John Q
John Q
John Q
John Q is a movie written by James Kearn and directed by Nick Cassavetes which tells a story
about a man called John Q. Archibald and the drastic measures that he takes in order to get a
heart transplant for his son, Michael.
The major characters include the members of the Archibald family: John Quincy Archibald,
Denisse Archibald and Michael ‘Mike’ Archibald; the cardiac surgeon, Dr. Turner; and the police
officer, Lieutenant Grimes. Characters like the Hope Memorial Hospital staff members, patients
and others are among the minor characters.
The main setting is the Hope Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Other settings like the baseball
field and area outside the hospital are also included.
At the beginning, the Archibald was a happy family even though they were having financial
difficulties. One day Mike collapses in the middle of the field during a baseball game. He was
rushed to the hospital. Mike’s father and mother, John Quincy Archibald and Denisse Archibald,
were told that Mike needed a heart transplant in order to live. Unfortunately, their insurance
could not cover the medical expenses required for the transplant. The hospital required them
to pay $75,000 in advance just so that Mike would be put on the recipients list. This was only
30% of the $250,000 total payment required for the transplant. So, they try to get the money
from friends and neighbors and even sell the materials in their house. However, after a few
days, the hospital decides to release Mike because the payment was not done. This situation,
together with the pressure from his wife wanting him to do something, forces John to act
irrationally and take hostages in the hospital in order to get Mike on the list.
The hostage situation continues and after getting Mike on the list, John demands that Mike be
brought to him. As the time went on, John started to think of taking his own life so that he can
give his heart to his son. So, he wrote a suicide note, got it signed by two willing people and
pulled the trigger of his gun. However, the gun’s safety was on and so he turned the gun’s
safety off and just as he was about to pull the trigger, his wife banged on the hospital door
shouting that they had found a match. Finally, Mike got the transplant and John was put to trial.
He was found not guilty on the charges of attempted murder and armed criminal action but he
was found guilty on the kidnapping charges.
This movie showed that the way the health care policies of America are designed in account
of the benefits of the health care providers only and without considerations for the people. The
speech of John Q where he said, “I will not bury my son. My son will bury me,” shows the very
strong bond that exists between father and son and that this strong love might force a person
to do anything necessary for the well-being of his/her loved ones.