Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V continues the nonblocking, robust Layer 2–4 switching found in
previous Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engines. Additional performance, features, and throughput further
enhance resilient control of converged data, voice, and video networks, with high availability enabling business
resiliency for enterprise and metropolitan (metro) Ethernet customers. Network control extends from the backbone to
the edge, with intelligent services such as granular quality of service (QoS), Internet security, and network
management. The scalability of these intelligent network services is made possible with dedicated specialized
resources known as ternary content addressable memory (TCAM). Ample TCAM resources (192,000 entries) enable
“high feature capacity,” which provides wire-speed routing and switching performance while enabling services such
as QoS and security. This helps meet today’s network requirements, with ample room for future growth.
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V offers port scalability for resilient Layer 2–4 and routing for both
the enterprise and service provider market segments. Optimized for the enterprise wiring closet, branch office
backbone, or Layer 3 distribution point, the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V provides the
performance and scalability to handle the network applications of today and the future.
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series modular architecture provides a “pay as you grow” model, reducing operational
expenses and capital expenditures. The Supervisor Engine V is backward-compatible with all the classic Cisco
Catalyst 4500 Series line cards and can be used in both the classic Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series chassis (Cisco
Catalyst 4503, Cisco Catalyst 4506, Cisco Catalyst 4507R, and Cisco Catalyst 4510R) and with the Cisco Catalyst
4500 E-Series chassis (Cisco Catalyst 4503-E, 4506-E, 4507R-E, 4507R+E, 4510R-E, and 4510R+E).
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Table 1. Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V Performance per Chassis
Supervisor Engine V Supported 28 Gbps, 21 mpps Supported 64 Gbps, 48 Supported 68 Gbps, 51 Supported 96 Gbps 72 mpps*
(WS-X4516) mpps mpps
* When the Supervisor Engine V is used in the Cisco Catalyst 4510R chassis, slot 10 (FlexSlot) will support a subset of line cards:
the 2-port GBIC (WS-X43 02-GB) and Access Gateway Module (WS-X4604-GWY). Future Supervisor Engines will allow slot 10 to
accommodate any and all line cards.
Table 2. Performance and Scalability Features of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines
Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Total centralized switching 64 Gbps 96 Gbps 102 mpps and 136 Gbps 320 Gbps
Multicast entries 28,000 (Layer 3) 16,000 28,000 (Layer 3) 28,000 (Layer 3) 16,000 56,000 for IPv4
(Layer 2) 16,000 (Layer 2) (Layer 2) 28,000 for IPv6
CPU queues 32 32 32 64
NVRAM Yes (512 KB) Yes (512 KB) No via Bootflash No via Bootflash
(128 MB) (64 MB)
SPAN 2 ingress and 4 egress 2 ingress and 4 egress 2 ingress and 4 egress 8 ingress and 8 egress-
future SW release
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Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Minimum Software Cisco IOS Software Cisco IOS Software Cisco IOS Software Release Cisco IOS Software
Requirement Release 12.1(12c)EW or later Release 12.2(18)EW or 12.2(25)EW or later Release 12.2(40)SG or
later later
The amount of Software Based IPv6 entries supported is dependent on the DRAM space
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series is optimized for multimedia applications, with its advanced multicast support. The
Supervisor Engine V supports Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), Source-Specific Multicast (SSM), and Pragmatic
General Multicast (PGM), providing end users with additional scalability to support multimedia applications. Also
supported is Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping in hardware, enhancing performance and
reducing network traffic by allowing a switch to dynamically add and remove hosts from a multicast group.
Nonstop Forwarding with Stateful Switchover (NSF/SSO) offers continuous packet forwarding during supervisor
engine switchover. Information is fully synchronized between supervisors to allow the standby supervisor to
immediately take over in subsecond time if the primary fails. In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) allows customers to
upgrade or downgrade complete Cisco IOS Software images with minimal to no disruption to the network when using
a redundant Cisco Catalyst 4500 system with dual supervisors. It enables rapid, nondisruptive software upgrade for
new line cards, new power supplies, new features, or bug fixes. ISSU offers continuous packet forwarding during the
supervisor engine switchover, running different Cisco IOS Software versions.
