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Wie Basic Scientific Measurement Learninc Outcomes Introduction to Physics The word “physics” originated from the greek word “physikos”. In Physics, we study natural phenomena | and the properties of matter. Fields of Study in Physics | The scope of Physics is very wide. The topics of Physics are as shown. 4 show an understanding that different instruments fare used to measure different physical quantities accurately ‘& make estimations and /or measurements of length farea, volume, mass and time (including the area of irregular two-dimensional figures, volume and mass of liquids and solids but not of gases) 4 use common laboratory equipment such as the Bunsen burner, microscope, electronic balance and stop-wateh in experimentation 4 identify and use the appropriate units for different physical quantities + relate and use the appropriate prefixes, mill centi-or kilo-in elation to the units of length and use the appropriate units for length, mass, ime nd temperature predict whether objects sink or float using the concept of density solve problems of abject in motion using the concept of speed ‘explain what is meant by density calculate density using the formula: density = mass/volum ) a Force and Pressure Force and motion eltonie al Energy © investigates the pressure are related © understands the action of force and —___f. diferent types of ‘motion energy and their uses Fields of Study in Physics Light ¥ Heat Electricity and © explains the different @ studies the influence phenomena due to || Electromagnetism of heat on different light © investigates the types of matter interactions of electric and magnetic elds 14 secondary 182 PhysicsPhysical Quantities A physical quantity is a property of an object that can be measured with a measuring instrument. For example, length width, time, mass, etc. Itis important for you to be able to say which instrumentis used to measure which physical quantity. The table below gives a few examples of physical quantities and the instruments used to measure them. Length Metre rule, carpenter's measuring tape Temperature Mercury-in-glass thermometer, digital clinical thermometer Time Stopwatch Volume Measuring cylinder, gas syringe, burette: The value of measurement consists of numeric value and a unit. E.g. length of the rod is 250 cm, + + nN / numeric, physical i 5 value or unit quantity magnitude, ‘The word measurement comes from the Greek word *metron,” which means limited proportion. All measurements in physics are related to the three chosen fundamental quantities of length, mass and time. Until about the year 1800, workers in various countries used different systems of units. This situation has now been changed by the efforts of various international committees of scientists who met for discussions regularly over many years. In 1960, the general conference of weights and measures recommended that everyone should use a metric system of measurement called the International System of Units. The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from the French le Systéme international d’unités) is the modern form of the metric system and is generally a system devised Basic Measurement 18 + a2uaps7'9 | Arepuoras ‘SDISAHaSecondary 1&2 Science + PHYSICS 2 of the number ten. It is the w. convenienc around the m of measurement, both in eve, most widely used syste! commerce and in Science. Physical quantities are categorised into base quantities ang derived quantities. Base quantilies are physical quantities that cannot be defingg in terms of other physical quantities There are five base quantities: length, mass, time, curen and temperature. Sten nee | stot | Se 1 Metre m os "Yay Length Mass m Kilogram kg Time 1 Second s | Current i Ampere A | Temperature ‘ Degree Celsius :G i Amount of substance ” mole mol 7 Base units are the simple measurements for time, length, mass, temperature, amount of substance, electric current and light intensity. © Derived units are made up of base units. E.g, density is kg/m’ * Other derived units are shown in the following formulae table. Formulae Table PECL cn) DOC iNg rig ‘Area length x width mxm=me square metre Volume length x width x height mxmxm=m> metre cube : mass Density cer <(? 