Ict in History
Ict in History
Ict in History
Teaching resources is a material that is designed to help facilitate learning and
knowledge acquisition. A teaching resource can take many different forms and will
mean slightly different things to every teacher, parent, and child. But the basic
definition is simple: A teaching resource is a material that is designed to help
facilitate learning and knowledge acquisition. Learning Resources are the materials
that are used for teaching a course. Teaching and learning resources teaching could
be defined as the instruments of presentation and transmission of the prescribed
educational material. These include, amongst others: images, maps, photographs,
sketches, diagrams, films, written material such as newspaper clippings or
articles from scientific and technical literature. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of education that use information and
communications technology to support, enhance, and optimise the delivery of
information. It can be defined as all the devices, tools, internet, hardware, software,
content, resources, cell phone, interactive digital content, internet, satellite
communication devices, radio and television services use to create, store, and help
user and provider to interact whenever necessary. ICT can lead to an improved
student learning and better teaching methods.
Diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create,
disseminate, store, and manage information.
Rosener( 1997) described IT as a good as, or even better than, traditional
method of teaching and learning as it being limitless of time and space. ICT has
the potential to increase access to education and improve its relevance and quality.
ICT has very strong effect in education and it provides enormous tools for enhancing
teaching and learning.
ICT enable new ways teaching and learning when used appropriately under right
conditions such as suitable resources, training and support.
ICT based teaching support is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through
coma an based on both computer and communication technology. ICT significant in
many ways. It enables flexible learning where Justin time, effective an efficient
learning. The pace is determined by the learner. ICT facilitate collaborative internet
based learning opportunities to the learner.
In ICT teaching methods, there is advantage of having hyper linking. There are
interactive parts that illustrate difficult things. It allows a wider range of learning
experiences, such as there is educational animation to online learners. It also imports
the training through the a synchronous and synchronous communication modes.
Specialised training is rendered through customise software, which addresses the
particular needs of the learner. ICT is a plan efforts towards providing interactive
and experiential learning flexibility in terms of time place and pace, participation
and accessibility, expertise and qualitative subject matter, best resources at the
learners door steps and personalised training and centres around the trainees.
Typically, each MOOC will include a course provider and a course platform. A
course provider is often a university, which supplies the course materials and
24×7 basis. Every day, there will be new content of at least 4 hours which would be
repeated 6 times a day, allowing the students to choose the time of his convenience.
For example IIT- PAL which assist the students in the classes 11 and 12 Aspiring
to join IITs. e- Gyankosh- It is a knowledge repository launched by IGNOU in 2005
which aims at storing and pre- serving digital learning resources. Almost 95% of
IGNOU's printed material has been digitized and uploaded on the repository.
The role of ICT in the teaching and learning History in the 21 st century can be seen
in many angles like , the impact on teacher, learner and the image of history as a
discipline. Conventional teaching which is still common today in our schools
emphasises content. Through technology facilitated approaches contemporary
learning settings now encourages students to take responsibility for their own
learning. It requires the use of modern technology like-
• Video tape
• Television
• Internet
• CD tape
• Other multimedia
Hence ICT can be used to help students to develop the knowledge and skills that
history demands. It provides them with opportunities to:
• Select and reproduce sources in a range of media.
• Contextualise and interpret sources
• Reconstruct and simulate historical events
• Construct narratives
• Develop, organise and communicate historical thinking.
• Makes learning very interesting.
• Gives teachers access to a wide range of information, historical sources and
media types, which otherwise not be readily available.
Various Challenges
• lack of computers,
• lack of quality software,
• lack of time,
• technical problems,
• teachers' attitudes towards computers,
• poor funding,
• lack of teacher confidence,
• resistance to change,
• poor administrative
• It can help in vocabulary building and simplification of subject matter.
ICT helps to provide interactive learning experiences. It stimulates an motivate
students to learn. It provides comfort table learning an aids in the understanding of
difficult concepts and process. It caters to different learning styles and help students
to gain valuable computer skills. It also aids in collaboration an group work. The
successful integration of ICT into the learning environment will depend on the
ability of teachers to structure learning in new ways, to merge technology
appropriately with the pedagogy, developed socially active classrooms, and
encourage Co operative interaction and collaborative learning group work. For
many, this requires a different set of skills from those they currently possess. ICT
can be used to help teachers support, or scaffold, the development of historical
Thinking and understanding. Conventional Teaching of History has emphasized
content. Contemporary settings are now favouring curricula that promotes
competency and performance which requires appropriate use of ICTs..