Asep Sulaeman, Galih Habsoro Sundoro
Asep Sulaeman, Galih Habsoro Sundoro
Asep Sulaeman, Galih Habsoro Sundoro
The Effec�veness of River Morphologycal Modifica�on …(Asep Sulaeman dan Galih Habsoro Sundoro)
Sampora Water Treatment Plant (WTP) free intake has been suffering from problems due to sediment and
trash deposition at the intake pond that disrupt the water collection process through the intake pump. In this
study, several technical approaches were carried out to overcome the related problems such as riverbank
cutting, intake length addition, and combination of both approaches. A Physical Hydraulic Model Tests was
conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of each approach before it is applied in the field. The Physical
Hydraulic Model Tests was performed into four series examinations, there is the existing condition, riverbank
cutting at the upstream and downstream of intake, intake length addition, and combination between
riverbank cutting and intake length addition. The results showed that riverbank cutting has been directing
the river main flow from right to the left side of river with an average flow velocity at in front of intake above
0.70 m/s. The main flow shifting causes the suspended load sediment deposition in front of intake reduced
significantly. This condition also causes bed load sediments in front of intake area almost completely scoured.
Riverbank cutting chosen as the best approach because the flow pattern is smoother and more streamlines
than the other series.
Key words: Sedimentation, river morphology, Sampora WTP free intake, physical hydraulic model test, flow
velocity distribution.
Intake WTP Sampora saat ini mengalami permasalahan sedimentasi dan masuknya sampah ke dalam kolam
intake yang mengganggu proses pengambilan air melalui pompa pengambilan. Dalam penelitian ini,
beberapa pendekatan teknis dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, antara lain: pemotongan
tebing sungai, penambahan panjang mulut intake, serta kombinasi kedua pendekatan tersebut. Uji Model
Hidraulik (UMH) Fisik dilakukan untuk menilai efektivitas setiap pendekatan tersebut sebelum diterapkan di
lapangan. UMH Fisik dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat seri yang meliputi model sesuai kondisi
eksisting, pemotongan tebing sungai di hulu dan hilir intake, penambahan panjang mulut intake, dan
kombinasi antara pemotongan tebing sungai dan pendekatan penambahan panjang mulut intake. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemotongan tebing sungai telah mengarahkan aliran utama sungai dari sisi
kanan ke sisi kiri sungai dengan kecepatan aliran rata-rata di depan intake lebih dari 0.70 m/s. Bergesernya
aliran utama menyebabkan endapan sedimen tersuspensi di depan intake berkurang secara signifikan.
Kondisi ini juga menyebabkan sedimen dasar di depan area intake hampir sepenuhnya tergerus.
Pemotongan tebing sungai terpilih sebagai pendekatan terbaik karena pola alirannya lebih halus dan lebih
steramline dibandingkan dengan seri lainnya.
Kata Kunci: Sedimentasi, perubahan morfologi, Intake WTP Sampora, uji model hidraulik fisik, distribusi
kecepatan aliran
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik Vol.7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77-86
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, Vol. 7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77 - 86
The Effectiveness of River
The Effec�veness Morphologycal
of River Modification
Morphologycal …(Asep
Modifica�on Sulaeman
…(Asep dan
Sulaeman Galih
dan Habsoro
Galih HabsoroSundoro)
Three techniques are often used in modeling hydraulic model test around intake is made of
sediment to obtain model Shield parameters that movable bed, and for other river model area made
equal or greater (which defines the sediments fix bed material. The Hydraulic physical model is
transport) is: use a lightweight sediment, vertical created with three-dimensional models without
scale distortion, and increased model slope distortion (undistorted model) using Eq. (3), with
(Waldron, 2008). same vertical and horizontal scale, at 1: 25 (1
Selander (2102) mentioned that the amount meter in prototype equal to 4 cm in model).
and size of sediment that a river can carry are ሺଵȀଶହሻ
Distortion Number ൌ ൌ ൌ ͳ ……………. 4)
determined by discharge and channel slope
through the relationship: Where: vertical scale (݊l) = 1 : 25
τb = ρwgH*sin(α) …………………………………………… 3) horizontal scale (݊h) = 1 : 25
τb is the shear stress on the bed of the channel Consider that the model to be created is an
required for sediment motion (N/m2), ρw is the open channel model, where the inertial forces that
density of water (kg/m2), H is the height of the affect the water movement is dominated by the
water column (m) (used as a proxy for discharge, earth's gravity acceleration, so conversion of the
an increase in discharge directly relates to an prototype scale into a model scale was conducted
increase in H), and sin(α) is the local channel slope. using Froude equation (5a) (5b) (5c).
