Chapter 1

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Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which studies methods for

digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term often refers to
the study of three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional
graphics and image processing. It is divided into two broad classes. It is also called
passive graphics. Here the user has no control over the pictures produced on the screen.
Interactive graphics provides extensive user-computer interaction. It provides a tool
called “motion dynamics” using which the user can move objects. A broad classification
of major subfields in computer graphics might be:

1. Geometry: study of different ways to represent and process surfaces.

2. Animation: study of different ways to represent and manipulate motion.
3. Rendering: study of algorithms to reproduce light transport.
4. Imaging: study of image acquisition or image editing.
5. Topology: study of the behavior of spaces and surfaces.


The subfield of geometry studies the representation of three-dimensional objects in a

discrete digital setting. Because the appearance of an object depends largely on its
exterior, boundary representations are most commonly used. Two dimensional surfaces
are a good representation for most objects, though they may be non-manifold. Since
surfaces are not finite, discrete digital approximations are used.


The subfield of animation studies descriptions for surfaces (and other phenomena) that
move or deform over time. Historically, most work in this field has focused on parametric
and data-driven models, but recently physical simulation has become more popular as
computers have become more powerful computationally.

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Rendering generates images from a model. Rendering may simulate light transport to
create realistic images or it may create images that have a particular artistic style in non-
photorealistic rendering. The two basic operations in realistic rendering are transport
(how much light passes from one place to another) and scattering (how surfaces interact
with light).


Digital imaging or digital image acquisition is the creation of digital images, such as of a
physical scene or of the interior structure of an object.


Topology is the mathematical study of shapes and topological spaces.

1.1 About OpenGL

OpenGL(Open Graphics Library) is an application programming interface (API) for

rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a
graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering. OpenGL
stands for Open Graphics Library. It is a specification of an API for rendering graphics,
usually in 3D. OpenGL implementations are libraries that implement the API defined by

the specification. OpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. This interface

consists of about 150 distinct commands that is used to specify the objects and operations
needed to produce interactive three-dimensional applications.
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a standard specification defining a cross-
language, cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D computer
graphics the interface consists of over 250 different function calls which can be used to
draw complex three-dimensional scenes from simple primitives. OpenGL was developed
by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992 and is widely used in CAD, virtual reality,
scientific visualization, information visualization, and flight simulation. It is also used in
video games , where itcompetes with Direct3D on Microsoft Windows platforms.
OpenGL is managed by the non-profit technology consortium, the Khronos Group.

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OpenGL is designed as a streamlined, hardware-independent interface to be

implemented on many different hardware platforms. To achieve these qualities, no
commands for performing windowing tasks or obtaining user input are included in
OpenGL; instead, user must work through whatever windowing system controls the
particular hardware that the user is using. Similarly, OpenGL doesn't provide high-level
commands for describing models of three-dimensional objects. Such commands might
allow the user to specify relatively complicated shapes such as automobiles, parts of the
body, airplanes, or molecules. A sophisticated library that provides these features could
certainly be built on top of OpenGL. The OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) provides many
of the modeling features, such as quadric surfaces and NURBS curves and surfaces. GLU
is a standard part of every OpenGL implementation.
OpenGL serves two main purposes:
 To hide the complexities of interfacing with different 3D accelerators, by
presenting the programmer with a single, uniform API.

 To hide the differing capabilities of hardware platforms, by requiring that all

implementations support the full OpenGL feature set (using software emulation if

OpenGL's basic operation is to accept primitives such as points, lines and polygons,
and convert them into pixels. This is done by a graphics pipeline known as the OpenGL
state machine. Most OpenGL commands either issue primitives to the graphics pipeline,
or configure how the pipeline processes these primitives. Prior to the introduction of
OpenGL 2.0, each stage of the pipeline performed a fixed function and was configurable
only within tight limits. OpenGL 2.0 offers several stages that are fully programmable
using GLSL.
OpenGL is a low-level, procedural API, requiring the programmer to dictate the exact
steps required to render a scene. These contrasts with descriptive APIs, where a
programmer only needs to describe a scene and can let the library manage the details of
rendering it. OpenGL's low-level design requires programmers to have a good knowledge
of the graphics pipeline, but also gives a certain amount of freedom to implement novel
rendering algorithms.

