ESS Practice Developmental Log - (2022 WA 1)

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CHIJ STC ESS Practice Developmental Log

1. The purpose of the development log is to allow students to:

a) analyse their development by applying the theoretical elements of sports science
learned; and
b) understand the interaction of these scientific concepts and factors within sports

2. In the development log, students are required to:

a) make sound justification to their training decisions
b) set realistic goals / targets
c) be consistent and conscientious in recording their training and its modifications.

3. Students will be assessed on their ability to apply, analyse and review on their own a)
training plan; and
b) movement concepts and games-related concepts pertaining to the Practical Activities


Analyse Plan Consolidate

Improve Evaluate

4. The content of the Development Log would consist of

a) [Analyse and Apply] Planning and Identification (by 12 Nov 2021);
a. Identifying nature and demands of 2.4km run
i. Requirements of the 2.4km run
ii. Skills / Performance related fitness
iii. Safety aspects (Both training programme and hazard identification)
b. Plan and design a sound training programme to cater to the development
i. Suitability of exercises
ii. Application of knowledge

b) [Train and Improve] Performing and Documentation (till 24 Dec 2021); and
a. Train and execute programme
b. Goal setting to monitor and track progress
i. Milestone checks
ii. Minor adjustments to training programme

c) [Analyse and Evaluate] Critical Analysis (by 31 Dec 2021)

a. End of course review and evaluation of training programme
b. Recommendations to future training programme
1. Personal Profile
Name of the practical activities taken: 2.4km Run

a) Candidate’s Name: Lavinne Wong

b) Age: 15.

c) Gender: Female.

d) Height: 164 (m) taken on: 17 October 2021.

e) Weight: 43.5. (kg) taken on: 17 October.

f) Latest Fitness / NAPFA results:


g) Sports Participation / Representation:


h) Sporting Aspirations:

Join Floorball Commpetition

i) I participate in sports because …

I want to be healthy.

j) Other information: e.g., Hobbies, inspiring Sports icons

I like playing badminton. My sports icon is
2. [Analyse and Apply]
a. Identify and list the important skills / components of fitness needed for 2.4km Run:
Arm swing because it provides balance and rhythm while running. Arm position
helps keep chest open and makes breathing easier while running. Pace
calibration helps to improve pacing and improves stamina for running

Components of fitness:
Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to
provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads. It is
important while running as without it, the runner will not be able to run for a long
period of time and get tired easily. Muscular Endurance is the ability of the
muscles to perform repeated contractions continuously without getting tired. Its
important while running as if the the runner does not have Muscular Endurance,
he will get fatigue easily and start walking. .

b. List your strengths and weaknesses you have identified, support with
explanations and evidences:
Speed, I am able to run one round in less than 3minute

Lack cardiovascular endurance, easily get tired. After the third round I start to
slow down and feel tired. Lack Muscular endurance, After running a while, I get
tired and start walking instead of running.

c. Suggest ways in which any strengths and weaknesses might be improved or

corrected according to prioritization:
Cardiovascular endurance can be improved if I do Interval Training which focuses on
enhancing cardiovascular endurance and an individual speed. Muscular endurance
can be improved by doing Weight or Resistance training. It uses

d. Set a SMART goal for yourself.

Improve 2.4km timing from 14min to 13min in six weeks.

You are to set realistic goals / targets but not expected to dramatically improve over a limited timeframe.
Marks will not be awarded for improvement, but on your ability to justify your reasons for the programme
modifications. Do not give vague targets like ‘to be able to score well’ or ‘better receiving’.

e. Identify the knowledge that you can apply for the training using the five area of
study of Exercise and Sports Science.

Area of study Knowledge used

Motor Learning Methods of Practice.
and Development
Physiology Planning a Training Program.
Psychology Setting SMART goals.
Biomechanics Movement Phases of Performance.
Sociology Sportsmanship.

3. [Train and Improve]

a. Plan a 6 weeks training programme to improve your 2.4Km run.
Date Focus of training Training activities Reflection
Week _
Week _

You are to apply various theoretical aspects of exercise and sports science to design a sound ^ training
programme for the 2.4km run. You should select the most appropriate training method. Explain your
^ Apply the principles of Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type (FITT) and Specificity, Progression, Overload and Reversibility (SPOR) in the development of a
suitable training programme.

b. Document the progress of your performance against the SMART Goal above.
Are you able to cope with your training plan? Are you meeting your goal?
What are some of the issues you faced during your training?
Record the changes you plan to make to your training plans and explain the
reason(s) for your action(s). If no major changes are made, explain the
reasons for doing so.
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4. [Analyse and Evaluate]

a. Evaluate* the quality of your performance. What are the factors that contributes to
the improvement of your performance? If your performance has not improve, what
are some of the possible reasons?
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b. Recommend actions for subsequent trainings.

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*Discuss and suggest what are the factors affecting your performance. Consider the physiological,
psychological, biomechanical and sociological aspects as well.

1. Brief description of the team sports and the position you play.
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2. Using the games-related concepts, analyse how your individual contribution help your
team perform during matches.
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3. Using the five areas of studies from exercise and sports science, describe how it is
applicable to your training and performances in your team sports.
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4. References and annexes

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