7) kg/m? (kg m2) : glom®(g cm) 16 ——* Basic Scientific MeasurementDerived quantity| Formula | Derived units __| Name of derived unit Speed km/h (kmh) : m/s(ms") Velocity displacement) km/h (km bh’) : time m/s(ms") mis _m, ss q _mi4 Acceleration change in velocity "5% metre per square time m second mass x — acceleration Newton (N) force x Work displacement Nxm=Nm=J Joule (J) (force « distance) Pressure ores Pascal (Pa) area mass x ene Weight accelerationdue S9*™S) Newton (N) Saravana Nm i work rae) Power al Watt (W) ime ere | =i(Js")=w bad = When we measure a physical quantity, we need to consider its magnitude and then choose a suitable instrument. © The magnitude of a quantity should not exceed the maximum capacity of the instrument, and the instrument must be sensitive enough to detect and give a meaningful measurement of the quantity. «Eg. ametre rule is used to measure the length of a book, a measuring tape is used to measure the length Basic Scientific Measurement % + s0ua_9s 79 | Auepuoras SDISAHaof a table, @ pa of vornier calipers is used ig the diameter of a test tube or metal sphere 3, micrometer screw gauge is used to mea, a Sure diameter of a glass rod. the + PHYSICS. Measuring Length The Slunitforlengthisthe metre. The symbolfor the moteisn Shor lengths are measured in centimetres (cm) or miler (mm). Long distances are measured in kilometres (kr) Peden cel CeusiuMiceca Led 10 millimetre Secondary 1 &2 Science Toe n 41 decimetre 40 centimetre 1 metre = 10 decimetre 1 decametre = 10 metre i 1 hectometre = 10 decametre 7 4 kilometre 1000 metre = 10 hectare ; 4 Angstrom = 10°” metre i Very small lengths are measured in micrometres (ym) and nanometres (nm) 1 metre = 1 000 000 (or 10°) um = 1.000 000 000 (or 10°) nm To ensure that itis the same everywhere, we need one specal metre everybody can refer to. This is called the standard metre. The original standard metre is made of a spedél metal bar and kept at a fixed temperature. The trouble wih Such metal standards is that they are liable to undergo minul changes in length as the year passes by, Instruments for measw ing length (A) The metre rule Fig. 2.1; Metre rule is used in geometry, technical drawing, engineering, carpentry, to measure distances or to draw straight lines 18 —— Basic Scientific MeasurementDifferent types of lengths are measured using different types, of instruments. Lengths like the length of cloth or a line can be measured using a measuring tape, a metre rule or a foot rule. However, these instruments cannot be used to measure the diameter of a metal sphere or a cylinder. Hence, to measure the diameter of a cylinder, we use the paper strip method or the wooden block method. 7 | Asepuodas The correct way to read a metre ruler is shown in Fig. 2.2. The a eye must be positioned vertically above the mark to avoid parallax error. Correct reading acm Wrong reading Wrong reading: a9em ‘aren we : ay Eber of metre rule Fig. 2.2: When reading the metre rule, place your eye directly above to avoid parallax error The following shows how to use the metre rule to find the diameter of a cylinder. Step 1: Wind a strip of paper closely round the object once and prick the overlapping position with a pin. pin is used to prick cae the overlapping strip of paper is closely wound position round the object once hole marked stap.of BaPet hole marked by pin by pin Fig. 2.3: Paper strip method used to measure the diameter of a cylinder Step 2: Unwind the paper strip and measure the distance between the two pinholes. Thismeasures the circumference ofthe cylinder (ciroumference = 2n x radius = x x diameter). Hence the diameter can be circumference © calculated using the formula, Basic Scientific Measurement ie‘The following shows another way to use the metre Tule measure the diameter of a round object. b Step 1: Pace the sphere or the cylinder between to bigs, in contact with a ruler. Step 2; Read the distance between the two blocks on ty ruler acourately. wy 1&2Science + PHYSICS reading: eo1em D A reading:= 1.5 cm 7 Diameter of sphere =15-01 = 14cm Fig. 2.4: Wooden block method used to measure the diameter of a sphere (B) The measuring tape Fig. 2.5: A carpenter's measuring tape anda Seamstress’ measuring tape Atape measure or i i let IL consi a2 OF Measuring tape is a flexible form of @ ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibreglass, or m2 20 — = Basic Scientific