General Requirements For Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers

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(Revision of ANSIAEEE C57.12 On-l!wm\

general requirements for

liquid-immersed distribution, power,
and regulating transformers

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Authorized licensed use limited to: ARAMCO HQ. Downloaded on December 15,2012 at 04:22:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard General Requirements for
Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power, and Regulating Transformers
1. Scope 3. References

This standard is a basis for the establishment This standard shall be used in conjunction
of performance, limited electrical and mechan- with the following publications:
ical interchangeability, and safety requirements [l] ANSI B1.l-1982, American National Stan-
of equipment described; and for assistance in the
dard Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR
proper selection of such equipment.
Thread Form).2
This standard describes electrical, mechani-
cal, and safety requirements of liquid immersed [2] ANSI (37.12.10-1977, American National
distribution and power transformers, and au- Standard Requirements for Transformers
totransformers and regulating transformers; 230 000 Volts and Below, 833/958 through 83331
single and polyphase, with voltage 601 V or 10 417 kVA Single-phase, and 750/862 through
higher in the highest voltage winding. 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA Three Phase.
This standard applies to all liquid-immersed
[3] ANSI C57.12.10a-1978, (Supplement to ANSI
distribution, power, and regulating trans-
formers except as indicated below:
(1)Instrument transformers [4] ANSI C57.12.20-1981, American National
(2) Step-voltage and induction voltage regu- Standard Requirements for Overhead-Type Dis-
lators tribution Transformers, 67 000 Volts and Below;
(3) Arc furnace transformers 500 kVA and Smaller.
(4) Rectifier transformers
[5] ANSI C57.12.21-1980, American National
(5) Specialty transformers
Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com-
(6) Grounding transformers
partmental-Type Self-Cooled Single-phase Dis-
(7) Mobile transformers
tribution Transformers with High-Voltage
(8) Mine transformers
Bushings (High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY /19 920
When this standard is used on a mandatory
Volts and Below; Low-Voltage 240/120 Volts;
basis, the words shall and must indicate man-
167 kVA and Smaller).
datory requirements; and the words should and
may refer to matters that are recommended or [6] ANSI C57.12.22-1980, American National
permissive, but not mandatory. Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com-
partmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-phase Dis-
NOTE: The Foreword of this voluntary consensus standard
describes the circumstances under which the standard may tribution Transformers with High-Voltage
be used on a mandatory basis. Bushings (High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920
Volts and Below; 2500 kVA and Smaller).
[7] ANSI (357.12.23-1985, American National
2. Terminology
Standard Requirements for Underground-Type
Single-phase Distribution Transformers, with
Standard transformer terminology available
Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors
in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80-1978 (R 1986) [24]'
(High Voltage 24 940 GrdY/14 400 Volts and Be-
shall apply.
Other electrical terms are defined in ANSI/
IEEE Std 100-1984 [40].
'ANSI publications are available from the Sales Depart-
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the ref- ment, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broad-
erences in Section 3. way, New York, NY 10018.

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low; Low-Voltage 240/120; 100 kVA and Current Electrical Systems and Equipment Op-
Smaller). erating at Voltages above 230 kV Nominal.
[8] ANSI C57.12.24-1982, American National [19] ANSUASME, Unified Inch
Standard Requirements for Underground-Type Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
Three-phase Distribution Transformers, Supplement to ANSI B1.1-1982.3
2500 kVA and Smaller (High Voltage 24940
[20] ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
GrdP/14 400 Volts and Below; Low Voltage 480
Code (BPV), 1984 Edition.
Volts and Below).
[21] ANSI/CGA-V-1-1977, Compressed Gas Cyl-
[9] ANSI C57.12.25-1981, American National
inder Valve Outlet and Inlet connection^.^
Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com-
partmental-Type Self-cooled Single-phase Dis- [22] ANSI/IEEE C57.12.11-1980,IEEE Guide for
tribution Transformers with Separable Installation of Oil-Immersed Transformers
Insulated High-Voltage Connectors (High Volt- (10 MVA and Larger, 69 kV to 287 kV Rating).5
age 34 500 GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low
[23] ANSI/IEEE C57.12.12-1980,IEEE Guide for
Voltage 240/120; 167 kVA and Smaller).
Installation of Oil-Immersed Extra-High-Volt-
[lo] ANSI C57.12.26-1986, American National age Transformers 345 kV and Above.
Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com-
[24] ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80-1978 (R 1986), IEEE
partmental-Type Self-Cooled, Three-phase Dis-
Standard Terminology for Power and Distribu-
tribution Transformers for Use with Separable
tion Transformers.
Insulated High-Voltage Connectors (High Volt-
age 24940 GrdYl14400 Volts and Below; [25] ANSUIEEE C57.12.90-1987, IEEE Standard
2500 kVA and Smaller). Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power, and Regulating Transformers, and Guide
[ l l ] ANSI (257.12.27-1982, American National
for Short-circuit Testing of Distribution and
Standard for Liquid-Filled Distribution Trans-
Power Transformers.
formers Used in Pad-Mounted Installations In-
cluding Unit Substations. [26] ANSI/IEEE C57.13-1978, IEEE Standard
Requirements for Instrument Transformers.
[la] ANSI C57.12.30-1977, American National
Standard Requirements for Load Tap Changing [27] ANSI/IEEE (257.13.1-1981, IEEE Guide for
Transformers 230 000 Volts and Below, 37501 Field Testing of Relaying Current Transformers.
4687 through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA Three
[28] ANSI/IEEE (37.13.2-1986, IEEE Standard
Conformance Test Procedures for Instrument
[13] ANSI (37.12.40-1982, American National Transformers.
Standard Requirements for Secondary Network E291 ANSI/IEEE (357.91-1981, IEEE Guide for
Transformers, Subway and Vault Types (Liquid- Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead and
Immersed). Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers Rated
[14] ANSI C57.12.70-1978, American National 500 kVA and Less with 55 "C or 65 "C Average
Standard Terminal Markings and Connections Winding Rise.
for Distribution and Power Transformers.
[15] ANSI C62.2-1981, American National Stan- ANSI/ASME publications are available from the Sales
dard Guide for Application of Valve-Type Surge Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430
Broadway, New York, NY 10018, or from The American
Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems. Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47 Street, New
York, NY 10017.
[16] ANSI (334.1-1982,American National Stan- ANSI/CGA publications are available from the Sales
dard Voltage Ratings for Electric Power Systems Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430
and Equipment (60 Hz). Broadway, New York, NY 10018, or from the Compressed
Gas Association, Inc, Crystal Gateway 1, Suite 501, 1235
[17] ANSI C92.1-1982, American National Stan- Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.
ANSI/IEEE publications are available from the Sales
dard Insulation Coordination. Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430
Broadway, New York, NY 10018, or from the Institute of
[18] ANSI C92.2-1981, American National Stan- Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445
dard Preferred Voltage Ratings for Alternating- Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.

