Anand Bagari received a payslip for June 2022 working as a Hindi Pandit Grade II. His net salary was Rs. 73,386 after deductions of Rs. 9,054 from his total earnings of Rs. 82,440 which included basic pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, and special pay. The payslip also provided details of his employee code, GPF number, TSGLI number, bank account number and other service details.
Anand Bagari received a payslip for June 2022 working as a Hindi Pandit Grade II. His net salary was Rs. 73,386 after deductions of Rs. 9,054 from his total earnings of Rs. 82,440 which included basic pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, and special pay. The payslip also provided details of his employee code, GPF number, TSGLI number, bank account number and other service details.
Anand Bagari received a payslip for June 2022 working as a Hindi Pandit Grade II. His net salary was Rs. 73,386 after deductions of Rs. 9,054 from his total earnings of Rs. 82,440 which included basic pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, and special pay. The payslip also provided details of his employee code, GPF number, TSGLI number, bank account number and other service details.
Anand Bagari received a payslip for June 2022 working as a Hindi Pandit Grade II. His net salary was Rs. 73,386 after deductions of Rs. 9,054 from his total earnings of Rs. 82,440 which included basic pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, and special pay. The payslip also provided details of his employee code, GPF number, TSGLI number, bank account number and other service details.