NSF/SSO and ISSU dramatically improve the network reliability and availability in a Layer 2 or Layer 3 environment.
They are essential for business-critical applications such as voice over IP (VoIP). As a result, VoIP calls are not
The redundancy scheme using the Supervisor Engine V is similar to that for the Supervisor Engine IV. Alerts are
generated to the network monitoring software if either supervisor fails, and hot swapping of supervisors is supported
without disrupting system operation. Switchover of supervisors can be forced by software, or by the user via Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The resiliency features of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series prevent network
outages that could result in lost business and revenue.
Table 3 shows the high availability and uplink options for all of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3
Supervisor Engines.
Table 3. High Availability and Uplink Options on the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines
Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
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Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Active supervisor uplinks 2 Gigabit Ethernet Up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet Up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet 2 10 Gigabit (wire speed)
in redundant mode and 2 10 Gigabit Ethernet1 Up to 4 10 Gigabit (2:1
Up to 8 Gigabit Ethernet
(TwinGig Converter)
Active Supervisor Engine 2 Gigabit Ethernet 2 Gigabit Ethernet 4 Gigabit Ethernet and 2 2 10 Gigabit Ethernet
uplinks (nonredundant 10 Gigabit Ethernet* or
1 10 Gigabit and 2 Gigabit
Ethernet (TwinGig
4 Gigabit Ethernet
(TwinGig Converter)
Uplink optic types GBIC GBIC SFP (Gigabit Ethernet) or SFP (Gigabit Ethernet)
X2 optics (10 Gigabit with TwinGig Converter or
Ethernet ports) X2 optics (10 Gigabit
Ethernet ports)
* Simultaneous use of Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet is supported in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25) SG and later.
**NSF/SSO/ISSU will be supported in First half of Calendar Year 2008 Cisco IOS Software Release.
Please refer to the “Features at a Glance” section of this data sheet for a complete list of supported features.
IPv6 Support
IPv6 is important for the future of IP networking and is critical for the expansion of IP address space in the future.
IPv6 capability is required by many companies and is being mandated by governments worldwide. IPv6 has been
supported on the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine V since Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(20) EW with
software-based forwarding.
Table 4 summarizes the QoS features of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines.
Table 4. QoS Feature Summary for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines
Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Policers 8,000 input 8,000 input 8,000 input 16,000 with flexible
8,000 output 8,000 output 8,000 output assignment for
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Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Max Tx queue size 1920 packets per Tx 2336 packets per Tx queue 2336 packets per Tx Dynamic 56–8192 packets
queue queue per queue depending on
the number and type of
line card and the number
of queues configured on
the port.
See documentation for
more details
QoS sharing Supported only on Supported on all ports Supported on all ports Supported on all ports
nonblocking Gigabit
Ethernet ports
Shaping Yes, per Tx queue Yes, per Tx queue Yes, per Tx queue Yes, per Tx queue
Broadcast suppression Software** Hardware for all ports Hardware for all ports Hardware for all ports
Multicast suppression No Hardware for all ports Hardware for all ports Hardware for all ports
* Will be supported as part of the software upgrade in First Half of Calendar Year 2008
** Hardware performance for nonblocking Gigabit Ethernet ports and software performance for all other ports.
Please refer to the “Features at a Glance” section of this data sheet for a list of supported features.
Comprehensive Management
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V features a single console port and a single IP address to
manage all features of the system. Remote in-band management is available via SNMP, Telnet client, Bootstrap
Protocol (BOOTP), and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Support for local or remote out-of-band management is
delivered through a terminal or modem attached to the console interface. SmartPorts Macro is a Cisco Catalyst
solution that is also supported, simplifying the configuration of the critical features for the Ethernet networks.
