Primary HIV Infection Clinical Presentation, Testing

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Curr Infect Dis Rep (2017) 19:37

DOI 10.1007/s11908-017-0588-3


Primary HIV Infection: Clinical Presentation, Testing,

and Treatment
Aurélia Henn 1,2 & Clara Flateau 1 & Sébastien Gallien 1,2

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract PHI may optimize potential opportunities for future func-

Purpose of Review The purpose of this review was to provide tional cure.
current data on clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment
of primary HIV infection (PHI). Keywords Primary HIV infection . Acute retroviral
Recent Findings In 65 to 95% of cases, PHI causes acute syndrome . Fiebig stages . HIV diagnosis . Point-of-care tests .
retroviral syndrome presenting with unspecific flu-like Antiretroviral treatment
symptoms. Symptomatic PHI was associated with a faster
clinical and immunological progression of HIV infection.
Point-of-care tests remain less sensitive than fourth- Introduction
generation immunoassays (IA) in PHI, especially after
tenofovir-based prophylaxis use. Early antiretroviral In 2015, the United Nations estimated that 36.7 million people
treatment (ART) started during PHI prevents HIV trans- worldwide were living with human immunodeficiency virus
mission and decreases viral and immunological reservoir (HIV) infection and that 2.1 million people had been newly
constitution. Recommended ART regimens in PHI are infected [1].
combinations of tenofovir and emtricitabine with either Primary HIV infection (PHI) is defined as the 6 to 12 weeks
darunavir/ritonavir, or dolutegravir. between HIV exposure and the appearance of anti-HIV-anti-
Summary Starting ART the earliest is highly recommend- bodies, while acute HIV infection (AHI) starts with HIV
ed for clinical, virological, immunological, and public plasma ribonucleic acid (RNA) detection and terminates when
health benefits. Reducing HIV reservoir constitution in anti-HIV-antibodies appear.
During the few weeks following exposure, HIV repli-
cates exponentially, rapidly seeding cell-associated viral
reservoirs. As transmission is correlated with viral load
This article is part of the Topical Collection on HIV/AIDS [2], subjects with PHI are highly infectious regarding
HIV transmission, all the more since they are unaware
Dr. Aurélia Henn and Dr. Clara Flateau contributed equally to this work.
of their HIV-infected status. Hence, the risk of HIV trans-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article mission per sexual act is 10- to 26-fold higher in subjects
( contains supplementary
with PHI than in individuals with chronic infection [3–5].
material, which is available to authorized users.
Modeling estimates suggest that acute and early HIV in-
* Sébastien Gallien
fections account for 38 to 50% of all forward transmission
[email protected] [6, 7]. Therefore, improving diagnosis and promoting
early antiretroviral therapy in the primary stage of HIV
Service d’immunologie clinique et maladies infectieuses, CHU Henri infection are essential.
Mondor, APHP, 51 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowl-
94010 Creteil, France edge about primary HIV infection, through its clinical, im-
Faculté de médecine, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Créteil, France mune, viral, and therapeutic aspects.
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Clinical Presentation after infection. However, p24 antigen detection is transient, as

