Extra Dive New Horizons. Part 1
Extra Dive New Horizons. Part 1
Extra Dive New Horizons. Part 1
Part 1
Words to learn: 1. Read the quotation, discuss and answer the questions. Do you agree with Albert
Einstein? Why?/Why not? Give your reasons.
to penetrate;
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
to swallow one’s
It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom
this emotion is strange, who can no longer pause to wonder and
to pierce; stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
plausible; Albert Einstein
to round
smth off;
to swallow; 2. Work in groups. Answer the questions.
venomous; 1. What is myth?
arachnid; 2. What scientific myths do you know?
to swallow 3. How can scientists bust the myth?
a story;
to swallow
3. Listen, read the words and their definitions, translate them and make some sen-
the bait;
tences with these words.
snakes; 1. arachnid [3`r0knd] n a small creature such as a spider that has eight
venomous legs and a body with two parts
criticism. 2. ingenuity [~nd43`nju:3ti] n the ability to invent things and think of new
3. to penetrate [`pentret] v to enter smth and pass or spread through it,
especially when this is difficult
4. perk [p-:k] n smth that you get legally from your work in ad-
dition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a
5. to pierce [p3s] v to make a small hole in or through smth, using
an object with a sharp point
6. plausible [`pl1:z3bl] adj reasonable and likely to be true or successful
7. to round [ra\nd] smth off v to complete smth in a suitable way, satisfacto-
8. to swallow [`sw5l3\] v to make food or drink go down your throat into
your stomach
9. venomous [`ven3m3s] adj full of hatred or anger
10. to get about [get] v to move from place to place or from person to
5. Read the article and check your answers. Find the English
meanings of these
Inside “MythBusters” words:
Did you know that if you dropped a penny from the Empire State
Building, it would penetrate someone’s skull? Or that a daddy-long- павукоподібна
legs spider is the most venomous arachnid, but its fangs aren’t large комаха;
enough to pierce human skin? Or that if you swallowed Pop Rocks винахідливість;
candy with soda, your stomach would explode? майстерність;
While it’s impossible to find out the origins of these and other
urban myths, you can’t argue that they don’t get about. We’ve all
heard them, from striking a tongue piercing to cockroaches surviving пронизувати;
a nuclear holocaust. And you can always bet that the person telling проходити
you heard it from a friend or relative of the actual source. (into, through, to),
But not all urban myths are actually myths. If only someone could вторгатися;
put some of these stories to the test and get to the truth of the mat- прориватися;
ter. Enter “MythBusters”. Every Wednesday night on Discovery Chan- зрозуміти,
nel, hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman test the limits of human збагнути; глибоко
ingenuity and sometimes even their own bodies to get to the bottom зворушувати,
of some of the most well-known urban myths. The cast is rounded off проймати
by the “build team” — Kari Byron, Tory Belleci and Grant Imahara. (чимсь — with);
Over the course of 100 episodes since 2002, “MythBusters” have (скор. від
declared more than 300 myths confirmed, busted or plausible. (For
the record, the above myths were all busted.) But the “MythBusters”
(побічний) дохід;
show isn’t only myth destruction — it’s just a perk of the job. Jamie приробіток;
and Adam, with their partners of the build team, use the scientif- самовпевнений,
ic method to conduct controlled, although sometimes messy, experi- зухвалий;
ments. The original idea was to have fun and educate — to have sci- дерти носа,
ence meet entertainment. заноситися;
The business of busting myths has proved to be popular. The show проколювати,
“MythBusters” quickly became one of Discovery Channel’s highest-rat- протикати,
ed shows with more than 10 million viewers all over the world. Each простромлювати;
episode typically tackles two or four myths, usually within a related просвердлювати;
topic. There are also themed episodes — the “mega-movie” busts, the пробивати (отвір);
pirate show, a set of experiments based on the movie “Jaws” and the правдоподібний;
popular viewers’ choice shows.
