Weekly Home Learning Plan Oral Communication in Context Grade 11-Week 1-Quarter 1

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Grade 11- Week 1-Quarter 1
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task Mode of Delivery

7:00 – 8:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!
Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
WEEK 1 1. Explain the Nature Nature of Communication
(September and Process of
20-24, 2021) English (Oral Communication . Learning Task 1: KWLH Chart The parent will pick up
Communication 2. Understand the Follow instructions as stated in the module in a
M-TTH in Context) relationship and the module P.7 designated pick up
As scheduled functions of
point. After the
communication in LT 2: Comic Strip
everyday life. Follow instructions as stated in
accomplishment of
3. Illustrate the the module. P.8 activities within a
process of given time, the parent
communication LT3 : Reflections shall, at the scheduled
Write your reflections towards time and venue, submit
the lesson. Use the given the accomplished
lines/phrases in the activity to answer sheets to the
start your paragraph. P.8 class
Note:The teacher will check
these parts.
MDL) Platforms such
Assessment as messenger or text
Read each item carefully then shall likewise be open
choose the letter that corresponds to students in case of
to your answers. Write your questions or
answer on a separate sheet of clarifications regarding
paper. the task instructions.
Check your answers. Answer ( BLENDED)
keys can be found at the end of
the module. P.9-10

Additional Activities
PictureTalk- Follow instruction
given in the module. Be guided
with the given rubric. (Use a
separate sheet for your answer)

Note: The teacher will check

this part.

Friday Self-Assessment Tasks; Portfolio preparation/Reflective journal, other learning area task for inclusive education

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