Email: [email protected]
Gender: M Registration Number: 0000 0000 2566 1170
Date of Birth: 09 Jun 1993 Test Date: 08 Nov 2015 Sponsor Code:
Rostami, Ali
Unit 4, Number 1, Nurafshar 3 St,
Jebeli St, Niavaran, Tehran
Tehran, Tehran 1978873616
Iran (Islamic Republic Of)
TOEFL iBT Scaled Scores
Reading . . . . . . . . . 27
Listening . . . . . . . . . 27
Country of Birth: Iran (Islamic Republic Of) Inst. Code Dept. Code Speaking . . . . . . . . . 28
4836 99
Native Language: FARSI Writing . . . . . . . . . . 27
0999 99
Test Center: STN11497B - NOET
4852 99
Test Center Country: Iran (Islamic Republic Of)
Total Score . . . . . . . 109
4256 99
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Security Identification - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
ID Type: Passport ID No.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3590 Issuing Country: Iran
Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did, typically understand conversations and lectures in
English that present a wide range of listening demands. These demands can include difficult vocabulary
(uncommon terms, or colloquial or figurative language), complex grammatical structures, abstract or complex
ideas, and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information.
When listening to lectures and conversations like these, test takers at the HIGH level typically can
• understand main ideas and important details, whether they are stated or implied;
• distinguish more important ideas from less important ones;
Listening High • understand how information is being used (for example, to provide evidence for a claim or describe a
step in a complex process);
• recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example, in a cause-and-effect relationship);
• understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information
(for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions indirectly);
• synthesize information, even when it is not presented in sequence, and make correct inferences on the
basis of that information.
Copyright © 2015 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logos, TOEFL, and TOEFL iBT are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the
United States and other countries.
Speaking Skills Level* Your Performance
Your responses indicate an ability to communicate your personal experiences and opinions effectively in English.
Speaking about Overall, your speech is clear and fluent. Your use of vocabulary and grammar is effective with only minor errors.
Good Your ideas are generally well developed and expressed coherently.
Familiar Topics
Your responses indicate an ability to speak effectively in English about reading material and conversations
typically encountered by university students. Overall, your responses are clear and coherent, with only occasional
Speaking about Good errors of pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary.
Campus Situation
Your responses demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in English about academic topics typical of first
Speaking about -year university studies. Your speech is mostly clear and fluent. You are able to use appropriate vocabulary and
Good grammar to explain concepts and ideas from reading or lecture material. You are able to talk about key
Academic Course
information and relevant details with only minor inaccuracies.
You responded with a well-organized and developed essay. Weaknesses, if you have any, might have to do with
• use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical, unclear, or unidiomatic and/or
Writing based on • elaboration of ideas or connection of ideas that could have been stronger.
Knowledge and
This score report provides four section scores and a total score. An analysis of your strengths and weaknesses in English is included. The level
pertaining to each skill should not be generalized beyond the performance on this test. Skill levels and their associated descriptions are not intended for
use by institutions as part of their admissions criteria and will not be shared unless you grant permission.
Information About Scores: The following scaled scores are reported for the Institution Codes: The code numbers shown on page 1 of this
TOEFL iBT test. A total score is not reported when one or more sections have report are the ones you selected before you took the test. If any
not been administered. These scores have the following ranges: institution code you selected is missing, it was incorrect and the
TOEFL® Program was unable to send a score report to that
Sections Scaled Scores institution.
Reading 0-30
Listening 0-30
Writing 0-30 00 Admissions office for undergraduate study or an
Total Score 0-120 institution or agency that is not a college or university
Score Legends:
01, 04-99 Admissions office for graduate study in a field other
Reading Skills Speaking Skills than management (business) or law according to the
Total Scaled Total Scaled codes selected when you registered
Level Level
Score Range Score Range
High 22-30 Good 26-30 02 Admissions office of a graduate school of
management (business)
Intermediate 15-21 Fair 18-25
Limited 10-17 03 Admissions office of a graduate school of law
Low 0-14
Weak 0-9
Additional information about TOEFL iBT scores can be found on
Listening Skills Writing Skills the Test Takers section of the TOEFL website at
Total Scaled
Total Scaled * Skill levels for speaking and writing individual skills are estimates of
Score Range Score Range performance at the item level. The total writing and speaking scaled
High 22-30 Good 24-30 scores and ranges are more accurate. Therefore it is not appropriate to
Fair 17-23 combine the individual skill levels. Doing so may lead to apparent
Intermediate 14-21
inconsistencies between the diagnostic feedback and reported writing
Limited 1-16
Low 0-13 and speaking scores.
Score of Zero 0
IMPORTANT NOTE TO SCORE USERS: This PDF score report was downloaded and printed by the test taker. It is not an Official Score
Report sent by ETS directly to an organization designated by the test taker. If you find it necessary to verify the scores on this report, please
contact the TOEFL Score Verification Service at +1-800-257-9547 or +1-609-771-7100. Scores more than two years old cannot be reported or