Self-Adaptive Software: Landscape and Research Challenges: (Msalehie, Ltahvild) @uwaterloo - Ca
Self-Adaptive Software: Landscape and Research Challenges: (Msalehie, Ltahvild) @uwaterloo - Ca
Self-Adaptive Software: Landscape and Research Challenges: (Msalehie, Ltahvild) @uwaterloo - Ca
Mazeiar Salehie and Ladan Tahvildari Software Technologies Applied Research (STAR) Group University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada {msalehie, ltahvild}
Software systems dealing with distributed applications in changing environments normally require human supervision to continue operation in all conditions. These (re-)conguring, troubleshooting, and in general maintenance tasks lead to costly and time-consuming procedures during the operating phase. These problems are primarily due to the open-loop structure often followed in software development. Therefore, there is a high demand for management complexity reduction, management automation, robustness, and achieving all of the desired quality requirements within a reasonable cost and time range during operation. Self-adaptive software is a response to these demands; it is a closed-loop system with a feedback loop aiming to adjust itself to changes during its operation. These changes may stem from the software systems self (internal causes e.g., failure) or context (external events e.g., increasing requests from users). Such a system is required to monitor itself and its context, detect signicant changes, decide how to react, and act to execute such decisions. These processes depend on adaptation properties (called self-* properties), domain characteristics (context information or models), and preferences of stakeholders. Noting these requirements, it is widely believed that new models and frameworks are needed to design self-adaptive software. This survey article presents a taxonomy, based on concerns of adaptation, i.e., how, what, when and where, towards providing a unied view of this emerging area. Moreover, as adaptive systems are encountered in many disciplines, it is imperative to learn from the theories and models developed in these other areas. This survey article presents a landscape of research in self-adaptive software by highlighting relevant disciplines and some prominent research projects. This landscape helps to identify the underlying research gaps and elaborates on the corresponding challenges. Categories and Subject Descriptors: A.1 [General Literature]: Introductory and Survey; D.2.9 [Software]: ManagementSoftware conguration management; Software quality assurance; C.4 [Computer Systems Organization]: Performance of Systems; K.6.3 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: Software ManagementSoftware Maintenance General Terms: Management, Performance, Reliability, Design Additional Key Words and Phrases: Self-Adaptive Software, Survey, Self-* properties, Taxonomy
1. INTRODUCTION Scientists and engineers have made signicant eorts to design and develop selfadaptive systems. These systems address adaptivity in various concerns including performance, security, and fault management [Laddaga 1999; Kephart and Chess 2003]. While self-adaptive systems are used in a number of dierent areas, this article focuses only on their application in the software domain, called self-adaptive software. Researchers in this area have proposed several solutions to incorporate adaptation mechanisms into software systems. In this way, a software application which would normally be implemented as an open-loop system, is converted to a closed-loop system using feedback. While adaptivity may be achieved through
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feed-forward mechanisms as well (e.g., through workload monitoring), the feedback loop takes into account a more holistic view of what happens inside the application and its environment. Self-adaptive software aims to adjust various artifacts or attributes in response to changes in the self and in the context of a software system. By self, we mean the whole body of the software, mostly implemented in several layers, while the context encompasses everything in the operating environment that aects the systems properties and its behavior. Therefore, in our view, self-adaptive software is a closed-loop system with feedback from the self and the context. A fundamental question is why we need self-adaptive software. The primary reason is the increasing cost of handling the complexity of software systems to achieve their goals [Laddaga 2000]. Among these goals, some deal with management complexity, robustness in handling unexpected conditions (e.g., failure), changing priorities and policies governing the goals, and changing conditions (e.g., in the context of mobility). Traditionally, a signicant part of the research on handling complexity and achieving quality goals has been focused on software development and its internal quality attributes (as in ISO 9126-1 quality model [ISO/IEC 9126-1 2001 ]). However, in recent years, there has been an increasing demand to deal with these issues at operation time (run-time). The primary causes for this trend include an increase in the heterogeneity level of software components, more frequent changes in the context/goals/requirements during run-time, and higher security needs. In fact, some of these causes are consequences of the higher demand for ubiquitous, pervasive, embedded, and mobile applications, mostly in the Internet and ad-hoc networks. Self-adaptive software is expected to fulll its requirements at run-time in response to changes. To achieve this goal, software should have certain characteristics, known as self-* properties [Kephart and Chess 2003; Babaoglu et al. 2005]. These properties provide some degree of variability, and consequently, help to overcome deviations from expected goals (e.g., reliability). Managing software at run-time is often costly and time-consuming. Therefore, an adaptation mechanism is expected to trace software changes and take appropriate actions at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. This objective can be achieved through monitoring the software system (self ) and its environment (context) to detect changes, make appropriate decisions, and act accordingly. Required changes in traditional software systems can stem from dierent categories of maintenance/evolution, as discussed in a relevant IEEE standard [IEEE-ISO/IEC 14764 2006]. This standard discusses corrective maintenance for xing bugs, adaptive maintenance for adjusting the software according to changing environments, perfective maintenance for updating the software according to changing requirements, and nally, preventive maintenance for improving software maintainability. Although this standard does not explicitly refer to dynamic/run-time changes (dynamic evolution) in conjunction with these four categories, these changes are part of what is needed to deal with bugs and new/changing requirements. Dynamic/runtime changes are the basis for adaptation in self-adaptive software. This survey article presents an overview of basic principles, properties, and background behind self-adaptive software. It proposes a taxonomy of adaptation relying
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on the questions of when, what, how, and where. Using this taxonomy, a landscape is presented by reviewing a number of disciplines dealing with self-adaptive software, as well as some selected research projects. The comparison between dierent views followed in this landscape provides a framework for identifying challenges, current research gaps, and some promising future directions. The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the principles of self-adaptive software by reviewing the underlying denitions, properties, requirements, and processes. Section 3 introduces a taxonomy for self-adaptive software by relying on a hierarchical structure capturing the adaptation requirements. Section 4 explains how the techniques developed in the context of adaptive systems in several existing disciplines can be used to support self-adaptive software, and then analyzes some selected projects to identify research gaps. Section 5 aims to identify future research challenges and classies them according to the specied research gaps. Finally, Section 6 presents a summary and some concluding remarks. 2. SELF-ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE: PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS This section presents a general review of the basic concepts in self-adaptive software. The objective is to provide a unied set of denitions, goals, and requirements that are used in the rest of the article. 2.1 Denition Among several existing denitions for self-adaptive software, one is provided in a DARPA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) [Laddaga 1997]: Self-adaptive software evaluates its own behavior and changes behavior when the evaluation indicates that it is not accomplishing what the software is intended to do, or when better functionality or performance is possible. A similar denition is given in [Oreizy et al. 1999]: Self-adaptive software modies its own behavior in response to changes in its operating environment. By operating environment, we mean anything observable by the software system, such as end-user input, external hardware devices and sensors, or program instrumentation. Prior to formalizing the concept of self-adaptive software, there has been a related point of view regarding the adaptive programming principle as an extension of object-oriented programming [Lieberherr and Palsberg 1993]: A program should be designed so that the representation of an object can be changed within certain constraints without aecting the program at all. According to this view point, an adaptive program is considered as: A generic process model parameterized by graph constraints which dene compatible structural models (customizers) as parameters of the process model. This view on adaptation is similar to reection and meta-programming techniques. In another point of view, adaptation is mapped to evolution. Buckley et al. provide a taxonomy of evolution based on the object of change (where), system properties (what), temporal properties (when), and change support (how) [Buckley et al. 2005]. Salehie et al. map this taxonomy to self-adaptive software domain, and propose a conceptual model for adaptation changes based on Activity Theory [Salehie et al. 2009]. Static and dynamic adaptation, related to the temporal dimension of this view, are mapped to compile-time evolution and load-time/run-time evolution, respectively. For this reason, dynamic adaptation is sometimes called dynamic evoACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
lution. In fact, self-adaptivity is linked to what Lehman has discussed on feedback and feedback control in the context of the software process for evolution [Lehman 1996]. According to this article, the essence of self-adaptive software is aligned with the laws of evolution (described by Lehman and his colleagues in FEAST/1 and FEAST/2 projects). Self-adaptive software systems are strongly related to other types of systems. The notable ones are autonomic and self-managing systems [Kephart and Chess 2003]. However, it is dicult to draw a distinction between these terminologies. Many researchers use the terms self-adaptive (not specically self-adaptive software), autonomic computing, and self-managing interchangeably, for instance in the survey provided by Huebscher and McCann [Huebscher and McCann 2008]. In comparing self-adaptive software to autonomic computing, there are some similarities and some dierences. From one point of view, the self-adaptive software domain is more limited, while autonomic computing has emerged in a broader context. This means self-adaptive software has less coverage and falls under the umbrella of autonomic computing. From another point of view, we can consider a layered model for a software-intensive system that consists of: application(s), middleware, network, operating system, hardware [McKinley et al. 2004], and sub-layers of middleware [Schmidt 2002]. According to this view, self-adaptive software primarily covers the application and the middleware layers, while its coverage fades in the layers below middleware. On the other hand, autonomic computing covers lower layers too, down to even the network and operating system (e.g., see reincarnation server in Minix 3.0 [Tanenbaum and Woodhull 2006]). However, the concepts of these domains are strongly related and in many cases can be used interchangeably. The key point in self-adaptive software is that its life-cycle should not be stopped after its development and initial set up. This cycle should be continued in an appropriate form after installation in order to evaluate the system and respond to changes at all time. Such a closed-loop deals with dierent changes in user requirements, conguration, security, and a number of other issues. 2.2 Self-* Properties Adaptivity properties are often known as self-* properties. One of the initial wellknown set of self-* properties, introduced by IBM, include eight properties [IBM-AC 2001 ]. This section discusses these properties, along with some other related ones, towards providing a unied hierarchical set, which will be used in the rest of the article. 2.2.1 A Hierarchical View. Figure 1 illustrates a hierarchy of self-* properties in three levels. In this hierarchy, self-adaptiveness and self-organizing are general properties, which are decomposed into major and primitive properties at two dierent levels. The rest of this section further elaborates on each level of this hierarchy. General Level: This level contains global properties of self-adaptive software. A subset of these properties, which falls under the umbrella of self-adaptiveness [Oreizy et al. 1999], consists of self-managing, self-governing, self-maintenance [Kephart and Chess 2003], self-control [Kokar et al. 1999], and self-evaluating [Laddaga 2006]. Another subset at this level is self-organizing [Jelasity et al. 2006; SeruACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
