Department of EEE EEE 322, Power System I Lab Experiment 9

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

Stamford University Bangladesh EEE / Level III, Term II

Department of EEE
EEE 322, Power System I
Lab Experiment 9
Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

A fictitious power system (called BASE CASE from now on) has the following initial
characteristics (any other characteristics/options must be left by default in PowerWorld
Simulator (PWS)):

System base power: 200 MVA


Bus Nominal voltage

number Bus name Bus type (kV)
1 One Slack 138
2 Two 138
3 Three 138
4 Four 138
5 Five 138
6 Six 138
7 Seven 138
8 Eight 138
9 Nine 138


Bus Generator Rotor Max. Min. Min. Max. Initial Available

ID shape real real reactive reactive MW and for AVR
power power power power Mvar
(MW) (MW) (Mvar) (Mvar) outputs
1 1 Dog 3000 0 -2000 2000 0 Yes
2 1 Hydro 2000 0 -8000 8000 0 Yes
4 1 Nuclear 500 0 -1000 1000 0 Yes
4 2 Coal 1000 0 -1500 1500 0 No
9 1 Oil 1000 0 -3000 3000 0 Yes

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

Loads (k = 1, 2, 3…)

Real power Reactive power

Bus Load ID (MW) (Mvar)
3 1 200±10k 100±10k
4 1 100±10k -100±10k
5 1 100±10k -50±10k
6 1 150±10k 150±10k
8 1 70±10k 30±10k
9 1 300±10k 170±10k
Transmission lines

Line Length R X B G Limit A Limit B

(Ohms/mile (Ohms/mil (Mhos/mil (Mhos/mile
(Miles) ) e) e) ) (Amps) (Amps)
1-2 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
2-3 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
3-4 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
2-5 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
3-6 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
5-7 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
6-8 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
7-9 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000
8-9 9 0.30 0.95 0 0 5000 4000

Answer/perform the following questions/tasks using PWS when necessary and

following the directives strictly:

1. Create a new case (.pwb) with its associated oneline diagram (.pwd) located in
Dhaka Bangladesh representing the BASE CASE.
2. Fill in the Bus type column included in the buses data table and give it as an
answer to this question. Give also the place where such types can be found in
3. Fill in four columns in the transmission lines data table with the values of R and X
in pu and the values of A and B limits in MVA, and give those columns as an
answer to this question.
4. Obtain the IEEE Common Format file associated to your case (
Open it as a .txt file, copy the data in Microsoft Word and highlight the column
corresponding to the bus type. Check that the column matches with your answer
to question 2 and explain how you check it. Save the Word file with the highlighted
column as BASE_CASE.doc (or .docx). Enclose and BASE_CASE.doc
(or .docx) when handing in the project.
5. Include in the BASE CASE oneline diagram your name and last name within a red

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

6. Include in the oneline diagram for the BASE CASE the following fields:


Bus voltage (pu).

Bus angle (degrees).

Bus name.


MW output.

Mvar output.

AVR status.

AGC status.





MW flow (in both ends).

7. Send the Y-bus admittance matrix to Excel and save the Excel file with the name
BASE_CASE. All other pieces of data you are asked to send to Excel from now on
must be added to the same Excel file, but in different sheets. Such an Excel file
must be enclosed when handing in the project.
8. Insert the logo of the Stamford University into the BASE CASE oneline diagram.
9. Configure the BASE CASE oneline diagram to view out-of-service elements in
dashed lines.
10. Configure the BASE CASE oneline diagram not to use negative signs for reactive
power flows in transmission lines in any case.
11. Configure the BASE CASE oneline diagram to show the ID field inside generators.

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

12. Configure the BASE CASE oneline diagram to show circuit breakers in blue when
they are closed, in orange when they are open.
13. Configure the BASE CASE oneline diagram to show both real and reactive power
flows when animating the solution.
14. Include a total power gauge in the BASE CASE oneline diagram in line 1-2.
15. Configure the gauge and pie charts in the BASE CASE oneline diagram to become
orange for percentages between 85% and 100%.
16. Send the BASE CASE mismatch records for all buses to the previously created Excel
17. At this moment, you should have only one defined Area in your case. Choose
Participation factor AGC for such an area. Leave any other characteristics/options
by default. Make sure that the values of the MW and Mvar initial outputs of all
generators continue to be 0 (set them to 0 otherwise) and that all generators are
in AGC mode. Save your case as BASE_CASE.pwb, and your oneline diagram as
BASE_CASE.pwd. Enclose these two files when handing in the project.
18. Perform one single solution (before performing the solution, make sure that the
value of the MW and Mvar initial outputs of all generators continues to be 0 after
entering run mode, and that all generators are in AGC mode). The system in the
current situation will be called BASE CASE2.

