M/S Kalachand Construction Job Hazard Analysis: JHA No.
M/S Kalachand Construction Job Hazard Analysis: JHA No.
M/S Kalachand Construction Job Hazard Analysis: JHA No.
Job Description
2. Work at Height( ascending Safety: 1.For better friction the steps are made Safety Supervisor
by staircase) 1. Slippery Surface on uneven by markings.
the steps of staircase. 2. Hand rails are provided on each side of
2. Open edges of the steps of staircase.
staircase. 3. The platform top to be barricaded with
3. Slippery Surface on temporary guard rails.
platform. 4. Below the platform underneath space to
4. Fall of materials from be vacated and barricaded.
platform or while 5. NOC required from the concerned
ascending. department to carryout the work.
5. Fragile platform 6. NOC required from the concerned
surface. department to carryout the work.
6. Overhead utilities. 7. Chain Pulley Checklist and calibration
Environment: certificate.
NA 8. Supervision to be in agile nature to
Quality: diminish effect.
1. Use of faulty chain 9. Small intervals to be provided while
pulley. working continuously.
Ergonomic: 10. Stop the work immediately, and take
1. Faulty posture during shelter in a designated safe place.
work. 11. Stop the work instantly.
2.Long working hours. 12. During high temp and loo time the work
Seasonal: should be stopped.
1. Thunderstorm 13. Periodic medical check up.
2. Heavy rainfall 14. Vertigo test on timely basis.
Occupational Health
2. Acrophobia
4. Dumping of debris Safety: 1. Tool checklist before start of job. Safety Supervisor
1.Faulty Trolley 2.Dust mask to be worn.
2. Dust 3. Proper PPEs to be worn while working.
3. Flying Splinters 4. Proper supervision during work.
Environment: 5. Wastes to be disposed in designated
4. Environmental waste bins, that to be managed by TSL.
Hazard 6. Break to be provided within work.
Quality: 7. Raincoat/ umbrella to be provided, if
NA heavy downpour continues stop the work.
Ergonomic: Shelter to be used.
1.Wrong body posture 8. Drinking water facility on work site.
during work. 9. Periodic medical check up.
2.Long working hour.
1. Thunderstorm
2. Continuous Rainfall
Occupational Health