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Indemnity Letter Cum Deposit Slip


(Please handover to the proper branch personnel only)

Deposited in Branch
A/c held in Branch Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y

Name Of A/c Holder A/c No.:

Mobile No. (Preferably Of India) Tel No.
I/We enclose the Foreign Currency Cheque/Draft (“Instrument”) as listed below. I/We authorize ICICI Bank Limited to accept and
process the below mentioned Instrument(s) for clearing/collection and credit the proceeds into my/our account number as
mentioned above.
Name of Remitter A/c No of Remitter Cheque/Draft/ Drawn on Currency &
(Contact details if available) (if available) Instrument No. Bank/Branch Amount

(For Instruments in different currencies, please use separate Deposit Slips) Total

Total Currency & Amount in Words:

I/We certify that the above Instrument(s) has been received by me/us towards
Purpose of Remittance (Please refer overleaf for purpose of remittance)

Signature Of Depositor

To be filled in by the Branch:

Transaction ID Verified By
(Sign & Stamp of Branch Official)
Employee ID of the branch official SOL ID of the branch

Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
Name Of A/c Holder A/c No.:
I/We enclose the Foreign Currency Cheque/Draft (“Instrument”) as listed below. I/We authorize ICICI Bank Limited to accept and
process the below mentioned Instrument(s) for clearing/collection and credit the proceeds into my/our account number as
mentioned above
Cheque/Draft/Instrument No. Drawn on Bank/Branch Currency & Amount

Signature Of Depositor

Received by: (Sign & Stamp of Branch Official)

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I/we have been informed and further accept and agree that ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI Bank) shall be arranging for collection/
clearance of the proceeds of the instrument(s) (“Instrument”) attached herewith. This may be through the services of
correspondent banks/collection agents outside India by cash letter/ collection/any other arrangement and such
collection/clearance shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of such arrangement.

I/We certify that the information provided by me/ us in the deposit slip is true and correct and that the funds are not being
received by me/us for any purpose which is in contravention of any foreign exchange or other applicable laws in India or the
remitting country.

I / We agree and accept that the realization of the proceeds under the Instrument in addition to the terms and conditions provided
on the website (, will be subject to the following terms and conditions and consent to the same.

1. ICICI Bank is authorized to arrange a correspondent bank/ agent for realizing the proceeds and all other acts incidental to the
clearing cycle of the Instrument.

2. ICICI Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to loss or miscarriage of the Instrument while in transit or in the hands
of the correspondent/ collection agent or any other third party including drawee bank or for any delay in collection,
transmission of any remittance not in the control of ICICI Bank, howsoever caused.

3. If the Instruments for collection is/are returned unpaid at any time for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to
“insufficient funds”, “account closed”, “fraudulent cheque” etc., I/we authorize ICICI Bank to debit the return and other
applicable charges from my/our account (“Account”) number as mentioned above. If the proceeds of an Instrument are
credited to my/our account provisionally prior to final realization of the Instrument and in the event the Instrument is returned
unpaid, I/We authorize ICICI Bank to mark a lien to my/our Account to facilitate recovery of the amount so credited to my/our
Account. In such an event, I/We further authorize ICICI Bank to recover the amount credited to my/our Account together with
other applicable service charges, at the appropriate exchange rate along with applicable interest rates as may be decided by
ICICI Bank . I/We undertake to refund the amount in my/our Account immediately on demand by ICICI Bank, if the amount or
any portion is already drawn or the balance in the Account is not sufficient to meet the demand to facilitate such a reversal.

4. The time taken for Instruments sent for collection/clearance of proceeds is mentioned in Annexure I. There could be further
delays on behalf of the correspondent banks, or the drawee bank in the country of issuance. Although ICICI Bank shall make
reasonable efforts to adhere to the timelines prescribed, I/We undertake not to hold ICICI Bank liable for any such delays
beyond the reasonable control of ICICI Bank towards realization of the Instruments.

5. I/We have agree and accept that a correspondent bank, or drawee bank in the country of issuance may apply additional
applicable charges, and I/we hereby consent ICICI Bank to recover the same out of the proceeds of the Instrument deposited in
my/our Account.