In a broad sense, increasing discharge and flow Froud Number (Fr) = v ................................... 5a)
velocity increase the amount of shear stress gh
imposed on the channel bed and the amount of
sediment that is transported via bed load or v model = v prototype .......................... 5b)
entrained. gh gh
Water discharge is the most important
element of sediment transport process. Water
gh p or nv = ng ½ . nh ½ ............ 5c)
discharge is responsible for picking up, moving vm gh m
and sediment deposition in waterways. Without
flow, sediment might remain as suspended or
settle out – but it will not move downstream. Flow Gravity acceleration at prototype and at
is required to initiate the transport (Kemker, model are same, then ng = 1, so the velocity scale
2014). Relationship between velocity and grain (nv) =nh½ . where v = flow velocity (m/s) h = depth
size that influence on sediment transport of flow (m); g = gravity acceleration (m/s2).
phenomena can be seen in Sunborg graph or Parameter model scale showed in Table 1:
Figure 1.
Table 1 Scale Physical Hydraulic Model Test
Three dimensional physical hydraulic model Hydraulic Model
test was applied in order to analyze the sediment parameter Notation Pattern Scale
deposition at Sampora WTP Intake. The first step Length, L nL nL 25
that must be done to make the model is to height, h nh nh = nL 25
determine the model scale. Model scale is a
comparison between prototype with the model Area, A nA nA = nL2 625
parameter dimensions. Model scale is determined Volume, V nV nV = nL3 15625
based several factors such as: objective of time,t nt nt = nL1/2 5
hydraulic model test; prototype size (width, depth,
length); availability of laboratory field area; and velocity, v nv nv = nL1/2 5
water supply capacity. discharge, Q nQ nQ = nL5/2 3125
Hydraulic physical model test of WTP Sampora
Intake is made of approximately 500 m to Manning nn nn = nL1/6 1,709976
upstream from intake, and approximately 200 m to coefficient, n
downstream direction from intake. River model for
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik Vol.7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77-86
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, Vol. 7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77 - 86
Figure 1 Relationship between velocity and grain size material (Sunborg Graph).
Sediment materials are difficult to scale. If the 1 SNI 3411: 2008: procedure for water level
sand is made with the same ingredients in measurement in the physical model
prototypes (weight of the same type), the model 2 SNI 03-3408-1994: flow velocity measurement
will consist of sediment grains are very fine. To fit method on a physical model with flow
this constraint, model sediment is made of coal measuring devices proppeler type
powder material with specific gravity of 1.56 to 3 SNI 3410:2008: procedure for flow patterns
obtain a sediment grain size model larger. measurement in the physical model
Due to the difficulty in modeling sediment that 4 Work Instruction of Research Centre for River
similar to the prototype condition, so the sediment (IK-MU-07) and Research Centre for River
material in model is made with lightweight Laboratory Report of Validation Method of
aggregates from flyash with very fine diameter Sedimentation Pattern Observation:
that produced by stone crusher. sedimentation patterns observation
Sampora WTP Intake culvert model shape and
dimension are made based on exsiting condition. 20
There are 5 culverts in which dimension of each 18 17.45
Elevation (m)
The Effectiveness of River Morphologycal Modification …(Asep Sulaeman dan Galih Habsoro Sundoro)
The Effec�veness of River Morphologycal Modifica�on …(Asep Sulaeman dan Galih Habsoro Sundoro)
Intake position
Jurnal TeknikHidraulik,
Jurnal Teknik HidraulikVol.
Vol.7 No.
7 No. 1, Juni
1, Juni 2016:
2016: 77 -77-86
The Effec�veness
The Effectiveness of River
of River Morphologycal
Morphologycal Modifica�on
Modification …(Asep
…(Asep Sulaeman
Sulaeman dan
dan GalihHabsoro
Galih HabsoroSundoro)
Model Series-0 simulation results indicates that the generally the main flow occurs in the middle of the
water surface slope in the discharge of 375 m3/s is river, but in front of intake area the main flow
equal to 0.00037. The average flow velocity around shifted toward the right side of the river (move
intake is greater than the average velocity in away from intake). The main flow shifts are
upstream intake. As can be seen in Table 4, the flow starting from STA 10 to 13. Sediment transport
velocity at STA A (around intake) was 1.13 m/s, simulation result indicates that sedimentation
while the flow velocity at STA 4 and 7 that located occurred in front of intake (left side of river), while
in the upper intake are 0.62 m/s and 0.67 m/s. on the right side of river occurred scour.
Flow velocity in the downstream intake is almost Sedimentation in front of intake occurs because the
equal to the flow velocity around intake. Flow flow velocity in the left side are lower than the flow
pattern observations results shows that in velocity in the right side of the river.
CR-14 CR-16
CR-7 CR-13
CR-6 CR-11
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik Vol.7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77-86
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, Vol. 7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77 - 86
observation which show that the river bed area around the intake mouth occurs a little
elevation lower than initial elevation. sediment depositions. While the riverbed
d. Series-2 observations result in front of intake indicate the
occurrence of scour.