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V delivers a comprehensive set of management tools to provide
the required visibility and control in the network. Managed with CiscoWorks solutions, Cisco Catalyst switches can be
configured and managed to deliver end-to-end device, virtual LAN (VLAN), traffic, and policy management. The LAN
management solution bundle offers tools such as CiscoWorks Resource Manager Essentials and CiscoView. These
Web-based management tools offer several services, including automated inventory collection, software deployment,
easy tracking of network changes, views into device availability, and quick isolation of error conditions. Table 5
summarizes the management features of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines.
Table 5. Management Feature Highlights of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines
Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Compact Flash support Yes; 64 MB or 128 MB Yes; 64 MB or 128 MB Yes; 64 MB or 128 MB Yes; 64 MB or 128 MB
options options options options
SPAN 2 ingress and 4 egress 2 ingress and 4 egress 2 ingress and 4 egress 8 ingress and 8 egress:
future SW release
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Please refer to the “Features at a Glance” section of this data sheet for a complete list of supported features.
Advanced Security
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series offers a rich set of integrated security features to proactively lock down your critical
network infrastructure. It reduces network security risks with a rich set of Network Admission Control (NAC)
capabilities and 802.1x-based user authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). The security policy
enforcement is uncompromised, with wire-rate, dedicated access-control lists (ACLs) to fend off ever-increasing virus
and security attacks. The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series offers powerful, easy-to-use tools to effectively prevent
untraceable man-in-the-middle attacks, control plane resource exhaustion, IP spoofing, and flooding attacks, without
any change to the end-user or host configurations. Secure remote access, file transfers, and network management
are accomplished with the Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Version 1 and Version 2, Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), and
SNMPv3, respectively.
NAC is a foundational component of the Cisco Self-Defending Network strategy, improving the network’s ability to
automatically identify, prevent, and respond to security threats. NAC enables the Cisco Catalyst switches to
collaborate with third-party solutions for security-policy compliance and enforcement before a host is permitted to
access the network.
NAC performs posture validation at the Layer 2 network edge for hosts with or without 802.1x enabled. Vulnerable
and noncompliant hosts can be isolated, given reduced network access, or directed to remediation servers based on
organizational policy. By ensuring that every host complies with security policy, organizations can significantly reduce
the damage caused by infected hosts. NAC is available through standard software upgrades or Cisco SMARTnet®
contracts on Cisco Catalyst switches. Table 6 summarizes the security features of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series
Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines.
Table 6. Security Feature Highlights of the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Enhanced Layer 3 Supervisor Engines
Feature and Description Supervisor Engine IV Supervisor Engine V Supervisor Engine Supervisor Engine
V-10GE 6-E
Please refer to the “Features at a Glance” section of this data sheet for a complete list of supported features.
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Enterprise and service provider customers are particularly finding the use of NetFlow to be a critical component in
defending the network from security attacks. NetFlow export data is gathered for signature analysis and traffic
profiling. Anomalies are flagged and mitigated at the prompting of the user. The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series security
toolkit was design to prevent malicious attackers from bringing down the network.
The default is NetFlow Statistics Collection and NetFlow Data Export versions 1 and 5. The supported fields within
NetFlow Data Export version 5 with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)SG are identified below:
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Software Requirements
The minimum software versions for the Netflow Services Card with Supervisor Engine V are as follows:
The NetFlow Services Card can be shipped preinstalled with a Supervisor Engine IV or V from the factory or as a
separate, field-replaceable unit. The Supervisor Engine V must be removed from the chassis to install the NetFlow
Services Module; it is not hot-swappable.
Table 7 summaries additional NetFlow features for the Cisco 4500 Series Supervisor Engine IV and V.