when anti-HIV-1 antibodies appear, they bind to the p24 anti-
PHI is responsible for a flu-like illness known as acute retro- gen and form immune complexes that interfere with p24 assay
viral syndrome (ARS) in 65 to 95% of patients [8–10,11••], detection. This might lead to a “second window period”, when
which occurs just before or during the peak of viremia [11••]. p24 antigen is not detectable due to the formation of immune
The most frequent signs and symptoms are fever, head- complexes, and HIV-antibodies are below the detection
ache, malaise, cough, and lymphadenopathy [11••]. Fatigue, threshold. Immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies are expressed
myalgia, weight loss, night sweat, skin rash, pharyngitis, and can be detected by 21 to 42 days after infection. Finally,
gastro-intestinal symptoms, aseptic meningitis, and oral IgG antibodies develop and persist throughout the course of
or genital ulcers have also been reported (Supplementary HIV infection [16•, 17••, 18].
material 1). Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevation The pattern of emergence of laboratory markers is highly
of liver enzymes are present in one third to half of cases consistent and allows classification of HIV infection into dis-
[12]. tinct laboratory stages [16•, 17••, 18] (Fig. 1; Table 1).
Two clinical points deserve special attention. First, neuro-
logical involvement, including aseptic meningitis, encephali- & The eclipse period is the initial interval after infection with
tis, and facial nerve paresis, is reported in 14 to 25% of HIV when no laboratory markers are detectable (from day
patients with ARS [9, 12]. Clinicians should be aware of the 0 to day 11)
eventuality of a neurological presentation revealing a PHI. & The seroconversion window period is the interval between
Secondly, ARS can rarely (< 10% cases) be associated with infection with HIV and the first detection of antibodies
category B or C of the CDC classification symptomatic (from day 0 to day 21, maximum day 42)
conditions, such as oral or esophageal candidiasis, gastro- & Acute HIV infection (AHI) is the interval between the
intestinal or hepatic cytomegalovirus infection, multi- appearance of detectable HIV RNA and the first detection
segmental herpes zoster, or peripheral polyneuropathy [13]. of antibodies (from day 11 to day 21, maximum day 42).
ARS is self-limited, resolves after 1 to 3 weeks (extremes The evolution of virological laboratory markers was
from 5 to 44 days) [8, 10, 12], but appears to be a prognostic precisely described by Fiebig et al. [17••] (Table 1).
marker in HIV progression. Untreated subjects with ARS un- & Established HIV infection is the stage characterized by a
dergo a faster CD4 T cell decline and progression to AIDS fully developed IgG antibody response sufficient to
than subjects with asymptomatic PHI [14]. The 12-month dis- meet the interpretive criteria for a positive Western blot
ease progression rate has also been shown to be higher in (from 1-month post-infection).
untreated PHI patients with ARS compared to asymptomatic
PHI on a combination of both clinical and biological criteria
(CD4 T cells count < 350/mm3, or the occurrence of B or C According to the Center for Diseases Control [16•] and the
clinical event in the CDC classification, or death) [8]. European guidelines [19••], laboratories should conduct initial
testing with a fourth-generation IA (which detects HIV-1 and
HIV-2 antibodies and HIV-1 p24 antigen) to screen for
Biological Diagnosis Principles established infection with HIV-1 or HIV-2 and for AHI. The
performances required for this screening test are a sensitivity
After HIV exposure, local infection is established at transmis- of 100% and a specificity of 99.5%. No further testing is
sion sites, and the virus spreads to regional lymph nodes and required for nonreactive specimens if there is no suspicion
disseminates. Exponential HIV replication follows, leading of AHI. All reactive specimens must undergo supplemental
to a peak in plasma HIV viral load (median 6.7 log copies testing with a confirmation test.
per milliliter) about 13 days after HIV-RNA detectability
(i.e., 2–3 weeks after infection) [11••]. The peak in genital Screening Diagnostic Tests
viral load occurs about 30 days after infection [15]. Then,
HIV-specific immune response leads to a decrease of viremia, The sensitivity of fourth-generation IAs for established HIV-1
and viral load reaches a set point (median 4.3 log copies per and HIV-2 infection ranges from 99.7 to 100% and their spec-
milliliter) about 5 weeks after infection [11••]. ificity from 99 to 100% [16•, 20]. However, they perform less
in AHI than in established HIV-1 infection. Their sensitivity
Natural History was 54–83% in patients with AHI who were negative by HIV-
1 Western blot but reactive by HIV-1 NAT [16•, 21]. In a
Approximately 10–11 days after infection (range 8–17 days), comparative study of FDA-labeled HIV-screening tests on
HIV-1 RNA is detectable by nucleic acid testing (NAT) in plas- sequential sera of patients with PHI, fourth-generation IAs
ma. Next, HIV-1 p24 antigen becomes detectable 14–15 days were positive 5.3 to 7.4 days after HIV-RNA and 13 to
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2017) 19:37 Page 3 of 10 37

Fig. 1 Schematic display of the

progression of HIV markers
during primary HIV infection
classified by Fiebig et al. [17]