Authorised Signatory Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y

Name: Place:
Purpose of Remittances:

Family maintenance - P1301 Account closure proceeds - P0014

KYC cheque for NRE/NRO account opening - P0014 Purchase of Goods, Jewellary etc. - P0103

Creation of FCNR and NRE FD - P0014 Advance against Exports - P0103

Deposits - NRE / NRO / FCNR - P0014 Final Export Proceeds - P0102

Personal Gifts - P1302 Dividend - P1412

Gifts/Donations (charitable institutions) - P1303 Credit card refund - P1502

Gifts/Donations (Temple Trusts) - P1303 Purchase / Sale of Permissible Real Estate - P0008

Grants/donations (govt./govt sponsored charitable - P1304 Foreign Direct Investment (equity shares) - P0006

Services in computer/information technology Foreign Direct Investment (debt instruments) - P0007

(Software) - P0802

Services in computer/information technology Loan - Long & medium term ( for current a/c ) - P0012
(Database/Data processing) - P0803

Services in computer/information technology Loan - Short term loans ( for current a/c ) - P0013
(Repair and Maintenance) - P0804

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Salaries for projects abroad - P1401 Loan extended by NRI to resident ( for saving a/c) - P0099

SuperAnnuation Fund / Provident Fund / Bonus - P1401 Fees - P1099

Pension Received - P1401 Referral Fees - P1099

Tax Refund - P1306 Travel Claims / Receipts - P0306

Refund of Security deposit - P1502 Insurance Claims - P0608

Payment for financial services - P0703 Office Maintenance Charges - P1011

Consultancy Services - P1006 Rent - P1099

Professional services - P1099 Medical Treatment - P1108

Legal service charges - P1004 Towards Annual Subscription of Magazines - P0806

Manpower recruitment services - P1099 Interest on loans to NRIs - P1403

Online Advertising Payments - P1007 Loan repayment - P0011

Advertisement services/ fees - P1007 Premium of life policies - P0601

Marketing services/ fees - P1099 Premium of General Insurance Policies

Online tutoring / Marketing - P1099 Death Claims - P0608

Royalty Payment - P0902 Sale of ESOPs - P0021

Refund of School fees/Excess amount - P1502 Services - News agency - P0805

Repartiation of IPI - Shares - P0001 Services - Publishing and printing - P1017

OTHER (Please specify)

(Foreign currency cheques will be processed only for purposes permitted by Reserve Bank of India)

Annexure I: The time taken for Instruments sent for collection/clearance of proceeds. (The below are indicative and may differ
depending on the currency/drawee bank)

Name of Turn around Time from Turn around Time

Arrangement date of lodgement from date of deposit Currencies offered
in branch

Cash Letter Up to 350 currency units: Approx. 14 to 18 USD, GBP, CAD, EUR, SGD and AUD
Arrangement* 8 calender days^ calender days. (provided cheques drawn & payable in
home country of the concerned currency)

Amount greater than 350 currency units Approx. 21 to 25

or equal to 10,000 currency units: calender days.
15 Calender Days^

Provisional credit can be given at the Approx. 10 to 12

discretion of the branches subject to calender days.
fulfillment of parameters set in
E - Circular 8349.

Final Credit Service USD cheques Drawn on New York, Approx. 12 to 16 USD and GBP
(FCS) Philadelphia and Pennsylvania: international (provided cheques drawn & payable in
The confirmed credit is provided to working days. home country of the concerned currency)
ICICI Bank after 6 international working
days from the date of receipt of cheque
in the US.

For other states the credit is received Approx. 21 to 25

after 15 international working days from international
the time the cheque is received by the working days.
correspondent bank in USA.

GBP cheques Approx. 21 to 25

Credit is received after 15 international international
working days from the time that the working days.

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cheque is received by the correspondent
working days.

Pure Collection No fixed TAT is available as services are Approx. 41 to 50 ALL currencies.
Service dependent on the paying bank. international AED, AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP,
Generally it takes 35- 40 days from working days. HKD, JPY, NOK, NZD, QAR, SEK, SGD,
the date of lodgement. USD, ZAR.

Instant Credit# Instant. This facility is only for individual Instant USD, GBP, EURO, AUD, SGD, CAD
customers. Instrument value not to
exceed USD 300 or equivalent.

Cheque Purchase# Instant Instant USD, GBP, EURO, AUD, SGD, CAD

*The credit received from correspondent bank is provisional and subject to return at a later date.
This mode is not available for current accounts, loan/overdraft accounts and accounts in “Dormant” or “Inactive” status and
accounts in which earlier “instant credit” is outstanding for collection or returned unpaid. Additional Charges/Interest as applicable
would be deducted from the realisation proceeds.

^Where the day on which processing of the instrument is due falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a banking holiday in India or the
country in which the Nostro is held where the funds have been received, the credit will be given to the customer on the next
working day on which processing takes place.”

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