Surviving Our Present Culture
Surviving Our Present Culture
Surviving Our Present Culture
KEY PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 3:1 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:11 | Isaiah 40:8 | Titus 1:5-16
Having Unwavering Faith. Doubts regarding the The tragedy for believers who compromise with the world
truth of God’s Word usually arise when we dismiss the is that even though their souls are saved, their lives are
verses and passages that forbid what we want to do or wasted. The only solution is to repent by turning away
command what we don’t want to do. Before long, we from the culture, back to the Lord and His Word.
rewrite the Bible by holding onto only the parts we find
acceptable and rationalizing away the rest. Although RESPONSE
there is much in Scripture we don’t understand and may
not like, the proper response is to rest assured that all of What influences you more–the Bible or the culture?
God’s Word is trustworthy. Do you accept things today as normal, or can you
Applying Scripture to Our Lives. Biblical truths are not see how corrupt the culture has become? How has it
just the foundation for our beliefs, but the message in changed during your lifetime?
our hearts and minds, on our lips, and before our eyes. What effect is the media having on your thoughts,
If we want pure lives, we must fill our minds with the
attitudes, emotions, and practices? How much
purity of God’s Word. Every decision we make should be
does it occupy your time and focus compared with
guided by biblical principles.
God’s Word?
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