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Se I= | Ba IN ; dy | a SAHARA MEDICAL COLLEGE, NAROWAL 4 year MBBS a (CELL PHYSIOLOGY) PHYSIOLOGY TEST (SEQ) q Total Time: 25 min q Total Marks: 15 Date: 17/01/2019 q 1 Qe (a) Tabulate four differences betwee! n apoptosis & necrosis? (2+3) (b) Define hemostasis? Give two examples of +ve feedback? 2. What are different types of membrane proteins & mention their functions? (5) Q3. (a) What are different types of RNA, briefly describe their functions? (342) _ (b) Enlist four different mechanisms of. molecular movement through the cell a rigidity of the dead body fad Uisappenreas-—-—— is that condition éalled? (1+1) ft eir clinical © av citability and give their clini20 NAROWAL SAIARA MEDICAT. COLLEGE, 1 year MBBS NERVE-AND MUSCLE MIVSIOLOGY TEST Date: 7102/2019 ize wtRve 3 pat cee smooth muscle fiber? What js its importance and how is Q.01: a) What is latch phenomenon inas it regulated? (1+1) b) Draw a nerve fiber action potential. Label all the phases with their respective ionic changes? (03), Q.02: A 30 year old lady complained of double vision (diplopia), severs muscle weakness & fatigue. She has drooping of: eyelids and an enlarged shadow of thymus on ultrasound. ¢) What can be the possible diagnosis of this disturbed physiology? (1) £) What is the physiological basis of this pathology? (2) 2) What positive finding do you expect in her serum examination? (1) h) What medicine can alleviate the lady’s complaints? qa) i Q.03: An unidentified dead body was found in a street. The dead body waS having rigidity. Tt was handed over to the police. After about 24 hours, rigidity of the dead body had disappeared. d) Why was the dead body having rigidity and what is that condition tailed? (141) e) Why did the rigidity disappear? qa) f* What is the forensic significance of this condition? @Q) 04: (a) Draw strength duration curve. Define the units of excitability and give their clin al ation? (1+1+1) mechanism of smooth muscl fiat Je contraction? (2)+ x: 7 Sumop avnaseavsqus Sunusrgad ssoroey ave, ¢ Pie ; gsiugyduds yons yuaaacd 07 ayy (p44 no Z ison ae Pjswoy dunks spy 104 suoseo. 244 A ee ake —_—_ sony podojpaap at] PU panUTUOD seAY UoISN|SUEAL “soynU| “qin igqnsas faaj 0} ueiiog aH “At@Bins op soud wo|snjsueh poOIq Wo, p - a if OK # ‘ > jawesquisut {j20 aup ssoude aanssaad spouiso proyjoo }49x9 sursz0.4d ~~ {Styox0.d ewisejd jo suopouny yuessod . Z i ay Zasvasip sip 10) 3[q eI {EAE suONdo JuAUNTEII) ayy IIe TUNA AAnondgnuiexe inatus 1maudgiad wo aseasip spp yo aumsayd peo} Zoperprous arp st wapAK- (qQ x A gssouserp Ky om srieqm (& — ‘Artsejnyjo-oddy Sup moys auop sem Asdoyq More auog -aseasip ayy 105
@aodsuesy anpae ay uoysnyg Ip afduys usIAyoq soruDId]FIP 9A PAIN. (@. ) eA “Madoad snQaoseyd ‘BupAcy sf]99 949 rs1]U9 osty {sisorAvoReyd Jo ms}uEyooU Wr Paafoauy days SnOLEA ay Ssnosip
i VC Re : santana SAHARA MEDICAL COLLEGE, NAROWAL 1" year MBBS HEART PHYSIOLOGY TEST (SEQ) Total Time: 45 min , Total Marks: 20 Date: 25/04/2019 & a. Draw cardiac muscle “Action potential”? Label its various phases along with fonic changes in cardiac muscle? @) b. Enumerate the properties of cardiac muscle? Q) i a. Enlist the components of myocardial conduction pathway with their conduction velocity? (3) " _b. What is AV nodal delay? Also give its significance? Q) and draw pressure volume changes taking place in left ventricle during cardiac cycle? (2) howing