Research - Paper-2 (Img To Text)

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THÈSE NO 2863 (2003)


Institut de traitement des signaux





Datong CHEN

Bachelor of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chine

Master of Computer Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chine
et de nationalité chinoise

acceptée sur proposition du jury:

Dr J.-P. Thiran, Prof. H. Bourlard, directeurs de thèse

Prof. R. Hersch, rapporteur
Prof. J..-M. Jolion, rapporteur
Prof. J. Kittler, rapporteur
Dr J.-M. Odobez, rapporteur

Lausanne, EPFL

Text characters embedded in images and video sequences represents a rich source of information
for content-based indexing and retrieval applications. However, these text characters are difficult
to be detected and recognized due to their various sizes, grayscale values and complex back-
grounds. This thesis investigates methods for building an efficient application system for detect-
ing and recognizing text of any grayscale values embedded in images and video sequences. Both
empirical image processing methods and statistical machine learning and modeling approaches
are studied in two sub-problems: text detection and text recognition.

Applying machine learning methods for text detection encounters difficulties due to character
size, grayscale variations and heavy computation cost. To overcome these problems, we propose
a two-step localization/verification approach. The first step aims at quickly localizing candidate
text lines, enabling the normalization of characters into a unique size. In the verification step, a
trained support vector machine or multi-layer perceptrons is applied on background independent
features to remove the false alarms.

Text recognition, even from the detected text lines, remains a challenging problem due to the
variety of fonts, colors, the presence of complex backgrounds and the short length of the text
strings. Two schemes are investigated addressing the text recognition problem: bi-modal en-
hancement scheme and multi-modal segmentation scheme. In the bi-modal scheme, we propose
a set of filters to enhance the contrast of black and white characters and produce a better bina-
rization before recognition. For more general cases, the text recognition is addressed by a text
segmentation step followed by a traditional optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm within
a multi-hypotheses framework. In the segmentation step, we model the distribution of grayscale
values of pixels using a Gaussian mixture model or a Markov Random Field. The resulting
multiple segmentation hypotheses are post-processed by a connected component analysis and a
grayscale consistency constraint algorithm. Finally, they are processed by an OCR software. A
selection algorithm based on language modeling and OCR statistics chooses the text result from
all the produced text strings.

Additionally, methods for using temporal information of video text are investigated. A Monte
Carlo video text segmentation method is proposed for adapting the segmentation parameters
along temporal text frames. Furthermore, a ROVER (Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduc-
tion) algorithm is studied for improving the final recognition text string by voting the characters
through temporal frames.


The whole system was successfully evaluated on large databases of camera-based images and
video sequences obtained in context of two European projects ASSAVID 1 and CIMWOS2 .

European project ASSAVID: Automatic Segmentation and Semantic Annotation of Sports Videos, 5th Framework
Programme, Information Society Technology, supported by OFES. Web site:
European project CIMWOS: Combined IMages and WOrd Spotting , 5th Framework Programme, Information
Society Technology, supported by OFES. Web site:

Version abrégée

Les textes inclus dans des images et des séquences vidéos sont une source d’information très
riche pour les applications d’indexation et de recherche automatique. Cependant, ces caractères
sont difficiles à détecter et à reconna ître en raison de la variabilité de leurs tailles, de leurs niveaux
de gris et de leurs arrière-fonds. Cette thèse étudie des méthodes génériques pour construire un
système capable de détecter et de reconnaitre de tels textes au sein d’images fixes et de vidéos.
Des modélisations statistiques par apprentissage ainsi que des méthodes de traitement d’image
plus empiriques sont proposées pour résoudre les deux sous-problèmes majeurs posés par notre
problème : d’un coté la détection et la localisation du texte dans les images, de l’autre la recon-
naissance du texte détecté.
L’utilisation de méthodes par apprentissage en détection de texte se heurte aux difficultés causées
par la variabilité de la taille et des valeurs de niveau de gris des caractères, ainsi qu’au coût de
calcul de ces méthodes. Pour surmonter ces problèmes, nous proposons une approche en deux
étapes : localisation de texte puis vérification. La première étape vise à localiser rapidement des
régions horizontales de l’image qui contiennent potentiellement des lignes de texte. La hauteur de
ces régions est ensuite normalisée, ce qui permet de réduire la variance de la taille des caractères
en entrée de l’étape suivante. Lors de l’étape de vérification des régions extraites, une machine à
vecteurs de supports (support vector machine) ou un perceptron multicouches est appliqué après
entrainement sur des caractéristiques de l’image invariantes par rapport au niveau de gris et de
l’arrière fond du texte, ceci afin d’éviter les fausses détections.
La reconnaissance de texte, même appliquée aux lignes contenant potentiellement du texte, reste
un problème difficile étant donné la diversité des polices et des couleurs, la présence d’arrière-
fonds complexes et la faible longueur des cha înes de caractères. Deux approches sont étudiées
afin de résoudre le problème de la reconnaissance: une approche par augmentation de contraste
reposant sur une hypothèse de bi-modalité des niveaux de gris, et une approche avec segmenta-
tion multi-modale. Pour l’approche bi-modale, nous proposons un ensemble de filtres permettant
d’accentuer les caractères contrastés, ce qui conduit ensuite à une meilleure binarisation des
caractères en noir et blanc avant l’application d’un algorithme commercial de reconnaissance op-
tique de caractères (ROC). Dans l’approche multimodale, la reconnaissance est abordée par une
étape de segmentation suivie par une étape de reconnaissance optique de caractères dans un cadre
d’hypothèses multiples. Plus précisément, lors de l’étape de segmentation, nous modélisons la
distribution des niveaux de gris par un mélange de gaussiennes ou un champ de Markov à K
classes, K pouvant varier entre 2 et 4. Les segmentations qui en résultent sont post-traitées par


un algorithme de décomposition en composantes connexes et d’un algorithme imposant une con-

trainte d’uniformité des niveaux de gris, puis traitées par un logiciel de ROC. Un algorithme de
sélection basé sur un modèle de langage et les statistiques ROC sélectionnent le texte parmi toutes
les chaînes de caractères proposées.
De plus, des méthodes permettant d’utiliser l’information temporelle des textes vidéo sont étudiées.
On propose une méthode pour adapter des paramètres de segmentation au fil des trames vidéos de
texte à l’aide d’une méthode de Monte-Carlo séquentielle. En outre, un algorithme ROVER (Rec-
ognizer Output Voting Error Reduction) est étudié afin d’améliorer la reconnaissance finale du
texte en combinant, par un algorithme de vote appliqué à chaque caractère, les multiples cha înes
de caractères reconnues au cours du temps.
Le système complet a été évalué avec succès sur différentes bases de données d’images fixes
ainsi que de séquences vidéos acquises dans le cadre des deux projets européens ASSAVID et


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Optical character recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.2 Text-based retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.3 Filling the gap between image and video documents and OCR system . . 7
1.2 State-of-the-art of the text detection and recognition in images and videos . . . . 9
1.2.1 Text detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.2 Text recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Remaining problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.1 Problems in text detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.2 Problems in text recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Contributions of this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Background 15
2.1 Visual feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.1 Edge detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.2 Texture feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Machine learning approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.1 Multilayer perceptrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.2 Support Vector Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3 Statistical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3.1 Gaussian mixture models and the Expectation Maximization algorithm . 29
2.3.2 Markov Random Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


3 Text detection and recognition system 39

3.1 Text detection and recognition scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 Databases for experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2.1 Training image database (DB TrainImages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2.2 Scene text image database (DB SceneImages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2.3 News video database (DB NewsVideo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2.4 Temporal character recognition database (DB Temporal) . . . . . . . . . 45

4 Text detection 47
4.1 Text region localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.1 Candidate text block extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.2 Individual text line extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2 Text region verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2.1 Character size normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2.2 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2.3 Multi-layer perceptrons model for text verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2.4 Model of support vector machine for text verification . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2.5 Text-line verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3 Experiments and comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3.1 Evaluation criterions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.2 Results of text localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.3 Results of text verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3.4 Results of combining localization and verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.4 Conclusion of the text detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5 Text recognition 75
5.1 Bi-modal text enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.1.1 Stripe localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.1.2 Asymmetric Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.1.3 Orientation estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.1.4 Thickness estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.1.5 Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82


5.1.6 Performing character recognition on enhanced images . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.2 Multiple hypotheses segmentation scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.2.1 Segmentation algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2.2 Post-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.2.3 OCR and result selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.3 Experiments and results on stationary images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.3.1 Criterions for evaluating the recognition performance . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.3.2 Performance of the bi-modal enhancement algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.3.3 Performance of the multiple hypotheses scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.3.4 Summary of recognition performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

6 Text recognition with multi-frame integration 101

6.1 Text recognition in videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.2 Sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.2.1 Bayes filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.2.2 Probabilistic models for video text segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
6.2.3 Particle approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6.2.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.2.5 Discussion of MCVTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.3 Recognizer output voting error reduction technique (ROVER) . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.3.1 Character transition network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.3.2 Character transition network construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.3.3 Best character sequence searching in character transition network . . . . 119
6.3.4 Experiments and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.4 Conclusion of video text recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

7 Conclusions 125
7.1 System performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.2 Achievements in solving text detection and recognition problems . . . . . . . . 126
7.3 Limitations of the current work and possible future research efforts . . . . . . . . 127


List of Figures

1.1 Text detection and recognition in images and videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 A simple model of video indexing and annotation system. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Typical commercial OCR software performance in function of page quality (left)
and resolution (right) [86]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Examples of text strings contained in image and video frames . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1 An edge (a), its first order derivative (b) and its second order derivative (c) . . . . 16
2.2 An image and its Haar decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Multilayer perceptron network with two hidden layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Solving classification problems with hyperplanes. (1) a hyperplane with small
margin (2)a hyperplane with larger margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.1 Algorithm proposed for text detection and recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.2 Examples of images and video frames in DB TrainImages . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3 Examples of images in DB SceneImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4 Examples of video frames in DB NewsVideo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5 Examples of video frames in DB Temporal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 The localization/verification scheme for detecting text regions in images and
video frames based on machine learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2 Edge detection in vertical and horizontal direction: (a) original image; (b) vertical
edges detected in image (a); (c) horizontal edges detected in image (a). . . . . . . 50
4.3 (a) 5x1 structuring element for vertical edge dilation; (b) 3x6 structuring element
for horizontal edge dilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.4 Dilation of edge images. (d) dilation result of vertical edges in Figure 4.2 (b)
using 5x1 vertical operator; (e) dilation result of horizontal edges in Figure 4.2
(c) using 3x6 horizontal operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


4.5 Candidate text region extraction. The white regions are extracted candidate text
regions combining the clues from the two edge dilation images shown in the
Figure 4.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.6 An example of a text region and its Y-axis projection. The split position is located
using maximum derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.7 Split two text lines using Otsu thresholding. The text lines are not split by the
Algorithm 1 because of its large scale edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.8 Refinement of top and bottom baselines of a text string. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.9 Baseline detection for refining and selecting text lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.10 Text line localization: the rectangle boundaries of candidate text lines. . . . . . . 58
4.11 Examples of three features. The grayscale values shown in the images are scaled
into the range of 0-255 for display reasons. DCT feature images are not shown
in this figure since they are not very meaningful from a visual point of view. . . 62
4.12 MLP model for text verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.13 Valid baseline ranges: the shading parts indicate the valid baseline range. . . . . 69
4.14 The decision surface of two classes using a RBF kernel based support vector
machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.15 Some examples of detected text regions in images or video frames. . . . . . . . . 74

5.1 Text regions extracted by using the text detection approach described in the last
chapter. The recognition results displayed under the text regions are obtaining by
using a commercial OCR software (RTK Expervision). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.2 Structure of schemes and related methods in this chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.3 Asymmetric filters in 8 orientations with 
: (a) edge-form filters , (b)
stripe-form filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.4 Responses of asymmetric filters on the edge of a vertical bar image. . . . . . . . 81

5.5 (a) is original frame image; (b, c, d) are reconstructed image patterns in 3 scale
ranges; ( ) are enhanced images in 3 scale ranges. . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.6 Illustration of the text enhancement algorithm. The recognition results of original
text image and enhanced text image are displayed under the two binarized image. 84
5.7 Illustration of the results of applying the text enhancement algorithm on multi-
model text images. (a) original images; (b) enhanced images. . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.8 Examples of detected text images and their histograms. They illustrate the com-
plex backgrounds and multi-modal grayscale value distributions that can be en-
countered in text images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.9 The multiple hypotheses text segmentation and recognition scheme. . . . . . . . 87


5.10 Segmentation and post-processing steps in the multiple hypotheses segmentation

scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.11 Neighbors defined in GBEM algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.12 Applying grayscale consistency constraint: a) original image b) text layer (3 lay-
ers, GBEM algorithm) c) same as b), after the connected component analysis d)
same as c), after the gray level consistency step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.13 Segmentation output of the three studied algorithms and associated recognition
results using 2 or 3 layers/classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

6.1 Text segmentation and recognition in multiple video frames. . . . . . . . . . . . 103

6.2 Different recognition results may be obtained from segmentation results, which
are visually quite similar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.3 Thresholding an text image according to its grayscale histogram. The optimal
bi-modal threshold is (4). The optimal multi-modal (K=3) thresholds are (2) and
(4). The optimal multi-model (K=4) thresholds are (1), (2) and (4). However, the
best recognition result is given by the threshold (3). The pixel values of some
images are reversed for displaying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

6.4 Adaptive uniform model of transition probability

  . . . . . 108

6.5 Adaptive mixture model of transition probability

  . . . . . 110
6.6 Data likelihood approximation: the observed text image is displayed at the top.
The second image displays the results of applying Otsu binarization, which cor-
iIEGE”. In the last row, the left image shows the states that lead to the recognition
of all the words in the ground truth, the right image displays the proposed data
likelihood at all the states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6.7 Video text segmentation using particle filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.8 Examples of located embedded text in video. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.9 Character recognition rates of MCVTS algorithms with varying m. . . . . . . . 115
6.10 Video Character Recognition Error Reduction Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.11 Linear-topology character transition networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.12 Alignment of two character transition networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
6.13 Examples of text images associated with Table 6.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


List of Tables

3.1 Databases used for training and evaluating algorithms in this thesis. . . . . . . . 41

4.1 Performance and running costs of different text detection techniques. RPR de-
notes the recall pixel rate and FPR denotes the false pixel alarm rate. The com-
putational cost is measured by numbers of addition and multiply operation per
pixel in average. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2 Performance of the proposed text localization method evaluated on the DB SceneImages
and DB NewsVideo databases. RRR denotes the region recall rate and RPR de-
notes the region precision rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3 Error rates of the SVM and MLP classifiers for the text verification task. DIS
denotes the distance map features. DERI denotes the grayscale spatial derivative
features. CGV denotes the constant gradient variance features. DCT denotes the
DCT coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.4 Performance of the localization/verification scheme on DB NewsVideo database.
RRR denotes the region recall rate and RPR denotes the region precision rate. . . 73

5.1 Recognition results of three test sets using bi-modal algorithms. CRR: character
recognition rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.2 Recognition results without grayscale consistency constraint (GCC): number of
extracted characters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), precision (CPR)
and word recognition rate (WRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.3 Recognition results with GCC : number of extracted characters (Ext.), character
recognition rate (CRR), character precision rate (CPR) and word recognition rate
(WRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.4 Recognition results from 5, 9 hypotheses without GCC : number of extracted
characters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), character precision rate (CPR)
and word recognition rate (WRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.5 Recognition results from 5, 9 hypotheses with GCC : number of extracted char-
acters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), precision (CPR) and word recog-
nition rate (WRR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98


5.6 Recognition results of three test sets. CRR: character recognition rate. . . . . . . 100

6.1 Performance comparison between the MCVTS (m=3), the Max-Min methods and
the average value method: extracted characters (Ext.), character recognition rate
(CRR) and precision (Prec.) The baseline system is the average image method
re-implemented according to [50]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.2 Voting of multiple recognition results of two video text strings in the DB Temporal
database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.3 Performance comparison of the ROVER   
algorithm, the raw MCVTS algo-
rithm and the baseline (average image) algorithm: extracted character number
(Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), precision (Prec.) and word recognition
rate (WRR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123


This thesis would not have been possible without my wife’s help to me over these many years
in Switzerland. Her and my family’s love and support for me from afar has strengthened and
encouraged me and has reminded me of how valuable they are to me.
My friends at IDIAP have shown much kindness and patience towards me. Their friendship have
been a source of encouragement and refreshment for me. This is the wealthy that is written in my
heart instead of being written in this thesis.
Thanks are given to my supervisor Hervé Bourlard for his support and encouragement on my
work. Thanks are given to Dr. Jean-Marc Odobez. As one of my supervisor in IDIAP, he has
had a substantial impact on my research and has offered excellent collaborations on my work.
Thanks are also given to Dr. Jean-Philippe Thrian, my supervisor in EPFL, for his supervision
and collaborations on this thesis. This work also benefited directly from discussions with Jürgen
Lütin, Samy Bengio, Ronan Collobert and Andrew Morris. This work has also benefited from
discussions with the research community at conferences, from reviews of papers written as part
of this work. Florent Monay provided his French translation services.
Finally, This work was carried out in the framework of the Swiss National Center of Competence
in Research (NCCR) on Interactive Multimodal Information Management (IM)2. The NCCR
are managed by the Swiss National Science Foundation on behalf of the Federal Authorities.
This work was also possible through financial support from the Swiss National Science Foun-
dation under the grant SNSF 2100-057231.99/1; from European project ASSAVID 3: Automatic
Segmentation and Semantic Annotation of Sports Videos, 5th Framework Programme, Informa-
tion Society Technology, supported by OFES; from the European project CIMWOS 4 : Combined
IMages and WOrd Spotting , 5th Framework Programme, Information Society Technology, sup-
ported by OFES.

Web site:
Web site:


Chapter 1


Text detection and recognition in images and videos is a research area which attempts to develop
a computer system with the ability to automatically read from images and videos the text content
visually embedded in complex backgrounds. As an example of the general object recognition
issues, this computer system, shown in figure 1.1, should answer two typical questions “Where
& What”: “where is a text string?” and “what does the text string say?” in an image or a video. In
other words, using such a system, text embedded in complex backgrounds can be automatically
detected and each character or word can be recognized.

1.1 Goals

The investigation of text detection and recognition in complex background is motivated by cutting
edge applications of digital multimedia. Today more and more audio and visual information is
captured, stored, delivered and managed in digital forms. The wide usage of digital media files
provokes many new challenges in mobile information acquisition and large multimedia database
management. Among the most prominent are:

1. Automatic broadcast annotation: creates a structured, searchable view of archives of the

broadcast content;

2. Digital media asset management: archives digital media files for efficient media manage-
3. Video editing and cataloging: catalogs video databases on basis of content relevance;

4. Library digitizing: digitizes cover of journals, magazines and various videos using ad-
vanced image and video OCR;

5. Mobile visual sign translation: extracts and translates visual signs or foreign languages for
tourist usage, for example, a handhold translator that recognizes and translates Asia signs
into English or French.

1.1. GOALS 2

Text detection: Where is the text?

Text image Image or video frame

Text pixels

Text string: "LISIEUX"

Text recognition: What does the text say?

Figure 1.1: Text detection and recognition in images and videos

The fundamental techniques and the scheme addressing these challenges, content-based multi-
media retrieval and annotation, are illustrated in figure 1.2. Due to the fact that the CPU cost of
image and video processing is very high, most of the applications rely on off-line content anno-
tation. The annotation should be structured so that it can be easily processed by computers. It
is also important that the annotation is content relevant and searchable, for example in textual

To obtain such an annotation automatically or interactively, content-based multimedia database

indexing and retrieval tasks require extraction of descriptive features which are relevant to the
subject materials (images, video, etc.). Features, such as color, texture, shape, motion, and layout,
can be extracted at the low vision processing level. Many kinds of color features have been used
as atomic units for image and video retrieval, for example the dominant color [53], regional
or global histogram [53, 57, 100], average color vectors [99], and eigen image [79]. Texture
features, such as edge-orientation histogram [53], Markov random field parameters [99, 79],
wavelet or Fourier transform coefficients [57], and local binary pattern [100], are also widely used
for indexing natural images. Shape features are employed mostly in map or object retrieval tasks.
The typical shape features are, for instance, region overlap [67], Hough transform parameters
[53], elementary descriptors [99, 53], bounding box [82], curvature scale space measures [63],
elastic model parameters [79, 82], Fourier descriptors [57], and edge angles [31]. Motion features
at the low level include motion magnitude and derivatives [124]. Layout features can be the
spatial information of features in images [53, 16, 46, 100, 4, 73, 107, 57, 82, 103] or the shots of


Feature extraction High level processing

Video text XML

Color Cue extraction

By feature
level fusion Structured
Motion Searchable
Cue X
Content relevant
digital Texture Annoation
Cue Y

Cue Z

Indexing &
Audio Speech engine

Figure 1.2: A simple model of video indexing and annotation system.

videos [124].
Low level features are easily extracted, but can not give a clear idea about what is present in
the image. In order to obtain more descriptive features, low level features are usually fused into
more meaningful entities and events, for example text [9], human face [4, 107, 79, 102], cars
[98], indoors, outdoors sea, sky and beach etc. 1 . Both detection and recognition of high level
entities have attracted more and more research interests recently. For instance, various methods
for detecting and recognizing faces have been reported over the years [123, 78, 7, 91, 26, 42, 113,
52] and yield quite reasonable results. However, the results [95] of face recognition algorithms
show that it works mostly in constrained environments. The detection and recognition of other
objects, for example cars [98], are still great research challenges.
Text embedded in images and video sequences, especially captions, provide brief and important
content information, such as the name of a player or speaker, the title, location and date of an
event etc. On one hand, they carry clear meanings and can be powerful entities in media content
annotation. On the other hand, text can also be combined with motion or other low level features
to exploit more useful events. In this thesis, we investigate the extraction and recognition of text
embedded in images and videos. There are two kinds of text in images or videos, scene text and
superimposed text. Scene text are text strings written on some objects in the images or video
frames. They usually have big sizes but can be deformed, occluded and have various alignments
and movements. The superimposed text are the captions artificially inserted in the videos. They
are not occluded but can be of small sizes. The superimposed text are usually very relevant to
the associated images or video frames. In this thesis we will mainly focus on superimposed text.
Some scene text are also useful, for example the sign of the road or the text on a cover of a
See the project TRECVID: TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation funded by NIST, http://www-

1.1. GOALS 4

journal. The images containing these scene text are usually carefully captured with constrained
text alignment. The extraction and recognition of these constrained scene text is also investigated
in this thesis. Before presenting the state of the art techniques in this domain, we describe and
analyze two closely related issues: optical character recognition (OCR) and text-based retrieval.