23.6 days (median 17.8) after infection. The authors estimated according to the CDC, specimens which are reactive on the
by a simulation model that 99% of HIV-infected persons initial fourth-generation IA and nonreactive or indeterminate
would be detectable by fourth-generation IAs within 45 days on the ADA proceed to HIV-1 NAT to distinguish acute HIV-1
of exposure [22]. infection from false-positive initial IAs results.
Therefore, to take in account the inter-individual variable
delay before development of antibodies, the lower sensitivity
of screening tests for AHI than for established infection and Interpretation of Western Blot
the possible negativity of p24 antigen when antibodies devel-
op, a fourth-generation IA formally excludes HIV infection if The WB is interpreted as positive, negative, or indeterminate,
performed at least 6 weeks after exposure. In case of negative depending on the number and specificity of the positive bands,
fourth-generation IA with suspicion of symptomatic PHI, an revealing the presence of antibodies to HIV-1 antigens
HIV viral load should be performed. (Supplementary material 2).
However, WB has limitations: its results are negative or
Confirmation Tests indeterminate early in the course of HIV infection, and HIV-
2 infections may be misclassified as HIV-1 by the HIV-1 WB
A positive screening test requires a confirmation test: a HIV-1/ [23]. Three alternative confirmation tests might overcome
HIV-2 antibody differentiation assay (ADA) in the USA, a these limitations: the antibody differentiation assay (ADA), a
Western blot (WB) or an immunoblot in Europe. In addition, specific HIV-2 WB, and the HIV1 NAT.

Table 1 Fiebig stages: laboratory

stages of primary HIV-1 infection Stage Time from infection (days) RNA p24 antigen IgM antibodies Western blot
based on the emergence of viral (fourth generation EIA)
I 11 + − − −
II 14 + + − −
III 21 + + + −
IV 25 + +/− + I
V 28 + +/− + + p31 band (−)
VI 100 + +/− + + p31 band (+)

RNA ribonucleic acid, EIA enzyme immunoassay, I indeterminate

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The HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody Differentiation Assay EIA-positive patients had early infection [29]. In another
study, the sensitivity in 53 patients with recent HIV infection
ADA is the confirmation test recommended in the USA. It is a was 88.5% for EIA, 79.2% for the POCT on oral fluid, and
rapid, qualitative immunoconcentrating assay that detects and 81.1% to 88% for the POCTs on whole blood [30].
differentiates antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2. Sensitivity There are a number of reasons for this. First, all but one
of the ADA for established HIV-1 ranges from 98.5 to 100%, POCTs detect antibodies and not p24 antigen; so their detec-
and specificity is 99%. In acute HIV-1 infection, the ADA was tion window is at least 21 days—longer than the 14–15 days
positive 7 days earlier than the WB and reduced indeterminate detection window with a fourth-generation IA. Secondly,
results [24]. the dilution of whole blood compared to serum, and the
low concentration of antibodies in oral fluid might contrib-
The HIV-2 WB ute to the decreasing sensitivity of diagnostic tests on whole
blood and oral fluid compared to serum [28]. At last, the
A negative or indeterminate HIV-1 WB after a positive fourth- short migration or filtration time for antigen-antibody bind-
generation IA might indicate either an early infection, or an HIV- ing and a weaker antibody affinity due to hemolysis and
2 infection, or a false-positive. A control of HIV-1 WB 14 days reaction at room temperature instead of 37 °C have also
later associated with a specific HIV-2 WB concludes on the def- been suggested [28].
inite result (Supplementary material 2). In pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) settings which involve