Measurementstrip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common measuring tool. Its a flexible too! that can be carried around easily in a pocket or a tool box. It can also measure around curves or corners. The metre rule and measuring tape have marks dividing them into centimetres and millimetres. The smallest division is 1 mm. The metre rule and measuring tape can measure accurately up to 1 mm (0.1 cm). (© External and Internal Calipers For objects without any flat sides, say a sphere, we cannot use a ruler to make measurements. Calipers, together with a metre rule, are useful for measuring diameters of these objects that are round. External calipers are used to measure the external diameters of objects. Internal calipers are used to measure internal diameters. ‘external calipers <> Measure the distance between the jaws with a CF metre rule. Move the jaws so that they touch the outer surface of thecan External Diameter of can =25cm—0cm =25cm Fig. 2.6: Measuring the external diameter of acan The calipers can be rotated to measure external and internal diameters. Basic Scientific Measurement 21 ld + 22u9RS 78 | Lepuodss) internal calipers internal diameter of can q 20m~Ocm » oem we IF you want tof inne of in Fig. 26 and 27 You can subtac tg reodngs 20 it ‘Measure the distance between the jaws with a metre rule Move the jaws so that they touch theinner surface of thecan leasuring the internal diameter of a can However, when using these calipers, we can only measus accurately up to 0.1 cm using a ruler. For smaller lengths « for greater accuracy, we need special instruments lik th vernier calipers or the micrometer screw gauge. (D) The Vernier caliper Internal jaws main scale external jaws Fig. 2.8: A Vernier caliper oe ic le enables us to measure lengths of up !0* measure Mette only. Engineers and scientists encaisiond smaller distances accurately, up to 0.01 3 type of costae to make measurements for these, @ $F Scale called the Vernier scale is used. 22 Basic Scientific Measurementinside jaws rf \ main scale a He cm| 5 ZB 1 krepuoras, vernier scale i — object outside jaws Fig. 2.9: Parts of a Vernier caliper © Apair of Vernier calipers is used to measure small objects with dimension of up to 12 cm. © Itcan measure to an accuracy of 0.01 cm. © There are two pairs of jaws in the Vernier caliper. The inside jaw which is used to measure inner diameters and the outside jaws which is used to measure external diameters. © There is also a tail that can be used to measure the depth of a cup, for example. © The Vernier caliper consists of two steel bar scales: the main scale and Vernier scale. The main scale is graduated in intervals of 0.1 om. The Vernier scale has a scale on which ten divisions are equal to nine small divisions on the main scale. «The difference between the sizes of one division on the main scale and one division on the Vernier scale is (0.1 ~ 0.09 =) 0.01 om, giving the Vernier scale an accuracy of up to 0.01 cm. Another instrument that is able to measure small dimensions accurately up to 0.1 mm is the micrometer. A micrometer is used to measure the thickness of a piece of wire. The thickness of a piece of paper can be found by firstly measuring the thickness of 20 such pieces of paper and then dividing the reading by 20 Basic Scientific Measurement 23 __Using the Vernier Caliper «Close the jaws and check that the indicating marks ‘on the main scale and Vernier scale read zero Open the jaws wide enough to hold an object. Do this by sliding the Vernier scale. Read the length. Reading the Vernier Caliper Fig. 2.10 shows how to read the Vernier caliper. The first reading taken is Sth line on the vernier scale isin line with one line on the main scale. Thus add 0.05 cm to the first reading which you took. Fig. 2.10: Reading the Vernier caliper Final reading: (6.30 + 0.05) cm = 6.35 cm It follows that the second decimal place in the measurement made is given by the number of a Vernier mark which coincides with a scale mark. Zero Errors of the Vernier Caliper Ifthe jaws of the Vernier caliper are closed but the zero marks on the main scale and the Vernier scale do not coincide, thet? isan error in the Vernier caliper known as the zero error. This ‘means that the readings taken will be more or less than the actual length. Hence, to get the correct reading, the zero er70" must be added or subtracted from the reading taken. Thet® are two types of errors, positive ~ a fe Ze negal are two P ero error and neg! It is always a good practice to close the Vernier caliper to check for zero error before taking any measurement. 