A brief description of the process in the graphics pipeline could be:

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1. Evaluation, if necessary, of the polynomial functions which define certain inputs, like
NURBS surfaces, approximating curves and the surface geometry.

2. Vertex operations, transforming and lighting them depending on their material. Also
clipping non visible parts of the scene in order to produce the viewing volume.

3. Rasterization or conversion of the previous information into pixels. The polygons are
represented by the appropriate color by means of interpolation algorithms.

4. Per-fragment operations, like updating values depending on incoming and previously

stored depth values, or color combinations, among others.

5. Lastly, fragments are inserted into the Frame buffer.

Several libraries are built on top of or beside OpenGL to provide features not
available in OpenGL itself. Libraries such as GLU can always be found with OpenGL
implementations, and others such as GLUT and SDL have grown over time and provide
rudimentary cross platform windowing and mouse functionality and if unavailable can
easily be downloaded and added to a development environment. Simple graphical user
interface functionality can be found in libraries like GLUI or FLTK. Still other libraries
like GL Aux (OpenGL Auxiliary Library) are deprecated and have been superseded by
functionality commonly available in more popular libraries, but code using them still
exists, particularly in simple tutorials. Other libraries have been created to provide
OpenGL application developers a simple means of managing OpenGL extensions
andversioning. Examples of these libraries include GLEW (the OpenGL Extension
Wrangler Library) and GLEE (the OpenGL Easy Extension Library).

In addition to the aforementioned simple libraries, other higher level object

oriented scene graph retain mode libraries exist such as PLIB, OpenSG,
OpenSceneGraph, and OpenGL Performer. These are available as cross platform
free/open source or proprietary programming interfaces written on top of OpenGL and
systems libraries to enable the creation of real-time visual simulation applications. Other
solutions support parallel OpenGL programs for Virtual Reality, scalability or graphics
clusters usage, either transparently like Chromium or through a programming interface
like Equalizer.

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Although the OpenGL specification defines a particular graphics processing

pipeline, platform vendors have the freedom to tailor a particular OpenGL
implementation to meet unique system cost and performance objectives. Individual calls
can be executed on dedicated hardware, run as software routines on the standard system
CPU, or implemented as a combination of both dedicated hardware and software routines.
This implementation flexibility means that OpenGL hardware acceleration can range
from simple rendering to full geometry and is widely available on everything from low-
cost PCs to high-end workstations and supercomputers. Application developers are
assured consistent display results regardless of the platform implementation of the
OpenGL environment.

Using the OpenGL extension mechanism, hardware developers can differentiate

their products by developing extensions that allow software developers to access
additional performance and technological innovations.

Many OpenGL extensions, as well as extensions to related APIs like GLU, GLX
and WGL, have been defined by vendors and groups of vendors. The OpenGL Extension
Registry is maintained by SGI and contains specifications for all known extensions,
written as modifications to appropriate specification documents. The registry also defines
naming conventions, guidelines for creating new extensions and writing suitable
extension specifications and other related documentation.

OpenGL is designed as a streamlined, hardware-independent interface to be

implemented on many different hardware platforms. To achieve these qualities, no
commands for performing windowing tasks or obtaining user input are included in
OpenGL; instead, the user must work through whatever windowing system controls the
particular hardware that the user is using. Similarly, OpenGL doesn't provide high-level
commands for describing models of three-dimensional objects. Such commands might
allow the user to specify relatively complicated shapes such as automobiles, parts of the
body, airplanes, or molecules.

The color plate gives an idea of the kinds of things that can be done with the OpenGL
graphics system. The following list briefly describes the major graphics operations which
OpenGL performs to render an image on the screen.

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 Construct shapes from geometric primitives, thereby creating mathematical

descriptions of objects. (OpenGL considers points, lines, polygons, images, and
bitmaps to be primitives.)
 Arrange the objects in three-dimensional space and select the desired vantage
point for viewing the composed scene.
 Calculate the color of all the objects. The color might be explicitly assigned by the
application, determined from specified lighting conditions, obtained by pasting a
texture onto the objects, or some combination of these three actions.
 Convert the mathematical description of objects and their associated color
information to pixels on the screen. This process is called rasterization.

During these stages, OpenGL might perform other operations, such as eliminating
parts of objects that are hidden by other objects. In addition, after the scene is rasterized
but before it's drawn on the screen, the user can perform some operations on the pixel
data if needed. In some implementations (such as with the X Window System), OpenGL
is designed to work even if the computer that displays the graphics that is created isn't the
computer that runs the graphics program. This might be the case if a user works in a
networked computer environment where many computers are connected to one another
by a digital network.