Major Level
Self-Configuring Self-Optimizing
Self-Healing Self-Protecting
Primitive Level
Fig. 1: Hierarchy of the Self-* Properties gendo et al. 2003], which emphasizes decentralization and emergent functionality(ies). A system with such a property typically consists of many interacting elements that are either absolutely unaware of or have only partial knowledge about the global system. The self-organizing property is bottom-up, in contrast to self-adaptiveness, which is typically top-down. Although most of the concepts in this article are applicable to the self-organizing property, this property is not the primary concern of this survey work. Noting the amount of research dealing with self-organizing systems, a separate survey would be needed to adequately cover this emerging area. Major Level: The IBM autonomic computing initiative denes a set of four properties at this level [Horn 2001]. This classication serves as the de facto standard in this domain. These properties have been dened in accordance to biological self-adaptation mechanisms [Kephart and Chess 2003]. For instance, the human body has similar properties in order to adapt itself to changes in its context (e.g., changing temperature in the environment) or self (an injury or failure in one of the internal organs). The following list further elaborates on the details. Self-conguring is the capability of reconguring automatically and dynamically in response to changes by installing, updating, integrating, and composing/decomposing software entities. Self-healing, which is linked to self-diagnosing [Robertson and Laddaga 2005] or self-repairing [de Lemos and Fiadeiro 2002], is the capability of discovering, diagnosing, and reacting to disruptions. It can also anticipate potential problems, and accordingly take proper actions to prevent a failure. Self-diagnosing refers to diagnosing errors, faults and failures, while self-repairing focuses on recovery from them. Self-optimizing, which is also called self-tuning or Self-adjusting [Sterritt et al. 2005], is the capability of managing performance and resource allocation in order to satisfy the requirements of dierent users. End-to-end response time, throughput, utilization, and workload are examples of important concerns related to this property. Self-protecting is the capability of detecting security breaches and recovering from their eects. It has two aspects, namely defending the system against malicious attacks, and anticipating problems and taking actions to avoid them or to mitigate their eects.
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Primitive Level: Self-awareness, self-monitoring, self-situated, and contextawareness are the underlying primitive properties [Horn 2001; Salehie and Tahvildari 2005a]. Some other properties were also mentioned in this level, such as openness [IBM-AC 2001 ] and anticipatory [Parashar and Hariri 2005], which are optional. The following list further elaborates on the details. Self-Awareness [Hinchey and Sterritt 2006] means that the system is aware of its self states and behaviors. This property is based on self-monitoring which reects what is monitored. Context-Awareness [Parashar and Hariri 2005] means that the system is aware of its context, which is its operational environment. 2.2.2 Relationships with Quality Factors. There is a belief that self-* properties are related to software quality factors. Salehie and Tahvildari discuss the potential links between these properties and quality factors [Salehie and Tahvildari 2005a]. The links can help us dene and understand self-* properties better, and to utilize the existing body of knowledge on quality factors, metrics, and requirements, in developing and operating self-adaptive software. To demonstrate such relationships, it is better to analyze how a well-known set of quality factors dened in the ISO 9126-1 quality model [ISO/IEC 9126-1 2001 ] are linked to major and primitive self-* properties. Self-conguring potentially impacts several quality factors, such as maintainability, functionality, portability, and usability. One may argue that self-conguring may be linked to reliability as well. This depends on the denition of reconguring. Assuming the denition given in the previous section (which is adopted by many researchers), we cannot associate all of the changes made to the system to for keep it reliable (e.g., fault recovery) with self-conguring. For self-healing, the main objective is to maximize the availability, survivability, maintainability, and reliability of the system [Ganek and Corbi 2003]. Self-optimizing has a strong relationship with eciency. Since minimizing response time is often one of the primary system requirements, it also impacts functionality. On the other hand, self-protecting has a strong relationship with reliability, and it can also be linked to functionality. Primitive properties may also impact quality factors, such as maintainability, functionality, and portability. Sterritt et al. also emphasize this view by discussing the relationship between dependability aspects (e.g., availability and reliability) and the self-* properties [Sterritt and Bustard 2003]. 2.3 Adaptation Requirements Elicitation One plausible way to capture the requirements of self-adaptive software is getting help from the six honest serving men 1 . These six questions are very important in eliciting adaptation requirements. Laddaga uses a similar idea to partially address these requirements [Laddaga 2000]. The following set is a modied and completed version of Laddagas questions to elicit the essential requirements of self-adaptive software.
1 Six questions What, Where, Who, When, Why and How, called 5W1H, from Six Honest Men poem of R. Kipling, Just so stories. Penguin Books, London, 1902.
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Where: This set of questions are concerned with where the need for change is. Which artifacts at which layer (e.g., middleware) and level of granularity need to be changed? For this purpose, it is required to collect information about attributes of adaptable software, dependency between its components and layers, and probably information about its operational prole. Therefore, where questions set out to locate the problem that needs to be resolved by adaptation. When: Temporal aspects of change are addressed by this set of questions. When does a change need to be applied, and when it is feasible to do so? Can it be applied at anytime the system requires, or are there constraints that limit some types of change? How often does the system need to be changed? Are the changes happening continuously, or do they occur only as needed? Is it enough to perform adaptation actions reactively, or do we need to predict some changes and act proactively? What: This set of questions identies what attributes or artifacts of the system can be changed through adaptation actions, and what needs to be changed in each situation. These can vary from parameters and methods to components, architecture style, and system resources. It is also important to identify the alternatives available for the actions and the range of change for attributes (e.g., parameters). Moreover, it is essential to determine what events and attributes have to be monitored to follow-up on the changes, and what resources are essential for adaptation actions? Why: This set of questions deals with the motivations of building a self-adaptive software application. As we discussed before, these questions are concerned with the objectives addressed by the system (e.g., robustness). If a goal-oriented requirements engineering approach is adopted to elicit the requirements, this set of questions identies the goals of the self-adaptive software system. Who: This set of questions addresses the level of automation and human involvement in self-adaptive software. With respect to automation, it is expected that there will be minimum human intervention, whereas an eective interaction with system owners and managers is required to build trust and transfer policies (e.g. business policies). This issue will be discussed further in the taxonomy of adaptation (See Section 3). How: One of the important requirements for adaptation is to determine how the adaptable artifacts can be changed and which adaptation action(s) can be appropriate to be applied in a given condition? This includes how the order of changes, their costs and aftereects are taken into account for deciding the next action/plan. In order to realize self-adaptive software, the above questions need to be answered in two phases: a) the developing phase, which deals with developing and building self-adaptive software either from scratch or by re-engineering a legacy system, and b) the operating phase, which manages the operational concerns to properly respond to changes in the self/context of a software application. At the developing phase, designers elicit the requirements based on the above questions in order to build adaptable software as well as to set up mechanisms and alternatives to be used at the operating phase. At the operating phase, the system requires to adapt itself
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based on the above questions. In fact, the questions in this phase are in general ask about where the source of need for a change is, what needs be changed, and when and how it is better to be changed. the answer to these questions at the operating phase depends on the approach and type of adaptation chosen at the developing phase. Some of these questions may be answered by administrators and managers through policies, and the rest should be determined by the system itself. The distinction between the what and where questions is notable. Where addresses which part of the system caused the problem (e.g., deviation from quality goals), while what refers to the attributes and artifacts that need to be changed to resolve the problem. For example, in a multi-tier enterprise application, it is essential to know which part caused performance degradation (e.g., the database tier due to lack of resources) and after that, what needs to be changed (e.g., changing the service level at the web tier). Sometimes, the entity that is the source of change is also the entity that needs to be changed (e.g., component swapping). Therefore, although these questions are related, they address dierent aspects of adaptation. 2.4 Adaptation Loop As explained earlier, self-adaptive software embodies a closed-loop mechanism. This loop, called the adaptation loop, consists of several processes, as well as sensors and eectors, as depicted in Fig. 2. This loop is called the MAPE-K loop in the context of autonomic computing, and includes the Monitoring, Analyzing, Planning and Executing functions, with the addition of a shared Knowledge-base[Kephart and Chess 2003]. Dobson et al. also represent the similar loop as autonomic control loop in the context of autonomic communication, including collect, analyze, decide and act [Dobson et al. 2006]. Oreizy et al. refer to this loop as adaptation management, which is composed of several processes for enacting changes and collecting observations, evaluating and monitoring observations, planning changes, and deploying change descriptions[Oreizy et al. 1999]. More details on the processes, sensors, and eectors of Fig. 2 are provided in the following sections.
