Group 7 Final Research Paper
Group 7 Final Research Paper
Group 7 Final Research Paper
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
Abstract: Several studies have found that the number of divorces and marital separations is increasing annually, and one of the
negative consequences of this is the rise in depression, anxiety, addictions, suicide, and other issues among youths. The main purpose
of this study is to describe the impact of parents' separation on the attitude of youths towards parenthood and determine the
relationship between the two variables if each of these are significantly connected and affects each other. To achieve this aim, the
researchers used a descriptive correlational research method and utilized a survey questionnaire method via Google forms for the
primary data gathering tool under the snowball sampling technique. It is a research-made questionnaire used to determine the
relevance and the relationship of parental separation on the adolescents' attitude towards parenthood. The findings revealed that
the effects of parents' separation is moderately affect the attitude of youths towards parenthood as evidenced by 0.0837 in the motives
to have a children and 0.006 in the motives to not have a children correlation coefficients, which is positive weak. This signifies that
the parents' separation only affect the motives of youths in having children in moderate level, where majority of students found
themselves as not relying solely on their parents' status.
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
Studies found that divorce has an effect on the wellbeing, short- and long-term consequences for children, especially
behavior and actions of both adults and children. Children's where the divorce has been conflictive.
lives change irrevocably and it can be contributed to the In these cases, increased risk of developing
parents' separation or divorce. The manner in which children behavioral disorders, poor school performance, and substance
respond emotionally and psychologically to divorce is abuse has been documented as well as consequences in adult
dependent on their age, and this event could be both confusing life with higher risk of psychiatric pathologies or difficulties
and traumatising [6]. On the other hand, the blind spot of the in interpersonal relationships [8], contradicting the other
study was found because according to one of the existing studies findings which stating that the overall understanding
related literature, there were no differences in depression and of the children's experience was that living in two homes was
anxiety in adolescents between intact and broken family like living in two worlds. The children struggled with feelings
background [7], which contradicts the findings of other of loss, loyalty and attachment. Parents' separation and living
literatures related to this study where anxiety, depression, and in two homes can be stressful for children [9], which makes
behavior problems are more evident to adolescents with the child to be more confused and stressed that triggers them
divorced parents. to end up deciding just to live alone by themselves. In
The main objective of this study is to determine the addition, Separation from a parent during childhood was
impact of parents’ separation to adolescents and describe how associated with elevated risk for subsequent violent offending
it affects their motives towards parenthood. The results of this versus those who lived continuously with both parents [10],
study was intended to examine and find the relationship these findings revealed that criminality and other types of
between parents' separation and the development as well as violence may also happen when a child has no attachment
the attitude of youths to be able to know how adolescents deal towards their parents nor chose not to live with their parents
with depression, anxiety and the other effects of parents' after the separation or divorce.
separation. In addition, the study wants to review the evidence Related literatures towards this study found
on parental imprisonment as a predictor of child antisocial similar findings regarding the effects of parental separation
behavior (including criminal behavior) and poor mental among adolescents' behavior and development which totally
health. And aims to investigate how separations affect the has a big impact on their lives that might lead them to
lives and academic performances of the adolescents. addiction such as drugs and alcohol but in addition to, parental
One of the possible contributions of this study is to divorce/separation is among the most commonly endorsed
give awareness to the youths especially to future readers who adverse childhood events as well and might affect them
will conduct topics about the effects of parents’ separation on psychologically which shows that divorce is a key factor that
the children with broken families. This study can also provide makes children changes their worldviews because according
information and data on how they overcome the depression to one study, There are many factors leading to the outcomes
and other effects of their parents' separation and can also be a of a child. Thoughts and decisions deeply attach to family
reference or a guide for future student researchers who also status. Research has shown that a broken family leads to many
want to study this kind of issue to add new data or argue bad results and two of them are psychology and decision for
towards our findings for the better and wide knowledgeable the future marriage [11].
results. This study will also exhibit that despite negative Previous studies stated that the involvement in
effects and adverse outcomes of divorce towards youths there different kinds of addiction was found highly among
are still existing positive findings such as divorce as a child's adolescents with divorced parents which is totally alarming
motivation to dig deeper and dream higher for a purpose due to the increasing cases of divorce. On the other hand, these
which contradicts the negative findings of some studies that studies would state why children with separated parents come
came from the gathered related literature. up with poor mental health and negative changes among their
attitude and behavior. Parents' separation and living in two
2. RELATED WORKS homes can be stressful for children [12] that also connects
with the study wherein Children from divorced families had
The effects of parents' separation towards youths in more behavior problems compared with a propensity-score
all aspects has been described and found negatively and matched sample of children from intact families, according to
studies stated that one of the most difficult thing that a child both teachers and mothers [13], which made the adverse
would experience when their parents file a divorce is living effects and negative outcomes in adolescents' attitude and
alone or choosing not to live with either one parent anymore behavioral changes strong.