пристойний; що
уміє викликати
6. Work in groups. Try this quiz from Adam and Jamie. Decide if these statements закругляти,
are true or false. округляти щось;
A. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and can kill them. закінчувати,
B. Elephants are afraid of mice. завершувати щось;
C. Indonesia produces a very expensive kind of coffee made from ковтати;
beans that have been swallowed, digested and excreted by a small проковтувати;
D. Coca-Cola originally contains cocaine.
p. 86
E. A man was enjoying a lollipop while driving when he got into
an accident. The airbag deployed, forcing the lollipop down his
throat and choking him to death. 81
Find the English F. Many animal shelters will not allow any black cats to be adopted
meanings of these right before Halloween for fear they will be tortured or sacrificed
words: in satanic rituals.
G. Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
H. Actor James Caviezel was struck by lightning while filming the
2004 movie “The Passion of Christ”, in which he portrayed Jesus.
(образу тощо);
повірити байкам;
7. Listen to the interview. Check your answers.
спійматися на
гачок; 8. Work in groups. Discuss which of these myths surprised you a lot. Why?
брати свої слова
отруйний; злісний,
9. Work in groups. Discuss the following statements. Give your reasons.
злобний, отруйні 1. People are naive in their beliefs.
змії, злісна 2. Children should be taught at physics and chemistry lessons about
критика. scientific myths and their influence on people’s mind.
3. Scientific investigations are very important in our life.
Read them.
10. Homework. Write a short paragraph busting one of the myths giving
your opinion about it.
New Horizons. Part 2 EXTRA DIVE
1. Listen, read and say if scientific investigations help us more to build, to preserve Words to learn:
nature, to find extraterrestrial civilisations or to ruin our planet.
The H-bomb’s Thunder intelligent;
Don’t you hear the H-bomb’s thunder
Echo like the crack of doom?
While they rend the skies asunder,
to pop;
Fall-out makes the earth a tomb.
to decipher;
Do you want your homes to tumble, to conduct oneself
Rise in smoke towards the sky? like an intelligent.
Will you let your cities crumble,
Will you see your children die?
Must you put mankind in danger,
Murder folks in distant lands?
Will you bring death to a stranger,
Have his blood upon your hands?
Shall we lay the world in ruin?
Only you can make a choice.
Stop and think of what you’re doing,
Join the march and raise your voice.
Time is short, we must be speedy,
We can see the hungry filled.
House the homeless, help the needy,
Shall we blast or shall we build?
John Brunner
1. H-bomb [`et6b5m] n воднева бомба
2. doom [du:m] n доля, загибель, фатальний кінець
3. asunder [3`s2nd3(r)] adv навпіл, на шматки
4. to rend [rend] v поет. рвати, роздирати, шматувати
5. fall-out [`f1:laut] n радіоактивні опади
6. to tumble [`t2mbl] v завалюватися; упасти
7. to crumble [`kr2mbl] v гинути; руйнуватися
8. to murder [`m-:d3(r)] v убивати
9. needy [`ni:di] adj нужденний, бідний; який живе в нужді
10. to blast [bl%:st] v знищувати, руйнувати (плани, надії)
2. Listen, read the words and their definitions, translate them and make some sen-
tences with these words.
1. extraterrestrial [~ekstr3t3`restri3l] adj connected with life outside the planet Earth
2. intelligent [n`teld43nt] adj good at thinking, learning and understanding
Find the English 3. dwarf [dw1:f] n a small creature who has magic powers, lives
meanings of these and works with metal under the ground
words: 4. constellation [~k5nst3`le6n] n
a group of stars that has a name and forms
a shape in the sky
позаземний; що 5. alien [`eli3n] n a person who is from another country or soci-
знаходиться за ety
межами Землі; 6. to pop [p5p] v to make a short explosive sound
розумна людина, 7. to decipher [d`saf3(r)] v to find the meaning of smth that is difficult to
розумний, understand or to read
досвідчений, 3. Discuss in class.
поводитися 1. What do you think about advantages and disadvantages of scien-
розумно; tific investigation?
гном, карлик, 2. Do you think if there is an intelligent life in space?