Aggregate policers 1000 ingress; 1000 egress 8000 ingress; 8000 egress
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Features at a Glance
Layer 2 Features
● Layer 2 hardware forwarding at 72 mpps
● Layer 2 switch ports and VLAN trunks
● IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation
● Inter-Switch Link (ISL) VLAN encapsulation (excluding blocking ports on WS-X4418-GB)
● Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)
● VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) and VTP domains
● Support for 4096 VLANs per switch
● Per-VLAN Spanning-Tree Protocol (PVST+) and Per-VLAN Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol (PVRST)
● Spanning-tree PortFast and PortFast guard
● Spanning-tree UplinkFast and BackboneFast
● 802.1s
● 802.1w
● 802.3ad
● Spanning-Tree Protocol root guard
● Cisco Discovery Protocol
● IGMP snooping v1, v2, and v3
● Cisco EtherChannel® technology, Fast EtherChannel, and Gigabit EtherChannel technology across line cards
● Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP)
● Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
● Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol (UDLD) and aggressive UDLD
● Q-in-Q in hardware
● Layer 2 protocol tunneling
● Jumbo Frames (up to 9216 bytes)
● Baby Giants (up to 1600 bytes)
● Unidirectional Ethernet
● Stateful Switchover (SSO) in subsecond failover time
● Storm control (formally known as broadcast and multicast suppression)
● Forced 10/100 autonegotiation
● Web Content Communication Protocol Version 2 Layer 2 Redirect
● Private VLAN promiscuous trunk
● Match class of service (CoS) for non-IPv4 traffic
● Layer 2 protocol tunneling over trunk port
● CoS mutation
● Per-VLAN control traffic intercept
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Layer 3 Features
● Hardware-based IP Cisco Express Forwarding routing at 72 mpps
● IP routing protocols: Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF),
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), RIP2
● Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP4) and Multicast Border Gateway Protocol (MBGP)
● BGP Route-Map Continue Support for Outbound Policy
● Software routing of Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) and AppleTalk
● Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) routing protocol
● IGMP v1, v2, and v3
● IGMP filtering on access and trunk ports
● IP multicast routing protocols (PIM, SSM, Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol [DVMRP])
● Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM)
● Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP) server
● Full Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) support
● ICMP Router Discovery Protocol
● Policy-Based Routing (PBR)
● Virtual Route Forwarding-lite (VRF-lite)
● EIGRP stub
● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
● DHCP option 82 with Circuit ID and Remote ID suboptions
● IP unnumbered for switch virtual interface (SVI)
● SVI Autostate Exclude
● Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)
● Auto RP Listener (Multicast)
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Predictable Performance
● 96-Gbps switching fabric
● Layer 2 hardware forwarding at 72 mpps
● Layer 3 hardware-based IP Cisco Express Forwarding routing at 72 mpps
● Layer 4 TCP/UDP hardware-based filtering at 72 mpps
● No performance penalty with advanced Layer 3 and Layer 4 services enabled
● Software-based learning at a sustained rate of 1000 hosts per second
● Support for 32,768 MAC addresses
● Support for 131,072 entries in routing table (shared between unicast and multicast)
● Scalability to 4000 virtual ports (VLAN port instances)
● Bandwidth aggregation up to 16 Gbps through Cisco Gigabit EtherChannel technology
● Hardware-based multicast management
● Hardware-based ACLs, router ACLs (RACLs), VLAN ACLs
Comprehensive Management
● Manageable through Cisco Network Assistant
● Single console port and single IP address to manage all system features
● Software configuration management, including local and remote storage
● Manageable through CiscoWorks Windows network-management software on a per-port and per-switch
basis, providing a common management interface for Cisco routers, switches, and hubs
● SNMP v1, v2, and v3 instrumentation, delivering comprehensive in-band management