that causes negative impacts like on the involvement of drugs The majority of findings regarding the possible
and violent criminality, previous studies found that when effects of parent’s separation and divorce on the behavior and
divorce or separation of a couple occurs, children will no the lives of children shows negative effects. Studies found that
longer live with both parents at the same time. There may be divorce has an effect on the well-being, behaviour and actions
multiple causes for divorce, and both literature and our own of both adults and children. Comprehensive review of
experience as child mental health providers, report some research from several disciplines regarding the effects of
parents’ separation and divorce on children yields a growing
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
consensus that significant numbers of children suffer for many parenthood. This questionnaire is a 5-point Likert scale type
years from psychological and social difficulties associated and is highly reliable as evidenced by .84 Cronbach Alpha.
with continuing and/or new stresses within the post-divorce In gathering the data, the researchers accompanied
family and experience heightened anxiety in forming the following procedures: With a careful approval of the
enduring attachments at later developmental stages including Research Coordinator of Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High
young adulthood [14]. Children whose family is going School after implementing all the comments, suggestions and
through divorce may have a harder time relating to others, and recommendations during the proposal defense, the letter was
tend to have fewer social contacts. Slowed academic sent to the school principal to ask permission to conduct the
development is another common way that separation of the study. With their approval, the researchers prepared the
parents affects children. Children of divorced or separated Google forms link indicating the consent form on the first part
parents’ exhibit increased behavioral problems, overall, the of the survey and then distribute them to the respondents with
effects of parent– child separation are consistently negative on the assistance of the researchers' contact persons per
children's socialemotional development, well-being and strand/section.
mental health [15]. Findings conclude that children of The data was tabulated and processed using
divorced or separated parents are having more behavioral Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). To analyze
problems rather than those who are with complete and intact and interpret the data gathered, the following statistical
families. measures was employed: mean procedure, frequency counts,
and pearson r correlation coefficient/regression analysis.
3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012,
this study made sure that ethical standards set by the generic
The main problem of this study is, "How may the research ethics were followed. In so doing, the participants
effects of parents' separation on the students’ attitude were informed about all the steps that was taken in this
towards parenthood be analyzed?" Specifically, this will research. The respondents are more important than the study,
try to answer the following questions: and therefore always respected. They were informed that the
study was completely voluntary and would not affect their
1. How may the parents' separation be described? lives as students and as persons, even their families in any
way. Hence, confidentiality was provided, as the respondents'
2. What is the level of students' attitude towards parenthood?
personal information was not been sought by anyone. Lastly,
3. Does the parent’s separation significantly affect the attitude the data collection material was kept and destroyed upon
of youths? completion of the study.
4. What implications may be derived from the findings of the
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
family. parents past and status that possibly gave them trauma that
affects their hopes and faith.
Children’s lives change irrevocably and it can be
7. I start having trust issues 3.76 To a great extent contributed to the parents’ separation or divorce. The manner
with anything and anyone. in which children respond emotionally and psychologically to
8. I don't want having a child 3.04 To some extent divorce is dependent on their age, and this event could be both
in the future. confusing and traumatising. [6], this means that due their
9. I felt terrified and scared 3.76 To a great extent parents’ separation, they have been so affected in all aspects
that made them aware and inform about parenthood, family,
on how I can be a parent
and marriage. Furthermore, there are many factors leading to
in the future.
the outcomes of a child. Thoughts and decisions deeply attach
10. I'm losing interest in love 2.84 To some extent
to the family status. It is true that today the percentage of
11. I doubt to have or 3.44 To some extent divorce is higher than it was in the past. The outcomes of a
to start my own child depend on the role of both father and mother. Research
romantic relationship has shown that broken family leads to many bad results and
12. My parents' current 3.56 To a great extent two of them are psychology and decision for the future
status and relationship marriage [11]. This indicates the relevancy to support the
changed my beliefs claim that students with separated parents tend to lose interest
and attitude especially and faith in marriage.
in parenthood.
13. A lot of frustration and 3.96 To a great extent Students' Attitude towards Parenthood
pressure occurs when I think Table 2. Motives to have a Children
Indicators Mean Interpretation
about parenthood and
having a family.
1.1. To have someone 3.92 To a great extent
14. I'm not satisfied with 3.48 To some extent
to love unconditionally.
myself on how I can handle 1.2. Because being a 3.04 To some extent
a family because that was father/mother makes/can
I lacked from my parents make me a better person.
15. Aware of the obstacles to 4.12 To a great extent 1.3. To experience the 2.92 To some extent
having or raising children challenges of parenthood.
Average 3.47 To some extent 1.4. To have someone to take 3.6 To some extent
care of.
It may be found in table 1 that the effects of parents’ 1.5. To have the affection and 4.16 To a great extent
separation was to some extent as shown by the average score comfort of a family.
of 3.47. The prominent ranking of these was displayed in the 1.6. To have a 3.72 To a great extent
following of becoming estranged (3.24), do not believe in richer/fulfilled life.
marriage (2.68), having trauma (3.52), affected their views in 1.7. To have someone to 3.4 To some extent
life (3.52), feeling of jealousy and bitterness (3.44), doubting transmit my experience of
on their future (3.72), had trust issues (3.76), does not want life, my values and ideals to.
having a child in the future (3.04), scared on how they can be 1.8. To be loved 4.16 To a great extent
a parent (3.76), losing interest in love (2.84), doubt to start 1.9. To give me financial 2.92 To some extent
their own romantic relationship (3.44), changed their beliefs support in my old age.
in parenthood (3.56), frustration and pressure (3.96), not 1.10. Because one is 2.56 To some extent
satisfied with themselves (3.48), being scared of the obstacles fully accepted in society
in raising children (4.12). only when one has children.