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[30] ANSI/IEEE C57.92-1981, IEEE Guide for [46] ASTM D1933-1964 (R 1979), Specifications
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Power Trans- for Nitrogen Gas as a n Electrical Insulating Ma-
formers (up to and including 100 MVA with 55 "C terial.
or 65 "C Winding Rise). [47] ASTM D3487-1981, Specifications for Min-
[31] ANSI/IEEE (257.98-1986, IEEE Guide for eral Insulating Oil Used in Electrical Apparatus.
Transformer Impulse Tests.
[48] IEEE Std 76-1974, IEEE Guide for Accept-
[32] ANWIEEE (257.104-1978, IEEE Guide for ance and Maintenance of Transformer Askarel
the Detection and Determination of Generated in Equipment.
Gases in Oil-Immersed Transformers and Their
[49] IEEE Std 469-1977, IEEE Recommended
Relation to the Serviceability of the Equipment.
Practice for Voice Frequency Electrical-Noise
[33] ANSI/IEEE (37.105-1978, IEEE Guide for Tests of Distribution Transformers.
Application of Transformer Connections in
Three-phase Distribution Systems.
[34] ANSI/IEEE C57.106-1977, IEEE Guide for
Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil
in Equipment.
4. Service Conditions
[35]ANSI/IEEE C57.109-1985, IEEE Guide for
Transformer Through-Fault-Current Duration. 4.1 Usual Service Conditions
[36] ANSUIEEE C62.1-1984, IEEE Standard
4.1.1 General. Transformers conforming to
this standard shall be suitable for operation at
Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits.
rated kilovoltamperes under the following usual
[37] ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard service conditions.
Techniques for High-Voltage Testing. 4.1.2 Temperature
[38] ANSI/IEEE Std 21-1976, IEEE Standard When air cooled, the temperature of
General Requirements and Test Procedures for the cooling air (ambient temperature) shall not
Outdoor Apparatus Bushings. exceed 40 "C and the average temperature of the
cooling air for any 24 h period shall not exceed
[39] ANSUIEEE Std 24-1984, IEEE Standard 30 "C.
Electrical, Dimensional, and Related Require- The top liquid temperature of the
ments for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings. transformer (when operating) shall not be lower
than - 20 "C. Starting temperatures below
[40] ANSIAEEE Std 32-1972, (R 1984), IEEE -20 "C are not considered as usual service con-
Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test ditions.
Procedure for Neutral Grounding Devices. When water cooled, the temperature
[41] ANWIEEE Std 100-1984, IEEE Standard of the cooling water (ambient temperature) shall
Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms. not exceed 30°C and the average temperature
of the cooling water for any 24 h period shall
[42] ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975, IEEE Standard not exceed 25 "C. Minimum water temperature
Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics shall not be lower than 1"C, unless the cooling
Diagrams. water includes antifreeze suitable for - 20 "C op-
[43] ANSI/IEEE Std 315A-1986, IEEE Stan-
4.1.3 Altitude. The altitude shall not exceed
dard-Supplement to Graphic Symbols for Elec-
3300 f t (1000 m).
trical and Electronics Diagrams.
4.1.4 Supply Voltage. The supply-voltage
[44] ANSUIEEE Std 799-1987, IEEE Guide for wave shape shall be approximately sinusoidal,
Handling and Disposal of Transformer Grade and the phase voltages supplying a polyphase
Insulating Liquids Containing Polychlorinated transformer shall be approximately equal in
Biphenyls. magnitude and time displacement.
[45] ASTM D117-1987, Standard Methods of ASTM publications are available from the American So-
Testing and Specifications for Electrical Insu- ciety for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadel-
lating Oils of Petroleum Origin.' phia, PA 19103.


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4.1.5 Load Current. The load current shall 4.1.9 Tank or Enclosure Finish. Tempera-
be approximately sinusoidal. The harmonic fac- ture limits and tests shall be based on the use
tor shall not exceed 0.05 per unit. of a nonmetallic pigment surface paint finish.
NOTE: harmonic factor is defined in ANSMEEE
C57.12.80-1978 (R 1986)[24]. NOTE: Metallic flake paints, such as aluminum and zinc,
have properties that increase the temperature rise of trans-
4.1.6 Operation Above Rated Voltage or formers except in direct sunlight.
Below Related Frequency Transformers shall be capable of
(1) Operating continuously above rated volt- 4.2 Loading at Other Than Rated Condi-
age or below rated frequency, a t maximum rated tions. ANWIEEE C57.91-1981 [29] and ANSI/
kilovoltamperes for any tap, without exceeding IEEE (357.92-1981[30]provide guidance for load-
limits of observable temperature rise in accord- ing at other than rated conditions including
ance with 5.11.1 when all of the following con- (1) Ambient temperatures higher or lower
ditions prevail: than the basis of rating
(a)Secondary voltage and volts per hertz do (2) Short-time loading in excess of nameplate
not exceed 105% of rated values kilovoltamperes with normal life expectancy
(b) Load power factor is 80% or higher (3) Loading that results in reduced life ex-
(c) Frequency is at least 95% of rated value pectancy.
(2) Operating continuously above rated volt- NOTE: The guides are not standards. They provide the best
age or below rated frequency on any tap a t no known general information for loading of transformers un-
load, without exceeding limits of observable tem- der various conditions based on typical winding insulation
systems, and are based upon the best engineering infor-
perature rise in accordance with 5.11.1 when mation available at the time of preparation. The guides
neither the voltage nor volts per hertz exceed discuss limitations of ancillary components other than wind-
110% of rated values. ings that may limit the capability of transformers. When
specified, ancillary components and other construction fea-
NOTE: In the case of multiwinding transformers or auto- tures (cables, bushings, tap changers, oil expansion space,
transformers, only to the specific loading con- etc) shall be supplied so that they in themselves will not
ditions used as the basis of design. These loading conditions limit the loading to less than the capability of the windings.
involve simultaneous coordination of kilovoltampere input
and output, load power factors, and winding voltage com-
binations [see 4.3.3(lo)]. Differences in loading and voltage 4.3 Unusual Service Conditions. Conditions
regulation for various output windings may prevent simul- other than those described in 4.1 are considered
taneous achievement of 105% voltage on all output termi- unusual service and when prevalent should be
nals. In no case shall the kilovoltampere outputs specified
for any loading condition require continuous loading of any brought to the attention of those responsible for
input winding in excess of its rating. the design and application of the apparatus. Ex- The maximum continuous trans- amples of some of these conditions are listed in
former operating voltage should not exceed the 4.3.1.
levels specified in ANSI C84.1-1982 [16]. 4.3.1 Unusual Temperature and Altitude
Condtions.Transformers may be used at higher
NOTE: System conditions may require voltage transforma- or lower ambient temperatures or at higher al-
tion ratios involving tap voltages higher than the maximum
system voltage for regulation purposes. However, the appro- titudes than those specified in 4.1.3 but special
priate maximum system voltage should be observed under consideration must be given to these applica-
operating conditions (ANSI C92.2-1981 [lS]. tions. ANWIEEE C57.91-1981 [29] and ANSI/
4.1.7 Outdoor Operation. Unless otherwise IEEE C57.92-1981 [30], provide information on
specified, transformers shall be suitable for out- recommended practices.
door operation. 4.3.2 Insulation at High Altitude. The di-
4.1.8 Step-Down Operation. Unless other- electric strength of transformers, which depend
wise specified, transformers shall be for step- in whole or in part upon air for insulation, de-
down operation. creases as the altitude increases due to the effect Transformers identified as generator of decreased air density. When specified, trans-
step-up transformers shall be designed for step- formers shall be designed with larger air spac-
up operation. ings using the correction factors of Table 1 to Transformers identified as system tie obtain adequate air dielectric strength at alti-
autotransformers (or transformers) shall be de- tudes above 3300 f t (1000 m).
signed for either step-down operation, or step- The insulation level at 3300 f t
up operation, or both, as specified by the user. (1000 m) multiplied by the correction factor from


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Table 1 (12) Planned short circuits as a part of regular

