stored and processed,
moment. Due to its shape and arrange- architects cooperate with craftspeople in
ment in the floor plan, it refers to the his- planning and execution. The buildings
torical derivation of a tower stair. Holes created in this context are convincing due
in the steps create an impressive play to a clear design vocabulary and contem-
of light. In this way, the raw feel of the porary, generous spaces. The selected
mud is accentuated at the same time, so materials, which partly come from histori-
that the stair supports the space and its cal building stock, display a clear con- 17
atmosphere, instead of being purely self- nection to traditional building typologies,
sufficient. Therefore, it is more easily and underline the significance of crafts-
assigned to the beauty of the craftsman- manship for architecture. With regard to
ship and the poetic simplicity of the mate- stairs, this is demonstrated at the Belavali
rial than to a sculpture, which would more House. The elegant banister made of
strongly challenge the concept of the tropical wood deliberately contrasts with
building. The sharp edges and clarity of the homogeneously designed wall and
the shapes are, however, accentuated in the smooth, grey-plastered steps. Here, a
such a manner that a departure from refined aesthetic is generated, particu-
traditional mud architecture in the service larly due to a sensitive use of materials
of a contemporary aesthetic clearly (fig. 18).
becomes discernible.
In the Alpine region, a similar approach
Planning strategies which very confidently has developed for several years now: by
handle regional building materials and means of a reduction of material and
traditions are gaining in importance. The form, buildings are created which act 18
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
19 20 21
through relationships (to the context, the precisely in this sense of scale and formal ness and sensitivity with respect to the
applied material, the construction), and humility where its strength lies: like a regional context. For one thing, the local
are thus “ingrained”. This approach con- primeval hut, this architecture protects connection is taken seriously as the stern
nects with an architectural tradition which without isolating itself. The building cor- inner walls, made of tamped concrete,
also had an impact in Scandinavia, as responds to human beings without exag- take up the motif of the old stone walls of
with Alvar Aalto, for example: restriction gerating. The suitability for daily use the village. For another thing, the materi-
to often only a single material which is harbours alluring beauty (fig. 20). This als used reflect the surrounding building
detailed and processed with extraordi- applies to architecture in general, but is stock: untreated solid oak wood, tamped
nary refinement. The form is reduced and particularly reflected in the formulation concrete and welded steel are applied on
the entire building refrains from making of stairs. site with skilled craftsmanship and utmost
a dramatic gesture (fig. 19). Everything precision. What is impressive here is that
seems unassuming at first, but the accu- The conversion of an unused stable into a due to the modern detailing and refine-
racy in the spatial disposition and materi- residential building in the village centre of ment of traditional craftsmanship, a con-
alisation appears highly poetic and Soglio, Switzerland, planned by Ruinelli temporary and timely architectural lan-
deeply human in its scale. Perhaps it is Associati, demonstrates this meticulous- guage with a strong identity has been
22 a b
Design typology
Aesthetics of technology vs Longing for the archetype
created, which also shapes the construc- a clear design vocabulary. Through this
tion of the vertical spatial access (fig. 22). measure, the building stock is accepted
while the interior follows its own order and
Since the 1990s, Gion Caminada has philosophy. Hollowing out allows the
taken over various construction tasks space with the gabled roof to create a
in his hometown of Vrin (fig. 21). Preserv- stronger impact, and the archaic image of
ing the cultural landscape of the Alpine the solid house is elevated to an aesthetic
region, and hence also the compact with an artistic feel.
townscape, has become possible within
the framework of a foundation: the inhab- The buildings of Thomas Kröger symbol-
itants can purchase building land, and ise the longing for a withdrawal from the
thus withdraw it from speculation. “The urban world. The revival of regionalism
Alpine region combines unique natural is driven by the fear of social upheaval
and cultural landscapes with distinctive and a desire for deceleration in one’s
building forms, which have developed own daily life. As such, the notion of home 23
from a centuries-old adaptation to the has a positive connotation, similar to the
geographical and climatic conditions,” previous examples.
says Caminada. In the process, contem-
porary parameters are added by all The stairs in the category of “Longing for
means which, however, enrich the histor- the archetype” are, therefore, mostly
ical cultural heritage with exciting new found in holiday homes, where city dwell-
designs and techniques. ers return to after years of global and
urban nomadism, in seemingly close
The works of the two last-mentioned contact with nature. This is insofar a gain
architects are shaped by the fact that the for architecture as the largely organic,
design approach runs throughout the durable materials then actually react sen-
entire building and all construction ele- sitively and responsibly to the context,
ments follow an overriding objective. This and thus demonstrate an appreciation for
particularly applies to the stairs. Perhaps the built form per se (fig. 24, 25).
the success of buildings such as those
by Gion Caminada or Armando Ruinelli 24
makes it clear that most construction 19 All one material and yet highly differentiated in
tasks are not about the extreme or about its detailing. Town hall, Säynätsalo (FI) 1952,
Alvar Aalto
showcasing but about intimacy and 20 Simplicity in materials and form. Residential
retreat, home and longing. The buildings building “Creek House”, Skåne (SE) 2014, Tham
& Videgård
in Vrin and Soglio are examples of the 21 New and yet having been there all along.
return to tradition, craftsmanship, regional Butcher’s shop, Vrin (CH), Gion Caminada
materials and manufacturing techniques. 22 Casa RM, Soglio (CH) 2009, Ruinelli Associati
a The idea of the former stable is reflected in the
materials used.
Buchner Bründler also play with the pri- b Tamped concrete and untreated solid oak
wood steps define the open stair.
meval image of the house in their holiday 23 Casa d’Estate, Linescio (CH) 2008, Buchner
home in Linescio, Ticino (fig. 23). While Bründler Architekten
externally appearing like a prototypical 24 A contemporary design vocabulary and respect
for the location, landscape and tradition. Country
200-year-old stone house using the log house, Uckermark (DE) 2014, Thomas Kröger
building method in granite, it is com- 25 Peace and strength on the raw poured asphalt
floor which links the living area with the sleeping
pletely hollowed out inside and spa- areas. Werkhaus, Gerswalde (DE) 2013, Thomas
ciously designed in concrete, displaying Kröger 25
Volume vs Continuity
Design typology
Volume vs Continuity
Casa dos Cubos in Tomar develops stair. The ground floor has been designed RAAAF Architekten show an entirely
sculpturally and freely in the two-storey in grey exposed concrete, the interior of different form of stair as a dividing
air space towards the upper floor. Its the stairwell, however, in silver fir, making element. They cut up one of the over
material being distinct from the surround- it seem strongly introverted. On the upper 700 bunkers constructed between
ing walls, the stair and the upper volume floor, the wood accentuating the interior 1815 and 1940 at the military line of
form an independent “box in a box”. As of the stairwell is continued as a surface defence in the Netherlands into two parts.
a result, the spatial division not only has on the walls. The stair thus deliberately “Bunker 599” recedes in its appearance
a vertical impact but also a horizontal one serves the purpose of functionally and in favour of the one-metre wide axis
(fig. 5). vertically separating the more private leading from the path through the land-
upper floor and the more public ground scape to the lake. The stair which leads
The example of the residential building floor, forming a subtle threshold due to down to this sculpture and on to the water
in Krumbach by Bernardo Bader shows the change of material between the two becomes one with the generated visual
how it is possible to architecturally elabo- zones. In the process, the space-defining axis towards the sea and thus merges
rate different usage areas on two levels elements and the material interact very with the surrounding landscape (fig. 7,
through the structuring function of the closely (fig. 4). p. 36).
5a b
Design typology
Volume vs Continuity
6a b
The stair body as space-accompanying clearly distinguishes itself from the verti-
element cal order of the space-defining columns
The Benedictine monk and architect (fig. 6 a). By contrast, the monolithic stair
Dom Hans van der Laan used a system in Roosenberg Abbey only edges into the
of proportion based on his theoretical foreground from out of its niche to such
writings on architectural space as the an extent that the order is just sufficiently
basis for design in his plans for the broken up to allow a sense of suspense,
abbeys Roosenberg in Waasmunster combined with an orientation possibility,
and St. Benedictusberg in Vaals. [2] to emerge in the spatial order. This effect
The buildings seem almost abstract in is enhanced by the sophisticated lighting
their rational order, consisting of walls (fig. 6 b).
and rows of columns, while their funda- In the volume typology, too, echoes of
mental clarity and regularity ensure Jacob’s ladder can often be found, espe-
suspenseful spaces whose impact is cially when a roof window lights a stair-
particularly owed to the rough, haptic well. The stairs in this category, however,
surfaces. Van der Laan wanted to are more strongly interwoven with the
achieve a “nobilis simplicitas”, a noble surroundings and logically develop out of
simplicity, and therefore reverted to them. In the house in Ajuda by Aires
elementary forms of design. Comparable Mateus, one can see how a stair leading
to a fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach, to the light takes effect as a volume
the applied mathematical composition (fig. 11 c). The chasm formed by the stair
comprising simple elements allows har- along a wall between two buildings
mony and beauty to unfold. The stairs in creates a volumetric suspense in space.
these two abbeys seem very corporeal, The volume of the upper floor results in a
not only due to their monolithic forma- triangular banister whose tip meets the
tion. They hardly impair the prevailing ground floor (fig. 11 b). These bottlenecks
spatial impact as they lie laterally are deliberately orchestrated in a sus-
against the space. The solid, sloped bal- penseful manner. A section through the
ustrade of St. Benedictusberg Abbey building shows how much the space
7 8 9
Design typology
Volume vs Continuity
10 11a 11b
Design typology
Volume vs Continuity
12 a b
does not rest on the floor, but seems to its design. The dissolved stair exclusively delicately leading to the next level in a
float (fig. 9). acts between two levels. Accompanied seemingly threshold-free manner. In most
All stairs in the volume category usually by highly reduced (if at all available) rail- of the presented examples, the floor cov-
have in common that their design, first ings and handrails, this type of stair ering is continued on the steps, so that
and foremost, requires a development in merely extends from the floor of the lower in the overview also all individual parts
section, in order to allow articulation of level to that of the upper one, and does become one and the boundaries are
the interlinkage between the usable not take shape on the floor of its destina- blurred. The steps are often designed to
space and the stairwell. tion. If one attempts to make the stair be as thin as possible, resting on a highly
structurally as delicate as possible, it reduced structure or projecting out freely.
Continuity loses its above-mentioned corporeality.
While a stair as volume is about an inde- The diagonally positioned volume dis- Lina Bo Bardi, an Italian-born Brazilian
pendent body which self-assertively solves into the horizontal steps and the architect, built a technically refined stair
claims space, the objective of the incor- vertical fall protection. Thus, the sur- in 1951, which still looks modern today,
poreal stair is to let the actual space take rounding space seems to continue underneath the actual building, the Casa
effect, thus appearing rather restrained in unwaveringly, while the steps float up, de Vidro in Brazil, underlining the prevail-
ing impression of lightness in this way.
The glazed house seems to float above
the tropically vegetated site on a slope. A
tree within the house protrudes through
another cutout in the ceiling. As such, the
stair – like the tree – establishes a rooted-
ness with the earth, and hence a kind of
link to nature. Positioned in front of the
narrow ground floor block, the delicate
steel structure and wooden steps of the
stair lead from the lower, almost
untouched level to the actual residential
floor of the house (fig. 12). The individual
step supports are permeable, while the
fall protection and handrail appear like a
subdued and thus elegantly reduced line.
