Mercuria Energy&Commodities Brochure

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Energy Worldwide energy

&Commodities and commodities at

competitive prices.

Global platform.
Diversified capabilities.
1000+ people.

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Mercuria Energy Trading S.A.
50 rue du Rhône
1204 Geneva

46° 12’ 14.57” N, 6° 8’ 51.04” E

Global presence
01 Introduction

What we do
02 Global Commodity Trading
04 Range of Activities
06 Assets and Investments

08 Corporate Responsibility

Mercuria is one of the world’s in Geneva, Beijing, Shanghai,

leading independent energy and Singapore, London and
commodities groups. We supply Houston and a global network
products from areas of surplus of regional offices and facilities.
to areas of need.
Worldwide, our activities range
Our operations span five from trading and investment to
continents and engage more production, logistics, storage
than fifty countries. We have and blending. Each element
principal commercial hubs combines to deliver the value
The global energy landscape is evolving that others depend upon.
rapidly and agility and knowledge are
instrumental to achieving success.
Thanks to its global presence, Mercuria
is perfectly positioned to identify and
implement the appropriate operations
that curb imbalances while developing
synergies within commodity markets.

00 Mercuria – Trading 00 Mercuria – Trading Mercuria – Trading 00

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Our products

Crude oil
Energy & commodities Buying, selling, blending
and delivering worldwide.

go to the heart of the Fuel oil

Mercuria business. Our Meeting needs for quality,

price and delivery.

experienced international Middle distillates

Delivering specification,
teams support our business on time, every time.

partners and contribute Biofuels

Quality, consistency

to balancing worldwide and complete traceability.

supply and demand. Gasoline and naphtha

Optimized products,
competitively priced,
reliably delivered.

Developing new markets.

Partner of choice to producers
Petrochemicals and consumers worldwide.

When we founded Mercuria 10 years Underpinning all we do, and what Natural gas
Supplying throughout
ago, it was our goal to develop a distinguishes us, is that we attract
Europe and North America.
global energy-focused commodities and retain people of outstanding
group. The 2014 acquisition of the J.P. capabilities. Around the world, LNG
Morgan Chase physical commodities we currently have more than 1000 Sourcing and delivering

unit helped to bring that vision to employees representing over all around the world.
reality by building upon our physical 40 nationalities.
power, gas and oil operations. Our Power
approach is founded in partnership, Today, Mercuria is one of the largest Optimizing power assets in
product quality, efficient logistics privately owned companies of its Europe and North America.
and competitive pricing. We are type; and we are still growing.
entrepreneurial by nature and have a Within a commodity landscape Expertly managing the
rigorous approach to risk, compliance where markets are becoming ever supply, quality and price risk.
and financial prudence. more interrelated, we continue
strengthening our positions and Environmental markets
The heart of our business is the building our capabilities. Global expertise across
supply and trading of energy and emissions markets.
commodities. Our portfolio
Iron ore
encompasses oil, refined products
Comprehensive services
and petrochemicals, natural gas, throughout the value chain.
power and coal, as well as carbon
emissions, biofuels, metals and Base metals
bulk products.
$ An active player in
global markets.
Mercuria has simultaneously grown 100+ billion
Turnover Dry-bulk freight
a network of strategic assets that
Managing the freight risk
enable optimization of supply chain
for dry-bulk commodities.
efficiencies. We operate a global
logistics chain and have storage Agricultural products
throughout Europe, North America 1000+ Balancing world supply
Employees worldwide
and Asia. and demand.

02 Mercuria – Global Commodity Trading 03

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Mercuria offers a vast
range of products and
services from sourcing
to delivery, each element
contributing to add value
for our customers.

The Mercuria business model

is based on diversification
and integration.

51° 18’ 57.42” N, +4° 17’ 14.95” E

Mercuria provides physical access to

energy and commodities markets.
We produce, we ship, we store, we
source and we blend. From our main
business hubs in Geneva, Beijing,
Shanghai, Singapore, London and
Shipping and delivery
Houston we supply and deliver

Our origination and trading teams Global presence
comprise some of the most talented Offices worldwide

individuals in the field. Their depth

and breadth of experience has been
gained through many years of
working at the highest levels 40 million
Barrels storage
across the industry.

04 Mercuria – Range of Activities 05

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Mercuria has built a powerful
network of strategic
production, logistics and
storage assets which add
efficiency and value. Our assets add strategic value
whenever and wherever
logistics or sourcing solutions
are needed.

Power plant
The return of the Danskammer
power plant as peaking and notable
load facility in the state of New York
adds to Mercuria’s European and
U.S. power portfolio. Mercuria has
replaced coal with natural gas for
dramatically lower air emissions and
a cleaner environment.

Upstream oil and gas Biofuel refining

Mercuria has consistently Mercuria was an early adopter
invested in and acquired upstream of environmental products into its
oil and gas assets around the world. trading portfolio. Our refineries
In an ever-changing and volatile transform used cooking oils into high
marketplace, our assets provide quality biodiesel. Operating a plant
stability and enhance management enables us to directly manage the
of the supply and price risk. quality and supply which helps
accelerate the global use of
Coal mining non-carbon fuels.
The coal business provides
opportunities for Mercuria to apply
its full range of capabilities in
realizing value throughout the supply
chain. Strategic investments in Infrastructure
mineral resources and infrastructure and logistics
underpin our growing presence Timely delivery and product quality
in the world market. is assured by our global logistic
All our activities are capabilities and network of storage
managed with the highest
regard to the environment,
and blending facilities. Mercuria has
health and safety. We work strategic assets throughout Europe,
to global best practice
North and South America and Asia.
standards wherever our
operations are located.

06 Mercuria – Assets and Investments 07

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As a business leader
and as part of society,
Mercuria contributes
to building a strong
and sustainable future.

Thanks to a rigorous approach to

risk management compliance and
communications with stakeholders
and the community, Mercuria is
now one of the largest privately
owned businesses of its type in
the world.

We act responsibly and Mercuria was amongst the very

transparently in the way our first members of the not-for-profit
business touches the lives of Swiss Trading and Shipping
others and the environment. Association. STSA works to deliver
Of paramount concern in all our specialized industry training
activities is the safety, health and programs as well as represents the
welfare of our employees and the interests of the regional trading
communities in which we conduct and shipping community. Our
business. Socially, we sponsor a people participate as visiting
wide range of community projects lecturers on courses and we
encompassing education, skills sponsor and provide speakers
training and welfare. Culturally, for conferences and seminars
our diverse activities include worldwide, promoting industry
support for sport and the arts. best practices.

It is our goal to operate openly

and in harmony within the
communities and jurisdictions
in which we work and trade.

Mercuria works with

foundations enabling young
people to lead their own
development through access
to basic education, income
generating activities and
the defense of their rights.

08 Mercuria – Corporate Responsibility 09

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