Dielectric-Strength Correction-Factors for operating or relaying practice
Altitudes Greater than 3300 ft (1000 m) (13) Unusual short-circuit application condi-
Altitude Correction tions differing from those described in Section
Altitude Factor for 7 as usual
(ft) (m) Dielectric Strength (14) Unusual voltage conditions including
3300 1000 1.00 transient overvoltages, resonance, switching
4000 1200 0.98
5000 1500 0.95 surges, etc, which may require special consid-
6000 1800 0.92 eration in insulation design
7000 2100 0.89 (15) Unusually strong magnetic fields
8000 2400 0.86
9000 2700 0.83 NOTE: Solar magnetic disturbances may result in the flow
10 000 3000 0.80 of telluric currents in transformer neutrals.
12 000 3600 0.75
14 000 4200 0.70 (16) Large transformers with high-current iso-
15 000 4500 0.67
lated phase bus ducts.
NOTE: An altitude of 15000 f t (4500 m) is considered a
maximum for transformers conforming to this standard. NOTE: High-current isolated-phase bus ducts with accom-
panying strong magnetic fields may cause unanticipated cir-
culating currents in transformer tanks and covers, and in
the bus ducts. The losses resulting from these unanticipated
currents may result in excessive temperatures when cor-
Table 1 must be not less than the required in- rective measures are not included in the design.
sulation level at the required altitude. (17) Unusually high nuclear radiation Bushings with additional length or (18) Parallel operation
creep distance shall be furnished when neces-
sary for operation above 3300 f t (1000 m). NOTE: While parallel operation is not unusual, it is desir-
able that users advise the manufacturer when paralleling
4.3.3 Other Unusual Service Conditions with other transformers is planned, and the identification
(1) Damaging fumes or vapors, excessive or of the transformers so involved.
abrasive dust, explosive mixtures of dust or
gases, steam, salt spray, excessive moisture, or
dripping water, etc 5. Rating Data
(2) Abnormal vibration, tilting, shock, or seis-
mic conditions 5.1 Cooling Classes of Transformers
(3) Ambient temperatures outside of normal 5.1.1 Liquid-Immersed Air-Cooled
range (1)Liquid-immersed, self-cooled: class OA
(4) Unusual transportation or storage condi- (2) Liquid-immersed, self-cooled/forced air-
tions cooled: class OA/FA
( 5 ) Unusual space limitations (3) Liquid-immersed, self-cooled/forced air-
(6) Unusual maintenance problems cooled/forced air-cooled: class QA/FA/FA
(7) Unusual duty or frequency of operation, 5.1.2 Liquid-Immersed Air-Cooled/Forced
impact loading Liquid-Cooled
(8) Unbalanced alternating-current voltages, (1) Liquid-immersed, self-cooled/forced air-
or departure of alternating-current system volt- cooled/forced liquid-cooled: class OA/FA/FOA
ages from a substantially sinusoidal wave form (2) Liquid-immersed, self-cooled/forced air-
(9) Loads involving abnormal harmonic cur- forced liquid-cooled/forced air-forced liquid-
rents such as those that may result where ap- cooled: class OA/FOA/FOA
preciable load currents are controlled by solid- 5.1.3 Liquid-Immersed Water-cooled
state or similar devices. Such harmonic currents (1)Liquid-immersed, water-cooled: class OW
may cause excessive losses and abnormal heat- (2) Liquid-immersed, water-cooled/self-cooled:
ing class OW/A
(10) Specified loading conditions (kilovoltam- 5.1.4 Liquid-Immersed Forced Liquid-
pere outputs, winding load power factors, and Cooled
winding voltages) associated with multiwinding (1)Liquid-immersed, forced liquid-cooled with
transformers or autotransformers forced air-cooler: class FOA
(11)Excitation exceeding either 110% rated (2) Liquid-immersed, forced liquid-cooled,
voltage or 110% rated volts per hertz water-cooled: class FOW


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5.2 Frequency. Unless otherwise specified, Table 2

transformers shall be designed for operation at Preferred Continuous Kilovoltampere Ratings
a frequency of 60 Hz. Single-phase Transformers Three-phase Transformers
5 15
10 30
5.3 Phases 15 45
25 75
5.3.1 General. Transformers described in this 37.5 112.5
standard are either single phase or three phase. 50 150
Standard ratings are included in the product 75 225
100 300
standards for particular types of transformers. 167 500
When specified, other phase arrangements may 250 750
be provided. 333 1000
500 1500
5.3.2 Scott- or T-Connected Transformers 2000 These may be provided to accomplish 833 2500
three-phase or two-phase transformation, or vice 1250 3750
1667 5000
versa; or to accomplish three-phase to three- 2500 7500
phase transformation. Several arrangements 3333 10 000
commonly utilized to accomplish such transfor- 12 000
5000 15 000
mations are described here. 6667 20 000 Two single-phase transformers are 8333 25 000
assembled in a n enclosure, permanently inter- 10 000 30 000
12 500 37 500
connected, with the following characteristics: 16 667 50 000
(1)Performance characteristics shall be based 20 OOO 60 000
on bank operation of three-phase to two-phase 25 000 75 000
33 333 100 000
transformation or vice versa.
(2) The single-phase transformers may not be
identical or interchangeable. An assembly utilizing a three-legged 5.4 Rated Kilovoltamperes
core with main and teaser coil assemblies lo- 5.4.1 General. The rated kilovoltamperes of
cated on the two outer legs, and with a center a transformer shall be the output that can be
leg that has no coil assembly and provides a delivered for the time specified at rated second-
common magnetic circuit for the two outer legs. ary voltage and rated frequency without When specified, two identical single- exceeding the specified temperature-rise limi-
phase transformers shall be furnished. tations under prescribed conditions of test, and
(1) The kilovoltampere rating of each trans- within the limitations of established standards.
former shall be half the bank output required, 5.4.2 Preferred Continuous Kilovoltam-
and the rating of the individual units shall agree pere Ratings. Preferred continuous kilovoltam-
with the ratings established for single-phase pere ratings of single-phase and three-phase
transformers. distribution and power transformers are based
(2) Performance characteristics, except heat- on a n average winding rise by resistance of 65 "C
ing, shall be based on single-phase operation. in accordance with and are listed in
(3) The temperature rise shall be based on Table 2.
delivering the required bank capacity when
transforming from three-phase to two-phase or 5.5 Voltage Ratings and Taps
from two-phase to three-phase, as specified. 5.5.1 General. Standard nominal s-vstem volt-
(4) Transformers shall be interchangeable as ages and maximum system voltages are included
main and teaser. in ANSI C84.1-1982 [16] and are listed in
(5) Regulating taps are not usually supplied Table 3.
on transformers for three-phase to two-phase or 5.5.2 Voltage Ratings. The voltage ratings
from two-phase to three-phase service. When shall be at no load and based on the turn ratio.
taps are required, the teaser tap shall be 86.6% 5.5.3 Ratings of Transformer Taps. When-
of the mean regulating taps (Mean, as used here, ever a transformer is provided with taps from a
refers to the midpoint of the range of regulating winding they shall be full capacity taps. When
taps). specified, other than full capacity taps may be


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Table 3
Relationships of Nominal System Voltage to Maximum System
Voltage and Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Levels (BIL)
for Systems 765 kV and Below
Nominal Maximum System Voltage Basic Lightning Impulse
System (from ANSI C84.1-1982 [16] Insulation Levels (BIL)
Voltage and ANSI C92.2-1981 [18] in Common Use
Application (kV rms) (kV rms) (kV crest)
Distribution 1.2 30
2.5 45
5.0 60
8.7 75
15.0 95
25.0 150 125
34.5 200 160 125
46.0 48.3 250200
69.0 72.5 380 250

Power 1.2 45 30
2.5 8 0 4 6
5.0 75 60
8.7 95 75
15.0 110 95
25.0 150
34.5 200
46.0 48.3 250 200
69.0 72.5 350 250
115.0 121.0 560 450 350
138.0 145.0 650 650 450
161.0 169.0 750 650 550
230.0 242.0 900 825 750 650
345.0 362.0 1175 1050 900
500.0 550.0 1675 1550 1425 1300
765.0 800.0 2050 1925 1800
NOTES: (1) BIL values in bold type-face are listed as standard in one or more of ANSI C57.12.10-
1977 [2], ANSI C57.12.20-1981 [4], ANSI C57.12.21-1980 [5], ANSI C57.12.22-1980 [6], ANSI
C57.12.23-1985[7], ANSI (257.12.24-1982 [8], ANSI C57.12.25-1981[9], and ANSI C57.12.26-1986
(2) Single-phase distribution and power transformers and regulating transformers for voltage
ratings between terminals of 8.7 kV and below are designed for both Y and A connection and
are insulated for the test voltages corresponding to the Y connection, so that a single line of
transformers serves for the Y and A applications. The test voltages for such transformers when
operated A connected are, therefore, higher than needed for their voltage rating.
(3) For series windings in transformers, such as regulating transformers, the test values to
ground shall be determined by the BIL of the series windings rather than by the rated voltage
between terminals.
(4) Values listed as nominal system voltage in some cases (particularly voltages 34.5 kV and
below) are applicable to other lesser voltages of approximately the same value. For example,
15 kV encompasses nominal system voltages of 14 440, 13 800, 13 200, 13 090, 12 600, 12 470,
12 000, 11 950, etc.