1.1.1 Optical character recognition

Optical character recognition (OCR) addresses the problem of reading optically processed char-
acters and has become one of the most successful applications of technology in the field of pattern
recognition and artificial intelligence.


The start of OCR was motivated by the requirement of high speed and electronic data process-
ing. The first OCR equipment installed at the Reader’s Digest in 1954 was employed to convert
typewritten reports into computer readable punched cards. In the early 1960’s, commercial OCR
systems were developed for recognizing a small mount of letters and symbols specially designed
for machine reading. Several years later, IBM exhibited its IBM 1287 system which was able
to recognize regular machine printed characters. Toshiba also developed a postal code numbers
recognizer that had hand-printed character processing capability. In the middle of the 1970’s,
some prototype OCR systems were able to process large printed and hand-written character sets
in poor quality documents. OCR systems became available as software packages for home usage
after 1986 since the prices of related hardware were getting cheaper.


A typical way of building an OCR system consists of first training a machine in order to obtain
descriptions of what the characters look like, and then, to compare unknown characters to the
previously learned descriptions to obtain the best match. In a typical commercial OCR system,
the training process has been done in advance. The matching procedure usually consists of a
pre-processing step, a recognition step and an optional post-processing step [65].
In the pre-processing step, the system digitizes a paper-made document into a grayscale image
using an optical scanner and converts the grayscale image into a binary image. Furthermore,
the regions containing text are located and each character is segmented from the word. Then, a
smoothing and normalization processing is applied for eliminating noise and variation of size,
slant and rotation before performing the recognition.
The recognition methods consist of feature extraction and classification. Feature extraction aims
at capturing the essential characteristics of the characters. Most feature spaces are empirically
designed on the basis of experiments and domain knowledge. The fundamental idea is to make
the features invariant to distortions, fonts, and global deformations. Many different techniques
have been presented and each of them has its own merits and drawbacks. Some good surveys


summarize most of these features and methods in [112, 12, 65, 24, 69, 32, 58]. There are also
non-feature extraction techniques, such as template-matching and correlation, which are sensitive
to noise and fonts and were only used in the early age of OCR development. The objective of
classification is to compute the probabilities or scores that an unknown character belongs to each
character class and label it as the one class which has the highest probability or score. Common
distance classifiers, such as k-nearest neighbor, quadratic Bayesian classifier and artificial neural
networks are often used to fulfill this task.
In the post-processing step, the identified characters are grouped together to reconstruct the orig-
inal words or numbers. Some techniques based on lexicon [13, 47], Markov chain and n-gram
language models [45] are usually used here to detect and correct character recognition errors in
words or even sentences.

Capabilities and performance

More and more OCR systems now claim to be omnifont, which indicates their capability of
recognizing most non-stylized fonts used by modern typesetters. Commercial OCR packages
achieve a recognition rate ranging from 95% to 99.99% on common paper-printed documents.
Intelligent character recognition (ICR) systems for recognizing constrained handwritten charac-
ters are also commercially available. However, these systems require characters to be written in
a similar way of printed characters, referred to as standard hand-printed characters. The recogni-
tion of unconstrained handwritten characters, namely connected or cursive scripts, is still an area
of research.
The performance of OCR systems closely rely on the quality of the targeting documents. Figure
1.3 illustrates the performance of some typical commercial OCR software in function of page
quality and resolution. These statistical data come from the ISRI 1995 annual test of OCR accu-
racy [86]. The different curves in the figure represent the performance (in terms of word/character
recognition rate) of different software. The page quality groups in the left figure, ranging from
1 to 5, represent the quality of the pages from high to low. Here the page quality only measures
white papers, in which there are almost no background or just dots noise. We can see that the per-
formance of OCR software drop abruptly because of low quality of page or poor resolution. This
drawback of current OCR software raises an important question in the context of content-based
indexing and retrieval. The question is: what kind of performance can lead to a good retrieval?

1.1.2 Text-based retrieval

The basic level of multimedia retrieval on the basis of textual information is keyword searching.
Numerous methods have been proposed in solving documents indexing and retrieval tasks based
on only text content with noisy data, for example the output of an OCR system. These meth-
ods can improve the retrieval performance on top of simple word matching using fuzzy logic
[56], confusion information for characters and a bi-gram model [72], finite state machine [28],
similarity distance measure [108], and OCR error modeling [21].

1.1. GOALS 6

100 100

98 98

96 96

% Character Accuracy


% Character Accuracy
92 92

90 90

88 88

86 86

84 84

82 82

80 80
1 2 3 4 5 200 dpi 300 dpi 400 dpi

Page Quality Group Resolution

Figure 1.3: Typical commercial OCR software performance in function of page quality (left) and
resolution (right) [86].


In a survey of 1998, Doermann [22] illustrated that there is a direct correlation between OCR
character accuracy and retrieval performance metrics. For 80-95% accuracy, enhanced retrieval
techniques work well and above 95%, most retrieval techniques are completely unaffected by

The speed of the text-based searching algorithms are very fast so that they have been success-
fully applied in many applications, such as the famous searching engines and One of the main reasons of this success is the efficiency of text-based tech-
niques. On the contrary of text, the robustness and computation cost of the matching algorithms
based on other high level features, for example the recognition of human face, car, beach etc., are
not very efficient to be applied at a large scale (on a large database).

At the higher level, more semantic concepts, such as the topic of the documents, can be mined
from the text contents for more advanced document retrieval. This research area is called text
mining, which is not concerned and discussed in detail in this thesis.

1.1.3 Filling the gap between image and video documents and OCR system

An image and video text detection and recognition system aims at extending the capability of
OCR and text-based retrieval technologies for accessing images and videos. However, text char-
acters contained in images and videos can be:

of any color and grayscale value (not always white or black)

of low resolution;

of variable size;

of unknown font;

embedded in complex backgrounds.

To have a knowledge on the OCR performance on images that contain text characters, experi-
ments have been done based on a commercial OCR system RTK from Expervision, which is the
OCR software used in the rest of the thesis and whose performance is comparable to the best two
systems shown in Fig. 1.3. By simply feeding the four images shown in figure 1.4 as inputs to
the OCR, we found that none of the characters was recognized. The OCR software refused to
interpret these images or was not able to localize and segment characters in these images. This
means that applying conventional OCR technology directly leads to very poor recognition rates.
Therefore, efficient detection and recognition of text characters from background is necessary to
fill the gap between image and video documents and the input of a standard OCR system.

1.1. GOALS 8

Figure 1.4: Examples of text strings contained in image and video frames


1.2 State-of-the-art of the text detection and recognition in images

and videos

In this section, previous text detection and recognition systems described in the literature are
discussed. To have a clear overview of these methods, we will only focus on describing the
frameworks and the main procedures of the methods. Some technical details of these methods
are also described in Chapter 2.

1.2.1 Text detection

Previous text detection methods in complex background can be classified into bottom-up [54]
[106] [125], heuristic top-down methods [121] [29] [125] and machine learning based top-down
methods [50, 55].

Bottom-up methods

Bottom-up methods do not really detect where the text is. The methods directly segment images
into regions and then group “character” regions into words. Lienhart [54] segmented an image
into regions using a split-merge [48] algorithm or a region grow [77] algorithm while Bunke [106]
clustered text pixels from images using a color clustering algorithm. Geometric constraints, such
as the size of the region, height and width ratio, are employed to select “character” regions.
Candidate character regions are then grouped into words or even sentences according to their
alignments. Although these methods can somehow avoid explicit text detection, they are very
sensitive to character size, noise and background patterns.

Heuristic top-down methods

Heuristic top-down algorithms first detect text blocks in images using heuristic filters, then seg-
ment them into text and background regions. In other words, the first part of the algorithms aims
at detecting text regions in images and the second part can be regarded as applying a bottom-up
method on a local image. This enables the algorithms to process complex images but difficulties
are encountered in both the detection and segmentation stages.
Characters can be detected by exploiting the characteristics on vertical edge, texture and edge
orientations. One system for localizing text in covers of Journals or CDs [125] assumed that text
were contained in regions with high horizontal variance, and satisfied certain spatial properties.
The spatial properties could be exploited in a connected component analysis process. Smith et
al. [104] localized text by first detecting vertical edges with a predefined template, then group-
ing vertical edges into text regions using a smoothing process. These two methods are fast but
produce many false alarms because many background regions may also have strong horizontal

Wu et al. [121] described a text localization method based on texture segmentation. Texture
features were computed at each pixel from the derivatives of the image at different scales. Using
a K-means algorithm, pixels are classified into three classes in the feature space. The class with
highest energy in the feature space indicated text while the two others indicated non-text and
uncertainty. The heavy duty of texture segmentation is the main drawback of this method and the
segmentation quality is sensitive to background noises and image priors.

In a more recent work, Garcia et al. [29] proposed a feature, called variance of edge orientation,
for text localization which exploited the fact that text string contains edges in different orienta-
tions. The variation of edge orientations was computed in a local area from image gradients, and
combined with the edge features for locating text blocks. However, the method does not take care
of characteristics coming from parallel character edges.

Besides the properties of individual character, Sobettka et al. [106] suggested that baseline de-
tection could be used for text string localization. More precisely, text strings are characterized by
specific top and bottom baselines, which thus should be detected in order to assess the presence
of a text string in an image block.

Machine learning based top-down methods

Most of the heuristic top-down methods employ manually designed heuristic features and usually
perform fast detection but are not very robust when the background texture is very complex. As
an alternative, a few systems considered machine learning tools to perform the text detection
[50, 55]. These systems extracted wavelet [50] or derivative features [55] from fixed-size blocks
of pixels and classified the feature vectors into text or non-text using artificial neural networks.
However, since the neural network based classification was applied to all the possible positions
of the whole image, the detection system was not efficient in terms of computation cost and
produced unsatisfactory false alarm and rejection rates.

1.2.2 Text recognition

Since commercial OCR engines achieve high recognition performance when processing black
and white images at high resolution, almost all the methods in the literature that addressed the
issue of text recognition in complex images and videos employed an OCR system to finally recog-
nize characters. However, these OCR software can not be applied directly on regions previously
extracted by a text localization procedure. Experience shows that OCR performance in this con-
text is quite unstable, as already mentioned in Section 1.1.1, and significantly depends on the
segmentation quality, in the sense that errors made in the segmentation are directly forwarded to
the OCR. To extend the recognition capability of the OCR for image and video text, the main
research efforts focus on text segmentation and enhancement.


Text segmentation

Text segmentation methods are performed on the extracted text regions to remove the background
surrounding text characters. These methods usually assume that the grayscale distribution is bi-
modal and that characters a priori correspond to either the white part or the black part. Great
efforts are thus devoted to performing better binarization, combining global and local threshold-
ing [43], M-estimation [36], or simple smoothing [121]. To eliminate the non-character regions
in each binary image, a simple connected component analysis step is employed by setting con-
straints on size, height and width ratio and so on. However, these methods are unable to filter out
background regions with similar grayscale values to the characters.

Text enhancement

If the character grayscale value is known, text enhancement methods can help the binarization
process. In [93], a method for enhancing text in images exploits the characteristic that text char-
acters consist of many stripe structures. Four directional filters (horizontal, vertical, diagonals)
are used for blurring non-stripe structures in an input image while keeping the stripe structures
in each direction. However, without proper estimation of the character scale, the designed filters
can not enhance character strokes with different thickness [11].
In videos, multi-frame enhancement can also reduce the influence of background regions. The
enhancement is performed on text images, which are blocks of image containing the same text
string detected and tracked in consecutive video frames. In [55, 93], the maximum or minimum
value at each pixel position is computed for enhancing characters that are known to have either
the darkest or lightest grayscale values in video. In [50], an average image is computed from the
detected and tracked text images for reducing the noise variance. These methods assume that text
and background have different movements and the grayscale value of text characters is constant
in consecutive frames.

1.3 Remaining problems

The previous techniques still have many unsolved problems in building an efficient image and
video text detection and recognition system. These problems lead to unsatisfied performance of
both text detection and recognition in real applications.

1.3.1 Problems in text detection

For text detection, heuristic top-down methods are empirical and most of the time rely on man-
ually designed visual features. Since it is difficult to model complex backgrounds in images,
these empirical methods usually detect too many false alarms. Typical ratio of false alarm text
regions yielded by these methods is 80%-500% or more depending on the amount of text strings
in the target images or videos. The machine learning methods are considered as improvements


of the heuristic top-down methods by obtaining text detector through a set of training examples.
However, there are two problems in building an efficient and robust text detection system using
machine learning tools.
Problem 1 : How to avoid performing a computational intensive classification on the whole im-
age? The computation costs of machine learning tools are associated with their capacities. For
example, the computation cost of an artificial neural network is decided by the number of hidden
units. Due to the huge mount of various backgrounds, training an artificial neural network for
distinguishing general backgrounds and text requests a complex model. Furthermore, perform-
ing artificial neural network classification everywhere in the whole image is expensive when the
images are large.
Problem 2: What is the way to reduce the variances of character size and grayscale values in
the feature space before training? The wide range of variations of character sizes and grayscale
values in images and videos is one of the obstacles in training a good model for text detec-
tion. Technologies of feature extraction, normalization and the investigation of different machine
learning tools are expected to improve the performance of the text detection system.

1.3.2 Problems in text recognition

For text recognition, most of the previous methods that addressed text recognition in complex
images or video worked on improving the binarization method before applying an OCR module.
However, an optimal binarization might be difficult to achieve when the background is complex
and the grayscale distribution exhibits several modes. Moreover, the grayscale values of text
may not be known in advance or even inconstant in one text string (see figure 1.4). To well
recognize text strings extracted from images or video frames, the following problems need to be
Problem 3: How to enhance text characters of various sizes? The text enhancement is one of
the methods to remove backgrounds from text images by exploiting the characteristics of the
substructures of characters. However, fixed-size filters are not able to enhance text characters of
any sizes. Therefore, an enhancing technique for various sizes of characters is desired to have a
better text binarization.
Problem 4: How to segment and recognize text characters of unknown grayscale values? Previous
works in literature assume the text is either white or black in images or videos. This is not
always true. As we showed in figure 1.4, characters can be of any grayscale values and even
have different grayscale values in one string or word. Moreover, the distribution of the grayscale
values in a text image (extracted text region) is not always bi-modal. Some text images, especially
from videos, have mainly three or more clusters of grayscale values. Applying a text recognition
system in real images or videos requires the capability of recognizing characters of any grayscale
Problem 5: How to integrate temporal information contained in consecutive video frames to
improve text recognition? Former methods for using temporal information focus on removing
background structures in frames, and can only be applied on black or white characters. The


grayscale of characters is constrained to be constant through frames and an accurate alignment

of text images is required. The problem of temporal information integration of text characters at
both the image level and the recognized text string level need to be addressed.

1.4 Contributions of this dissertation

This thesis investigates methods for building an efficient application system for detecting and
recognizing text of any grayscale values embedded in images and videos. Contributions of this
dissertation are listed below and address the problems discussed in the last section.
First, as one of the major goals of this thesis, a localization/verification scheme of text detection is
proposed that avoids performing intensive machine learning based classification on obvious non-
text regions. This text detection scheme first employs a fast heuristic algorithm for locating text-
like region in images with a very low rejection rate and then apply machine learning approaches
to verify the true text images.
Second, inside the verification step of the proposed scheme, contrast independent features are
proposed for training classifiers. These features together with a size normalization process reduce
the variance of character sizes and grayscale values. Two kinds of machine learning approaches,
namely multi-layer perceptrons and support vector machines, are compared based on various
Third, in the conventional bi-modal text recognition scheme, we proposed a set of Gabor fil-
ters for estimating the scales of substructures of text characters. The method enables the text
enhancement at various size and improve the binarization of text images.
Fourth, a multi-hypotheses framework is presented for addressing text recognition, which can
significantly improve the recognition performance. As the second major purposes of the thesis,
multiple segmentation hypotheses are generated and processed by an OCR software. Under this
framework, a Markov Random Field based segmentation method and a post-processing algorithm
for removing non-character regions are proposed and evaluated. A selection algorithm based on
language modeling and OCR statistics is also presented to select the text result from all the
produced text strings.
Finally, a sequential Monte Carlo segmentation method is proposed for integrating temporal in-
formation of video text at the grayscale image level. Furthermore, we also investigate the method
of combination text results in multiple using a voting technique.
The rest of the thesis is organized into 5 chapters. In Chapter 2, background knowledge of visual
feature extraction, machine learning tools and statistical methods that will be used in the thesis are
described. In Chapter 3, an overview of the text detection and recognition system is presented. In
Chapter 4, the proposed text detection schemes are introduced and evaluated in details. In Chapter
5, the framework and methods related with text recognition are presented. The bi-modal text
enhancement method and multi-modal methods are discussed and evaluated in detail. Chapter
6 presents the text recognition methods in video that exploit temporal information in multiple
frames. Chapter 7 consists of a concluding summary of the achievements and limitations of the
text detection and recognition system and proposes some future research directions.


Chapter 2


In this chapter, we introduce image processing algorithms that are essential to image analysis in
general and to image text detection in particular, as well as the mathematical background related
to machine learning and stochastic modeling. Some algorithms that were used in previous work
or are used in the next chapters of this thesis are presented in detail.

Firstly, visual feature detection techniques, such as edge detection and texture analysis, will be
formally presented in this chapter. Both edge detection and texture analysis are fundamental
topics in computer vision and image processing. We will give the general ideas about these
topics and then highlight the techniques that are more closely related to text localization.

Secondly, as this thesis addresses the text detection problem based on machine learning princi-
ples, two approaches, namely multi-layer perceptrons and support vector machine that are em-
ployed for verifying text strings, are discussed in detail in the second section.

Finally, the mathematical background of two stochastic modeling methods, the gaussian mixture
models and Markov random fields, are introduced in the third section. These two methods will
be used for segmenting and recognizing text characters in Chapter 5.

2.1 Visual feature extraction

2.1.1 Edge detection

Edges are the most important visual features that are used in text detection researches. An edge,
as defined in [39], is a sharp discontinuity in a gray-level profile. Due to the presence of noise and
the ambiguity of “sharp”, edge detection is a complex task. In 2D images, an edge is specified
by its magnitude and its direction. Edge detection is often carried out by spatial derivation and
thresholding. Figure 2.1 shows an edge and its first and second order derivatives in a 1D case.





Figure 2.1: An edge (a), its first order derivative (b) and its second order derivative (c)

First order derivative

The first order derivatives of a given image function , referred to as gradient, are defined as the



Its magnitude is defined as:



and its direction  is defined as:

-1-/2. 3

For a digital image, the gradient can be approximated using a difference operation. Many of them
have been proposed in the literature [87, 84, 105, 38, 18, 3, 83, 33, 89]. For example, the Sobel


operators that will be used in our text localization algorithm are given by:






The Sobel operator with respect to the direction consists of summing intensity values at the
neighbours of each pixel  using the weights of with the operator:











Edges are given by the local maxima of the gradient magnitude image (see figure 2.1b). Due to
the presence of noise, the local maxima are often selected by using a thresholding procedure.

Second order derivative

The second order derivatives of a given image are defined as:


Potential edges detected by using the second order derivative are zero-crossings, where the deriva-
tive values change signs as illustrated in the middle of the figure 2.1c. Second order derivatives
are noisier then the first order derivative. However, one advantage of using zero-crossing for
detecting edges is that it is easier to track the zero-crossings for obtaining close contours than
to track the maximum gradient points with a threshold. The isotropic zero-crossing based edge
operator is a direction-invariant Laplacian operator. To achieve stable edge detection in the pres-
ence of noise, Marr and Hildreth [59] suggest smoothing an image with Gaussian smoothers
before applying the Laplacian operator. The resulting operator is referred to as the Laplacian of
Gaussian (LOG) operator, which can also be implemented by difference of Gaussian (DOG).
A high-performance edge operator has been obtained by differentiation in a direction across an
edge. Canny [6] suggests the use of both the first and the second order derivatives for edge


detection. Zero-crossings of the second derivative are detected along a line in the gradient di-
rection, which should also have high gradient magnitude values. In this thesis, the second order
directional derivatives are implemented as:










Various implementations of derivative computation algorithm differ in the details of the compu-
tation of the smothing, gradient and its direction.
Clearly visible text characters in images always contains strong edges. Therefore, the extraction
of edges is regarded as an essential features in text detection task. We will come back to this in
Chapter 4.

