Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli, Gpra Campus, Hyd-32: Sample Paper Test 01 For Term-2 Exam (2021-22)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli, Gpra Campus, Hyd-32: Sample Paper Test 01 For Term-2 Exam (2021-22)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli, Gpra Campus, Hyd-32: Sample Paper Test 01 For Term-2 Exam (2021-22)
Questions 1 to 7 carry 2 marks each.
1. Why do you think the noble gases are placed in a separate group?
2. Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having functional group
–OH. Also, draw their bond line structure.
3. Rajesh observed a patch of greenish black powdery mass on a stale piece of bread.
(a) Name the organism responsible for this and its specific mode of asexual reproduction.
(b) Name its vegetative and reproductive parts.
4. Some flowers of pumpkin and bottle gourd develop fruits whereas other flowers fail to develop
fruits. What may be the possible reason?
5. Tallness of pea plant is a dominant trait, while dwarfness is the recessive trait. When a pure-line
tall is crossed with pure-line dwarf, what fraction of tall plants in F2 generation shall be
heterozygous? Give reasons.
Gregor Mendel conducted hybridization experiments on garden peas for seven years and
proposed the laws of inheritance in living organisms. How will you justify the selection of pea
plant by Mendel for heredity experiments?
6. DDT was sprayed in a lake to regulate breeding of mosquitoes. How would it affect the trophic
levels in the following food chain associated with a lake? Justify your answer.
Out of the given food chains A, B and C which one has the minimum number of trophic levels?
If in each food chain, the same amount of energy is available to the plants, in which case will the
organism at top of the food chain get minimum energy for survival?
(a) State how the magnetic field pattern indicates regions where the magnetic field is stronger.
(b) What happens to the magnetic field when the current in the circuit is reversed?
The wire in the figure below is being moved downwards through the magnetic field, so as to
produce induced current.
Questions 8 to 13 carry 3 marks each.
8. A carbon compound ‘A’ having melting point 156K and boiling point 351K, with molecular
formula C2H6O is soluble in water in all proportions.
(a). Identify ‘A’ and draw its electron dot structure.
(b). Give the molecular formulae of any two homologues of ‘A’.
11. (a) State Right Hand Thumb rule to find the direction of the magnetic field around a current
carrying straight conductor.
(b) How will the magnetic field be affected on:
(i) increasing the current through the conductor
(ii) reversing the direction of flow of current in the conductor?
12. (a) Name the factors on which the amount of heat produced depend, when current passed through
the circuit.
(b) A resistance of 40 Ω and one of 60 Ω are arranged in series across 220 volt supply. Find the
heat in joules produced by this combination of resistances in half a minute.
A refrigerator having a power rating of 350 W operates for 10 hour a day. Calculate the cost (in
`) of electrical energy to operate it for a month of 30 days. The rate of electrical energy is ` 3.40
per kWh.
13. Gas A, found in the upper layers of the atmosphere, is a deadly poison but is essential for all
living beings. The amount of this gas started declining sharply in the 1980s.
(a). Identify Gas A. How is it formed at higher levels of the atmosphere?
(b). Why is it essential for all living beings? State the cause for the depletion of this gas.
This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each case is followed by 03 sub-questions (a,
b and c). Parts a and b are compulsory. However, an internal choice has been provided in part c.
14. Sahil performed an experiment to study the inheritance pattern of genes. He crossed tall pea
plants (TT) with short pea plants (tt) and obtained all tall plants in F1 generation.
(a). What will be set of genes present in the F1 generation?
(b). Give reason why only tall plants are observed in F1 progeny.
(c). When F1 plants were self - pollinated, a total of 800 plants were produced. How many of
these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the genotype of F2 generation.
When F1 plants were cross - pollinated with plants having tt genes, a total of 800 plants were
produced. How many of these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the genotype
of F2 generation.
Now consider the following electric circuit and answer the following questions.
(a) Which two resistors are connected in parallel?
(b) Which two resistors are connected in series?
(c) If every resistors of the circuit is of 2 Ω, what current will flow in the circuit?
Deduce the expression for the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of three resistors
R1, R2 and R3.