2.4.1 Adaptation Processes. The adaptation processes, which exist at the operating phase can be summarized as follows:
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The monitoring process is responsible for collecting and correlating data from sensors and converting them to behavioral patterns and symptoms. This process partly addresses the where, when, and what questions in the operating phase. The process can be realized through event correlation, or simply threshold checking, as well as other methods. The detecting process is responsible for analyzing the symptoms provided by the monitoring process and the history of the system, in order to detect when a change (response) is required. It also helps to identify where the source of a transition to a new state (deviation from desired states or goals) is. The deciding process determines what needs to be changed, and how to change it to achieve the best outcome. This relies on certain criteria to compare dierent ways of applying the change, for instance by dierent courses of action. The acting process is responsible for applying the actions determined by the deciding process. This includes managing non-primitive actions through predened workows, or mapping actions to what is provided by eectors and their underlying dynamic adaptation techniques. This process relates to the questions of how, what, and when to change. 2.4.2 Sensors and Eectors. Sensors monitor software entities to generate a collection of data reecting the state of the system, while eectors rely on in vivo mechanisms to apply changes. In fact, eectors realize adaptation actions. Sensors and eectors are essential parts of a self-adaptive software system. Indeed, the rst step in realizing self-adaptive software is instrumenting sensors and eectors to build the adaptable software. Building adaptable software can be accomplished in an engineering or re-engineering manner. For example, Parekh et al. discuss adding sensors (probes) into legacy systems in order to retrot the self-* properties [Parekh et al. 2006]. Table I lists the most common set of sensors and eectors in self-adaptive software. Logging is likely to be the simplest technique for capturing information from software. The logs need to be ltered, processed, and analyzed to mine signicant information. The IBM Generic Log Adapter (GLA) and the Log Trace Analyzer (LTA) [IBM 2005] are examples of tools for this purpose. Sensing and monitoring techniques from other areas can also be used. For instance, some of the protocols, standards, and formats that have been utilized are: CBE (Common Base Events) [IBM 2005], WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management) [WBEM ] (containing CIM - Common Information Model [CIM ]), and SIENA (Scalable Internet Event Notication Architectures) [Carzaniga et al. 2001]. Another noteworthy standard for sensing is ARM (Application Response Measurement) [ARM ], which enables developers to create a comprehensive end-to-end management system with the capability of measuring the applications availability, performance, usage, and end-to-end response time. The ideas behind SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) [SNMP ] for network and distributed systems are also applicable to self-adaptive software. Proling tools and techniques can also help in dening desirable sensors. The Java environment provides JVMTI (Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface) for this purpose [JVMTI ]. Software management frameworks, such as JMX (Java Management eXtensions) [JMX ] provide powerful facilities for both sensing and eecting.
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Another notable idea along this line is pulse monitoring (reex signal) [Hinchey and Sterritt 2006] adopted from Grid Computing, which is an extension of the heartbeat monitoring process. This technique encodes the status of the monitored entity. Some of the eectors are based on a set of design patterns that allow the software system to change some artifacts during run-time. For instance, wrapper (adapter), proxy, and strategy are well-known design patterns [Gamma et al. 1995] for this purpose. Landauer et al. utilize the wrapping idea at the architecture level of adaptive systems [Landauer and Bellman 2001]. Moreover, microkernel, reection, and interception are architectural patterns suitable for enabling adaptability in a software system [Buschmann et al. 1996; Alur et al. 2001]. Furthermore, Kephart mentions several design patterns, namely goal-driven self-assembly, self-healing clusters, and utility-function-driven resource allocation for self-conguring, self-healing, and self-optimizing [Kephart 2005], respectively. Babaoglu et al. also discuss design patterns from biology, such as plain diusion and replication, which are applicable to distributed adaptable systems [Babaoglu et al. 2006]. An important class of techniques for eectors is based on middleware. In these solutions, system developers realize eectors at the middleware layer by intercepting the software ow [Popovici et al. 2002], or by using design patterns [Schmidt and Cleeland 1999]. Other solutions have been proposed for implementing eectors using dynamic aspect weaving (e.g., in JAC [Pawlak et al. 2001]), metaobject proACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
tocol (e.g., in TRAP/J [Sadjadi et al. 2004]), and the function pointers technique (e.g., in CASA [Mukhija and Glinz 2005] for realizing callback). Some middlewares provide support for dynamic aspect weaving. For example, JBoss has an AOP module, with the capability of dynamic weaving (e.g., used for eectors in [Salehie et al. 2009]). 3. A TAXONOMY OF SELF-ADAPTATION Several works have already discussed dierent aspects of self-adaptation. Oreizy et al. discuss the spectrum of self-adaptivity, which generally starts from static approaches and then moves on to dynamic ones [Oreizy et al. 1999]. On the other hand, McKinley et al. focus more on the techniques and technologies in this domain [McKinley et al. 2004]. This article unies these classications into a taxonomy, and also introduces new facets to ll in the gaps.
Object to Adapt
Artifact & Granularity Impact & Cost Static/Dynamic Decision-Making External/Internal Making/Achieving
Realization Issues
Temporal Characteristics
Continuous/Adaptive Monitoring Human Involvement
Interaction Concerns
Trust Interoperability
Fig. 3: Taxonomy of Self-Adaptation Figure 3 illustrates the hierarchy of the introduced taxonomy. The rst level includes: object to adapt, realization issues, temporal characteristics and interaction concerns. In organizing these facets, we kept the requirements questions, introduced in Section 2.3, in mind. Although these facets cannot be mapped to the questions on a one-to-one basis, one or two questions in each facet are emphasized: object to adapt mainly addresses the what and where questions, while realization issues deal more with the how concerns, and temporal characteristics deal with issues related to the when aspect. Interaction concerns are more or less related to all four of where-when-what-how questions as well as to the who question. 3.1 Object to Adapt This facet of the proposed taxonomy deals with where and what aspects of the change. In fact, both sets of what and where questions are covered in the developing
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and operating phases. Layer : Which layer of the software system (i.e., where) is not as expected, based on the requirements? Which layer of the system can be changed and needs to be changed? Adaptation actions can be applied to dierent layers. McKinley et al. [McKinley et al. 2004] dene two levels of application and middleware for this purpose, in which middleware is decomposed into four sub-layers, as described in [Schmidt 2002]. Application-layer adaptation diers from middleware-layer adaptation in a number of ways. For example, in application-layer adaptation, changes usually have direct impact on the user, and consequently, they may require the users explicit approval and trust [Lapouchnian et al. 2005]. Artifact and Granularity: Which artifact(s) and at which level of granularity can/needs to be changed? What artifact, attribute, or resource can/needs to be changed for this purpose? Adaptation can change the modules or the architecture and the way they are composed. An application can be decomposed into services, methods, objects, components, aspects, and subsystems depending on the architecture and technologies used in its implementation. Each of these entities, as well as their attributes and compositions, can be subject to change, and therefore, adaptation can be applied in ne or coarse levels of granularity. Impact & Cost: The impact describes the scope of aftereects, while cost refers to the execution time, required resources, and complexity of adaptation actions. This facet is related to what the adaptation action will be applied to, and partly to how it will be applied. Based on both impact and cost factors, adaptation actions can be categorized into the weak and strong classes. Weak adaptation involves modifying parameters (parameter adaptation) or performing low-cost/limited-impact actions, whereas strong adaptation deals with high-cost/extensive-impact actions, such as replacing components with those that improve system quality [McKinley et al. 2004]. Generally, weak adaptation includes changing parameters (e.g., bandwidth limit), using pre-dened static mechanisms (e.g., load-balancing), or other actions with local impact and low cost (e.g., compressing data). Strong adaptation may change, add, remove, or substitute system artifacts. Cost in this classication refers to how much time and resources an action would need. It also highly depends on whether the actions requirements (e.g., alternatives for switching) are ready, or will become ready at run time. Table II lists a typical set of adaptation actions in both of the weak and strong categories. It is notable that this classication is not the same as artifact & granularity, even though one may argue that in general, higher levels (e.g., architecture) have higher cost and impact. Although in some cases there may be some correlation between granularity and cost/impact, this is not always the case. An example is the case of having a load-balancing action that routes requests through duplicate components or servers. Another noteworthy point is that strong actions are mostly composite, and may contain several weak/strong actions. For example, changing the architecture may require redeployment of some components and changing a few parameters.
