Psda 1 CSR Activities For Companies Submitted By-Siddhi Khanna Submitted To - DR Richa Sharma ENROLLMENT NO - A0102321018 Sec - A Mba HR 2021-2023

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ENROLLMENT NO- A0102321018

Introduction –
Infosys Limited was an early adopter of corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) initiatives.
Along with sustainable economic outcomes, environmental and social stewardship is also a
key driver of overall business growth. The company founded the Infosys Foundation in 1996
as a non-profit organization to provide a dedicated approach to community development and
to fulfil our CSR commitments. The Infosys Foundation works to eradicate malnutrition,
improve health infrastructure, support primary education, rehabilitate the impoverished and
care for animals, as well as preserve Indian art and culture. Infosys Foundation works with
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to make a difference between local communities.
The company's goal has always been to contribute to the sustainable development of society,
the environment and make our planet more liveable for future generations.
Infosys' CSR policy aims to:
• Minimize the use of resources and strive for economic development that has a positive
impact on society as a whole.
• Responsible for company behavior and promote positive impact through its activities
Alleviate hunger, poverty and malnutrition. Protect the environment and support the
Stakeholders and society


• Hunger, poverty, malnutrition, health: extreme hunger, poverty,
 Malnutrition, promotion of health care and hygiene, provision of clean drinking water.
• Education: Promotion of education, including special needs education and
vocational training to promote employment
 Improving skills and livelihoods, especially among children, women, the elderly and
people with disabilities
 Project; Fund, Chair,
 To support student research, such as in the lab, this includes skill-up and skill-up
initiatives for people in need.
• Rural Development Projects: Accessibility, Housing,
 Drinking water, sanitation, electricity, livelihoods, creation of sustainable villages
 Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Promoting Gender Equality and
 Women; Establishment of homes, dormitories and daycare centres for women and
orphans. Set up a retirement home
 And other similar facilities for the elderly. Adopt policies to reduce inequality
 Socially and economically underdeveloped groups.
• Environmental sustainability: environmental sustainability, ecosystem
 Animal and plant protection, animal welfare, agroforestry, protection of natural
 Maintains soil, air and water quality.
• national heritage, art and culture: Conservation of national heritage, art and
 Restoration of buildings, historically important places, works of art. Establishment of
the public library; resurrection,
 Promotion and development of traditional crafts

1 Hunger, poverty, malnutrition and healthcare Work directly or with non-profit

organizations at infrastructure and/or operational level to support meal or nutrition
related programs in schools and other institutions across India. Work with medical
and health related organizations for projects in preventive healthcare, short term and
longterm care and treatments.

2 Education Partner directly or with non-profit organizations, primary, secondary and

higher educational institutions including schools, colleges, and universities to
encourage efforts in a wide range of areas including training, provision of funding for
continued education, skilling and re-skilling initiatives, offline and online education,
research, infrastructure development and capacity building.

3 Rural Development Work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local

administrations to achieve community development goals. Partner directly or with
governments and NGOs to support projects related to development and improvement
of infrastructure and essential amenities, livelihood and skilling initiatives, training
and education, and rehabilitating disaster affected victims in rural areas.

4 Gender equality and empowerment of women Work directly or with NGOs to reach
out to underprivileged and socially disadvantaged persons including women and
children towards the cause of gender equality and empowerment. Projects include
awareness activities, trainings, support for livelihood related efforts, infrastructure
development, and operational needs.

5 Environmental sustainability a) Work with NGOs on safeguarding the environment,

including protection of flora and fauna, promoting climate action, renewable energy,
natural resource conservation as well as promoting resource efficiencies across
energy, water and waste management. b) Projects can include interventions in the
areas of water and wastewater management (watershed management, lake
rejuvenation, etc.), rural electrification, waste to energy (household biogas),
avoidance or replacement of firewood for cooking with efficient alternatives, forestry,
amongst others.

6 National heritage, art and culture Support artists, including writers, poets, painters,
musicians, dancers and theatre artists, in collaboration with partner organizations
through contribution towards operational needs, performance activities, livelihoods,
and other opportunities to encourage preservation of cultural and traditional Indian art
forms. Undertake restoration of architectural structures, historical monuments, and
water bodies


Infosys will undertake its CSR activities (being projects / programs / other permitted
activities), approved by the CSR Committee either directly or through the Infosys
Foundation and / or such other eligible entity / organization as approved by the CSR


Infosys’ representatives and / or Infosys Foundation or such other entity will

collaborate with stakeholders to monitor the status of each project and will report its
findings to the CSR Committee periodically to enable the Board and the Management
of the Company to meet their reporting, monitoring and other legal obligations. In any
year, where the Company has spent in excess of its CSR obligation, such excess
spending shall be available for set off against the Company’s CSR obligations for up
to the next three financial years in accordance with Applicable Law, and the Board
shall be competent to pass a resolution in this regard.



