Bahasa Inggris Pertemuan 11

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Nama kelompok : 1.

Eselyn rohani pakpahan (64191307)

2. Rafica Octavia Siswanty (64191256)
3. Oktavia (64191242)
4. Panca saputra (64191235)
5. Farhan Addaraen (64191343)
Kelas : 64.2I.07

Slide 3:
 The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different pollutants and
their effects on ecosystems is complex. They CAN COME from natural disasters or the
result of human activity, such as OIL SPILLS, chemical spills, nuclear accidents. These
CAN HAVE terrible consequences on people and the planet where they LIVE:
destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of the human and animal species,
destruction of natural habitat, damage caused to the quality of soil, water and air.

 PREVENTING pollution and PROTECTING the environment NECESSITATE the

application of the principles of sustainable development. We HAVE to CONSIDER to
satisfy the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs. This means that we SHOULD remedy existing pollution, but also
ANTICIPATE and PREVENT future pollution sources in order to PROTECT the
environment and public health. Any environmental damage MUST BE punishable by
law, and polluters SHOULD pay compensation

Artinya :
 Sumber Sumber polusi sangat banyak. Identifikasi berbagai polutan ini dan pengaruhnya
terhadap ekosistem sangat kompleks. Mereka dapat berasal dari bencana alam atau hasil
dari aktivitas manusia, seperti tumpahan minyak, tumpahan bahan kimia, kecelakaan
nuklir. Ini dapat memiliki konsekuensi yang mengerikan pada manusia dan planet tempat
mereka hidup: perusakan keanekaragaman hayati, meningkatnya kematian spesies
manusia dan hewan, perusakan habitat alami, kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh kualitas
tanah, air dan air.

 Ventilasi Mencegah polusi dan melindungi lingkungan mengharuskan penerapan prinsip-

prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan. Kita harus mempertimbangkan memenuhi
kebutuhan hari ini tanpa mengurangi kemampuan generasi mendatang untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan mereka. Ini berarti bahwa kita harus memperbaiki polusi yang ada, tetapi juga
mengantisipasi dan mencegah sumber polusi di masa depan untuk melindungi lingkungan
dan kesehatan masyarakat. Kerusakan lingkungan harus dihukum oleh hukum, dan
pencemar harus membayar kompensasi
Slide 7:

1. Before the automobile, people DIDN’T TRAVEL as much from city to

2. Before there were supermarkets, people USED to shop at small stores.
3. About five hundreds years ago, people PLAYED the first game of golf.
4. In most office today, most people ARE GOING to work at home.
5. In many cities nowadays, pollution is BECOMING a serious problem.
6. Soon, doctors MIGHT FIND a cure for the commond cold.
7. In the next hundred years, people WORK MORE THAN 40 hours a
8. Sometime in the future, there WILL BE PROBABLY be cities in space.

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