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Se? Aaglo-Ginese School (Bima) END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATION 2015, MATHEMATICS BOOKLETA PRIMARY FOUR Name: Clase: Primary 4 Dale: 30 October 2015, Duration of Booklets A.& 8:1 hour 45 minutes [INSTRUCTIONS 70 CANDIDATES a ‘This queston paper consists of 8 printed pages, incluting the cover page Do not tam his page until you are to tod 0, Follow all insrotions careful. | 4. Shade your answer on the Optical Answer Shest (OAS) provided.‘SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (30 MARKS) ‘Questions 1 to 15 camry 2marks each. For each question, four opis are given. One of them isthe correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 r 4). Shade the eorect oval (1,2, or 4) on the Optical Answer Shest (OAS) 4. Thityeight thousand and forty thee in fous fs (1) 98034 (2) 8049 (@) 38.403 () 98430 245689 rounded of tothe nearest hundeod is () 45.600 (2) 45.660 (©) 45700 (4) 46.000 3. Invhich ofthe following numbers doos the dig 7 stands for 7 hundredths?” (1) 137.234 (2) 238.107 (9) 24.768, (432.176‘Arrange the folowing fractions from the greatest othe smallest, As 2 4'6'R (greatest) (smatlest) mi.2.3 4° R' 6 $n 4 @ é’ Rtg 1s 4 o 2.8.8 2 3 om 2.4.8 20 100 ~ 0) ce @ 002 @ 02 (4) 05 2 wie 9 ‘Whats the missing number in the box? a) 15 @) 108 @) 9% 4) a46 Wertical poles are placed ina row at equal dstances. The dlstance between the frst and third pote Is 12 m, What isthe distance between the fist and sixth pole? Loita tt (1) 20m @ 2m ©) 30m @) 36m Which ofthe folowing figures can tesselate? "Dd @) we “>> « ; 48 10. 14 concert started a 9.55 a.m. and ended at 12:30 p.m. How long was the concer? Give your answer in hours an minutes, (4) 2h 30min 2) 2h36 min @ 3h15min (4) 335 min write 64 as a decimal 20 () 614 2) 620 @) 634 (4) 670 ‘Aroctangle measures 16 om by 4 cm. Ithas the same area as a square. Find the perimeter ofthe square. () 80m @) 106m @ 32am (4) G4emSquares A, B and C havea total area of 170 ont, Square Aas an area of (64 on?. The area of Square Bis 25 cmn*. Whats the length of Square ©? (1) 400m (2) 366m (9) 30m (6) 9.0m ‘Amir used diferent shapes to make pattern. The first 15 shapes are shown below. What isthe 28" shape? AOVOKAOVOCAOVO 2 “O a aOQ 4+4. Kral standing at the point marked K in the foure below. She is facing the food contre. What wil she facawhan she turns 225" anti-clockwise? School Lay | Playground carpark ——[ ‘Apartment Block Food bel Bus stop mer Staion (1) Bus Stop (2) Playground (8) Library (4) Bohoot 15. Bob, Carl and Dan had $76 altogether. Bob and Carl had the same ‘amount of money. Dan had $10 more than Bob. How much dd Cart have? ©) sz @ 832 © 893 ) $88Ca Anglo-Gjinese Setoo! (Primary) END-OF-VEAR EXAMINATION 2015 MATHEMATICS BOOKLET 8 PRIMARY FOUR Name: Class: Primary 4 Date: 30 October 2015, Duration of Booklets A & 8:1 hour 4S minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1, This question paper consists of 16 printed pages, cht | 2 Donottum this page unl you are told to do so, 3. Follow all instrsctions earefily 4 Answerall questions Anite A. Maltiple-Choice Questions 30 - 8, Short Answers «0 ©. Problom Sums » Total Marks 00SECTION B - Short Answers (40 Marks Quostions 16 to 35 carry 2 marks each. Show all workings clearly. \Write your answerin the space provided. Give your answers in the units siated and in its simplest form whenever possible, 46, Whatie the value ofthe digit 3 in 23 7042 ‘Answer 11. we 2a ed mabe snetfom 18, Arrange the following numbers from the greatest tothe smallest. - 0.087, 0.87 4 oosr, Angwer: (qreatesy) | Gamalosty10, Whatls the remainder when 2.036 fs divided by 72, Answer 20. Which ofthe marked angle inthe figure below ae right angles? Answer: Zand 2 7! 24. Whatis the sum of 0.78, 7.08 and = Too 7 Ex0"e8s your answer as a decimal. Answer:2, wee te Factine bowers att vin ale 1 2 Answer: and “The table below shows the prices of two itoms sold in three shops. ‘Shop | Price ofaloaf of bread | Price ofa botile of water A $1.10 756 B S125; 55¢ € 3135) coe ‘Tom wants to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. In which shop wil the total price forthe two ilems be the lowest? Wit the decimal represented by M. 06 07 Answer: Shop ttf tt | M Answer:25. Lana watched a movie which lasted 2 hours 45 minutes. The movie started ‘6.25 pum, What time di the movi end? Express your answer inthe 24-hour clock format. Avner: 28. A sting measuring 65 m is cut into 7 equal pieces. What is the length of each piece of sting? Round off your answer as a decimal o 2 decimal places. Angwers om 3 Whats the value of 2-4. 