Design typology
Volume vs Continuity
Furniture and Addition
Stairs in this category are distinguished carpenter, the painter and the smith,
by the fact that they either serve an while the main responsibility lies with
additional function or, subsequently and the carpenter who is, importantly, in
complementarily, enable uses in an charge of selecting the wood: for the
existing stock. The stair as a furniture production of furniture in Japanese
item as well as stock supplement does interior design, this includes wood types
1 Japanese cupboard “kaidan tansu”, stand-alone
2 House in a forest with a wooden furniture stair. not seem abstract and object-like as a such as paulownia (kiri), Japanese
“Casa in una pineta”, Marina di Castagneto sculpture, but is a multifaceted building cedar (sugi), and zelkova (keyaki). The
Carducci (IT) 2011, Massimo Fiorido Associati
and sundaymorning
element: this stair does not only serve cupboards have a clear varnish finish on
3 Layer House, Kobe (JP) 2003, Hiroaki Ohtani the purpose of connecting two levels the outside and are complemented by
a Space-saving concrete louvres but offers further spatial, conceptual wrought-iron fittings which, alongside
b Concrete louvres filter the light and organise
the house. and especially functional potential. In their purely functional significance, also
4 Itami House, Itami (JP) 2012, Tato Architects the context of complementing an exist- serve as decorative elements. Viewed
a The stair choreographs the space.
b The furniture is integrated as part of the stair.
ing stock, the applied material often historically, the tansu manifested the
c The dining table projects into the stairwell. contrasts with the surroundings, with economic status of its user. They were,
the result that the stair appears like an however, also used to store important
inlay inserted into the existing space. documents in the drawers, and are pres-
ently still very common pieces of furni-
Furniture ture in Japan.
Parameters which constrain spatial vol-
umes, such as confined plots, limited Even today, due to space constraints,
financial budgets, topographical par- hybrids comprising spatial elements
ticularities or minimalist spatial con- and furniture are widely employed in the
cepts, increasingly result in a merger country, since even in Japanese sub-
and optimisation of installations into urbs, land prices continue to be exorbi-
“hybrid” staircase furniture, i.e. a combi- tantly high. Near Osaka, Tato Architects
nation of stairs, cupboards and/or have developed a residential building
shelves, due to the intended reduction for a family, on a nearly 60 m2 plot, with
in applied resources. 95 m2 living area on a 35 m2 footprint.
On such an optimised area, there is no
1 Hybrid stairs in Japan space for storerooms. Space-defining
Japan in particular, due to the limited elements therefore turn into pieces of
area available and the high real estate furniture and vice-versa. In doing so, the
prices, is a pioneer in the tradition of drawer of a cabinet, for example, serves
these hybrid stairs. Every space is used, as a stair step while the stairwell is
and there are various tools available crossed by a table top. Furniture and
in the market with which clothes, for architecture become one (fig. 4).
example, can be pressed together to be
stored in different cupboards (tansu) in The Layer House by Hiroaki Ohtani also
a space-saving way. Kaidan tansu, so- stands on a very small, 33 m2 plot in
called stair cupboards, are widespread, Kobe, a city known for its high property
serving as both a storage space and a prices. The limited surface area radically
climbing aid for the roof, as they already defines the lifestyle of a young family:
have in traditional Japanese houses individual, closed rooms and space
(fig. 1). Seen from the perspective of for extra storage space are not imple-
workmanship, these cupboards repre- mentable. In spite of constrained space
2 sent a collaborative effort between the conditions, an efficiently designed floor
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
3a b
plan and the innovative layout provide They are the dominant design element are alternately arranged at the height of
high housing quality. Additionally, the and simultaneously form the load-bearing the footsteps. Thanks to the change, they
walls consist of a prefabricated compo- system, a space-bounding wall and an take up the geometry of the stair as a
nent system where the residents can anchor point for various shelves, seating topic, emphasising the vertical, rising
simply pocket or “plug in” various ob- accommodation and particularly the gesture of the stair. Due to the rear wall,
jects in a versatile manner and as mounts for the stairs (fig. 3). likewise designed as a shelf while also
needed. The skylight admits natural serving as a banister, the entire installa-
light into the space, which is filtered The stair as furniture tion appears very homogenous, and
onto the facade by concrete louvres. In the “House in a pine forest” in Marina highly compact and cohesive. Fall protec-
The motif of the louvre defines the di Castagneto Carducci, Italy, the interior tion is deliberately dispensed with.
space, due to its use on the external stair was extended into a shelf, similar
and internal wall. For this purpose, over to a Japanese kaidan tansu, where the In the Slovenian residential building by
1,800 prefabricated concrete elements risers continue as shelf panels in a close dekleva gregorič arhitekti, the area avail-
were threaded by hand onto taut steel rhythm, transmitting down the occurring able is relatively limited. The ground floor
rods and stacked on top of each other. vertical forces (fig. 2). The shelf panels primarily functions as a space designed
4a c
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
to be open, offering many grand views of can be accessed. The stair on the inside
the surrounding landscape. By contrast, then leads to the upper sleeping level
the upper floor is very private, only per- (fig. 7). Due to the selected motifs of the
mitting views of the sky through roof win- door, the window and the stair, as well as
dows. The stair of the building reinter- the dual level, the furniture appears like a
prets the ‘samba’ stair type with offset “house within a house”.
treads, and consists of two components:
on the one hand, of box-shaped steps, Addition
which can additionally be used as stor- Due to the regressive number of new
age space, and on the other, of vertically buildings, construction in existing build-
lined up metal rods, which serve as ing stock is assuming an ever increasing
mounts for the box elements and simulta- role. It is here, in particular, that new or
neously as fall protection. Their additional additional stairs are often an indispens-
function, however, is somewhat con- able supplement and, for example, in the
6 cealed: appearing completely closed in form of emergency escape routes. The
side elevation and designed simply, the need for a stair is often due to a change
additional space for books or similar of use. Even if the stair may result in
items is only revealed on the rear side representing a different element, using
(fig. 5; see also “Residential building in another material or speaking a different
Vrhovlje”, p. 82ff.). The combination of the language from the rest of the building, it
function of the stair and the storage area must always be developed out of an
results in novel space furniture, which engagement with the building stock in
impresses on account of its original order to be successfully integrated.
The dialogue between the old and the new
Amir Zinaburg, with his Square Staircase, Meeting the urgent need for further exhib-
presents a delicate steel frame that is a ition spaces of the Art Museum in Saxony-
stair, shelf and art work in one. While the Anhalt, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos
dissolved, thin tubular stair frame slightly designed a roof during the renovation
extends the limited living area by a repre- of the Moritzburg in Halle, which they
7a sentative utility space, it is above all, how- placed on top of a hitherto unused,
ever, an art object in an otherwise very ruinous part of the historical building
sober space (fig. 6). stock. Suspended from the roof, addi-
tional galleries and access elements
The furniture for playing and sleeping by organise the space in an entirely new
h2o architectes in an old Paris building way. In terms of their materials and
shows how a hybrid stair expands into an design, the installations clearly contrast
encompassing piece of furniture. It dem- with the historical building stock. This
onstrates the attempt to leave behind a dialogue between the old and the new is
tidy children’s room by employing inte- conducted in a very deliberate manner:
grated storage, working and play areas. the new elements for museum use stand
In this furniture, use as stairs equally out against the natural stone walls due to
stands alongside the other functional pro- the white paint. Likewise, the stairs pur-
visions. The compact corporeality and posely accentuate the stock (fig. 8).
the colourful paint highlight the volume Supplemented emergency stairs and
placed in the space. Three steps lead to elevators in the core of the building,
b a door through which the built-in furniture as well as new window mounts in the
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
exhibition spaces, once again allow con- ina, intrinsic to the material, displays a natural stone from the region due to their
temporary use of the historical spaces. temporal element, just as the building anthracite-coloured concrete surface.
itself does. The existing buildings from the late 19th
Addition, as the term already suggests, century, by contrast, were hollowed out
means sensitively handling what already In the art and cultural centre Arquipélago, and extensively renovated, in order that
exists. Even in the case of stairs that on the island of São Miguel in the Azores, their cubature and materials allow the
appear much more object-like, as at the Menos é Mais Arquitectos complemented developmental history and the site to still
visitor centre in Las Palmas, by the same the former alcohol and tobacco factory by remain readable. The stairs inside reflect
Spanish architect team (fig. 9), the stair is two further buildings, which serve as art this interplay of contrasts (old – new,
always subject to the atmosphere of the and cultural centre, store, multifunction raw – smooth, light – dark, etc.): in the
space. Here, Nieto Sobejano place a new space and workshops. The new mono- spaces which appear cool, stairs differen-
visitor axis through the building, with the lithic buildings, in their volume and exter- tiated on account of their workmanship
aid of the stair and the walkways. In the nal shape, are guided by the existing are a clear and pleasant contrast, while
historical context in particular, corroded building stock, and blend into the sur- seeming rather object-like as compact,
steel as a material stands out, as its pat- rounding buildings made of dark grey unadorned volumes in the historical
10 a b
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
and the landscape context which form a glowing strings, reminiscent of embers, The category of addition shows how sen-
part of the exhibition. The stair connects as well as the additional lighting under- sitively and wisely planned stairs can
all parts with each other and, due to its neath the steps and in the handrail, the allow existing buildings or surrounding
space-consuming extensions, it itself stair clearly contrasts with the heritage- spaces to have a suspenseful impact
becomes a presentation site. For the protected building stock. or even be set centre stage. In doing so,
purpose of showing multimedia content, stairs can, by all means, self-confidently
displays, niches with audio installations, In the residential building “Black Pearl” stand on their own. All the examples
cabinets and the like, are additionally by Studio, the stair and the entire shown here illustrate that the new and
integrated into the stair, which has been addition that provides the spaces the old enrich each other positively, and
extended into an item of exhibition furni- desired by the client clearly contrast with that the dialogue and the use of an effec-
ture (fig. 13). the building stock (fig. 15). Due to the tively orchestrated break or gap as an
design of an indirectly lit interstice, this accent, can result in a new, lively spatial
Located in the midst of De Weerribben- addition is structurally separated, its impression.
Wieden National Park in the Netherlands, white volume also setting itself apart opti-
Zecc Architecten have transformed a for- cally from the exposed brick walls. The Craftsmanship and detail: the stairs in Carlo
mer water tower into a viewing tower. The actual habitable rooms are located in the Scarpa’s oeuvre
wooden steps of the new stair create an gap between the existing stock and the In spatial-atmospheric terms, stairs are
alternative route to the existing one, which extension. successful when their relationship to the
consists of a narrow, steep wooden stair-
case nestling up against the inner wall.
By contrast, the new, more comfortably
walkable stair frees itself from the space
in multiple ways, running through the high
concrete tower in a zigzag fashion. Both
stairs are usable while the new installation
is an extension to allow the spatial volume
to be experienced in a more dramatic
manner. In this way, the new stair not only
materially but also geometrically exhibits
a clearly visible distance to the existing
building stock. Similar to the project by
Markus Scherer and Walter Angonese,
the stair contains several additional func-
tions, its seating accommodation provid-
ing space for relaxation (fig. 12).
This illustrates once again that a new stair
in an existing building stock can offer
added value alongside purely functional
Design typology
Furniture and Addition
existing building stock has been worked each other. Scarpa created total works
out in an aesthetically coherent manner. of art that impress due to the dedica-
An outstanding architect who always tion to their workmanship. Every niche,
applied his design philosophy to the every drain and every joint is well
smallest detail and the design of stairs thought out. Every construction element
in particular is Carlo Scarpa. In general, has been coherently worked through in
Scarpa’s conception of architecture is itself and placed in context in a sophis-
determined by the exchange between ticated manner.
the place and craftsmanship in the con-
struction of buildings. In their conception In the Castelvecchio in Verona, Carlo
and construction, his buildings always Scarpa was able to very intensively
display detailing with many variants. The dwell on the historical building stock
position of each step is carefully con- from 1957 to 1975. The various stairs
ceived, and every stair has been devel- demonstrate how sensitively he
16 a oped from a sensitive understanding of responded to the respective location
the site. and always attempted to find the right
dialogue between the old and the new,
This is demonstrated at several loca- the material and the construction. As
tions in the Palazzo Querini in Venice: such, the ‘samba’ stairs along a narrow
the bridge, which spans the canal like chasm between the site and the build-
a light arch (fig. 16 a); the protective ing are ideal for overcoming a height
measures against the dreaded floods; difference (fig. 17). At another location
the garden; and the pòrtego (Venetian in today’s museum, a corroded steel
for “portico”), the typical entrance hall. stair, appearing as an autonomous
As an example, the handrail of the object, contrasts with the brick-lined
access stair may be mentioned here. space (fig. 18). On the ground floor in
Scarpa designed the mounts of the verti- particular, the spaces which are linked
cal steel struts such that he recessed by only two or three steps are visually
the metal in the zones where the hand united by minor level differences, while
touches the railing, complementing it by also being separately perceivable.
b a horizontal wooden strut (fig. 16 b). As Scarpa isolated the components of
such, the handrail can be ergonomically individual elements and reshaped
used and has a pleasant haptic feel, them – always in close relation to the
with Scarpa having taken references existing building stock. Using the
from shipbuilding in its conception. example of the stair, this means that
The steps start out in stone, thus estab- doorknobs, steps, handrails etc. were
lishing a clear connection to the paving separately, individually designed and
material of the square; above the water, detailed, applying elaborate workman-
however, a separate construction made ship in their implementation. On the
of wood and steel is placed on top, whole, this results in a kind of collage
referring to the bridges of Venice. This that serves as a constant reminder of
emphasis on the individual elements the historical context.
and their detailed treatment is even
more evident in the garden, which
Scarpa developed like a microcosm by
placing the landscape with the water
17 and the architecture in dialogue with
Design typology
The above-mentioned stairs show the
wide range of possibilities for the hand-
ling of space. All the preliminary concep-
tual questions on the overall design of a
building always also refer to a stair:
should it contrast with the existing context
(location, function or programme, or the
building in itself)? Are relationships
between various spatial zones created
that go beyond a purely access-providing
role? Does the stair continue an aesthetic
motif or does it transform it? Are local
materials and/or regional production
techniques being applied?