2.1.2 Texture feature extraction

Texture is also an important visual feature although it is difficult to find a clear definition for it.
Usually, the term texture indicates some characteristics of a region in an image. Under the sta-
tistical framework, texture features can be characterized by histogram, grayscale co-occurrence
[34, 127], mean and variance, moments [68], spectral density and autocorrelation [128], edge-
ness [37], mathematical morphological operators [117, 62], parameters of Markov random fields
[111, 60] and mosaic models [96, 109]. There are three types of texture features employed in
the context of text detection: gaussian space features, discrete cosine transform coefficients and
wavelet features.

Gaussian space features

Wu [122] proposed a texture feature for detecting text in images. The feature is extracted by com-
puting the second order derivatives of a given image smoothed by Gaussian functions. Formally,

given an image , nine feature images

are computed as:






where the gaussian functions

   . The feature vectors are extracted at each pixel site.
Each feature vector characterizes the texture around a pixel in three Gaussian spaces specified by

 ,  being the standard variation of the gaussian in terms of the number of pixels.
To extract more texture information of text images, his feature can also be extended into higher
gaussian spaces. However, the computation cost of the feature extraction algorithm can become
very high.

Discrete cosine transform coefficients

Another texture feature that is often used for text detection are based on discrete cosine transform
(DCT) coefficients [126]. The DCT is a loss-less and reversible mathematical transformation
that converts a spatial amplitude representation of data into a spatial frequency representation.
One of the advantages of the DCT is its energy compacting property, that is the signal energy is
concentrated on a few components while most other components are zero or are negligible. DCT
is used in many applications such as filtering, trans-multiplexers, speech coding, image coding,
pattern recognition and image enhancement. Formally, the 2D-DCT can be described as:

  %$   ,.-
     ! !  



" #  " #


where  and  are the width and the height of the image and



There are three reasons why the DCT coefficients were used to characterize texture of text images.
First, DCT coefficients have been proved to be very efficient in presenting visual information in
the frequency domain . Second, a fast algorithm for calculating DCT is available. Finally, most
of the images and videos are compressed using DCT. This may enable the fast text detection
without completely decompressing the images and videos.


Figure 2.2: An image and its Haar decomposition

Wavelet feature

Li et. al. [50] presented a texture feature using Haar wavelet decomposition. Haar wavelets were
chosen since they are adequate for local detection of line segments, which are supposed to be able

to characterize text regions. Given an image , the Haar wavelets decompose a given image

into four sub-images: lower frequency image ( ), vertical high frequency image ( ), horizontal
high frequency image (  ), and diagonal high frequency image ( ). Figure 2.2 illustrates a Haar
decomposition of an image.














The decomposition procedure can be applied iteratively until each sub-image contains only one
pixel. In paper [50], this decomposition is applied not on the whole image but on

and therefore the maximum decomposition level is .
Three features are then extracted in each    sub-image (sub-block), for example  : the mean

   , the second order central moment    , and the third order central moment    : 
$ $
 ! !   

 " )" (2.20)


$ $
 ! !    
 " )"  (2.21)

$ $

 " )"  (2.22)

The moments      
 are calculated in each of the      
images. Some of these
moments are then selected as features for classifying text and non-text blocks. This Haar wavelet
decomposition has also a fast algorithm. Another advantage of the wavelet feature is that text
characters in different scales can be detected at the different decomposition levels.


Both edge features and texture features are used to transform the original image space into feature
spaces which contain more relevant information for fulfilling the text detection task. In text
detection, text image pixels are classified into a text class and a non-text class. There are many
methods that can be used for this classification task. They can be empirical, such as thresholding,
or reasoning based on simple rules, or machine learnable. In the next section, we introduce two
machine learning approaches that are investigated in our text detection system.

2.2 Machine learning approaches

The methodology of learning from experience has been more and more applied on problems
where a proper mathematical modeling is impossible. For example, it is not known how to math-
ematically model the relationship between a block of pixels for distinguishing text and back-
grounds. In most of generative statistical methods, such as the maximum likelihood ratio testing,
large number of training examples are needed to obtain a good probabilities distribution estima-
tion of target events. In comparison with these generative approaches, discriminative machine
learning methods aim at find the boundaries between different target events and therefore poten-
tially need less training data. Since there are only two targeting classes, text and non-text, the
discriminative methods are usually more successful than the generative approaches. We therefor
focus on discriminative machine learning methods in this section. Two supervised learning ap-
proaches, multilayer perceptrons and support vector machines, are now introduced. They will be
employed in the text verification task described in Chapter 4.

2.2.1 Multilayer perceptrons

Perceptron is the first and simplest forms of feedforward network proposed by Rosenblatt in 1962
[88]. A perceptron is composed of an input layer and an output layer of neurons, in which an
output node computes the weighted sum of input nodes. A multilayer perceptrons (MLP) model


first second output

input layer hidden layer hidden layer layer

O1 O2 Ok
O0 W11 W21 Wk1

W12 W22 Wk2

X x2 Ok
W13 W23
. . . .
. . . .
. . .

W1 n W2n
1 2

Figure 2.3: Multilayer perceptron network with two hidden layers

is a multilayer extension of the perceptron model, which consists of an input layer, an output
layer, and one or more hidden layers of neurons, as shown in Figure 2.3.
The functions of the MLP consist of a classification operation and a training operation. In the
classification operation, an input vector is presented in the input layer and each neuron computes a
weighted sum of the outputs of the neurons in the previous layer, followed by an activity function
until a set of outputs is finally obtained at the output layer. Since one neuron only has one

output value at a time, we can simply write the output of a layer as a vector, for example

indicates the output vector of the  hidden layer with  neurons. Let us also 

denote the output of the input layer by # and the output of the MLP by if the MLP has
hidden layers. A neuron in a hidden layer or the output layer has a weight vector corresponding
to the output vector from the previous layer. Let us define the weight vector of the
  neuron in
the    hidden layer as  , in the output

Therefore, for each input vector  

 layer as   and in the input layer as an unit vector.
$ , the output of the input layer is still the
vector # 
 . The output vector

of the  hidden layer is computed as:



output vector        $ in the output layer is defined as:

To avoid misunderstanding, we explicitly write the operator of a scalar product in this thesis. The



where  is the output vector of the last hidden layer. The activity function is selected as a

sigmoid function, in this thesis:



 ! (2.25)


The goal of the training operation is to obtain a set of optimal weights of an MLP. One of the
popular way to implement this training process is the backpropagation (BP) algorithm. The
earliest idea of the BP algorithm is described by Paul Werbos in 1974 [116]. Similar algorithms
were also developed independently by LeCun [49] and Parker [76] around 1985 and became
popular through the book Parallel Distributed Processing [92] written by Rumelhart, Hinton and
Williams in 1986.

  on the
The backpropagation algorithm is a gradient descent procedure in the weight space of the MLP.
Let us define one of the most common target function called cost function   

basis of the weights of the MLP , and a set of training data  which consists of  pairs of

input vector  and desired output ,  "  $ :  




The MLP training task consists of minimizing the cost function  with respect to the weight set
. Therefore, using a gradient descent procedure, can be updated by computing the partial
derivatives of the cost function:

The detail expansion of the Eq. 2.27 can be given as the following. Let us first define the
differential of the cost function with respect to the output of each neuron as:
" #  
  # (2.28)

The weight vector # of the

th neuron in the  layer can be updated as:

#   #    %$ #  (2.29)

where is the learning rate and the $  can be expended as:

$ #  

#  (2.30)


# (2.31)
 " #




The last parameter can be computed as:


 '&  #   #  #  (2.34)


" #
The first parameter  is extended as the following.
For a neuron in the output layer, we can compute the  as:




" #
For a neuron that is not in the output layer, the  can be updated as:

" #  
  # (2.38)
  # #


 ! " #   


where the last parameter can be extended as:

   #    #




"  #     #


 # (2.43)
 '&    #  

#  #     (2.44)

Here,  & 


In practice, the training of the parameters consists of two procedures: the forward procedure
and the backward procedure. Firstly, the outputs ( #    ) of each neuron are computed in
the forward procedure. Then, the #  are computed from the output layer to the first hidden
layer in the backward procedure. This training algorithm is therefore called the backpropogation
One of the important theoretical results about MLP is that a configuration with only one hidden
layer of neurons has been proven to be able to approximate any continuous function [15]. In
practice, multiple perceptrons have been applied in many applications such as speech recognition
[66], optical character recognition [49], face detection [114].


2.2.2 Support Vector Machine

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a technique motivated by statistical learning theory and has
been successful applied to numerous classification tasks. The key idea is to transform the input
data into high dimensional feature space and separate classes with a decision surface in this space.
As opposite to the empirical risk minimization algorithm such as MLP, which minimizes the error
over the data set, SVM is a structural risk minimization algorithm, which aims at minimizing a
bound on the generalization error of a model in high dimensional space. Extensive discussions
of SVMs can be found in [115, 5, 14].
In this thesis we will only use SVM for a binary classification task. Let us say that we have
 labeled training examples:      $ $
different classes 
, where
  indicating two

In the linear separable case, there exists some hyperplanes   

 (decision surfaces) that
separate all the training examples:



or equivalently:



where  is the normal to the hyperplane.

The decision function can therefore be given by



Notice that if the parameters and are scaled by the same quantity, the hyperplane given by  
2.47 is unchanged. The following constraint is imposed to remove this redundancy and obtain a
unique parameterization:



The margin of such a hyperplane  

 is defined by the sum of the shortest distances    
from a hyperplane to the closest positive example and the closest negative example. Figure 2.4

2.48, this margin is simply given by  

illustrates separating hyperplanes with small and  larger
, where
 margins. According to the normalization
is the Euclidean norm of . Therefore, the    
maximum margin can be obtained by minimizing  with respect to  and , subject to the
constraints Eq. 2.46.


(1) (2)

Figure 2.4: Solving classification problems with hyperplanes. (1) a hyperplane with small margin
(2)a hyperplane with larger margin.

Thus, this learning task can be reduced to the maximization of the Wolfe dual Lagrangian:

 ! "# )(
     %$'& '  +* (2.49)


,- /././.0

is the vector of non-negative Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the
constraints 2.46. 21 we have:

3 450
 6    7"# &  68
3  (2.50)
3 450
      "  98
3 (2.51)
The optimal
;: can be derived as:
 :  1 : &  

which shows that the optimal hyperplane can be written as a linear combination of the training
vectors. Substituting 2.52 and 2.51 into the Lagrangian 2.49, we have:




where the Lagrangian multipliers are subject to the constraints:


At this point, this problem can be solved using standard quadratic programming (QP). Notice that
complementary slackness conditions of the form:



, where    

only when 
shows that
  represent the optimal values.
A training sample  is termed as support vector if the optimal . is positive. The can be
computed as:


for any support vector  . Substituting equation 2.52 into the decision function 2.47, we have:



"    (2.56)

Soft margin: linear non-separable case

Considering that we still look for a linear separating surface, but that such a separating hyper-
plane does not exist, we introduce a soft margin hyperplane to solve the learning problem. The

soft margin has a set of variables 
" that are positive slack variables and measure penalties
proportional to the amount of constraint violations. The learning task now involves the minimiza-
tion of:





subject to the constraints:




Let us set 
where C and are the parameters of the penalty to errors that have to be determined beforehand.

to simplify the discussion. This minimization can be solved using a similar
Lagrangian technique discussed above. The training task is, in this case, to maximize

$ $


"  "       (2.57)

where the Lagrangian multipliers are subject to the constraints:


Non-linear decision surfaces

This method can be easily generalized to the non-linear case. The more complex decision surfaces
can be constructed by mapping the training examples  into an alternative higher dimensional
space   , so called feature space, and by working with linear classification in that space.
Noticing that training of SVM only depends on examples through inner products, this mapping
can be implicitly given by choosing a kernel    

The learning task therefore is the maximization of the Lagrangian:

$ $


"  "   

subject to constraints



  can be solved using quadratic programming techniques. Once we have found the optimal

, the classification of an unknown example  is based on the function:




The kernel functions that commonly used are:


Gaussian RBF:   

Polynomial of degree d:
Multi-layer perceptron:




In real applications, training a SVM using large data set ( 

) is a difficult problem due 

to the large number of parameters (about    ). Some solutions employing data or problem
decomposition have been published in [74, 81, 41].

2.3 Statistical methods

To recognize text in images and videos, text pixels need to be segmented apart from background
pixels even when the whole text string is well located. Two statistical approaches gaussian mix-
ture models and Markov random field are employed to model the grayscale distributions of text
pixels in text images. These two approaches are on the basis of the segmentation process and are
introduced in detail in this section.

2.3.1 Gaussian mixture models and the Expectation Maximization algorithm

Gaussian mixture models approximate a stochastic distribution using multiple gaussians. For
example, we can model the distribution of the grayscale values of pixels in a text image using two
or three gaussians. The parameters of these gaussians are usually optimized using the Expectation
Maximization (EM) algorithm.
The EM algorithm is a general technique of maximum likelihood estimation with incomplete
data. One of the earliest papers on EM algorithm can be tracked to [35]. The seminal reference
that formalized the EM and provided a proof of convergence is the paper by Dempster, Laird, and
Rubin [19]. A good book devoted entirely to EM and its applications can be found in [61].


Let be the set of observable variables,  be the set of missing (or unobservable, hidden)
 . Let  and 

variables. The event that  takes a value  is denoted as 
values or sample space for these variables. A complete data (sample) 
be the set of
  indicates that   
is the observable part and  is the missing data.
With only the incomplete data  , an EM procedure attempts to find a model that maximizes the
data log-likelihood:

where denotes all the parameters of the model. For example, let us model the distribution of
the observed data  , which is a set of grayscale values of pixels in an image, as two gaussians.
The missing data  labels each pixel as belonging to one of the two gaussians. The EM procedure
enables us to find the parameters of these two gaussians that maximizes the log-likelihood of the
grayscale values of pixels. This EM procedure iterates between the following two steps until

E-step: This step estimates the missing part  given the current and then use it to augment

the observed data to form the complete data set  . The missing data  is estimated by computing

the following conditional expectation of the complete data log likelihood:



 , then substitutes the expectations for the missing

In other words, the E-step first computes the conditional expectation of the missing data  given
the observed data  and the current estimate
The expectation is therefore:




For continuous  , it is calculated as:




M-step: Once the complete data  is formed, the complete data log likelihood can be maximized

with respect to the model :



The fundamental property of this algorithm is that      

is monotonically increasing,
  can then be used
with a possible infinite limit.1 In our example, the resulting optimal model
to assign the a label of each pixel as one of the two Gaussians by computing the label expectations.

2.3.2 Markov Random Field

Markov Random Field (MRF) theory, a branch of probability theory, provides a convenient and
consistent way of modeling spatial context [51]. The MRF technique started to be widely used
in image processing problems after the equivalence between MRFs and Gibbs distributions was
established by Hammersley and Clifford and further developed by Besag [2] in 1974. Ten years
later, Geman and Geman [30] and others advocated a frame of MRF using Maximum A Posterior
(MAP) that enabled to develop algorithms for a variety of image processing problems.

be a family of random variables defined on the set  , in which each

random variable takes a value  in a set . The family is called a random field. To simplify
thesis, we only consider as a set  the 2-D grid with  sites (usually, the
the discussion in this
pixel positions, 

   takes a value  is denoted as
   , where

) and as a discrete set. The event that
, and therefore the joint event is denoted as   
 $  $ and abbreviated as 
is a configuration of .

Neighborhood system

A neighborhood system is composed of the union of sets of  verifying the following






Moreover, we will denote by  the set of all cliques  , a clique  being a subset of  reduced to
a singleton or whose sites are neighbors each other. Figure 2.5 shows neighborhood system of
order 1 or 2 as well as the corresponding kinds of cliques.

Markovian property

The space of possible configurations of E:   


is exponential to  , and can be

very huge if  is the number of pixels in an image. To introduce a prior model on defined by

local properties, a Markovian a priori property is often imposed on this space. is said to be a
Markov random field on  with respect to a neighborhood system if and only if the following
two conditions are satisfied:
Redner and Walker [85] give a local convergence theorem which states that under suitable conditions, the series
converges to the maximum likelihood estimate  
, provided the initial estimate is sufficiently close to .  

neighborhood associated cliques

order 1 neighborhood

order 2 neighborhood

Figure 2.5: Example of neighborhood systems and associated cliques.






where denotes the set of the sites neighboring  .
The first condition states that no configuration shall be forbidden a priori and the second one
corresponds to the Markovian hypothesis, that is, at each site, the probability conditioned by the
realization at all other sites is the same as the probability defined only with respect to the neigh-

Markov-Gibbs equivalence

A very useful theorem established by Hammersley and Clifford [2], states that is an MRF with

respect to if and only if its configurations follow a Gibbs distribution, that is, it is of the form :




in which :

is a set of parameters ;
is a normalization constant called “partition” function :


   cannot be estimated in practice.
Since the configuration space is so huge,


   , is an energy function, which can be decomposed as :

    !      !       thus P  


where  , called interaction potential, depends only on the labels at the sites of  (   

). It is the definition of these potentials that provides the a priori properties of
the label field.

Estimating an optimal configuration of an MRF

Among the different criterions of estimating the optimal configuration of an MRF, the Maximum

A Posteriori (MAP) is one of the most popular criterions. Let be a random field and be an
MRF both defined on the set  , where each variable in takes a label  in . Given a realization

of , we are looking for the most a posteriori probable configuration  that gave rise to the
observations, that is :



Using the Bayes rule, and since    is independent of :




The first term of (2.71) is obtained by modeling the link between observations and labels, and
provides the likelihood of the observed data, given the underlying (unknown) labels. Often, it
is obtained through the modeling of the process (noise, blurring,. . . ) transforming the labels (or

primitives) into the observed data. It can also be some ad-hoc models. This probability is often
parameterized, and we will call this set of parameters.
Let us assume the likelihood of an observation at a given site, given the labels, only depends on
the label at the same site. Thus, this “point-to-point” likelihood has the general following form :







can see that  defined by (2.71) corre-
Substituting equations (2.67) and (2.72) into (2.71),
sponds to the minimum of an energy function :

  arg        arg  



The minimisation of the energy  defined in equation (2.74) is in

   the general case a difficult 
is too huge (    

optimization problem. The size of ) to perform an exhaustive
search. Moreover, the energy function  is generally non-convex, and does not lead to analytical

solutions. Thus, we first consider an iterative deterministic solution.
Assuming that the parameters  are known, a popular deterministic minimization ap-  

proach is the ICM (Iterated Conditional Modes). It is derived from simulated annealing schemes,
 , the label at a site with one of the modes

and consists in changing in the current configuration
  which, due to the Markovian prop-

of the local conditional distribution (

erty is equal to ). This process is iterated at all sites until all sites are stable (or
until only a small fraction of sites are unstable). A site is said to be stable if its current label
optimize the local conditional probability.

Parameter estimation

 are unknown, we propose an algorithm for estimating    

Assuming that the parameters

all the parameters =  using an EM procedure. Recall that the expectation step involves the
computation of:








which is then maximized over .
Two problems arise here. Firstly, this expectation on p    can not be computed  

explicitly nor directly because of the huge size of the label space . Instead, this law will be sam-
pled using Monte Carlo methods, and the expectation will be approximated along the obtained

probability  p     

Markov chain. We used a Gibbs-sampler

for the simulation. Secondly, the joint log-likelihood
is not completely known, because of the presence of the
incomputable normalizing constant  in the expression of p   :


To avoid this difficulty, we can use the pseudo-Likelihood function [8] as a new criterion. The
pseudo-likelihood of the MRF , denoted by p is defined from the conditional probabilities 
2.66 :





Similarly, we get a joint pseudo-likelihood distribution:





Since the conditional probabilities are known, this definition is now independent of the normal-

izing constant  .

We thus want to maximize the following criteria:



      . However, from the current criterion, the estimation of the parame-
with respect to
is indeed not directly necessary and we may only consider the conditional

P  P     

 is of type j (2.80)


where a neighborhood of type j is characterized by the histogram of the labels on the neighbor-
hood (     ). Using these parameters, the pseudo-likelihood function 2.77 can be rewritten:





  number of occurrences in  such that    and  
 is of type j

   P directly:
Thus, and using a point-to-point likelihood (equation (2.72)), the maximization can be performed

! !    ! 






After maximization, we get the following formula 2 :


P (2.83)




We can point out that the pseudo-probability function p
  is formally equivalent to a stochastic
process where
would be generated by a Markov chain whose transition probabilities would be the conditional
probabilities. Therefore, the solution to the EM problem can be related to the Re-estimation formula appearing in the
Markov chain domain.




            is the marginal




posterior distribution.

As pointed out before, these expectations will be approximated using a  Monte Carlo method
based on the Gibbs sampler, associated with the posterior distribution p  
If we come back to the estimation of the parameters = 

 #     . From the definition of
P , we have :


# #

P (2.85)

Thus, for every type j of neighborhood, we get the  

following equations:




! #
#    #  








which are linear with respect to the parameters to estimate. Since we have more equations than

unknown, a standard least-squares solution can be obtained, by replacing the P  by their current
estimate P . Two problem arises with this method. Firstly, many conditional probabilities might
be 0,3 leading to a problem when evaluating the left-hand side of the above equation. To avoid
this, we put a minimum probabilities on each P  . Secondly, some of the local neighborhood
might not be observed, leading to useless equations. To deal with this fact, we weight each
equation with the number of occurrence of the corresponding neighborhood type in the course of
the Monte Carlo simulation.

In the preceding method, the “transition” probabilities P  are estimated in a first step using the

(Gibbs) EM algorithm; then a prior model of type 2.77, parameterized by the potentials and
, is fitted to the obtained P
values. From equation (2.81), we may also have estimated
the potentials directly, by maximizing the expectation in the EM algorithm with respect to these

parameters, using a gradient descent algorithm for instance:



for all  potential parameters, and where denotes the set of all potentials.
Note however that, thanks to the Gibbs sampling, this problem is not as dramatic as that of estimating the param-
eters from a single realization of the labels.


