Leabhar Liosta Rang 3 2022-2023
Leabhar Liosta Rang 3 2022-2023
Leabhar Liosta Rang 3 2022-2023
Go With the Flow Cursive Handwriting E CJ Fallon
Cóipleabhair srl.
10 A11 88 Page copies
2 sum copies C3 (07mm squares)
1 leabhar líníochta 1 sketch pad
Cás peann luaidhe pencil case
3 pheann luaidhe 3 pencils (HB or B)
1 rialóir 1 ruler – 30 cm clear plastic)
1 scriosán 1 eraser
1 bharrthóir 1 pencil-sharpener
pinn luaidhe daite coloured pencils
1 Pheann gorm/dubh 1 Blue/black pen
Peann dearg Red pen
(Gnáth cinn – gnáth dúch ordinary biros- not gel or other ink which may
come through page)
Feadóg D D Tin-whistle* (acu ó anuraidh)
Leabhair Leitheóireachta (Irish Readers)
1 Get Set (Wonderland Stage 3 Book 1) CJ Fallon
2 My Read at Home Book 4 “ “
3 Reasons to Write 3 Edco
Gafa le Mata 3 CJ Fallon
Timpeall an Domhain Rang a Trí Folens
Atlas Bunscoile An Gúm
Teagasc Críostaí
I nGrá Dé Bunscoil 5
Costas €20 atá i gceist don scéim seo.
Is féidir le tuismitheoiri an t-airgead seo a íoc ag tús na scoilbhliana.
Parents will pay €20 at the start of the school year in respect of this rental
Mála do na buataisí peile agus srl. – A bag which will be used for football boots
and training gear.
Please label all belongings with your child’s name – uniform, books, copies,
equipment 7rl.
€ 30 an páiste le tabhairt don scoil ar an gcéad lá le haghaidh
€30 to be submitted to the school on the first day for
€ 30 an páiste – Árachas Pearsanta / Personsal Pupil Insurance 24 hour /
Dialann Obair Bhaile / Scrúdaithe Caighdeánaithe agus Fotacópáil agus rl.