Efficiency Testing Methods For Centrifugal Pumps

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Efficiency testing methods for

centrifugal pumps

Abstract: The calculation formula for the efficiency of

centrifugal pumps is presented. The influence variables on the
efficiency of centrifugal pumps are introduced. The international
testing standard for pump performance – ISO 9906 – is given.
Finally, the testing rig for pump performance is introduced.

Key words: efficiency formula, pump, testing standard,

testing rig.

7.1 Efficiency of pumps

Centrifugal pump performances are tested by using clean
cold water or viscous oil. Pump efficiency is determined by
principally two parameters, head and flow rate, in addition
to other factors such as properties of the fluid, impeller
design and motor speed selected.
Pumps are driven by an electric motor; the pump input
power can be calculated from:

Pin = Tω (7.1)

where T is the torque, Nm; ω is the angular velocity, rad/s.

The power output of pumps is mechanical power
transferred to the liquid during its passage through the
pump. It can be calculated by:

Electrical motor products

Pout = ρgQH (7.2)

where Q is the flow rate, m3/s; H is the pump head, m; and ρ
is the fluid density, kg/m3; g is acceleration due to gravity, m/s2.
Pump efficiency is expressed as pump power output divided
by the pump power input, so the overall pump efficiency can
be finally computed from the relationship:


The pump head is a term derived from the Bernoulli

formulation, an energy balance around the pump. It is
expressed as:


where the subscript 2 represents the value at the outlet of the

pump and the subscript 1 is the value at the inlet of the pump.
P is the pressure, V is the velocity, and Z is the height. In this
equation, the first term ‘P2 – P1/ρg’ is the pressure head, the
second term ‘V 22 – V12/2g’ is the velocity or kinetic head, and
the third term ‘Z2 – Z1’ is the height difference. If the diameter
of the outlet pipe is equal to the diameter at the inlet of the
pump, then V2 = V1. Also, if the pump is sufficiently small and
the height difference is small, equation 7.4 can be defined by:

Hρ = P2 – P1 (7.5)

Substituting equation 7.5 into equation 7.2 gives:

Pout = Q* (P2 – P1) (7.6)

The schematic of performance curves of pumps is shown in

Figure 7.1. It is equally important to select a pump whose
best efficiency point (BEP) falls as close as possible between
the specified rated flow (maximum demand flow rate) and
the normal flow (Figure 7.1). This will help to maximize
pumping efficiency (Shiels, 1998).

Efficiency testing methods for centrifugal pumps

Figure 7.1 Schematic of performance curves of pump

All the parameters such as flow rate, total head and input
power will change if the speed is varied. It is important to
have an appreciation of how these parameters vary in order
to safely control a pump at different speeds. The relationships
of rotodynamic pump performance parameters of flow, head
and power absorbed to speed are known as the affinity laws.
The equations that explain these are known as affinity
laws. Flow rate (Q) is proportional to rotational speed
(N), Q ∝ N. Head (H) is proportional to the square of the
rotational speed, H ∝ N 2. Power absorbed (P) is proportional
to the cube of the rotational speed, P ∝ N3.

7.2 ISO 9906:1999

ISO 9906:1999 ‘Rotodynamic pumps – Hydraulic
performance acceptance tests – Grades 1 and 2’ contains two
grades of accuracy of measurement: grade 1 for higher
accuracy and grade 2 for lower accuracy (International
Standardization Organization, 1999). These grades include

Electrical motor products

different values for tolerance factors, for allowable

fluctuations and uncertainties of measurements. Pump inlet
and exit pressures are measured by two pressure transducers.
They have an accuracy of 0.5 per cent. The actual places of
the pressure transducers are selected according to ISO 2548.
Pumps are performance tested in accordance with ISO 9906
or corresponding test standards.

7.3 GB/T 3216–2005

GB/T 3216–2005 ‘Rotodynamic pumps – hydraulic
performance acceptance tests – grades 1 and 2’ is a China
standard modified from ISO 9906:1999 (Standardization
Administration of China, 2005).

7.4 Testing rig for pumps

The pump’s head, flow rate, current and power consumption
are measured and recorded by the testing software at rated
voltage and frequency. Pumps can be tested at all common
voltages and frequencies. The testing results are evaluated and
output as the characteristic curves of the pump. The schematic
of a pump test apparatus is shown in Figure 7.2. For each
quantity to be measured, Table 7.1 gives the permissible
amplitude of fluctuations of the measured parameters.

7.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, the energy-efficiency expressions for pumps
have been provided. The measuring parameters which

Efficiency testing methods for centrifugal pumps

Figure 7.2 Schematic of a pump test apparatus

Permissible amplitude of fluctuations as a

Table 7.1
percentage of mean value of quantity being

Measured quantity Permissible amplitude of fluctuations

Grade 1 % Grade 2 %
Flow rate ±3 ±6
Pump total head
Power input
Speed of rotation ±1 ±2
When using a differential pressure device to measure flow rate,
the permissible amplitude of the fluctuations of the observed
differential pressure shall be ±6 per cent for grade 1 and
±2 per cent for grade 2.
In the case of separate measurements of inlet total pressure and
outlet total pressure, the maximum permissible amplitude of
fluctuation shall be calculated on the pump total head.

Electrical motor products

determine the energy-efficiency for pumps have been pointed

out. The key measuring parameters in the energy-efficiency
testing for pumps are flow rate, head and input power. In
the same principle, the volume flow rate, fan power and the
static pressure rise are the key variables determining the
energy-efficiency of fans. The energy-efficiency test rigs for
pumps have been presented and discussed.

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