● CLI-based management console to provide detailed out-of-band management
● Remote Monitoring (RMON) software agent to support four RMON groups (history, statistics, alarms, and
events) for enhanced traffic management, monitoring, and analysis
● Support for all nine RMON groups through the use of a Cisco SwitchProbe analyzer (Switched Port Analyzer
[SPAN]) port, which permits traffic monitoring of a single port, a group of ports, or the entire switch from a
single network analyzer or RMON probe
● Analysis support, including ingress port, egress port, and VLAN SPAN
● Layer 2 traceroute
● Remote SPAN (RSPAN)
● Cisco SmartPorts Macro
● SPAN ACL filtering
● SPAN CPU port
● DHCP client autoconfiguration
● Enhanced SNMP MIB support
● Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
● Optional compact Flash memory card to store software images for backup and easy software upgrades
● NetFlow VLAN statistics (NetFlow Services Card required)
● MAC address notification
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Advanced Security
● Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) and Remote Authentication Dial-In User
Service (RADIUS), which help enable centralized control of the switch and restrict unauthorized users from
altering the configuration
● Standard and extended ACLs on all ports
● 802.1x user authentication (with VLAN assignment, voice VLAN, port security, guest VLAN)
● 802.1x accounting
● 802.1x authentication failure
● 802.1x private VLAN assignment
● 802.1x private guest VLAN
● 802.1x Radius-supplied time out
● NAC L2 802.1x
● Trusted boundary
● Router ACLs (RACLs) on all ports (no performance penalty)
● Port ACLs (PACLs)
● Private VLANs (PVLANs) on access and trunk ports
● DHCP snooping
● DHCP Option 82
● DHCP Option 82 insertion
● DHCP Option 82 Pass Through
● Port security
● Sticky port security
● SSH v1 and v2
● VLAN Management Policy Server (VMPS) client
● Unicast MAC filtering
● Unicast port flood blocking
● Dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection
● IP source guard
● Community private VLANs
● Trunk port security
● 802.1x inaccessible authentication bypass
● MAC authentication bypass
● Control plane policing
● 802.1x unidirectional controlled port
● Voice VLAN sticky port security
● Secure Copy Protocol (SCP)
● EtherChannel trunk port security
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High Availability
● Nonstop Forwarding with Stateful Switchover (NSF/SSO)
● In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)
● NSF awareness
● SSO in subsecond failover time
● Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
● SSO-Aware Hot Standby Router Protocol
● Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
● Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP)
● OSPF fast convergence – Incremental SPF and link-state advertisement (LSA) throttling
● Cisco Generic Online Diagnostics (GOLD)
● VSS client
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● Traceroute
● Duplicate address detection
● Standard Access Control List (ACL)
● Tunnels in software
● Hop-by-hop option header, done in software
● RIP next gen for IPv6
● PIM v6 (Sparse Mode)
Technical Specifications
● CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution (LMS), including CiscoWorks Resource Manager Essentials
● CiscoView
● Cisco Network Assistant
●* (RFC 1493)
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● (RFC 3636)
● (802.3ad)
● (MIB-II)
● (RFC 1757)
● (RFC 2021)
● (Internet-Draft)
● (RFC 2571)
● (RFC 2572)
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Industry Standards
● Ethernet: IEEE 802.3, 10BASE-T
● Fast Ethernet: IEEE 802.3u, 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX
● Gigabit Ethernet: IEEE 802.3z, 802.3ab
● IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE)
● IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol
● IEEE 802.1w rapid reconfiguration of spanning tree
● IEEE 802.1s multiple VLAN instances of spanning tree
● IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
● IEEE 802.1p class-of-service (CoS) prioritization
● IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
● IEEE 802.1x user authentication
● 1000BASE-X (GBIC)
● 1000BASE-X (Small Form-Factor Pluggable [SFP])
● 1000BASE-SX
● 1000BASE-LX/LH
● 1000BASE-ZX
● RMON I and II standards
Table 8 shows supported line cards and modules, and Table 9 shows GBIC and SFP options.