ils relationship with ECG and heart sounds? @ ( , department with complaints of severe central chest pain, . le was examined by an expert cardiologist and ECG was at which they are connected the body? () id intervals? . (2) = <<< > (tO ring cardiac output, ) ( 4 diac output curves? ) inati ot ay ceaache, On.exanunal ion his BP was2 oys Jo addy sup adeuew AAo0ys J0 ApoUAEA SHEP Jo ABOLOISKYdoMped ox yo doupBx9u9 ayy OF uN dn ayjuas wana yous oy UU) 218.E4}9] OS OurvD9q 94 SuFUZONE yxau nq ya) ep1IS94 DUIS UITPLTE r MOA Woy BULIAYINS PHT plo savas gy f paxanoaos ay] USI 3 @D —> jsotamppidea Jo spua snows pur [uprazAt Ye S99405 SuTpAEAS oyEINIIE -> ee dX JO aueuaruyeUt 913 UF xayo4 10,a9910.Nq Jo Joy Af fl {MON LNI.A19 Jo uoHLINSas pesounp/-e | 00 anyon j4oys antag 12) z guorsusytod.Cy uywo.4y 404 posm oq weo sourstpout yo ad&s sey, Zs z Guoysuayioddy, pps dunyfey
NStIUE 104 a djoujid yap HasAxo ap ssMasIq “G /\ éXopur serpavs ouyag esd 2. ( gsaa.in9 jndyno D |, tandme serpin I z GqbMopT Greuournd,, JO oojja oy) UO UON asap youig aat9 “> Zt gS180UBUEP 911 WAL WOD 0} Op 0} ayy] NO PNOAL SHONSTSIAuT 2400 TEMA I usurp Apart St CUAL E “PATA SPv9] aS94}9 UE LONEADIA Ly paMoys Hg AuyLvoas ssnjoad pur Spur SOT/OST mult) | MUAY 149] 01 BUY) pau pur ysay wd 949408 yy AQuaTwa wy paytasard Svat cy Jo juaned V, {ny s,pjoudoy auysa 2 MUM > a & U9, pute wrayy Jo syeaq a}doysaL wou w wurppdtaw jo od) Uy AW SOAWAL q “UYW/OZE 9}v4 IEIH SNOT a ) CaO Wy saumoy wT plo Ste 09" OF SO Taro TOI GBojoisdyg fo Juaunindag, PeDe 36 SAHARA MEDICAL COLLEGE, NAROWAL, 1" year MBBS i RESPIRATION PHYSIOLOGY-11 TEST ir e Date: 09/0! \9 & ee deasin ena a ve ’ Define Pleural effusion? Enlist its eauses and how we ean diagnose and treat pleural elfsion? | ey ee ¥ ‘What is safety factor? How it plays role in acute and chronic pulmonary conditions ( G ‘a, Write a note on Oxygen-Hemoglobin buffer syste 65) b. Write a note on respiratory exchange ratio? 2.5%" Defiug Hypoxia? Enlist its types and caus. Also elaborate its management? (2.5) Dra’ Oxygen-Hemoglobin dissociation. curve and enlist four factors shifting the curve le! and right — ¢ Define maximum expiratory Hf rate? How it can differentiate between restrictive uid bstructive Jung diseases? (2.5) ir X suffering from ‘or seasonal variation, He is a diagnosed case of asthm: severe cough and wheezing and his symptoms become aggrayalel is he expose a, How you will manage (hhis case? (2.52E RE SAHARA MeDIcaLaet Nanow, RESP nay 1" year MBRg. 4 = é is ATION PHYSIOLOGY TEST jas Date: 26/07/19 pea beled dlagrim Of spiropram & detine ll tue puimona y vol 4 nonary volumes and Capacitis with their valyeye (5) ~ Hong the pulmonary volumes & es es) write a simple algebraic exercise showing ihe interrelati standard abbreviations: ties avng the @ve Giyry GHTLE (iyIeC wy FRE Write a note on respiratory distress syndrome? What is FEV;? Give significance of FEV,/FVC ratio? ¢. Enlist eight non-respiratory functions of lungs? d. Define dead space & mention its types? Briefly deseribe its v advantage? (03) a. Define respiratory unit? Draw respiratory membrane? Enlist factors affecting ge diffusion through respiratory i membrane? es r on? we 2 b. Discuss regulation of respiration during exercise with graphical representation? 