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Action Caching [Oreizy et al. 1999; Dowling and Cahill 2004] Changing data quality [Mukhija and Glinz 2005] Changing type of data [Cheng et al. 2006; Mukhija and Glinz 2005]
Description Caching data, states, connections, objects or components in order to lower the response time, load of servers, or help decentralized management Changing data quality (i.e., lower resolution) to save bandwidth and increase speed For instance, switching from video to image and even to text to save bandwidth and increase speed Saving bandwidth by transceiving compressed data Adjusting parameters to meet some adaptation goals (i.e., buer size and delay time) Fair division of load between system elements to achieve maximum utilization, throughput or minimum response time Changing aspect of a component or object with another one with dierent quality Changing the algorithm/ method to meet self-* properties and run-time constraints Replacing an entity (e.g., a component) by another one with the same interface but dierent quality (nonfunctional) Changing organization/ architecture of the system (it may change the architectural style or design patterns of the system) Provisioning additional resources at dierent levels (this action can be extended to adding/removing any resources, such as servers) Restarting/ rebooting (macro- or micro-) or redeployment of system entities at dierent levels mainly due to faults/failures
Tuning (parameter adjusting) [Karsai et al. 2001] Load balancing [WillebeekLeMair et al. 1993; Cardellini et al. 1999] Changing aspects [Pinto et al. 2002; Suve et al. 2003] e Changing algorithm/ method [Oreizy et al. 1999; Robertson and Williams 2006] Replacement, addition & removal [McKinley et al. 2004] Restructuring /changing architecture [Kramer and Magee 1990; Magee and Kramer 1996; Oreizy et al. 1998] Resource provisioning [Appleby et al. 2001] Restarting / redeployment [Candea et al. 2006]
3.2 Realization Issues This facet of the proposed taxonomy deals with how the adaptation can/needs to be applied. These issue are categorized into approach and type classes, and are discussed further in the following. 3.2.1 Adaptation Approach. One signicant facet of the taxonomy is the approach of incorporating adaptivity into the system. The following sub-facets can be identied: Static/Dynamic Decision-Making: This sub-facet specically deals with how the deciding process can be constructed and modied. In the static option, the deciding process is hard-coded (e.g., as a decision tree) and its modication requires recompiling and redeploying the system or some of its components. In dynamic decision-making, policies [Kephart and Walsh 2004], rules [Liu et al. 2004] or QoS denitions [Loyall et al. 1998] are externally dened and managed,
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so that they can be changed during run-time to create a new behavior for both functional and non-functional software requirements. External/Internal Adaptation: From a dierent perspective, the adaptation can be divided into two categories with respect to the separation of the adaptation mechanism and application logic. These two categories, as depicted in Fig. 4, are as follows:
Self-Adaptive Software
Adaptation Engine
Internal Approach
External Approach
Fig. 4: Internal and External Approaches for Building Self-Adaptive Software Internal approaches intertwine application and the adaptation logic. This approach is based on programming language features, such as conditional expressions, parametrization, and exceptions [Oreizy et al. 1999; Floch et al. 2006]. In this approach the whole set of sensors, eectors, and adaptation processes are mixed with the application code, which often leads to poor scalability and maintainability. This approach can be useful for handling local adaptations (e.g., for exception handling). However, adaptation often needs global information about the system and correlating events happening in its self/context. Generally, this approach may be realized by extending existing programming languages or dening new adaptation languages. External approaches use an external adaptation engine (or manager) containing adaptation processes. As depicted in Fig. 4, using this approach, the selfadaptive software system consists of an adaptation engine and an adaptable software. The external engine implements the adaptation logic, mostly with the aid of middleware [Kon et al. 2002; Floch et al. 2006], a policy engine [Bigus et al. 2002], or other application-independent mechanisms. In a complex and distributed system, it is quite common to have multiple self-adaptive elements, each containing these two parts. In this case, the composition of elements in an appropriate architecture and an infrastructure for interoperability are essential. The internal approach has some notable drawbacks. For instance, in this case the system will be costly to test and maintain/evolve, and it is often not scalable. On the other hand, a signicant advantage of the external approach is the reusability of the adaptation engine, or some realized processes for various applications. This means that an adaptation engine can be customized and congured for dierent systems.
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Making/Achieving Adaptation: Generally speaking, self-adaptivity can be introduced into software systems using two strategies [Horn 2001]. The rst strategy is to engineer self-adaptivity into the system at the developing phase. The second strategy is to achieve self-adaptivity through adaptive learning. Sterritt [Sterritt 2003] calls these two approaches making and achieving. Making has an implied system and/or software engineering view to engineer adaptivity into the individual systems. Achieving has an implied articial intelligence and adaptive learning view to achieve adaptive behavior. These two approaches do not necessarily contradict each other in the sense that their combination can be utilized as well. 3.2.2 Adaptation Type. Another important facet is the type of adaptation. It species whether the adaptation is open or closed to new alternatives, whether it is domain specic or generic, and whether it is model-based or model-free. Close/Open Adaptation: A close-adaptive system has only a xed number of adaptive actions, and no new behaviors and alternatives can be introduced during run-time. On the other hand, in open adaptation, self-adaptive software can be extended, and consequently, new alternatives can be added, and even new adaptable entities can be introduced to the adaptation mechanism (e.g., through new joint-points for weaving aspects [Pawlak et al. 2001]). Model-Based/Free Adaptation: In model-free adaptation, the mechanism does not have a predened model for the environment and the system itself. In fact, by knowing the requirements, goals, and alternatives, the adaptation mechanism adjusts the system. For example, Dowling uses model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) in adaptation [Dowling 2004]. On the other hand, in model-based adaptation, the mechanism utilizes a model of the system and its context. This can be realized using dierent modeling approaches, such as a queueing model for self-optimizing [Litoiu et al. 2005], architectural models for self-healing [Garlan and Schmerl 2002], or domain-specic models in [Karsai and Sztipanovits 1999]. Specic/Generic Adaptation: Some of the existing solutions address only specic domains/applications, such as a database (e.g., IBM SMART project [IBM SMART ]). However, generic solutions are also available, which can be congured by setting policies, alternatives, and adaptation processes for dierent domains (e.g., Accord [Liu et al. 2004]). This type addresses where and what concerns in addition to how, because the specic type only focuses on an adaptation of artifacts or attributes of a particular part of the software system. 3.3 Temporal Characteristics This facet deals with issues regarding when artifacts can/need to be changed. The following sub-facets can be identied: Reactive/Proactive Adaptation: This sub-facet captures the self-adaptive software anticipatory property [Parashar and Hariri 2005]. In the reactive mode, the system responds when a change has already happened, while in the proactive mode, the system predicts when the change is going to occur. This issue impacts the detecting and the deciding processes.
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Continuous/Adaptive Monitoring: This sub-facet captures whether the monitoring process (and consequently sensing) is continually collecting and processing data vs. being adaptive in the sense that it monitors a few selected features, and in the case of nding an anomaly, aims at collecting more data. This decision aects the cost of the monitoring and detection time. 3.4 Interaction Concerns One cannot discuss the taxonomy without addressing the issue of interaction with other self-adaptive software systems/elements through interfaces. This facet consists of interacting with humans and/or other elements/systems. The facet is related to all four of the where-when-what-how questions as well as the who question. The following sub-facets can be identied: Human Involvement: As noted before, this facet is related to the question of who the agent of change is. In self-adaptive software, human involvement can be discussed from two perspectives. First, the extent to which the mechanism is automated, and second, how well it interacts with its users and administrators. For the former, we can use the maturity model proposed in autonomic computing [Murch 2004]. The levels in this model include basic, managed, predictive, adaptive and autonomic. According to this view, human involvement is not desirable, therefore more automation is demanding. However, the second view addresses the quality of human interaction to either express their expectations and policies, or to observe what is happening in the system. According to this view, human involvement is essential and quite valuable for improving the manageability and trustworthiness of self-adaptive software. These issues have been addressed in some earlier research, such as [Oreizy et al. 1999] and [Kephart 2005]. For the rest of this article, the second meaning will be used. Trust: Trust is a relationship of reliance, based on past experience or transparency of behavior. One view of trust is security, as highlighted by Dobson et al. in autonomic systems [Dobson et al. 2006]. Another view, not orthogonal to the rst one, is related to how much human or other systems can rely on self-adaptive software systems to accomplish their tasks. This view is linked rst to assurance and dependability. Georgas et al. relate this issue to dependability as the extent to which a system can be trusted to appropriately and correctly adapt [Georgas et al. 2005]. However, as McCann et al. point out, trust is not necessarily based on self-adaptive services or its quality [McCann et al. 2006; Huebscher and McCann 2008]. They discuss how trust can be built via revealing signicant information about the system status and the visibility of adaptation processes. This explains why predictability can be considered as a major factor for placing trust upon self-adaptive software. Interoperability Support: Self-adaptive software often consists of elements, modules, and subsystems. Interoperability is always a concern in distributed complex systems for maintaining data and behavior integrity across all constituent elements and subsystems. In self-adaptive software, the elements need to be coordinated with each other to have the desired self-* properties and to fulll the expected requirements. Global adaptation requirements will be met if elements and designated mechanisms in dierent layers and platforms of a system