27. Whatisthe value of 2+ 55 +5 Express your answer as a mixed number, Answer28, Mrs Tan bought 800 9 of grapes from a fit sal, How much did she pay in a? Grapes $3.99 for 100 g Answer: $ 29. The figure below is mado up of identical squares. The perimeter ofthe iqure is +180 em, What is the area of each square? Answer’ __ om30. There are 9 traffic ights on a stroct. Traffic ight A turns red every 3 minutes. ‘Traffic ight B turns red every 4 minutes and Trafic light C turns red every 6 minutes. At6 pm. allthe traffic ights wilturn red at the same time. \when is the next earliest tne al the tric ights wil turn red? Express your answer in the 12-hour clock format. : . poe : :52. The Ngre below shows 24 eats. 13 of the heats are shaded. 2 of all tho hearts are fo be shaded, how many more hearts need to be shaded? 2G2LG 9 Celery, Anewor ! 99. In the figure below, the dotted line XY isthe line of symmetry. ‘Shade two more unit squares on the igure below to complete the symmetic figure‘Study the graph bolow carefully and answar quostions 34 and 35. The graph below shows the number of people who visited a store from 10 am. to 2 pam. on Monday. ‘Number of people 34, What was the total number of people who visited the sora from 10am. to 2 pm? 35. During which hour was the greatest increase in visitors? Answer : Between and.SECTION C - Problem Sums (30 Marks) For each question from 36 to 43, show your working and mathematical statements clearly in the space below each question. Write your answer in the answer space provided. Give your answers in the units stated and in ils simplest form whenever possible, Marks awarded are shown in the brackets [ ] 26. Alice bought 6 boxes of apples. Each box contained 25.05 kg of apples, Alice repacked all the apples equally into 9 bags. What was the mass of apples in each bag? newer: (3) 1037, 3 poars and 2 mangoes cost $13.60. A pear and a mango cost $6.10. How much does a mango cost? Answer 3) "38. of tie people at the party were ciiren andthe rest were adults. 1) There are 62 fewer adults than children. How many people were at the party altogether? ) After 2 while, some children let the party. The number of adults loft was three limes the number of children remaining, How many children left the party? Angwer:a)____{2] »)__t2] 1239, Rena left home to go to the market. She walked for 15 minutes to Her bus stop. Hr bus joumey tothe market was 85 minutos 2) How long did she spend traveling tothe market from home? Give your answer in hours and minutes. ) She spent 2'n 40 min atthe market and left at 14 12, What time cid she arrive atthe market? Draw a timeline to show your working, ‘Answer: (2) [21 @)—__ 121 1340, In the figure below, not drawm to scale, ABCD is a rectangle and WXYD is @ square. The area of WXYD is 49 om? and AW Is 12 om. Find the atearot the Uunshaded part ofthe igure. Answer 141 4a 5 1 Ina class trary, 75 of the books are English books. 4 of them are Chinese ‘books and the rest are 16 Malay and Tamil books. a) How many Chinese books are there inthe library? 00 engl, ») 18,books are then loaned out o pupils. What fraction ofthe books left are English books? Answer: 3) (2) »)_fay 1642, The figure below, not drawn to scale, is made up of a square and 3 rectangles, “The square has an area of 100 cm. Find the area of Rectangle A. A Rom? 100 om? 120 om? Answer. 14) 643. Rose had some money to buy some cupcakes, If she bought 12 cupcakes, she ‘would need $17 more. she bought 7 cupcakes, she would be left with $3. How much money did Rose have? Answer iat End-of Papor ”EXAM PAPER 2035, LEVEL: PRIMARY 4 SCHOOL : ANGLO CHINESE SCHOOL (PRIMARY) ‘SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS, TERM: SA2 oper a [06 [a7 ae | oo [aio] 2[stap 2 ts aps ts} 2 fe a far) as} a | ons Cesta Para yp i 16.3000 17.15% (938,087 (greatest) %, 0.087 (smallest) 019.39 2936 75 419 83 Q20.caand cd Q21.1566978+708470-1566 Q22.%4and® (Q24, Shop B Shop A:1.10+0.75=1.85, Shop B:1.25+0.55=18, Shop (:1.35+0.60=1.95 924.076 @s.2u10 (25.929m > 65:7 28. «9.29, 654 027.269 2 o weded (28.$31:929 399x0=3192 (929.324em? Total sdes=10 side, 10 sides = 180, 1 side = 180 ¢ 10 = 38, Area=20. 1 30.6:12m, A every 3 minutes) 36,912.15. B (every minutes) 4,8, 12,15. Clevery 6 minutes): 6 12, 1824, — 031.477 924219242, 90-4347 (3.7 more> 20-13=7 _Q33,SEEPICTURE. x(934.90 visitors 18+1098+24+30=90 35. Between 12pm and Ipm 036.17 -kg 925.65 x6 = 153.90, 183.90 + 74 937.5480 30, 1M=6.10-1.3024.80 (0382. 130 9 1u:52+4213, 10u:13 x 10-130 38.789 296: 3, 91-1278 Omni (039. thr 10min-> S5min +15min ht0min 39.1132 40.388? on Su 4xS-20,12u 4x 2-40, 404090, 22 (242. 60cm? Py/10 10, 120211 (2, 72212=6,1046 43.831 Gap = 5 cupcakes, diference = THE END
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