Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) Disaster Contingency Plan

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Disaster Situation Population Target # of Families Evacuation Centers Budgetary Sources Inventory of Available
Disaster Equipment
Super Typhoon 2,929 500 Barangay Multi-Purpose
Hall, VSC Elementary BDRRM Fund Megaphone
School, VSC Chapel and Two-Way Radios
Covered Court, VSC SK Fund Emergency Kit
Health Center, Day Care Flash Light
Center and Old 20% Development Fund Rope
Barangay Hall, Senior Palakol
Citizens Office Hard Hat
Floods 2,929 500 Barangay Multi-Purpose Megaphone
Hall, VSC Elementary BDRRM Fund Two-Way Radios
School, VSC Chapel and Emergency Kit
Covered Court, VSC SK Fund Flash Light
Health Center, Day Care Rope
Center and Old 20% Development Fund Palakol
Barangay Hall, Senior De-Clogging Materials
Citizens Office
Fire 2,929 500 Barangay Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguisher
Hall, VSC Elementary BDRRM Fund First Aid Kit
School, VSC Chapel and
Covered Court, VSC SK Fund
Health Center, Day Care
Center and Old 20% Development Fund
Barangay Hall, Senior
Citizens Office
Earthquake 2,929 500 Barangay Multi-Purpose
Hall, VSC Elementary BDRRM Fund
School, VSC Chapel and
Covered Court, VSC SK Fund
Health Center, Day Care
Center and Old 20% Development Fund
Barangay Hall, Senior
Citizens Office

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