пігмей; 3. Do extraterrestrial civilisations exist?
карликовий; 4. Can we find out and get in touch with other intelligent life in
сузір’я, плеяда; space without scientific discoveries?
іноземець, ізгой; 4. Work in groups. Look at the photos and discuss. What are all these websites
хлопати, вибухати, devoted to?
тріскати, з
тріском лопнути,
лопатися, широко
(про очі),
розбирати, давати
ключ (до чогось).
Read them.
5. Listen to Wilson da Silva and Jacqui Hayes telling about a project called “Hello
from Earth”. Answer the questions. Say what you think about it.
1. Who is it supported by?
2. What is the aim of the project?
3. What is the target planet? Why?
4. Who proposed it as a planet where a signal should be sent for?
5. What do scientists know for sure and what don’t they know?
Expressing opinions
6. Why do scientists believe that life is possible on Gliese 581d?
7. What is the deadline of posting messages? In my opinion,…
8. How and when does a transmission occur? In my view,…
9. By what time will the signal have arrived? I think (that)…
Personally, I think…
6. Work in groups. Read the messages and choose the best one. Explain the reason From my point of
of choosing it. view…
I’m not sure (if,
A. Hello, Gliese 581d inhabitants. Can you help us humans travel
through space and become smart like you? Please do not eat us,
I don’t have a
we are a friendly race. definite opinion
Angus Pigott, Canberra, Australia about that.
B. Australia is the top country to send messages to all you aliens, As I see you…
As I see it,…
so that says something!! When you crash and land on Earth, come
I don’t think…
and visit the Aussies!
Vanessa, Sydney, Australia
C. If you know the meaning of life, please send it to us. If not, let’s
celebrate together anyway! Thanks in advance, from a curious
carbon-based life form!
Monica Echagüen, Barcelona, Spain
D. Glad to make your acquaintance! I’ll be sure to pop when I’m in
the neighbourhood with Gliese 581d.
Carly, Ballarat, Australia 85
E. Hi there, inhabitants of Gliese 581d. Good luck with decipher-
ing all these messages. I’m not expecting a reply but I’m sure it
would be exciting to get one.
Tristan, Leeton, Australia
F. Hello, lifeform from Gliese 581d. Just to know that your planet
exists brings hope that we are not alone.
Casper, Canberra, Australia
G. Greetings, strangers! If you need an interpreter for these mes-
sages, I’m great at languages. Let me know, get no plans for the
next 50 years or so.
Samantha, Blacktown, Australia
8. Work in pairs. Think of your own message you can send. Write and present it
to the class.
New Horizons. Part 3 EXTRA DIVE
1. Read these quotations, discuss and say if modern life is possible without science Words to learn:
and if some scientific inventions can be dangerous for people. Give your reasons.
snail mail;
Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s at a snail’s pace;
living at it. snail;
Albert Einstein mail;
by mail;
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have cer-
tainty without any proof.
Ashley Montaque to deteriorate;
2. Discuss in class. likeness;
1. Do you use technology? terrific;
2. What technology would you easily refuse to use? Which one nev- temptation;
er? Give your reasons. by wire;
3. Work in class. Look at the photos. They are recent but what is unusual about speaking likeness;
them? in the likeness
of… .
Saying thanks
Thank you.
Thank you very
Thanks a lot.
Many thanks.
That is very kind of
Find the English 4. Listen, read the words and their definitions, translate them and make some sen-
meanings of these tences with these words.
1. snail mail [snel mel] n the system of sending letters by post, as op-
равлик; слимак; posed to using e-mail (used humorously)
черепашачою 2. viable [`va3bl] adj able to work successfully or continue to live
ходою; черепашача 3. wire [`wa3(r)] n a piece of metal like this is used for carrying
пошта; electrical currents or signals
пошта; 4. to deteriorate [d`t3ri3ret] v to become worse
поштова 5. rag [r0g] n a small piece of old cloth
кореспонденція; 6. likeness [`lakn3s] n the quality of being similar in appearance to
поштою; smb or smth
7. humility [hju:`ml3ti] n the quality of being humble
8. terrific [t3`rfk] adj wonderful
дріт; провід
(телефонний тощо); 9. temptation [temp`te6n] n a thing that makes smb want to do smth bad
розм.телеграф; 10. the Amish [`0m6] n the members of a strict religious group who live
по телеграфу; a simple life and reject some forms of modern
телеграмою; technology
гіршати; псувати;
погіршуватися; 5. Read these questions about the Amish
псуватися; community. Work in groups. Answer them
вироджуватися; without using the Internet.
