S 700 K Point Machine: Setting Points Reliably

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2008 14:15 Uhr Seite 3

S 700 K point machine

Setting points reliably

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S 700 K point machine

Putting you on the right track

Point machines are an important factor in the safety of rail services. They need to operate with precision,
be reliable and withstand high loads. Siemens provides a state-of-the-art and tried-and-tested solution –
the S 700 K point machine for points with external locking. It is economical and versatile, making it
suitable for use in mass transit and mainline transport with points of all types and gauges.

The S700 K point machine efficiently and reliably

performs the following functions:
> Economical operation –
> operation of points
low life-cycle costs
> retention of point blades in end positions
> High level of availability –
> mechanical securing or point locking
proven operational reliability > electrical indication of throwing operations
> Universal application – and blade end positions to the interlocking
wide range of variants > opening of the trailing clutch when points
> Reliable mode of operation – are trailed and issuing of point trailed
robust, compact design indications to the detection facility
> Long service life
(one million throwing operations) The high-quality components used by Siemens
> Long maintenance intervals enable a high level of availability to be attained
> Short out-of-service periods and hence increase the efficiency of rail services.
The mean time between failures (MTBF) of the
point machine is around 550,000 hours.
Economical operation –
low life-cycle costs Universal application –
The S 700 K point machine achieves a high level of wide range of variants
operating reliability on account of its robust and The S700 K point machine from Siemens can be
compact design. It has proven itself by its durability used for points with external locking in a wide
in a wide range of applications and climatic condi- range of applications:
tions. The fact that a general overhaul is recom-
mended only after one million throwing operations > points of all types and gauges
speaks for itself. The machine can thus be used > derailers and moveable frogs
economically in short- and long-distance passenger > mass transit and mainline transport
traffic by all rail operators worldwide. Long main- > high-speed lines
tenance intervals and short out-of-service periods > centralized or decentralized use
keep the life-cycle costs low. > temperature range –30 °C to +70 °C

High level of availability – The EBA (German Federal Railways Office)-

proven operational reliability approved S700 K point machine opens up a
Reliable heavy-duty points are a decisive factor number of additional applications and possi-
for optimal line utilization. Particularly with the bilities. Besides cost-effectiveness, operational
growing demands on modern railways – for ex- reliability and a high level of availability,
ample in mainline services where very high speeds the S700 K also offers customer-specific
on the turnout leg are no longer exceptional. advantages of interest to demanding
rail operators, you too could
Even in mass transit and freight traffic, extremely benefit from:
high loads are generated and impact the points.
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> versatility, with configurations tailored to Reliable mode of operation –

requirements robust, compact design
> low power consumption and highly efficient All the components are accommodated in a cast-
operation iron housing with a key-locked, hot-galvanized
> large control range sheet-steel cover. Parts which need to be checked
> overall height does not extend above top of rail during interlocking inspections and maintenance
> light-weight, compact design work are easily accessible.
> vandal-proof construction with robust cover
> reversible during power failures (crank handle) The point machine housing conforms to degree
> direction of movement reversible in mid-stroke of protection IP54 as per IEC 60529. The interior
is ventilated and the cover has a built-in lock. The
The S700 K point machine can be used with motive power is transmitted via the transmission
geographical-circuitry, electromechanical and elec- gearing to the ball spindle drive, which converts the
tronic interlockings. The maximum possible control rotary movement of the motor into a longitudinal
distance is determined by the maximum possible motion.
core resistance. This in turn depends on the type
(AC or DC) and magnitude of the control voltage, The throwing force of the machine is limited by an
the throwing force and throwing time of the point adjustable transmission clutch. An optional trailing
machine. This is between 2 Ω and 54 Ω depending clutch designed as a notched clutch enables the
on the motor variant. points to be trailed.

Various versions of the point machine are avail- The throw bar, which is connected to the points,
able. The following customer-specific options are is held with a defined force in the end positions
possible: by the trailing clutch. During the trailing of a trail-
able point machine, it is released once the retention
> trailable or non-trailable force is exceeded. For fail-safe detection of the
> right- or left-hand mounting blade end positions, the point machine is equipped
> with or without point detectors with detector slides.
> various motor types
> variable throwing stroke The detector slides are linked to the point blades
> variable throwing force via the detector rods and prove whether the blades
> variable throwing time have reached the end position. The end position
of the point blades is detected continuously.

Once the end position

has been reached, the motor
is switched off by control
contacts. In accordance with
the position of the detecting
and motor contacts in the point
machine, the end positions
reached, throwing and trailing
of the points, and, if necessary, any faults
are evaluated by the detection facility downstream
of the contacts.
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Worldwide application
Satisfied customers
Rail operators the world over have come to
appreciate the proven S700 K point machine,
regardless of where it is used and under what

More than 30,000 point machines of this type

are in use worldwide.

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Dimensions (in mm)

Technical data

400 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 3~; 110 V DC to 136 V DC
(others on request)
Throwing force
5,500 N
Retention force
7,000 N
Max. permitted restoring force of point blades
1,400 N
Trailing resistance
9,000 + 500 N
Throwing stroke
150 mm, 220 mm
(others on request)
Throwing time *)
– for 150 mm stroke: 5 s
– for 220 mm stroke: 6 s
Rated current *) 2 A
Starting current *) 8 A
Maximum permissible line resistance *)

54 Ω
approx. 120 kg
Degree of protection
IP54 to IEC 60529
Temperature range
–30 °C to +70 °C

for 400 V three-phase AC / 50 Hz
and a core resistance of 45 Ω
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Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Mobility Division
P.O. Box 3327
D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany

Phone: (+49) (5 31) 2 26-28 88

Fax: (+49) (5 31) 2 26-48 88

© Siemens AG 2008

Printed in Germany
PPG140 312102 PA08081.5
Order No.: A19100-V100-B802-V3-7600

The information in this document contains general

descriptions of the technical options available, which
do not always have to be present in individual cases.
The required features should therefore be specified in
each individual case at the time of closing the contract.


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