2.4 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have introduced the visual feature extraction methods and machine learning
approaches that will be used for text detection. These techniques are used in our system or used
as comparisons for evaluating our system. The statistical methods, the GMM-EM and the MRF,
introduced in this chapter are mainly used for text recognition. We also used another important
statistical method for modeling video text recognition, namely particle filtering. To simplify the
discussion, this method is introduced using our real problem as an example in Chapter 6.


Chapter 3

Text detection and recognition system

This chapter gives a global view of the proposed system for detecting and recognizing text em-
bedded in images and videos. This short chapter is organized in two sections. In the first section,
an overview of our text detection and recognition system is briefly introduced, which is helpful
to understand the related techniques that will be proposed in the rest of chapters. The second
section mainly presents and discusses the characteristics of the databases used for evaluation in
this thesis.

3.1 Text detection and recognition scheme

As mentioned in the introduction, the previous developments of text detection and recognition
system can be classified into three typical categories:

1. Bottom-up methods: they segment images into regions and group “character” regions into
words. The methods, to some degree, can avoid performing text detection. Due to the dif-
ficulty of developing an efficient segmentation algorithm for text in complex background,
the methods are not robust for detecting text in many camera based images and videos.

2. Heuristic top-down methods: they first detect text regions in images using heuristic fil-
ters and then perform bottom-up techniques inside the text regions. These methods are
able to process more complex images than bottom-up approaches. However, the manu-
ally designed filters are empirical and therefore produce many false text regions, which are
referred to as false alarms.

3. Training-based top-down methods: the text detection step is based on filters that are trained
using machine learning tools.

The method we propose belongs to the top-down category, and consists of two main tasks as
illustrated by Figure 3.1 : a text detection task and a text recognition task applied to the detected


Text Line
Localization Feature
Text Region
Extraction Extraction

text localization text verification Verification
Videos text detection

text recognition

Text text recognition hypothesis generation



Figure 3.1: Algorithm proposed for text detection and recognition.

text regions. Following the cascade filtering idea, which consists of the sequential processing of
data with more and more selective filters, the text detection task is decomposed into two subtasks.
These are a text localization step, whose goal is to quickly extract potential text blocks in images
with a very low missing rate and a reasonable false alarm rate, and a text verification step based
on a powerful machine learning tool. Such an approach allows to obtain high performance with
a lower computational cost in comparison to other methods.

To address the recognition task, we propose a multi-hypotheses approach. More precisely, the
text image is segmented two or three times, assuming a different number of classes in the image
each time. The different regions, all considered as text candidates, are processed by a commercial
optical character recognition (OCR) engine and the final result is selected from the generated text
string hypotheses using a confidence level evaluation based on language modeling. Additionally,
we propose a segmentation method based on Markov Random Field to extract more accurately
text characters. This methodology allowed to handle background grayscale multi-modality and
unknown text grayscale values, problems that are very often not taken into account in the existing
literature. When applied to real video text, it reduces by more than 50% the word recognition
error rate with respect to a standard Otsu thresholding followed by the OCR [10, 71].

3.2 Databases for experiments

The databases for training and testing algorithms in this thesis are built for both images (including
single video frames) and videos. The summary information of these databases is list in the Table


images / video sequenses characters words

DB TrainImages 50/60 mins 9579 (in test set) 2084 (in test set)
DB SceneImages 50 2863 506
DB NewsVideo 30 mins 2472 424
DB Temporal 40 mins 2899 548

Table 3.1: Databases used for training and evaluating algorithms in this thesis.

3.2.1 Training image database (DB TrainImages)

The first image database (DB TrainImages) consists of 50 images of journal covers, flyers, maps,
and frames extracted from videos of sports, news, advertisements and so on with a total length of
one hour. The text characters contained in these images have different colors, grayscale values,
fonts, sizes. Some characters are transparent and decorated with contours. Examples are shown in
figure 3.2. This database will be used for selecting features and training text detection algorithms
and testing text segmentation and recognition performance. All the images (frames) are first
compressed using JPEG or MPEG-1, 2 and decompressed before performing any detection and
recognition. Some frames which are grabbed during the fade-in or fade-out video effects are also
involved in the database. We manually labeled all the text characters of this database.

3.2.2 Scene text image database (DB SceneImages)

The scene text image database (DB SceneImages) consists of 50 images of city streets, buildings,
journal covers, and so on. The images are taken by a digital camera in
   resolution in
various lighting conditions. Focus problems and slight transforms also appear in some images of
this database. Figure 3.3 shows some of the images in DB SceneImages.

3.2.3 News video database (DB NewsVideo)

mat in  
News video database (DB NewsVideo) is a 30-minutes-long video compressed in MPEG-2 for-
   resolution, at 25 frames per-second. This video contains a Belgian news
program1 in French provided by Canal+ in the context of the CIMWOS 2 European project. This
database is used to have a benchmark of the text detection performance. One of the important
criterions for validating text detection performance is precision, which is closely related on how
frequent the text strings appear in images and videos. Therefore, we choose a real news video as
a benchmark for this precision. The recognition performance will be measured mostly based on
DB TrainImages but not DB NewsVideo because the style of character (fonts, sizes, colors ...)
in DB NewsVideo is not varying a lot. Figure 3.4 shows some frames in DB NewsVideo.
From the Radio-Télévision Belge d’expression Française (RTBF).
Combined Image and Word Spotting: Information Society Technologies IST:IST-1999-12203 Programme


Figure 3.2: Examples of images and video frames in DB TrainImages


Figure 3.3: Examples of images in DB SceneImages


Figure 3.4: Examples of video

44 frames in DB NewsVideo.

Figure 3.5: Examples of video frames in DB Temporal.

3.2.4 Temporal character recognition database (DB Temporal)

The temporal character recognition database (DB Temporal) is a database for testing algorithms
that recognize characters that appear in multiple video frames. The temporal information carried
in multiple frames is explored in this thesis for improving text segmentation and recognition.
This database is built on the basis of DB NewsVideo, with the addition of the title credits of
a documentary. The database consists of 230 sequences of text images that are tracked and
extracted from DB NewsVideo and 17 sequences of text images from the documentary credits.
The sequences extracted from the documentary have special visual effects which are shown in
figure 3.5. Ground-truth of the location and content of text strings in both DB NewsVideo and
DB Temporal are manually obtained for further experimental usage.


Chapter 4

Text detection

Text detection is defined as the task that localizes text strings in complex background without
recognizing individual characters. In a computer-based application, there are many advantages
of detecting text before performing segmentation and recognition. First, text embedded in im-
ages or videos usually doesn’t cover the majority of pixels. It is obviously not an economic way
to perform text region segmentation and character recognition on non-text regions. Second, a
precise localization of text may offer the information about the scale of the text, which is very
helpful for segmenting text regions from background. Moreover, the background inside a local-
ized text region is usually less complex than the whole image if text characters are clearly visible.
Therefore, a good text location may lead to a better text segmentation and recognition. Third, the
characteristic of text string can be exploited in finding text. Since text strings have typical shapes
and are aligned line by line, it implies that the localization of text strings is easier and more robust
than the localization of individual characters.
As introduced in the Section 1.2.1, the state-of-the-art of image and video text detection tech-
niques are classified into bottom-up, heuristic top-down methods and machine learning based
top-down methods. In these three kinds of methods, the machine learning based top-down meth-
ods have the largest potential to yield the best performance. However, as discussed in the Sections
1.2.1 and 1.3, the current machine learning based top-down scheme has the drawback of high
computational cost and difficulty for modeling various grayscale values and text sizes of strings
embedded in complex backgrounds.
In this chapter, a machine learning based localization/verification scheme for text detection is
proposed. It consists of two steps as illustrated in figure 4.1. The first step locates candidate text
blocks in images with a fast algorithm. This localization process avoids applying the machine
learning classifiers on the whole images as well as to further reduce the variation of text size
by extracting individual text strings (lines). To obtain a fast algorithm, candidate text blocks
are located by exploring heuristic characteristics. We use a threshold in this algorithm to adjust
the weakness of the heuristic feature based classifiers in distinguishing text and backgrounds.
A low threshold is useful to avoid rejecting text blocks (low rejection rate). The resulting false
alarms will be removed in the following verification step. However, a too low threshold will
also yields many false regions, making the text line extraction task more difficult. Fortunately,


a good threshold can be found in practice. In the verification step, a size normalization is first
performed on the candidate text lines. Then, a machine learning approach, either a multi-layer
perceptrons (MLP) or a support vector machines (SVM), is employed to separate text regions
from background regions in the candidates. Due to the large variance of the grayscale values of
text characters, training of MLPs and SVMs and the verification of text lines are all performed in
feature spaces. Four kinds of such features are proposed and compared in this chapter, which are
robust to variable characters grayscale values.

4.1 Text region localization

The first goal of locating candidate text regions is to quickly filter out obvious background from
images and video frames. Localization methods are therefore expected to be fast and ideally do
not classify text regions as backgrounds. The second goal is to extract individual text lines (text
strings in one line) so that the size of the text lines can be normalized. Therefore, the text region
localization task is fulfilled by two sub-tasks: candidate text block extraction and individual text
line extraction.

4.1.1 Candidate text block extraction

A text block refers to a block of image that contains one or more lines of text. Let  denote
the set of sites (pixels) in an input image . For any site (
 ) in the image , we denote
     as the event that pixel   is contained in a text block. The task of extracting text

 in the image  the probability     
    and then grouping the pixels with
blocks, without recognizing individual characters, can be addressed by estimating at each site

high probabilities into regions.

In order to have a fast algorithm, we exploit the fact that text blocks contain short edges in
vertical and horizontal orientations, and that these edges are connected to each other due to the
connections between character strokes.

First, vertical and horizontal edges are detected individually by using Canny filters [6]. Let us
use  and # to denote the vertical and horizontal edge images, where

if s is a vertical edge point

if s is a horizontal edge point

for any
 . Figure 4.2 (b,c) displays the vertical and horizontal edges resulting of this process
for the video frame showed in Figure 4.2 (a).
Then, we connect the vertical edges in horizontal direction while connect the horizontal edges in
vertical direction according using a mathematical morphology operator [101], namely dilation.


Videos Time sampling

Images Key frames

Candidate text block extrction


candidate text blocks

Individual text line extraction

candidate text lines

Size normalization

normalized text lines


Feature extraction

feature vectors

Text region verification

based on machine learning backgrouds

text regions

Figure 4.1: The localization/verification scheme for detecting text regions in images and video
frames based on machine learning



b) c)

Figure 4.2: Edge detection in vertical and horizontal direction: (a) original image; (b) vertical
edges detected in image (a); (c) horizontal edges detected in image (a).

a) b)

Figure 4.3: (a) 5x1 structuring element for vertical edge dilation; (b) 3x6 structuring element for
horizontal edge dilation.


d) e)

Figure 4.4: Dilation of edge images. (d) dilation result of vertical edges in Figure 4.2 (b) using
5x1 vertical operator; (e) dilation result of horizontal edges in Figure 4.2 (c) using 3x6 horizontal

To this end, two different structuring elements     and

  # are used according to the type
of edge (vertical or horizontal). The dilated images  and # are defined as:


 #   #  # (4.2)

The structuring elements used for the dilation     and    # are defined to have the rectangle
shapes illustrated in Figure 4.3. The exact shape of     and    # are related to the target
text sizes. We found out through experiments that 
    and       # are robust to
detect text around 6 pixels to 40 pixels high and 

    and     # are robust to the

text from 10 pixels to 55 pixels. Since most of the text in video frames are 8 to 40 pixels high at
   resolution, we selected 
    and       # for detecting text in the images

that are normalized into    resolution. A structuring element specifies a dilation pattern
(or shape) of a neighborhood of a given pixel. The dilation in our case performs an expansion
of the edge points. This operation can be described as the following: if the center pixel of the
pattern is an edge point (value 1), then the neighboring pixels specified by a structuring element
are also set to 1 in the dilated image. The vertical and horizontal edge dilation of the Fig. 4.2 (b)
and (c) are shown in Figure 4.4 (d,e).

We then consider only the regions that are covered by both the vertical and horizontal edge
dilation results as candidate text blocks. Thus, we estimate the probability  


Figure 4.5: Candidate text region extraction. The white regions are extracted candidate text
regions combining the clues from the two edge dilation images shown in the Figure 4.4.


In this case, the probability is a binary value. Figure 4.5 illustrates the result of this step. It can
be observed that most background regions that contain only long edges are removed and also the
regions are better segmented in comparison with both vertical and horizontal dilated images.
There are two advantages of using this text block extraction algorithm. The first is that the algo-
rithm involves only edge detection and morphological operation on binary images, which enable
fast text block extraction using a fast implementation of dilation algorithm. The second advan-
tage is that the algorithm only relies on edges, which is quite robust to text intensity changes.
Also, ideally, the threshold of the edge detection step can be set to a value low enough such that
true text regions will be rejected as less as possible. The low value threshold sometimes leads to
large mount of false detected regions (false alarms). The false alarms resulting of this procedure
are often slant stripes, corners, and groups of small patterns, for example human faces. Their
number can be greatly reduced using the techniques introduced in the following section.

4.1.2 Individual text line extraction

In order to normalize text sizes, we need to extract individual text lines from candidate text
blocks. This task can be performed by detecting the top and bottom baselines of horizontally


y Y−axis projection





Figure 4.6: An example of a text region and its Y-axis projection. The split position is located
using maximum derivative

aligned text strings. Baseline detection also has two additional purposes. Firstly, it eliminates
false alarms, such as slant stripes, which do not contain any well defined baselines. Secondly,
it refines the location of text strings in candidate regions that contain text connected with some
background objects.
Baseline detection starts by computing the Y-axis projection  , where  denotes the num-
ber of text pixels in line  . Figure 4.6 illustrates a text block and its Y-axis projection.
The criteria of a text line with “accurate baselines” is measured mainly on the fill-factor  which
is defined as the density of text pixels (white pixels shown in the Figure 4.6) inside the bounding
box of the candidate text region. If the fill-factor is too low, we iteratively split the region using
horizontal lines until the fill-factor of all the regions is above a given threshold   . Various
thresholds (from
 ) of the fill-factor are given in the previous literature. By manually
labeling some real text strings in images and video frames, we found that 
 is a
reasonable value to avoid the rejection of text strings. The splitting positions (line numbers) are
located using the three following algorithms, applied sequentially in three different cases.
The three splitting algorithms are:

1: Varying length text lines splitting algorithm. This algorithm is used to split text lines from
connected background regions or split two text lines of very different lengths

2: Equal length text lines splitting algorithm aims at splitting two text lines of similar lengths.

3: Baseline refinement algorithm is employed when a text line cannot be split any more. Its
aim is to extract the top and bottom baselines more accurately.

We now describe these three algorithms in more detail.


Algorithm 1: varying length text lines splitting

This algorithm aims at splitting a text region containing text strings of different lengths or text
strings connected with background regions. In fact, most of these connected background regions

are usually shorter than text strings. Let us define the Y-coordinate  which has the maximum

absolute derivative of  :




Let us denote !  as this maximum absolute derivative value and define
the longest line in
the region:



The region is split at line  if the following two conditions are satisfied:




is a given threshold to impose a sufficiently large variation of the   . We found that


is a good value. Figure 4.6 shows split position located using this varying length text
lines splitting algorithm based on maximum derivative.

Recursively performing this algorithm on the given text region and its resulting sub-regions until
no new splitting line is found, we are able to split most of text regions into individual text lines.

In practice, the derivative of   with respect to is approximated by



This approximation has two drawbacks. First, it can miss the maximum derivative point in a
larger scale because it computes the derivative values using only the two positions next to each

other. The way of somehow overcoming this drawback is to estimate the smoothness of the  

by extending    to     . Second, the value !   may correspond to the derivative at either 

or  . We must choose the one that has the smaller 

as  .


y Y−axis projection


Split position


Figure 4.7: Split two text lines using Otsu thresholding. The text lines are not split by the
Algorithm 1 because of its large scale edge.

Algorithm 2: equal length text lines splitting

The above algorithm may fail when a region consists of two text lines of similar lengths and its
 function is very smooth. To split text lines in such a region, the   function is considered
as a one dimension histogram and the text line splitting task is to search for a proper threshold 
that split this histogram into two parts: the part that is above the  line and the part that is below.
This threshold can be found using the class variance method proposed by Otsu [75]. Let us define
the threshold  as:

IE    IE        
 IE    IE       
IE    IE      

The resulting threshold  maximizes the inter-class variance while minimizing the intra-class
variance of the two parts (above and below) of  . Then, if   is less than   of the
longest line   in this region, we split the region at line  . Figure 4.7 illustrates this equal
length text lines splitting algorithm.

Algorithm 3: baseline refinement

If a region cannot be split by the above two algorithms, we assume that it may contain only one
text line. In this case, we apply a baseline refinement algorithm to yield more precise location of
the top and bottom boundaries (baselines) of the region.


More clearly, this algorithm searches for the greatest sub-region (in height) whose fill-factor is

above the given threshold  . Given a region and its   function, the center line of the

sub-region is initialized as the line of the gravity center of the whole region :



The height of the sub-region is initialized to be two pixels less than the minimum target text

height. For example, if the smallest text we want to detected is 8 pixels, we can initialize the
with a height of 6 pixels. Therefore, the initial top line and the bottom line

of the sub-region are:


The algorithm can then be described as the following:

1. Initialize

as above;

2. If the fill-factor of the current region delimited by


is below the threshold
  , the
region is eliminated as a non-text region.



4. If the fill-factor of the updated region is above the threshold

  , go to 3.




as the new top and bottom baselines of the region .

Figure 4.8 shows an example of using this baseline refinement algorithm to find more accurate
baselines of a text string.

Text line selection using heuristic constraints

Figure 4.9 illustrates the result of applying text line extraction step on the image of Figure 4.5.
Typical geometric characteristics of text strings are then employed to select the resulting regions.
The final candidate text line should satisfy the following constraints:

1) The number of pixels contained in this text line is greater than a specified value. This
value is decided by experiments according to the structuring elements used in the dilation
operations. For instance, the value is 75 pixels if the structuring elements of the dilation
and    .


Y−axis projection

Split position


Split position


Figure 4.8: Refinement of top and bottom baselines of a text string.

Figure 4.9: Baseline detection for refining and selecting text lines.


Figure 4.10: Text line localization: the rectangle boundaries of candidate text lines.

2) The horizontal-vertical aspect ratio of the text line is greater than a threshold # . This
threshold is selected according to the minimum number of characters in each text string.

Experimentally, we figure out the relationship between the minimum number of characters
in a text string and this threshold #  :

3) The height of the text line is greater than 8 pixels. The text lines that are than 8 pixels high
have too poor resolution to lead to a good recognition.

Figure 4.10 shows the rectangle boundaries of the candidate text line images. In general, by
adopting the parameters given above, the detectable sizes of the text characters can cover a large
range (from 8 to more than 40 pixels high). An extension of the proposed localization algorithm
for larger characters consists of applying the algorithm on scaled image pyramid, as described in

4.2 Text region verification

As in many other works, the text localization procedure described in the previous section is
rather empirical and may therefore produce false alarms (i.e. non text regions). To remove these
false alarms, a verification process relying on well established machine learning classifiers is
employed. The role of the classifier is to separate the outputs provided by the text localization
step into the text and non-text classes. The localization step produces very unbalanced class
priors, i.e. it produces much more non-text samples than text samples. Thus, most learning
algorithms based on empirical risk minimization, e.g. multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), will have


a tendency to classify correctly only the non-text samples to minimize the error over the data set,
which might not be desirable. On the contrary, structural risk minimization based methods, such
as support vector machine (SVM), aim at minimizing a bound on the generalization error rather
than minimizing the error over the data set, thus enabling a good classification performance on
the text class.
Both MLP and SVM have been studied for the verification task and are presented next. Details
about MLP and SVM can be found in the second chapter. The remaining of this section describes
the character size normalization step, the input features we considered, the training methodology,
and, finally, the text line verification procedure.

4.2.1 Character size normalization

The height of a candidate text line extracted from the text localization procedure does precisely
indicates the size of its inside characters. It is helpful to normalize the whole text line in order to
reduce the variance of the character size. Keeping the same aspect ratio, each candidate text line
is normalized using bilinear interpolation into an image having a 16 pixels height.

4.2.2 Feature extraction

Characters in candidate text lines can be any grayscale values. To reduce this variation, for each
normalized candidate text line , a feature image  is then computed from . Fixed size input

feature vectors to the MLP or SVM are directly extracted from  on 16x16 windows sliding
over the image grid  , which is normalized into
 pixels high. Since the grayscale values of text
and background are supposed to be unknown, we proposed and evaluated four different kinds of
features invariant to the absolute grayscale values. These features are:

1. Grayscale spatial derivatives features.

2. Distance map features.

3. Constant gradient variance features.

4. DCT coefficients.

F1: grayscale spatial derivatives features

The first features we used are the first order spatial derivatives of the image brightness function
in both the

and  directions,     and    , computed at each site . The feature vector
corresponding to a sliding window is the concatenation of the
 pairs of derivatives





The derivative features, as shown in Figure 4.11, are measures of the contrast between characters
and backgrounds. It is invariant to text characters of any grayscale values that have constant
contrast to the background.

F2: distance map features

Since the grayscale values of both characters and background may vary, the contrast of text
characters is background dependent. It implies that the brightness spatial derivatives may have
big variations in the context of text images. Thus, we considered as a second feature image the
distance map  , which only relies on the position of strong edges in the image.  is defined
by [110]:


  is a set of edge points, and !is a distance function, in our case an approximation
of the Euclidean distance. Some examples of distance map features are shown in Figure 4.11.
The distance map feature only relies on the positions of the edges in the edge set . This makes

the distance map feature more independent to the contrast between characters and background
than the grayscale spatial derivative feature. However, the computation of the edge set still
depends on the text/background contrast and a threshold employed in edge detection.

