Product Data Sheet: Thistle® One Coat Plaster

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Product Data Sheet

Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Thistle One Coat Plaster is a versatile

undercoat and finish plaster in one
product. It provides a smooth, inert and
high quality surface to internal walls and
ceilings, as well as a durable base for
applying decorative finishes. The plaster
is available in a convenient pack size for
smaller jobs.
Where to use
Apply the plaster by hand to a range of internal
surfaces, including brick, blockwork, plasterboard and
concrete finish plaster. It's also ideal for filling larger
holes and chasing in. Simply build up the coverage in
stages to a maximum of 25mm.

Product information
Composition Nominal weight (kg)
This is a retarded hemihydrate, pre-mixed gypsum 7.5kg and 12.5kg bags.


Performance Effect of moisture and condensation

Here we only provide performance information related Don't expose the plaster to moisture repeatedly or
to the product. Please see the White Book online for for long periods of time, as this can cause it to lose
system-dependent performance. strength and adhesion.

Standards Effect of temperature

EN 13279-1:2008, Type B4/20/2 and C3/20. Thistle plasters aren't suitable for plastering onto frozen
backgrounds. However, you can use them in frosty
Declarations of Performance (DoP) available Click here.
conditions as long as you prevent the plaster from
freezing after it's been applied. Dry, bagged plaster isn't
Reaction to fire A1 affected by low temperatures.

Thermal resistance (m2K/W) 0.038 Once Thistle plasters are fully set and dry, they
shouldn't be exposed to temperatures above 49°C.
When applying in hot or dry conditions, make sure the
plaster doesn't lose water too quickly, as it needs some
of the mixing water to set and reach full strength.

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)
Product Data Sheet
Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Background preparation: plasterboards Mixing up
Only use Thistle finishing plasters on the face of the Add Thistle plasters to clean water and use clean
board, which is the side without a paper overlap. This mixing equipment, as contamination from previous
doesn't apply to moisture resistant boards. Reinforce mixes affects the setting time and strength. Fresh
joints with Thistle ProTape FT50 or FT100, or with contamination has more of an effect than old, so you
Gyproc Joint Tape. should wash equipment just after mixing rather than
just before.
Background preparation: moisture resistant
grade boards Thistle plasters are suitable for mixing by hand or using
Avoid applying skim plaster to Gyproc Moisture a mechanical whisk with a slow speed and high torque.
Resistant boards. These boards are designed for While mechanical mixing speeds up the process, there
environments with high humidity, which can cause the is no need to continue mixing after you've dispersed the
plaster to lose strength and adhesion. lumps and reached the right consistency. Over-mixing
wastes time and energy, and can affect setting times,
Where moisture resistant boards are used in shell reduce workability, and make it difficult to achieve a flat
and core construction to provide temporary moisture finish.
resistance, it's best to skim them after the building
envelope has been made weathertight. Only apply
plaster to the face of moisture resistant boards, and
pre-treat them with Thistle Bond-it.

Background preparation: Glasroc F MultiBoard

and Glasroc F FireCase
Apply Thistle finishing plasters to the smooth
face of the board. Application techniques and
joint reinforcement are similar to those used on
Background preparation: solid backgrounds
Follow this guidance when working with solid backgrounds:
– Before applying the plaster, use the Thistle Essential
Selector Guide to check that the background is
– Make sure the surface is dry, clean and protected from
the weather.
– Before plastering concrete backgrounds, remove any
mould, oil or other agents from the surface.
– You don't need to wet no-fines concrete before
– Allow enough time for normal ballast concrete to
mature before applying the plaster.
– Don't apply plaster to ‘green’ backgrounds, or where
any free water is visible.
– Wet mature concrete to displace the air before
– You may need to use Thistle Bond-it on smooth low
suction backgrounds.

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)
Product Data Sheet
Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Application (continued)
Applying to different substrates Plastering onto solid backgrounds
Plastering onto board backgrounds 1 As part of the preparation, fix all Thistle angle beads
1 Before applying Thistle One Coat to in position using Thistle gypsum plaster. Once the
Gyproc plasterboards or Glasroc F MultiBoard, angle beads are in place, leave them to set before
Glasroc F Firecase, Ridigur H (pre-treated with applying plaster to the rest of the wall.
Thistle GypPrime) reinforce flat joints using 2 Apply the first coat to the background. Once the
Thistle ProTape FT50 or FT100, or prefill any gaps entire background has been covered, apply a second
wider than 3mm and reinforce them using Gyproc thin coat over the whole surface. When you've
Joint Tape. Thistle ProTape FT50 and FT100 fibre reached the required thickness, the wall can be ruled
tapes are self-adhesive, so you can fix them to the off. You can then fill any low or hollow spots that
board's surface before the first application of plaster. have been missed. Once the wall has been levelled,
If you’re using Gyproc Joint Tape, embed it in the first use a spatula to close and flatten the surface.
coat over each joint, leaving enough plaster under
3 When the surface begins to tighten and firm, it’s
the tape to ensure good adhesion. Then press the
ready to be sponged. Rub a sponge float over the
tape firmly into the plaster and immediately cover it
plaster in circular motions to bring the fat to the
with a further application.
surface, then leave it until it stiffens. After this, you
2 Apply plaster to the whole surface after the joint can do a final trowel for a flat, seamless finish.
treatment has partially set but not dried. Some joints
will experience more movement, such as around
door or window apertures, where board edges aren't
fully supported, or on ceilings below floors that are
susceptible to high deflection. In these areas, embed
Gyproc Joint Tape in the finish for better resistance
to cracking than with fibre tapes.
3 Fix Thistle Thin Coat Angle Beads to plasterboard
angles by embedding them in dabs of finish plaster.
Avoid fixing the bead to the board ‘dry’; this could
reduce the adhesion as it's difficult to squeeze
plaster between the bead and the plasterboard.
4 To hold the bead in alignment as the plaster sets, we
recommended you use additional mechanical fixings
like non-rusting nails, screws and staples. Wipe any
surplus from corners before the plaster sets, as
scraping it away later may damage the zinc coating.
5 Apply the finish plaster with a firm pressure and build
it out to the required thickness in two applications,
trowelling to a smooth matt finish as it sets. Follow
good site practice as outlined in BS EN 13914 Code of
Practice for Internal Plastering.