Hydraulic physical model test series-2 was
performed by addition of 2.5 m length of culvert Table 6 Average flow velocities on series -2
box towards the middle of the river. Addition of
Flow Velocity (m/s)
long box culvert can be seen in Figure 5. The
STA 375 300 220 87
observations carried in this series are water level,
flow velocity, flow patterns and sediment m3/s m3/s m3/s m3/s
movement observation in the discharge of 87 m3/s, 11 1.00 0.93 0.80 0.59
150 m3/s, 220 m3/s, 300 m3/s, and 375 m3/s. A 0.86 0.79 0.61 0.50
12 0.95 0.87 0.64 0.46
B 0.86 0.75 0.60 0.47
Table 5 Average flow velocity on series-1 Source: Experimental station for river laboratory 2013
The Effec�veness
The Effectiveness of River
of River Morphologycal
Morphologycal Modifica�on
Modification …(Asep
…(Asep Sulaeman
Sulaeman dan
dan GalihHabsoro
Galih HabsoroSundoro)
Table 7 Average flow velocity on series-3 spinning closest to intake position. At series-1, the
Flow Velocity (m/s) average flow velocity that occurred in front of
STA intake mouth is 0.72 m/s which will prevent
375 300 220 150 87
m3/s m3/s m3/s m3/s m3/s
sedimentation in front of the intake mouth.
11 0.86 0.86 0.63 0.49 0.43
c. Sediment patterns in each series
A 0.81 0.82 0.63 0.48 0.46 Sediment patterns in Series-0 indicates that
12 0.75 0.73 0.75 0.62 0.53 the sedimentation occurred in front of intake area.
B 0.74 0.58 0.65 0.45 0.42 Sedimentation in front of intake occurred because
of the flow velocity in the left side of river is slower
Source: Experimental station for river laboratory 2013
than in the right side of the river. While on the
2 DISCUSSION right side of the river tends to occur riverbed
scour. Sediment patterns in Series-1 shows that
From the data that has been obtained from the there wasn't suspended load deposition in front of
test show changes characteristic of flow and intake. Suspended load was flushed away by the
sediment in each series. Comparison of river flow due to riverbank cutting. Riverbank
characteristics can be seen as follows: cutting caused main flow shifted to the left with
velocity greater than 0.5 m/s. In Series-1, the
a. Average flow velocity in each series riverbed scouring occurred in front of intake.
The observation of flow velocity that occurs in Sediment pattern in Series-2 show that a little
the discharge of 375 m3/s on each model series are suspended load settled at intake mouth and the
shown in Table 8. The highest average flow velocity riverbed scouring occurred in front of intake.
in front of intake (STA 12 left) occur in Series-3. While sediment pattern in Series-3 show that a
From Table 8 it can also be seen that the average little suspended load settled at intake mouth and
flow velocity in front of intake on Series 1 (0.72 the riverbed scouring occurred at area around
m/s) is almost equal to the highest average flow intake.
velocity in front of intake on Series-3. Most of suspended load flow into pumps pond.
Flow velocity at pumps pond. almost zero, so it will
Table 8 Average Flow Velocity in Each Series make suspended load materials become settle. In
Position at cross section
the long periods, the sedimentation will increase
Series STA and interfere the pump performance. Therefore it’s
Left Middle Right needs an effort to maintain pumps pond from
A 0.35 0.96 1.01 sediment disturbance.
12 0.51 0.91 0.97
B 0.48 0.98 0.93 d. Best Series
Based on study results, it can be recommended
A 0.54 0.90 0.80
that the Series-1 is the best series in terms of the
1 12 0.72 0.83 0.77 average flow velocity in front of intake. Average
B 0.75 0.92 0.85 flow velocity that occurred in front of intake mouth
A 0.35 0.94 0.90 is 0.72 m/s which will prevent sedimentation in
front of the intake mouth.
2 12 0.55 0.93 1.02
The riverbank cutting can shift the main flow
B 0.35 0.88 0.98
to the left side closer to intake mouth compared to
A 0.65 0.87 0.96 the existing condition. Moreover, flow patterns at
3 12 0.76 0.87 0.72 Series-1 are more streamline than Series-2 and 3,
B 0.65 0.82 0.80 where at Series-2 and 3 occurred Eddy flow. Eddy
Source: Experimental station for river laboratory 2013 flow that occcurs can lower flow velocity in that
area to almost zero, and potentially depositing the
b. Flow patterns in each series sediment material.
Comparison of flow patterns is done by Sediment patterns in Seris-1 shows that
observing the beginning of flow. It was observed by suspended load deposition not occurs in front of
measuring the current meter position since it intake. Suspended load flushed away by the river
starts to spin from the reference point on the left flow due to riverbank cutting that caused the main
bank of the river. From Table 9, it can be seen that flow shifted to the left. In this series, the riverbed
series-1 shows the current meter position began scouring occurs in front of intake.
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik Vol.7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77-86
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, Vol. 7 No. 1, Juni 2016: 77 - 86