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data) RACPC RANCHI Up to 23.05.2009: During a short span of time (around two months) during the year I started with the preparations for RFIA of the Cell, which had become overdue. All the preliminary works for this purpose were done during my presence, which later on facilitated smooth completion of the RFIA, which was conducted after I was relieved for Gaya for taking up my new assignment. The AARFs/Assets and Liabilities statements of all the Officers working under me in the cell were submitted well in time and before I left for Gaya. At RBO, Gaya BUSINESS PERFORMANCE (i) Growth in Advances The growth of Rs.90.00 crores in advances constituted nearly 68 % of the years total advances budget, while growth in Psegment advances alone to the extent of Rs.54.00 crores stood at nearly 90 year figures. (ii) Deposit Growth : The Region was able in registering a growth of Rs. 147.00 crores in deposits. The shortfall in deposit budget is mainly due to misclassification in segments and not going in for deposits of very-very volatile nature.
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(iii) Profitability The Region has achieved more than 90% of the Net Result budgets for the year. None of the Branches was in red figures this year and even the newly opened branches have earned handsome profits. (iv) Cutting Cost Our Region is perhaps the only Region, which has been successful in cutting the cost and containing the overheads (Rs.8.72 crores) below the budget (Rs.9.00 crores) for the year. (iv) Conducting Big Loan Mela Two loan melas were organized during the year in a big way. The Car loan mela organized in October (12.10.09-14.10.09) was first of its kind in Gaya and was a grand success. We could not only book new business of 126 Car Loans worth Rs. 4.92 crores but also succeeded in giving a message to the people that hassle free loans can be sanctioned/disbursed by SBI on the spot itself. The loan mela organized in the month of February10 (10th -12th Feb.) was inaugurated by DM Gaya and our esteemed GM was Chief Guest of this occasion. During the mela we could book new business in the form of Car Loan, Housing Loan and SME loan to the extent of Rs.6.05 crores through 116 loan accounts in total. Apart from business these worked effectively for wide publicity of our products. (v) RCPC GAYA During the year I motivated the RCPC, Gaya for expediting the sanction /disbursal of quality loan proposals without any compromise. Resultantly business to the tune of Rs. 37.43 crores by means of sanction of 2870 loan proposals could be booked by the Cell at the end of year registering a manifold growth against the bench mark of Rs.3.00 crores. (iii) Booking of Big ticket Loans/Take overs etc.
I made personal effort for taking-over the business of M/S Parina Motors / M/S Ramanandi Automobiles etc. from other banks and to my satisfaction both of these are now our valued customers. I explored the possibility of financing for a Mall in Gaya and a proposal of loan worth Rs.8.00 crores is under consideration in the name of APR Mall.
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NPA Management (i) Surfacing actual NPAs When I took over charge of the Region, there was a big gap in actual NPA level of the Region in comparison to what it was being reflected in CIS 2009. I dared to un hide the hidden NPAs which resulted in shoot-up of the NPA level to the extent of Rs.101.45 crores vis--vis the level of Rs. 66.00 crores ( year ending CIS figures). However, I took up the challenge and from the very beginning of my tenure at RBO instructed the Branches to abide by the IRAC norms and should work hard for actual reduction in NPAs by initiating recovery measures what so ever is required. I also make the operating functionaries aware of the available tools in our system and trained them personally for monitoring and ascertaining the position on daily and regular basis. I, my self also monitored the high values NPAs personally with the Branches as well as the borrowers. This strategy on my part and the efforts of my team worked and to the satisfaction of my controllers at the end of year, the Region could bring the NPA figures down to the level of Rs. 68.66 crores. (ii) Write-off I motivated my Chief Manager( Rural) and Manager NPA , who were new to my team for leaving no stone unturned for getting the NPAs within controllable levels. My close monitoring and regular follow-up with them brought results and made it possible to write-off Rs. 362.14 lacs and having Region could all the loan accounts amounting 100 % provision within the
stipulated time and all the relatives TRs could be also be sent to the controlling office/ DGM(O&C) without any delay. In addition to this I also ensured that all the 643 loan accounts having short provision should also get written-off in accordance with Banks policies within the stipulated time norms. We got very short time for completion of this task, but could make it possible comfortably. (iii) Recalled Assets Again, as many as 2939 bad loan accounts lying in live ledgers were followed-up closely by me for their transfer to Recalled
