Shared Decision Making Consumer - Workbook
Shared Decision Making Consumer - Workbook
Shared Decision Making Consumer - Workbook
A Step-by-Step Approach
The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions,
or policies of SAMHSA.
Recommended Citation
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. What is right for me? How to make important decisions in everyday life.
A step-by-step approach. (HHS Pub No. SMA-XX-XXXX). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2011.
Originating Office
Office of the Associate Director for Consumer Affairs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1007, Rockville, MD 20850. Phone: 1-800-789-2647. (HHS Pub No. SMA-XX-XXXX). Printed 2011.
This workbook is part of a set of materials designed to promote and support shared decision making in mental health. These materials
include printed descriptive and informational materials, step-by-step decision making workbooks, videos and user guides, worksheets
and tools, tip sheets, podcasts and archived webinars, and an interactive decision aid on using antipsychotic medications as part of a
recovery plan.
All of these materials are available to download at no cost from Print copies, DVDs and CD-ROMs of the
material are available from SAMHSA National Mental Health Information Center at 1-800-789-2647.
About This Workbook
Many decisions are ours alone to make. But we make our best decisions when
we have good information, consider the input of others, and take time to think
through what is most important to us.
This workbook is part of the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) project on Shared Decision Making in Mental Health. 2 Introduction
This project provides tools to help people who use mental health services and
people who provide services to have more collaborative and productive conversa- 4 Think
tions about all aspects of a person’s mental health recovery plan.
6 Research
7 Identify Options
Following the steps outlined in the workbook can help you make any 8 Pluses and
important decision in your life, not just decisions about medical care or Minuses
mental health treatment and services.
12 Action
There are several ways you can use the workbook:
14 Ponder
• As a tool to make an important personal decision on your own; 16 Tips for Talking about
• As a guide for talking with someone else about your situation Your Decision
and options;
• As an aid for making a collaborative or shared decision together Decision Making
with others; Worksheet
You make decisions every day about your life, relationships, health care, and services.
Some decisions are easy to make, but others may feel difficult and stressful. These feelings
are natural, but it is hard to make good decisions if the feelings become overwhelming.
You can reduce your stress and make better choices if you use steps to think through your
situation and options. Remember that avoiding making a decision is a kind of decision
itself – and it has consequences, too. Some complicated situations involve more than one
decision. It is helpful to think about them one by one.
This workbook is designed to help you make a decision that you find difficult. It uses a
simple tool called TRIP MAP to walk you through the steps of making a decision.
I Identify options
A Action planning
To help you see how the TRIP MAP process works, read Dori’s Story in the blue box
below. As you go through the workbook, you will see more blue boxes that show how
Dori uses the TRIP MAP steps to help her make a decision about her situation.
Dori’s Story
Dori just started working at a restaurant where her friend works, about a mile and
a half from her home. She likes the job, but has to work late some nights. There is
no night bus service, so she worries about her safety walking at night and dealing
with bad weather.
Like a road map, this tool helps you at each turn, for example, by identifying your most
important priorities or weighing the pluses and minuses of each option. You can use the
TRIP MAP tool by yourself or with someone you trust.
You can write in the workbook, use the worksheet at the end, or use the TRIP MAP tool on
a piece of blank paper. You can complete your TRIP MAP at one time, or, like many people,
you can stop and pick it up again later.
You can do your best to get facts and information about your situation and options, but
you may never have complete information about all the possibilities. You may feel uncertain
or worry that you will make the wrong decision. The TRIP MAP tool helps you make the
best decision you can with the information you have.
After you make a decision, you may want to share it with others. This workbook includes
tips for how to do this, especially if others do not agree with your choice. If you find that
your decision turns out not to be the right one for you, the workbook shows how to revisit
and reconsider your choice.
The first step is to stop and think about the situation. There are many
things that will affect your decision. It helps to write down your thoughts
about: the problems, pressures, people, and your priorities. Use the space
provided or a blank sheet of paper.