WS-X4248-FE-SFP (=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Fast Ethernet Switching Module, 48-port 100BASE-X (SFP)
WS-X4124-FX-MT(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Fast Ethernet Switching Module, 24-port 100BASE-FX (MT-RJ)
WS-X4148-FX-MT(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Fast Ethernet Switching Module, 48-port 100BASE-FX MMF
WS-X4148-FE-BD-LC(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series 48-port 100BASE-BX10-D Fast Ethernet Line Card for single strand of SMF
WS-X4248-RJ21V(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 PoE IEEE 802.3af 10/100, 48 ports (RJ-21)
WS-X4224-RJ45V(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 PoE IEEE 802.3af 10/100, 24 ports (RJ-45)
WS-X4248-RJ45V(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 PoE IEEE 802.3af 10/100, 48 ports (RJ-45)
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WS-X4506-GB-T(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 6-port 10/100/1000 RJ-45 PoE IEEE 802.3af and 1000BASE-X (SFP)
WS-X4418-GB(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Gigabit Ethernet Module, server switching 18 ports (GBIC)
WS-X4448-GB-SFP(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Gigabit Ethernet Module, 48-port 1000X (SFP)
WS-X4524-GB-RJ45V(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 PoE IEEE 802.3af 10/100/1000, 24 ports (RJ-45)
WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 PoE IEEE 802.3af 10/100/1000, 48 ports (RJ-45)
Software Requirements
● The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V is supported only in Cisco IOS Software and is not
supported in the Cisco CatOS Software. The minimum software versions are as follows:
● Supervisor Engine V, Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)SG or later
● Supervisor Engine V with the NetFlow daughter card, Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)SG
Environmental Conditions
● Operating temperature: 32º to 104ºF (0º to 40ºC)
● Storage temperature: -40º to 167ºF (-40º to 75ºC)
● Relative humidity: 10 to 90 percent, noncondensing
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Specification Standard
Safety ● UL 60950
● CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950
● EN 60950
● IEC 60950
● TS 001
● AS/NZS 3260
Industry EMC, Safety, and ● GR-63-Core Network Equipment Building Systems (NEBS) Level 3
Environmental Standards ● GR-1089-Core Level 3
● ETS 300 019 Storage Class 1.1
● ETS 300 019 Transportation Class 2.3 (pending)
● ETS 300 019 Stationary Use Class 3.1
● ETS 300 386
New Cisco IOS Software Packaging for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series
Cisco announces a new Cisco IOS Software package for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series switches. This package
creates a new foundation for features and functionality, and provides consistency across all Cisco Catalyst switches.
The new Cisco IOS Software release train is designated as 12.2SG.
Prior Cisco IOS Software images for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series, formally known as “Basic L3” and “Enhanced
L3” images, now map to “IP Base” and “Enterprise Services,” respectively. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is now
included in the “Enterprise Services” image. Unless otherwise specified, all currently shipping Cisco Catalyst 4500
software features based on Cisco IOS Software are supported in the 12.2(25)SG, IP Base image, with a few points to
The IP Base image will not support the following routing-related features: BGP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, IPX, AppleTalk,
Virtual Route Forwarding-lite (VRF]-lite), and Policy-Based Routing (PBR).
The IP Base image will support EIGRP-Stub for Layer 3 routing on all Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor
Engines. For more information on EIGRP-Stub functionality, go to:
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The Enterprise Services image supports all Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series software features based on Cisco IOS
Software, including enhanced routing. Customers planning to enable BGP on Supervisor Engines IV, V, or V-10GE
no longer need to purchase a separate BGP license (FR-IRC4); BGP capability is included in the Enterprises
Services package.