provided, and this shall be stated on the name- 200 kVA and below having high-voltage ratings
plate. 8660 V and below (winding voltage) shall have
additive polarity. All other single-phase trans-
NOTE: Transformers with load tap-changing equipment
commonly have reduced capacity taps for taps below rated formers have subtractive polarity'
winding- voltage.
5.7.2 Angular Displacement (Nominal)Be-
5.6 Connections. Standard connection ar- tween Voltages of Windings for Three-phase
rangements are included in the standards for Transformers. The angular displacement be-
particular types of transformers, and in ANSI tween high-voltage and low-voltage phase
C57.12.70-1978 [14]. ages of three-phase transformers with A-A or
Y-Y connections shall be zero degrees.
5.7 Polarity, Angular Displacement, and The angular displacement between high-volt-
Terminal Markings age and low-voltage phase voltages of three-
5.7.1 Polarity of Single-phase Trans- phase transformers with Y-A or A-Y connec-
formers. Single-phase transformers in sizes tions shall be 30", with the low voltage lagging


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the high voltage as shown in Fig 1. The angular assessment of the coefficient of grounding as out-
displacement of a polyphase transformer is the lined in 5.10.3.
time angle expressed in degrees between the Table 4 outlines coordinated insulation levels
line-to-neutralvoltage of the reference identified for distribution transformers and for Class I
high-voltage terminal HI and the line-to-neutral power transformers.
voltage of the corresponding identified low-volt- Table 5 outlines coordinated insulation levels
age terminal XI. for Class I1 power transformers.
Table 6 outlines minimum phase-to-phase in-
NOTE: Additional phasor diagrams are described in ANSI
C57.12.70-1978 [14]. sulation test levels for distribution transformers
and for Class I power transformers.
5.7.3 Terminal Markings. Terminal mark- Table 7 outlines minimum insulation levels
ings shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.12.70- for neutral terminals.
1978 [14]. For test procedures, see ANSI / IEEE
C57.12.90-1987 [25].
5.8 Impedance. The impedance shall be re- 5.10.1 Line Terminals
ferred to a temperature equal to the sum of the Each line terminal of a winding
rated average winding temperature rise by re- shall be assigned a basic lightning impulse in-
sistance, plus 20 "C. Preferred standard values sulation level (BIL) from Table 3. The associated
of impedance are included in the product stan- insulation levels shall be provided regardless of
dards for particular types of transformers. whether tests are or can be performed. Windings, for system voltages
5.9 Total Losses. The total losses of a trans- 115kV and above, shall be designed for the
former shall be the sum of the no-load losses and switching impulse insulation levels (BSL) asso-
the load losses. ciated with the assigned BIL. In addition, low-
Power required for cooling fans, oil pumps, voltage windings shall be designed to withstand
space heaters, and other ancillary equipment is stresses resulting from switching impulse tests
not included in the total loss. When specified, on the high-voltage winding regardless of
loss data on such ancillary equipment shall be whether or not such tests are specified.
furnished. Front-of-wave insulation levels and
The standard reference temperature for the tests, when desired, must be specified; otherwise
load loss of power and distribution transformers withstand insulation capability is not required.
shall be 85 "C. Each wye-winding line terminal
5.10 Insulation Levels. Transformers shall shall be specified as suitable or unsuitable for
be designed to provide coordinated low-fre- ungrounded neutral operation.
quency and impulse insulation levels on line ter- Windings that have no terminals
minals, and low-frequency insulation levels on brought out shall be capable of withstanding
neutral terminals. The primary identity of a set voltages resulting from the various tests that
of coordinated levels shall be its basic lightning may be applied to other terminals corresponding
impulse insulation level (BIL). to their respective BIL.
The system voltage and the type of trans- 5.10.2 Neutral Terminals
former may also influence insulation levels and A transformer winding designed
test procedures. In this regard, power trans- for wye connection only and with the neutral
formers are separated into two different classes end accessible external to the tank shall be as-
as follows: signed a low-frequency test level for the neutral
(1) Class I power transformers shall include terminal. This assigned low-frequency test level
power transformers with high-voltage windings may be lower than that for the line terminal.
of 69 kV and below. The assigned low-frequency test
(2) Class I1 power transformers shall include level, for neutral terminals that are solidly
power transformers with high-voltage windings grounded directly or through a current trans-
from 115 kV through 765 kV. former, shall be not less than that specified in
Table 3 lists BIL levels in current use at var- Table 7, Column 2.
ious system voltages; however, the use of any The assigned low-frequency test level for other
given BIL choice requires careful attention to cases shall be coordinated with voltages that can
proper insulation coordination and to accurate occur between the neutral and ground during


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Fig 1
Phase Relation of Terminal Designations
for Three-phase Transformers

Table 4
Dielectric Insulation Levels for Distribution Transformers and Class I
Power Transformers*
Basic Chopped Wave Front-of-Wave
Lightning Impulse Levels Impulse Levels
Insulation Minimum Specific
Level Minimum Time to Minimum Time to Low Frequency
(BIL) Voltage Flashover Voltage Sparkover Test Label
Application (kV Crest) (kV Crest) (ps) (kV Crest) (ps) (kV rms)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
Distribution 30 36 1.0 - - 10
45 54 1.5 - - 15
60 69 1.5 - - 19
75 88 1.6 - - 26
95 110 1.8 - - 34

125 145 2.25 - - 40

150 175 3.0 - - 50
200 230 3.0 - - 70
250 290 3.0 - - 95
350 400 3.0 - - 140

Power 45 50 1.5 10
60 66 1.5 15
75 83 1.6 - - 19
95 105 1.8 165 0.5 26
110 120 2.0 195 0.5 34
150 165 3.0 260 0.5 50
200 220 3.0 345 0.5 70
250 275 3.0 435 0.5 95
350 388 3.0 580 0.58 140

* See 5.10 for description of Class I power transformers.

NOTES: (1) Front-of-wave impulse levels must be specified prior to design of the transformer.
(2) Front-of-wave tests are not recommended on low-voltage or tertiary windings that will not
be exposed to lightning and that are connected directly to user equipment having low impulse
strengths. This includes low-voltage windings of generator transformers and transformer windings
that operate at 5000 V or less.
(3) Internal and external phase-to-phase low-frequency insulation test levels shall not be re-
duced below the levels listed in Table 6.
(4) The insulation levels for distribution transformers and for Class I power transformers shall
be selected from this Table for both the high-voltage and the low-voltage windings.
(5) The basic lightning impulse insulation level (BIL) serves both as a test level for the full-
wave lightning impulse tests and as the primary identity of a set of coordinated insulation levels.


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Table 5
Dielectric Insulation Levels for
Class I1 Power Transformers*
Basic Switching Induced Voltage Test Applied
Nominal Lightning Impulse Chopped Impulse (Phase-to-Ground) Voltage
System Insulation Level Wave Level One Hour Enhancement Test
Voltage (BW Level (BSL) Level Level Level
(kV) (kV Crest) (kV Crest) (kV Crest) (kV rms) (kV rms) (kV rms)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7

15 and
below 110 120 - 34

25 150 165 - - - 50

34.5 200 220 - - - 70

46 250 275 - - 95

69 250 275 - - - 95
350 385 - - - 140

115 350 385 280 105 120 140

450 495 375 105 120 185
550 605 460 105 120 230

138 450 495 375 125 145 185

550 605 460 125 145 230
650 715 540 125 145 275

161 550 605 460 145 170 230

650 715 540 145 170 275
750 825 620 145 170 325
230 650 715 540 210 240 275
750 825 620 210 240 325
825 905 685 210 240 360
900 990 745 210 240 395

345 900 990 745 315 360 395

1050 1155 870 315 360 460
1175 1290 975 315 360 520

500 1300 1430 1080 475 550 -

1425 1570 1180 475 550 -
1550 1705 1290 475 550 -
1675 1845 1390 475 550 -

765 1800 1980 1500 690 800 -

1925 2120 1600 690 800 -
2050 2255 1700 690 800 -
'See 5.10 for description of Class I1 Power Transformers.
NOTES: (1)For chopped wave tests, the minimum time to flashover shall be 3.0 ps except for 110 kV BIL in which
case minimum time to flashover shall be 2.0 ps.
(2) Although Column 4 establishes phase-to-ground switching impulse levels, it is not always possible to test these
levels on low-voltage windings.
(3) Columns 5 and 6 provide phase-to-ground test levels which would normally be applicable to wye windings.
When the test voltage level is to be measured phase-to-phase, as is normally the case with delta windings, then the
levels in Column 5 must be multiplied by 1.732 to obtain the required phase-to-phase induced voltage test level.
(4) The applied-voltage test is not applicable to wye-winding line terminals unless they have been specified to be
suitable for application on ungrounded systems.
(5) The insulation levels for Class I1 power transformers shall be selected from this Table for both the high-voltage
and the low-voltage windings.


