It Indemnity Bond: To of

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Indemnity Bond

Name of Student : Admission Year : 2o2o-21

Name of the College : lndira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur

From of the bond to be executed for the purpose of compulsory service to the
government after completion of MBBS degree course by a student who is major i.e.
above l8 years ofage by a guardian of student who is a minor i.e. below 18 years of
age.Admitted to the MBBS degree course with two Sureties.
Know all men by these present that I Dean, Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical
College, Nagpur. Informed to student and father and guardian of student :
Jointly and each of us severally
held and lirmly bound by the Governor of Maharashtra exercising the executive
ref'erred to as the govemment in the surn of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacks Only)
to be paid to the government on demand together with interest the rate of l5 percent
per annum from the date of demand till payment for which payment well and truly to
be rnade. I DO HEREBY JOINTLY and each of us severally firmly bind ourselves,
our sureties. our respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal representative
by these presents. Signed this _ day of whereas the Government
Medical/dental/ayurvedic College free seats in privet medical college in the state
Maharashtra for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and
Surgery Degree course 'hereinafter referred to as the Health Science course' viz. ( i )
Every student should admitted shall complete the MBBS/BDS/BAMSiCourse liom
the college to which he/she is adrnitted or from any other Govemment Medical /
Dental / Ayurvedic College and recognized Private Medical College in the state of
Maharashtra to which he/she might have taken transfer admission ( ii ) and thereafter
duly cornpleted the prescribed intemship or rotating Housemanship and obtain
MBBS/BDS/BAMS degree ( iv ) he/she shall if required by the govemrnent serve the
Govemment of Maharashtra or any Zilla Parishad or any local authority as directed
b1, the state Government for a minimum period of one year on such remuneration as

rnay be prescribed thereof or r.vhich alternative if the armed forces so required or the
student so desired serve in the Anned Forces Medical Services in any of the three
Delence Services in Army, Navy or Air Forces Medical services any where in Indian
or abroad for the minimurn period of one year on such remuneration as has been
prescribed thereof ( v ) he/she shall f'umish the govemment a personal security bond
in the described fonn in the sum of Rs. 10,00,000/- ( Rupees Ten Lacks only )
executed by the student and if the student is below the age of 18 years by also duly

executed by the guardian along with two have been certified as solvent by any of
authorities specified in the said rules. AND WHEREAS THE STUDENT has been
selected for the admission on the MBBSitsDS/BAMS/ Course as form the academic
year- 2020-2t in the college at Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical college, Nagpur.
(hereinatier ret'erred to as the said college).


(i) The studenr shall diligently prosecure and completed the MBBS/BDS/BAMS
course at the said college in the state of Maharashtra and Strictly comply with the
rules of the said college in the state of Maharashtra which the student thereafter

on transt'er at the end of the l" year examination and shall be of good conduct and
charactcr and attend the college regularly and shall completed the course and
thereafter duly pass the prescribed the University examination for the course and
undergo the prescribed internship or rotating house-manship'
(ii) The student shall on passing the said examination and after undergoing
internship or rotating housemanship for such period and at such institution as may be
prescribed rvithin period of !! days give notice in writing to the director of Medical
Education and Research Mumbai and if the student is called upon by the Government
or the Director of Health Services (hereinafter refened to as DHS). Any time such
notice by D.M.E.R./D.H.S./D.A. the student shall serve the Govemment I Zilla
Parishad / Local Authority for One / Trvo years in such grade as may be prescribed
therelbre and to the event ofthe student being called upon to serve the Government
Zilla Parishad I Local Authority the student shall appear before the concerned
selection board for an interview. the student is selected by the selection board, he/
she serve the Government I Zilla Parishad i Local Authrlrity for a minimum
period of

one / two years on such remuneration as may be prescribed in such scale of payment
not below that of a class III officer in Government Medical Service of the student
of such compulsory service shall not be less than one
and character and observe the rules
ditigence and efficiency and be or good conduct
unless duly certified by a
fbr the time being in tbrce regulating the conduct or
confirmation from Govemment by its
obtaining the proper permission or subsequent
authorized officers.