Answer to the question no# 02

When real and reactive power are specified in a bus it is called the PQ bus, also called load bus.
Similarly, when real power and voltage level are specified in a bus it is called the PV bus, also
called generator bus. Slack bus is used to balance active and reactive power in the system, it is
also known as reference bus or swing bus. So from above mentioned definition, table I has
been filled.

Fig.01. Bus details

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

Bus Number Bus Name Bus Type
1 One Slack
2 Two PV
3 Three PQ
4 Four PV
5 Five PQ
6 Six PQ
7 Seven PQ
8 Eight PQ
9 Nine PV

Above table can easily be checked from the information Power World is as follows: “Case
Information > Solution Detail > Mismatches”

Answer to the question no# 03

Values of R and X in pu and values of A and B limits in MVA has been calculated in table II.

Line R (pu) X (pu) Limit A Limit B
1-2 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
2-3 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
3-4 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
2-5 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
3-6 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
5-7 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
6-8 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
7-9 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092
8-9 0.028355 0.089792 1195.115 956.092

Answer to the question no# 04

Bus type has been highlighted in the BASE_CASE.docx and was saved for
submitting. Result has been checked and found similar as in question 2.

Answer to the question no# 05

First of all a rectangle has been drawn and filled with red color by following the simples steps:
“Draw > Background > Background rectangle > Right click on rectangle > select format
background rectangle > Use background fill” and then my name has been included by following
this steps “Draw > Background > Text”
Answer to the question no# 06
Buses, generator, load and line fields have been included on oneline diagram. Fields of buses
has been putted by “Draw > Fields > Bus field > need to click near required bus”

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

Answer to the question no# 07

An excel sheet has been created with naming BASE_CASE to store data of Y-bus admittance
matrix by “Case Information > Solution Detail > YBus > Copy, paste and spreadsheet option >
Send All to Excel”.

Answer to the question no# 08

After downloading the Stamford University logo, it is inserted into the BASE_CASE oneline
diagram by this steps “Draw > Background > Picture”.

Answer to the question no# 09

BASE_CASE oneline diagram is updated to view out-of-service elements in dashed lines by
simply following steps: ‘Oneline Display Options>Display Options> need to checked ‘use dashed
lines’ in the ‘Visualizing out of service elements’.

Answer to the question no# 10

BASE CASE oneline diagram is updated not to use negative signs for reactive power flows in
transmission lines in any case by: Oneline Display Options>Display Options>Checked the Use
Absolute Values for MVar Line Flows’.
Answer to the question no# 11
BASE CASE oneline diagram has been configured to see the ID field inside generators by:
Oneline Display Options>Display Object Options>General Options>Select the ID in the section
‘Show Field Inside Generator’.

Answer to the question no# 12

The BASE CASE oneline diagram has been configured to show circuit breakers in blue when
they are closed by these steps: ‘Oneline Display Options>Display Object Options>Circuit

Answer to the question no# 13

BASE CASE oneline diagram is updated to display both real and reactive power flows when
animating the solution by following the steps: ‘Oneline Display Options>Animated Flows> Select
the ‘Actual MW & MVar Power Flow’ in the options of Base Flow Scaling on.

Answer to the question no# 14

A total power gauge is included in oneline diagram in line 1-2 is included by “Double click on
pie/gauge in Line 1-2 > Select total power (MVA) from style”.

Answer to the question no# 15

The gauge and pie charts in the BASE CASE oneline diagram is updated to become orange for
percentages between 85% and 100% by: ‘Oneline Display Options>Pie Charts/Gauges>Lines>
set the required valued in ‘Warning/Limit Scalars and Colors’.

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Exp 9: Power System Analysis by Power World Simulator (PWS) Software

Answer to the question no# 16

BASE CASE mismatch records for all buses are sent to same BASE_CASE.xlsx by: “Case
Information > Solution Detail > Mismatches > Copy, paste and spreadsheet option > Send All
to Excel”.

Answer to the question no# 17

Participation factors AGC for all generators are selected in AGC mode. The case is saved as
BASE_CASE.pwb by making sure that all generator MW and Mvar values are set to 0.
Screenshot of making participation factor for all generators are same as shown in figure 02.