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normal operation or during fault conditions, but Table 6

shall be not less than those specified in Table 7, Minimum Phase-to-Phase Insulation Test
Columns 2 and 3. Levels for Three-phase Distribution
Transformers and for Three-phase Class I
NOTE: ANSI/IEEE Std 32-1972 (R1984) [40] includes ad-
ditional information on neutral insulation, application, etc. Power Transformers
Minimum When specified, neutral terminals Nominal Low-Frequency
shall be designed for a specific BIL instead of a System Phase-to-Phase
low-frequency test level. Voltage Test Level
ADDlication (kV) (kV rms) The insulation level of the neutral
Distribution 25.0 50
end of a winding may differ from the insulation 34.5 69
level of the neutral bushing furnished or for 46.0 92
which provision is made for future installation. 69.0 138
In this case, the dielectric tests on the neutral Power 46.0 76
69.0 115
shall be determined by whichever is lower, the
insulation of the neutral end of the winding or NOTES: (1) For nominal system voltages not in the table,
the insulation level of the neutral bushing use a test level not less than 2.00 times the nominal system
shipped with the transformer. voltage for distribution transformers and not less than 1.65
times the nominal system voltage for Class I power trans- Insulation levels shall not be as- formers.
signed where the neutral end of the winding is (2) The low-frequency test level between phases shall not
not brought out of the tank through a bushing. be lower than the low-frequency test level from line-to-
In such cases, the neutral end of the winding
shall be directly connected to the tank and the
tank shall be solidly grounded.
5.10.3 Coordination of Insulation Levels in actual service. For information on surge BIL Levels. The BIL chosen for arrester characteristics and application see
each line terminal shall be such that the light- ANSI / IEEE C62.1-1984 [36] and ANSI C62.2-
ning impulse, chopped-wave impulse, and 1981 [E].
switching impulse insulation levels include a
NOTE: It is recommended that surge-arrester protection be
suitable margin in excess of the dielectric provided for tertiary windings that have terminals brought
stresses to which the terminal will be subjected out.

Table 7
Minimum Insulation Levels a t Neutral
Minimum Low Frequency
Insulation Level (kV RMS)
Grounded Solidly or Grounded Through
Nominal Through a Current a Ground-Fault
System Transformer or Neutralizer, or
Voltage Through a Isolated but
Application (kV)' Regulating Transformer Impulse Protected
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 ~

Distribution 1.2 10 10
or 2.5 15 15
Power 5.0 19 19
8.7 26 26
15.0 26 26
25.0 26 34
34.5 26 50
46.0 34 70
69.0 34 95

*For higher line terminal system voltages than shown above, the
insulation level at the neutral shall be specified to conform with service
requirements, but in no case shall be less than 34 kV.
NOTE: When specified, Y-Y connected transformers using a common,
solidly grounded neutral may use a neutral bushing selected in ac-
cordance with the requirements of the LV winding.


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Table 8
Low-Frequency Test Coefficients
Lightning-Impulse Low-Frequency Low-Frequency
Nomina 1 Insulation Level Test Test
System Voltage (BIL) Level Coefficient
(kV) (kV Crest) (kV rms) -
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
46 200 70 1.449
250 95 1.967
69 250 95 1.310
350 140 1.931
115 350 140 1.157
450 185 1.529
550 230 1.901
138 450 185 1.276
550 230 1.586
650 275 1.897
161 550 230 1.361
650 275 1.627
750 325 1.923
230 650 275 1.136
750 325 1.343
825 360 1.488
900 395 1.632
345 900 395 1.091
1050 460 1.271
1175 520 1.436
NOTES: (1)The application of this table is covered in In particular, the
caution regarding application of maximum BIL reductions should be considered.
(2) The low-frequency test coefficient is the ratio between the low-frequency test
level and the maximum line-to-line system voltage.
(3) The low-frequency test level and low-frequency test coefficient are not appli-
cable to wye windings on Class I1 transformers unless they have been specified to
be suitable for operation on ungrounded systems. BSL Levels. A switching surge im- the coefficient of g r ~ u n d i n gCaution

.~ should be
pulse occurring at one terminal during test or exercised to ensure that the coefficient of
in actual service will be transferred to other grounding has been accurately determined and
winding terminals with a magnitude approxi- can be maintained, especially in the case of max-
mately proportional to the turns ratio involved. imum BIL reductions on delta windings, such as
This interaction must be considered when eval- 650 kV BIL at 230 kV or 350 kV BIL at 115 kV.
uating surge arrester application, expected mag- Consideration should be given to such possibil-
nitude of surges, and establishing of coordinated ities as back-feed' in determining if the coeffi-
insulation levels. cient of grounding can be maintained. Grounding Considerations. It is
necessary to verify ability of a transformer to 7The coefficient of grounding is defined in ANWIEEE
withstand temporary overvoltage on unfaulted C62.1-1984 [36], except that, in this case, a decimal fraction
terminals during single or double line-to-ground should be used as opposed to a percentage; for example, 0.80
instead of 80%.
faults. In most cases, the low-frequency test is * Back-feed would involve energization from the low side
used to provide this verification. The applicable of the transformer together with clearing on the high side
low-frequency tests are shown in Table 4, Col- so that
ume 6 or Table 5, Column 7. An adequate margin (1)The fault remains on one phase
(2) The system grounding is lost
is provided when the low-frequency test coeffi- Under these conditions, a full neutral shift could result on
cient from Table 8 is approximately 1.5 times the high-voltage A winding.


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In the case of wye windings for Class I1 trans- graded windings, this voltage shall be main-
formers, the low-frequency test levels and low- tained throughout the winding.
frequency test coefficients in Table 8 are not (2) A phase-to-phase voltage shall be devel-
applicable, unless the winding has been specified oped between line terminals of each three-phase
to be suitable for application on ungrounded sys- winding in accordance with Table 4, Column 6
tems. However, when the neutral is solidly or Table 6, Column 2 where applicable.
grounded to the tank, there should be no prob- (3) Two times rated turn-to-turn voltage shall
lem since the neutral end of the winding cannot be developed in each winding.
shift with respect to the tank and there should Exceptions
be no significant increase in line-terminal-to- (1) Subject to the limitation that the voltage-
ground (tank) voltage during single or double to-ground test must be performed as specified in
line-to-ground faults, providing that proper over- on the line terminals of the winding
all system grounding practices are employed. with the lowest ratio of test voltage to minimum
For wye windings where Table 8 does not ap- turns; the test levels may otherwise be reduced
ply and where neutral grounding devices are so that none of the three test levels required in
involved that significantly affect the coefficient need be exceeded to meet the require-
of grounding of the transformer, alternate tests ments of the other two, or so that no winding
must be specified to provide the necessary ver- need be tested above its specified level to meet
ification. the test requirements of another winding.
5.10.4 Low-Frequency Voltage Tests on (2) For delta windings, the voltage-to-ground
Line Terminals for Distribution Trans- developed at each terminal shall be in accord-
formers and Class I Power Transformers ance with Table 4 for the BIL specified; however, General. The low-frequency test the voltage within the winding may be reduced
requirements for distribution and Class I power to 87% of the voltage developed at the terminals.
transformers shall be accomplished by utilizing 5.10.5 Low-Frequency Voltage Tests on
applied voltage and induced voltage tests or com- Line Terminals for Class I1 Power Trans-
binations thereof. formers Requirements Induced Voltage Test. With the
(1) A voltage-to-ground (not necessarily to transformer connected and excited as it will be
neutral) shall be developed at each terminal in in service, a n induced voltage test shall be per-
accordance with Table 4, Column 6. For un- formed as indicated in Fig 2.