F3: constant gradient variance features

To avoid the need for setting any threshold, we propose a feature called constant gradient variance
(CGV). The variance normalization technique is usually used to enhance grayscale images or to
preprocess input data in speech [64, 97]. Here, we apply this technique on image of the gradient

magnitude to normalize the contrast at a given point using the local contrast variance computed

in a neighborhood of this point. More formally, let  denote the gradient magnitude at site
, and let   (resp. 
) denote the local mean (reps. the local variance) of the gradient
defined by:










where is a 9x9 neighborhood around . Then, the CGV value at site is defined as:


denotes the global gradient variance computed over the whole image grid  . Assum-
, i.e.  follows a normal law with   as the mean and

ing that
 as the variance, it is easy to show that:




where IE denotes the expectation operator. Thus, statistically, each local region in the CGV image
has the same contrast variance. Note, however, that a site with a high CGV value still corresponds
to an edge with a high local brightness contrast. In general, this method will also enhance the
noise in regions with a uniform grayscale value. However such regions will be very rare in our
case since the localization step only provides candidate text images that contain many vertical
and horizontal edges.

F4: DCT coefficients

The last feature vector we tested is composed of discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients
computed over 16x16 blocks using a fast DCT algorithm presented by Feig [25]. This frequency
domain feature is widely used in JPEG and MPEG compression schemes, as well as in texture

and object recognition. They have also been used for text detection [126]. The mathematical
expression of the DCT can be found in the second chapter of this thesis. Out of all  coefficients

only the last are used in the feature vector. The first coefficient, which is proportional to the
mean, does not contain relevant information.

Figure 4.11 illustrates three of these features. The grayscale values shown in the images are
scaled into the range of 0-255 for display reasons. DCT feature images are not shown in this
figure because visually they are not very meaningful.

4.2.3 Multi-layer perceptrons model for text verification

MLP, as introduced in the second chapter, is a widely used neural network. The text verification
is a binary classification problem for an MLP, in which the output layer usually consists of one



Derivative X

Derivative Y

Distance map



Derivative X

Derivative Y

Distance map



Derivative X

Derivative Y

Distance map


Figure 4.11: Examples of three features. The grayscale values shown in the images are scaled
into the range of 0-255 for display reasons. DCT feature images are not shown in this figure since
they are not very meaningful from a visual point of view.


Nh hidden nodes
N i input

Text region



Figure 4.12: MLP model for text verification.

neuron whose output encodes the class membership. The MLP model is illustrated in Figure
4.12. In our case, the MLP has only one hidden layer. The number of hidden neurons  # is
decided by a techniques, referred to as cross-validation, which will be discussed in 4.2.3. The
number of input nodes  depends on the input feature space. For example, the derivative feature

space has
input nodes and the distance map feature space has 256 input nodes.

Therefore, following the definition of MLP in chapter 2, the forward process of the above MLP

for an input vector can be simply written as :




where  (resp.  ) indicates output value (resp. the weight vector) of the MLP final output


Multi-layer perceptrons training

The text verification training set consists of text and non-text examples. These samples are com-
ing from text regions extracted from the DB TrainImage database using the text localization
algorithm presented in the previous chapter.
The MLP training algorithm, the backpropagation algorithm, is a gradient descent procedure in
the weight space of the MLP:


for a training set

  and where we used the following cost function:





The detail expansion of equation 4.16 can be found in the Chapter 2.

Weights initialization, input normalization and learning rate

The weights of the MLP are initialized randomly and updated using eq. 4.16 iteratively. Before
training the input vectors are normalized to have equal mean and unit variance. The learning rate
is first initialized as a big value 0.01 and is decayed every iteration with the rate of 0.01.

Number of hidden neurons

The number of hidden neurons , which is related to the capacity of the MLP, is chosen by
performing a M-fold cross validation on the training set, which is described as following:

1. Partition the training data set into M parts of equal size called the ”folds”. Then, assign
each fold  a possible value of .

2. For  = 1 to M, build an MLP with hidden units and train the MLP using examples in all
the folds except the  th as the training set. Evaluate the error rate of the resulting MLP on
the  th fold considered as the test set.

3. Keep the value of

corresponding to the lowest error rate as the optimal number of
hidden units and built the final MLP with hidden units. The final MLP is then trained on
all the training data to obtain a good model (weight set).

The optimal numbers of hidden neurons of the four features range from 80 to 250 based on 5-fold
cross validation processes.


MLP based verification on feature vector

As mentioned in the feature extraction section, feature vectors are extracted from sub-windows

of a candidate text region. The confidence of an input feature vector belonging to a text
region is measured by the output of the trained MLP, that is:


4.2.4 Model of support vector machine for text verification

The SVM technique has been introduced in the Chapter 2. We performed tests on the three typical
kernels, Gaussian RBF, polynomial and multi-layer perceptrons kernels, using small data sets and
found the three typical kernels achieved quite similar results. In our text verification task, we thus
choose one, the Radial basis function (RBF) as the kernel of the SVMs, recalled as:




where and  are feature vectors.
The kernel bandwidth is determined also by an M-fold cross validation. This M-fold cross-
validation procedure can be outlined in the following way:

1. Partition the training data set into M parts of equal size called the ”folds”. Then, assign
each fold a possible value of .

2. For  = 1 to M, train the SVM using the  th as parameter and all the folds except the  th
as the training set. Evaluate the error rate of the resulting SVM on the  th fold considered
as the test set.

3. Keep the value of corresponding to the lowest error rate as the optimal parameter and
train the SVM using all the training data to obtain a good support vector set.

For the four types of features, we obtained the optimal kernel bandwidths ranging from

. The extracted numbers of support vectors are ranging from 62 to 500.

SVM based verification on feature vector

As in the MLP, the output of the SVM is used as a confidence value at the feature vector level.

The confidence of an input feature vector belonging to a text region is measured by the output
of the trained SVM as:




"   (4.19)

4.2.5 Text-line verification

In the text verification step, the feature vectors discussed in Subsection 4.2.2 and provided to the
classifier are extracted from the normalized candidate text line on
 sliding windows with

a slide step of 4 pixels. Thus, for each candidate text line r, we obtained a set of feature vectors

feature vectors . This confidence is expressed by the magnitude of the SVM function 
The verification of a candidate r is performed by combining the confidence of the individual

given by decision function 2.47 where the sum runs only on the support vector set (i.e. the

samples for which is strictly greater than 0) resulting from the training step. The confidence
of the whole candidate text line r is then defined as:


 - #

" (4.20)

where ! is the distance from the geometric center of the  sliding window to the geometric
center of the text line r, and # is a scale factor depending on the text line length  in terms of
pixels, which is defined as:



The weights of the confidences of the sliding windows are decayed from the center of a text line.
This is mainly because the detected text line often has additional background at the left and right
ends. We obtained better results by giving less weights to the confidences that are close to the
left and right ends. Finally, the candidate text line r is classified as a real text region if

4.3 Experiments and comparison

DB TrainImagesExperiments are performed to evaluate the text localization and verification al-
gorithms presented in the previous sections. In this section, we first discuss the criterions for
evaluating the performance of the algorithms. We then report separately experimental results on
text localization and text verification.


4.3.1 Evaluation criterions

The performance of the text localization step is first measured in terms of pixel recall rate (PRR),
pixel false alarm rate (PFR) and CPU cost. The recall rate is defined as :


where  denotes the total number of text pixels recalled by the algorithm, and  is defined
as the total number of text pixels in the ground truth. The false pixel alarm rate is defined as :


where  denotes the number of false alarm pixels and 

denotes the total number of pixels in
the images. The computational cost is measured by numbers of addition and multiply operation
per pixel in average.
The second set of evaluation criterions is defined at the region level. They make more sense for
text recognition and content-based retrieval tasks. The region recall rate (RRR) is defined as:


where denotes the total number of text regions located by the algorithm, and
 is defined
as the total number of text regions in the ground truth.
The region precision rate (RPR) is defined as:



denotes the total number of text regions extracted by the text localization algorithm or
the whole text localization/verification approach.

4.3.2 Results of text localization

Comparison of text block extraction algorithms

At the lower (pixel) level, we compare the performance of the proposed text block localization
algorithm with two other algorithms, namely the derivative texture algorithm [121] and the ver-
tical edge based algorithm [104] in table 4.1, which can provide pixel-level localization and are
often adopted in recent text detection systems [119, 93]. These two algorithms are implemented
by ourselves according to the referenced papers. Let us first recall these two algorithms whose
mathematical details have been discussed in the Chapter 2.
The derivative texture algorithm:


iX-based PRR PFR


Derivative Texture 90.54% 3.48%
Vertical Edge
Our algorithm  




Table 4.1: Performance and running costs of different text detection techniques. RPR denotes the
recall pixel rate and FPR denotes the false pixel alarm rate. The computational cost is measured
by numbers of addition and multiply operation per pixel in average.

1. Produce three smoothed images from the given image using Gaussian function with zero
mean and three variances:
,  and .

2. At each corresponding pixel position, extract 3 second-order derivatives from every smoothed
image and build a 9-dimentional vector feature.

3. Classify the feature vectors of all the pixel positions into three classes (text, non-text and
uncertain) using k-means.

The vertical edge algorithm:

1. Compute first-order derivative in the X direction using the vertical Sobel operator.

2. Smooth the derivative image using a Gaussian function.

3. Threshold the smoothed image. In the resulting image, “1” indicates the text pixels and
“0” indicates the background.

For a good evaluation process, the algorithms should be applied on characters of various grayscale
values, various scales and various backgrounds. Therefore, the evaluation data set is defined in
the following way.
First, we selected 40 video frames from the DB TrainImages database as backgrounds. These
frames do not contain any text. Then, we embed text strings at different places of these back-
grounds. The length of the text strings are modulated from 4 characters to 40 characters, aligned
in the same line and grouped into less than five words. The grayscale values of the characters
can be 10, 80, 160 and 200. The character sizes are also controlled, ranging from 10 pixels to 45
pixels high. After the embedding of a text string into a background image, gaussian noise with
a 10 db signal to noise ratio is added to the image. The image is then compressed using JPEG
codec (with a 75% quality rate) to include compression noise. We selected and applied these
noise introductions and compression procedure so that the resulting images will more likely be
representative of real camera-based images or video frames.
It can be observed that the proposed feature, which is based on short and connected vertical and
horizontal edges, yields the highest recall rate. The computation cost of the proposed method is
lower than the derivative texture algorithm and similar to the vertical edge based method.


At the higher level, the baseline detection algorithm leads to regions (text lines). Further results
at this level show that although the use of the horizontal edges increases the computation load,
it also saves time by producing less false alarm regions, thus reducing the cost of the baseline
detection step.

Evaluation of text localization

left range

top range


right range

Figure 4.13: Valid baseline ranges: the shading parts indicate the valid baseline range.

The proposed text localization method composed of the fast text block extraction and baseline
extraction is evaluated at region level on the databases the DB S and DB NewsVideo databases.
A text line is considered to be correctly located if it matches a ground-truth text region. A text
region in ground-truth is labeled as a rectangle with the top (  ), the bottom ( ), the left

( ) and the right (  ) boundaries. Let us define the top, bottom,left and right boundaries of a
detected text line as 

and  . A match between the text line and a ground-truth  
region fulfills all the following conditions:











The area constrained in the above conditions is illustrated in Figure 4.13 using shadows.
The proposed method extracted 250 out of the 260 text lines and 78 false alarms in the DB SceneImages
database. It extracted all the 9369 text lines and 7537 false alarms in the DB NewsVideo database.
The obtained RRR and RPR are shown in Table 4.2.

database RRR RPR

DB SceneImages 96.2% 76.2%
DB NewsVideo 100% 55.4%

Table 4.2: Performance of the proposed text localization method evaluated on the
DB SceneImages and DB NewsVideo databases. RRR denotes the region recall rate and RPR
denotes the region precision rate.

The method is tuned to optimize only the RRR because a higher precision is expected from the
verification step. It is necessary to emphasis that the RPR criterion depends on the frequency of
text strings appearing in the video. The results obtained on the DB NewsVideo database can only
give an idea about the region extraction precision in news videos.

4.3.3 Results of text verification

The text verification algorithms were trained and tested on the candidate text regions extracted by
the text localization algorithm. We first train the classifiers (MLPs and SVMs) on the database
DB TrainImages using derivative features, distance map features, constant gradient variance fea-
tures and DCT coefficients. The optimal combination of a feature and a classifier that yields
the lowest error rate is selected from the experimental results obtained on the DB TrainImages
database. Then, this optimal model is applied on the DB NewsVideo database to evaluate the
verification algorithm at the region level.
The feature extraction, training and testing procedures described in Subsection 4.2 were applied
on the DB TrainImages database. More precisely, 2,400 candidate text regions containing both
true text lines and false alarms were randomly selected from the output of the text localization
step applied on this database. From these regions the feature extraction step produced 76,470
vectors for each of the four kinds of features. We equally divided the 76,470 vectors into a
training set and a test set. It was ensured that the training sets of different features contained
vectors extracted from the same windows (i.e. same image and location). The same was ensured
for the the test set. Experiments are characterized by couples (classifier, feature) with two kinds
of classifiers (MLPs and SVMs) and four kinds of features.





Table 4.3: Error rates of the SVM and MLP classifiers for the text verification task. DIS denotes
the distance map features. DERI denotes the grayscale spatial derivative features. CGV denotes
the constant gradient variance features. DCT denotes the DCT coefficients.

Table 4.3 lists the error rates measured on the test set for each feature/classifier combination. The
error rate denotes the miss classification of both text and non-text feature vectors. First of all, we
can see that these results are very good (less than 6% errors), taking into account the fact that
they are based on a single feature vector. Secondly, whatever the considered feature, the SVM
classifiers give better results than the MLP classifiers. This might be explained by the nature of
the SVM classifiers, which optimizes a bound on the generalization error rather than the empirical
risk. The experiments show that the RBF kernels provide an hyperplane as shown in Figure 4.14.
This implies that the RBF kernel SVMs have a chance to make better generalization on unseen
background regions.
Finally, we can see that the proposed constant gradient variance feature provides the best result.
This can be explained by its better invariance to text/background contrast.

4.3.4 Results of combining localization and verification

The performance of the whole localization/verification scheme was evaluated on the DB NewsVideo
database. The SVM classifier together with the CGV feature was employed to verify the candi-
date text regions based on the confidence value given by Eq. 4.20. This verification scheme
removed 51 regions out of the 78 false alarms in the DB SceneImages database and rejected 2
true text regions. In the DB NewsVideo database, it removed 7255 regions of the 7537 false
alarms while only rejecting 23 true text lines, leading to a 99.76% region recall rate (RRR) and a
97% region precision rate (RPR) as listed in Table 4.4. Figure 4.15 shows examples of detected
text on some images in our databases.

4.4 Conclusion of the text detection

In this chapter, we presented a scheme for detecting text in images and video frames using ma-
chine learning approaches. With the discussions and experiments in this chapter, we can have the


Figure 4.14: The decision surface of two classes using a RBF kernel based support vector ma-


database RRR RPR

DB SceneImages 95.4% 90.2%
DB NewsVideo 99.76% 97.0%

Table 4.4: Performance of the localization/verification scheme on DB NewsVideo database.

RRR denotes the region recall rate and RPR denotes the region precision rate.

following conclusions.
Some hard text detection problems can be addressed by two major steps: candidate text line
localization and verification. Since there are obvious characteristics of text strings that can be
exploited for localizing text, a low rejection rate text localization can be achieved in most cases.
Then, the remaining problem is to distinguish between true text lines and false located regions
after normalization, which is a little easier than detecting various sizes and grayscale values text
in whole images. Experiments have shown that although the localization step may sometimes
miss some text, mainly the scene text, the whole detection scheme still achieved more than 95%
region recall rates.
The experiments have shown that machine learning classifiers can be efficiently developed and
used for text detection in our localization/verification scheme. The size normalization and the
grayscale value invariant feature extraction are the key steps to obtain good classifiers.
Although we collect large number of images and video frames in for training the classifiers,
the text verification is still database dependent. To obtain a good model for new data in a real
application, especially for news videos from different TV station, it may require to re-train the


Figure 4.15: Some examples of detected text regions in images or video frames.

Chapter 5

Text recognition

As an extension of conventional OCR system, text recognition in images and video sequences
aims at recognizing the characters or words in the detected text regions. The detected text regions
are usually local image regions of rectangle shapes as shown in Figure 5.1. Under each text region
we have displayed the text recognited by an OCR software (RTK 1 ). Obviously, these recognition
results are not acceptable for content-based multimedia applications.
The main reason leading to these bad results is the poor segmentation quality of the text images.
Traditional OCR systems recognize characters using the shape information of characters. In the
case of characters printed against clean papers, the shape information of these characters is easy
to obtain using binarization algorithms. More formally, we can say that a recognition system
requires the characters to be somehow segmented from the background at first. Most commercial
OCR systems are applying a binarization algorithm to the input image. When applied on the text
images extracted from images and video frames, just like the images shown in the Figure 5.1, this
binarization algorithm usually can not segment the characters well. Therefore this leads to poor
recognition results.
Figure 5.2 shows the two schemes, bi-modal text enhancement approach and multi-modal seg-
mentation approach that we propose and evaluate in this chapter to address the recognition issue.
On the left of the figure, we illustrated the conventional bi-modal method, which directly bina-
rize an input text image and apply the OCR software for the recognition. The term bi-modal
refers to that the algorithm models the grayscale values of a text image with two segmentation
layers. In the middle, the figure shows our bi-modal text enhancement approach. It aims at en-
hancing the contrast between text characters and background objects so that they are easier to be
segmented by a binarization algorithm. Alternatively, multi-modal approaches are proposed to
improve text image segmentation qualities by modeling the grayscale values of a text image with
multiple segmentation layers. OCR is applied on every segmentation layer from specified modals
that is referred to as segmentation hypothesis. The final recognition result is then selected from
the OCR output results of multiple segmentation hypotheses. Both bi-modal and multi-modal
scheme may produce false segmented regions. These false segmented regions are mixed with
OCR engine produced by EXPERVISION


output nothing

output nothing

output nothing

“m ”

output nothing


output nothing


Figure 5.1: Text regions extracted by using the text detection approach described in the last chap-
ter. The recognition results displayed under the text regions are obtaining by using a commercial
OCR software (RTK Expervision).


Static text

bi-modal scheme multi-modal scheme

direct binarization binarization after enhancement multiple segmentation hypotheses

(conventional) Section 5.1 Section 5.21

OCR OCR Section 5.21

OCR result selection
Section 5.21

Figure 5.2: Structure of schemes and related methods in this chapter.

real character regions and often lead to poor recognition results of the OCR software. Therefore,
post-segmentation processing is necessary to remove the segmented regions that are obviously
not characters.

5.1 Bi-modal text enhancement

To obtain better binarization results, text enhancement approaches can be applied to selectively
enlarge the contrast between characters and backgrounds.
In [120], Wu simply smoothes the detected text region using a Gaussian low pass filter. Smooth-
ing eliminates noise from both text characters and backgrounds. However, it also blurs the char-
acters with the background. Therefore, this method is not very effective on text in complex
background, such as video text. Sato [93] [94] enhances the text on the basis of the line elements
of characters. To this end, he used filters with four orientations: vertical, horizontal, left diagonal


and right diagonal. However, because real scales are unknown, it is difficult to design a good
enhancing filter that can be applied successfully on the line elements of characters with different
stroke widths.
Noticing that stripes are common sub-structures of text characters, we propose a scale adaptive
stripe filtering method for enhancing text characters using the orientation and scales of local sub-
structures (stripes). We first locate the sub-structures of the text using an edge detection algorithm
and estimate the orientation and scale of each sub-structure using a family of filters, which are
derived from Gabor filters. We then select three scale ranges and enhance the contrast of these
sub-structures as character strokes in each scale range individually to improve the performance
of binarization.

5.1.1 Stripe localization

Stripes, the common sub-structures of text characters, usually form strong edges against their
background. To find candidate character stripes, a Canny edge operator is first employed to
detect the strong edges. In practice, close points associated with the same edge have similar
scales. The sharp orientation changes exist mostly at corners, which are small areas and can be

omitted in the enhancement. Therefore, to reduce the computation, the image is segmented into

blocks, where is set equal to half the size of the smallest thickness of the substructures of
the text (here ). We keep only one edge point in each block, which has the highest gradient
magnitude to perform the orientation and scale estimation. Commonly, the number of resulting
candidate points is less than 10% of the sum of all pixels in one image. This reduces the number
of pixels to be processed in the next step, yielding a more efficient algorithm.

5.1.2 Asymmetric Filter

The orientations and scales of the pixels on the edge of a stripe can be estimated by applying

band selective filters, for example the Gabor filters. The family of two-dimensional Gabor fil-
ters   , which was proposed by Daugman [17], are often used to obtain the spatial
frequency of the local pattern in an image:




*  (5.1)

*    &)(+* 

where the arguments and represent the pixel 

coordinates, is a phase parameter, is the 
variance of Gaussian for smoothing, parameter specifies the orientation of the filter, the constant

determines the spatial aspect ratio, and is called the spatial bandwidth. Applying these filters
on a given stripe, the highest filter response is given by the filter with the optimal orientation
and the optimal spatial frequency of a local image region. However, the highest responses are


always located on the center axle of the stripe. The conventional Gabor filter responses on the
edge pixels since are close to zero.
In order to perform scale and orientation estimation directly on edge points, we introduce two
groups of Gabor-based asymmetric filters: edge-form filters and stripe-form filters. The edge-
form filters the Gabor filters with - :







 *   -


&)(+*   *  

*    &)(+* 


 are defined as a Gabor filter with a translation     

  stripe-form filters


  &)(+*  -  &      

&)(+*   *     

   *    &)(+*  

This additional translation makes the original Gabor filters to be asymmetric. The reason is that
when applying these asymmetric filters to a stripe with optimal orientation and scale, the highest
filter responses are located on edge points instead of on the middle axle. Therefore, we can save
the computation of estimating the scale of the stripes by only apply my stripe-form filters on the
edge points.

for 8 orientations with .  

