DIVERSEY NAME Chemical Usgae Manual
DIVERSEY NAME Chemical Usgae Manual
DIVERSEY NAME Chemical Usgae Manual
NOBILE PLUS Shake well before use.
Fill the product into a
spray device and spray
High gloss crystallizer. High- sparingly (2-3
gloss crystallizer. It is used for triggers/m2 ) onto the
wet crystallization and floor. Treat not more
protection of calcareous than 2m2 at the time.
stone floors like Marble etc . Distribute in circular
motions with a single
disc machine equipped
with a steel wool pad
until the product is
completely absorbed.
JONTEC TERRANOVA Taski Jontec JD Terranova W Shake well before use.
crystallization is a product of Fill the product into a
crystallization for marble and spray device and spray
terrazo. Crystallization sparingly (2-3
product for the maintenance triggers/m2 ) onto the
of calcareous soils, which floor. Treat not more
restores the gloss and than 2m2 at the time.
hardness of the treated Distribute in circular
surfaces. motions with a single
disc machine equipped
with a steel wool pad
until the product is
completely absorbed
Diversey Tannin stain A spotter formulated Spray on the spot ,
remover to remove coffee, Rub with stain removing
tea, cola and other pads , allows to 5 to 10
tannin stains, which mints , then wash it of
can also be used as a with normal water or
general DE browner. cleaning using the carpet
Phosphate-free and cleaning machines
rinses freely with
Wool Safe approved
Metal polish It protects against Dip the cloth into the jar.
grease and water Get some on the end of
splashes and leaves the cloth. And start to
surface with a bright apply what you're going
finish. It can be used to see that haze is going
on stainless steel to start to form.
doors (specially
refrigerators and
freezer doors) and
outside surfaces of
stainless steel
TASKI R4DIVERSEY R4 Shake the bottle well before Ready to use, No need to
use. Spray on a soft dry cloth. dilute.
TASKI R6 DIVERSEY R6 Heavy duty toilet bowl and Ready to use, No need to
urinal cleaner. dilute further.
Do not use on stainless steel,
enamel, marble and tiles.
Flush around bowl especially
around rim and bowl
waterline. Direct nozzle under
toilet rim and evenly over the
surfaces. Leave for 5 – 10
min.Flush toilet. Push water
level down with toilet brush.