25 Basic Scientific MeasurementPositive Zero Error A positive zero error in the Vernier caliper occurs when the Vernier scale is to the right of the main scale. Hence to get an accurate reading of the measurement, the error must be subtracted from the reading taken. 0 1 } main scate ‘ } vemior Scale o 's 40 0 '5 10 When thejawsareclosed Observed reading = 4.14 em Zero error = 0.04 cm Corrected reading = (414 - 004) cm This igure must be =4110em subtracted from the observed reading Fig. 2.11: Subtracting the zero error from the observed reading Negative Zero Error A negative zero error in the Vernier caliper occurs when the Vernier scale is to the left of the main scale. Hence to get an accurate reading of the measurement, the error must be added to the reading taken. 0 1 7 4 8 Main Scale } Vernier Scale Oo e0 Om 5) 10 When the jaws are closed Observed reading =7.05 em Yero.error (010 -0.06)cm —_Conected reading =0.04 em This figure must be added tothe observed reading, Fig. 2.12: Adding the zero error to the observed reading Basic Scientific Measurement 2Measuring Area _—___- 4 © Area is the amount of space taken up by the surface of an object. EB. © The SI unit for measuring area is square metre (m:) * Areas can be measured in square millimetre (mm*), : square centimetres (om?) and square kilometre (km*), Figures such as rectangles, squares, triangles, circles, trapeziums and parallelograms have regular surfaces, Hence the area of these regular figures can be calculated using a formula The table below gives the formulae of some of these regular figures. | length x length laxa=a? @ Square ® Length x breadth 7 Ixb= Ib | Rectangle | h asx base , 3 * base length x height ° = dxbxn=ton Triangle 2 2B Basic Scientific MeasurementnT nx radius x radius oak =UxXrxr =axr Circle where x 2 or 3.14 I 4 \6 * (sum of parallel sides) height 1 1 ° et x(atb)xh Trapezium a — In , ; base length « height 7 =bxh Parallelogram ‘© However, for irregular surfaces, there are no direct formulae to calculate their areas. Hence, approximate areas are found by placing the object on a sheet of grid paper. For example, if the sides of each grid measures 1 cm in length, the area of each square is (1 om x =) + om®. Hence 1 om? becomes the basic unit to find the area of the irregular figure. # Agraph paperis a good grid to use to trace the outline of the surface which is small and has an irregular shape. Basic Scientific MeasurementFig, 2.13: Measuring the surface area ofthe leaf using grid paper Measuring Volume _ © The volume of an object is the amount of space it occupies. For example, an inflated balloon takes up more space than an empty balloon. Hence an inflated balloon has a larger volume than a deflated balloon Volume can also show how much a container can hold, that is its capacity. For example, a bathtub can contain more water than a cup. ¢ The Slunit for volume is cubic metre (m*). For smaller volume, we can use cubic centimetre (cm®) or cubic millimetre (mm*), * Volume is also measured using metric units such as litres (!) and mililitres (mi). ‘Some common volume and their conversion factors are given in the following table. Conversion Factors 1 cubic centimetre = 1000 cubic millimetre 1 cubic decimetre = 1000 cubic centimetre 1 cubic metre = 1000 cubic decimetre 1 liter / litre = 001 cubic metre 1 liter / litre = 10 decilitre “1 decilitre = 10 centilitre “Loentilitre = 10 mililitre Basic Scientific MeasurementVolume of Solids The volume of regular solids such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres, cones, pyramids and prisms can be found using a formula. The following table gives the formulae of some of these regular solids, arn fouterern) /@ 2 | length » length » length | | |saxaxa (b) | | length x breadth height i xbxh Cuboid a © | | mx radius x radius height a =axrxrxh xPxh | Cylinder | @) | 4 zi fxn x radius | Ne | Saxe ‘Sphere 3 |) | ix a xradius* x height |e } | = ix axexh | Cone | Basic Scientific MeasurementVolume of Liquids The volume of a liquid may be measured using a measurin, cylinder. There are divisions on the measuring