Figure 5.3 shows the pattern of the edge-form filters (Fig. 1a) and stripe-form filters (Fig. 1bc)

Applying the stripe-form filters on a given edge point # # of a character stripe in the input
image , we can obtain the highest filter response at the optimal and :

# # (5.2)

The parameter corresponds to the orientation of the stripe and indicates the thickness of the




Figure 5.3: Asymmetric filters in 8 orientations with  

: (a) edge-form filters , (b) stripe-
form filters

5.1.3 Orientation estimation

To have a fast searching of these two optimal parameters, we found that the orientation parameter
can be first estimated from the output of the edge-form filters:

       #  # (5.3)

In other words, the optimal orientation of an edge point of a potential stripe is computed by
maximizing the edge-form filtering at the point with respect to the orientation . The bandwidth

or thickness is set to be the smallest value for the sake of computation complexity (i.e.

The resulting optimal orientation is denoted as .

5.1.4 Thickness estimation

Theoretically, the optimal thickness of an edge point of a potential stripe can be obtained by

maximizing the stripe-form
  filtering 5.2 at the point with respect to the thickness factor through
the optimal orientation :

       arg         #  #

In practice, this maximization can be done by a fast procedure using both edge and stripe-form
filters instead of performing a full search. The key of this fast procedure is to find a good initial


Typical filter responds of multi−scale

Edge Detector
Stripe Detector



Filter responds




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 5.4: Responses of asymmetric filters on the edge of a vertical bar image.

thickness , which is close to the optimal thickness . The idea comes from the filters responses

on the ideal case.
We apply edge-form and stripe-form filters with different and known optimal

orientation ( ) to a vertical bar image. Figure 5.4 illustrates the responses of these filters. The

results show that if the pixel  is on the edge of a stripe structure, the responses of the stripe-
form filters are smaller than the responses of the edge-form
are rather smaller than the scale of the stripe (   

    ),thebut scale
filters when
of the filters
when  the

thickness of the filters are rather larger than the thickness of the stripe (    
The thickness at which the stripe-form filter response intersects the edge-form filter response is

thus initialize thickness

called the intersection point. This intersection point is close to the optimal thickness . We
. The intersection point can be located using a binary search
method, which is described below:

 , initialize the searching range of thickness  

1) At the given point ; For example the


searching range can be   
in a text image normalized to be 100 pixels high.

2) Compute the middle thickness in the searching range



3) Compute the edge-form and stripe-form filtering responses    
   ) then 
4) If (     
     , and goto step 2.

      ) then

5) If (    
, and goto step 2.

   ) return
6) If (  .


Then, the Eq. 5.4 can be maximized using a full search in the rang of . Experimen-
tally, we found that is good for most of the cases.

5.1.5 Enhancement

The estimated orientations and thickness of the stripes can be used to enhance the input video
frame before the text is detected so that the enhanced image can benefit the text segmentation.
The enhanced image  of a given text image is defined as:


where is a weight parameter of the enhancement. We found that the weight

  is a good
value. The enhancing image  is defined as:


To illustrate the result of this enhancement procedure on an original image, we applied the pro-

posed enhancement algorithm on the image of Fig. 5.5 (a). Since we do not normalize the image,

the enhancements are performed in three different thickness ranges , , and  , by set them 



initial searching range in the proposed algorithm. The first thickness


enhances the small stripes. The second thickness
range  enhances the
    targets large characters. The
middle size stripes and the last range

enhancing images  in these three ranges are shown in figure 5.5 (b,c,d). The corresponding
enhanced images are displayed below them.





Figure 5.5: (a) is original frame image; (b, c, d) are reconstructed image patterns in 3 scale
ranges; ( ) are enhanced images in 3 scale ranges.


Text image Enhanced text image



Figure 5.6: Illustration of the text enhancement algorithm. The recognition results of original
text image and enhanced text image are displayed under the two binarized image.

5.1.6 Performing character recognition on enhanced images

We now apply the bi-modal enhancement method to recognize characters in text images. The

detected text images are first normalized to the height of 100 pixels with bilinear interpolation.
We then enhance the images at the thickness range of    . The enhanced images are binarized
using Otsu’s thresholding method [75]. Before applying the OCR, we employed a connected
component analysis algorithm to remove non-character regions from the binarized images. This
algorithm is discussed in the Section 5.2.2. Figure 5.6 shows the result of direct binarization
of a text image, enhanced image and the binarization of this enhanced image. The character
recognition results obtained using a commercial OCR package (RTK) are displayed under the
two binary images. The character recognition performance of this bi-modal enhancement method
is reported in the Section 5.3.2 on the basis of large databases.

5.2 Multiple hypotheses segmentation scheme

The enhancement technique aims at improving the binarization result of text images before ap-
plying an OCR module. However, an optimal binarization might be difficult to achieve when
the background is complex and the grayscale distribution exhibits several modes (see figure 5.7).






Figure 5.7: Illustration of the results of applying the text enhancement algorithm on multi-model
text images. (a) original images; (b) enhanced images.

Moreover, the grayscale value of text may not be known in advance. These problems are illus-
trated in Figure 5.8 by examples of detected text images .
To handle the problems encountered with the bi-modal assumption, multiple segmentation re-
sults of a given text image can provide complementary information for the character recognition
system and therefore have potential possibilities to improve the recognition results. Figure 5.9
describes the multi-hypotheses approach we propose for segmenting and recognizing characters
in images. In this approach, a segmentation algorithm that classify the pixels into classes is
applied on the text image. Then, for each class label, a binary text image hypothesis is generated
by assuming that this label corresponds to text and all other labels corresponds to background.
This binary image is then passed through a connected component analysis and grayscale consis-
tency constraint module and forwarded to the OCR system, producing a string hypothesis (see
Figure 5.10). Therefore, if we have different labels, we get hypotheses. The choice of
is an important and difficult issue. One general way to address this problem consists in checking
whether the increase in model complexity really provides a better fit of the data, using the mini-
mum description length criterion for instance. However, this information theoretic approach may
not be appropriate for qualifying good text segmentation. Therefore, we used a more conserva-
tive approach, by varying from 2 to 3 (reps. 4), generating, in this way, five (resp. nine) string
hypotheses from which the text result is selected.
Three different segmentation algorithms have been tested. They are described in the next subsec-
tion. The post-processing steps and the result selection algorithm are presented afterwards.

5.2.1 Segmentation algorithms

 denote the set of sites (pixels), and  be an assignment of an observation field  , 
The gray-level segmentation of an image can be formally defined as a labeling problem. Let










0 50 100 150 200 250







0 50 100 150 200 250





0 50 100 150 200 250






0 50 100 150 200 250










0 50 100 150 200 250

Figure 5.8: Examples of detected text images and their histograms. They illustrate the com-
plex backgrounds and multi-modal grayscale value distributions that can be encountered in text


Image Hypothesis

Segmentation OCR
Postprocessing OCR

Result Selection
K=3 Segmentation
and OCR Result

K=4 Segmentation OCR

and .

Figure 5.9: The multiple hypotheses text segmentation and recognition scheme.

, where 
corresponds to the gray-level value at site . We model the image intensities in
terms of the combination of simple random processes, also referred to as layers. Each simple

process is expected to represent regions of the image having similar gray levels, one of them
being text. Thus, the segmentation consists in the mapping of pixels to processes. It is stated

as a statistical labeling problem, where the goal is to find the assignment  of a label field ,


that best accounts for the observations, according to a given
To perform the segmentation, we proposed 3 algorithms:

1. Standard EM algorithm, a maximum likelihood classifier with a standard EM procedure

for the class parameter estimation.

2. Gibbsian EM algorithm, a Maximum a Posteriori classifier with a prior (Markov) model

on the local field, and a Gibbsian EM algorithm estimation.

3. k-means algorithm.



3 binary images

Connected component

Grayscale consistency
...... ......


Figure 5.10: Segmentation and post-processing steps in the multiple hypotheses segmentation

In the first two cases, the probability that a gray value  arises at a given site within a particular
layer  is modeled by a gaussian, i.e. p  =  $  . In the third case, the gray values of
pixels in a given image are classified to minimize the intra-class variance while maximizing the
inter-class variance.

The standard EM algorithm

In this algorithm, the  individual processes are combined into a probabilistic mixture model
according to:


p   !

  p     ! - 


Given an image, the goal is thus to find the set of parameters   -
= $  - "   maximiz-
ing the likelihood of the data set  defined as:

 p     p 



Using the standard “expectation-maximization” (EM) algorithm (in the Chapter 2 [20]), the ex-
pected log-likelihood of the complete data (i.e., observations and labels) can be iteratively max-

imized with respect to the unknown data (the labels). After maximization, the labels can be

assigned according to the resulting optimal parameters to the most probable layer according
to the Maximum likelihood rule:



The Gibbsian EM (GBEM) algorithm

While the EM algorithm is able to capture most of the gray level distribution properties, it does

not model the spatial correlation between assignment of pixels to layers, resulting in noisy label
images. To overcome this, we introduce some prior by modeling the label field as a Markov
Random Field (MRF). Therefore, the goal of segmenting an image (an observation)  is to search
for the most a posteriori probable configuration  that give rise to  . Following the discussion of

the section 2.3.2, it is equivalent to minimizing an energy function:





expressing the adequacy between observations and labels, as in the EM algorithm. For the defi-
nition of , we only considered second-order neighbors and set to:


S C C diag

Figure 5.11: Neighbors defined in GBEM algorithm.

! ! !


where  # (resp.     ) denotes the set of two elements cliques (i.e. two neighbor pixels) in the
horizontal/vertical (resp. diagonal) direction, as shown in Figure 5.11. The are the (local)
interaction potentials which express the prior on the label field. For instance, if we have:

#      #   

#      (5.11)

the prior will favor label fields where horizontal and vertical neighbor sites have similar labels.
For another example, if we assume all the layers to be spatially homogeneous, we can select the
potentials according to :






where denotes the kronecker function.  and #  therefore represent the costs to have different

labels at neighboring pixels in the corresponding direction.


The method of minimization of the energy           can be found in

Chapter 2. We first train the parameters 

and then obtain the segmentation using MAP. The 
complexity of this GBEM algorithm is approximately 4 times greater than the complexity of the
basic EM algorithm.


The K-means algorithm

In this method, the goal is to find the means of the disjoint subsets
  (the layers) which
minimizes the intra-class variance [75], that is :

  ! !

 $    !



where $ is the mean value of pixels in each layer.

The minimization can be achieved using standard algorithms, which iteratively assign each data
to the class of the nearest center and then re-compute the means.

5.2.2 Post-processing

The goal of the post-processing step is to remove false (non-character) regions in an given seg-
mented text image (a binary image) before applying OCR on it. The existence of the false regions,
such as noise points and bar-style background regions, lead the OCR software to errors of locat-
ing or segmenting text characters. Therefore, the OCR software produces bad recognition results.
In this section, we propose two approaches to remove false regions. One approach is based one
the analysis of connected component regions. In this approach, simple measures of the shape of
a region are exploited to distinguish characters from false regions. The other approach is based
on a grayscale consistent constraint. It rejects connected regions whose pixel grayscale values
are different from that of the majority of pixels in the original image. These two approaches are
discussed in the following two sections.

Connected component analysis

A simple connected component analysis is used to eliminate non-character regions in each hy-
pothesis to help the OCR system. We exploit some simple measures of the shape of a given region
(connected component) and set constraints according to the statistical results of real characters
in images and video frames. All the input text images are normalized to the same height (see
Fig. 5.8), which is 100 pixels. We only keep connected component that satisfies the following

1) The size of the connected component is bigger than 120 pixels, which is the minimum size
of a “dot” in the character “i” or “j”;

2) The width/height ratio of the connected component is between 2.5 and 0.1, which is set
according to the character “i” and “W” in different fonts;

3) The width of the connected component is less than 2.1 the height of the whole text region,
which is also set according to the character “W” in different fonts.


Grayscale consistent constraint

Since we only consider 2 to 4 layers in the segmentation, regions from the background with
a gray value slightly different from that of characters may still belong to the text layer/class.
Unfortunately, the rather crude connected component analysis described previously is unable to
always eliminate such regions. We thus developed another module to enforce a more stringent
gray consistency among the connected components. The procedure is the following and is applied
to each layer (see Figure 5.10).
After the connected component analysis step, which is especially useful in eliminating rather
large and elongated non-text regions, we estimate with a robust estimator the gray level mean

and standard deviation  of the set   of sites belonging to the remaining regions. More

precisely, we first compute:










denotes the median operator [90]. Valid pixels are then identified by checking that their
gray value is within a given range of  , that is:



with k a given ratio (we use a value of 2). Then the mean  and standard deviation  are

computed from the valid pixels only, using the usual formula. Finally, a connected component is
eliminated from the layer if more than 50% of its pixels have a gray level value different than the
majority of pixels, that is, verify:




An illustration of the result of this step is displayed in Fig. 5.12.






Figure 5.12: Applying grayscale consistency constraint: a) original image b) text layer (3 layers,
GBEM algorithm) c) same as b), after the connected component analysis d) same as c), after the
gray level consistency step.

5.2.3 OCR and result selection

The selection of the result from the set of strings generated by the segmentation processes (see
Figure 5.9) is based on a confidence value evaluation relying on language modeling. The confi-
dence value should account for both the measurement quality and the prior on the strings’ char-
acters. From a qualitative point of view, we can notice that, when given text-like background or
inaccurate segmentation, the OCR system produces mainly garbage characters like “.”, “ ”,“!”,

“&” etc and simple characters like “i”,“‘l”, and “r”.

Let us denote by a string

 denotes the length of the string and each
character is an element of the character set :


corresponds to any other garbage character. Then, let us denote by   (resp.   )
in which
the hypothesis that the string or the characters are generated from an accurate (resp. a noisy)
segmentation. The confidence value is estimated using a variant of the log-likelihood ratio:




where is a bias that is discussed below. Using the Bayers rule, the probability of the accurate
segmentation given the string is equal to:


 p  (5.21)


The probability of the noise segmentation given the string

 is equal to:




Here, we assume an equal prior on the two hypotheses:

p    p  

Therefore, the confidence value is equal to:

    (  p  

(  p  

We estimated the noise free language model p    by applying the CMU-Cambridge Statistical 
Language Modeling (SLM) toolkit on Gutenberg collections 2 , which contains a huge mount of
text of books. A bi-gram model was selected. Cutoff and backoff techniques [44] were employed
to address the problems associated with sparse training data for special characters (e.g. numbers
and garbage characters). The noisy language model p    was obtained by applying the same 
toolkit on a database of strings collected from the OCR system output when providing the OCR
input with either badly segmented texts or text-like false alarms coming from the text detection
process. Only a uni-gram model was used because the size of the background data set was
insufficient to obtain a good bi-gram model. The bias is necessary to account for the string 
length. It was observed that without this bias, the likelihood ratio would quite often select strings
with only a few quite reliable letters instead of the true string. By incorporating this bias in the
confidence value, the selection module was encouraged to compare string results whose length
was in accordance with the underlying text image width. Setting  , the confidence value is   
finally defined as:

    ( p       

"   ( p   

"  p    

5.3 Experiments and results on stationary images

5.3.1 Criterions for evaluating the recognition performance

To assess the performance of the different algorithms, we used the character recognition rate
(CRR) and the character precision rate (CPR). They are computed on a ground truth basis as:



where  is the true total number of characters,   is the number of correctly recognized char-
acters and   is the total number of extracted characters. The number of correctly recognized

characters is computed using an edit distance 3 between the recognized string and the ground
truth4 . More precisely, let  , !  ,  and  respectively denote the length of the recognized
text string, the number of deletions, insertions, and substitutions obtained when computing the
edit distance. The number   of correctly recognized characters in this string is then defined as:


Intuitively, if in order to match the ground truth, we need to delete a character or substitute a
character, it means that this character is not in the ground truth. Additionally, we compute the
word recognition rate (WRR) to get an idea of the coherency of character recognition within one
solution. For each text image, we count the words from the ground truth of that image that appear
in the string result. Thus, the word recognition rate is defined as the percentage of words from
the ground truth that are recognized in the string results (it doesn’t need any dictionary).

5.3.2 Performance of the bi-modal enhancement algorithm

We tested the text enhancement algorithm on the databases DB TrainImages, DB SceneImages

and DB Temporal. From DB TrainImages we extract 1208 images containing 9579 characters
and 2084 words, which are randomly selected. Most of the text characters in this set have artificial

contours. These characters have various grayscale values. For the DB Temporal database, which
contains  sequences of text images, we only keep the image that is in the middle of each
sequence as the key images for testing.

Test set images characters CRR direct binaization CRR of enhenced

DB TrainImages 1208 9579 92.5% 92.6%
DB SceneImages 50 2863 47.7% 70.9%
DB Temporal 247 2899 87.8% 88.0%

Table 5.1: Recognition results of three test sets using bi-modal algorithms. CRR: character
recognition rate.

In all the experiments, we performed the post-processing with only the connected component
analysis step before applying the OCR software. Otherwise, the OCR will yields very poor
recognition results because of false regions in the binary images. The results show that the
The edit distance of two strings, s1 and s2, is defined as the minimum number of character operations needed to
change s1 into s2, where an operation is one of the following : deletion, insertion, substitution.
Only numeric, upper and lower case letters are kept.


 Algorithm Ext. CRR CPR WRR

EM 7715 74.9% 93.1% 61.0%
2 GBEM 9300 92.8% 95.6% 83.5%
Kmeans 9260 92.5% 95.7% 82.8%
EM 9239 89.9% 93.2% 80.9%
3 GBEM 9302 89.9% 92.6% 80.7%
Kmeans 9394 91.3% 93.1% 82.2%
EM 9094 87.4% 92.1% 77.7%
4 GBEM 9123 88.3% 92.8% 79.9%
Kmeans 9156 88.0% 92.1% 79.7%

Table 5.2: Recognition results without grayscale consistency constraint (GCC): number of ex-
tracted characters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), precision (CPR) and word recognition
rate (WRR).

proposed enhancement algorithm can improve the DB SceneImages database in terms of the
character recognition rate. The proposed two groups of asymmetric Gabor filters can efficiently
extract the orientations and thickness of the stripes of characters. Using the resulting orientations
and thickness the contrast of stripes can be selectively enhanced and therefore lead to better
recognition results.
However, the results also show that this bi-modal text enhancement algorithm is less helpful for
the images of the DB TrainImages and DB Temporal databases. There are two main reasons for
this. Firstly, in these two test sets, characters mostly have contour or graphic backgrounds (see
Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.5. The bi-modal enhancement is not working well on these contour char-
acters because there are also many stripes structures in the contours themselves. The algorithm
makes wrong decisions and enhances the contour instead of the character stripes. Secondly, the
grayscale values of these characters are not only white and black but any grayscale values. The
enhancement algorithm can enhance the contrast of the text images. However, the images remain
multimodal. In the bi-modal framework, these images still can not be correctly segmented. To
obtain a better solution for recognizing characters in any grayscale values, we will introduce a
multi-modal framework in the next section.

5.3.3 Performance of the multiple hypotheses scheme

Since the DB TrainImages database contains characters in various grayscale values, we first per-
form multiple hypotheses recognition scheme for evaluating the three segmentation algorithms
proposed in the Section 5.2.1 and the post-processing methods CCA and GCC on the test set
2. Figure 4.15 shows some text images in the DB TrainImages database. We can see that the
grayscale value of characters is not always the highest (or lowest).
We first report results where the string result is selected from the hypotheses generated by ap-
plying the segmentation algorithm one time with a fixed  value, and when applying only the
connected component analysis as a post-processing step. This will serve as a baseline for the


 Algorithm Ext. CRR CPR WRR

EM 7914 77.9% 94.2% 66.2%
2 GBEM 9307 94.0% 96.8% 87.1%
Kmeans 9291 93.8% 96.7% 86.8%
EM 9245 90.3% 93.6% 81.7%
3 GBEM 9268 89.5% 92.5% 81.1%
Kmeans 9395 91.2% 93.0% 83.4%
EM 9136 88.0% 92.3% 78.9%
4 GBEM 9123 87.7% 92.1% 79.1%
Kmeans 9195 88.9% 92.6% 80.4%

Table 5.3: Recognition results with GCC : number of extracted characters (Ext.), character recog-
nition rate (CRR), character precision rate (CPR) and word recognition rate (WRR).

rest of the experiments. Table 5.2 lists the results obtained with the three described segmentation
methods. It can be seen that the usual bi-modality (K=2) hypothesis yield the best character and
word recognition rate with the GBEM and Kmeans algorithms. This may explain why most of
previous efforts are made in improving binarization algorithms. However, in the case of K=3,
the Kmeans algorithm also gives quite similar results. Indeed, some text images are composed of
the grayscale characters, contrast contours around characters, and background (see figure 5.8). In
this case, the grayscale values are better modeled with 3 or more clusters. Under the bimodality
assumption (K=2), the GBEM algorithm yields better results than the typical Otsu’s binarization
method (Kmeans with K=2) in terms of both character recognition rate and word recognition rate.
This is probably due to the better adaptability of the GBEM algorithm, which learns the spatial
properties of the text and background layers. This helps in avoiding over segmentation, as can be
seen from the example of Figure 5.13.

the baseline system. The corresponding results are listed in table 5.3. When 

The grayscale consistency constraint (GCC) technique described in Section 5.2.2 was added to
, they show
an increase in absolute value of about 4% of both the CRR and WRR together with an increase of
1.2% of the CPR. This is due to the ability of the GCC to remove burst-like noise (i.e. significant
background regions with a slightly different grayscale value than characters) which greatly impair
the recognition of the OCR. For higher values of , the increase is less important. Indeed, in

these cases, the grayscale consistency constraint is inherently better respected.