For all the typology, however, exceptions
often confirm the rule: every stair cannot
always be unambiguously categorised.
Yet, stairs are such an important feature
of every building that it seems necessary
also to conceptually design them in a
sensible manner in the design process,
for it is often via a stair that the first and
most direct approach to a space takes
place. Stairs can take up and develop
aesthetic motifs, thus not only linking
spaces physically but also conceptually.
What all the presented stairs have in com-
mon is that they cannot be categorised
separately from the building or space but
always within their context. This approach
is necessary since the primary concern
is the continuity of a spatial idea, which
ideally is then clearly reflected in the con-
ception, the structural details and the
materialisation of the stair.
Stairs can be the heart of a building, the
points where spatial openness leads to
communicative meeting places. The
upgrading of access zones from a purely
function-oriented element to open space
structures presents huge aesthetic and
spatial potential.
Construction typology
Construction typology
Construction typology
Wooden stairs stair is well-developed due to extensive on the period, the simple basic structure
Wooden stairs developed, on the one timber resources. Already in the 19th cen- remained recognisable. Later, the appli-
hand, from the prototype of the sloping tury, these construction techniques were cation of industrially manufactured
tree trunk worked into a step-like shape, presented in textbooks on stair construc- wooden composites became predom-
and on the other, from ladders, which tion for the carpentry and joinery profes- inant. Rod-shaped, aligned beams of
were originally made of grown round bars sion, almost in a catalogue-like manner glued laminated timber or solid structural
with a small diameter. Until the beginning (fig. 10). timber replaced the beams originally
of the 20th century, the anisotropic mater- obtained from grown tree trunks. In add-
ial of wood, in component design and In spite of the highly developed stair ition, undirected slab-shaped materials,
dimensions, was subject to available construction culture, it was the craft- such as wooden fibre boards or lamin-
beam dimensions, which derived directly based, holistic simplicity which domi- ated wood panels for surface-filling
from grown tree trunks (fig. 2, p. 48). nated wooden staircases. Though the applications, became available. The
Rod-shaped, aligned constructions of construction elements were adorned construction of the wooden stair was
closed and open string stairs are derived with embellishments and decoration or largely reduced to a few elements. These
from them. In Central Europe, the wooden had handcrafted surfaces, depending stairs give the impression of an intuitively
9 10
Construction typology
comprehensible method, giving layper- stair, with its reduced material use,
sons, too, a sense of constructional became definitive. Analogous to the
understanding, and hence of safety. above-described construction types of
wooden stairs as closed or open string
The example of the stair in the residential constructions, simple structures with
building in Ghent by Dierendonckblancke transparent load-bearing behaviour of
Architecten shows a minimalist closed construction elements were created.
string stair with mortised solid wooden By making full use of the properties of
steps, which rests on timber beam land- the material, stairs could be designed
ings suspended from above on steel rods to be highly transparent and almost
(fig. 11). The basic geometric configur- dematerialised.
ation does not include a well hole. Ascend- Due to the further development of pro-
ing and descending inner closed strings cessing technologies in steel construc-
only have a few millimetres of interstitial tion, two trends manifested themselves
space, through which a tensile structure in architecture with respect to stair con-
runs for fall protection. struction:
Construction typology
profile steel as the load-bearing structure, etries in the form of prefabricated rein-
making origami-like forms with high aes- forced concrete components represent
thetic appeal possible in the first place. an economically unrivalled building prod-
uct. These components are often applied
The stair in Skara Cathedral by AIX in situations where aesthetic appeal plays
Architekter is a folded stair where every a subordinate role, such as in emergency
third riser projects as cantilever and is stairs, in commercial building, etc.
structurally fixed to the parallel concrete The architect Peter Böhm, however,
wall, resulting in a seemingly floating proves with reference to the example of
folded structure, with carefully planned the Lanxess Arena (Kölnarena until 2008),
detailing and implementation (fig. 15). that these formally extremely reduced
components can, by all means, have high
In the connecting stair on the upper floor aesthetic appeal when integrated into a
of the Juilliard School in New York by design concept (fig. 18).
15 the architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro /
FXFOWLE, flat steel plates are also Glass stairs
used as the load-bearing structure. The Technological advancement in glass
U-shaped cross section of the stair materials allows glass to become a load-
uses the sideward flat steel railings as bearing material, taking into account spe-
closed strings, which are connected with cific constraints. The entrance stair in the
each other by welded-on tread plates subterranean Apple Store in New York
and include open risers (fig. 16). demonstrates the aesthetic possibilities
which are exhausted to the fullest in this
Concrete stairs example (fig. 19). At first glance, both the
Reinforced concrete is the defining con- staircase and the glass cube protruding
struction material of the 20th century. By from the square and enveloping the stair-
combining the two components concrete case seem to be constructed only of
and steel, constructions with high struc- glass. The glass panes are employed as
tural performance were developed which, two-dimensional load-bearing elements,
due to the plasticity and malleability of but must be structurally connected with
16 reinforced concrete, made great aes- each other using steel connectors. These
thetic freedom in design possible. Owing construction elements or building compo-
to the numerous available techniques for nents, however, visually recede into the
designing concrete surfaces – thanks to background to the extent that they don’t
the variability of concrete, on the one compete with the dominance of the glass.
hand, by using colouring and additive Nevertheless, the structure is a hybrid con-
substances, and on the other, the diverse struction of glass and steel.
modification possibilities with respect
to the surface finish, as in formwork, for CAD and CAM
example – there are almost no design- The entry of digital planning and manu-
related limits for planners (fig. 17). facturing tools into the production pro-
cess enabled individualised planning and
Contrary to these aesthetic possibilities construction procedures, which had been
marked by a high degree of individuality, impossible or uneconomical before. Freely
the concrete stair also developed as developed stair forms are defined by the
an element in industrialised building. sculptural design as well as the appear-
17 Straight-flight stairs with simple geom- ance of surfaces. To begin with, the
Construction typology
materials of the load-bearing construction similar to car body construction in the This object-like stair, like the stair in the
do not play a role in form finding. automotive sector, where, as a rule, a Armani showroom, was built using the
The spiral staircase developed for the relatively inelegant supporting frame respective technical means available
Armani showroom in New York, with its (usually of metal) provides the structure; when it was created. Here too, however,
sculptural appearance, could initially be the body shell, placed over it, is form- the materials of the exposed surfaces
categorised as a free-form concrete stair giving and manufactured from different are form-defining, while encasing a
(fig. 20). However, the construction draw- materials, such as steel sheet, aluminium structural framework.
ing of this stair displays an inner frame- sheet or fibre-reinforced plastic. This In summary, it can be said that the con-
work of steel tubes, which is encased in a shape subsequently receives a freely structional resources available to stair
fibre cement cladding that follows the selectable surface coating. construction can be employed in both
sculptural design. The inner steel tube a form-defining and an ancillary man-
framework serves as a load-bearing struc- The latter examples bring us back to ner, i.e. without an aesthetic appeal of
ture and defines the rough structure, the beginnings of the symbolic stairs, their own. The planner’s design deter-
which is covered by the detailed cladding, as illustrated in the example of the mines how the technological means are
defining the final shape. The principle is Würzburg Residence (fig. 3, p. 49). applied.
Project examples
Project examples
Jacob’s ladder and Sculpture Stage and Landscape Aesthetics of technology vs Longing
for the archetype
Stepped house in Brugg (CH) Store conversion in New York (US) Gallery and bar in Kyoto (JP)
Ken Architekten, Zurich OMA /AMO, New York / Rotterdam Florian Busch Architects, Tokyo
This Jacob’s ladder provides access to the flats in Inside the store, the stair acts as a stage: for position- The folded steel stair is reduced and elegant. The
the stepped house, accompanied by light and in an ing the mannequins, on the one hand, and as a cat- aesthetics of technology require precise detailing and
uninterrupted manner. walk for the shoppers, on the other. technical understanding.
Winery in Bargino (IT) City library in Seinäjoki (FI) School building in St. Peter (CH)
Archea Associati, Florence JKMM Arkkitehdit, Helsinki Conradin Clavuot, Chur
The sculptural stair of the winery distinguishes itself With the colourful accentuation by the seat cushions, Log construction is one of the traditional building
in a markedly formal manner from the building, and the stair here is the continuation of the reading land- techniques in Grisons. This archaic stair transforms
thus becomes an object displaying a pronounced scape. the context into a modern, contemporary design
uniqueness due to its bold design. vocabulary.
Project examples
Church and community centre in Cologne (DE) Residential building in Vrhovlje (SI)
Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin dekleva gregorič arhitekti, Ljubljana
In the nave, the stair leading to the pulpit is articulated The piece of furniture is simultaneously a stair, and,
as a volume, and thus divides the surrounding space. thanks to this hybridity, creates spaciousness even in
a small flat’s floor plan.
The delicate stair subtly continues the space onto the Distinguishing itself formally and in terms of material
upper level without ruining the spatial impression. The from the context, while being constructed in such a
stair seems incorporeal and blends into the holistic restrained manner that respect for the building stock
spatial concept. predominates, the stair avoids appearing object-like.
Stepped house in Brugg
Located on a south-facing slope on the an inclined elevator, provide access to garage, as well as the bathroom and cel-
outskirts of the small Swiss town of Brugg, the eight residential levels. In addition, lar spaces. The stair and the elevator
this stepped house holds its ground in the end of the characteristic stair grants form the central spine of the complex,
the midst of a heterogeneous housing access to a common space and play- which is clearly discernible externally in
development. The circumferential wall of ground on the topmost platform of the the form of a concrete ribbon. On both
varnished exposed concrete condenses building. Simple but robust materials, sides of this, the flats are arranged in
the 16 freehold flats into a self-confident, such as the prefabricated, exposed con- spatial layers running parallel to the
large-scale form. With its irregular bends, crete steps, as well as a colourful, warm slope, directed towards spacious roof
it responds to the topography of the sun-yellow coat of paint define the stair- terraces along the entire breadth. Every
slope. The surfaces of the immediate sur- well. It is lit by a glass door at the end of flat has two access options: an elevator
roundings, a lawn and asphalt, directly the stair and by sideward windows, which entrance in the rear spatial layer, as well
adjoin the building. rhythmise the space in a suspenseful as an entrance from the stair, directly at
On the south-eastern corner, the asphalt manner. Similar openings perforate the the facade. From here, the residential
flows up to the entrance hall. From here, a circumferential walls in an irregular pat- area extends along the wholly glazed
Jacob’s ladder-shaped stair, as well as tern, lighting or ventilating the parking terrace front up to the external wall.