cylinder which are similar to that of a measuring cup. Other apparatus are a graduated flask, a burette, a pipette and a measuring beaker. Different instruments have different accuracies, S 23(em") Measuring cylinder Graduated flask Burette Pipette Fig. 2.14: Apparatus used to measure volume of liquids Measuring cylinder— Used to measure the volume of liquids to an accuracy of up to 1 om* Burette — Used to measure the volume of liquids to an accuracy of up to 0.1 cm and it can displace liquid drop by drop Pipette — Used to measure fixed volumes of liquids (25.0 cm? or 50.0 cm’) Used to measure fixed volumes of liquids (250 cm? and 500 cm*) Used to measure fixed volumes of liquids (0 cm®, 100 em?, 150 cm 200 cm’, 250 cm?) Volumetric flask — Beaker — Basic Scientific MeasurementMeasuring the Volume of Liquids Fig. 2.15: Finding the volume of a liquid is easy. Pour the liquid into a measuring cylinder and read the scale on it. However, when taking the reading from the measuring cylinder you need to ensure that your eye level is directly horizontal with the top or bottom of the meniscus. Reading the Meniscus of Liquids The surface of the liquids may be upwards (convex) or downwards (concave). This is called meniscus. Most of the liquids have concave meniscus except mercury which has a convex meniscus. The eye should be positioned correctly when taking the meniscus reading, which avoids the parallax error. Basic S Ameasuring cylinder can be used to measure the volume of liquids accurately up to 1 cm? jentific Measurementinder, the meniscus will curve When wateris in a graduated cylinder, up at the edges and down in the centre, so the reading must be taken from the bottom of the meniscus centre and down at the edges so the m the top of the meniscus. Mercury curves up at the reading must be taken fro When measuring the volume of a liquid, itis important to read the graduated cylinder correctly. The eye should be in level with the top of the liquid and the bottom of the meniscus. This is to avoid parallax error. The measuring cylinder should be placed on a level surface before any reading is made. Volume of Irregular Solids Many objects are irregular in shape. We can find their volumes using a measuring cylinder. Method 1 The volume of water is taken (A) in a measuring oylinder. The object is then lowered completely into the measuring cylinder. Because objects have mass and takes up space, when the object is lowered into the measuring cylinder, it will cause the water level to rise (B). The volume of the object can be found by subtracting the volume of water from the total volume of the object and the water (B - A) (See Fig. 2.16). measuring ‘olinder cm Fig. 2.16: The volume of the sphere can be measured by taking the difference 32 Basic Scientific MeasurementMethod 2 Method 1 cannot be used if the solid is bigger than the diameter of the measuring cylinder. Hence the volume of the solids can be measured using the displacement can or Eureka can. The can is placed on a stand with a measuring cylinder beneath its spout. Water is poured into the can until it overflows into the cylinder. The cylinder with water is replaced with a clean dry measuring cylinder. Then the irregular object is slowly lowered into the can til it is completely immersed in the water. The volume of the solid is the volume of water displaced into the measuring cylinder. }— 22 cm In everyday life liquids are measured in litres (/) and millilitres (mi) }000 mi so 1 /= 1000 om* 4 litre imi Fig. 2.17: imegular solids Method 3 If an irregular object floats in water, it will not completely displace its own volume of water. Hence, a sinker witha thread attached to itis first lowered into the measuring cylinder. The volume of the object and sinker is observed. The object to be measured is then tied to the sinker and lowered into the measuring cylinder until is completely immersed in the water. The new reading is taken. The difference between the two readings would give the volume of the object, jing the displacement method to find the volumes of large Basic Scientific Measurement + euapszRL SDISAHdVolume of object = 35cm’ - 28cm! ron 8 35cm? a. 4 28cm" invegular shape obec er sinker: a) a co Fig, 2.18: Using a sinker to measure objects that are less dense than water. Measuring Mass a © Mass is defined as the amount