Traffic Congestion Detection Using Deep Learning
Traffic Congestion Detection Using Deep Learning
Traffic Congestion Detection Using Deep Learning
Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
With fast development of deep learning-based can prevent extended congestion with devastating
approaches, they have been shown applicable to many evolution from the initial controllable traffic
different image recognition tasks in clinical diagnosis, congestion, which is one of the important applications
robotics and so on. However, it is surprised that few in intelligent transport system (ITS). In order to detect
successful applications in the transportation system the road state of congestion, commercial video
have been reported, especially in consideration of detector, vehicle detector, and other equipment are
huge amount traffic video and image using in developed and installed. However, high-cost of those
monitoring the urban road network and freeway. equipment limits their application. The expensive
According to the current situation, most of the supercomputer is also needed to process cameras
cameras play their roles as passive monitory but local in large-scale region simultaneously. The
cannot automatically detect the congestion on time. transmission and computation of the continuous video
The detection of congestion mainly relies on lots of record consume lots of equipment costs and electrical
manpower to report congestion manually when it resources. The processing is uninterruptedly
happens randomly in the road network. It is extremely conducted so the high-performance computer is
tedious and time-consuming to keep watching all the needed to meet the requirement of real-time
day and identify congestion from the current application. Seeing that the remarkable improvement
surveillance system using in traffic monitoring hall. of the deep learning approaches emerges in those
Furthermore, it is impossible to watch all the cameras days, it is worth to investigate the image-based
relies on human eyes considering numerous cameras detection and extend it to the practical application .
covering a large-scale region using in the freeway.
In order to meet the requirement of the practical
However, prompt detection of the traffic congestion
application, spatial and temporal information of
in large-scale region is important. Prompt detection
congestion occurrence is vital for subsequence precise
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49401 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1195
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
regional traffic management and control. With LITRETURE REVIEW
accurate detection of congestion incorporated with During the last few decades, significant research
spatial and temporal information, the overall efforts have been devoted to using closed-circuit
distribution of traffic congestion in a region could be television (CCTV) cameras to determine real-time
sorted out. That multiple dimensional information traffic parameters such as volume, density, and speed
could be then compounded and reported from (12, 13). These methods can be broadly divided into
cameras in a large-scale range using in regional three categories: (a) detection-based methods, (b)
surveillance systems and automatically visualize the motion-based methods, and (c) holistic approaches.
congestion area to assist people watching the monitor Detection-based methods use individual video frames
system more efficiently. to identify and localize vehicles and thereby perform
a counting task. Ozkurt and Camci used neural
network methods to perform vehicle counting and
Deep learning algorithms have the potential
classification tasks from video records (6). Kalman
implementation meanings to be intensely used in
filter-based background estimation has also been used
many fields of the transportation system, from traffic
to estimate vehicle density (14). In addition, faster
flow prediction to traffic congestion recognition.
recurrent convolution neural networks (RCNNs) have
Classification of traffic condition is one of the most
been used for traffic density calculation (15).
important parts of an ITS , which can be widely
However, these were found to perform poorly for
utilized in traffic control strategies, traffic flow
videos with low resolution and high occlusion. Recent
analysis and so on.
achievements in deep learning methods in image
In terms of traditional machine learning-based recognition tasks have led to several such methods
method, K-nearest neighbor (KNN) was commonly being used for traffic counting tasks.
used to classify images. Support vector machine
Several motion-based methods have been suggested
(SVM) was also used for classifying hyper spectral
in the literature to estimate traffic flow utilizing
images with satisfactory results [13]. All those
vehicle tracking information. Asmaa et al. used
traditional image processing methods were hard to
microscopic parameters extracted using motion
use in the classification of traffic images in
detection in a video sequence (18). However, these
consideration of various scenarios and disturbances.
methods tend to fail due to lack of motion
Deep learning approaches have been dramatically information and low frame rates of videos; some
improved with high-performed computer emerged. vehicles appear only once in a video, making it
Classification method shifted its research direction difficult to estimate their trajectories. Holistic
into the deep learning-based method and moved to approaches avoid the segmentation of each object.
artificial intelligence (AI) level. Deep learning Rather, an analysis is performed on the whole image
method conquered the shortcoming of traditional to estimate the overall traffic state.
machine learning algorithms, which rely on hand- Overall, significant studies have been conducted in
designed features. Convolutional neural network the past using various deep learning models to
(CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) are implement vehicle counting tasks and thereby
successful examples of supervised deep learning determine congestion states.
algorithms, which require a considerable amount of
training data. In recent years, the CNN-based model METHODOLGY
Dataset collection
appeared as a powerful framework for feature
Image pre-processing
extraction and recognition dominated various image
tasks. . In 2012, AlexNet using CNN-based has Training using Convolutional 2D neural network
intensely improved with deep learning algorithm Cloud Storage
which has been successfully used in the famous Recognition
image competition ILSVRC . Since then, CNN-based DATASET COLLECTION
in image recognition has been widely used and Different classes of input traffic scene images are
became popular in image recognition and visual collected from web. The class value output of scenes
learning. At the same time, people adopt GPU to are given along with dataset image collection. We
solve the problem of training in big data size. VGG have created four folders namely sparse_traffic,
networks [28] with more layers of CNN achieved a dense_traffic, fire, accident, every folder contains
better result than the previous approaches. images of 900 for train and validation purposes. The
folder name itself represent the class value for
classification output.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49401 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1196
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
IMAGE PRE-PROCESSING detect road state of congestion. This is proposed to
There is no much pre-processing required in this bridge the current advanced deep learning approaches
implementation. The training and test dataset is and practical application. We proposed Convolutional
classified in different folder is given as input using a Neural Network (CNN) for training and validation.
function fro keras " flow_from_directory". This gives We considered as multi class problem. However, the
necessary pre-process such as dimension reductions. detection accuracy for the new input images is not as
Similarly, the input image for test input is dimension high as that of the validation set.
reduction and converting to numpy array.
TRAINING USING CONVOLUTIONAL 2D I should convey my real tendency and obligation to
NEURAL NETWORK Dr MN Nachappa and Dr. J. Bhuvana undertaking
We used convolutional 2D neural network available facilitators for their effective steerage and consistent
in keras for traing and testing our model. inspirations all through my assessment work. Their
ideal bearing, absolute co-action and second
discernment have made my work gainful.
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the theoretical network is specialized to automatically
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49401 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1197