In this situation, the computer on which the program runs and issues OpenGL drawing
commands is called the client, and the computer that receives those commands and
performs the drawing is called the server.

The format for transmitting OpenGL commands (called the protocol) from the client
to the server is always the same, so OpenGL programs can work across a network even if
the client and server are different kinds of computers. If an OpenGL program isn't
running across a network, then there's only one computer, and it is both the client and the

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1.2.1 OpenGL Commands and Primitives

OpenGL draws primitives—points, line segments, or polygons—subject to several

selectable modes. You can control modes independently of each other; that is, setting one
mode doesn't affect whether other modes are set (although many modes may interact to
determine what eventually ends up in the frame buffer). Primitives are specified, modes
are set, and other OpenGL operations are described by issuing commands in the form of
function calls.

Primitives are defined by a group of one or more vertices. A vertex defines a

point, an endpoint of a line, or a corner of a polygon where two edges meet. Data
(consisting of vertex coordinates, colors, normals, texture coordinates, and edge flags) is
associated with a vertex, and each vertex and its associated data are processed
independently, in order, and in the same way. The only exception to this rule is if the
group of vertices must be clipped so that a particular primitive fits within a specified
region; in this case, vertex data may be modified and new vertices created. The type of
clipping depends on which primitive the group of vertices represents.

Commands are always processed in the order in which they are received, although
there may be an indeterminate delay before a command takes effect. This means that each
primitive is drawn completely before any subsequent command takes effect. It also means
that state-querying commands return data that's consistent with complete execution of all
previously issued OpenGL commands.

OpenGL commands use the prefix gl and initial capital letters for each word
making up the command name (glClearColor(), for example). Similarly, OpenGL
defined constants begin with GL_, use all capital letters, and use underscores to separate
words (like GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT). Some seemingly extraneous letters appended
to some command names (for example, the 3f in glColor3f () and glVertex3f ())can also
be seen. It's true that the Color part of the command name glColor3f () is enough to
define the command as one that sets the current color. However, more than one such
command has been defined so that the user can use different types of arguments. In
particular, the 3 part of the suffix indicates that three arguments are given; another
version of the Color command takes four arguments. The f part of the suffix indicates

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that the arguments are floating-point numbers. Having different formats allows OpenGL
to accept the user's data in his or her own data format.

Some OpenGL commands accept as many as 8 different data types for their
arguments. The letters used as suffixes to specify these data types for ISO C
implementations of OpenGL are shown in Table 1.1, along with the corresponding
OpenGL type definitions. The particular implementation of OpenGL that are used might
not follow this scheme exactly; an implementation in C++ or ADA, for example, wouldn't
need to implementation in C++ or ADA, for example, wouldn't need to.

Suffix Data Type Typical OpenGL

Corresponding Type Definition
C-Language Type

B 8-bit integer Signed char GLbyte

S 16-bit integer Short GLshort

I 32-bit integer int or long GLint,GLsizei

F 32-bit Float GLint,GLclampf


D 62-bit Double GLdouble,GLclampd


Ub 8-bit Unsigned char GLubyte,GLboolean

unsigned integer

Us 16-bit Unsigned short GLushort

unsigned integer

Ui 32-bit Unsigned GLuint,GLenum,GLbitfield

unsigned integer int or long

Table 1.1 - Datatypes accepted by OpenGL

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1.2.2 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline

Figure 1.1: Order of Operations

Most implementations of OpenGL have a similar order of operations, a series of

processing stages called the OpenGL rendering pipeline. This ordering, as shown in the
figure below, is not a strict rule of how OpenGL is implemented but provides a reliable
guide for predicting what OpenGL will do. The following diagram shows the Henry Ford
assembly line approach, which OpenGL takes to processing data. Geometric data
(vertices, lines, and polygons) follow the path through the row of boxes that includes
evaluators and per-vertex operations, while pixel data are treated differently for part of
the process. Both types of data undergo the same final steps (rasterization and per
fragment operations) before the final pixel data is written into the frame buffer.
Given below are the key stages in the OpenGL rendering pipeline.