5) JUSTIFY YOURSELF FOR PHYSIOLOGY......STUDENTS aes CuMpreey vee say wee Sewanee! Tee eee ie blood transfusion. Whil44 gun gas “ALTHO nid SENVWAC 490 TOISAHe ee {uoneEnys Sit aSeuru uvo nod MOH] 9 wojqord sip Jo ABoporsdydouzed ayy ast “q (10) gsisouserp ajqeqoad ysout nod daisy “e *poatAns 03 pue Advaoyy oyerpout' UdAIS SEM AUS Sass 05/0 a yeaa puw ]qaa} ‘oyMUTLT aad syaq QTL SBA opet asjnd 104 HOH Eger ys auaaas put Apog 94 129A0 [|e Buryayy Jo pourvjdwos sys “worsnjsuws suet) poojg aJOYA WI papuauiMos. 1090p OL ‘1p/8 S9=qH pemou! dios zy *Stqusyey A[iseo pue ‘yzvI4q Jo ssauj4tOYS ‘ssauaped O/D WL dsopy yous eaysng yo AouoSs9UU9 ay} 0} payuasa.d 1qig] WeAIZEN, Plo Sauad SZ “SO (co) (zo) @ (€0) guoseaa 3 puos Aue oWEN ZEANSIOU AeAp pus ouyoga 1 IRYA\ ZdouNMUOD pacepap euyad t FO Sawa (£0) guorsuassodcy yo syaayya eee 2u) Jorg ur ssnasig’ “A (Zo) {[04}U09 aanssoad peLi9j1e wWA9}-SUo] OF Savou soproad usiuvysaqa pinjy Apog—jeudy ayy MOH Wo pus yuasqe St Banstour Yo!ya Ut Ul (79) aouesaoduy jeatsojors
pue sesnes oy} ae e4yM (4 “Weep uy wisjueysourt UlYs PINY Avejde> pue uonexejas sso1js Ajuo ssnosip pue Aejd ous aw Ady} YIYM UY aUFesaUNT] B43 03 BulpsoI2e Suisjuey2eW joNUOD sansseid poolq oly [Te 49 3SI1 2 O4eW Te ‘Buiduund yeoy Uo ByWeD}e210dAYy puke elwajexsodAy jo s}>9;39 94} a1edwIOD (q -wesbeip 2u] UIIM 4aMsUe ANA 93210qGe]q) 19]9AD SEIPAeD Jo. 6ulinp seGueys ainsseid aejn>j4j3uan Yel e43 3sUa (e zo zo to _f39se9i99p 20ul yoIyM U) SUOR|PUCD ano} ayes0UUNU gsoue!duIOD ¢p23e0.3 pue payuongid oq ued UOHIpuoD'siyy MOH (> 2U0}}/pud> Siy3 Jo e4njaid jeriuyj> eya s1zeuM (4G cui04y Buliayyns si pylys ayy ut 10> AjayIp SOW OU SI EUM (& vu 102 ay} JNOGe paynsue> aiom Squoied ‘OA+4y SI 194372) PUe OA-YY SEM JoYIOW 943 JeY3 Po|eanos sem ‘suopeGysanm uodn ‘a21punef esenes yj jeqdsoy u) payiwupe Sem YaJ1q eduIs 3]WoUR sem OYM Aqeq PIO 429M OUD *squaGe Guipeaut 943 a3eanzeut Apgaup ued sajpoqnue ym Aq swsiueysou ayy an19 (> ‘MONIPUOD S14] JO SISeq jeD1Golo!sAud aaID (q esisouBep Ajay) sow 343 sr yeyM (2 sett /a00‘ob sem junod yajeyeid pue .wuww/O0SZ=IUNOD a9 Pool 334M ‘|p/wH S*9 S2/4 UJGO[Howay S{H *SUON295u) yuoNbaay Jo AsoysIy OS|e SEM B10UL ‘g60U wij Bulpee|q pue Bulsinaq pouejdxaun ‘ssoussejyjeo1q 4o\|@A/s59uxe0/ 919098 podojorap ay syoam Mey 19ye ‘42D 404 UOe|PeA 40 ESOP YBIY AIM payeedy Sem JUaNed Plo 4eaA OF v suonsand ry adweaw (su0Nsand Aessy ys0ys) ABojoisAyd2 | a) Explain the pathophysiology of: | i) Tetany ii Tetanization iii) Treppe effect \ b) Enumerate the steps of excitation-contraction coupling mechanism in a skeletal muscle fiber. 02 Fe @) What will be the effect of suddenly increasing the temperature Set point to a level of 103°F? 2.5 b) A diver remained on the sea bottom for about 60 minutes at a depth of 150 feet, and suddenly came back to the surface. He | felt severe pain in the joints and muscles, became dizzy and | then unconscious. i) What is the most like cause? | 0.5 ii) What are the symptoms and treatment of this condition? 02 03 a) What are the characteristics of positive feedback control system of body, explain with examples? b) Compare and contrast the phenomena of necrosis with apoptosis. ga P \ ==> UHS-1/ 19 = A] 2(S) ~ (Copyright protected University 02seasyp Jo.uOWMMaL Seaseas1p 'spssquavd 9jpsnur ey WME awMIAY yw AT unseat SoNIPEa) AAWeTAN a SS MUENS Hap BuMonOD youl . suiico va oe su $4 simon "OM (eID wail VuViVSSamyesduny Eid gon pu ‘uusoans tan sonay slojs4ap sup Map Joye puw owmbsow Sq porrajus ot sus = an TFET TD} 0 40 a9adso4 wy A DAMIAGA 0) 4N990 Kes .
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