For 173 years, Siemens has promoted the idea of improving the lives of people
around the world through our technology. We believe that our work is a responsible
corporate citizen who solves problems and overcomes challenges through our
innovations and actions, thereby contributing to a sustainable future that is worth
living. At Siemens, corporate social responsibility is called corporate citizenship. This
is our commitment to improving quality of life and creating lasting value for society.
Based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and our core
competencies, Siemens of India has defined three strategic priority areas for corporate
social responsibility: education, social issues and the environment.


 Education We promote science and technology education and believe in quality

education for everyone from school to university. We promote equal access to quality
education, especially the most vulnerable education in society. Curiosity and project-
based learning Based on the German dual vocational training model Improve
Employability and Industry Maturity Promote research and innovation.

 Social Improve the living environment Siemens is committed to designing and

deploying scalable, reproducible and sustainable models by leveraging its core
competencies to generate social impact. Our project supports the development and
strengthening of social structures to systematically and sustainably improve people's
living conditions through access to water, health care, energy, livelihoods, education
and the environment.

 Providing disaster relief Disaster relief from Siemens consists of three areas. It
includes immediate clean drinking water, post-disaster medical care and shelter,
rehabilitation assistance, and community-based disaster preparedness (CBDP).
Siemens disaster relief includes all activities undertaken to assist the public health
system and community in dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic and all other future
pandemics. Environment Responsibility to the environment is very important as it
helps protect the planet for tomorrow's generation and promote a sustainable future.
Siemens helps communities use natural resources efficiently and mitigate the effects
of climate change.

The amount that the Company is required to spend on CSR activities for FY 2021-2022 as
per Section 135 of the Act is INR 9.01 million including 5% towards administrative
expenses. This amount excludes surplus, if any, arising in the previous financial year.


The Tata Steel Group has long maintained that the most successful path to progress is for
countries, corporation
ns, and communities to benefit from each other. Tata Steel has expanded its activities and
businesses beyond India, establishing a formidable presence around the world. Tata Steel is
now the tenth largest steel producer in the world, with over 81,000 employees spread across
five continents, thanks to the 2007 acquisition of Corus, which kicked off the company's
European operations. The Company has always had a substantial impact on India's economic
development, and it now aspires to strengthen its position of global pre-eminence by
continuing to lead by example in terms of accountability and trust. Tata Steel's international
operations and investments in global companies have yielded positive results.

Tata Steel's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is based on the premise that a company's
principal goal is to improve people's quality of life. It considers every single person in its
development domain and guarantees that its socioeconomic activities have a positive impact
on the lives of all stakeholders. As a result, whether it's a fully running facility or a project in
the planning stages, the emphasis is on all-round expansion in and around Tata Steel's
operational locations. Initiatives in income generation, education, healthcare, water, energy,
and all other basic services are included. Tata Steel's CSR programme includes activities to
protect, preserve, and rejuvenate the environment, as well as initiatives to promote long-term
socioeconomic development and to improve the community's quality of life.

Tata Steel Corporate Citizenship

By - Onkar Vaidya
Background of the Company

The Tata Steel Group has always believed that mutual benefit of countries, corporations and
communities is the most effective route to growth. Tata Steel has not limited its operations
and businesses within India but has built an imposing presence around the globe as well.
With the acquisition of Corus in 2007 leading to commencement of Tata Steel's European
the Company today is the tenth largest steel producer in the world with employee strength of
above 81,000 across five continents. The Company has always had significant impact on the
economic development in India and now seeks to strengthen its position of pre-eminence in
international domain by continuing to lead by example of responsibility and trust. Tata Steel's
overseas ventures and investments in global companies have helped the Company create a
manufacturing and marketing network in Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific-rim