Fig 2
Induced Voltage Test
for Class I1 Power Transformers








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IMMERSED DISTRIBUTION, POWER, AND REGULATING TRANSFORMERS C57.12.00-1987 Applied Voltage Test. Line ter- bient conditions, or for special applications.
minals of delta windings and all terminals of These are specified in appropriate applications,
wye windings for application on ungrounded sys- or in certain product standards.
tems shall receive a n applied-voltage test at the Rises of Metallic Parts, Other
levels indicated to Table 5, Column 7. than Windings. Metallic parts in contact with
5.10.6 Low-Frequency Voltage Test on current-carrying conductor insulation shall not
Neutral Terminals for all Transformers. attain a temperature rise in excess of the wind-
Each neutral terminal shall receive a n applied- ing hottest-spot temperature rise.
voltage test at its assigned low-frequency insu- Metallic parts other than those described in
lation level. shall not attain excessive temperature
5.10.7 Impulse Tests rises at maximum rated load. Lightning Impulse Tests. When The temperature rise of the insulating liquid
required, the lightning impulse test shall in- shall not exceed 65 "C when measured near the
clude reduced full-wave, chopped-wave, and full- top of the main tank.
wave tests. Lightning impulse tests shall not be 5.11.2 Conditions Under Which Tempera-
made on windings that do not have terminals ture Rise Limits Apply. Temperature limits
brought out through the tank or cover. shall not be exceeded when the transformer is Switching Impulse Tests. When operating on the connection that will produce
required, switching impulse tests shall be per- the highest winding temperature rise above am-
formed. bient temperature and is delivering
Switching impulse tests on the high-voltage (1) Rated kilovoltampere output at rated sec-
line terminals may overtest or undertest other ondary voltage when there are no taps
line terminals depending upon the relative BSL (2) Rated kilovoltampere output at the rated
levels, the turns ratios between windings, and secondary voltage for that connection when it is
the test connections. Regardless of this fact, tests rated kilovoltampere tap connection
on the high-voltage terminals shall be control- (3) At the rated secondary voltage of that con-
ling, and a switching impulse test at the level nection, the kilovoltampere output correspond-
specified in Table 5 shall be applied to the high- ing to the rated current of the tap when the
voltage terminals. connection is a reduced kilovoltampere tap con-
The insulation of other windings shall be ca- nection
pable of withstanding the voltages resulting (4) A specified combination of kilovoltampere
from application of the required switching im- outputs at specified power factors (for each wind-
pulse level to the high-voltage terminal even ing) for multiwinding transformers
though such voltages on the other windings may (5) Rated kilovoltampere output at rated volts
exceed their designated BSL, where applicable, per hertz
in Table 5. NOTE: As used here, the term rated secondary voltage or
Where the application of the switching im- rated current means the value assigned by the manufacturer
pulse to the high-voltage terminals results in a and shown on the nameplate.
voltage on another winding less than the BSL
requirement for that winding in Table 5, no ad- 5.12 Nameplates
ditional test is necessary to demonstrate insu- 5.12.1 Nameplates. A durable metal name-
lation withstand capability. plate shall be affixed to each transformer by the
manufacturer. Unless otherwise specified, it
5.11 Temperature Rise and Loading Condi- shall be made of corrosion-resistant material. It
tions shall bear the rating and other essential oper-
5.11.1 Limits of Observable Temperature ating data as specified in 5.12.2.
Rise NOTE: Although this standard recognizes the possibility of Winding Rise. The average wind- using SI units as an alternative to the system of units used
ing temperature rise above ambient tempera- in the past, it is not intended that both appear on the specific
ture shall not exceed 65°C when measured by
resistance, and the winding hottest-spot tem- 5.12.2 Nameplate Information. Unless
perature rise shall not exceed 80 "C. otherwise specified, the minimum information Other Winding Rises. Other shown on the nameplate shall be that specified
winding rises may be recognized for unusual am- in Table 9 and associated NOTES, and in ac-


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Table 9
Nameplate Information
Namedate A Nameplate B Nameplate C
Serial Number (1)' Serial Number (1) Serial Number (1)
Class (OA, OA/FA, etc) (2) Class (OA, OA/FA, etc) (2) Class (OA, OA/FA, FOA, etc) (2)
Number of phases Number of phases Number of phases
Frequency Frequency Frequency
kVA rating (l),(2) kVA rating (11, (2) kVA rating (or MVA) (11,(2)
Voltage ratings (l),(3) Voltage ratings (11, (3) Voltage ratings (l),(3)
Tap voltages (4) Tap voltages (4) Tap voltages (4)
Temperature rise, degrees C Temperature rise, degrees C Temperature rise, degrees C (2)
Polarity (single-phase Polarity (single-phase Polarity (single-phase
transformers) transformers) transformers)
Phasor diagram (polyphase Phasor diagram (polyphase Phasor diagram (polyphase
transformers) transformers) transformers)
Percent impedance (5) Percent impedance (5) Percent impedance (5)
Approximate total mass in pounds Basic lightning impulse insulation Basic lightning impulse insulation
(Kg) (7) levels (BIL) (6) levels (BIL) (6)
Connection diagram (9) Approximate masses in pounds Approximate masses in pounds
Name of manufacturer (Kg) (8) (Kg) (8)
Installation and operating Connection diagram (9) Connection diagram (9)
instructions reference Name of manufacturer Name of manufacturer
The word transformer or Installation and operating Installation and operating
autotransformer instructions reference instructions reference
Type of insulating liquid (generic The word transformer or The word transformer or
name preferred) autotransformer autotransformer
Conductor material (of each Type of insulating liquid (generic Step-up operation suitability (10)
winding) name preferred) Tank, pressure, and liquid data
Conductor material (of each (11)
winding) Type of insulating liquid (generic
name preferred)
Conductor material (of each
'Numbers in parentheses refer to the NOTES below and on Page 23.
NOTES: (1) The letters and numerals showing kVA, serial number, and voltage ratings shall have a minimum
height of 0.156 in (3.97 mm) whether engraved or stamped. The height of other letters and numberals shall be
optional with the manufacturer.
(2) Where the class of transformer involves more than one kVA (or MVA) rating, all ratings shall be shown.
Any winding, such as tertiary, which has a different rating shall have its kVA (or MVA) suitably described.
Where the transformer has more than one temperature rating, the additional rating shall be shown on the nameplate.
Provision for future forced-cooling equipment shall be indicated.
(3) The voltage ratings of a transformer or autotransformer shall be designated by the voltage rating of each
winding separated by a dash (-), or voltages may be listed in tables. The winding voltage ratings shall be designated
as specified in Fig 3.
When the transformer is suitable for Y connection the nameplate shall be so marked except that, on a two-winding
single-phase transformer that is insulated for Y connection on both windings, the nameplate shall show the Y voltage
on the high-voltage side only for such transformers having high-voltage ratings above 600 V.
(4)The tap voltages of a winding shall be designated by listing the winding voltage of each tap, separated by a
solidus, or shall be listed in tabular form, the rated voltage of each tap shall be shown in volts, except that for
transformers 500 kVA and smaller with taps in uniform 2.5% or 5% steps, they may be shown as percentages of
rated voltage.
The taps shall be identified on the transformer nameplate by means of letters in sequence, or arabic numberals.
The numeral 1 or letter A shall be assigned to the voltage rating providing the maximum ratio of transformation
with tap changers for de-energized operation.
NOTE: The rafio of transformation is defined as the high-voltage volts divided by low-voltage volts.
The normal position shall be designated by the letter N for load-tap-changers. The raise range positions shall be
designated by numerals in ascending order, corresponding to increasing output voltage, followed by the suffix R,
such as 1 R or 2R. The lower range positions shall be designated by numerals in ascending order, corresponding to
decreasing output voltage, followed by the suffix L , such as 1L or 2L (this applies to the relationship between two
windings of a transformer only, such as the H a n d X windings).
This applies to two-winding transformers only.
The rated currents of all windings at the highest kilovoltampere rating and on all tap connections shall be shown
for transformers 501 kVA and larger.
Any reduced capacity taps shall be identified.
(5) The percent impedance shall be given between each pair of windings, and shall be the tested value for
transformers 501 kVA and larger. The voltage connection shall be stated following each percent impedance and,
when the transformer has more than one kilovoltampere rating, the kilovoltampere base shall be given.