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are interoperable (e.g., middleware and application). 4. A LANDSCAPE OF THE RESEARCH AREA This section presents a landscape of current research in self-adaptive software systems. Two broad aspects of such a landscape are discussed: i) supporting disciplines, and ii) a selected number of projects. The former points out how various disciplines dealing with adaptive systems can support building, evaluating, and utilizing self-adaptive software systems, while the latter gives a picture of the current status in this area. 4.1 Supporting Disciplines The rst viewpoint of the landscape shows how dierent disciplines are able to support and contribute to developing and operating self-adaptive software systems. The noteworthy point is that self-adaptive software is inherently interdisciplinary, and the combination of disciplines highly depends on the design metaphors adopted for building a specic self-adaptive software system. Laddaga enumerates three such design metaphors used by early researchers: coding an application as a dynamic planning system, coding an application as a control system [Laddaga 1999], and coding a self-aware system [Laddaga 2000]. These metaphors utilize ideas from articial intelligence, control theory and decision theory. The following sections discuss several such disciplines - namely software engineering, articial intelligence, decision theory, control theory, and network and distributed computing. Although several other disciplines, such as optimization theory, can also be added to this list, due to space limitations, they are only partially discussed in connection with the other disciplines. 4.1.1 Software Engineering. Numerous research areas in software engineering are related to self-adaptive software. As discussed in Section 2.2.2, self-* properties can be related to quality factors. Consequently, the ideas developed in the context of software quality for realizing and measuring quality (including all -ilities) are potentially applicable to self-adaptive software. A few research eorts, see for example [Salehie and Tahvildari 2007], have aimed to establish this link. The important point is that self-* properties are mostly related to Non-Functional Requirements (NFR), such as security and performance. In fact, fullling these requirements is the major trigger for change. However, functional requirements are also related to self-adaptation. An example is changing a components behavior to an acceptable lower level of functionality, in order to improve its performance. These issues also bring requirements engineering into the picture. Several researchers have used NFR models, particularly goal models, in self-adaptive software; see for example [Lapouchnian et al. 2005] and [Subramanian and Chung 2001]. Coupling software with its specication and formal model can allow monitoring correctness and many other metrics with respect to the specied requirements and self-* properties [Pavlovic 2000]. Formal methods provide various ways for modeling software systems as well as utilizing such models. Accordingly, it is possible to rely on formal methods to model adaptable software in adaptation processes. Moreover, formal methods can be used for validation and verication of self-adaptive software
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to ensure its correct functionality, and to understand its behavior [Laddaga et al. 2000]. Due to various dierences between traditional and self-adaptive software, the existing models and methods developed for non-adaptive software systems are not directly applicable. This means that new approaches based on formal models, such as Model-Integrated Computing (MIC) [Karsai and Sztipanovits 1999], are required for this purpose. MIC has been applied successfully to some domain-specic embedded systems for managing run-time re-conguration [Scott et al. 2000]. Software Architecture models and languages, such as Architectural Description Languages (ADL), can certainly be helpful in software modeling and management, particularly at run-time. Bradbury et al. survey several ADLs based on graphs, process algebras, and other formalisms for dynamic software architectures [Bradbury et al. 2004]. Garlan et al. use Acme ADL to describe the architecture of adaptable software and to detect violations from dened constraints [Garlan et al. 2004]. Oreizy et al. point out that software architecture can also help in change management [Oreizy et al. 1999]. Another idea that can be useful is AttributeBased Architecture Styles (ABAS) [M.H. Klein and Lipson 1999] as an extension of architectural styles. In fact, ABAS includes a quality-attribute specic model (e.g., performance), in order to provide a method of reasoning about an architecture design and the behavior of its interacting component types. Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) can help the development of self-adaptive software in two ways. First, it is easier to design and implement an adaptable software relying on component models. Second, an adaptation engine needs to be modular and reusable, and CBSE can also be used in its development. Moreover, as pointed out in ACT [Sadjadi and McKinley 2004], component models can be used in adaptive systems as a means of incorporating the underlying services for dynamic adaptation and adaptation management. Another related area, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and more specically dynamic AOP, can also be used in realizing self-adaptive software. This facilitates encapsulating adaptation concerns in the form of aspects through dynamic run-time adaptation. It also helps in implementing ne-grained adaptation actions at a level lower than components [Greenwood and Blair 2004; Salehie et al. 2009]. For example, JAC (which is a dynamic AOP framework [Pawlak et al. 2001]) uses a wrapping chain that can dynamically change existing or new joint points. AOP can also be used for instrumenting sensors as in the IBM BtM (Build to Manage) tool [IBM BtM ]. Service Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) can also support realizing self-adaptive software by facilitating the composition of loosely coupled services. Web service technology is often an appropriate option for implementing dynamic adaptable business processes and service-oriented software systems, due to their exibility for composition, orchestration, and choreography [Peltz 2003]. Birman et al. propose extensions to the web services architecture to support missioncritical applications [Birman et al. 2004]. Examples include standard services that track the health of components, mechanisms for integrating self-diagnosis into applications, and automated conguration tools. Another notable work is Autonomic Web Processes (AWP) [Verma and Sheth 2005], which are web service-based processes that support the self-* properties. 4.1.2 Articial Intelligence.
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As noted by Laddaga [Laddaga 1999], in general, it is surprising that not much has been done to apply Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques, such as planning and probabilistic reasoning, to develop and manage software systems. In particular, selfadaptive software has a remarkable common ground with AI and adaptive systems (see for example [Sterritt et al. 2005]). For the detecting process, AI can assist in log/trace analysis and pattern/symptom matching to identify abnormal conditions or the violation of constraints. AI is also rich in planning, reasoning, and learning, which could be useful in the deciding process. One obstacle is quality assurance for AI-based systems, which becomes necessary because of the utilized intelligent, heuristic, and search-based techniques. This issue was pointed out by Parnas about two decades ago a specic class of software systems, but it is generalizable to the other systems as well [Parnas 1985]. One interesting approach to realize self-adaptive software is based on AI planning. In this approach, a software system plans and may replan its actions instead of simply executing specic algorithms. This is in particular related to the deciding process for selecting the appropriate course of action. The planning-based adaptation should be active all the times, through searching among existing plans or by composing adaptation actions. In fact, the adaptation engine needs continuous planning via contingency planning or replanning [Russell and Norvig 1995]. The former provides a conditional plan with alternative paths based on the sensed information, while the latter generates an alternative plan in the case that the original plan fails. A notable point is that planning, at least in its basic form, cannot be used for all of the self-* properties. According to [Srivastava and Kambhampati 2005], among all of the self-* properties, planning has the highest potential for being used in conjunction with self-healing. One example of using AI-planning for self-healing is the work by Arshad et al. [Arshad et al. 2003]. An important concept that can be used in self-adaptive software is the way software agents model their domains, goals, and decision-making attributes. For example, an interesting goal-based model for action selection (composed of actions and goals with activation levels) has been proposed by Maes [Maes 1990]. Goaloriented requirements modeling is a well established area of research in agent-based systems and there are many research eorts that involve these models and methods in self-adaptive software, including [Lapouchnian et al. 2005] and [Morandini et al. 2008]. The other important issues, especially in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), are coordination models and distributed optimization techniques, which can be useful in multi-element self-adaptive software; for example, see [Bernon et al. 2003]. In such systems, local and global goals, which are mostly derived from self-* properties, need to be coordinated. Tesauro et al. realize a sample MAS, called Unity, as a decentralized autonomic architecture based on multiple interacting agents [Tesauro et al. 2004]. Weyns et al. have also investigated employing multi-agent architectures for self-adaptive software. For example, they utilized a situated multi-agent architecture for a self-adaptive automated guided vehicle transportation system [Weyns et al. 2005]. Machine Learning and Soft Computing are other areas with the potential to play important roles in self-adaptive software, especially through the achieving apACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
proach. Achieving needs analyzing the stream of sensed data and learning the best way to act. Oreizy et al. name evolutionary programming and AI-based learning in the category of approaches dealing with unprecedented changes with a clearer separation of concerns [Oreizy et al. 1999]. These algorithms generally use properties of the environment and knowledge gained from previous attempts to generate new algorithms. Genetic algorithms and dierent on-line learning algorithms, such as Reinforcement Learning (RL) can also be used for this purpose. RL is a promising option for dynamic action selection [Amoui et al. 2008] and decentralized collaborative self-adaptive software [Dowling 2004]. Tesauro discusses that RL has the potential to achieve better performance as compared to traditional methods, while requiring less domain knowledge [Tesauro 2007]. He also adds that as RL relies on exploration for training, it is not always feasible to learn policies in a live system. Instead, oine training or a hybrid method to use the existing policies should be utilized. Fuzzy logic is also applicable to address the fuzziness of quality goals and policies [Salehie and Tahvildari 2005b]. Another notable eld, related to this context under the umbrella of articial intelligence is decision theory. This theory, in both classical and qualitative forms, can contribute to realizing the deciding process. The classical form is suitable for cases in which decision-making relies on maximizing a certain utility function in a deterministic manner, while the qualitative form is appropriate for problems including uncertainty. One of the areas applicable to self-adaptive software is utility theory. The term utility refers to the quality of being useful for an action, choice, or alternative [Russell and Norvig 1995], and can be identied either with certainty or with uncertainty (in classical or qualitative form). Therefore, utility theory deals with methods to assign an appropriate utility value to each possible outcome and to choose the best course of action based on maximizing the utility value [Keeney and Raia 1976]. Walsh et al. demonstrate how utility functions can enable autonomic elements to continually optimize the use of computational resources in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment (a data center prototype) [Walsh et al. 2004]. Poladian et al. employ a utility function for user needs and preferences in resource-aware services [Poladian et al. 2004]. They use this function to formulate an optimization problem for dynamic conguration of these services. Nowicki et al. deal with decentralized optimization using utility functions [Nowicki et al. 2005]. Boutilier et al. use utility functions in self-optimizing and rely on incremental utility elicitation to perform the necessary computations using only a small set of sampled points from the underlying function [Boutilier et al. 2003; Patrascu et al. 2005]. In practice, due to uncertainty, probabilistic reasoning and decision-theoretic planning are required in decision making. Markov Decision Process (MDP) and Bayesian network are two well-established techniques for this purpose. These techniques are also applicable to realizing self-* properties due to their uncertain attributes. For example, there are several research eorts utilizing these models for diagnosis and self-recovery, for example see [Howe 1995], [Robertson and Laddaga 2005] and [Robertson and Williams 2006]. Porcarelli et al. also use a stochastic Petri net for decision-making in fault-tolerance [Porcarelli et al. 2003]. 4.1.3 Control Theory/Engineering.