From the table 1, the indicator no. 15 displays the
1.11. Because a girl only 2.24 To a little extent
highest score result with a mean score of “4.12” which is
interpreted as “To a great extent”. This means to conclude that turns into a women after she
the majority of the respondents are fully aware on the is a mother and a boy only turns
obstacles and challenges of having children that significantly into a man after he is a father.
affecting their views and plans towards parenthood. However, 1.12. For religious reasons 2.32 To a little extent
the indicator no. 2 resulted otherwise as it shows the lowest 1.13. To try not to 4 To a great extent
mean score of “2.68” and interpreted as “To some extent”. repeat the mistakes my
This means to say that most of the students with separated parents made with me.
parents does not believe in marriage anymore due to their 1.14. To continue the 2.88 To some extent
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
no. 3 which states that it will limit their freedom. Meanwhile, and mental health problems that associates with their decision
the indicator no. 13 got the lowest mean score of “2.28” that making process or motives to have or to not have children.
interpreted as “To a little extent” conveys that students are Furthermore, parents' separation does not fully affect both
more likely not afraid in the possibility of transmitting a motives of youths who came from broken families which just
disease to their offspring due to the fact that they are healthy proved that family background does not really affect the
or has no family background in any illnesses. majority of youths to have their own families and children in
Gender differences in psychological problems were the future perhaps, considering that there are many more other
also analyzed, but results are insignificant. It is evident that big things and more important factors that affect their motives
adolescents with broken family background experienced to have children which clearly states that the effects of parents'
higher level of stress as compared to adolescent with intact separation is too weak to affect the attitude of youths towards
family background regardless of their gender, although, there parenthood due to other instances that goes around in many
were no differences in depression and anxiety between different ways however, it does not fall in too much since
comparison groups [7]. This explains that students with youths from broken families do not base on their family and
broken families tend to experience higher level of stress, parents' current status so much.
anxiety, depression or difficulties that adds on their attitude to
change into something such as attaining goals and priorities
first to make parenthood least in their priorities. 6. CONCLUSIONS
Effects of Parents’ Separation on the Students’ Motives to Based on the findings of the study, the following
have Children conclusions are hereby discussed: first, the level of Parents'
The value of R is 0.0837. Although technically a Separation on the motives of youths to have children was
positive correlation, the relationship between variables is shown as "to some extent”; second, the motives of students
weak. The result shows that the parents' separation does not towards not having children was described as "to some
significantly affect the will and motives of students to have extent"; third, the separation of parents do not significantly
their own children. This clearly states that there are many affect the attitude of youths towards parenthood; fourth,
other factors to be considered as well apart from just being a parents' separation could either affect or not to students'
product of broken family in order for students to decide and motives towards parenthood depends on where the students
be affected by having a child. However, parents' separation would rely and what factors they consider the most.
still has little negative effects that contribute in students'
attitude towards parenthood.
Effects of Parents’ Separation on the Students’ Motives to
not have Children From the findings and conclusion. The following
The value of R is 0.006. Although technically a recommendation are offered based on the findings and
positive correlation, the relationship between variables is limitation gap of the study. Specifically, the researchers
weak. This displays that parents' separation affect the motives recommend to: (1) develop further research about the other
of students to not have a children however, does not fall factors that affect motives of youths towards parenthood, (2)
everything in line considering that there are a lot of other Conduct a new set of questionnaire to facilitate deeper and
factors existed which affect the students' attitude towards more comprehensive survey assessment to get higher positive
parenthood more rather than due to their past experiences or results thus, the future researchers can finally determine and
family issues related to the separation of parents. conclude the relationship of parents' separation on the attitude
of youths towards parenthood, (3) Parents' Separation has an
Implications drawn from the findings of the study impact on youths especially in terms of parenthood and
The findings clearly shows that parents' separation mindset in having their own family however, it depends on the
correlates to the level of attitude towards parenthood however, adolescents' criteria and severity of experiences about being a
does not significantly affect it as a whole. The relationship product of a broken family and where they rely on making up
between variables was found as weak therefore, many other decisions towards parenthood, (4) Future researchers can use
things and factors should be still considered and studied as the findings of this study in order to be guided accordingly
well in order to identify what is really the reason that affects and to have a wider knowledge in conducting and developing
the student motives towards parenthood neither to have nor to a new related study.
not have a children. This gathered results of data will be
applied with the help of Local Government Unit officials and For the limitation of the study, first is the population
legitimate volunteers via spreading awareness and giving sample. The researchers suggest considering a larger amount
them inspirations and motivations with use of relevant tools of students to be involved to make the results more reliable.
and experiences that facilitates individual student The researchers also suggest using a recently approved
development in the domains of emotional, behavioral, social, questionnaire to fit the setting of the title of the study, the new
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
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