In the proposed multiple hypotheses framework, more hypotheses can be generated by running
each segmentation algorithm several times with different  values and selecting the ”best” one
according to the algorithm described in Subsection 5.2.3. Table 5.4 lists the results obtained by
generating 5 or 9 hypotheses (using K=2 to 4), without employing the GCC post-processing. The
method achieves a 96.6% CRR and a 93.1% WRR, which constitutes a reduction of more than
50% of both the character recognition and word recognition error rates with respect to the best
baseline result (GBEM with K=2). These results demonstrates firstly the complementary of the
solutions provided when assuming different  values, and secondly the ability of our selection
algorithm to choose the right solution. Interestingly, the results obtained with 9 hypotheses are not
better than the results obtained using only 5 hypotheses. It probably means that the segmentation


 Algorithm Ext. CRR CPR WRR

EM 9480 93.3% 94.3% 86.7%
2,3 GBEM 9606 96.6% 96.3% 93.1%
Kmeans 9565 96.6% 96.8% 92.8%
EM 9417 93.2% 94.8% 86.8%
2,3,4 GBEM 9604 96.6% 96.2% 93.0%
Kmeans 9547 96.6% 97.0% 92.9%

Table 5.4: Recognition results from 5, 9 hypotheses without GCC : number of extracted charac-
ters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), character precision rate (CPR) and word recognition
rate (WRR).

 Algorithm Ext. CRR CPR WRR

EM 9449 94.0% 95.3% 88.1%
2,3 GBEM 9579 96.5% 96.5% 92.8%
Kmeans 9587 97.1% 97.0% 93.7%
EM 9411 93.9% 95.6% 88.1%
2,3,4 GBEM 9557 96.6% 96.8% 93.0%
Kmeans 9560 97.0% 97.2% 93.8%

Table 5.5: Recognition results from 5, 9 hypotheses with GCC : number of extracted characters
(Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR), precision (CPR) and word recognition rate (WRR).

with K=4 doesn’t generate additional interesting results with respect to the K=2 and K=3 cases.
Table 5.5 lists the results obtained by integrating the GCC algorithm in the multiple hypothe-
ses framework. Comparing them with the figures in Table 5.4, we can notice that the GCC
post-processing improves the result when using the Kmeans or EM segmentation algorithms and
remain similar for the GBEM algorithm. This smaller improvement, when compared to the im-
provement obtained when adding the GCC to the baseline, can be explained by the fact that
the multiple hypotheses framework has less need for burst-noise elimination, since it can select
between alternative model of the grayscale distribution. Hopefully, these different alternatives
are not all corrupted by noise. This is especially true for the GBEM algorithm which already
performs noise removal.

5.3.4 Summary of recognition performance

In table 5.6, we compare the recognition performance for both bi-modal and multi-modal schemes
on the DB TrainImages, DB SceneImages and DB Temporal database test sets. In the multi-
modal case, we list only the results obtained using the GBEM method with 9 hypotheses.
From these results we can see that the multi-modal scheme obtains better performance in all the


original image




EM.3: “’,˜Oi’.lErJ 5 AIFI RIFLE FIrJALIS r ”


Kmeans.3: “,.’.,Or.lErl S AIR FIIF E Flrlg IS”

Figure 5.13: Segmentation output of the three studied algorithms and associated recognition
results using 2 or 3 layers/classes.


Scheme Test set images characters baseline CRR CRR of proposed methods
DB TrainImages 1208 9579 92.5% 92.6%
bi-modal DB SceneImages 50 2863 47.7% 70.9%
enhancement DB Temporal 247 2899 87.8% 88.0%
DB TrainImages 1208 9579 92.5% 96.5%
multi-modal DB SceneImages 50 2863 47.7% 90.0%
DB Temporal 247 2899 87.8% 89.2%

Table 5.6: Recognition results of three test sets. CRR: character recognition rate.

Chapter 6

Text recognition with multi-frame


In a video sequence, a text string usually appears in multiple consecutive frames. This temporal
information can be exploited to help both text detection and recognition.

In text detection, potential detected text regions should be tracked consistently over a given num-
ber of frames to be validated. Text region tracking assumes that a text region has been firstly
detected in a frame and then it aims at searching for the same text regions in consecutive frames.
Given a text line in the frame  , the matching value of in another frame  is often com-

puted using a correlation measure such as the percentage  points in that have a corresponding
point in the  frame, assuming a translation motion 





where the corresponding function  is defined as:





The threshold
is a constant. Additionally, motion constraints on  can also be ex-

ploited to remove false detected text regions. This is especially true for caption since they are
either static or moving horizontally or vertically at a constant speed. Experimentally, we found
out that text last more than 12 frames in news video, and last more than 3-8 frames in sports
video. Therefore, in general, a detection algorithm assumes that a text region should at least be
contained in 3 frames. As the methods using temporal information for detecting text are well
discussed in Lienhart’s work, in this thesis we will focus on exploiting temporal information for
text recognition.


6.1 Text recognition in videos

In order to use the temporal information contained in consecutive frames of the same text string
for improving the recognition results, Sato [94] and Lienhart [55] computed the maximum or
minimum value at each pixel position over frames, which is referred to as MAX-MIN methods
in the result section (6.2.4). The values of the background pixels that are assumed to have more
variance in the video sequence will be pushed to black or white while the values of the text pixels
are kept. For example, in the MAX value method, the text is assumed to be black. To extract these
black text strings, the method expects to push all the background pixels to the white. However,
this method can only be applied on black or white characters. Li [50] proposed a multi-frame
enhancement for unknown grayscale text which computes the average of pre-located text regions
in multiple frames for further segmentation and recognition, which is referred to as the AVE
method. The average image has a smaller noise variance but may propagate blurred characters in
frames. A common drawback of these temporal methods is that they require accurate text image
alignment at the pixel level.
Previous methods for exploiting temporal video text information assume that the grayscale values
of text characters are constant at the pixel level. Some methods, such as the MAX-MIN methods,
even have to constrain the grayscale values of text to be the brightest or the darkest in the text
images. A common goal of these methods is to obtain “better” segmentations of the text images.
However, none of these methods proposed criterion for evaluating the quality of the text image
segmentation. The reason is that it is very hard to define a good measure of the quality of the
segmentation. Since the final task is to obtain good recognition results, the “best” way to measure
a segmentation is to evaluate its OCR output. We can even show that, giving the low resolution of
text strings we can dealing with, an OCR system may output different results for segmentations
that looks very similar to each other (see Fig. 6.2). In order to exploit temporal information
for the recognition of text in video sequence, we proposed two algorithms in this chapter: the
sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation algorithm and the recognition results voting
algorithm, which can be applied sequentially, as shown in the figure 6.1.
The first algorithm, presented in Section 6.2, is a probabilistic algorithm for segmenting and
recognizing text embedded in video sequences based on adaptive thresholding using a Bayes fil-
tering method. The algorithm approximates the posterior distribution of segmentation thresholds
of video text by a set of weighted samples. The set of samples is initialized by applying a classical
segmentation algorithm on the first video frame and further refined by random sampling under a
temporal Bayesian framework. This framework allows us to evaluate a text image segmentation
operator on the basis of the text recognition result, which is directly relevant to our character
recognition task, instead of on the basis of the visual segmentation result.
Moreover instead of selecting the best recognition result from the temporal hypotheses using the
criterion defined in Section 5.2.3, we propose in Section 6.3 an algorithm to reduce the video
character recognition error rates by using output voting technique. Text characters are first de-
tected, tracked in consecutive video frames and then segmented and recognized in each frame.
These recognition outputs obtained from different frames are modeled as independent knowledge
sources using a character transition network. The resulting network is exploited by an automatic


video text
image sequences

Sequencial Monte Carlo

OCR video text segmentation
Section 6.1

Recognizer output voting

error reduction technique
Section 6.2

Text strings
Figure 6.1: Text segmentation and recognition in multiple video frames.

voting process for selecting the output sequence. This method may reduce recognition errors
due to the low resolution of characters (before resizing and interpolation), the short length of the
string and their unknown font. It helps in combining results into a new string so that even if none
of the OCR results are correct, the final output string may still be good. This method is very
helpful in improving the recognition of long text strings, for example more than 4 words.

6.2 Sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation

Generally speaking, the segmentation of a text image can be regarded as a process that searches
for parameters, a threshold couple in our case (lower and upper thresholds), that optimizes the dis-
crimination between the grayscale values of text pixels and background pixels. When applied to
consecutive text images of a given text string, the threshold couples computed in different frames


Original text image

Segmentation (a)

 Fusion or i level audio and wdeo features to reoognlse

Segmentation (b)

 Fusion of lower level audio and video features to recogn se

Figure 6.2: Different recognition results may be obtained from segmentation results, which are
visually quite similar.

may be different and therefore provide additional information in the recognition process. How-
ever, applying traditional segmentation on every frame has two drawbacks. The first one is that it
is not efficient in terms of computation cost. For a video text string, the segmentation characteris-
tics in different frames are varying but not completely unpredictable. Thus, the optimal threshold
couple of the previous frame could be reused instead of re-computing the optimal segmentation
parameters again. The second drawback is that traditional segmentation algorithms usually rely
on a predefined criterion which may not always lead to the optimal threshold couple that would
conduct to good recognition [118]. In other words, the segmentation quality in our case should
be validated using recognition results instead of any predefined criterion on grayscale values of
the image. Figure 6.2 shows an example of two segmentation results of a given text image and
their associated recognized strings. The OCR software we used is RTK from EXPERVISION,
which has about 99% recognition rate on clean page characters. Although the segmentations of
the word “lower” seems to be visually similar, they lead to different recognition results. The
figure 6.3 illustrates an example of thresholding an text image. The optimal bi-modal threshold is
(4), and the optimal multi-modal (K=3) thresholds are (2) and (3). However, the best recognition
result is given by the threshold (1).
To address these two problems, we present in this section a particle filtering based Monte Carlo
method for the segmentation of text characters of any grayscale values. The idea of particle filters
was first developed in the statistical literature, and recently this methodology namely sequential
Monte Carlo filtering [23, 1] or CONDENSATION [40] has shown to be a successful approach
in several applications of computer vision [40, 70, 80].
One of the key point of this method is to represent the posterior distribution of state variables
given the image data by a set of weighted random samples, referred to as particles. For example,
in our case, the state variables are text threshold couples. The method performs a traditional
segmentation of the text image in the first frame and propagate the resulting threshold couples to
other frames using particle filters. By introducing randomness in the exploration of the space of








0 50 100 150 200 250

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Original recognized results

<(4) ""

<(3) "sabena0"


(1)−(2) "s~b~0"

<(1) ""

Figure 6.3: Thresholding an text image according to its grayscale histogram. The optimal bi-
modal threshold is (4). The optimal multi-modal (K=3) thresholds are (2) and (4). The optimal
multi-model (K=4) thresholds are (1), (2) and (4). However, the best recognition result is given
by the threshold (3). The pixel values of some images are reversed for displaying.


possible segmentation parameters in a Bayesian framework, the particle representation allows to

adapt to changes of grayscale values both in the text and background by simultaneously maintain-
ing multiple-hypotheses. The advantage of the particle filtering in the presence of ambiguities
and instabilities compensate OCR errors encountered when applying current OCR systems on
video text due to the low resolution of characters (before resizing and interpolation), the short
length of the string and their unknown font. In contrast to other filtering techniques that ap-
proximating posterior probabilities in parametric form, such as Kalman filters, this methodology
allows to evaluate the likelihood of the segmentation parameters directly from the corresponding
recognized text string based on language modeling and OCR statistics.

6.2.1 Bayes filtering

    of a dynamic

Bayes filters address the problem of estimating the posterior probability

state given a sequence of observations, where  denotes the state at time  and   denote the
observation sequence from time
to time  . For video text segmentation, the state     
is characterized by a upper (u) and a lower (l) segmentation threshold. The observations are the
grayscale text images extracted and tracked in consecutive video frames. The goal of video text
segmentation is to find the states that lead to an accurate segmentation or, better, to a correctly
recognized string.
To derive a recursive update equation, we observe that posterior probability can be transformed
by Bayes rule to



where is the normalization constant



The prediction term   can be expanded by integrating over the state at time 



   ) and a first order Markov model for the sequence of states (i.e.        

Assuming independence of observations conditioned on the states (i.e.   

    ), we obtain the following recursive equation for the posterior:



The exploitation of the of the equation
   two conditional densities:
(6.4) requires the definition of
the transition probability     and the data likelihood    . Both models   are

cally   time-invariant so that we can simplify the notation by denoting these models and

respectively. They are presented in the next Subsection, while the description of the
particle filter implementation of the above equation is deferred to the end of the Section.


6.2.2 Probabilistic models for video text segmentation

Transition probability

In the context of video text segmentation, the transition probability is a probabilistic
space is a 2-D space constructed by the upper ( ) and
lower ( ) thresholds of text grayscales

prior on text threshold variations. The state
. In this paper, we investigate four methods to  
model the transition probability.

Gaussian model - In this model, the change of the text thresholds is assumed to be due to ad-
ditive noise, which is modeled as a Gaussian process with a constant variance . The transition
probability is thus defined as:



Uniform model - The second method considers the transition model as a result of illumination
or lighting change in the video sequence. The grayscale values of all or part of text characters
increase or decrease by a constant value due to the background motion behind transparent text or
special visual effects. The transition probability is therefore defined as a uniform process:





where the shifting range is modeled by a constant parameter :



Adaptive uniform model - It is related to the uniform model. In this case, the amount of shifting
values of the thresholds depends on current state. Let   respectively

denote the minimum and the maximum values of the grayscale in the image. Given ,
the shifting range   in equation (6.6) is adjusted by the distance between and the   :


Adaptive Uniform Model

x 10

p(x’ | x= (150,200))

75 250
50 175
25 125
lower threshold 100
0 50
upper threshold
Figure 6.4: Adaptive uniform model of transition probability    

where   is a constant. Similarly, we can defined:


and the shifting ranges of  are defined as:
      and       (6.9)
The distribution of    
   in the adaptive uniform model is illustrated in figure

Adaptive mixture model - To model the transition probability using both noise and light shifting,
we can modify the above adaptive uniform model by applying a Gaussian noise model on the
state space out of the shifting range.  Following
!"  the same definitions as in equation (6.7), (6.8)
and (6.9), the transition probability  is therefore defined as:















is a normalization
tion of

constant which does not affect the MCVTS algorithm. The typical distribu-
  in the adaptive mixture model is illustrated in figure 6.5.   

Data likelihood

The data likelihood  provides an evaluation of the segmentation quality of the observed
image given a pair of thresholds

  . This evaluation could rely on the segmented  
image. However, computing accurate measures of segmentation quality in term of character
extraction is difficult without performing some character recognition analysis. Besides, visually
well segmented image does not always lead to correct recognition. Therefore, since ultimately
 of the OCR. The extraction of the text string  , we use the technique discussed in Chapter 5.
we are interested in the recognized text string, the data likelihood will be evaluated on the output

To evaluate the data likelihood using string , we follow the definitions given in section 5.2.3.

However, instead of computing the likelihood ratio 5.24, we need to approximate the data like-

lihood of the string under the hypotheses that it comes from a correct segmentation. The data
likelihood is thus defined as the probability of accurate segmentation   given the string :




is given by:

and the data likelihood is then proportional to:




Adaptive mixture model

x 10

p(x’ | x=(150,200))






100 200
50 100
upper threshold 50
0 0
lower threshold

Figure 6.5: Adaptive mixture model of transition probability

We use the same noise free language model p    and noise language model p      as intro-
duced in subsection 5.2.3. The data likelihood is thus given by:





defined here as 

Figure 6.6 illustrates this likelihood
definition. It shows the ground-truth data likelihood, which

we have

 if not all the words in the ground-truth are recognized, and
otherwise. The figure also shows the proposed data likelihood of the image at all
the possible states, illustrating that our probabilistic model is accurate. Even if the initial state
(here provided by an Otsu algorithm [75] and shown with an arrow in the images) leads to an
incorrectly recognized text string, the Bayesian filtering methodology, thanks to the introduction
of random perturbation and our data likelihood model, will still be able to find a state that provides
the correct string. The Bayesian filtering is implemented by a recursive particle filter that is
described below.


lower threshold
lower threshold

upper threshold upper threshold

Figure 6.6: Data likelihood approximation: the observed text image is displayed at the top. The
second image displays the results of applying Otsu binarization, which corresponds to OCR out-
put “V AVOCAT DE RIVERAINS DE L AEROPORT DE iIEGE”. In the last row, the left image
shows the states that lead to the recognition of all the words in the ground truth, the right image
displays the proposed data likelihood at all the states.

6.2.3 Particle approximation

  by a set of 
filter is to approximate the posterior  

The idea of the particle
   "  $ such that:


   ! "

, otherwise   
" " 

where is the mass choice function  ( ). The initial set of samples

represents the initial knowledge 
and can be initialized using an Otsu algorithm applied

on the first image. The recursive update is realized in three steps. First, sample   from

  ! the ap-
proximated posterior   . Then, sample  from the transition probability

 . Finally,
 as the weight of the new sample   . In

our case, since
the number of samples per image is low, we add the new particles to the set  of samples

instead of replacing the old values with the new ones. The following is the MCVTS algorithm
presented in pseudo code.


Methods Ext. CRR Prec. WRR

Multi-model 2939 89.2% 88.0% 87.1%
Minimum value 2692 81.5% 87.8% 81.8%
Maximum value 2472 73.3% 85.9% 78.0%
Best one in Max-Min 2878 86.1% 86.7% 84.4%
Average value 2929 88.9% 87.9% 86.8%
Gaussian MCVTS 2920 89.7% 88.3% 87.2%
Uniform MCVTS 2912 90.5% 90.1% 87.3%
Adaptive uniform MCVTS 2935 92.3% 91.2% 89.0%
Adaptive mixture MCVTS 2928 93.9% 93.0% 90.6%

Table 6.1: Performance comparison between the MCVTS (m=3), the Max-Min methods and the
average value method: extracted characters (Ext.), character recognition rate (CRR) and precision
(Prec.) The baseline system is the average image method re-implemented according to [50].

1. initial

using an Otsu algorithm;

3. for  
2. for each frame 

do step 3 and 4;






set ;

add the  new samples    to 

5. output the text string that corresponds to the

segmentation with the highest data likelihood.


6.7 illustrates  the procedure of the MCVTS algorithm. The initial threshold couple

are obtained by using Otsu thresholding algorithm, which
doesn’t lead to a correct solution in this case. After particle sampling in several frames, the states

old couple  

(threshold couples)

cover a wide range of thresholds in the state space. At the end, the thresh-
gives the highest likelihood. The segmentation result using this optimal
threshold couple leads to a correct OCR output as shown in the figure, though the pictogram at
the right of “sabena” is interpreted as a “0”.

6.2.4 Experiments

strings (2899 characters and 548 words) in 

The MCVTS algorithm was tested on the DB Temporal database which consists of  text
text images (about 28 images per text string in
average). Figure 6.8 shows some image examples.
In order to compare the performance of the MCVTS algorithm with previous work, we imple-
mented the Max-Min methods [55] and average value method [50]. Table 1 lists the results of


Text images extracted from video








0 50 100 150 200 250

Initial thresholds (0,120) and (120, 255) extracted from the histogram

Tresholds (0,120) Tresholds (120,255)


Sampling new particles

Tresholds (20,120) Tresholds (83,167) Tresholds (142,250)

Sampling new particles

... ...
Tresholds (5,82)
Recognized: sabena 0

Figure 6.7: Video text segmentation using particle filtering.


Figure 6.8: Examples of located embedded text in video.

the Max-Min value methods, average value method and the MCVTS algorithm with    . The
best one in Max-Min consists of selecting the best result from the minimum and maximum out-
puts using the confidence defined in Eq. 6.1.2. The table also recalls the multi-modal recognition
results on the DB Temporal database.
The Max-Min methods do not provide better results than the multi-model based on static images.
The main reason is that the text regions in video frames contain strong edges, which are high fre-
quency signals. The current compression of the video frame, for example the MPEG codec, has
the tendency to omit high frequency signals in the video. Therefore, a lot of noise is introduced
around the text region. When applying the Max-Min methods on video frames, text pixels are
sometime pushed into background because of the noise.
We can also see that the results of the average value method produces similar results as the multi-
model method without introducing any randomness. All the four MCVTS algorithms gained
some improvements in comparison. By checking the tested samples in the database, we found
that the MCVTS algorithms performed better segmentation when the automatically detected text
images were noisy, contained perturbation, or when the grayscale values of characters spanned
a wide range, as shown in Figure 6.8. The results in table 1 also illustrates that the MCVTS
algorithms not only significantly improves the character recognition but also the precision.
From all the four dynamic models proposed in the paper, the adaptive mixture model yields
the best results in terms of character recognition rate and precision. Figure 6.9 illustrates the

character recognition rates of MCVTS algorithms with varying  . All the four dynamic models
give similar results when  is above
, which shows that all these dynamic models lead to the
estimation of the same maximum mode in the likelihood. The dynamic model is an important
factor only when the computation resource is limited ( is small).
The CPU cost of the MCVTS algorithm depends on the size of the state space, the number of
samples, the thresholding operation and the OCR computation. All these factors are associated


Character recognition rates of MCS algorithms with varying m

95 Adaptive uniform
Adaptive mixture







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 6.9: Character recognition rates of MCVTS algorithms with varying m.

to the number of new samples  in each iteration. The experiments show that using more than
 particles per image with the adaptive mixture model does not change a lot the performance

of the algorithm (adaptive mixture model). The average number of samples per text string is thus
around .