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Control theory/engineering, similar to self-adaptive software, is concerned with systems that repeatedly interact with their environment through a sense-plan-act loop. The notions of adaptation and feedback have been discussed for decades in control theory and engineering, and have been utilized in designing and developing systems in various domains. The control-based paradigm considers the software system (adaptable software) as a controllable plant with two types of inputs: control inputs, which control the plants behavior, and disturbances, which change the plants behavior in an unpredictable manner [Kokar et al. 1999]. A controller (adaptation engine) changes the values of the plants control inputs. The control-based paradigm is often based on a model of the software plants behavior. For instance, Litoiu et al. use a hierarchical Layered Queue Model (LQM) of a software system for tuning parameters (weak adaptation) [Litoiu et al. 2005]. Abdelwahed et al. [Abdelwahed et al. 2004] also show that a model-based control architecture can realize the self-optimizing property, by tuning the plant parameters. Moreover, Bhat et al. discuss applying online control models to achieve self-managing goals by extending the ACCORD component framework [Bhat et al. 2006]. Although closed-loop is the most widely used model for control-based selfadaptive software, adaptive and recongurable models are also recommended for several reasons, including large-range dynamic disturbances [Kokar et al. 1999]. On the other hand, considering the discrete nature of software systems, one of the appropriate control-based approaches for self-adaptive software is supervisory control of discrete event system (DES) [Ramadge and Wonham 1987]; see for example [Tziallas and Theodoulidis 2004] and [Karsai et al. 2001]. Traditionally, control theory has been concerned with systems that are governed by the laws of physics. This allows them to make assertions about the presence or absence of certain properties, which is not necessarily the case with software systems. In practice, checking software controllability or building a controllable software is a challenging task, often involving non-intuitive analysis and system modications [Karamanolis et al. 2005]. Therefore, some researchers believe that applying this approach to software is often more complex than the case of traditional control systems [Robertson and Laddaga 2005]. 4.1.4 Network and Distributed Computing. Techniques used in network and distributed computing can be extensively applied to self-adaptive software. This is due to the fact that the bulk of the existing software systems are distributed and network-centric. Although it may be dicult to directly apply some of these techniques to all layers of self-adaptive software (i.e., policy management at the application layer), their usage in addressing adaptation requirements and the engineering of such systems is promising. Another line of research in this area concerns Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications and ad hoc networks, which deal with the dynamic change of environment, architecture, and quality requirements. Research in this area often uses self-organizing elements in a bottomup approach. However, as explained earlier, this article does not cover systems with the self-organizing property. Policy-based management is one of the most successful approaches followed in network and distributed computing [Sloman 1994]. Policy-based management species how to deal with situations that are likely to occur (e.g., priorities and access conACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
trol rules for system resources). Most of the denitions given for policy emphasize on providing guidance in determining decisions and actions. The policy management services normally consist of a policy repository, a set of Policy Decision Points (PDP) for interpreting the policies, and a set of Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) for applying the policies [Westerinen et al. 2000]. The most widely used policy type in networks is the action policy (in the form of event-condition-action rules) which is also applicable to self-adaptive software. In addition, other policy types like goal policy (specifying a desired state), and utility policy (expressing the value of each possible state) can also be exploited in self-adaptive software [Kephart and Walsh 2004]. The adaptation policies may need to be changed based on new requirements or conditions. Some research eorts have addressed this issue. For example, Lutfyyia et al., among several other eorts on policy-based management, have proposed a control-theoretic technique for dynamic change of policies in a data center [Aly and Lutyya 2007]. Policy-based management has been adopted in a number of self-adaptive software research; see for example [Keeney and Cahill 2003; Badr et al. 2004; Salehie et al. 2009]. Some frameworks have also been introduced for developing policy-based self-adaptive software, e.g., StarMX framework in the domain of enterprise Java-based systems [Asadollahi et al. 2009]. Quality of Service (QoS) management, another successful area in networking and distributed systems [Hutchison et al. 1994], is closely related to policy management [Lutyya et al. 2001]. QoS requirements are related to non-functional requirements of a system, and consequently, they can be linked to self-* properties in distributed software systems. In this context, QoS management methods rely on either modeling the application, e.g., queuing models, or using well-understood components, e.g., Prediction-Enabled Component Technology (PECT) [Woodside and Menasc 2006]. Therefore, QoS management can assist in modeling the quality e factors of a self-adaptive software system (and consequently self-* properties), and also in realizing adaptation processes. Another powerful technology borrowed from distributed and network-based systems is middleware. Middleware-based adaptation (in all four sub-layers discussed by Schmidt [Schmidt 2002]) would also be applicable to adaptation processes. For instance, generic components of decision-making and change detection can be realized at the middleware level; for example, see [Floch et al. 2006] and [Kumar et al. 2007]. One of the well established areas in networks and distributed systems is resource management. In specic, virtualization techniques can have a signicant impact on the quality of self-adaptive software. Virtualization reduces the domain of an adaptation engine to the contents of a virtual machine [Menasc and Bennani 2006]. e Consequently, dynamic resource management and resource provisioning are easier to handle. Virtualization also provides an eective way for legacy software systems to coexist with current operational environments [Bantz et al. 2003]. This property can be utilized in building adaptable software from legacy systems. Monitoring and sensing techniques have been widely used in networks and distributed systems. Basic techniques like heartbeat monitoring and more advanced techniques like pulse monitoring have been used in self-adaptive and self-managing software [Hinchey and Sterritt 2006]. One important issue, which is quite signifACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. V, No. N, March 2009.
icant in self-adaptive software, is the cost of sensing and monitoring. This issue has been addressed extensively in networking (e.g., [Dilman and Raz 2002]) and distributed systems (e.g., [Saab et al. 2002]). 4.2 Research Projects The projects in this section are selected from dierent academic and industrial sectors to capture main research trends in the broad area of self-adaptive software. We collected information from many academic and industrial research projects (from IBM, HP, Microsoft, Sun, etc). However, we selected a few of them to represent the major research ideas in this eld. Space limitations, the diversity of ideas, and their impact on the eld, are the concerns taken into account for the selection. Among other goals, the discussions in this section aim to identify the existing research gaps in this area. For this purpose, the projects are analyzed from several points of view. Since some of these projects are not available for evaluation, the reported properties and features are based on the referenced material. Table III lists the selected projects sorted based on the date of cited publication(s). In the case of several related publications from the same research group, the more important ones are cited. These projects are selected on the basis of their impact on the area and the novelty/signicance of their approach. In the rest of this section, we compare the selected projects in relation to three dierent views, namely self-* properties, adaptation processes, and the proposed taxonomy facets. The rst view discusses the major self-* properties that are supported by each project, as shown in Table IV. We can see that the majority of these projects focus on one or two of the known self-* properties. This shows that the coordination and the orchestration among multiple self-* properties have not yet received the full attention they deserve. Another notable point is that a limited number of projects in the literature support self-protecting (only one project in the selected set). Generally speaking, this is due to constant changes in the network topology, the increasing variety of software components/services, and the increasing complexity, as well as variety of attacks and viruses [Qu and Hariri 2007]. Most of the research dealing with the self-protecting property focus on the network layer, and particularly, on detecting attacks. Such research eorts are outside of the main scope of this article, as we have already mentioned. The second view is concerned with how the selected projects address adaptation processes. Table V compares and categorizes the selected projects according to four levels from no support to high support. The level for each process is determined based on eciency, coverage of dierent aspects, and support for available standards. Each of the processes also has its own specic aspects. For example, to evaluate the deciding process, we investigate whether a project takes into account dynamicity and uncertainty. To analyze the table column-wise, we have included a vector with four components reecting the relative frequencies of the dierent levels in each column, ranging from no support () to high support (H). For example, the vector (2, 5, 7, 2)/16 under the Monitoring column shows that out of the 16 selected projects, there are 2 with no support, 5 with low support, 7 with medium support, and 2 with high support. The column-wise assessment shows that monitoring, detecting, deciding, and acting each have only 2 or 3 projects with high support out of the selected 16 . These observations indicate that one
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IBM Oceano [Appleby et al. 2001] Rainbow [Garlan et al. 2004; Garlan and Schmerl 2002] Tivoli Risk Manager [Tuttle et al. 2003] KX [Kaiser et al. 2003; Valetto and Kaiser 2003] Accord [Liu et al. 2004] ROC [Candea et al. 2004; Candea et al. 2006] TRAP [Sadjadi et al. 2004; Sadjadi and McKinley 2004] K-Component [Dowling and Cahill 2004; Dowling 2004] SelfAdaptive [Robertson and Laddaga 2005] CASA [Mukhija and Glinz 2005]
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Table IV: Comparing Projects in terms of Self-* Properties : Supported, -: Not supported.
Projects Quo IBM Oceano Rainbow Tivoli Risk Manager KX Accord ROC TRAP K-Component Self-Adaptive CASA J3 DEAS MADAM M-Ware ML-IDS Self-Conguring Self-* Properties Self-Healing Self-Optimizing Self-Protecting
Table V: Comparing Projects in terms of Adaptation Processes- H (High): Provides explicit features to support the process extensively, M (Medium): Provides generic features to partially support the process, L (Low): Provides limited support, (No Support)- e.g., the vector (2, 5, 7, 2)/16 shows there are 2 no support, 5 low support, 7 medium support and 2 high support projects.
