School For Blind - Thesis Topic
School For Blind - Thesis Topic
School For Blind - Thesis Topic
2020 - 2021
Architecture is most often perceived majorly through the eye before we experience it through our
other senses. So, what is architecture if you cannot see? What is architecture to the blind? Visually-
impaired people interact with spaces through their other senses of smell, touch and hearing, thus
making architecture an entirely different experience for them rather than just a visual element. This
research-based thesis is to address the following questions,
“How can an architect design a building, in which there is no visual connect between the users
and the space, how would one experience the space otherwise? How will spaces be perceived if
our dominant sense – which is our visual sense be NIL?”
And in doing so, understanding how to design a space which caters to the needs of visually-impaired
Hence, there is a pressing need to setup a greater number of blind-friendly educational facilities with
residential units, not only to facilitate their all-round development but also to help them to lead a
dignified and independent life.
To design a residential school for the visually-impaired through the use of multi-sensory design
solutions / experiences / spaces (tactile - active, passive and dynamic touch, acoustic and olfactory
senses) and in doing so, understanding how architecture works in a non-visual world.
National Association for Blind, Bangalore - CnT
Mathru Blind school, Bangalore – Biome Environmental Solutions - Ar. Chitra K Vishwanath
Indian Association for the Blind, Madurai - Ar. Vidya Chander – CS Designs
St. Louis Institute for Deaf & Blind, Adyar, Chennai.
Nethrodaya – Hr. Sec. Residential School, Chennai.
National Association for the Blind, New Delhi
Blind Relief Association, New Delhi
National Association for the Blind, Mumbai
Blind people’s association, Ahmedabad
Hazelwood school, Glasgow, Scotland
Hazelwood school, Mexico City
The Eye of the Skin, Juhani Pallasma – Importance of multisensory architecture with
importance from nature
Design guidelines for visual environment, NIBS (National institute of building sciences)
– Guidelines for designing spaces for visually-impaired people
Architecture for Low Vision, Stuart L. Knoop
Accessibility of shared space for visually-impaired people, Dr. Else M. Havik and Dr.
Bart J. Melis – Issues and solutions for accessible public spaces for the blind