of the above terms and
(a) in the event of the student committing a breach of any
10'00'000/- ( Rupees Ten Lacks only )
condition the whole of the said sum of Rs'
to any other rights
jointly and severally and the Govemment may' without prejudice
land revenue.
of the above farms and
(b) In the event of the students cornmitting a breach of any
( Rupees Ten Lacks only )
condition the rvhole of the said sum of Rs' 10'00'000/-
prejudice to any other right and remedies
severely and the Government rnay without
of land revenue'
jointly and severely at the discretion ofthe Govemment as alrears
service' become
(c) Il the student before or after entering into Govemment
of agreement as may be decided
additio, to the said bond amount penarty for breach
discretion ofthe Government'
student/Guardian/Either ofsureties as the absolute
ofthe students before
(d) lt shall not be necessary lor the Govemment to inform any
any lor bearance act or omission on the
discharged by reason oftirne being granted or
part of the Government or any person authorized by him, of any indulgence being
shown to the student or the guardian or the happening of any event of any event of
circumstance which is law would discharge a surety.
(t) The internship or rotating will be issued by
housemanship completed certificate
the Dean. of the college only after ascertaining that the services of the region by
registered post A.D. for being offered service to comply with the bond obligation.
(g) Where the student is desirous of undergoing of post graduate studies and if he /
she secured admission to post graduate course the bond of the student shall deferred
fbr the duration ofthe study and student shall be subject to the condition that specific
No Ob.iection Certificate, for pursuing the post graduate is produced from the Dean of
the said college the student will have to inform the Deputy Director of Health Service
of the region (hereinafter referred top Dy. DHS) in which the colleges is situated of
his having joined the post graduate course within 30 day of his / her admission of the
course b1' registered post A. D. il he / she t-ails to do so that student can be asked to
carDr out the obligation to serve for one year. Provided, however that if the student
lails on neglects to pass the post gracluate examination within four years after
competing courses or leaves the post graduate sfudies prior thereto for any reason
rvhatsoever, the student shall with forthwith intimation thereof give in writing to be
DIIS / DMER / DA,/ FOR performance of his / her aforesaid obligation under this
(h) lf the student applies for service under Director of Medical Education &
Research. Mumbai and appear before the Divisional Selection Board of an interview
and is thereafter is selected by the selection board he will have to serve the
Covernment Of Maharashtra on such remuneration as may be prescribed in such
scale ol pay as may be prescribed tiom time to time. In case he / she is not selected
by D.S.B. he / she will have to serve on serve on the post offered by the Dy. DHS in
the Covernrnent Health Services.
(i) Student after passing final exarnination and completing the prescribed them for
internship or rotating housemanship as aforesaid is desirous ofjoining Armed forces
Medical service in any branch of the Defence Services in Army, Nary & Air Force
anl where in India or abroad shall make application in Writing to DMER for
exernpting him / her from the condition of the Bond to serve the Government or Zilla
Parishad / Local Authority for a period of two year in terms of this Bond if the
- the armed Forces Medical services and that he / she has bound to serve
therefbre one year.
() Govemrnent shall bear and pay the stamp duty if any on this bond


Nanrc olthe student and Address Signature

L Narre and Address Signature

2. Nanrc and Address Signature

I . Nanre and Address Signature

2. Name and Address Signature


(Note:- Only attested Xerox copy of Electricity Bill in the name of Sureties &
Witness should be attached with Bond Affidavit)

( Make it on Rupees 500 /- stamp paper )

Underta kin o
Inde mnitv Bond

Narne of the student :

Adrnission Year.. 2020_zt


Govemment of
to give an undertaking as prescribed by
I, hereby agree
that if I go abroad within a period five
Maharashtra as per admission rule to the effect
reimburse an amount of Rs'
years after completion of the MBBS course' I shall
the expenditure incurred by
10,00,000/- ( Rupees Ten Lack Only ) towards
Govemment on mY Education'

Signed and delivered bY :


Narne of the student and Address

I . Nanre and Address

2. Name and Address

1. Narne and Address

2. Narne and Address


of Sureties &
(Note :- Only attested Xerox copy of Electricity Bill
in the name
Witness should be attached with Bond Affidavit)

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