8 7 6
5th floor
1st floor
Ground floor
Scale 1:500
1 Entrance hall
2 Car park
3 Shelter
12 4 Entrance to the flat
11 (from the inclined lift)
5 Access (from staircase)
8 6 Kitchen
6 7 7 Living / dining room
8 Room
5 9 Roof terrace
10 Roof garden
9 11 Storeroom
12 Laundry
13 Cellar / building services
a b
Stepped house in Brugg
1 Entrance hall
2 Car park
3 Shelter
4 Roof terrace
5 Living / dining room
6 Storeroom
7 Cellar / building services
8 Playground /
community terrace
Section stair Scale 1:50
9 Stairwell ceiling:
Sealant liquid plastic coloured 50 mm 9
Ceiling reinforced concrete 300 mm
Thermal insulation 40 mm
Wooden battens 40 mm
Acoustic panel wood-wool slab 25 mm
10 Stair landing:
Cover PVC 9 mm
Rubber pellet mat 8 mm
Cement screed 30 mm
Reinforced concrete 250 mm
Thermal insulation wood-wool 50 mm
11 Stair flight prefabricated reinforced
concrete element
12 Outside stair landing:
Floor coating plastic,
water-permeable, sound-insulating,
Cover layer of colourful rubber and gravel
granulate coloured 8 mm
Sealant liquid plastic 5 mm
Reinforced concrete on a gradient 100 –170 mm
Reinforced concrete 250 mm
Thermal insulation wood-wool 50 mm
4 5 6 7
2 1 3
Winery in Bargino
Located south of Florence, the Antinori recessed topmost part of the building race and the restaurant. With its varying
winery seems to merge with the land- accommodates the delivery area and the radii, the stair winds itself around the
scape. The almost 40,000 m2 building filling funnel for the grapes, as well as the “central” column four times, and has a
complex, which is both the production bottling plant and storehouse. On the total length of 100 m. The construction is
site and head office, is almost completely downhill side, three levels with administra- a box girder with complex geometry,
concealed in the hill. All that remains visi- tive and visitors’ areas are adjoined, made from 35 parts that were welded
ble are two facade ribbons between vine- including a shop, a museum, a lecture together on site. The 17 m high steel stair,
planted roof surfaces, a sculptural stair room, a tasting facility and a restaurant. weighing 105 t, is fixed to the column only
made of corroded steel, and supporting Circular, partly glazed openings allow at the bottom, the roof terrace and at
walls of reddish brown exposed concrete. daylight to enter the subterranean areas, three points. As such, and in spite of its
The heart of the wine-making process is creating suspenseful visual relationships. mass, it seems light and sweeping – a
comprised by the lower level, with its wine A distinctive, spiral-shaped circular stair sculptural outside staircase, inviting users
press, stainless steel fermentation tanks is placed in front of the facade, leading to slowly walk up the 118 steps to enjoy
and vaulted cellar, where the barrique visitors from the underground car park to the far-reaching view of the hilly Tuscan
barrels are stored. Above this, the the main entrance, and on to the roof ter- landscape.
Site plan
Scale 1:7,500
A Floor plans
Building part B
Scale 1:1,500
13 13 13
11 9
7 8
1 Driveway 8 Adminis-
2 Parking spaces tration
6 3 Barrique barrel 9 Shop
cellar 10 Museum
4 Stainless steel 11 Auditorium
Visitor area level tanks 12 Tasting
5 Wine press facility
a 6 Terrace 13 Courtyard
7 Reception 14 Restaurant
4 5
Wine cellar level
Winery in Bargino
2 5
4 6
b b
Spiral stair: 4
Vertical section • Horizontal section with connection
to column
Scale 1:20
Store conversion in New York
Store conversion in New York
Scale 1:750
Detail sections
Scale 1:10
8 7 b
10 11 12
21 20 19 18
25 24
29 30 31 c
19 31 30
23 33
28 27
17 29 30 31
City library in Seinäjoki
The small town of Seinäjoki in western connected to it by a tunnel. In its scale framework structure, lend the spaces a
Finland has gained a certain popularity and materials, the new library refers to sculptural character, and simultaneously
owing to its city centre designed by Alvar the existing building stock, while self- conceal the long-span wooden support
Aalto. The church, the town hall, the confidently speaking a contemporary structure of the roof. Conceptually, the
library, the community centre, the district architectural language. On the outside, library is not supposed to be just a repos-
administration and the theatre form a the building is divided into three parts, itory of media, but also a meeting place
harmonic ensemble of predominantly which blend into a single whole inside. and lounge for interacting with media.
white, copper-clad buildings. After more Though the individual areas are clearly The heart of the building is undoubtedly
than 40 years, due to population growth differentiated from each other due to the “reading landscape”, a free-standing
on the one hand and new developments their floor plan geometry, the main staircase with colourful seat cushions.
in the media sector on the other, the city spaces seamlessly merge into each This creates a spacious link between
library no longer met current require- other, permitting diverse visual relation- the main level and the basement, which
ments. The new building complements ships. The diversely sloping in-situ houses the youth section and the inter-
the functions of the old building, and is concrete ceilings, with their exposed section with the Aalto library. In addition,
Site plan Scale 1:5,000
Sections • Floor plans Scale 1:1,000
Upper floor
b a
10 11 18
12 27
13 13
14 15 14
22 24 25 b
City library in Seinäjoki
Vertical section stair
Scale 1:50
Details banister
Scale 1:5
6 7
Gallery and bar in Kyoto
On the outskirts of the famous entertain- meeting place here, owing to enlarge- Axonometric drawing stair
Floor plan • Section
ment quarter Pontocho in the centre of ments in the landings. It embodies the Scale 1:200
Kyoto stands K8, a small building with a concept of the whole building: an almost
bar and a gallery – a continuous interior stoic reduction, right up to the “absence”
extending over eight levels. The building of details. This is made possible by the
shell, a homogeneous yet constantly application of black steel, but also by
changing surface, creates an ambiguity employing numerous refined technical
that is often found in the architecture of solutions with an aesthetic all their own,
Kyoto. Several hundred wooden louvres and which ultimately decisively shape the
create a sense of movement, as if the image of the stair. The access space a a
building were continuously reacting to its becomes a meeting place or a visitors
surroundings. The stair, which dominates to the bar, lending the narrow plot a sur-
the entire interior, develops into a vertical prising spaciousness. 1st floor
Gallery and bar in Kyoto
School building in St. Peter
School building in St. Peter
Church and community centre in
Church and community centre in Cologne
Section with lighting Scale 1:300
Hotel in Obanazawa
Section • Floor plan Scale 1:400
Section stairwell Scale 1:100
Section stair Scale 1:20
Details stair Scale 1:5
1 Guestroom
2 Dining area
3 Loggia
9 4 Japanese paper glued, aluminium
hydroxide paper, plasterboard 2≈ 12.5 mm,
Multilayer panel 9 mm
5 Japanese paper glued
6 Acrylic glass translucent
7 Steel sheet bent 1.6 mm
15 8 Illumination unit, magnetically mounted
9 Parquet elm 15 mm, multilayer panel 12 mm,
insulation 60 mm, multilayer panel 18 mm
13 10 Tread elm 36 mm
11 Steel rod treated with phosphoric acid Ø 9 mm
12 Steel sheath treated with phosphoric acid
Ø 14/2 mm
13 Japanese paper glued, aluminium
14 hydroxide paper, plasterboard 2≈ 12.5 mm
14 Suspended ceiling:
Cladding bamboo rods on elm frame
15 Suspension stair steel profile C 75/150 mm
16 Washer treated with phosphoric acid 2 mm
17 Nut welded to washer
10 4
9 8 7
16 10
6 5
Residential building in Vrhovlje
The Venetians used the trees around ture of brickwork, with a sloping roof of thereby serving both as furniture and
Trieste to build their city on wooden reinforced concrete. However, in order access. To save space, the access-
poles, leaving behind a barren landscape to lend the structure a monolithic, stone- providing furniture takes up the motif of
with limestone soil. The traditional houses like character, the facade received an a so-called samba stair. Every step is
of the karst region mainly consist of this external layer of stone and concrete, divided into two sections staggered in
stone; their closed cubature, with sloping creating a structure that comes alive. height, permitting comfortable use of
roofs and almost windowless facades, The living areas themselves are housed the stair despite the high gradient. All
protects the residents from the elements. in two wooden cubes, which stand freely installations, including the walls and
This single-family home, which the archi- in the external shell and are connected floors between the levels, consist of
tects call “Compact Karst House”, takes by a bridge. It is to this bridge that the multi-layered spruce wood. Large open-
up this tradition and reinterprets it. Devi- single-flight stair leads from the ground ings on the ground floor of the house
ating from the original and manually floor. The box-shaped wooden steps of provide views of the landscape, while
highly elaborate construction method, the stair, suspended from steel rods, skylights in the two bedrooms offer
they selected a hybrid supporting struc- can be used as shelves on the rear side, glimpses of the sky.