Fig. 02. Windows for areas

Answer to the question no# 18
One single solution is performed by considering the Full Newton method. Real and reactive
powers of all generators are 0 and all are in AGC mode. Now the system is renamed as

Page 7
Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Stamford University Bangladesh EEE / Level III, Term II

Department of EEE
EEE 322, Power System I
Lab Experiment 10
Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

The system to be use in testing transformer models is shown in Figure 1:

1 2 3 4
2000 ft. 2500 ft.


[I12] [I34]

Figure 1 – IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder

Both the primary line (Node1-Node 2) and the secondary line (Node 3-node4) will
be constructed using the pole configuration shown in Figure 2.

2.5' 4.5'
a b c




Figure 2 – Pole Configuration

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Phase Conductor: 336,400 26/7

GMR = 0.0244 ft., Resistance = 0.306 Ω/mile, Diameter = 0.721 inch

Neutral Conductor: 4/0 6/1 ACSR

GMR = 0.00814 ft., Resistance = 0.592 Ω/mile, Diameter = 0.563 inch

The source is a 12.47 kV line-to-line infinite bus.

Three-Phase Transformer Data:

Connection kVA kVLL- low R- X-
high % %
Step-Down 6,000 12.47 4.16 1.0 6.0

Step-Up 6,000 12.47 24.9 1.0 6.0

Open Wye – Open Delta:

(Two Single Phase Transformers Each Rated)

Connection kVA kV-high kV-low R - X -

% %
Step-Down 2000 7.2 4.16 1.0 6.0

Step-Up 2000 7.2 24.9 1.0 6.0

Closed Connections Load Data:

Balanced Unbalanced

kW 1800 1275
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.85 lag

kW 1800 1800
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.9 lag

kW 1800 2375
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.95 lag

Page 9
Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Open Connection Load Data:

Balanced Unbalanced

kW 1200 850
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.85 lag

kW 1200 1200
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.9 lag

kW 1200 1583.33
Power Factor 0.9 lag 0.95 lag

Loads are connected in grounded wye for four wire line configurations and connected in
closed delta for three wire line configurations.

Line Impedances
4-wire configuration:

Phase impedance matrix:

 0.4576 + 1.078j 0.1559 + 0.5017 j 0.1535 + 0.3849j

zy = 0.1559 + 0.5017j 0.4666 + 1.0482 j 0.158 + 0.4236j 
0.1535 + 0.3849j 0.158 + 0.4236 j 0.4615 + 1.065j 

Sequence impedances:

zypos = 0.3061 + 0.627j Ω/mile

zyzero = 0.7735 + 1.9373j Ω/mile

Three wire configuration:

Phase impedance matrix:

 0.4013 + 1.4133 j 0.0953 + 0.8515 j 0.0953 + 0.7266 j 

zd = 0.0953 + 0.8515 j 0.4013 + 1.4133 j 0.0953 + 0.7802 
0.0953 + 0.7266 j 0.0953 + 0.7802 j 0.4013 + 1.4133 j 

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Sequence impedances:

zdpos = 0.306 + 0.6272j Ω/mile

zdzero = 0.5919 + 2.9855j Ω/mile

Standard Wye-Delta and Delta – Wye Connections



a b c a b c

Wye-Delta Step Down Wye – Delta Step Up


n a b c a b c n

Delta – Wye Step Down Delta - Wye Step Up


a b c a b c

Open Wye-Delta Step Down Open Wye-Delta Step Up

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink


Step-Down with Balanced Loading

Standard 30 degree connections are assumed for wye-delta and delta-wye banks

V1 = Vag for wye connections and Vab for delta connections

V2 = Vbg for wye connections and Vbc for delta connections
V3 = Vcg for wye connections and Vca for delta connections