Display Lists

All data, whether it describes geometry or pixels, can be saved in a display list for current
or later use. (The alternative to retaining data in a display list is processing the data
immediately - also known as immediate mode.) When a display list is executed, the
retained data is sent from the display list just as if it were sent by the application in
immediate mode.

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All geometric primitives are eventually described by vertices. Parametric curves and
surfaces may be initially described by control points and polynomial functions called
basis functions. Evaluators provide a method to derive the vertices used to represent the
surface from the control points. The method is a polynomial mapping, which can produce
surface normal, texture coordinates, colors, and spatial coordinate values from the control

Per-Vertex Operations

For vertex data, next is the "per-vertex operations" stage, which converts the vertices into
primitives. Some vertex data are transformed by 4 x 4 floating-point matrices. Spatial
coordinates are projected from a position in the 3D world to a position on the screen. If
advanced features are enabled, this stage is even busier. If texturing is used, texture
coordinates may be generated and transformed here. If lighting is enabled, the lighting
calculations are performed using the transformed vertex, surface normal, light source
position, material properties, and other lighting information to produce a color value.

Primitive Assembly

Clipping, a major part of primitive assembly, is the elimination of portions of geometry

which fall outside a half-space, defined by a plane. Point clipping simply passes or rejects
vertices; line or polygon clipping can add additional vertices depending upon how the line
or polygon is clipped. In some cases, this is followed by perspective division, which
makes distant geometric objects appear smaller than closer objects. Then viewport and
depth (z coordinate) operations are applied. If culling is enabled and the primitive is a
polygon, it then may be rejected by a culling test. Depending upon the polygon mode, a
polygon may be drawn as points or lines. The results of this stage are complete geometric
primitives, which are the transformed and clipped vertices with related color, depth, and
sometimes texture-coordinate values and guidelines for the rasterization step.

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Pixel Operations

While geometric data takes one path through the OpenGL rendering pipeline, pixel data
takes a different route. Pixels from an array in system memory are first unpacked from
one of a variety of formats into the proper number of components. Next the data is scaled,
biased, and processed by a pixel map. The results are clamped and then either written into
texture memory or sent to the rasterization step. If pixel data is read from the frame
buffer, pixel-transfer operations are performed. Then these results are packed into an
appropriate format and returned to an array in system memory. There are special pixel
copy operations to copy data in the framebuffer to other parts of the frame buffer or to the
texture memory. A single pass is made through the pixel transfer operations before the
data is written to the texture memory or back to the frame buffer.

Texture Assembly

An OpenGL application may wish to apply texture images onto geometric objects to
make them look more realistic. If several texture images are used, it's wise to put them
into texture objects so that it can be easily switched among them. Some OpenGL
implementations may have special resources to accelerate texture performance. There
may be specialized, high-performance texture memory. If this memory is available, the
texture objects may be prioritized to control the use of this limited and valuable resource.


Rasterization is the conversion of both geometric and pixel data into fragments. Each
fragment square corresponds to a pixel in the frame buffer. Line and polygon stipples,
line width, point size, shading model, and coverage calculations to support antialiasing
are taken into consideration as vertices are connected into lines or the interior pixels are
calculated for a filled polygon. Color and depth values are assigned for each fragment

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Fragment Operations

Before values are actually stored into the frame buffer, a series of operations are
performed that may alter or even throw out fragments. All these operations can be
enabled or disabled. The first operation which may be encountered is texturing, where a
Texel is generated from texture memory for each fragment and applied to the fragment.
Then fog calculations may be applied, followed by the scissor test, the alpha test, the
stencil test, and the depth-buffer test. Failing an enabled test may end the continued
processing of a fragment's square. Then, blending, dithering, logical operation, and
masking by a bitmask may be performed. Finally, the thoroughly processed fragment is
drawn into the appropriate buffer.

1.2.3 OpenGL -GLUT and OpenGL Utility Libraries

There are numerous Windowing system and interface libraries available for OpenGL as
well as Scene graphs and High-level libraries build on top of OpenGL

About GLUT

GLUT is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing
OpenGL programs. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) is a window system-
independent toolkit, written by Mark Kilgard, to hide the complexities of differing
window system APIs. GLUT routines use the prefix glut. It implements a simple
windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it
considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL Programming.