Site plan
Scale 1:1,000
Floor plans
Scale 1:200
1 Entrance
2 Fireplace
3 Bathroom
4 Kitchen / dining room
5 Built-in cupboard
6 Children’s bedroom
7 Play bridge
8 Air space
9 Bedroom
aa bb cc
6 7 9
c b
2 5
a 3 a
c b
Residential building in Vrhovlje
1 2
Exhibition and event centre,
Exhibition and event centre, Franzensfeste
a a
Floor plan • Section
Scale 1:100
Isometric drawing stair without scale
Detail sections stair
Scale 1:10
b b
10 11
13 12 5
Project examples
Vittorio Magnago Solid wood (European walnut) Single-flight Floor-wise, longitudinal-span solid
Lampugnani on OSB panel, reinforced cascading stair construction of in-situ concrete, clad
Office building concrete with intermediate all around in composite wood panels
Basel (CH) landings
DETAIL 4 /2010
Aires Mateus Microcement coating on screed, Single-flight stair Cross-span in-situ concrete construction
Residential building reinforced concrete with intermediate embedded in the concrete walls flanking
Estrela (PT) landings the stair
Wespi /de Meuron Reinforced concrete Single-flight stair In-situ concrete stair concreted against
Stone house with intermediate ground soil, embedded into the flanking
Brione s. Minusio (IT) landings concrete walls
Archea Associati Corten steel, in-situ concrete, Spiral stair Box girder comprising several individual
Antinori Winery reinforced with glass fibre and components welded together on site,
Bargino (IT) wire mesh, flat steel attached to the newel and roof / bottom
2012 Support: concrete column and steel
DETAIL 4 /2014 profile
Steven Holl Steel, perforated steel Multi-flight stair Closed string stair of white coated
Department of steel with folded treads and risers of
Philosophy steel sheet with surface-wide walkable
New York University covering
New York (US)
Massimiliano Fuksas Rolled steel sections and sheets, Spiral stair Prefabricated, inlying steel structure
Armani store steel tube, glass fibre reinforced with white coated concrete cladding,
New York (US) concrete steel tube strings
2009 Banister: aluminium mesh,
DETAIL 4 /2012 steel tube, glass fibre reinforced
Project examples
OMA Tropical zebrawood on plywood Single-flight stair Cross-span steel girders under each
Prada store panel and steel profiles step with mounted composite wood
New York (US) panel cladding following the stair line
DETAIL 4 /2002
Diller Scofidio + Steel sheet step, bent and Single-flight stair Welded steel, supported at the top and
Renfro / FXFOWLE coated, side wall coated steel bottom on steel building block, veneered
Juilliard School plate
New York (US)
DETAIL 4 /2010
Vector Architects Reinforced concrete, white Single-flight stair Exposed reinforced concrete construc-
Seashore Chapel tion of in-situ concrete
Qinhuangdao (CN)
JKMM Concrete, seat cushions Single-flight stair Reinforced steel construction with
Library smooth formwork surfaces of in-situ
Seinäjoki (FI) concrete topped by seat cushions
DETAIL 6 /2013
Yamazaki Kentaro Timber floor boards (Japanese Single-flight stair Shell of reinforced concrete with com-
Nursery cedar) on plywood panel posite wood panel construction on shims
Sakura (JP)
DETAIL 7+ 8 /2016
Vector Architects Bamboo, laminated on battens, Single-flight stair Shell of reinforced concrete and
Library screed, reinforced concrete mounted composite wood panels with
Beidaihe (CN) laminated bamboo surface
DETAIL 4 /2016
Foreign Office Untreated Ipé hardwood, Single-flight stair Wooden deck, partly as stepped form,
Architects (FOA) folded plate of steel, reinforced terminating on the on sealed reinforced concrete ceiling
International Passenger concrete grounds
Yokohama (JP)
DETAIL 11/2004
Project examples
AIX Arkitekter Steel, rubber covering Single-flight stair Welding plate in concrete wall (every
Cathedral 3rd riser), welded steel plates, steel
Skara (SE) frame, railing attached to the wall via
2000 the handrail
DETAIL 4 /2002
Kengo Kuma & Glass fibre reinforced plastic, Single-flight stair Steel tube and U-shaped steel profile
Associates steel with steel sheet bracing projecting from
Plastic House the wall and resting on steel tube
Tokyo (JP)
DETAIL 12/2002
Conradin Clavuot Solid wood Single-flight stair Support on the wall with tenon joint and
School building additional metal screw, and supplemen-
St. Peter (CH) tary screw-based attachment to the rope
1998 railing
DETAIL 1/2000
Studio Mumbai Tinted and smoothed cement Single-flight stair Treads and risers of tropical wood,
Belavali House slurry, tropical wood with curved bottom mounted in the wall and the closed string
Mumbai (IN) end
Roger Boltshauser, Steps of in-situ concrete with Spiral stair Projecting in-situ concrete steps
Martin Rauch stones sieved from the soil and clamped into the flanking rammed
Mudhouse Rauch bound by trass lime earth wall
Schlins (AT)
Buchner Bründler Solid concrete Single-flight stair Monolithic planked formwork in-situ
Architekten concrete as exposed concrete
Summer residence construction
Linescio (CH)
DETAIL 6 /2014
Project examples
Sauerbruch Hutton Laminated veneer wood panel Single-flight stair Folded cross-laminated timber construc-
Church spruce/three-layer panel; tion defining the stair geometry, rein-
Cologne (DE) square timber forced by laminated veneer wood panels
2013 as exposed surface of white waxed
DETAIL 10 /2014 spruce
zanderroth architekten Concrete, white plaster Two-flight stair Flights of prefabricated concrete
Housing complex elements with balustrades of white
Berlin (DE) coated engineered panels
DETAIL 5 /2012
savioz fabrizzi Exposed concrete Bent (near Exposed, smooth-panel formwork in-situ
architectes quarter-turn) stair concrete produced in combination with
Chalet the flanking concrete walls
Val d’Hérens (CH)
SoHo Architektur Solid wood Single-flight stair String-like walls of composite wood
Schwarzes Haus panels suspended from the above-lying
Memmingen (DE) concrete ceiling, combined with open
2008 treads of the same material
Kengo Kuma & Solid wood steps (elm); Single-flight stair Solid wood steps suspended from
Associates steel rods steel rods
Fujiya Onsen
Obanazawa (JP) 2008
DETAIL 4 /2008
TNA Veneered birch press board, Multi-flight stair Veneered birch press board, fixed on
Weekend house steel the side by steel profile, closed string of
Karuizawa (JP) flat steel
DETAIL 10 /2007
Manfred Lux Solid wood steps (oak) on Bent stair Steel brackets projecting step-wise from
Residental building steel mounts the flanking exposed concrete wall with
Neusäß (DE) mounted solid wooden treads
DETAIL 7+ 8 /2015
Project examples
dekleva gregorič Three-layer spruce, steel rods Single-flight Stair geometry of three-layer wood
arhitekti samba stair panels, stacked as shelf boxes and
Residential building suspended on steel rods from the
Vrhovlje (SI) ceiling above
DETAIL 7+ 8 /2015
Aires Mateus Plasterboard, white coating, Single-flight stair Solid reinforced concrete construction
Residential building reinforced concrete, natural embedded into the flanking sidewalls,
Alcobaca (PT) stone steps white filler
Walter Angonese Corroded steel Multi-flight stair Steel construction, surfaces of corroded
and Markus Scherer steel panels
with Klaus Hellweger
Tyrol Castle
Meran (IT)
Massimo Fiorido Teak Single-flight stair Composite wood panels with teakwood
Associati surface, folded over the course of the
Residential building stair geometry, with underlying shelving
Marina di Castagneto
Carducci (IT)
Markus Scherer, Reinforced concrete stair, black, Multi-flight stair Box girder of welded steel panels, com-
Walter Dietl railing filling expanded metal prising a base plate and string-shaped,
Fortress flat steel closed, load-bearing banister on both
Franzensfeste (IT) sides, partly suspended on tension rods
Studio Wood, opaque white coat Single-flight stair Wooden open string stair clad in wooden
Black Pearl Residence of paint slats, opaque coat of paint
Rotterdam (NL)
Nieto Sobejano Corroded steel Single-flight stair Box girder of corroded steel panels,
Visitor centre comprising a base plate and string-
Las Palmas shaped, closed, load-bearing banister
Gran Canaria (ES) on both sides
DETAIL 5 /2014
Carlo Scarpa Corroded steel Single-flight stair Corroded steel straps suspended
Castelvecchio from the ceiling, perpendicularly bent
Verona (IT) and extended up to the flanking wall
1975 as treads
Project examples
Planning guide
Stairs allow the users of a building to when using staircases in various coun-
overcome height differences between tries. In the Netherlands, for example,
different levels in a building by means the legal requirements for staircase
of ascending in a step-by-step manner. widths, rise heights and tread depths
Apart from having an aesthetic purpose, were significantly different from those in
they primarily serve functional criteria. Germany as late as the 1990s [2]. Stairs
Ideally, the user of a staircase doesn’t in the Netherlands are correspondingly
consciously become aware of it during steep, so that transportation of bulky
its daily use. This requires a geometric and heavy objects within residential
design adapted to the human body. units and down staircases is, in part, only
Moreover, further aspects need to be possible by moving backwards, similarly
considered for usability. The planning to descending a ladder. In the mean-
of a staircase follows criteria which are while, due to relevant legislation from
illustrated in greater detail below. 2012, the legal requirements in the
Netherlands have approached the nor-
In Germany, building legislation stipu- mative requirements in Germany. In
lates that staircases form a part of the Austria, ÖNorm B 5371 2010-09-01
state building codes. These define regulates the profile of requirements
the minimum requirements with respect for staircases similarly to DIN 18 065,
to stairs lying in the path of emergency while in Switzerland, it is various laws
escape routes. The complete normative and regulations that do so. A content-
delineation of stairs is described in related comparison in these four coun-
greater detail in the section “Regulatory tries, however, results in principally
framework /standardisation” (p. 109f.)”. much the same requirements.
Planning guide
2 3
Stair parts
Depending on the type of staircase, stairs
consist of various parts which are as-
signed different functions. The following
explanations are guided by DIN 18 065,
section 3, “Terminology”.
Planning guide
4 5 6
Planning guide
Consisting of a riser and a tread, a step
is usually walked in a single footstep in a
flight of stairs. In the process, the upper-
most step of a flight of stairs is the exit
Flight 2 step while the lowermost one is the bot-
Intermediate landing tom step. The bottom step is neither dif-
Flight 1
ferent in shape nor in material from the
other steps. It is on the same level as
the exit landing and can be designed, in
its shape and materials, like the landing
and the other steps.
Bottom step
Bottom step
Exit landing
Exit step
Flight 1
Flight 2
The stairwell is the opening in the respec-
tive ceiling to accommodate a stair com-
ing in from a lower level.
Banister, handrail
Fall protection along flights of stairs and
landings is provided by the banister.
The handrail of the staircase, a grip-
secure component, is a walking aid for
staircase users. It is mounted on banis-
ters, spindles, or on walls running along
11 a staircase.
Planning guide
String, stringer, base plate, newel 90° from 75° up to 75° Ladder stairs, cellar stairs and roof
Ladders stairs, non-required stairs as per building law
A string encloses a flight of stairs laterally,
forming a load-bearing component for
accommodating steps. A stair’s stringer
30°– 45° Stairs in residential buildings
supports the steps as a load-bearing
girder. In cases where a two-dimensional,
sloping component supports the steps 20°– 30° Public staircases
on its upper side, one speaks of a base
plate. A newel is the load-bearing core
r = 21
t = 21
these construction parts of a staircase
r = 13
t = 29
must be designed in accordance with t = 37
the selected building material and the up to 5° Shallow ramp
overall design of the stair. 0°
Planning guide
reasons, must lie within the designated ratio and defines the pitch or inclination denotes the finished dimension in
tolerances in the constructed output. of a staircase. ready-to-use condition. It is measured
horizontally between bounding sur-
Until the 2000-01 edition, DIN 18 065 • Nosing n faces, parts and/or inner handrail
demanded specification of treads, risers, The nosing n is the distance which the edges or their projections.
and gradients in centimetres. Since the leading edge of a step projects beyond
2011- 06 edition (current edition 2015-03), the tread width of the step beneath. • Usable landing depth
these measurements must be specified in Just like the usable flight width, the
millimetres. This tight dimensioning with- • Clearance height of a stair usable landing depth is a finished
out much room for manoeuvre proves the The dimension of the clearance height dimension, as measured at handrail
enormous importance of staircase geom- of a stair over the course of stair gradi- height.
etry for its usability, both in terms of ents is measured vertically to the under-
standard frequency of use and its great sides of the above-lying construc- • Banister height
significance as a construction element tion components, as measured from The banister height is measured as a
that is a part of emergency escape an imaginary line connecting the lead- vertical finished dimension from the
routes. ing step edges (pitch line). The mea- leading edge of a tread or the surface
surement correspondingly proceeds of a landing to the upper edge of the
The section “Regulatory framework / above the horizontal surfaces of the banister.
standardisation” (p. 109f.) refers in detail landings.
to the legally binding nature of laws, Measurement rules
standards and ordinances with respect to • Rise To ensure the usability of a staircase,
the planning and construction of stairs. In open risers, the rise is the distance there are various measurement rules
between the top of a tread to the which particularly take into account
Terminology underside of the tread of the above- physiological aspects. In order to be
The use of standardised terms, as lying step. generally valid, these measurement
described below and analogous to rules adapted to the body must cover a
DIN 18 065, is a prerequisite for the • Side clearance wide range of different body sizes.
precise naming and planning-based The finished dimension between the
implementation of the measurement treads of a flight of stairs, a landing, or • Tread line rule: 2r + t = tread line
rules, which are described in the a handrail, and bounding elements, The starting point for the calculation
section that follows. such as walls or banisters, is called of the tread line is the average stride
side clearance. length of human beings. DIN 18 065
• Rise r and tread t mandatorily specifies this under Item
The dimension r denotes the stair rise • Tread length 6.1.2 as lying between 590 und 650 mm.
in mm and in terms of the difference The tread length of a stair is the tread The ideal measure is specified as
between two step edges lying on top of line from the leading edge of the bottom 630 mm.
each other in elevation. The dimension t step to the leading edge of the exit
denotes the stair tread in mm and in step, as measured on a floor plan. • Safety rule: t + r = 460 mm
terms of the difference between two This rule ensures that the tread widths
leading step edges lying on top of each • (Usable) Flight width of a step are sufficiently large.
other in plan view, measured within The flight width denotes the construc-
the run of the tread line, as defined by tional width in terms of a floor plan • Comfort rule: t - r = 120 mm
planning. dimension. If a flight of stairs adjoins The difference between the tread minus
bounding elements such as walls, it is the rise results in the steepness of
• Gradient r /t measured up to the surface of the wall the stair gradient. The comfort rule
The ratio of the rise r to the tread t in of the shell construction. defines the ideal measure requiring the
mm denotes the gradient or rise /run The usable flight width, by contrast, least effort when walking on the stair.