Sometimes you have to make a quick decision so you do not miss out
on an opportunity. Other times, you have to act before a certain date.
What is most important to you in this decision? Your feelings will help
guide you to make the decision that is right for you. Dori’s Priorities
It is important to me that:
It is useful to rate which priorities are the most important to you in
case you have to make tradeoffs. • I feel safe.
• I get to work on time.
• If there were a “perfect” choice, what would it look like?
• I don’t get sick walking in
• If you cannot have all the things you want, what would you give up and bad weather.
what would you keep?
• I save money for my own
• What are the two most important things on your list? apartment.
• What are the two least important things on your list?
Looking at her list,
Dori feels that safety
is the most important.
Do you know the facts of your situation and what your options are?
Do you know the pluses and the minuses of each of these options?
If not, you need to get more information.
Dori’s Research
Here are some ways to get the information you need:
Dori thinks getting a car
might be an option, but she • Visit a library. There may be books and other resources to help you.
has never owned a car. Her Librarians can help you find useful information.
brother knows a little about
cars. A librarian shows her • Use the Internet. Visit Web sites you can trust. Look for Web sites that
a book about the reliability include reviews from others who have made similar decisions.
of used cars and some Web
• Talk to others. Peers, family, friends, providers, spiritual advisors, and
sites offering used cars for
others may have useful information. Find people who have special
sale. She talks to her friend
knowledge about the topic you are researching. For example, if you
about her ideas, too.
are thinking about buying a used car, you may want to talk to a car
mechanic about which ones have the fewest repairs.
Write down the information you need and where you will get it:
You can use the blank page at the end of this workbook
to write down what you learn.
Identify Options Dori’s Brainstorm
• Do nothing: keep walking
To make a good decision, identify as many options as possible. It helps to
• Ask to work only when
brainstorm—just write down all the ideas that come to mind, even those the bus runs
that are unusual or seem silly. While brainstorming, do not judge your
ideas, just list them. Any idea is a good idea at this point. Talk to others. • Quit the new job
They may have ideas, too. • Ride with friend
• Buy a used car
• Try to find an apartment
Brainstorm closer to work
After considering each brainstorm idea, circle the 3 or 4 ideas that seem • Can I stick with this option?
most practical and doable. Write the circled ideas as your options in the
Plus-Minus Chart on page 10.
Pluses and Minuses: Weigh the Options
You now have some practical and doable options. It is time to think about
the pluses (good points) and minuses (bad points) of each one and write
them on a Plus-Minus Chart. Filling out this chart may not give you the
Dori Weighs final answer, but it will help you think about your options and how you
Her Options feel about them.
Dori’s Plus-Minus Chart: Weigh Your Options
Pluses How Minuses How
(good things) Important? (bad things) Important?
Option 4
Inexpensive *** May not be reliable **
Ride with
Friend’s car is
Saves time * old and could *
break down
1. Write your best options on a blank Plus-Minus Chart.
2. List the pluses and minuses of each. List as many as you can think of. Use another
sheet if you need more space.
3. Record how important each plus and minus is to you. One star (*) means that a pro or
con matters very little to you. Two stars (**) means it matters somewhat. Three stars (***)
means it matters a lot to you.
Option 1
Do nothing/
Make no
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Are you leaning toward one option? If so, which one? Write it here:
Choose your best option P
What does the completed table reveal? Does one option seem to fit your
goals and priorities? If you are leaning toward one option over others, but
not ready to decide, what else do you need to make your decision? TIP
Not deciding is a decision
itself and has pluses and mi-
Still not sure? nuses like other options. If you
feel stuck, get help or support
Did the decision making table help you select your best option? from others.
If you are still having trouble deciding, here are some ideas
that might help:
1. Review why you are making this decision. Look at how you defined
the problem in the “Think” step (page 4). Choose the option that best TIP
helps you meet your goal.