History and Company's definition of CSR

Tata Steel, for the last 100 years has been committed to the social upliftment and
development of the state of Jharkhand. It has been working towards improving the quality of
life of the communities it operates in. Social development and welfare of communities of
Jharkhand has been internalized by the Company since its inception and has been followed
since then, making Tata Steel a leader in the area of social commitment..The wealth
generated by Jamsetji Tata and his sons in half a century of industrial pioneering formed but a
minute fraction of the amount by which they enriched the nation. The whole of that wealth is
held in trust for the people and used exclusively for their benefit. The cycle is thus complete:
what came from the people has gone back to the people many times over. For Jamsetji Tata,
the progress of enterprise, welfare of people and the health of the enterprise were inextricably
linked. Wealth and the generation of wealth have never "been ends in themselves, but a
means to an end, for the increased prosperity of India," The Times of India said in 1912 of the
Tatas. Successive generations of Tata Group leaders have always held the belief that no
success in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the interest of the nation and is
achieved by fair and honest means.
Conscious that the task of social progress, especially in a country as diverse as India, cannot
be undertaken by the Government alone, J R D Tata the Chairman of the Tata Group from
1938 to 1991, believed that, "to create good working conditions, to pay the best wages to its
employees and provide decent housing to its employees are not enough for the industry, the
aim of an industry should be to discharge its overall social responsibilities to the community
and the society at large, where industry is located." Guided by this mandate, Tata Steel has
for decades used its skills and resources, to the extent it can reasonably afford, to give back to
the community a fair share of the product of its efforts. It was the first to establish labour
welfare practices, even before these were made statutory laws across the world. In 1912 it
invited Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the Founders of the London School of Economics, to
prepare a Memorandum of Health for the Steel City. The Company also instituted an eight-
hour workday in 1912, free medical aid in 1915, a Welfare Department in 1917, leave with
pay, Workers Provident Fund and Workmen's Compensation in 1920 and Maternity Benefit
for ladies in 1928. With the understanding that the hunger for employment can never be
satisfied despite its best efforts, the Company took an enlightened decision to address the
needs of those who migrated to its vicinity in search for employment. It first stimulated
entrepreneurship and economic development in the Steel City and then reached out to the
rural poor, empowering them with the means to create better livelihoods within their own
villages. At the same time, Tata Steel also fulfilled their basic need for health care, food
security, education and income
generation through the development of rural infrastructure, empowerment and community
outreach programmes.

CSR Policy

Tata Steel's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is rooted in the belief that the primary
purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of the people. It takes into account
every single person in its sphere of development and ensures that its socio-economic
initiatives touch the lives of all stakeholders in a positive way. Therefore, in and around the
operational areas of Tata Steel, whether it is a functioning facility or a project in the
implementation stage, the emphasis is on all-round growth. This encompasses initiatives in
income generation, education, healthcare, water, electricity and all other basic services. The
Tata Steel CSR policy encompasses initiatives to conserve, sustain and renew the
environment, to encourage sustainable socio-economic development of the community and to
improve the quality of life of the people living in the areas in which it operates. In all their
programmes, the organisations seek to engage the ultimate beneficiaries of an initiative right
from the conceptualisation and planning stage to the implementation, with the company
playing the role of a catalyst eliciting positive change. The attempt is to get the people to act
out of their own convictions, and support them in their efforts to build a better future.

CSR Initiatives

'Lifeline Express in not one of the regular trains

which are run for normal passengers. Jeevan Rekha Express is another name which is used by
people for this train. This train is governed by the Impact India Foundation. This train is a
running hospital in the simplest words. The Health Ministry of India and the Indian Railways
joined their hands for introducing this train. However, the funds for introducing this train
were given by Impact UK.
16 July, 1991 is the date when this train was flagged off for the first time. This train is serving
a large number of poor regions of the country. Over so many years, this train has benefited
around 4 Lakh people. In the last sixteen years, this train has completed around ninety three
projects for the health welfare of those people who are struggling for their good health in the
remotest regions of India. At present, 2 trains are operated under the Lifeline Express. Other
countries like China and Bangladesh have taken a lesson from this Train and introduced
similar trains.
The mission of this train is to reach the disabled people who do not have access to medical
facilities in the rural areas of India. On the spot advanced medical diagnosis and surgical
treatments are offered to the people who need them. Apart from this, the Lifeline Express
also tries to encourage the local people to help the people in need. It tries to make the people
aware. For this, it seeks the support of local authorities present in the villages of India. In a
way, this train is also educating people to help themselves in the remotest parts of India.
It is a truth that even today there are a lot of villages in India which do not have adequate
medical facilities. Many villages do not have a single hospital. This train is doing a very great
work for the poor people of the rural areas of India. A large number of medical services like
Orthopedic/ surgical treatment for restoration of movement of parts in handicapped people,
surgery for correcting the cleft palate etc.are offered by this train.

Extending better healthcare facilities to the people

living in the rural and inaccessible remote areas, TATA Steel hosted the Lifeline Express, the
world's first hospital on wheels for the sixth time in Odisha at the Jajpur Road railway station
from December 14th 2010 to January 15th 2011. The Lifeline Express is a joint collaboration
between the Impact India Foundation, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and the Indian Railways.
People living in the farthest corner of Jajpur district, parts of Bhadrak and Kendrapara
districts benefited from this initiative. Prior to this, TATA Steel has already hosted the train
in five locations of Odisha Gopalpur, Bamanipal, Jajpur Road, Meramundali and Joda. The
Lifeline Express is equipped with a modern operation theatre, which offers diagnostic,
medical and surgical treatment for prevention and curative interventions for the handicapped.
Through the initiative, polio and orthopedic defects of people would be treated through
surgery and provision of calipers; eye testing and restoration of eyesight through cataract
operations and providing intra ocular lenses would be done; restoration of hearing through
surgery and supply of hearing aids, correction of clefts through surgery, counseling and
referral services and arrangements for follow up of the patient's progress with local
authorities would be made. TATA Steel is the only corporate house in the country to sponsor
the Lifeline Express for the highest number of times across the States of Bihar, Jharkhand,
Odisha, West Bengal, and Chhattisgarh. Till date, through this train, TATA Steel has reached
out to more than 67,800 persons offering medical treatment. The company's entire range of
healthcare services has been reaching out annually to 400,000 people in the interior villages
of Odisha through five hospitals and mobile health clinics.
Aids Awareness Programs