занепадати, 1. Is the Amish calendar the same
руйнуватися, as ours?
2. Why do the Amish men have
ганчірка; клапоть,
beards, but not moustaches?
обрізок (тканини);
лахміття, дрантя;
3. Why don’t the Amish use elec-
схожість (між — tricity?
between; з — to); 4. Do the Amish use any technol-
подібність; точна ogies?
копія, живий 5. Do the Amish use modern med-
портрет; icine and doctors?
під личиною…; під 6. Do the Amish play any form of musical instruments?
виглядом…; 7. What language do the Amish speak?
покірність, 8. Is it true that dolls for girls have no faces?
спокуса, зваба;
Read them.
6. Read the text and check your answers. Match
the questions from Ex. 5 to the passages.
Amish Community
A general information about the
Amish community. The Amish make
their living through small farms and
workshops. They raise their children in
the traditional Amish style. As Chris-
tians, they come from a heritage of pac-
ifism and peace. The Amish are terrific
citizens and great role models, if not
leaders, and their humility and hard
work is being discovered again as a vi-
able, and ecological way to live. They
have much to teach us.
The Amish have no computers. Neighbourhoods may have fax ma-
chines, but most Amish will rely on snail mail to correspond.
The Amish people interpret linking with electrical wires as a con-
nection with the world — and the Bible tells them they are not to be
conformed to the world. In 1919 the Amish leaders agreed that con-
necting to power lines would not be in the best interest of the Amish
community. They did not make this decision because they thought
electricity was evil in itself, and easy access to it could lead to many
temptations and the deterioration of church and family life.
Most Amish people do not oppose modern medicine. Their read-
iness to seek health services varies from family to family. Nothing
in the Amish understanding of the Bible forbids them from using
modern medical services, in-
cluding surgery, hospitalisa-
tion, dental work, anaesthesia,
blood transfusions, etc. They
do believe, however, that good
health, both physical and men-
tal, is a gift from God. They do
not have hospitalisation insur-
ance, but they band together
to help pay medical expenses
for anyone of their group who
needs financial assistance. 89
The Amish use the same yearly calendar that we use. We might
add that November is the month for weddings. As for spring, summer,
and autumn months there is too much work to be done and in winter
there’s the risk of unfavourable weather. Also, Tuesdays and Thursdays
are the days for weddings — these are the least busy days of the week.
There are quite a few scriptures that mention beards in the Bible.
An Amishman does not shave his beard after he becomes married. A
long beard is the mark of an adult Amishman. Moustaches, on the
other hand, have a long history of being associated with the military,
and therefore are forbidden among the Amish people.
In their homes and in conversations with each other, the Old Or-
der Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch, which is a dialect of German.
We understand that it is similar to Platt that is spoken in parts of
northern Germany. When children go to school they learn English. In
their worship services the sermons are given in German. The German
language, Dutch, is also taught in Amish schools.
Years ago, most of the dolls for little girls were rag dolls without
faces. The Amish have retained this custom. They believe the reason
is similar to the refusal to have pictures of people. At an early age
children are learning not to have images, likenesses or idols.
No. Musical instruments are forbidden by the Old Order Amish
community. Playing an instrument would be worldly. It is contrary to
the spirit of humility, and would stir up the emotions of those who
are involved.
7. Work in pairs. Find the English
equivalents of these word expres- SPOT ON GRAMMAR
sions in the text and make some The following prefixes can be used
sentences with them. with many words to form an op-
posite meaning. Note: the words
Надзвичайні громадяни, їх
formed in this way are not always
смиренність, важка праця,
exact opposites and may have a
життєздатний спосіб,
slightly different meaning.