2. Think about what is important to you. Look at your list of priorities Test your decision
from the “Think” step (page 5) and choose the option that helps you
• Talk about it with others.
get what is most important to you. Explain your decision to
someone you trust. Talk
3. Consider tradeoffs. Are you willing to give up something that is about what you saw as
important to you to get something even more important? options and how you
arrived at your decision.
4. Do you need more information? You might need to do more research. Others may offer support
or have useful suggestions.
5. Get more ideas. Maybe there is an option you did not consider.
Review your brainstorm list in the “Identify Options” step (page 7). • Try it on. Ask “What is
Talk with others—they may have fresh ideas or another way of the worst that could
thinking about your options. happen if I choose this
option? Is this likely to
6. Make a “backup” plan. If you are worried about your preferred happen? Am I okay if it
option not working out, it can be helpful to think about what you does?” If you are okay with
the possible outcomes of
would do. For example, if it does not work out riding with a friend,
your decision, it is a good
Dori could still walk. one for you. If not, you may
want to identify more
options and weigh their
pluses and minuses in
When you are comfortable that you have made the best choice for you, another decision chart.
write your decision here:
I have decided:
Dori’s Action Plan Making a decision involves more than just choosing the best option.
You must act on your decision if you want to make a specific change in
Dori decided to ride to work
your life. An action plan will help you follow through, especially if you
with a friend and made this
identify what needs to be done, who does it, when it needs to be done,
Action Plan. Notice that she
and resources you need to do it.
has checked the steps that
are complete.
Action Plan to:
Step What Who When Completed
1. ❒
2. ❒
3. ❒
4. ❒
5. ❒
Keep your plan simple and doable. Write the action steps in the order they need to be done.
Or maybe Dori gets a If things did not turn out as you expected, it does not mean that you
raise at work, so buying have failed. This is often part of the process. We may revisit decisions
a used car will not be so many times as we learn new information or as our situation changes.
hard on her budget. Sometimes we make the same choice each time we revisit a decision,
but other times we make a different choice.
If you need to make a new decision, you can use a clean copy of this
workbook. There is a 3-page worksheet at the end of the workbook that
can be photocopied to use every time you need help making a decision.
TIP You can also use the TRIP MAP steps with pen and paper.
We often learn
something by looking
at how our past deci-
sions turned out—
good and bad.
You have:
The next section of this workbook contains resources you can copy and use as often as
These are:
Talking For Talking
about a Decision TIPS
About Your Decision
Conversation Starters
• You know I have been Here are a few tips that can help you prepare to announce your
struggling with a difficult decision to someone:
decision for some time.
I would like to tell you • Think about how people will react and address concerns you think they
what I decided. will have.
• Remember that people sometimes need time to accept news, and their
initial reaction might change over time.
• Stress your priorities in positive terms. For example, “It’s really important
about a Decision to me that I have more privacy, so I have decided to look for my
own apartment.”
Dealing with Disagreement
TRIP MAP Decision Making Worksheet
Problems you want to address Pressures such as deadlines or people who
want you to do something
People who can help and who will be Priorities for what is important to YOU in
affected by the decision the decision
RESEARCH: What facts and information do you need? Where can you get it?
Plus-Minus Chart: Weigh Your Options
Option 1
Do nothing/
Make no
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Action Plan To
Step What Who When Completed
1. ❒
2. ❒
3. ❒
4. ❒
5. ❒
The material in the workbook is derived from many sources. We especially wish to
acknowledge the inspiration provided by the Personal Decision Support Guides created
by Ottawa Health Research Institute and available at
You can use the links below to learn more about decision making skills and different
ways to approach decisions. The views, policies, and opinions expressed on the featured
web sites are those of the organizations maintaining the web site and/or the web site
authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA.
T Think about T Think about
problems, pressures, problems, pressures,
people, and priorities people, and priorities
Use a TRIP MAP for decision making Use a TRIP MAP for decision making
Use a TRIP MAP for decision making Use a TRIP MAP for decision making