Planning guide
Clearance height
ing a stair in a building, for application
in planning processes, are discussed in
greater detail below. The main dimen-
sions given in figs. 14 –16 are minimum
requirements within the framework of
binding normative requirements based
on DIN 18 065. In many planning pro-
min. 90 cm
Planning guide
20 21
determined use of a stair. It is therefore t + (2r + t) • x (fig. 19 b, p. 101). In doing such, laterally up to 10 cm and height-
recommended that a clearance height of so, it is possible to avoid a short and wise up to 15 cm are permissible (fig. 22).
at least 2.10 m be specified when plan- disturbing intermediate step in a flowing This rule has generous margins – the risk
ning stairs in buildings. movement sequence when walking the of stepping on this area and correspond-
As per DIN 18 065, the usable landing full extent of the entire staircase, includ- ingly incurring negative consequences
depth must correspond to at least the ing an intermediate landing. when walking on a stair is very high for
required usable flight width. Additionally, persons who are dependent on using the
the landing depth is specified to have at The profile of the stairwell at right angles handrail. Especially small children or
least 3 or 2.5 goings, according to Item to the direction of movement includes elderly persons have a high safety need,
6.3.4. “Going for landings”, Table 1. further dimensional definitions alongside and may place the foot facing the hand-
Moreover, for intermediate landings in the that of the clearance height and width, rail very close to the lateral stair edge,
run of single-flight stairs, it is useful to as per DIN 18 065. The usable flight width as seen in orthogonal projection. It is,
likewise consider the tread line rule, with is permitted to have clearance restrictions therefore, recommended that the permis-
2r + t = tread line, when planning landing in the lower lateral area, for example due sible dimensions are only fully utilised
depth. As such, landing depth should be to stair strings, as shown in fig. 20. As once this aspect has been taken into
≥ 80 or 100
≤ 25 ≥ 50 ≤ 25 The lateral banister spacing of at least
5 cm is appropriate and plausible for
≤ 25 round or angular handrails with small
Walking area
Planning guide
walking area (fig. 24). In the winding zone first rise of the ascending one. As such, it
of the tread line, the tread equals the lies on the landing level but adds to the
chord which results from the intersections usable landing depth. Fig. 27 shows three
of the curved tread line with the leading fundamentally different positions of the
step edges. In a straight stair zone, the bottom and exit steps and hence of the
walking zone runs along the centre of the zeroth step. Either the zeroth step divides
stair. For usable flight widths of up to itself in the landing area with one half on
100 cm, the walking zone has a width of the ascending and the other half on the
20 % of the usable flight width and lies in descending flight of stairs respectively
the central zone of the stair. In the case (fig. 27 a), or it is fully assigned to either t /2
L t /2 F L
of stairs with more than 100 cm of usable the ascending (fig. 27 b) or the descend-
flight width, excepting newel stairs, the ing flight of stairs (fig. 27 c).
width of the walking zone is 20 cm. The
distance of the walking zone to the inner Fig. 28 (p. 104) illustrates in greater detail
boundary is 40 cm. [3] the geometric consequences of the three a
described basic variants for landing thick-
Geometry and mounts nesses and handrail heights. Starting from
Multi-flight stairs, especially those of solid the base plate thickness, the thinnest
build (see “Solid base plate”, p. 105), landing thickness is shown in fig. 28 c
require careful planning of bend lines in (p. 104) with d = base plate thickness /cos
order to take into account the different of stair gradient. In fig. 28 b, this measure
requirements of various load-bearing is doubled with respect to fig. 28 c. The
situations of flights of stairs at landings. landing thickness increases in fig. 28 a
Moreover, this allows for an orderly view with respect to fig. 28 c by a factor of 1.5.
of the underside of a staircase and a con-
tinuous progression of the handrail at a On the one hand, the base plate and
L F t L
uniform height along the entire staircase. landing thicknesses play a major role in
the aesthetics of a staircase, and on the
The bend line is the intersecting line other, have a decisive influence on the
between the landing and the ascending possibility of supporting the flight of stairs
or descending flights of stairs as seen on the landing slabs in longitudinally set b
from the underside of the flights of stairs flights of stairs. The three depicted geo-
and landings. In multi-flight stairs with metric variants are equally well-suited for
half-turn landings (180° turns), the plan- the case of a continuous solid structure
ning objective should be to have the running from the landing slab to the base
bend lines of both flights of stairs meet
at a single point on the landing.
20 String in clearance diagram, flat in New York
(US) 1999, Maya Lin with David Hotson
The planning parameters influencing the 21 Spiralling stair of oak wood, holiday homes in
bend line are the position of the exit step Nossentin (DE) 2012, gmp
22 Clearance diagram (dimensions in cm)
vis-à-vis the bottom step as well as the 23 Side clearance (dimensions in cm)
landing and base plate thicknesses. The 24 Walking area and tread line in spiral stairs
(dimensions in cm) L t F L
position of the so-called zeroth step is
25 Walking area and tread line in newel stairs
of vital importance here. The zeroth step (dimensions in cm)
denotes the flush horizontal displacement 26 Multifamily house in Zurich (CH) 2007, Graber
Pulver Architekten
in the landing area between the last rise 27 Bend line progression in two-flight stairs subject
of the descending flight of stairs and the to the position of the “zeroth” step 27 c
Planning guide
30 31
physics-related requirements for sound The basic principle underlying all stairs,
90 cm
90 cm
The handrail height in the landing or well load-bearing elements, and furthermore
Bend line
hole area which results from the intersec- by the derived position and design of the
tions of the handrails can likewise have superordinate load-bearing elements of
b various values depending on the variant. the stair. This results in the development
This must be taken into account when of different load-bearing systems. All the
implementing a continuous handrail run- parts of a stair (see “Stair parts”, p. 96f.)
ning along the entire staircase. fulfil specific structural requirements
h = 90 cm
h = 90 cm + r
parameters and the influence of possible Roughly summarised, there are two
Bend line additional construction physics-related groups of construction types: firstly,
90 cm
requirements on the space required for common types of construction, such as
the staircase. The stairwell developed solid base plates, closed string stairs,
in conjunction with the building design open string stairs and individual steps;
28 c and available in the further course of and secondly, the group of special types
planning finally determines whether all of construction, including spiral stairs,
parameters can be considered in such folded plate stairs, space frame stairs
2 6
12 2 12
bearing a way that the design idea can be imple- and suspended stairs. The distinctive-
the related consequences for space tion, and on the other, in the develop-
requirement. Otherwise, there is the risk ment of novel, independent constructions.
that retroactive requirements emerging Once the construction type is determined,
in the course of further planning can it defines the constructional requirements
negatively impact the design of the stair. for the elements of the stair, which in
12 2 12
bearing a planned stair within the available spa- decisively influence the materials used
tial situation in a design is no longer for the staircase construction (see “Mate-
29 possible. rials for stair construction”, p. 107ff.).
Planning guide
Planning guide
wooden string. Stair strings may not only There are several possibilities for sup- Newel stair
be made of wood but also of steel. Steps porting steps on strings. In a stepped Due to their specific geometry, newel
can be manufactured to be self-support- string, a so-called saw tooth, the steps stairs consist of a combination of different
ing and made of wood, steel sheet, stone directly rest on the stepped upper construction types. The newel, i.e. the
or laminated sheet glass, or be con- side of the string, while in the case of vertical load-bearing element in the centre
structed with a load-bearing steel frame a straight upper string edge, the steps of a circular stair, is where the pointed
and planar filling. must be wedge-shaped. Straight strings steps meet. These may project out from
can be supplemented by bracket-like the vertical pole comprising the newel,
Open string stair mounts on which slab-shaped steps are as in the case of steel structures. It is like-
Similar to the closed strings of a stair, attached. Stepwise bent strings consist wise possible to additionally enclose the
open strings also, act as single-span of short individual steel rods which are steps at the outer edge by means of a
beams with a lower and an upper mount. rigidly joined together at their bending load-bearing spiral-shaped closed string
They either rest on adjacent landings, or points (fig. 35). or an accompanying open string for sup-
in the case of bent open strings, incorp- port. Solid steps made of concrete or
orate landing surfaces into their horizon- The three above-mentioned construction natural stone are spirally walled up while
tal sections. The steps and, if applicable, types can be applied in straight stairs as added conical newel segments form a
the landing slabs, too, rest on the open well as spiral stairs, or combined straight newel. In doing so, the broad sides of
strings below, which is why an open string and spiral stairs. the steps are embedded into a surround-
stair is also called a cut string stair. Due ing wall.
to their geometric position below the Individual steps
steps and landing slabs, it is possible to Several individual steps in a structur- Folded plate stairs
indent the strings with respect to the lat- ally self-contained element add up to Self-supporting folded plate stairs corres-
eral step edges of a closed string stair so form a stair. In doing so, the individual pond to the structural principle of the
that the steps project out to the extent of steps each represent a closed structural folded single-span beam, which is used
the indentation. In extreme examples, the system that transmits the loads to build- as a base plate (fig. 37). For this purpose,
structure is reduced to one central string ing parts bounding the stair, such as steel sheet plates are used, which are
with embedded projecting steps (fig. 33). walls and ceilings (fig. 36). As such, fur- folded or consist of individual plates that
Fig. 34 shows a variation of the open ther structurally effective construction are welded at the bending points.
string stair, where several open strings elements, such as closed or open
with highly reduced dimensions are posi- strings, are not required. Plate-shaped, wood-based materials can
tioned underneath the steps. be rigidly joined by gluing, screw joints,
35 36 37
Planning guide
Planning guide
Scale 1:20
41 a b
stair in a clothing store in London by a stair, and made of reinforced concrete, The treads of the folded plate-like,
Chipperfield Architects, has an outer steel sheet or composite wood materials; steel sheet stair in Skara Cathedral by
and inner closed string made of bent or using wedge-shaped components AIX Architekter received step surfaces
steel plates, which simultaneously serve made of natural or artificial stone (fig. of corrugated rubber with underlying
as a railing and handrail (fig. 40, p. 107). 41 b) that form the staircase geometry of impact sound insulation (fig. 42; fig. 15,
The steel plates are, however, fully clad risers and treads on inclined base plates. p. 52).
in coated plywood panels, covering the In both cases, the surfaces can consist
surface. of thin layers, such as textile or elastic At the residential building in Kajagaya by
coverings or liquid plastic, or of rein- Atelier Den, expanded metal serves as
Projecting individual steps, clamped on forcements using plate-shaped com- filling for both the steps and the railing
one side only, are mostly constructed in posite wood materials, ceramic or natural (fig. 44). As a result, the stair acts as a
steel, and more rarely using stone plates stone plates and compound materials transparent light filter. Similar effects can
or solid wooden steps. Projecting steps (laminates). be achieved with step fillings of glass
with wooden surfaces usually have a (fig. 39, p. 107).
load-bearing steel structure inside. In each case, steps made of circumferen-
tial steel frames require a flat filling of a Banister/fall protection
Individual steps, supported on both self-supporting material to form a walka- The load-bearing structure of the stair
sides, are easy to construct using plate- ble covering (fig. 44). and the banister are often developed
shaped composite wood materials. Like- as a structural unit. In many cases, the
wise, folded steel sheets or steel frames Apart from purely aesthetic aspects, banister – in the form of a step-bounding
with fillings can be employed. Stone the improvement of technical and func- string – simultaneously takes on a load-
steps or self-supporting glass plates tional characteristics such as slip bearing role. In doing so, the materials
made of appropriate laminated glass are resistance or impact sound-reducing used in the basic construction of the stair
technically possible. effects, determines the choice of material. also determine the materials used for the
The aesthetic freedom that becomes pos- banister or of the sideward fall protection.