frequent HIV testing, POCTs on whole blood reveal less sen-
HIV-1 NAT sitivity compared to antigen/antibody tests [31]. PrEP with
tenofovir in injecting drugs users has also been associated
HIV-1 NAT is the earliest positive test during PHI (11 days after with a higher risk of false-negative results of oral POCT com-
infection), with a sensitivity of 100%. However, it is less specific pared to patients receiving placebo in Thailand [32]. However,
(2–5% false-positive), more time-consuming, and more expen- this was not confirmed on two other PrEP trials analyzed by
sive than other diagnostic tests [25]. Its indications are limited to the same authors [32].
specimens that are reactive on the initial IA and nonreactive or The Determine® HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo® test was an
indeterminate on confirmation tests. attempt to improve the diagnosis of early HIV infection.
Unfortunately, its sensitivity for the detection of p24 antigen
Point-of-Care Tests is much lower than for the detection of antibodies [28, 33, 34],
and it did not perform better than other POCTs. Overall, in a
Disadvantages of the reference diagnostic method include the recent meta-analysis, POCTs were less sensitive than fourth-
need for venipuncture and the requirement of a follow up visit, generation IAs for the diagnosis of HIV infection in clinical
while up to half of the tested persons do not return to receive their settings, and this difference was stronger in high-income than
HIV test results [26]. Point-of-care tests (POCTs), also known as in low-income countries, maybe as a result of a higher inci-
rapid disposable tests, have been developed to increase access to dence of AHI [35]. The authors estimated that in high-income
HIV-screening and reduce barriers to early diagnosis of HIV countries about one in seven HIV infections were missed by
infection (Supplementary material 3). To be performed outside POCTs when they were used alone. Newer and more sensitive
laboratories, they use direct, unprocessed specimens (finger- RNA/DNA-based POCTs are being developed and validated
stick capillary whole blood or oral fluid) but some are also avail- but are not available for now.
able for plasma or serum. Results are available within 30 min of Overall current POCTs must not be used as the sole screen-
testing. These POCTs are based on immunofiltration or ing test in suspected PHI settings and should be completed by
immunochromatography: HIV-1 and HIV-2 synthetic antigens a fourth-generation IA.
are affixed to the test strip or membrane, and if the specimen A positive POCT must be confirmed by the reference di-
contains HIV-antibodies, the binding of HIV-antibodies to the agnostic process, including a fourth-generation IA and a con-
antigen results in a colorimetric reaction. firmation test with a WB or immunoblot in Europe [36] or an
POCTs detect HIV-antibodies but not p24 antigen (except the ADA in the USA [16].
Determine® HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo®), and become positive
between 21 days and up to 42 days following HIV infection.
Sensitivity of POCTs for established HIV infection is Antiretroviral Treatment
≥ 98% with specificity around 99%. In AHI, POCTs on whole
blood and even more on oral fluid, lack sensitivity [27, 28]. In Early antiretroviral treatment (ART) of PHI has demonstrated
a prospective study in men who have sex with men in the virological and immunological benefits and potential clinical
USA, the POCT OraQuick® identified 91% of HIV- benefits. The earlier the stage of PHI, the more important it is
antibody-positive patients. Most of the Ora-Quick® negative, to start the treatment early [37].
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2017) 19:37 Page 5 of 10 37

