L01 - Final Draft Lab 1 Draft UwU

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per periods

And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting

So we need to absorb and note down what will change if we changes
the values of these…Mass, starting angle and length..

The mass seems to effect the period of pendulum, here the table we
had made and recorded the duration per period in the same starting
angle and length but with three different masses…
per periods
And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting

We had decreased the second and third table for a lighter mass ,and
You can see that the lighter the object it will increase the duration for
each periods, and the heavier the object will be faster on average.
Noted down each trials durations and made an average duration for the

We think that the heavier masses objects were faster because it could
drive more force while swinging and for the lighter ones must had less

So the mass does effect the duration.


We did the same for this next experiment but now with different length
here’s the table.
per periods
And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting

(Our apologies for not using the same numbers for the rest of the data
but you could see the differences though) :>>.
per periods
And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting

Now we are seeing if the length effect the duration for each
periods…As you can see we had made each number in the tables of the
length decreased.
The table with the longest length had longer durations each periods,
and the shorter ones were shorter.

And we had noticed that longer the length of the string it will take more
time/ seconds for it to swing for each periods.

And we think the reason that the longer length ones took longer
because it was longer and will slow down the swing, like the string will
swing all the way to the starting angle point and the length or the long
string will kind of drag it while swinging. The shorter ones had less
length so it wont drag as much as the longer ones.

So the length does effect the duration.

with a different starting angle.

per periods
And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting

As you can obviously see and notice, the starting does effect the
durations for each periods.

We had use the same numbers for the length and mass, then each
tables have different starting angles.

Each tables will get decreased. So we noticed that the smaller the angle
the shorter it takes to swing each period, and the bigger the angle the
slinger it takes of course it will effect the time it took to swing.
per periods
And the effect of different masses, lengths and starting
So we think that the ones with a bigger starting angle are further, the
string and the object will be further away from the middle part and will
take longer to swing each period because they were further away from
each other from side to side.

So the staring angle does effect the duration.

These are our notices and notes about the question/ topic.

Thank you for reading and notice our investigation. :>

Group members: Mona, Me and Myself.

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