Projects Quo IBM Oceano Rainbow Tivoli Risk Manager KX Accord ROC TRAP K-Component Self-Adaptive CASA J3 DEAS MADAM M-Ware ML-IDS Column-wise Assessment Monitoring L M H H L L L L M M M M M M (2,5,7,2)/16 Adaptation Processes Detecting Deciding L M M H M L L L L H M M M M H (1,5,7,3)/16 L M M L M M H H L L M L M M (2,5,7,2)/16 Acting M M M M L H M L M H M M L M (2,3,9,2)/16
needs to provide comprehensive solutions to realize all adaptation processes at a high level. The taxonomy introduced in Section 3 provides a third view. This view is summarized in Table VI, which will also be analyzed column-wise. Before analyzing this table, it should be noted that the possible values for some of the facets are not
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mutually exclusive. For example, a project can rely on a hybrid approach including both making and achieving. The ndings related to this view based on each taxonomy facet (corresponding to dierent columns in the table) are as follows: Layer (L): Most of the projects focus on the application layer, which is expected. Note this article deals primarily with the upper layers of a software-intensive system. Artifact & Granularity (A&G): Various artifacts at dierent granularity levels have been addressed, which is a positive point. Impact & Cost (I&C ): Most of the projects utilize both weak and strong adaptation actions. This is also a positive point because it is possible to use low/high cost and local/global actions depending on the circumstances. Making/Achieving (M/A): The achieving approach is rarely observed. This means learning and evolutionary algorithms have not yet been widely used in this area. External/Internal (E/I ): All of the projects use the external approach, which means that they all support separation of the adaptation mechanism from the application logic. Static/Dynamic Decision-Making (S/D DM ): The number of dynamic deciding processes is not too high, but is notable. This is partly due to the research activities in the area of policy-based management. Open/Close (O/C ): Another remarkable observation is the high number of projects supporting close adaptation. This can be interpreted as the inability to attain openness due to stability and assurance concerns. Specic/Generic (S/G): A number of projects (7 out of 16, including J3) have been developed based on component-based systems. The justication is that such components are loosely coupled entities that can be changed dynamically at runtime, easier than the other entities. Model-Based/-Free (MB/F ): Most of the projects are model-based, which is not surprising noting the wide-spread application of model-based and model-driven approaches in engineering disciplines. Reactive/Proactive (R/P ): Most of the projects are reactive, which is not generally a disadvantage. However, for some domains, it is required to have proactiveness in order to decrease the aftereects of changes, or to block change propagation (e.g., faults in safety-critical systems). Continuous/Adaptive Monitoring (C/A M ): Most of the projects still use continuous monitoring, which is not preferable noting the cost and the load of this process. Human Involvement (HI ): Most of the projects do not include an appropriate human interface. This matter impacts the usability and trustworthiness of these systems in practice. Interoperability (I ): Only one of the projects proposes a mechanism for interoperability with other self-adaptive or autonomic elements or systems. This matter limits their applicability, especially in emerging service-oriented applications.
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Table VI: Comparing Projects in terms of the Taxonomy Facets- -: is not supported, ?: Not clearly known. L Layer, A&G: Artifact & Granularity, I&C: Impact & Cost, M/A: Making/Achieving, E/I: External/Internal,S/D DM: Static/Dynamic Decision-Making, O/C: Open/Close, S/G: Specic/Generic, MB/F: Model-Based/-Free, R/P:Reactive/Proactive, C/A M: Continuous/Adaptive Monitoring, HI: Human Involvement, I:Interoperability.
Object to adapt Approach L I&C w w/s w/s w/s w/s w w w/s w w/s w ? s w w m e m e m e m e s s s d m e s m e semi-d m/a e semi-d c c c c c o c m/a e d c m e c m e s c m e d c generic comp.-based comp.-based comp.-based generic comp.-based J2EE app. generic comp.-based generic generic m e d o generic m e ? generic mb mb mb mb mb mb mb mb mb mb mb m e semi-d c known arch. styles mb m e d o data center mb r r r r r r r r/p r r r r r r/p m e s c comp.-based mb r M/A E/I S/D DM O/C MB/F R/P application Infrastructure & network data center architecture system application components components/ subsystems aspect component method component aspect application architecture parameters parameters application network & application application aspect A&G S/G Type C/A M c c semi-a c semi-a c c c c c c c c c c HI can be can be yes can be yes I yes Realization Temporal Interaction
IBM Oceano
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5. RESEARCH CHALLENGES Self-adaptive software creates new opportunities, and at the same time, poses new challenges to the development and operation of software-intensive systems. This section aims to identify the challenges in realizing self-adaptive software. Prior to classifying the challenges, we rst provide a broader view on this issue following the work of Kephart in the context of autonomic computing [Kephart 2005]: i) Elemen/Component Level Challenges relate to building element interfaces and contracts to share information, designing/implementing proper adaptation processes, and designing an appropriate architecture for elements in order to execute and coordinate the adaptation processes, ii) System Level Challenges relate to coordinating self-* properties and adaptation processes between elements, specifying the evaluation criteria, and dening appropriate architectures to fulll this levels requirements (e.g., inter-element communication), and iii) Human-System Interaction Challenges relate to building trust, providing an appropriate mechanism for collecting user policies, and establishing a proper mechanism to involve humans in the adaptation loop. Although the above classication provides insight into the challenges associated with self-adaptive systems, it does not quite t into the taxonomy and landscape discussed in the earlier parts of this article. Moreover, for some of the identied challenges, depending on the underlying design decisions, they may be at the element level or at the system level (e.g., coordinating self-* properties). To remedy this shortcoming, in the following, we aim to classify the underlying challenges based on the points summarized in Fig. 5. This enables us to relate the challenges to the concepts already discussed, and to the analysis performed in the landscape section.
Self-* Properties
Adaptation Processes
Engineering Issues
5.1 Challenges in Engineering Self-Adaptive Software This section deals with the engineering challenges for requirements analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of self-adaptive software. Requirements analysis: As discussed earlier, the systems requirements (especially non-functional), self-* properties, and quality factors are interrelated. Consequently, besides the main task in requirements engineering, that is to capture the stakeholders expectations, the other key challenges are how to translate, model, and relate those expectations to adaptation requirements and goals to be used at run-time [Kramer and Magee 2007]. The desired model is used as a basis to answer the adaptation requirements questions (described in Section 2.3) in the developing and operating phases. In other words, the specications are not
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only used in developing self-adaptive software, but also kept for conict resolution and change management at the operating phase. Goal-oriented requirements engineering appears to be a promising approach for addressing these challenges. Design issues: One key challenge is how to design self-adaptive software to fulll the adaptation requirements. Although numerous research eorts have focused on designing self-adaptive software, there are still some major open problems in this area. In an internal approach, one needs to extend the existing programming languages, or dene new adaptation languages. However, as the projects landscape in Section 4.2 indicates, most existing research is based on external approaches. Consequently, the challenge is decomposed into: i) designing the underlying adaptable software system(s) and adaptation engine(s), and ii) forming the architecture connecting them together. The following list provides a summary of these challenges. The rst question is how to design adaptable software, either from scratch or from a legacy system. This question deals with the important issue of design for adaptability. Adaptable software needs to expose important information through sensors (by events), and to facilitate eectors for variability. The related outstanding questions are as follows: i) Which architecture styles and design patterns are appropriate for this purpose? ii) Which component model provides the best support for the sensing and eecting in vivo mechanisms? iii) Which interfaces and contracts need to be considered? And most importantly, iv) How to use re-engineering approaches to transform a legacy system into an adaptable software? Another challenge is how to use existing experiences in re-engineering, reverse engineering, and re-factoring, as discussed in [Muller 2006], in dealing with Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) systems [Northrop 2006]. Parekh et al. address this challenge partially by proposing a framework for retrotting autonomic capabilities into legacy systems [Parekh et al. 2006]. It appears that for variability management, ideas from product line architecture would be useful as well. The primary challenges for designing the adaptation engine will be addressed in Section 5.3 for each adaptation process. However, there are two missing points: i) How to design the interfaces required for policy enforcement and connection to adaptable software? ii) What kind of architecture is suitable for inter-process communication and sharing knowledge inside the engine? Last, but not least, is the issue of interoperability and system-wide architecture. Several researchers have investigated this issue. Smith et al. [Smith et al. 2005] address complexity and changeability of interaction between system elements, or system of systems. McKinley et al. discuss the need for coordinating components across layers of an adaptive system [McKinley et al. 2004]. One aspect of this challenge is the availability of communication channels between elements, which is addressed in [Parekh et al. 2006]. Implementation languages, tools, and frameworks: Generally speaking, building self-adaptive and autonomic software can be accomplished in two ways [Liu et al. 2004]: i) extending existing programming languages/systems or dening new adaptation languages (e.g., based on aspects [Duzan et al. 2004]), and ii) enabling dynamic adaptation by allowing adding, removing, and modifying software entities at run-time (e.g., based on middleware [Floch et al. 2006; Asadollahi
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et al. 2009]). In practice, a combination of these solutions is required to build elements, to facilitate their compositions, and to provide a run-time infrastructure for interaction and management. Although numerous research eorts have investigated both solutions and their combination, there is still a lack of powerful languages, tools, and frameworks that could help realize adaptation processes and instrument sensors/eectors in a systematic manner. The middleware-based approach appears more promising, since the infrastructure is available. However, dynamic adaptation actions (i.e. eectors) are still not extensively supported, or not reliable. Testing and assurance: Testing and assurance are probably the least focused phases in engineering self-adaptive software, and there are only a few research eorts addressing this topic. The challenging issue is the availability of several alternatives for adaptable artifacts and parameters in the system. This leads to several paths of execution in dierent scenarios. If we add the dynamic decisionmaking and achieving approach to this scenario, it will become even more complex. There are attempts to use a self-test mechanism at runtime to validate the changes. King et al. present this idea for autonomic systems by adding a test manager for this purpose [King et al. 2007]. Zhang also proposes a run-time model checking approach for the verication of adaptation [Zhang 2007]. Evaluation and quality of adaptation: So far there has not been any comprehensive work addressing evaluation criteria or metrics for self-adaptive software, or more generally, for autonomic computing. There are links between self-* properties and software quality goals; however, how quality metrics can help measure the quality of adaptation is still an open question. Factors like safety, security, and performance are discussed in [Gjorven et al. 2006], and QoS, cost, and granularity/exibility are discussed in [McCann and Huebscher 2004]. The availability of benchmarks, testbeds, and appropriate case studies can help in evaluating and comparing dierent adaptation solutions, at least in relation to each adaptation process. 5.2 Challenges Related to Self-* Properties Self-* properties are the key features of self-adaptive software. This section summarizes the challenges expected in realizing these properties, both individually and collectively. Individual self-* properties: According to the analysis performed in Section 4.2, self-protecting has received the least attention among the self-* properties. Generally, most of research on self-protecting (not necessarily in the scope of this paper) focus on detecting anomaly symptoms (e.g., intrusion). Some of this research also concentrates on integrating various technologies for security management and recovery (e.g., [Tuttle et al. 2003]). However, the point is that realizing all of the adaptation processes for this property, particularly at the upper layers (e.g., middleware and application), is still quite challenging. An important question in realizing self-* properties is how well the system is capable of detecting changes and their potential consequences in the adaptable software or its context. These challenges include inferring or predicting the change propagation based on the dynamic model of software or data analysis at run-time.
