Cumulative Test 1-5 B
Cumulative Test 1-5 B
Cumulative Test 1-5 B
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word provided.
1 They earned no more money than they did last summer.
They earned __________________________________ they did last summer.
2 Was there a butcher’s shop in the village many years ago?
__________________________________ a butcher’s shop in the village many years ago?
3 They won’t allow you to wear ordinary shoes in the sports hall.
You __________________________________ ordinary shoes in the sports hall.
4 Tom and I don’t meet up very often these days.
Rarely __________________________________ these days.
5 As soon as the match finished, Tom raced home.
__________________________________ Tom raced home.
Mark: ___ / 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.
1 I saw the car __________________ into the tree. It was awful, but fortunately no-one was hurt.
2 __________________ abroad can be both fascinating and educational. It’s a great way to learn a new language!
3 I forgot __________________ the door when I left home this morning. I hope the dog hasn’t got out.
4 The school should ban students __________________ jeans in school.
5 If the waiter comes over, please __________________ the bill for me.
Mark: ___ / 5
Mark: ___ / 10
4 Choose the correct answers.
1 Which word is positive?
a stingy b stubborn c spontaneous d gullible
2 Which word is gradable?
a thrilled b nervous c delighted d furious
3 Which sound do you make with your nose?
a sneeze b cough c hiccup d sigh
4 Which of the following might you do when you are happy?
a grimace b grin c frown d scowl
5 Which of the following is British English?
a a pavement b a cell phone c a cookie d sneakers
6 Which verb is used when you say something positive about someone?
a nag b offend c flatter d warn
Mark: ___ / 6
Mark: ___ / 6
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb. Use the verbs below and an
appropriate particle. If necessary, add an appropriate pronoun.
1 This morning, I __________________ Anna in the supermarket. I was surprised to see her there.
2 At the weekend, I just __________________ with my friends at the café near the centre. It’s cool.
3 On holiday, I like to __________________ from it all and recharge my batteries.
4 Tim and Karen have __________________ . They’re no longer in love with each other.
5 Jack didn’t __________________ at the party until almost midnight. I don’t know why he arrived so late.
6 I have always __________________ to my older brother. I admire him and try to be like him.
7 On the way back, we __________________ a small souvenir shop quite by chance. We decided to stop and go in.
8 Jen promised to help us, but __________________ at the last minute. We were very disappointed.
Mark: ___ / 8
Internet dating
After meeting someone on the internet, I decided to meet up with her. Before I did, I showed a
photo of the girl to my friend Veronica, and asked what she thought.
‘Could I have a 1___________ with you about something, Veronica?’ I asked. ‘I’d like to ask if
you think I should meet up with this girl.’
‘Hmm, let me 2___________ ,’ she said, looking at the photo. ‘Judging by her expression, I’d
___________ that she seems quite friendly. Of course, you can’t really judge by
‘So, in 4___________ words, you don’t know whether I should meet her or not,’ I said.
‘No, I didn’t say that,’ she said. ‘Of course, you should meet her. She looks 5___________ a
nice person. There’s nothing to lose from having a coffee together.’
‘That’s what I thought,’ I said. ‘If you don’t take a chance, nothing good will ever happen, will
it? I think I’ll give her a call tomorrow.’
Mark: ___ / 5
8 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 I was tired because (cały ranek sprzątałem swoją sypialnię) __________________________________ .
2 During those long summers by the sea, (co dzień chodziliśmy pływać) __________________________________ .
3 I feel bad because (powinniśmy byli zaprosić na przyjęcie Claire) __________________________________ .
4 This time tomorrow, (będę siedziała w pociągu) __________________________________ .
5 In the factory, the manager (ostrzegł nas, abyśmy niczego nie dotykali) __________________________________ .
Mark: ___ / 10
Mark: ___ / 5
Body language
A Some people are good at interpreting body language, while others find the whole thing a
mystery. Improving your ability to recognise how others really feel is a useful skill, and one
you can quite quickly improve if you learn what signs to watch out for. Take facial expressions.
One thing you should remember about facial expressions is that they are rarely to be trusted.
That’s because we are all aware that other people try to read our true feelings and as a result,
we are all pretty expert at hiding them. From childhood, we all learn how to fake a smile, for
instance. To become expert at interpreting a smile, we should observe the eyes, not the
mouth. If someone is really smiling, their eyes brighten, they raise their eyebrows and even tilt
their head. If only the mouth is smiling then it is a sure sign that the person you are looking at
is only pretending.
B As faces are dishonest, experts at reading body language look elsewhere for the best
clues to how a person truly feels. The torso, comprised of our shoulders, chest and stomach,
is a good indicator of how we feel. It is where we have our vital organs, so evolution has
taught us to cover them up, especially when we feel threatened. Crossed arms often means
‘leave me alone’. The way we move our hands can also be revealing. Even though we are all
taught how to restrain our hand movements – we learn not to point to avoid being rude, for
example – it is not as easy to fake as the look on our face. As a general rule, the higher our
hands, the more positive we feel, which is why fans at a concert feel an irresistible need to lift
their hands. Think about it. If we hear good news, we leap up, bad news and our shoulders
C Surprisingly, there is another part of the body more incapable of fibbing than any other.
Over millions of years, our hands, arms and faces have learned how to pretend as well as
how to communicate, but in contrast, evolution has taught our legs to do one thing, and one
thing only, and that’s get ready to run at the first sign of danger. Subconsciously, we position
our feet in the direction we want to go. Next time you are chatting to a boy or girl you really
like, glance down at your feet, and notice how they will be pointing right at your partner. If
theirs are pointing at yours, that’s good news, but if one of their feet is pointing away, or if they
keep moving a foot in an outward direction, then I’m afraid they probably don’t like you as
much as you might have thought.
Mark: ___ / 5
11 Read the task below. Write an opinion essay (200–250 words).
Many people say that travel broadens the mind. Write an essay in which you give your own opinion of this view, providing
examples and arguments to support your view.
Mark: ___ / 10
Total: ___ / 75