у них є багато чого, щоб
повчити нас, австралійська
happy unhappy
громада, спокуси
fortunate unfortunate
й виродження церкви UN-
wind unwind
та сімейного життя,
block unblock
святе письмо, діалект
німецької мови, вивчається IN- efficient inefficient
в австралійських школах, IM- possible impossible
мирський. IL- literate illiterate Arguments
IR- regular irregular
To start with…
8. Choose the main sentences
agree disagree First of all…
from the text to understand the
DIS- approve disapprove Firstly,…
gist of it. Read them. Explain your
choice. honest dishonest Secondly,…
The main reason
centralise decentralise is…
9. Work in pairs. Find out the ad- increase decrease On the one hand,…
vantages and disadvantages of this DE-
ascend descend On the other
way of life in our modern world. inflate deflate hand,…
Present your ideas to the class.
Well, the thing is
sense nonsense
10. Work in groups. Discuss the NON-
payment non-payment
And finally,…
life of the Australian community. resident non-resident All in all,…
Would you like to live without all conformist nonconformist
modern conveniences? Why/ Why
not? Present your ideas to the class. able enable
title entitle
Present participle (verb + ing) Past participle (verb + ed)
describes what something or describes how someone feels.
somebody is. The students were fascinated
The experiment was fascinating. by the experiment. (How did
(What was the experiment like? the students feel about the
Fascinating.) experiment? Fascinated.)
13. Choose the correct participle, explain your choice and read the sentences.
A: I didn’t know you were interesting/interested(1) in cooking.
B: I’m not. I think it’s really embarrassing/embarrassed(2) but my
husband has invited all his relatives around and he is really
exciting/excited(3) about my culinary masterpiece.
A: Oh, I see. I’m really astonishing/astonished(4) to see you in the
kitchen surrounding/surrounded(5) by all these cookery books.
B: Don’t laugh. But now I find this really amazing/amazed(6) but
I feel exhausting/exhausted(7).
15. Homework. Write a paragraph “Life without technology. Pros and Cons”.
Texts for Listening
EXTRA DIVE. NEW HORIZONS. PART 1 right before Halloween for fear they will be tortured or
sacrificed in satanic rituals.
7. Listen to the interview. Check your answers. Adam: Although little evidence exists to support the
Charles W. Bryant: You can call Jamie Hyneman and existence of cat-sacrificing satanic cults, many shelters
Adam Savage model makers, builders, machinists or TV have such a policy in place, ranging from extra-careful
personalities. What they are in real life is what you see screening of potential cat owners to keeping all of their
on camera — curious, inventive thinkers with a little kid cats under lock and key in the weeks or days before Hal-
mixed in for good measure. And today they are in our loween.
studio. Charles W. Bryant: People adore everything connected to
Hello, guys and welcome. cinematograph. I can’t believe this but Charlie Chaplin
Jamie: Good evening. once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest. Did that
Adam: Hello. fact take place?
Charles W. Bryant: So, people are always ready to retell Jamie: Well, during the height of his popularity around
different myths. The first one I’m interested in is that 1915, Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests were held all
chocolate is harmful for dogs. My dog is always ready to over the country. Contestants were judged on how well
steal a bit of it, especially when nobody watches. Can it they could imitate the “Little Tramp” character that
really cause trouble to him? Chaplin played in his movies, rather than on their re-
Jamie: To tell the truth — it can. Chocolate contains a semblance to the actor. Chaplin entered one such contest
substance called theobromine (a compound related to caf- in San Francisco, and while his standings were not re-
feine), which can kill family pets. corded, it was noted that he didn’t even make the finals.