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Also, specic to the self-healing and self-protecting properties, the problem is how to limit or isolate the problematic components, and eventually how to recover these components. This matter denitely needs implanted eectors that allow recovery without a crash or interruption in the system. Building multi-property self-adaptive software: As shown in Table VI, the majority of projects do not address more than one self-* property. Moreover, those projects that adress multiple properties, do not systematically coordinate them. Generally, most of the proposed solutions do not address the relationships between self-* properties including priority, conict, and the execution order of their actions at run-time. It is clear that coordinating and orchestrating these properties and their derived goals at dierent levels of granularity is one of the signicant challenges in self-adaptive software. IBM addresses this issue in its reference architecture for orchestrating across and within disciplines for self-* properties [IBM Ref. Arch. 2005]. Cheng et al. also focus on this challenge in an architecture-based adaptation [Cheng et al. 2006]. It is also important to note that each self-* property deals with several concerns, such as cost and time. Realizing desired self-* properties means satisfying certain goals related to these concerns, subject to given constraints. The problem with the available solutions is that they usually do not rely on a multi-concern view in the adaptation. An example of such a missing concern is the cost/benet of actions related to the business aspects of a software system. 5.3 Challenges in Adaptation Processes An appropriate way to study challenges is to classify them on the basis of adaptation processes: Monitoring challenges: A signicant challenge for monitoring dierent attributes in adaptable software is the cost/load of the sensors. In most cases, a number of in vivo methods collect various information, which may not be required by the desired self-* properties. In some cases, the monitoring process does not need the details of the events, while in the case of deviating from normal behavior, more data will be required. Consequently, a monitoring process needs to be adapted regarding the adaptable software situation, in order to increase the level of awareness. Such a process can be called an adaptive monitoring process. Oreizy et al. argue that a self-adaptive software needs a planning process to specify which observations are necessary to decide when and where adaptations are required [Oreizy et al. 1999]. A few eorts address adaptive monitoring, such as the COMPAS framework in J2EE applications [Diaconescu et al. 2004]. Although these eorts have partially addressed the monitoring challenges, this subject deserves much more attention. Detecting challenges: The prominent question in the detecting process is which behaviors/states of a software system are healthy/normal?. Answering this question often requires a time-consuming static and dynamic analysis of the system, which may also be strongly aected by the underlying random variables (i.e., users requests arrival times, and faults in dierent components). Although there have been eorts to apply statistical and data mining techniques to address this issue (e.g., for problem determination [Brown et al. 2001]), the
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existing realizations of this process are still mostly ad hoc and incomplete. Deciding challenges: The deciding process still needs lots of attention both at the local level (adaptation engine) and at the system level. As discussed in [McKinley et al. 2004], most of the known approaches are static and only eective in specic domains. As shown in Table V, few research projects have provided strong support for this process, in particular by focusing on multiple self-* properties in dynamic and uncertain environments. Moreover, as shown in Table VI, about half of the projects address dynamic decision-making. In the presence of multiple objectives, in addition to the necessity of deciding online and dynamically, one faces the following additional challenges: i) nding approximately or partially optimal solutions for multi-objective decision-making problems, ii) dealing with uncertainty and incompleteness of events/information from the systems self and context, iii) correlating local and global decisionmaking mechanisms, and iv) addressing the scalability and fault-proneness of the decision-making mechanism using centralized or decentralized models. Acting challenges: One important challenge is how to assure that the adaptation is going to be stable and have a predictable impact on the functional and non-functional aspects of the underlying software system. It is important to know: i) whether the adaptation actions follow the contracts and the architectural styles of the system, ii) whether they impact the safety/integrity of the application, and iii) what will happen if the action fails to complete, or if preemption is required in order to suspend the current action and deal with a higher priority action. These issues are critical, particularly for systems with open adaptation and dynamic decision-making in non-stationary environments. These challenges have been addressed by Laddaga [Laddaga 2006] in the context of stability of self-adaptive software, and have been linked to verication by Karsai et al. [Karsai et al. 2001]. These issues still require much more research, since most of the solutions presented in the literature are ad hoc and problem-specic. Formal methods and model-driven solutions, with the aid of model/constraint checking, seem to be a promising direction in this respect. 5.4 Challenges in Interaction At rst glance, a human interface for self-adaptive software appears to be much easier to build compared to non-adaptive software. However, as Russel et al. [Russell et al. 2003] point out, several problems exist that include policy management, trust, and human involvement. The analysis in Section 4.2 also shows that most of the projects do not have a human in the loop for policy changing or tracing adaptation processes. These challenges can be briey described as follows. Policy management: One prominent downside of some of the existing solutions is the lack of explicit representation of policies and goals. This leads to two problems that will be explained next. Policy translation: The policies and goals often need to be decomposed or translated into lower-level/local ones that are understandable by the system elements. Without having a goal/policy model, it is dicult to accomplish this task eectively and eciently in complex large-scale systems. This matter needs highly exible models and algorithms, which is a research issue denitely
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worth investigating. Dynamic policies and goals: The developers need to hard-code or precompile the action selection mechanism for the deciding process. A rule-based mechanism based on a xed static conict resolution mechanism is commonly used for this purpose. The rules in such systems are hand-coded or compiled on the basis of declarative descriptions of objectives, policies, or desired behaviors in the design phase. However, the goals and management policies may be subject to change during the operating phase. Building trust: Another noteworthy challenge issue is how to establish trust. The issue of trust is not limited to self-adaptive software and is a general research topic in many computer-based and software-intensive systems. However, self-adaptive software, due to its dynamic and automatic nature, adds new concerns to this problem. The independence and intelligence may make this type of system less traceable for users and stakeholders. It is essential that a selfadaptive application facilitates trust management for the security concerns, and also reports its activities and decisions to administrators in order to expose what is going on. Trust can be built incrementally to ensure that the adaptation processes are safe and secure. It is noteworthy that trust can also be dened between self-adaptive elements and services, in which this issue will aect interoperability. Interoperability: This issue is challenging in most distributed complex systems and particularly in the so-called systems of systems. In self-adaptive software, besides the data-related concerns, coordinating and orchestrating self-adaptation behavior of all elements is a challenging task. Fullling global requirements and self-* properties, for each property and across dierent properties, is not a straight-forward task. The emergence of Ultra-Large Scale (ULS) systems adds to the signicance of interoperability, and at the same time, creates new challenges in this regard [Northrop 2006]. 6. SUMMARY The area of self-adaptive software enjoys a growing importance. In spite of numerous excellent research eorts, this area is still in its infancy, and the existing body of knowledge is far from being adequate to address the escalating demands for self-adaptivity of software in todays dynamic and ever-changing environments. Self-adaptive software poses many new opportunities, as well as challenges, for computer scientists and engineers. New models and theories are needed to access to these opportunities and to cope with the associated challenges towards fullling the requirements. This survey article has discussed the basic principles behind self-adaptive software and proposed a taxonomy of adaptation. The questions of where, when, what, why, who, and how form the basis of this taxonomy. A landscape has been presented based on reviewing a number of disciplines related to self-adaptive software, as well as some selected research projects. A comparison between the dierent views of this landscape has provided a framework to identify gaps. For example, the self-protecting property needs more work to provide more secure software systems. Various threats to on-line distributed systems are the driving forces for this issue. Adaptation processes also need to be improved to adapt software systems eectively
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and eciently. The landscape also helps locate future challenges in this emerging research area. Such challenges have been classied into four categories, namely self-* properties, adaptation processes, engineering issues, and interaction. These categories are based on the discussed fundamentals of self-adaptive software in the previous sections. The challenges have been linked to related discussions and concepts.
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