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)
Product Data Sheet
Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Application (continued)
Wall application thickness (mm) 13

Ceiling application thickness (mm) 10

Gyproc HandiBoard, Gyproc WallBoard and Gyproc Plank:
(use Thistle Bond-it on
maximum recommended thickness (mm)
moisture resistant boards)

Engineering bricks with raked joints: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Dense aggregate concrete blocks and no-fines concrete:
(use Thistle Bond-it on smooth,
maximum recommended thickness (mm)
low suction blocks)

Normal ballast concrete soffits: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Other aggregate concrete: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Precast concrete units and composite ceilings: 13

maximum recommended thickness (mm (use Thistle Bond-it)

Extended metal lath: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Backgrounds treated with Thistle Bond-it (e.g. glazed or painted surfaces):

maximum recommended thickness (mm)

Expanded polystyrene soffits: maximum recommended thickness (mm 13

Expanded polystyrene walls: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Aerated concrete blocks: maximum recommended thickness (mm) 13

Common brick walls and concrete bricks with raked joints:

maximum recommended thickness (mm)
Painted and tiled surfaces: maximum recommended thickness (mm)
(use Thistle Bond-it)
0.675 at 13mm thick for 7.5kg bags
Coverage per bag (m2)
1.125 at 13mm thick for 12.5kg bags

Working time: maximum 45 minutes

Set time: minimum 90 minutes

4.2 for 7.5kg bags

Water requirements per bag (litres)
7.5 for 12.5kg bags

Dry set weight (kg/m2) 12.6 at 13mm thick

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)
Product Data Sheet
Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Application (continued)
Painting and wallpapering If you're plastering to provide a background for tiles,
Make sure Thistle plasters are thoroughly dry avoid polishing the surface. If the surface has already
before decorating, although you can apply a coat of been polished, roughen it and use a suitable primer to
permeable paint in the interim. You can decorate the create a good key for the tile adhesive.
finished surface using most proprietary paint finishes
and wall covering adhesives, but always follow the Snagging and minor repairs
manufacturers’ recommendations for the best results. Thistle plasters on plasterboard provide a system
that's suitable for moderate impact and wear. When
Tiling used over solid backgrounds, they offer good
You can apply tiles up to 20kg per m2 directly to Thistle resistance to minor casual damage, but the resistance
finishing plasters, except where the system includes a to damage from greater impacts depends on the
bonding agent. As the total weight of tiles and plaster background. If the plaster is correctly applied, you
applied over a bonding agent is limited to 20kg per m2, shouldn't need to maintain it afterwards.
consider tiling directly to the background instead.

Sitework Packaging overview

This plaster is packaged in a plastic bag and is supplied
Storage palletised.
Store bags dry, as water causes lumps to form inside.
If storing on a concrete floor, use dry timber platforms. 100 bags: 7.5kg
Quantity per pallet
72 bags: 12.5kg
British Gypsum fully accepts its responsibilities as a Pallet: nominal height (mm)
257 for 7.5kg bags
supplier of building materials and systems as required by 293 for 12.5kg bags
Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. 375 for 7.5kg bags
However, when designing and installing systems that use Pallet: nominal length (mm)
448 for 12.5kg bags
British Gypsum products, you must consider the legal
87 for 7.5kg bags
requirements set out in: Pallet: nominal depth (mm)
101 for 12.5kg bags
1 Manual Handling Operations Regulations
0.75 for 7.5kg bags
2 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations Pallet: nominal weight (tonnes)
0.9 for 12.5kg bags
3 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations (COSHH).

Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available Click here.

Shelf life
Stored correctly, this product has a shelf life of six
months, and bags are marked with a use by date so you
can use them in strict rotation.

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)
Product Data Sheet
Thistle® One Coat Plaster

Segregate the plaster from non-gypsum waste for
recycling where possible, and dispose of it according to
local authority requirements.

FM550533 OHS550586 EMS543324 ENMS606206

“Gyproc”, “Thistle”, “Gypframe” and “Glasroc” are all registered trademarks of Saint-Gobain Construction Products UK Limited.
“Isover” is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Isover and “Artex” is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Construction
Products UK Limited.

Saint-Gobain Construction Products UK Limited is a limited company registered in England under company number 734396,
having its registered office at Saint-Gobain House, East Leake, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 6JU, UK. Saint-Gobain
Construction Products UK Limited trades as British Gypsum for part of its business activities.
British Gypsum
British Gypsum reserves the right to revise product specification without notice. The information herein should not be read
Head Office, East Leake,
in isolation as it is meant only as guidance for the user, who should always ensure that they are fully conversant with the
products and systems being used and their subsequent installation prior to the commencement of work. For a comprehensive
Leicestershire, LE12 6HX
and up-to-date library of information visit the British Gypsum website at: For information about products
T: 0115 945 1000
supplied by Artex Limited or Saint-Gobain Isover please see their respective websites.

“British Gypsum” is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain Construction Products UK Limited.

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PDS Thistle One Coat Plaster (1 September 2021)

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