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cordance with the following categories: formers rated 500 kVA or less, which are not
(1) Nameplate A shall be used on trans- covered above
formers rated 500 kVA or less with high-voltage (3) Nameplate C shall be used on trans-
basic impulse insulation level (BIL) less than formers rated more than 500 kVA
150 kV 5.12.3 Schematic Representation. Wind-
(2) Nameplate B shall be used on trans- ings shall be represented as shown in Fig 3.

NOTES for Table 9 (Continued)

(6) Full wave BIL in kilovolts of line terminals shall be designated as in the following example:
HV Winding 450 BIL
HV Winding Neutral 110 BIL
HV Winding Neutral Bushing 95 BIL
LV Winding 95 BIL
(7) For transformers rated less than 37.5 kVA single-phase or less than 30 kVA polyphase, the mass may be
omitted from the nameplate. Supplemental data shall be available showing volume of oil required and the approximate
mass of the transformer for ratings smaller than those for which the data are shown on the nameplate.
(8) The approximate masses shall be shown as follows:
Core and coils
Tank and fittings
Total mass
Untanking mass (heaviest piece)
(9) All winding terminations shall be identified on the nameplate or on the connection diagram.
A schematic plan view shall be included, preferably indicating orientation by locating a fixed accessory such as
the tap-changer handle, the load tap changer, instruments, or other prominent items. All termination or connection
points shall be permanently marked to agree with the schematic identification. In general, the schematic view
should be arranged to show the low-voltage side at the bottom and the H, high-voltage terminal at the top left. (This
arrangement may be modified in particular cases, such as multiwinding transformers equipped with terminal
locations not conforming to the' suggested arrangement.)
Indication of potential transformers, potential devices, current transformers, winding temperature devices, etc,
when used, shall be shown.
Polarity and location identification of current transformers shall be shown when used for metering, relaying, or
line-drop compensation. Polarity need not be shown when current transformers are used for winding temperature
equipment or cooling control.
All internal leads and terminals that are not permanently connected shall be designated or marked with numbers
or letters in a manner that will permit convenient reference and will obviate confusion with terminal and polarity
Where development of windings is shown, the scallop symbol shall be used in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std
315-1915 [42] and ANIS / IEEE Std 315A-1986 [43].
(10) When the transformer is suitable for step-up operation, the nameplate shall so state.
(11)Provide the following tank, pressure, and liquid data for transformers larger than 500 kVA:
(a) Maximum operating pressures of liquid preservation system ~ lbf / in2 (kPa) positive and
-lbf / inz (kPa) negative.
(b) Tank designed for~ lbf/in2 (kPa) vacuum filling.
(c) Liquid level below top surface of the highest point of the highest manhole flange a t 25 'C
~ in (mm).
Liquid level changes _ _ in (mm) per 10 "C change in liquid temperature. (This applies only to transformers that
have a gas cushion above the liquid in the transformer.)
The volume of insulating liquid in gallons (m3)and type shall be shown for the main tank and for each liquid-
filled compartment.
NOTE: It is suggested when SI units are used, that liters be used for volumes less than 1000 liters; and cubic meters
for volumes 1000 liters and larger.


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cation Nomenclature Nameplate Marking Typical Winding Diagram Condensed Usage Guide

E shall indicate a winding of E volts

that is suitable for A connection on an
E volt system.

E/E,Y shall indicate a winding of E

volts that is suitable for A connection
on an E volt system or for Y connection
on an E, volt system.

E/E,GrdY shall indicate a winding

(l)(c) E/E,GrdY 39 840/69 OOOGrdY

u of E volts having reduced insulation
that is suitable for A connection on an
E volt system or Y connection on an E,
volt system, transformer neutral effec-
tively grounded.

E,GrdY/E shall indicate a winding

of E volts with reduced insulation a t
the neutral end. The neutral end may
(l)(d) E,GrdY/E 12 470GrdY/7200 be connected directly to the tank for Y
or for single-phase operation on an E,
volt system, provided the neutral end
of the winding is effectively grounded.

E/2E shall indicate a winding, the

sections of which can be connected in
parallel for operation a t E volts, or
which can be connected in series for
120/240, 240/480 operation at 2E volts, or connected in
(l)(e) E/2E series with a center terminal for three-
wire operation at 2E volts between the
extreme terminals and E volts between
the center terminal and each of the ex-
treme terminals.

2E/E shall indicate a winding for 2E

volts, two-wire full kilovoltamperes be-
tween extreme terminals, or for 2E/E
volts three-wire service with
kVA available only, from midpoint
to each extreme terminal.

240 x 480 V.V, shall indicate a winding for

parallel or series operation only but not
(l)(g) v*v, 2400/4160Y x 4800/8320Y
suitable for three-wire service.

NOTES: (1)E = line-to-neutral voltage of a Y winding, or line-to-line voltage of a A winding.

(2) E, = E
(3) Additional subscripts, H, X, and Y (when used) identify high voltage, low voltage, and tertiary voltage windings.

Fig 3
(a) Designation of Voltage Ratings of Single-phase Windings (Schematic Representation)


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cation Nomenclature Nameplate Marking Typical Winding Diagram Condensed Usage Guide
E shall indicate a winding that is per-
manently A connected for operation on
an E volt system.

E,Y shall indicate a winding that is

(2)(b) EiY 4160Y permanently Y connected without a
neutral brought out (isolated) for op-
eration on an E, volt system.
E,Y/E shall indicate a winding that

(S)(C) EiY/E 4160Y /2400

e9%9 is permanently Y connected with a
fully insulated neutral brought out for
operation on an E, volt system, with E
volts available from line to neutral.
E/E,Y shall indicate a winding that
may be A connected for operation on
2400/4160Y an E volt system, or may be Y con-

AI432l nected without a neutral brought out

(isolated) for operation on an E, volt
E/E,Y/E shall indicate a winding
that may be A connected for operation
on an E volt system or may be Y con-
2400/ 4 160Y/ 2400
%-=&GJ nected with a fully insulated neutral
brought out for operation on an E, volt
system with E volts available from line
to neutral.

E,GrdY/E shall indicate a winding
with reduced insulation and perma-
(2)(D E,GrdY/E 69 000GrdY/39 840 nently Y connected, with a neutral
brought out and effectively grounded
for operation on an E, volt system with
E volts available from line to neutral.
E/E,GrdY/E shall indicate a wind-
ing, having reduced insulation, which
may be A connected for operation on
an E volt system or may be connected
(2)(g) E/E,GrdY/E 39 840169 000GrdY/39 840 Y with a neutral brought out and ef-
fectively grounded for operation on an
E, volt-system with E iolts available
from line to neutral.
V.V, shall indicate a winding, the
7200 X 14400 sections of which may be connected in
parallel to obtain one of the voltage
ratings (as defined in a, b, c, d, e, f, and
e) of V. or mav be connected in series
4160Y/2400 x 12 470Y/ to obtain one i f the voltage ratings (as
7200 defined in a, b, c, d, e, f, and g) of VI.
Windings are permanently A or Y con-

138 000GrdY/79 680-69 000GrdY/39 840-13 800

0 r"" Example of three-winding autotrans-

0 0
former with a A tertiary.

Fig 3
(b) Designation of Voltage Ratings of Three-phase Windings (Schematic Representation)


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Table 10
Electrical Characteristics of Transformer Bushings
(Applies only to bushings 34.5 kV and below not listed in ANSI/IEEE Std 24-1984 [391)
Outdoor Bushings
Power Transformers? Distribution Transformers?
Indoor Bushings$
60 Hz Impulse 60 Hz Impulse
Withstand Full Wave Withstand Full Wave 60 Hz Impulse
Minimum With- Full Wave
Creepage Dry With- Dry With- stand, Dry With-
System Distance 1 min 10 s stand 1 min 10 s stand 1 min stand
Voltage Dry Wet (kV) Dry Wet (kV) Dry (kV)
(kV)* (in) (mm) (kV) (kV) (1.2 . 50 p s ) (kV) (kV) (1.2 . 50 ps) (kV) (1.2 50 ps)
1.2 - - - - - 10 6 30 - -
2.5 - - 21 20 60 15 13 45 20 45
5.0 - - 27 24 75 21 20 60 24 60
8.7 - - - - - 27 24 75 30 75
8.7 7 178 35 30 95 - - - - -
15.0 - - - - - 35 30 95 50 5 110 0
18.0 - - - - - 42 36 125 - -
25.0 - - - - - - - - 60 150
34.5 - - - - - - - - 80 200
*The nominal system voltage values given above are used merely as reference numbers and do not necessarily imply a
relation to specific operating voltages.
t Power transformers indicate transformers rated above 500 kVA and distribution transformers indicate transformers rated
500 kVA and below.
$ Indoor bushings are those intended for use on indoor transformers. Indoor bushing test values do not apply to bushings
used primarily for mechanical protection of insulated cable leads. Wet test values are not assigned to indoor bushings.
0 Small indoor transformers may be supplied with bushings for a dry test of 38 kV and impulse test of 95 kV.