Virological Benefits cases it has a negative impact on CD4 cell recovery [52],
inflammation [53], and risk of AIDS and non-AIDS events
Early ART in PHI lowers HIV-RNA viral load set point in chronic HIV-1 infection [54].
[38–40]. In 173 patients enrolled during PHI to receive either
no treatment or 24 or 60 weeks of ART from baseline, the Immunological Benefits
mean viral set point was measured 36 weeks after randomiza-
tion in the untreated arm and 36 weeks after treatment inter- PHI is associated with an important immune activation con-
ruption in the treatment arms. It was 4.8 log10 copies/mL sistent with cytokine release which amplifies viral replication
(standard deviation (SD) 0.6) in the untreated arm, and 4.0 in lymphoid organs [55]. Early treatment in PHI reduces
(SD 1.0) and 4.3 (SD 0.9) log10 copies/mL, respectively, in immune activation and inflammation and decreases systemic
the 24- and 60-week treatment arms (p < 0.001) [39]. inflammatory biomarkers [56]. Early ART also preserves
HIV establishes reservoir early in infection, rapidly repli- immune function [57–61] and integrity of lymphoid tissue
cating and seeding peripheral blood mononuclear cell [62, 63] and enhances CD4 T cell recovery [64, 65].
(PBMC) and tissue sanctuary (gut and lymph nodes principal- Whereas CD4/CD8 cell ratio declines rapidly during untreated
ly) in an integrated form [41]. With HIV plasma kinetics, there PHI, initiation of ART within 40 days of the estimated date of
is a rapid seeding of the viral reservoir when evaluated by HIV infection significantly increases the CD4/CD8 ratio [66].
DNA monitoring. HIV DNA set point is established early in Treatment of PHI may reduce HIV-induced inflammation
PHI, around 4 weeks after infection [42]. Early ART dramat- in the central nervous system. In the first study, cerebrospinal
ically reduces this set point. Among 90 Thai patients with fluid (CSF) neurofilament light chain (NFL), a measure of
early acute HIV infection, 71 received immediate ART while axonal injury, was above the normal value in 1 of 32 (3.1%)
19 were not treated. The total and integrated HIV DNA levels acutely HIV infected patients and in 10 of 32 (31%) chroni-
were closely monitored. The total DNA level in untreated cally HIV infected patients (p = 0.006). The difference
patients was 20-fold higher than in treated patients at week 2 persisted after 6 months of ART [67]. However, in a second
following enrollment, and 316-fold by week 144. For integrat- study, nine patients who started ART in the 4 months after
ed DNA, the ratio was 25 by week 2 and 100 by week 144 infection had lower interleukin six levels in CSF, but no dif-
[42]. The French cohort PRIMO, including patients with PHI, ference for Global Deficit Score, NFL, or HIV DNA detect-
also showed that the earlier ART was initiated, the faster cell- ability compared to seven patients who started ART
associated HIV-DNA level decreased [43]. >14 months after infection [68].
In addition, early treatment prevents colonic mucosal Very early after HIV infection (in Fiebig I and II stages),
mononuclear cells infection. Among 41 patients with AHI there is substantial depletion of CD4+ T cells in the gastro-
who underwent a sigmoidoscopy at diagnosis, before starting intestinal tract lamina propria (LP), with associated epithelial
ART, 10 had an undetectable HIV RNA in homogenized co- barrier damage, leading to microbial translocation, systemic
lon biopsy specimens. The median delay between HIV expo- inflammation and immune activation [69]. In the Thai cohort
sure and colon biopsy was 11 days in these patients, versus of acute HIV-infected patients, there was resolution of gastro-
16 days in the 31 participants with detectable HIV RNA in intestinal tract inflammation (determined by the numbers of
colon (p = 0.02). All but one patient received immediate ART cells that were expressing the proinflammatory cytokine
after biopsy and underwent a measure of total HIV DNA in TNF-α in the LP) and immune activation (assessed by the
colonic mononuclear cells after 24 weeks of ART. Participants number of Ki-67+ cells in the LP) back to baseline levels after
with baseline detectable colonic HIV RNA demonstrated per- 96 weeks of ART. However, they did not recover gastro-
sistent elevation in total HIV DNA in colonic mucosal mono- intestinal tract damage with microbial translocation (measured
nuclear cells, while it was undetectable in the 10 patients with by neutrophil infiltration) nor CD4+ T cells level in the LP
undetectable HIV RNA in biopsy at baseline [44]. after 96 weeks of ART [69].
Virologic failure is uncommon after treatment initiation Early ART in PHI is associated with immune restoration
during PHI: of 264 Thai patients treated during AHI, only and reduced reservoir size [63, 70, 71, 72••] and may favor
1.1% did not achieve HIV RNA less than 200 copies/mL at post-treatment control [46, 51], thereby enhancing research on
24 weeks [45]. Participants who initiated ART during Fiebig I strategies to achieve HIV drug-free remission. Therefore, ear-
stage demonstrated a shorter median time to virological sup- ly treatment in PHI is a critical step in any pathway toward an
pression (8 weeks, interquartile range (IQR) 4–12) than did all HIV cure [73].
other stages combined (12 weeks, IQR 8–16, p < 0.001) [45].
Between 5 and 15% of HIV-1-infected patients treated ear- Clinical Benefits
ly during PHI, also known as post-treatment controllers, main-
tain viral suppression after stopping ART [46–51]. However Clinical trial data regarding the clinical benefit treatment of
interruption of ART is not recommended because in most ART in PHI are limited. Many individuals enrolled in studies
37 Page 6 of 10 Curr Infect Dis Rep (2017) 19:37