of matter in an object. Mass is different from weight. Weight is defined as the force of gravity acting on an object. © Mass is measured in kilograms (kg), grams (g) or milligrams (mg). Mass can be measured using a scale. There are two types of scales — calibrated scale and two-arm balance. * Mass can also be measured using a balance such as the beam balance or the electronic balance. Beam balance pivot three sliding masses The double beam balance and tiple beam balance are two balances Commonly used in the school laboratory. The double beam balance Consists of two weighing pans, @ Pointer, sliding mass and a graduated beam. The tripe beam balance (Fig. 2.19) has only one weighing an, three graduated beams, 9 Pointer, and three sliding masses. Atriple beam balanc Basic Scientific MeasurementElectronic balance What is Density? steel weighing pan LCD display CED O. [=a Fig. 2.20: An electronic balance (on /off button tare button SDISAMa + 2009059 | Arepuares is used to measure mass Equal volumes of different substances vary considerably in mass In Physics, we refer to the lightness or heaviness of different materials by the use of the word density. The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume. To find the density of a substance we need to measure its mass and volume. Use the following relationship to find density. Mass Volume also can be expressed as Density where p= density (kg/m?), m=mass (kg), V=volume (m’) The SI units for density are kgim* or g/cm’. Density is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density associated with it. E.g: Arock is obviously more dense than a crumpled piece of paper of the same size. A styrofoam cup is less dense than a ceramic cup. ea ripe: ‘Stepsinusing anelectronic balance to measure the mass of a liquid 4. Tum the electronic balance on. 2. Place an empty beaker or cylinder on the weighing pan. 3. Press the “Tare” button so as to subtract the current mass from future readings. 4, Add the liquid and take the reading. Basic Scientific MeasurementSecondary 1 &2Science + PHYSICS 1 Comparing Density of Water auaay «In Physics, the density of many substances i : cepa to the density of water. Does an obj Pipe. floaton water or sink in water? If an object such st ‘§ coe of wood floats on water, itis les dense es water. On the contrary, a rock sinks in water. Hencaj is denser than water. All pieces of the same substances have the same density, regardless of their volume or mass. «Density of gases is very low compared to solids ang liquids. E.g. Mercury is liquid metal with a very high density of 13.6 g / cm. «The higher the density, the tighter the particles are packed inside a substance. Density is a physica property which is constant at a given temperature. Density can also help to identify a substance, Density of water is 4 gicm? or 1000 kg/m’ Itis very easy to convert from kgim* to gim’ 1000 kg/m? = 1.0 10? kgim? 10x10 x10" _g 10 = 1.0 glom? The table given below shows the densities of some substances. TCU a Gold 19 300 19.30 Copper 8920 8.92 ‘Aluminium 2700 270 Glass 2500 2.50 Cork 240 ae Ice 920 y 0.92 ra Mercury 13.600 13.60 Pete 800 0.80 1000 4.00 (Sse wali 1025 1.02 (athe ot se 0.92 Basic Scientific MeasurementSeren Pe il gicm? Air ues 7 I! SDISAH + 1.29 0.00 129 Oxygen 1.44 0.00 143 Hydrogen 0.09 0.00 009 Float or Sink Floating may mean that an object, such as a cork, stays on top of a liquid, such as water. More generally when any object is submerged in any fluid (could be 3 a liquid or a gas) it floats’ ifit tends to move upwards. | bd you know at we are at If the object tends to move downwards, then it is] {om "a" now” Eons cow sinking’. root AV one tne, Earths erst When an object placed in a liquid of lower density had just one big piece of land, r a li ‘Over milions of years, tho land than itself, the object sinks. If it is placed in a liquid of | broke ino soverlpioaes. These a greater density than itself, it floats. peeees: ety Taek over become today's seven continents. © For example a copper sphere will sink in water but floats in mercury. This is because the density of copper is 8.92 g/cm? which is greater than the density of water (1.0 g/cm®). However, the density of copper is lower than the density of mercury which is 13.6 glom. copper water —= mercury copper Fig. 2.21: An object can float or sink