Report Card Dams-2021
Report Card Dams-2021
Report Card Dams-2021
are local
are federal
are owned by states
Dam failures not only put the public at risk, they can such as roads, bridges, and water systems. When a dam
also cost our economy billions of dollars in damages. fails, resources must be devoted to the prevention and
Failure includes more than the dam’s damage, but can treatment of public health risks as well as the resulting
negatively impact many other infrastructure systems, structural consequences.
· Increase state funding for their respective dam safety programs, including adequate
staffing of state dam safety offices. Ensure all 50 states have dam safety programs.
· Encourage state and federal agencies to meet reporting deadlines to ensure that
adequate data on dams are available for policymakers to facilitate decision-making
on funding and to the general public to promote public awareness.
· Require federal agencies that own, operate, or regulate dams to meet the standards
of Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety.
· Encourage improved land use planning at the local level so that communication
about how dams affect local areas is more accurately known and considered in
future planning.
DAM OWNER — Party or parties responsible for the safety and liability of the dam
and for financing its upkeep, upgrade, and repair.
DAM REGULATOR — Party or parties responsible for dam safety enforcement in-
cluding the safety evaluations of existing dams, review of plans and specifi-
cations for dam construction and major repair work, periodic inspections of
construction work on new and existing dams, and review and approval of emer-
gency action plans.
1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “National Inventory of Dams,” 2020 partial update.
2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “National Inventory of Dams,” 2020 partial update.
3. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Risk of Failure.
4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “National Inventory of Dams,” 2020 partial update.
5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “National Inventory of Dams,” 2020 partial update.
6. Congressional Research Service, “Dam Safety Overview and the Federal Role,”
page 8, October 24, 2019.
7. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “National Inventory of Dams,” 2020 partial update.
8. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Graph 3.
Dams 10. Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Dam Ownership in the United States.” (as of 10/22/19)
11. Congressional Research Service, “Dam Safety Overview and the Federal Role,” page
18, October 24, 2019.
12. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, The Cost of Rehabilitating Our Nation’s
Dams: A Methodology, Estimate & Proposed Funding Mechanisms,” December
2002, updated 2019.
13. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, The Cost of Rehabilitating Our Nation’s
Dams: A Methodology, Estimate & Proposed Funding Mechanisms,” December
2002, updated 2019.
14. Congressional Research Service, “Dam Safety Overview and the Federal Role,” page
34, October 24, 2019.
15. Federal Emergency Management Agency, “HHPDR Factsheet,” May 2020. https://
16. HHPDR Project Spreadsheet shared by ASDSO. – will need to revisit this number
closer to publication.
17. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for High-Hazard Potential Dams.
18. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for High-Hazard Potential Dams.
19. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Inspections of High-Hazard Potential Dams.
20. Congressional Research Service, “Dam Safety Overview and the Federal Role,” page
16, October 24, 2019.
21. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Graph 3.
22. Association of State Dam Safety Officials, “State Performance and Current Issues,”
Graph 5.
23. Congressional Research Service, “Dam Safety Overview and the Federal Role,” pages
12-13, October 24, 2019.