to assess the role of ART in early HIV-1 infection were iden- genetic barrier to resistance. The high genetic barrier to resis-
tified as trial participants because they presented with signs or tance is a cornerstone, as the virus may be resistant to at least
symptoms of acute infection. Nevertheless, treatment in PHI one antiretroviral drug in up to 16% of patients in the USA
appeared to limit the evolution to advanced B and C CDC [84], 8.2% in recent years in Italy [85] or 4.8% in Thailand
stages [74] and to reduce both AIDS and non-AIDS morbidity during PHI in 2013–2014 [86], and up to 16.3% (95%CI 8.1–
and mortality [66]. 30.0%) in 43 acute or early HIV infections in Brazil [87]. The
In addition, ART started in symptomatic PHI might reduce third agent must be chosen among either a pharmacologically
severity of acute symptoms. Moreover, depression and boosted protease inhibitor (PI), namely darunavir 800 mg
anxiety, which are common at PHI diagnosis, may be (DRV) boosted with ritonavir or cobicistat, or an integrase
improved by the initiation of ART [75]. inhibitor (INI) namely dolutegravir 50 mg (DTG) [19••, 76].
As with chronic infection, patients with early HIV-1 infec- Some authors reported the use of tenofovir/emtricitabine/
tion must be willing and able to commit to treatment. On a elvitegravir/cobicistat as a single tablet regimen during PHI in
case-by-case basis, providers may recommend that patients 23 patients with virological efficacy and safety [88] and in 6
defer therapy for clinical and/or psychosocial reasons. If treat- patients, with early and sustained virological response and
ment during early infection is deferred, patients should be decrease in HIV DNA [89]. However, the number of patients
maintained in care and every effort should be made to initiate included in these trials is too limited to propose this treatment
therapy as soon as they are ready [76••]. for now.
Intensification trials with the addition of maraviroc and
Public Health Benefits raltegravir [71, 90], or only maraviroc [91, 92] to standard
treatment of PHI, are not recommended, as they did not sig-
Early HIV-1 infection is associated with high viral loads and nificantly improve virological control nor long-term immuno-
increased infectiousness [4, 77, 78], and ART-use by HIV-1- logical recovery.
infected individuals reduces transmission to uninfected sexual Whenever possible, the inclusion of subjects with PHI in
partners, especially during PHI [79, 80]. Early ART is consis- clinical trials or studies investigating HIV curative strategies is
tent with the principle of Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) desirable.
which refers to the use of ART to reduce the amount of virus The treatment may be changed if necessary after the results
in patients’ blood (and genital fluids) to decrease the risk of of resistance testing.
HIV transmission [81]. The goal of ART is to obtain a viral load < 50 copies/mL
In order to decrease the overall HIV burden, people living after 6 months of treatment, but undetectability may take up to
with HIV should be diagnosed as early as possible after 1 year if the initial viral load is high [36].
acquiring HIV infection, so that they can be linked to preven- The healthcare provider should discuss the diagnosis of
tion and treatment services, and ART can be initiated. PHI with the patient, explain why early treatment is
Furthermore, knowledge of HIV-positive status modifies recommended, and provide therapeutic education to ensure
sexual behavior, especially toward more frequent condom adherence to the treatment. ART started during PHI should
use, limiting the risk of transmission [82, 83]. be continued lifelong, as recommended for any HIV-infected
ART Choice Patients should be also screened for other sexually trans-
mitted diseases such as hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and
Treatment choice should follow international guidelines and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infection.
should be based on the local epidemiology of resistance. ART Moreover, patients should be encouraged to inform their part-
must be started as soon as possible in PHI, especially in case ners, in order to be tested for HIV and to start post-exposure
of an symptomatic acute infection, severe or prolonged symp- prophylaxis with ART if appropriate, especially during the
toms, neurological disease, age > 50 years, and CD4 count first months as patients with PHI have a detectable viral load
< 350 cells/μL [19••]. several months after ART initiation.
The treatment should include a combination of two nucle-
oside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI), namely Particular Cases
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) or tenofovir alafenamide
(TAF), associated with emtricitabine (FTC). Abacavir is not PrEP Users
recommended for empiric treatment of acute infection unless
the patient is known to be HLA-B*5701 negative. A previous use of pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis
Because it is important to start the treatment immediately in should also be established, as its failure could be predictive of a
acute infection, without waiting for the results of antiretroviral resistance to the prophylactic ART received. In case of PHI after
drug resistance testing, the third agent should have a high the use of PrEP (TDF/FTC), the risk of infection with a resistant
Curr Infect Dis Rep (2017) 19:37 Page 7 of 10 37

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