Other GLUT-like Window System Toolkits

Libraries that are modeled on the functionality of GLUT providing support for things
like: windowing and events, user input, menus, full screen rendering, performance timing

About GLX, GLU & DRI

GLX is used on Unix OpenGL implementation to manage interaction with the X Window
System and to encode OpenGL onto the X protocol stream for remote rendering. GLU is
the OpenGL Utility Library. This is a set of functions to create texture mipmaps from a

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base image, map coordinates between screen and object space, and draw quadric surfaces
and NURBS. DRI is the Direct Rendering Infrastructure for coordinating the Linux
kernel, X window system, 3D graphics hardware and an OpenGL-based rendering engine.


GLX Library

GLX 1.3 is used on Unix OpenGL implementation to manage interaction with the X
Window System and to encode OpenGL onto the X protocol stream for remote rendering.
It supports: pixel buffers for hardware accelerated offscreen rendering; read-only
drawables for preprocessing of data in an offscreen window and direct video input; and
FBConfigs, a more powerful and flexible interface for selecting frame buffer
configurations underlying an OpenGL rendering window.

GLU Library

The OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) contains several routines that use lower-level
OpenGL commands to perform such tasks as setting up matrices for specific viewing
orientations and projections, performing polygon tessellation, and rendering surfaces.
This library is provided as part of every OpenGL implementation. GLU routines use the
prefix glu. This is a set of functions to create texture mipmaps from a base image, map
coordinates between screen and object space, and draw quadric surfaces and NURBS.
GLU 1.2 is the version of GLU that goes with OpenGL 1.1. GLU 1.3 is available and
includes new capabilities corresponding to new OpenGL 1.2 features.

Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)

In simple terms, the DRI enables hardware-accelerated 3D graphics on Linux. More

specifically, it is a software architecture for coordinating the Linux kernel, X window
system, 3D graphics hardware and an OpenGL-based rendering engine.

Higher Level Libraries built on OpenGL

Leading software developers use OpenGL, with its robust rendering libraries, as the
2D/3D graphics foundation for higher-level APIs. Developers leverage the capabilities of
OpenGL to deliver highly differentiated, yet widely supported vertical market solutions.

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Open Inventor, IRIS Performer, OpenGL Optimizer, OpenGL Volumizer, OpenGL

Shader, Scene Graph APIs.

 Open Inventor by VSG

Open Inventor by VSG is the commercial, current evolution of Open Inventor and
provides an up-to-date, highly-optimized, full-featured implementation of the
popular object-oriented scene graph API for C++, .NET and Java. Applications
powered by Open Inventor by VSG also benefit from powerful extensions such as
VolumeViz LDM for very large volume data, MeshViz XLM for high-
performance mesh support, or ScaleViz for multi-GPUs and immersive VR.
 Coin
Coin is a 3D graphics library. Its C++ API is based on the Open Inventor 2.1 API
and OpenGL. For Win32, Linux, IRIX and Mac OS X.
 Gizmo 3D
Gizmo3D is a high performance OpenGL-based 3D Scene Graph and effect
visualization C++ toolkit for Linux, WIN32 and IRIX used in Game or VisSim
development. It is similar to other scene graph engines such as
Cosmo3D/Performer/Fahrenheit/Inventor/VisKit/VTree but is a multi platform
compatible API with very high performance. It also adds some state of the art
functionality for effect presentations and graph interaction.
 OpenSceneGraph
OSG is a open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application
developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific
visualization and modelling. Written entirely in Standard C++ and OpenGL it runs
on all Windows platforms, OSX, Linux, IRIX, Solaris and FreeBSD operating
 OpenRM Scene Graph
OpenRM an open source development environment used to build portable
2D/3D/stereohigh performance graphics, virtual reality, visualization applications
and games for Unix/X11 and Win32 platforms. It is a scene graph API that uses
OpenGL as a graphics platform and graphics hardware acceleration. A scene
graph model is a useful way to organize data for rendering in a way that is
particularly efficient for graphics display engines (in most cases).
 Quesa 3D

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Quesa is a high level 3D graphics library, released as Open Source under the
LGPL, which implements Apple's QuickDraw 3D API on top of OpenGL. It
supports both retained and immediate mode rendering, an extensible file format,
plug-in renderers, a wide range of high level geometries, hierarchical models, and
a consistent and object-orientated API. Quesa currently supports Mac OS, Linux,
and Windows - ports to Be and Mac OS X are in progress.

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