Step surfaces and fillings sible here is shown by the following At the Museum Küppersmühle, Herzog &
There are two options for designing the examples: in the residential building in de Meuron constructed the stair and
step surfaces of stairs, provided the Morcote, Markus Wespi + Jérôme de banister in one pour out of red-dyed
exposed surface is not already formed by Meuron constructed the step surfaces, reinforced concrete (fig. 38, p. 107);
the surface of the structure: either as a for example, out of exposed brick (fig. 9, with the steel staircase in the Juilliard
walkable covering applied to the steps of p. 50). School in New York by Diller, Scofidio +
1 2
Scale 1:10
1 Rubber cover,
corrugated 15 mm
2 Impact sound
10 mm
42 3 Flat steel 10 mm
Planning guide
2 Scale 1:20
1 Handrail:
steel tube
Ø 76 mm
2 Side wall:
steel panel
43 a 19 mm b
Renfro / FXFOWLE, the steps and banis- Current development of new materials independently of the material. It remains
ter are formed by individual, 19 mm thick and technologies to be seen, however, whether this leads
steel plates (fig. 43). The rapid development of special types to a separate material typology.
of glass means that their application in
Frequently, the banister consists of a staircase construction is close to Regulatory framework / standardisation
frame which is supplemented by verti- becoming a standard technical solution. National jurisdictions create numerous
cal rods in a grid, with a maximum Safety glass consisting of several legal regulations and standards. It is not
spacing of 12 cm, for the purpose laminated panes or of hardened glass within the scope of this book to provide a
of fall protection. Here too, there are is available, either straight, or bent as comprehensive treatment of this subject.
no limits to the design, allowing the formed components. Only the relatively Therefore, the following consideration is
use of round or flat steel in various high costs make this technology still to be viewed as exemplary, especially
thicknesses by differentiating support- somewhat exclusive. with respect to their relevance for public
ing and fill bars (fig. 45). For filling building law. The structuring of the sub-
the spaces, all surface-covering materi- Fibre-reinforced composites, such as ject and the content-related preparation
als, including metal, wood, plastics, high-strength carbon fibre reinforce con- provide a thematic overview, permitting
glass or composite materials, as well crete, or fibreglass-reinforced plastic, orientation in the relevant legal framework
as tensile structures, metal grills and have in the meanwhile become ready- of a respective project. In doing so, the
grids or round bar mats are also suit- for-use technologies which are likely to level of detail of individual topics is subor-
able. The uppermost horizontal rod become as pervasive as the special dinated for the sake of clarity.
often forms the handrail at the same time. types of glass.
This can, however, also be mounted as State building codes
an individual element. Adhesives and their processing possi- In federally constituted Germany, public
bilities are widespread today, with the building law is the duty of the federal
Banisters with an independent structure result that laminated materials are avail- states. The state building codes regulate
and materials often stand in contrast to able as mass-produced articles. Due the legal framework, which is obligatory
the staircase. A sideward fall protection to the layered combination of different for building construction in the respective
made of self-supporting safety glass materials, even thin plates have high state. The primary objective is to prevent
can, for example, reinforce the sculp- load-bearing capacity and mechanical danger to life and limb, amongst other
tural impact of the flight of stairs as it or weather resistance. The design of objectives. For standardising the different
aesthetically recedes into the background the surfaces is highly diverse, owing state building codes, the Model Building
(fig. 41 a). to pictographic reproductions and Regulation was created as an overriding
Planning guide
30 cm
85– 90 cm
30 cm
46 Research building in Dübendorf (CH) 2016,
Gramazio Kohler Architects
5 47 Handrail height above leading step edges and
85 – 90 cm
landing surfaces, horizontal handrail endings. At
85– 90 cm
the lower end of the stair flight, the inclined part
3 of the handrail must be continued by one tread
2 width to avoid a height offset when transitioning
1 to the horizontal level.
48 Blavatnik School of Government in Oxford (GB)
46 47 2015, Herzog & de Meuron
orientation framework for all federal • Section VII, “Nutzungsbedingte Anfor- Ordinances
states. The state building codes therefore derungen” [Requirements depending Ordinances substantiate individual con-
primarily contain congruent regulations on use], Art. 48, once again underlines tents in the state building code relating to
with state-specific particularities. The the importance of requirements for special buildings or uses, and are gener-
concrete example presented below is accessible architecture. ally binding. With respect to the planning
the Bavarian Building Code (BayBO). and construction of stairs, the following
In their clauses and articles relating to should be referred to:
• Art. 2, “Begriffe” [Terms], Paragraph 3, stairs, the state building codes hardly
regulates the building classes which make statements on specific require- • Hochhausrichtlinie [High-rise building
have primary importance for the con- ments, such as dimensional specifica- directive], issued on 21 April 2015
struction of stairs. Paragraph 4 regu- tions. Instead, they contain many gen- • Verkaufsstättenverordnung (VkV)
lates special constructions, which have eral references to requirements whose [Ordinance on sales outlets], issued
further ordinances that also contain scope only becomes fully accessible on 6 November 1997
special stipulations on the construction when further ordinances and technical • Versammlungsstättenverordnung
of stairs. This pertains, for example, building stipulations are studied in this (VStättV) [Ordinance on places of
to high-rise buildings, shops, meeting regard. assembly], issued on 12 February
places, restaurants, care facilities, 2012
hospitals, residential establishments, Adopted technical building stipulations • Beherbergungsstättenverordnung
day care facilities, schools or college Technical rules, such as DIN standards, (BStättV) [Ordinance on accommoda-
buildings. first and foremost are private guidelines tion], issued on 2 July 2007
• Art. 3, “Allgemeine Anforderungen” making recommendations. They obtain • Arbeitsstättenverordnung (ArbStättV)
[General requirements] refers to the a generally binding character only by [Ordinance on workplaces], issued on
generally accepted rules of architecture their adoption as technical building 12 August 2004
and technology for the maintenance of stipulation. The Bavarian Building Law • Heimmindestbauverordnung (Heim-
public safety and order. In Paragraph 2, regulates this procedure in Art. 3.2.1: MindBauV) [Ordinance on minimum
Clause 1, it regulates the technical build- following its announcement by the building requirements for retirement
ing stipulations, which are introduced in Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, the cur- homes, homes for the elderly, and care
a legally binding manner through public rent version of January 2015 only states homes], issued on 3 May 1983
announcement. three technical rules under Section 7,
• Section V, “Rettungswege, Öffnungen, “Technische Regeln als Planungsgrund- The above-mentioned laws, stipulations,
Umwehrungen” [Emergency escape lagen” [Technical rules as planning and ordinances are not concerned with
routes, openings, fencing], Art. 31– 36, guide], including DIN 18 065, Stairs private law-related issues but with those
contains the principal stipulations for in buildings, and DIN 18 040, Parts 1 of public building law. Moreover, issues
planning stairs. and 2, Construction of accessible build- relevant to planning in publicly funded
• Art. 32, “Treppen” [Stairs] regulates the ings – Design principles. For application building measures, which may include
term “notwendige Treppe” [required of the technical rules, explanations the prescribed condition of compliance
stair], which is subject to and must accompanying the announcement have with further recommendations and ordin-
meet various requirements depending been provided, by means of which parts ances, are to be noted.
on the class of building (see Art. 2). can be excluded or particular aspects
• Art. 33, “Treppenräume” [Stairwells] commented on in greater depth. Accessibility
regulates the prerequisites and require- The following requirements for barrier-free
ments which are relevant for the con- The adoption of DIN 18 065 as a technical stairs can be integrated into planning with
struction of stairwells for required stairs. building regulation highlights the content- relatively little effort and implemented in
• Art. 36, “Umwehrungen” [Fencing], related significance of this extensive tech- an economically justifiable manner. The
Paragraph 3, regulates the require- nical standard. For this reason, this publi- need for persons with disabilities to move
ments for fencing along open margins cation closely follows the content of this to a special facility may thus be deferred.
of stairs and landings. DIN standard. Temporary or minor motor constraints
Planning guide
hence do not lead to the loss of self- Item 3 requires a double-sided position- Stairwell
sufficiency. The first goal of accessible ing of the handrail at a height of between The necessity and – where applicable –
construction should be to equip habitual 85 and 90 cm, with mounts on the under- the type of construction of the stairwell
surroundings in order to make them side (fig. 47). Handrails are to proceed is determined by the classification of
accessible in a barrier-free manner in without interruption in stairwells and on buildings into building classes, as regu-
daily life, and hence to preserve the self- landings. Their ends must continue hori- lated by the state building code (see
sufficiency of the persons concerned zontally for 30 cm at the start and end of BayBO, Art. 2.3). Linked to this are also
in a user-friendly manner and for as long a stair, and – in case they freely project the requirements for the type of con-
as possible. into a space – must be rounded off. A struction of the stair.
round or oval shape ensures improved
The inclusion of a separate article or grip safety. Number, distance and dimensioning of
clause on accessible construction in the required stairs
state building codes and the introduction Item 4 describes measures for enhanced The floor area of a building determines
of DIN 18 040 “Construction of accessi- recognisability of stair elements by visu- the number of required stairs. The stair-
ble buildings” as a technical building ally impaired persons. This is achieved well of at least one required stair must
stipulation, illustrate the significance of by marking step edges by contrasting be reachable within 35 m from every
this issue. The standard consists of three them with the other surfaces of the treads point of a habitable room. In the “Sonder-
parts: Part 1 discusses publicly accessi- and risers. Handrails are also to display bauverordnungen” [Ordinances on
ble buildings; Part 2 dwellings; and high contrast with respect to the back- special buildings], this distance reduces
Part 3 public and open spaces. ground (fig. 48). depending on the type of use.
Requirements for stairs are regulated Fire safety In school buildings, places of assembly
by Paragraph 4.3.6, including four sub- In the state building codes, stairs are and sales outlets, at least two required
items in Parts 1 and 2, respectively. first and foremost viewed as emergency stairs are demanded. The minimum
escape routes in case of fire, alongside requirement for the usable stair width
Item 1 points out that this paragraph is their function as a required access com- is defined by DIN 18 065, while spe-
about measures for improved usability ponent in a building. The scope of con- cial buildings are subject to particular
and higher safety for persons with limited tents of fire-safety issues in staircase requirements. In places of assembly,
motor constraints, as well as for blind construction illustrates the importance for example, the number of users who
and visually impaired persons. of this aspect. The following comments depend on a stair determines the usable
take into account the fire safety require- stair width: for every 150 users, at least
Item 2 discusses the design of flights ments in Germany, guided by the Model 1 m of stair width is to be allocated.
of stairs and the construction of steps. Building Regulation or the Bavarian
If a flight of stairs is not straight, it must Building Law. If, subject to use, the transport of patients
have a correspondingly large inside reclining on stretchers is required, their
radius larger than 100 cm in publicly Required stair dimensions (2.26 m in length and 0.60 m
accessible buildings, as per Part 1. A As per the state building code (such as in width, as per DIN 13 024) must
stair tread line at right angles to the step the Bavarian Building Law, BayBO, Art. be taken into account by corresponding
edges ensures safe placement of feet 32), a building’s stair serves the purpose dimensions in the spatial design of the
and a natural walking rhythm. Open of providing user-friendly access to floors stair.
string stairs without risers are unsuitable not located on ground level, and of ensur-
for accessible staircase design. Steps ing the rescue of people in the case of Fire resistance rating of required stairs and
must not have nosings; risers can have a fire and the fire-extinguishing operation. stairwells
maximum slant of 2 cm across the entire A stair thus forms the vertical component Load-bearing parts of required stairs
step height. of an emergency route, and must lead must be fireproof (90 min. period of fire
to all connected floors in one go. Building resistance). In low-rise buildings (build-
law calls this stair a required stair. ing class 3), they must be non-flammable
Planning guide
or at least fire-retardant (30 min. period Other requirements for stairwells to applied materials and possible items
of fire resistance). This is to ensure that, The ingress of smoke from adjacent of furniture, stairwells must not have fire
in case of direct fire exposure, the stair floors is to be prevented by means loads of their own.
remains passable. of accordingly constructed doors as
stairwell enclosures. Likewise, smoke External stairwells
Stairwell walls are to be constructed in a must not be allowed to enter the building A required stairwell should normally lie
fireproof manner, and in low-rise build- from the outside. Fire smoke ingress must along an exterior wall and have a direct
ings, as firewalls. As such, the stairwell be dissipated quickly. Safe walkability exit leading outside. Consequently, the
forms a separate fire or smoke compart- and the longest possible standing time external stairwell is the rule. As such, it
ment, without having to meet the fire are required in case of fire. Depend- is possible to incorporate openings into
compartment requirements concerning ing on the building class, the applied the exterior wall for extracting smoke from
stairwell enclosures. Stairwells can be building elements and materials must the stairwell. For this purpose, an opening
designed to be internal or external. have corresponding fire resistance. Due of at least 0.5 m2 per floor is required.
Internal stairwells
As a deviation from the principle of
the external stairwell, internal stairwells
are also possible. In this case, first and
foremost, a smoke outlet with a clear-
ance cross section of 5 % of the stairwell
floor area, but at least 1 m2 in size, is
Safety stair
In high-rise buildings, the rescue of
people by ladders from the outside is no
longer possible. Therefore, a second
required stairwell, or alternatively, a
single safety stair for two required stair-
wells is demanded. The safety stair must
be effectively protected from smoke
ingress. This can be ensured by an air
lock positioned in an open air stream.