Open Gr.Y-
Connection Gr Y - Gr Y Gr Y -D Y-D D - Gr Y D-D D
V1 7107/-0.3 7113/-0.3 7112/-.03 12340/29.7 12339/29.7 6984/0.4
V2 7140/-120.3 7132/-120.3 7133/-120.4 12349/-90.4 12349/-90.4 7167/-121.7
V3 7121/119.6 7123/119.6 7124/119.6 12318/149.6 12321/149.6 7293/120.5
V1 2247.6/-3.7 3906/-3.5 3906/-3.4 2249/-33.7 3911/26.5 3701/-0.9
V2 2269/-123.5 3915/-123.6 3915/-123.6 2263/-153.4 3914/-93.6 4076/-126.5
V3 2256/116.4 3909/116.3 3909/116.3 2259/86.4 3905/146.4 3572/110.9
V1 1918/-9.1 3437/-7.8 3437/-7.8 1920/-39.1 3442/22.3 3384/-3.5
V2 2061/-128.3 3497/-129.3 3497/-129.3 2054/-158.3 3497/-99.4 3804.9/-130.2
V3 1981/110.9 3388/110.6 3388/110.6 1986/80.9 3384/140.7 3246/106.5
Current 1-2
Ia 347.9/-34.9 334.8/-34.5 335.8/-34.7 335.0/-35.7 335.8/-34.7 380.9/-65.2
Ib 323.7/-154.2 335.4/-154.9 335.9/154.6 331.8/-154.0 335.8/154.6 387.4/-125.2
Ic 336.8/85.0 337.4/85.4 335.9/85.3 341.6/85.6 336.0/85.4 0
Current 3-4
Ia 1042.8/-34.9 1006.6/-64.7 1006.6/64.7 1041.9/-64.9 1006.7/34.7 659.3/-65.2
Ib 970.2/-154.2 1006.7/175.4 1006.7/175.4 973.7/175.9 1006.7/154. 665.7/175.6
Ic 1009.6/85.0 1007.2/55.3 1007.2/55.3 1007.0/55.0 1007.2/85.4 670.5/54.8
Node 2
Van 7116/-.03
Vbn 7131/-120.3
Vcn 7121/119.6
Vng 3.6/169.5

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Step-Down with Unbalanced Loading

Standard 30 degree connections are assumed for wye-delta and delta-wye banks

V1 = Vag for wye connections and Vab for delta connections

V2 = Vbg for wye connections and Vbc for delta connections
V3 = Vcg for wye connections and Vca for delta connections

Connectio Open Gr.Y-

n Gr Y - Gr Y Gr Y -D Y-D D - Gr Y D-D D
V1 7164/-0.1 7113/-0.2 7112/-0.2 12350/29.6 12341/29.8 6952/0.7
V2 7110/-120.2 7144/-120.4 7144/-120.4 12314/-90.4 12370/-90.5 7172/-122.0
V3 7082/119.3 7111/119.5 7112/119.5 12333/149.8 12302/149.5 7313/120.5
V1 2305/-2.3 3896/-2.8 3896/-2.8 2290/-32.4 3902/27.2 3632/0.1
V2 2255/-123.6 3972/-123.8 3972/-123.8 2261/-153.8 3972/-93.9 4121/-127.6
V3 2203/114.8 3875/115.7 3874/115.7 2214/85.2 3871/145.7 3450/108.9
V1 2175/-4.1 3425/-5.8 3425/-5.8 2157/-34.2 3431/24.3 3307/-1.5
V2 1930/-126.8 3646/-130.3 3646/-130.3 1936/-157.0 3647/-100.4 3907/-131.9
V3 1833/102.8 3298/108.6 3298/108.6 1849/73.4 3294/138.6 3073/103.1
Current 1-2
Ia 230.1/-35.9 308.5/-41.5 309.8/-41.7 285.7/-27.6 361.7/-41.0 424.8/-73.8
Ib 345.7/-152.6 314.6/-145.5 315.5/-145.2 402.7/-149.6 283.5/-153.0 440.3/-118.5
Ic 455.1/84.7 389.0/85.9 387.2/85.9 349.1/74.4 366.5/93.2 0
Current 3-4
Ia 689.7/-35.9 10083.8/71.0 1083.8/-71.0 695.5/-66.0 1084/-41.0 735.2/-73.8
Ib 1036/-152.6 849.9/177.0 849.9/177.0 1033/177.1 849.7/-153.0 569.9/176.3
Ic 1364/84.7 1098.7/63.1 1098.7/63.1 1352/55.2 1099/93.2 762.0/61.5
Node 2
Van 7116/-0.3
Vbn 7142/-120.4
Vcn 7109/119.6
Vng 4.27/171.6

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Step-Up with Balanced Loading

Standard 30 degree connections are assumed for wye-delta and delta-wye banks

V1 = Vag for wye connections and Vab for delta connections

V2 = Vbg for wye connections and Vbc for delta connections
V3 = Vcg for wye connections and Vca for delta connections

