Algebra Unit 1 Performance Task

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Algebra 1 Performance Task

Systems of Linear Equations

Now that we have completed our study of systems of linear equations, it’s time that we
apply our knowledge to the real world around us! Your task is to create an iMovie project
that describes how systems of linear equations can be applied in the real world.

This performance task will be done in groups of THREE. I am giving you the freedom to
choose your own groups. However, if someone cannot find a group, or if any conflict
arises in choosing the groups, I will assign people to groups.

DUE DATE: THURSDAY 12/19 at the beginning of class

(Presentations will be Thursday 12/19 and Friday 12/20)


Your task
I. Deliver an iMovie presentation to the class (2 – 5 minutes). This presentation must
a) a real-world system of equations problem that needs to be solved
b) a demonstration of how to solve the problem. You may use any (or all) of the
three methods that we learned – graphing, substitution or elimination.
c) each person in your group must appear in the iMovie at least once

Now this is your chance to be as creative and outside-the-box as you wish. (the more
creative, the better!). Very seldom do you get to show off your uniqueness and creativity
in Math class, so this is a great opportunity to do so. You may film your iMovie in the
hallway, the library, the gym, or the cafeteria. If you want to film your iMovie outside of
school, it must be on your own time.

II. Also required from each student is a short (1 to 2-paragraph) reflection essay detailing
your experience in completing this project. Please share some feedback about the project
– did you enjoy doing it or not? How well did you work with your group? Is there
anything you would have done differently? How well did you divide the work between
your three group members? You may be as descriptive and candid as you prefer in
writing this reflection.

Sample iMovie Projects:

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