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Asset accounts, consequent upon which an amount of Rs. 947.00 lacs could be transferred before 31.03.2010 to RA. (iv) SARFAESI Notices/ News paper Publication I initiated tough measures against the recalcitrant borrowers from whom it was quite difficult to realize Banks dues through soft recovery measures. In this process I managed issuance of notices under SARFAESI act and publishing of notices in leading news papers. Our Regions performance in this area was appreciated by the controllers as we succeeded in serving 346 SARFAESI notices, 208 publications and effecting 27 seizures/ physical possessions of immovable properties as a result of which recoveries around made. (b)Housing Keeping : I made my people aware of the benefits of proper house keeping and tried to train them up in my every interaction. This worked immensely and the knowledge gap of my people was surprisingly narrowed in this area. I my self prepared data base of the Region and kept up dated through out the year. (c) Branch Inspection & Audit Report: During the period under reference, 13 Branches undergone RFIA out of which five Branches were upgraded in I&A rating, six maintained their existing ratings with increased marks over previous I&A and one Branch was rated Well Controlled. (d) Any other area : (i) Opening of New Branches As many as nine new Branches were opened in the Region during the year, inclusive of opening of gigantic task of five new branches in one day on a very short notice. However, this too, was made possible with the support of our controllers and IT officials and we could achieve the ultimate goal honouring the words of our GM Sir as also giving top priority to the corporate office expectations in spite of all the odds. (ii) Opening of RCPC at Aurangabad I felt the need of one more RCPC in the Region for our branches in Auragabad district. The matter was taken-up with the
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controllers, who favoured me by acceding to my proposition and accorded permission for opening of RCPC at this centre. As such it became operational and started working properly during the year. (iii) Customer Service Points-a new initiative Our Region was perhaps first in the circle to go ahead with the Banks new initiative of establishing Customer Service points in un banked rural areas. I remained in personal and constant touch with the Society (SAVE) and lined up the progress on regular basis, as a result of which four CSPs started working at two centres in our Region within a short period. (iv) Mobile Banking I took personal care for making our people aware of the Banks INB facilities, which have to be extended to our customers. I organized an awareness programme at RBO on Mobile Banking with the help of IT officials, which proved quite fruitful and our customers are now getting acquainted of this facility. (v) ATM Installation To increase the availability of alternate channels further, I worked for increasing the number of ATMs in our Region. Due to my efforts seven new ATMs ( on site/Off-site) were installed at different centres during the year. (vi) Cordial IR There had been no IR problem in the Region and cordial working as well as personal relation was ensured for smooth functioning throughout the year. 2. Areas where I feel I have not achieved (with supporting data and reasons.) The P-Segment deposit budget of the Region could not be achieved due to misclassification of more than Rs.100 crores amount during the last fiscal. 3. Constraints faced. Man power management in view of opening of large number of new branch was really a challenge. However, this ultimately proved to
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be an inspiring factor for me and I learnt how to complete the tasks keeping the constraints aside. 4. What according to me would enable me to perform better: Posting/placement of new/young officers preferably P.Os. T.Os in the Region could have made a lot of difference. However, I have faith in blessings of god, guidance of my superiors and support of subordinates. If these continue to remain with me, I would certainly perform better and better. 5. Special tasks and achievements outside the Bank.
knowledgeable, experienced and able leadership of our esteemed CGM ,GM and DGMs, whose valuable guidance and support helped me immensely in enriching my job knowledge, performing the assigned tasks in desired manner and improving the quality of my work all the time. I feel personally obliged to them for their generosity, faith and affection for me and my people, without which it could have not been possible for me to perform better.
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Signature :
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