On the occasion of World AIDS Day, TATA Steel Ltd flagged off an initiative of Awareness
on Aids campaign. It is a two day campaign to cover a host of prominent colleges and
locations all across Kolkata. This included St Xavier's College, Presidency College, Bethune
College, Calcutta University, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Airport, City Centre, Forum to
name a few. The awareness programs, involved children and community members to be the
agents of mass awareness for preventing the spread of deadly HIV/AIDS virus. Various
programs were undertaken across Tata Steel's operational areas of Kalinganagar (Orissa),
Lohandiguda (Chhattisgarh), and West Bokaro(Jharkhand),Sukinda (Orissa). The activities
include hosting rallies, nukkad nataks, quizzes, distributing pamphlets, condoms, blood
donation camps, stage show , signature campaigns etc.
In addition, acknowledging the importance of contributions made by trucker's community,
the TATA Steel Rural Development Society in collaboration with Transport Corporation of
India Foundation Jharkhand State Aids Control Society and National Aids Control Society
organized a nationwide Trucker's Utsav. Project Kavach which is an endeavor to arrest the
spread of AIDS amongst the truckers community was part of this Utsav at Jamshedpur's
Transportnagar. It is an informal infotainment event, which acts as catalyst for
communicating behavior change messages to sizable groups in a fun, peer supportive
context.In Jharia, TSRDS collaborated with Mother Teresa High School, Jorapokor to
organize a rally of senior students .More than 1,000 people gathered for the cause at the
TATA Steel Gopalpur unit at Orissa The program included Signature Campaign Stalls, Folk
shows on HIV/AIDS and High School rally.
TATA Steel is always recognized for contributing towards the global effort in fighting
against HIV/AIDS and it is one of the first corporate houses to have separate HIV/AIDS
workplace policy and has bagged many national & international awards in this field. The
programs undertaken by TATA Steel on the World AIDS Day are addition to the various
activities undertaken by TATA Steel. Since early 1990's TATA Steel has been instrumental
in spreading awareness and address the concerns of HIV/AIDS, by reaching across to every
corner of the country though various programs. On an ongoing basis TATA Steel has been
running Targeted Intervention projects, establishing Community Care Centre for People
Living with HIV/AIDS and promoting HIV testing through Integrated Counseling & Testing
Centre were few of the ongoing initiatives of TATA Steel Rural Development Society.


Greenfection" is the resolve to "infect" the whole of India with the will to change towards a
greener future. Tata Steel has tied up with the World Wildlife Federation, Star News, MTV,
National Geographic and Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM to work on several programmes under this
initiative. The Company is using social media and blog sites to attract participation from
young people and films on the environment will also be screened. The "Plant a Sapling" and
"Click a Sapling" programmes have been launched.
Today, the environment is on the brink of irreversible damage. Before the impact becomes
critical, we have to act. A world without biodiversity has a very bleak future. Millions of
people and millions of species all share the same planet, and only together can we enjoy a
safer and more prosperous future.
Taking a cue from this, Tata Steel has been investing in environmental sustainability and has
played a vital role in boosting the biodiversity of the areas where it operates. Let us reconnect
with nature and put in efforts to earn a reputation as a green pioneer and develop a new vision
for biodiversity.
Tata Steel aspires to be the global steel industry benchmark in Value Creation and Corporate
Citizenship. Its commitment towards environmental issues associated with steel production
processes is reflected in its Vision 2012 statement. One of the goals of the company is to
reduce CO2 emissions to less than 1.7 tonnes per liquid tonne of steel (t/tls) by 2012.
On this World Environment Day on June 5, Tata Steel has launched the GREENFECTION
campaign. Tata Steel believes that actions by a group of people or organizations won't be
enough. It needs to spread exponentially, like something infectious. GREENFECTION is the
consciousness and resolve to impact the environment in a positive way. That is what the
company wants to spread, from person to person, from cities to villages and vice versa, till
the whole nation is infected with the will to make a change, to create a greener, happier
Tata Steel has tied up with WWF (World Wildlife Federation) - to reach out to the school
children through the nature clubs in schools across 10 cities in India and conduct a tree
planting campaign.

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