WS-X4516(=) Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V, 2 GE, Console RJ-45
WS-X4516/2 Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Redundant Supervisor Engine V, (2 GE), Console RJ-45
S45IPB-12231SG Cisco IOS Software for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series (IP Base image with EIGRP-Stub support)
S45IPBK9-12231SG Cisco IOS Software for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series (IP Base image with Triple Data Encryption Standard [3DES] and
EIGRP-Stub support)
S45ES-12231SG Cisco IOS Software for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engines IV, V, and V-10GE (Enterprise Services image
with BGP support)
S45ESK9-12231SG Cisco IOS Software for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engines IV, V, and V-10GE (Enterprise Services image
with 3DES and BGP support)
MEM-C4K-FLD64M Cisco Catalyst 4500 Cisco IOS Software based Supervisor, compact Flash memory, 64-MB option
MEM-C4K-FLD128M Cisco Catalyst 4500 Cisco IOS Software based Supervisor, compact Flash memory, 128-MB option
Cisco Catalyst 4500 E-Series and Cisco Catalyst 4500 switches are covered by the Cisco Limited Lifetime Hardware
Warranty. For more information, see this document on
Note: If you purchased the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Supervisor Engine V before May 1, 2009, it is covered by
the Cisco 90-Day Limited Hardware Warranty. For more information, see this document on
Cisco Technical Support Services—Extending Network Intelligence that Protects Your Network
Investment. Now.
Cisco Technical Support Services help ensure that your Cisco products operate efficiently, remain highly available,
and benefit from current system software to assist you in effectively managing your network service while controlling
operational costs.
Cisco Technical Support Services provide significant benefits that go beyond what is offered under the Cisco
warranty policy. Services available under a Cisco SMARTnet service contract that are not covered under a warranty
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Software Support Offers maintenance and minor and major updates for licensed feature set. Downloading new maintenance
releases, patches, or updates of Cisco IOS Software helps to enhance and extend the useful life of Cisco devices.
Through major software updates it is possible to extend the life of equipment and maximize application technology
investments by:
● Adding new functionality that, in many cases, requires no additional hardware investment
● Increasing the performance of current functionality
● Enhancing network and/or application availability, reliability, and stability
TAC Support With more than 1000 highly trained customer support engineers, 390 CCIE experts, and access to 13,000 R&D
engineers, Cisco TAC complements your in-house staff with a high level of knowledge in voice, video, and data
communications networking technology. Its sophisticated call routing system quickly routes calls to the correct
technology personnel. The Cisco TAC is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This award-winning Web site provides 24 x 7 access to an extensive collection of online product and technology
information, interactive network management and troubleshooting tools, and knowledge transfer resources that
can help customers reduce costs by increasing staff self-sufficiency and productivity.
Advance Hardware Advance replacement and onsite field engineer options supply fast access to replacement hardware and field
Replacement resources for installing hardware, minimizing the risk of potential network downtime.
Worldwide Virtual Lab This extensive lab of Cisco equipment and Cisco IOS Software versions provides an invaluable engineering
resource and knowledge base for training, product information, and recreation and testing of selected network
issues to help decrease time-to-resolution.
TAC Training Cisco is committed to providing customers the latest in technology support. These TAC training programs assist
● Boot Camps customers in case avoidance as well as provide knowledge transfer of Cisco networking expertise.
● Tech Calls
● Tech Forums
Cisco Live A powerful suite of Internet-enabled tools with firewall-friendly features, these secure, encrypted Java applets can
turn a simple phone call into an interactive collaboration session, allowing a customer and Cisco TAC support
engineer to work together more effectively.
Global Logistics Delivers award-winning, worldwide hardware replacement support with 650 depots, covering 120 countries, at a
$2.3 billion investment in inventory, and comprising 10,000 onsite field engineers.
Cisco IOS Software Employs 100 discrete technologies with more than 2000 features. 400 new features are added each year. Cisco
IOS Software is installed in more than 10 million devices and is running on more than 10,000 networks worldwide.
It operates on the world’s largest IPv6 and VoIP networks and in all major service provider networks worldwide.
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