based on the density of the liquid itis placed ‘Wood, cork and ice all float no matter what size or shape they are. However, materials such as modelling clay or steel, may float or sink. With these materials, it is their shape that decides whether they float or sink. Basic Scientific MeasurementSecondary 18 2Science + PHYSICS Who can forget the ta accident of the Titanic? Like ll ships of today, the Tani is mado Of Iron or steel which is denser than water. Because of the shape of the ship that includes 2 lange volume of ait, the ship i less dense than water and thus floats on water. Once an accident ‘occurs and water enters he ship, the ship bocomes donsor than the ater andi stars to sink hen most liquids freeze to solids, the famed ey Wiater is diferent. When it freezes, 1 expands and becomes less dense. Ice floats on water because it is less dense than water. Giant blocks of i¢e floating in the sea are called icebergs. Ships must take care to avoid icebergs Oil spill: OiL-based liquids that are less dense than water also float on top of water. We can sometimes see crude oil floating on the surface of the sea in a thin layer that stretches for miles. Such oil slicks can harm fish and birds Many liquids are like water and mix easily with it. But some liquids do not mix with water unless they are forced to, Some liquids (e.g. oil, alcohol) are less dense and float on top of water. Others (e.g. mercury) are denser so water fioats on top of them. Submarines are special floating vessels because they can sink and then return to the surface. Ballast tanks control how deep they dive, To make the submarine sink, the tanks are filled with water. To make the submarine rise, the water is pumped out of the tank and replaced with air. A hydrogen-filled balloon rises in air. The density of air is about 14 times that of hydrogen. Hot air balloons work using the same principle. The air inside the balloon gets heated up and becomes less dense than the outside air. So it rises up. Modern airships are filled with helium gas. As helium is less dense than air, the airships can tise into the air. EE Basic Scientific MeasurementMeasuring Temperature ¢ Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an object is. Our fingers can be used to tell the hotness and coldness of an object, but they are not accurate. * Aninstrument used to measure temperature is called a thermometer. «Temperature measures the average speed of molecules in a body of matter. The faster the molecules move, the hotter is the object. The slower the molecules move, the colder is the object. ‘The unit of temperature is measured in degree Celsius (°C), degree Fahrenheit (°F) or in Kelvin (K).. * Most countries measure in Celsius but the United States of America is one of the few countries to measure temperature in Fahrenheit. ‘* The red liquid used in thermometers is coloured alcohol and the silver liquid is mercury, which is poisonous. ‘* Most laboratory thermometers are made of glass. Inside the thermometer is a liquid which is either mercury or coloured alcohol. These thermometers are called liquid-in-glass thermometer. ere require a certain range of temperature and this can be maintained using a thermometer. kitchen thermometer Clinical mercury - in-glass thermometer Gini bare thermometer thermometer Fig. 2.22: There are different thermometers used for measuring different range of temperatures. Basic Scien! Measurement ‘a2ua1s 79 1 Alepuoses SDISAHdthermometer Je gives the various types of tl e The following table gi ee used to measure different ran‘ Se Pee ie hcl cic ake ] Laboratory thermometer to 110°C Thermocouple thermometer =200°C to 1200°C Clinical thermometer 34°C to 42°C 4 Bimetallic thermometer 0°C to 400°C a Infrared thermometer -55°C to 280°C A Resistance thermometer -200°C to 850°C a | Digital thermometer 35.5°C to 41.1°C z= 4. The temperature of Sun can be measured ‘rom the colour of the ight gives out 2. The temperature at he conte ofthe Sun Is greater than 10 000 000°C. 3. The temperature at the surface of the ‘Sun is 5500°C, 4, Common salt, sodium chloe melis at ere, 5, The temperature of@non-luminous fame ina Bunsen burner is 800°. 6. The meting point of on is 1540°C. 40 Basic Scientific Measurement
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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