Connectio Open Gr.Y-

n Gr Y - Gr Y Gr Y -D Y-D D - Gr Y D-D D
V1 7126/-0.3 7128/-0.3 7127/-0.3 12361/29.7 12361/29.7 7001/-0.3
V2 7145/-120.4 7145/-120.3 7145/-120.4 12372/-90.4 12372/-90.4 7183/-121.5
V3 7137/119.6 7137/119.6 7138/119.6 12348/149.6 12348/149.6 7281/120.5
V1 13675/-3.3 23746/56.7 23746/56.7 13697/26.7 23723/26.7 24603/54.1
V2 13715/-123.4 23722/-63.4 23722/-63.4 13710/-93.4 23746/-93.4 21938/-68.6
V3 13698/116.6 23698/176.7 23698/176.7 13681/146.6 23698/146.6 22433/178.7
V1 13631/-3.5 23680/56.6 23681/56.6 13653/26.6 23657/26.6 24558/54.0
V2 13682/-123.5 23663/-63.6 23664/-63.6 13678/-93.5 23688/-93.5 21900/-68.7
V3 13661/116.5 23625/176.5 23625/176.5 13644/146.5 23625/146.5 22380/178.6
Current 1-2
Ia 293.0/-29.3 291.6/-29.1 292.4/-29.34 292.4/-29.3 292.4/-29.3 346.7/-61.3
Ib 291.9/-149.3 291.9/-149.6 292.4/-149.3 292.4/-149.3 292.4/-149.3 349.8/-121.4
Ic 292.3/90.6 293.7/90.7 292.4/90.7 292.4/90.7 292.4/90.7 0
Current 3-4
Ia 146.7/-29.3 146.4/0.7 146.7/0-.7 146.5/0.7 146.4/-29.3 100.9/-0.9
Ib 146.2/-149.3 146.4/-119.3 146.4/-119.3 146.2/-119.4 146.4/-149.3 101.2/-121.4
Ic 146.4/90.6 146.4/120.7 146.4/120.7 146.6/120.6 146.4/90.7 100.2/118.7
Node 2
Van 7130/-0.3
Vbn 7144/-120.3
Vcn 7136/119.6
Vng 3.10/174.9

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Exp 10: Analysis of IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder by Matlab Simulink

Step-Up with Unbalanced Loading

Standard 30 degree connections are assumed for wye-delta and delta-wye banks

V1 = Vag for wye connections and Vab for delta connections

V2 = Vbg for wye connections and Vbc for delta connections
V3 = Vcg for wye connections and Vca for delta connections

Connectio Open Gr.Y-

n Gr Y - Gr Y Gr Y -D Y-D D - Gr Y D-D D
V1 7161/-0.1 7121/-0.4 7120/-0.4 12364/29.8 12362/29.8 7001/0.01
V2 7120/-120.3 7147/-120.3 7147/-120.3 12391/-90.5 12392/-90.4 7207/-121.3
V3 7128/119.3 7150/119.5 7150/119.6 12333/149.6 12334/149.5 7264/120.5
V1 13839/-2.1 23703/57.2 23703/57.2 13792/27.7 23675/27.2 24762/55.0
V2 13663/-123.3 24040/-63.6 24040/-63.6 13733/-93.5 24060\-93.6 22756/-68.8
V3 13655/115.1 23576/176.1 23576/176.1 13641/145.4 23573/146.0 22455/177.6
V1 13815/-2.2 23637/57.1 23637/57.1 13768/27.7 23610/27.2 24716/54.9
V2 13614/-123.4 23995/-63.8 23995/-63.8 13684/-93.6 24015/-93.7 22728/-68.9
V3 13615/114.9 23496/175.9 23495/175.9 13600/145.2 23492/145.9 22398/177.5
Current 1-2
Ia 216.8/-34.0 332.6/-28.1 333.5/-28.2 309.3/-35.2 312.3/-34.8 368.9/-52.6
Ib 293.3/-149.2 269.5/-155.6 269.6/-155.4 249.5/-146.5 248.1/-147.2 295.5/-119.5
Ic 366.7/96.7 275.5/100.3 274.3/100.2 319.3/98.1 316.5/98.7 0
Current 3-4
Ia 108.6/-34.0 156.4/-4.8 156.4/-4.8 109.0/-4.1 156.4/-34.8 107.3/-5.6
Ib 147.0/-149.2 124.2/-117.2 124.2/117.2 146.2/-119.4 124.2/-147.2 85.4/-119.5
Ic 183.6/96.7 158.4/128.7 158.4/128.7 183.8/127.0 158.5/98.7 106.7/127.4
Node 2
Van 7123/-0.3
Vbn 7146/-120.2
Vcn 7149/119.5
Vng 2.79/-173.9

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