Charles W. Bryant: Hm… OK. Another thing which Charles W. Bryant: Unbelievable!
sounds a little bit ridiculous but… is it true that ele- Jamie: And I’m ready to surprise you more. Actor James
phants are afraid of mice? Caviezel was struck by lightning while filming the 2004
Adam: No, of course not. There is no evidence that el- movie “The Passion of Christ”, in which he portrayed
ephants are afraid of mice, according to animal behav- Jesus. The film’s assistant director, Jan Michelini, was
iour experts. In fact, elephants do not appear to be very also struck by lightning twice during the filming of the
fearful. movie. Neither of them was seriously injured, but crit-
Charles W. Bryant: One of our listeners has phoned to ics of Mel Gibson’s controversial movie suggested per-
the studio and asked if it is true that a very expensive haps someone up above was expressing an opinion on the
kind of coffee, which is produced in Indonesia, is made film.
from beans that have been swallowed, digested and ex- Charles W. Bryant: Amazing! I wish I didn’t have such
creted by a small weasel-like animal. a boss. Unfortunately, our time is over but life is full of
Jamie: Though it would sound disgusting to you — but, surprise and be ready for them.
yes! It’s true. The coffee is known as Kopi Luwak, or (entertainment.howstuffworks.com)
Kopi Luak, which literally means “coffee luak.”
The luak, or palm civet, is a small mammal native to the EXTRA DIVE. NEW HORIZONS. PART 2
islands of Indonesia that has a particular fondness for
the fruit of the coffee plant. The beans pass through its 5. Listen to Wilson da Silva and Jacqui Hayes telling about a
system undigested (rather like chewing a gum) and are project called “Hello from Earth”. Answer the questions. Say
deposited in its droppings. what you think about it.
Adam: I’d like to ask you now. Do you know what holi- Wilson: Hi, I’m Wilson and this is Jacqui.
day is surrounded by myths more than any other? Jacqui: Welcome to “Hello from Earth”.
Charles W. Bryant: Let me guess. Halloween! Wilson: We thought it would be really a cool idea to cel-
Adam: Yup! And one of my very favourite stories is — a ebrate a national science week in Australia and the in-
man was enjoying a lollipop while driving when he got ternational year of astronomy by sending a message to a
into an accident. The airbag deployed, forcing the lol- planet outside of our solar system that might have life.
lipop down his throat and choking him to death. True Jacqui: More than 350 known exoplanets have been
or false? found so far.
Charles W. Bryant: I suppose it is quite possible. Wilson: The target planet is Gliese 581d, a super-Earth
Jamie: An e-mail was circulated around Halloween 2002 about eight times heavier than our own planet. Gliese
warning people of the dangers of sucking on lollipops 581d and its three known sister planets orbit the low-
and driving, but no records of such an incident exist. mass red dwarf star Gliese 581, about 20,3 light years
Charles W. Bryant: I see. And I’ve heard that many an- (194 trillion km) away from us, in the constellation Li-
imal shelters will not allow any black cats to be adopted bra.
Jacqui: We don’t know if there is any life on Gliese
581d, we even don’t know if there is any civilisation but
we do know that it has conditions for life. It’s the “first
serious water world candidate”, according to astronomer
Stephane Udry, from the Geneva Observatory in Swit-
zerland, who was a member of the team that discovered
the planet in April 2007.
Wilson: The habitation of this distant, possible water
world depends on the presence of an atmosphere.
Jacqui: Gliese 581d orbits its sun every 66,8 days at
about one-fifth of the distance from the Earth to the
Wilson: So, thanks for supporting the project. We’re col-
lecting goodwill messages from the public for 13 days in
August 2009 which will be transmitted to Gliese 581d.
Jacqui: Messages are moderated by staff at COSMOS
magazine; those which accept for inclusion in the trans-
mission are being published on our site. Transmission
occurs at midday on Friday, 28 August, 2009, and is
undertaken by the NASA/CSIRO Canberra Deep Space
Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, Australia, using
the 70-metre main antenna known as DSS43. And the
signal will have arrived by 2029.
Wilson: And the question is — will we get a reply? No
one knows. But why don’t we send a message and find
Jacqui: You can read our best messages below and leave
your own.
Wilson: Thanks for taking part in this National Science
Week event!