6.2.5 Discussion of MCVTS

In this section, we proposed a Monte Carlo method for segmenting and recognizing embedded
text of any grayscale value in image and video based on particle filter. The MCVTS algorithm has
four main advantages for segmenting video text. Firstly, the algorithm proposes a methodological
way to search for segmentation parameters that lead to accurate results. Secondly, the algorithm
adapts itself to the data by sampling in proportion to the posterior likelihood. This enable us to
propose an accurate probability model based on OCR results instead of estimating the posterior
of segmentation based on segmented images. Thirdly, the algorithm does not require precise
tracking of text images among video frames at pixel level. Finally, the MCVTS algorithm is very
easy to implement and also easy to be extended to other state spaces, such as parameters of local


thresholding techniques (e.g. Niblack binarization).

An additional improvement of the MCVTS algorithm can be made by combining multiple recog-
nition results of the same text string of the character level instead of outputting the best result.
This issue is addressed in the next section.


6.3 Recognizer output voting error reduction technique (ROVER)

In this section, we present an algorithm for reducing video character recognition error rates us-
ing an output voting technique. The recognizer output voting error reduction technique [27] is
widely used in automatic speech recognition system (ASR) for compositing ASR output from the
outputs of multiple ASR systems. The system developed a sequential voting process to reconcile
differences in ASR system outputs (sequences of words). The key idea is to build a so called word
transition network (WTN) via iterative applications of dynamic programming alignments so that
voting can be applied at each position of the WTN. It has been shown that, in many cases, the
composite output has a lower error rate than any of the individual systems due to the additional
knowledge sources such as acoustic and language models.
In the case of video text recognition, the OCR recognition results of a text string in different
frames have differences that can be reconciled using the ROVER technique. Text strings are first
detected, tracked in consecutive video frames and then segmented and recognized in each frame.
Since the basic element of OCR recognition results are characters, we will build a character tran-
sition network instead of the word transition network in ASR systems. Figure 6.10 shows the
procedures of the algorithm. After having obtained the OCR recognition results of a text string
in consecutive frames, we iteratively build a character transition network via dynamic program-
ming alignments. Here, the recognition outputs obtained from different frames are modeled as
independent knowledge sources. Then the “best” output is composited using a criteria defined on
the frequency of the character and a language model at each position of the character transition
network. This “best output might be a new string that is not presented in initial solutions.

output 1
Character transition network
Video text output 2 The best
Video tracking & L D I
recognition I D I

output N

Figure 6.10: Video Character Recognition Error Reduction Algorithm

6.3.1 Character transition network

A character transition network (CTN) consists of an array of nodes and a set of arcs connecting
two consecutive nodes. Each node represents a boundary between characters. Each arc indicates
the presence of a character at a given position in the network. We introduce a special label
“NULL” to represent a character which is inserted by the dynamic programming alignment as a


blank. In practice, we treat both the space character in OCR recognition results and the blank
generated by the dynamic programming alignment as the same character. To make sure that there
are no sequence of space characters in the OCR recognition results, we always keep only one
space character in this case. Figure 6.11 illustrates some linear-topology CTNs and corresponding
text strings.

H e l l o
v i NULL d e o
CTN(vi deo)
Figure 6.11: Linear-topology character transition networks

6.3.2 Character transition network construction

Every individual text string can be modeled by a linear topology CTN. Multiple outputs of con-
secutive frames can be modeled by a CTN with non-linear topology (more than one arc between
two nodes). To obtain such a CTN, we first have to align the nodes of the individual CTN corre-
sponding to each output.
Let us focus on the alignment of two CTNs. Regarding one CTN as a reference, the other
CTN can be aligned using a 2-D dynamic programming alignment process. In our case, we
use SCLITE 1 a dynamic programming alignment engine developed by NIST. The dynamic pro-
gramming alignment process yields two aligned CTNs with potentially inserted “NULL” arcs as
illustrated in figure 6.12. Then, we can merge the two CTNs together by copying the correspond-
ing arcs from CTN-i into CTN-REF. The updated CTN-REF is shown in figure 6.12. It is a model
of the two strings “vide” and “ibeo”.
Iteratively merging CTNs of all the outputs into a reference CTN-REF generates a composite
CTN that models the temporal redundant outputs.
However, this iterative composing process does not guarantee an optimal CTN because the com-
posite CTN is affected by the order in which the CTNs are merged. Intuitively, the best strings
should be introduced earlier in the CTN construction to serve as the alignment references. We
therefore introduce a confidence value for sorting the CTNs so that a “better” text string is merged
as early as possible.

As a confidence measure of a CTN modeling one text string
the text string defined in equation 6.14.
, we use the confidence

The program sclite is a tool for scoring and evaluating the output of speech recognition systems. Sclite is part of
the NIST SCTK Scoring Tookit.


v i d e
i b e o

Aligned v i d e NULL
Aligned NULL i b e o

NULL i b e o
CTN-REF v i d e NULL

Figure 6.12: Alignment of two character transition networks



We first sort the CTN’s according to their confidences. Then, the CTN with the highest value is
set as the initial CTN-REF. The remaining CTNs are merged into the reference CTN-REF one by
one according to their confidences from high to low. We thus obtain a model of all the outputs of
a given string in consecutive frames.

6.3.3 Best character sequence searching in character transition network

The best character sequence is searched by a scoring process in the composite CTN. Traditional
ROVER algorithm developed in ASR system implements the scoring process as a voting proce-

dure among different recognizers (voters). Given a composite CTN of a text string occurring in
 frames and that has 
nodes, we denote   as the
 arc behind the  node. We further
define the frequency of occurrence     of   as:

     " "      


where is a mass choice function defined as:



Besides the frequency of occurrence, a confidence value of each character is also necessary.
Let us follow the definition of the confidence value proposed in section 6.1.2 and define the
confidence value of a character as:





The confidence of the “NULL” transition arc is considered as a parameter of the scoring
scheme. In practice, we can train it. The general scoring formula is:


 is a constant weight parameter. In the extreme cases, if 

depends on the occurrence frequency of the characters; if   , the score only ,depends
the score only
on the
confidence of the characters.

6.3.4 Experiments and discussion

The MCVTS and the ROVER algorithm are tested together on the DB Temporal database. In
the MCVTS algorithm, multiple recognition hypotheses are generated in a text image sequence
and the final recognition result is selected from all the hypotheses through all the frames. To
apply ROVER on the text image sequence, we select the best one recognition result from the
recognition hypotheses resulted from each frame using the confidence defined in Eq. 6.19, We
therefore obtain a recognition result sequence corresponding to the original text image sequence
frame by frame.
Table 6.2 lists two recognition results sequences: “ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS” and “TONI
MYERS GRAEME FERGUSON”. None of the results from the individual frames contains the
correct string. The reason leading to these errors is coming from the special effect in the video.
Figure 6.13 shows some text images of these two strings. The table also gives the voting results
by using the ROVER algorithm at the end of each sequence.
Table 6.3 compares the performance of the combined MCVTS and ROVER algorithm, the raw

adaptive mixture MCVTS algorithm, the best one Max-Min value method, the average value

method and the multi-model method. Different parameters 
results. The optimal parameters for the DB Temporal database are
lead to different recognition


. With    
the optimal parameters, the ROVER can improve only a little the character recognition rate, but
can significantly improve the precision and word recognition rate. The results show that this
voting method is helpful to remove false recognition characters, which leads to higher precision.


f1 A S l O C I A T I P R O D U C r R s
f2 A S S O C I A T E P R O D U C E i s
f3 A S S O C A 1 [ P R O D U C E R S
f4 A l A T E P R O D U C E t B
f5 A S S O C I A T E P R O D U C [ R 5
f6 A S I A T I f R O D U C
f7 A S S O C I A I I D U C E R S
f8 A o P R O D U
f9 o A T [ P R O D U C E R S
f10 o A T E P : ) D U C E R S
f11 I A T [ D U C E R S
f12 C I A T r P R O D U C E R S
f13 A g O C I A T E P R O D U C E R S
= A S S O C I A T E P R O D U C E R S

f1 T O N I f Y E R S G R A E M E F E R G U S O N
f2 T N I M Y E R S R A E M E F E R G U S O N
f3 T O N I S M E F E R G U S O N
f4 T O N I M E F E R G U S O N
f5 T O N I G F E R G U S O N
f6 O N I M Y E R S G R A U S O N
f7 T O N I M Y E R S G U S O N
f8 T O N I M Y E R S M E U S O N
f9 T O N I M Y E R S M E N
f10 C ) N I M Y E R S G R A E M E F E R G U S O N
f11 O N I M Y E R S G R A E M E F E R G U S O N
f12 O N 1 M Y E R S G R A E M E F E R G U S O N
= T O N I M Y E R S G R A E M E F E R G U S O N

Table 6.2: Voting of multiple recognition results of two video text strings in the DB Temporal


Figure 6.13: Examples of text images associated with Table 6.2.

It also enables a better chance to composite words by voting out the correct characters in the CTN
and therefore leads to a better recognition of words. However, the improvment is very significant.
This may because that the multiple OCR recognition results from video are not really independent
knowledge resources. The outputs of only one OCR software are not very complementary. Using
more than one OCR software or including diferent pre-processing in the ROVER algorithm is a
potential way to improve the character recognition in video, which may be a good future research

6.4 Conclusion of video text recognition

In this chapter, we proposed and evaluated two algorithms, the MCVTS and the ROVER algo-
rithms, in order to improve the recognition of video text by exploiting temporal information in
multiple frames. A common advantage of these two methods is that the temporal information
is exploited at the level of text strings, so that additional knowledge resources, for example the
language models, can be used to reduce the errors.
On the basis of the experiments and results in this chapter, we conclude that visual effects of the
segmentations of text images are not the best way to measure the segmentations with respect to
the final OCR recognition results. Under the Bayesian framework, the MCVTS method is helpful
to search for an optimal segmentation based on language models of both real text and OCR recog-
nition errors. Also, we found out that the sequential voting techniques on recognition outputs (the
ROVER algorithm) is able to composite a correct word or string from OCR recognition results
even if none of these results contains a correct answer. However, both the MCVTS and ROVER
algorithms have higher computation cost than the average value method because segmentation


methods Ext. CRR Prec. WRR

Multi-modal 2939 89.2% 88.0% 87.1%
One-Max-Min 2878 86.1% 86.7% 84.4%
Average value 2929 88.9% 87.9% 86.8%
MCVTS 2928 93.9% 93.0% 90.6%
ROVER(0,0) 2983 90.1% 87.5% 87.1%
ROVER(0.1,0.2) 2983 90.9% 88.3% 87.6%
ROVER(0.5,0.2) 2948 90.7% 89.2% 87.5%
ROVER(0.1,0.5) 2870 94.1% 95.1% 92.0%
ROVER(0.1,0.6) 2812 93.9% 96.8% 91.9%
ROVER(0.1,0.8) 2765 93.3% 98.0% 91.6%
ROVER(0.9,0.1) 2542 84.5% 96.4% 82.7%

Table 6.3: Performance comparison of the ROVER   

algorithm, the raw MCVTS algorithm
and the baseline (average image) algorithm: extracted character number (Ext.), character recog-
nition rate (CRR), precision (Prec.) and word recognition rate (WRR)

and recognition have to be performed in each frames. In building a real video text recognition
application, a trade of between speed and accuracy can be made by choosing the average value
method (with multi-model) and the MCVTS-ROVER method.


Chapter 7


This thesis has investigated methods in building an efficient system for detecting and recognizing
text of any grayscale values embedded in images and video sequences. The main purpose for
building such a system was to fulfill the needs of growing content-based multimedia indexing,
retrieval and management. We constructed the whole system using sub-tasks: the localization
task and the verification task in text detection and the segmentation task, the character recognition
task and the temporal processing task in text recognition.

7.1 System performance

As an overview of the results of the previous chapters, we can conclude that 95% to 99% text
strings contained in images and videos can be detected with a precision (the ratio between the
number of the detected true text strings and the number of all the extracted regions) of 94% to
97%. Considering the errors made in the detection step, image and video text recognition (in-
cluding both superimposed text and scene text) achieves a 93% to 96% character recognition rate.
90% to 97% extracted characters correspond to the original characters, referred to as precision,
in image or video frames are true characters. We also obtained a 88% to 92% word recognition
rate without using a lexicon.
The optimal configuration of the system in terms of word/character recognition rate is:

1. edge-based text localization;

2. constant gradient variance feature based text verification using support vector machine;

3. for static images, the multiple hypotheses recognition scheme using the Markov random
field based segmentation method (GBEM);

4. for video text, the MCVTS algorithm and the ROVER algorithm for text recognition.

We can use the K-means algorithm instead of the Markov random field (GBEM) approach to
make the segmentation step faster. Also, as we already said in Chapter 6, the MCVTS and
ROVER algorithms are optional, depending on a compromise between speed and accuracy in
real application.

A real application system has been implemented and applied in two European projects: AS-
SAVID (Automatic Segmentation and Semantic Annotation of Sports Videos) and CIMWOS
(Combined Image and Word Spotting) both granted by the European IST Programme. The per-
formance of the system has fulfilled the requirements of the cooperating industrial partners, the
BBC and Canal+.

7.2 Achievements in solving text detection and recognition problems

The contributions of the thesis are the following.

First, machine learning approaches, MLP and SVM, can be used to achieve efficient text detection
by using the localization/verification scheme proposed in Chapter 4. The difficulty of intensive
computation of these machine learning approaches can be avoided by pre-performing a heuristic
localization with a low rejection rate (low precision) followed by size and contrast normalization.

Second, contrast independent features have been proposed and shown to achieve good text veri-
fication performance using MLP and SVM classifiers. Comparing combinations of features and
classifiers, SVM using the constant gradient variance feature has shown to be the most effective

Third, in a bi-modal grayscale text recognition scheme, the recognition performance can be im-
proved by enhancing the contrast of sub-structure of characters. Asymmetric Gabor filters have
been shown to be able to enhance characters of various size. However, the enhancement only
works for black or white characters without inserted surrounding contrast layout.

Fourth, a multi-hypotheses framework based on a set of statistical modeling methods, such as

the Markov random field based segmentation method (GBEM) and the grayscale consistent con-
straint post-processing algorithm, can significantly improve the recognition performance with
respect to bi-modal schemes. Under this framework, we have proposed an efficient string selec-
tion algorithm based on language modeling and OCR statistics to extract the best string from the
recognition results of multiple segmentation hypotheses.

Finally, we proposed two more specific methods for text recognition in video. The first one
estimates the optimal segmentation parameters based on text recognition results. The second
combines text recognition outputs in consecutive frames using a sequential voting technique. The
two methods combined has been shown to improve standard techniques in video text recognition.


7.3 Limitations of the current work and possible future research ef-

In the current system, the text strings are required to be aligned horizontally. Although the system
also works for text strings that that are aligned on a slightly slanted direction, which are the cases
of some video text and some of scene text, it can not be applied on applications in which it is
not possible to capture all the scene text strings horizontally. One way to extend the system for
detecting slanted text is to rotate the input image and apply the current detection algorithm at the
same time. However, this procedure require much more computation cost.
There is no lexicon used in the current system due to the difficulty of having a good general
lexicon. Text strings in images and videos can be names of people and locations that are not
very famous. Therefore, to have a good general lexicon is almost not possible. In a specific
application, the usage of a lexicon, if available, will allow to enable the use of more retrieval
techniques that account for potential errors in text recognition, especially the word recognition,
and therefore will lead to better indexing.
Current OCR techniques, for example the OCR software used in this thesis, do not perform very
well when the extracted characters have a too low resolution. For characters that are less than 8
pixels high in the original image or video frame, simply re-scaling the text image can not really
help the OCR software to do a better recognition. The development of new OCR techniques to
recognize low resolution characters is still necessary.
Future investigations on other aspects need to be pursued for developing solid image and video
text detection and recognition applications and related multimedia retrieval and annotation appli-
One aspect is semantic mining for text-based multimedia retrieval and annotation. The exploita-
tion of context information of text strings, such as the positions or movements of the text strings
in an image or a video, is an important semantic resource to annotate the image or the video.
Future investigations can focus on mining the relationship between these context information
together with the content of the corresponding text and categories of images and video shots.
The other aspect is computation reduction for mobile image text recognition applications, such
as traffic sign recognition. Most mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and
mobile phones, have less computation power and less memory resources than a desktop computer.
In order to build an image or video text extraction application on these devices, the algorithms
proposed in this thesis need to be optimized or even modified to reduce the computation cost.



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Datong Chen

Address: Rue du Simplon 4 Phone: +41 27 721 7756

CH-1920 Martigny email: [email protected]


2000– Docteur ès Sciences (anticipated Oct. 2003)

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Dissertation: Text Detection and Recognition in Images and Video Sequences.

1995–1997 Master of Computer Science and Engineering

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China
Thesis: Camera-Based Head Gesture Analysis.

1991–1995 Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China
Thesis: 3-D Human Face Reconstruction Based on Structure Lighting.

Professional Experience

2000– Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence (IDIAP), Switzerland
Computer Vision Group
Research Assistant

1998–1999 Karlsruhe University, Germany

Telecooperation Office, Telecommunication Institute
Research Assistant

1997–1998 Motorola-NCIC Joint R&D Lab, P. R. China

MPEG-4 Group
Project Manager and Software Engineer

1996–1997 Motorola-NCIC Joint R&D Lab, P. R. China

MPEG-4 Group
Research Assistant


Computer Experience

Operating Systems: UNIX/Linux, Windows, Palm OS

Languages: C++, C, Java, Matlab, Assembly, Pascal, Basic

Science Duties

Reviewer for journals: Signal Processing

Machine Vision and Applications


Mandrin (native), English (fluent), French (moderate), German (basic)

Publications in Journals
In submitting

1. D. Chen and J-M. Odobez, “Video Text Recognition Using Sequential Monte Carlo and
Error Voting Methods”.


2. D. Chen, J-M. Odobez and J-P. Thiran, “Particle Filtering Based Video Text Segmenta-
tion”, submitted to International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

To be Published

3. D. Chen, J-M. Odobez, and H. Bourlard, “Text Detection and Recognition in Images and
Videos”, to be published in Pattern Recognition (PR).

4. D. Chen, J-M. Odobez and J-P. Thiran, “A Localization/Verification Scheme for Finding
Text in Images and Videos Based on Contrast Independent Features and Machine Learning
Methods”, to be published in Signal processing: Image Communication (SPIC).


Publications in Conferences and Workshops

5. D. Chen and J-M. Odobez, “Sequential Monte Carlo Video Text Segmentation”, in Proc.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Barcelona, 2003.

6. D. Chen, J-M. Odobez, and H. Bourlard, “Text Segmentation and Recognition in Com-
plex Background Based on Markov Random Field”, in Proc. International Conference on
Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Quebec City, 2002.

7. J-M. Odobez and D. Chen, “Video Text Recognition Based on Markov Random Field
and grayscale consistency constraint”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP), Rochester, 2002.

8. D. Chen, H. Bourlard, and J-P. Thiran, “Text identification in complex background using
SVM”, in Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), Hawaii, 2001.

9. D. Chen, K. Shearer, and H. Bourlard, “Text enhancement with asymmetric filter for video
OCR”, in Proc. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP),
Palermo, 2001.

10. D. Chen, K. Shearer, and H. Bourlard, “Video OCR for sport video annotation and re-
trieval”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in
Practice (ICM2VP), Hong Kong, 2001.

11. D. Chen and J. Luettin, “Multiple hypothesis Video OCR”, in Proc. IAPR workshop on
Document Analysis System (DAS), Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

12. D. Chen, H. Gellerson, “Cognition Based Collaboration Log for CSCW”, in Proc. Interna-
tional Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Tokyo, 1999.

13. D. Chen, A. Schmidt, H. Gellerson, “An Architecture for Multi-Sensor Fusion in Mobile
Environments”, in Proc. International Conference on Information Fusion (ICIF), Sunny-
vale, California USA, 1999.

14. D. Chen, H. Gellerson, “Recognition and Reasoning in an Awareness Support system for
Generation of Storyboard-like Views of Recent Activity”, in Proc. ACM International
Conference on Supporting Group Work (ACM SIGGROUP), Phinex, 1999.

15. F. Wu, W. Gao, Y. Xiang, and D. Chen, “On-line sprite encoding with large global mo-
tion estimation”, in Proc IEEE International Conference on Data Compression (ICDC),
Snowbird, 1998.

16. D. Chen, W. Gao, X. Chen, “A New Approach to Recover 3D Shape Based on Structure-
Lighting”, in Proc IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), Beijing,


17. D. Chen, W. Gao, X. Chen, “Build Perception Model To Multimodal Interface”, in Proc
International Conference on Multimodal Interface (ICMI), Beijing, 1996.

Selection of Technical Reports

18. D. Chen and J-M. Odobez, “A new method of contrast normalization for verification of
extracted video text having complex backgrounds”, RR-02-16, IDIAP, Nov. 08 2002.

19. D. Chen and J-M. Odobez, “Comparison of support vector machine and neural network for
text texture verification”, RR-02-19, IDIAP, Apr. 12 2002.

20. D. Chen and J. Luettin, “A survey of text detection and recognition in images and videos”,
RR-00-38, IDIAP, Aug. 2000.

Publications in Chinese

(7 papers unlisted here)


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