Emergency staircases
If a second emergency escape route is
not possible, an outlying emergency stair-
case can alternatively be employed.
These staircases must not be compro-
mised by fire spread from adjacent build-
ing openings. Emergency staircases
may be spiral stairs and must consist
of non-flammable building materials.
They are permitted to terminate on a
safe waiting landing, from where further
rescue is possible.
Planning guide
≥ 11
≥ 9 ≤ 125
each other. The number and position of joints is required. On the one hand, the
required stairs remains unaffected by this. geometrical mounting requirements must
be met, and on the other, exposed joints
can also have an aesthetic impact. 6 4
Sound insulation
Sound insulation is a major quality feature 1 13 –16
of a building. The minimum requirements Apart from sound decoupling an entire
necessary due to the acknowledged stair, there is the alternative possibility of
rules of technology are often insufficient acoustically separating the tread cover-
to meet the expectations of users. There ings at the mount points. For this pur- a
are many legal disputes on account of pose, the tread coverings are vibration-
different perceptions of the promised decoupled from the support by means
and delivered degree of sound insulation. of an underlying decoupling mat. Since
For this reason, a precise agreement the area involved is large, the risk of a
on the desired sound insulation should constructional defect is high. If possible,
be concluded with the client in a service sound decoupling of the entire base
contract. In doing so, the building stair plate takes precedence over step decou-
must meet requirements for impact sound pling. FF
12 3 4 5 landing /
insulation. For this purpose, defined inter- ceiling
faces between the stair and delimiting In case of high impact sound protection
≥ 11
components of the building, which are requirements for stair constructions, it ≥ 9 ≤ 125
Planning guide
min. 1.00 m
flats and a floor height of 2.85 m (2.50 m ± 0.00 15 risers 190/260 +2.85
ceiling height + 35 cm ceiling structure).
The rise/run ratio should not be more
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
than 190/260, and the usable flight width
at least 1.00 m. 3.64 m
min. 1.00 m
∫ Choice of either 15 or 16 stair steps
± 0.00 +2.85
Planning guide
• For 16 risers:
15 (t) · 280 mm = 4,200 mm
= 4.20 m stair flight length (run)
Two-flight stair
2≈ 8 risers 178/280 ∫ stair flight length (run): 2.24 m 4. Ascertaining the stair flight length or run
(two-flight stair):
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 16 risers 178/280 in two flights
∫ 2≈ 8 risers 178/280:
min. 1.00 m
2.30 m
+1.42 5
7 (t) · 280 mm = 1,960 mm
= 1.96 m stair flight length (run)
min. 1.00 m
Photo credits
The authors and the publisher sincerely 10 Thomas Jantscher 7 Stéphane Chalmeau p. 89, image 4 Jaime Navarro Soto
thank all persons who have supported 11 Therme Vals 8, 9 Roland Halbe p. 89, image 5 Tuomas Uusheimo
the production of this book by giving 12 Michael Bause 10 José Campos p. 89, image 6 Naoomi Kurozumi
approval for the printing of their master 13 David Monniaux 11 Victoria Sambunaris / p. 89, image 7 Hal Chen
illustrations, issuing reproduction per- 14 Álvaro Leite Siza Vieira DAM Frankfurt p. 89, image 8 Hisao Suzuki
mission and providing information. All 15 Fernando Guerra 12 Stijn Poelstra p. 90, image 1 Nacasa & Partners
drawings in this work have been spe- 16 Hisao Suzuki 13 Bruno Klomfar p. 90, image 2 Åke E:son Lindman
cially prepared. Unverified photos 17 Erik Berg/Den Norske Opera & 14 Christian Schittich p. 90, image 3 Andreas Keller
come from the archive of the architects Ballett 15 Andreas Meichsner p. 90, image 5 Ralph Feiner
or the archive of the journal Detail. In 18 Jean-Pierre Dalbéra 16 a from: Fondazione Querini Stam- p. 90, image 6 Helene Binet
spite of intensive efforts, some of the 19 Simon King (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) palia Onlus (Ed.): Carlo Scarpa – p. 90, image 7 Beat Bühler
authors of photos and illustrations could 20 Rosemie Callewaert la fondazione querini stampalia a p. 90, image 8 Ruedi Walti
not be ascertained; the copyright, how- 21 Hufton + Crow venezia. Verona 2006, p. 52 p. 91, image 1 Annette Kisling
ever, is maintained. We request to be 22 Iwan Baan 16 b from: Fondazione Querini Stam- p. 91, image 2 Simon Menges
informed accordingly. 23 Naoomi Kurozumi palia Onlus (Ed.): Carlo Scarpa – p. 91, image 3 Thomas Jantscher
24 Hal Chen la fondazione querini stampalia p. 91, image 4 Rainer Retzlaff
25 Li Xiaodong a venezia. Verona 2006, p. 55 p. 91, image 5, 6 Daici Ano
Cover photo: Eva Schönbrunner 17 seier+seier p. 91, image 7 Roland Halbe
18 Luca Onniboni p. 91, image 8 Jens Weber
Design typology – Aesthetics of p. 92, image 1 Janez Marolt
Design typology – Methodology p. 92, image 3 Bruno Klomfar
technology vs Longing for the
archetype Construction typology p. 92, image 4
1, 2 Katinka Temme
1 Zoonar /Jürgen Vogt p. 92, image 5 Alessandra Chemollo
1 Michal Huniewicz 2 R. Schweitzer p. 92, image 6 Andreas Meichsner
Design typology – Jacob’s ladder and
3 Åke E:son Lindman 3 Florian Monheim /arturimages p. 92, image 7 Roland Halbe
4 Arturo Duarte jr. 4 Jens Hauspurg p. 92, image 8 Luca Onniboni
5 Filip Šlapal 6 Barbara Staubach /arturimages
6a Andreas Keller 8 Roberto Collovà
1 Eva Schönbrunner
6b Bloomberg 9 Hannes Henz Planning guide
2 Carschten (CC BY-SA 3.0)
7 Christian Richters 10 from: Behse, W. H.: Treppenwerk
3 Zoonar GmbH /Alamy Stock
8 Giovanna Silva für Architekten, Zimmerleute und 1 Shinkenchiku-sha
9 Werner Kaligofsky Tischler sowie für Baugewerk- 2 Daici Ano
4 Judith Stichtenoth
10 Mitsumasa Fujitsuka / helico und Gewerbeschulen. Plate 1. 3 Gerhard Hagen
5 Daniel Schwen (CC BY-SA 4.0)
11 Katsuhisa Kida Weimar 1873 4 Sacha Geiser
6 Sander Meisner
7 https://figosfromagio.wordpress. 12 jean claude braun 11 Filip Dujardin 5 Cosmin Dragomir
com/2013/05/20/huashan-the- 13 Cardaf 12 Christian Schittich 6 Hannes Henz
most-wonderful-of-mountains- 14 Beat Bühler 13 Archives d’Architecture 8 Lard Buurman
part-1/ 15 b Filip Dujardin Moderne 9 Simon Menges
8a Ei Katsumata /Alamy Stock 16 John Mitchell /Alamy Stock 14 Mitsuo Matsuoka 12 David Matthiessen
Photo Photo 15 Åke E:son Lindman 17 Christine Peter
8b as per: wikiwikiyarou 17 Cristobal Palma 16 Iwan Baan 18 Nürnberger Nachrichten
9 akg-images 18 Helene Binet 17 Zooey Braun /arturimages 20 Eric Schiller
10 from: Swarbrick, John: Robert 19 Paula Herrero 18 Lukas Roth 21 Heiner Leiska
Adam & his brothers: their lives, 20 Åke E:son Lindman 19 Andreas Keller 26 Walter Mair
work & influence on English 21 Lucia Degonda 20 Ramon Prat 33 Mitsuo Matsuoka
architecture, decoration and 22 Ruinelli Associati 34 Ib Sørensen
furniture. London 1915 23 Ruedi Walti 35 Bruno Klomfar
11 Andy Ryan 24, 25 Tomas Heimann Project examples 36 fhs Treppen GmbH
12 Koji Okamoto 37 François Bertin
13 b Francesco Martello p. 56 top left, 58 – 61 Hannes Henz 38 Christian Richters
14 b Juan Rodriguez Design typology – Volume vs p. 56 bottom left, 62, 63 left 39 Richard Bryant /Arcaid
15 b Hannes Henz Continuity Leonardo Finotti 40 Hisao Suzuki
16 b Walter Mair p. 63 centre, 63 right, 64 41 a Jens Weber
18 Ruedi Walti 1 Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates Pietro Savorelli 43 b Iwan Baan
20 a 2 Addison Godel p. 66 bottom Armin Linke 45 Ivar Mjell
and-theater-at-palazzo-dello- 3 Thomas Jantscher p. 67 bottom Michael Moran 46 Roman Keller
spagnolo/ 4 Adolf Bereuter p. 56 bottom centre, 68 –70 48 Iwan Baan
20 b from: Daidalos 9/1983, p. 79 5 Daniel Malhão / DMF Tuomas Uusheimo 50 c as per: Schöck Bauteile GmbH,
21 Garnier, Charles (1880). Le 6 p. 56 top right, 71–73 Planungshandbuch Treppen
nouvel Opéra, vol. 2, plate 8. 7 Allard Bovenberg Nacasa & Partners 51 Eva Schönbrunner
Paris: Ducher 9 Rainer Retzlaff p. 56 bottom right, 74 –76
22 Janine Mahler / IBA 11 b Juan Rodriguez Ralph Feiner
23 Matevž Paternoster 11 c Juan Rodriguez p. 77, 78 bottom Margot Gottschling Photos introducing sections
24 Duccio Malagamba 12 b Iñigo Bujedo Aguirre p. 57 top left, 78 top, 79
25 Christian Richters 13 Roland Halbe Annette Kisling Page 4: Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku
26 Hufton + Crow 14 Steven Massart p. 57 bottom left, 80 – 81 Daici Ano (AZ) 2012, Zaha Hadid Architects
27 Shen Zhonghai 15 Jens Weber p. 57 top right, 82– 84 Photo: Hufton + Crow
16 Marco Introini, Kengo Kuma & Janez Marolt Page 6: House NA, Tokyo (JP) 2010,
Associates p. 57 bottom right, 85, 86 top, 87 Sou Fujimoto Architects
Design typology – Stage and 17 Mitsumasa Fujitsuka, Kengo Alessandra Chemollo Photo: Iwan Baan
Landscape Kuma & Associates p. 86 centre, bottom René Riller Page 54: Hotel in Obanazawa (JP)
2006, Kengo Kuma & Associates
1 Birgit Verwiebe (Ed.): Unter Photo: Dacio Ano
den Linden. Berlin 1997 Design typology – Furniture and Matrix Page 94: Gallery building in London
2 Filmbildfundus Robert Fischer Addition (GB) 2015, Caruso St John Architects
3 p. 88, image 1 Hannes Henz Photo: Sabine Drey
File:The_Illusionary_Maze.jpg 1 jlt p. 88, image 2 Paola de Pietri Page 93: Cultural centre in the Azores,
4 Film copies of the Film Museum 2 /House_ p. 88, image 3 Francesco Martello Ribera Grande (PT) 2014, Menos é
Munich, Gerhard Ullmann in_pinewood.html p. 88, image 4 Hannes Henz Mais Arquitectos
5 ApA © R. Roozen 3a Kouji Okamoto / Techni Staff p. 88, image 5 Leonardo Finotti Photo: José Campos
6 Iwan Baan 3b Shinkenchiku-sha p. 88, image 6 Andy Ryan Page 116: Residential building in Tokyo
7 Chen Hao 4 Shinkenchiku-sha p. 88, image 7 Ramon Prat (JP) 2007, Claus en Kaan Architecten
8 Jaime Navarro Soto 5 Janez Marolt p. 89, image 2 Iwan Baan mit Atelier IMAMU
9 Atelier Bow-Wow 6 Design + Weld Limited p. 89, image 3 Chen Hao Photo: Tomio Ohashi
Subject index
Index of persons