6. Construction 24-1984 [39], shall have a n inside diameter ad-

equate to accommodate the maximum D dimen-
6.1 Bushings. Transformers shall be equipped sions for those bushings, shown in the applicable
with bushings with a n insulation level not less tables.
than that of the winding terminal to which they
are connected, unless otherwise specified.
6.4 Thermometer Wells. Unless otherwise
Bushings for use in transformers shall have specified in the standard applying to the partic-
impulse and low-frequency insulation levels as
ular types of transformers, dimensions for ther-
listed in Table 10 and ANSIIIEEE Std 24-1984
mometer wells shall be as shown in Fig 4.
[391. The thermometer well shall be positioned in
Transformers using bushings have dimensions
such a way that it is at least one inch below the
in accordance with ANSI / IEEE Std 24-1984 [39] liquid level at minimum operating temperature
shall have bushing mounting holes adequate to
(either -20 "C, or as specified by the user).
accommodate the maximum P dimensions for
those bushings, as shown in the applicable
tables. 6.5 Tank Pressure Requirements
6.5.1 Tank pressure under rated conditions of
6.2 Transformer Accessories. Specific infor- sealed transformers shall not exceed two at-
mation on accessories is contained in the stan- mospheres (203 kPa) absolute pressure unless
dards applying to particular types of the requirements of applicable sections of the
transformers. ANSI / ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(BPV), 1984 Edition, are met.
6.3 Bushing C u r r e n t Transformers. Bushing 6.5.2 Specific pressure limits and tests are in-
current transformers used with bushings having cluded in standards applying to particular types
dimensions in accordance with ANSI / IEEE Std of transformers.


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6 IN
2 f IN ~
152rnm _I
2 16
12.7 mm i 1.59 rnm FROM END OF - I N THREAD TO

Fig 4
Dimensions of Thermometer Well

6.6 Liquid Insulation System 6.7 Grounding

6.6.1 Insulating Liquids. Transformers shall 6.7.1 Transformer Grounding.Transformer
be filled with a suitable insulating liquid such grounding facilities shall be furnished in ac-
as cordance with the standards for particular types
(1) Mineral Oil. New, unused mineral oil shall of transformers.
meet the requirements of ASTM D3487-81 [47]. 6.7.2 Grounding of Core. The transformer
core shall be grounded for electrostatic purposes
NOTE: ANSI / IEEE C57.106-1977 [34] provides information
concerning the acceptance and maintenance of mineral oil, to the transformer tank.
including dielectric test break-down criteria according to oil
application, age, and test method.

(2) Askarel
7. Short-circuit Characteristics
NOTES: (1) Introduction of new askarel transformers in the
United States ceased in 1977 as a result of new laws and 7.1 Short-circuit Requirements
(2) IEEE Std 76-1974 [48] provides guidance concerning 7.1.1 General. Liquid-filled transformers
the acceptance and maintenance of transformer askarel. shall be designed and constructed to withstand
the mechanical and thermal stresses produced
6.6.2 Insulating Liquid Preservation.
by external short circuits under the conditions
Transformers shall be equipped with a n insu-
specified in 7.1.3, 7.1.4, and 7.1.5. The external
lating liquid preservation system such as
short circuits shall include three phase, single
(1) Sealed tank
line-to-ground, double line-to-ground, and line-
(2) Gas-oil seal
to-line faults on any one set of terminals at a
(3) Conservator
time. Multiwinding transformers shall be con-
(4) Conservator / diaphragm
sidered to have system fault power supplied a t
NOTE: The various insulating liquid (oil) preservation sys- no more than two sets of unfaulted terminals
tems are described and defined in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80- and only at terminals rated more than 35% of
1978 (R 1986) [24].
the terminal kilovoltamperes of the highest ca-
6.6.3 Nitrogen Inert-GasPressure System. pacity winding. For other fault conditions, the
The nitrogen for use with inert-gas-protected requirements must be specified by those respon-
transformers shall be in accordance with ASTM sible for the application of the transformer.
D1933-1964 (R 19791, Type 111. It is recognized that short-circuit withstand
The nitrogen shall be supplied in 200 f t 3 capability can be adversely affected by the cu-
(5.66 m 3, cylinders equipped with Connection No mulative effects of repeated mechanical and
580 of ANSI / CGA-V-1-1977 [21]. The filling pres- thermal overstressing, as produced by short cir-
sure shall be 22001bf/in2 (15.2 MPa) a t 70°F cuits and loads above the nameplate rating.
(21.1"C). Since means are not available to continuously


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monitor and quantitatively evaluate the de- NOTES: (1)See 3.2 (1)for coordination information relating
grading effects of such duty, short-circuit tests, to overcurrent protection of transformers.
(2) For currents between rated current and maximum
when required, should be performed prior to short-circuit current the allowable time duration should be
placing transformer(s) in service. obtained by consulting the manufacturer.
The intention here is not that every trans-
ANSI / IEEE C57.12.90-1987[25] defines a pro-
former be short-circuit tested to demonstrate ad-
cedure by which the mechanical capability of a
equate construction.
transformer to withstand short-circuit stresses
When specified, short-circuit tests shall be per-
may be demonstrated. The prescribed tests are
formed as described in ANSI / IEEE C57.12.90-
not designed to verify thermal performance.
1987 [25].
7.1.2 Transformer Categories. Four cate- Conformance to short-circuit thermal require-
gories for the rating of transformers are recog- ments shall be by calculation in accordance with
nized: 7.4. Duration of Short-circuit Tests.
When short-circuit tests are performed the du-
Single Phase Three Phase ration of each test shall be 0.25 s except that one
Category (kVA) (kV-4) test satisfying the symmetrical current require-
I* 5 to 500 15 to 500 ment shall be made for a longer duration on
I1 501 to 1667 501 to 5000 Category I, 11, and I11 transformers. The dura-
I11 1668 to 10 000 5001 to 30 000 tion of the long test in each case shall be as
IV Above 10000 Above 30 000 follows:
Category I:
NOTE: All kilovoltampere ratings are minimum nameplate
kVA for the principal windings.
* Category I shall include distribution transformers man- t = -1250
ufactured in accordance with ANSI C57.12.20-1981 [4] up I2
through 500 kVA, single phase or three phase. In addition,
autotransformers of 500 equivalent two-winding kilovoltam- where
peres or less, which are manufactured as distribution trans-
formers in accordance with ANSI C57.12.20-1981 [4] shall t = duration, s
be included in Category I, even though their nameplate kVA Category 11:
may exceed 500.
t 1.0s
7.1.3 Short-circuit Current Duration General. For Category I, distribu- Category 111:
tion transformers, the duration of the short-cir- t = 0.5 s
cuit shall be determined by the formula
For special applications where longer fault du-
t = -1250 rations are common in service, special long du-
I2 ration tests must be specified at purchase. When
making consecutive tests without allowing time
for winding cooling, care must be exercised to
t = duration, seconds
avoid exceeding the temperature limits for
I = symmetrical short-circuit current, in mul-
transformers under short-circuit conditions,
tiples of normal base current (see
which are specified in 7.3.5.
For Category 11,111,and IV units, the duration 7.1.4 Short-circuit Current Magnitude
of the short-circuit current as defined in 7.1.4 is Category I. The symmetrical short-
limited to 2 s, unless otherwise specified by the circuit current shall be calculated using trans-
user. former impedance only except that the maxi-
When used on circuits having reclosing fea- mum symmetrical current magnitudes shall not
tures transformers in all categories shall be ca- exceed the values listed in Table 11.
pable of withstanding the resulting successive Category 11. The symmetrical
short circuits, without cooling to normal oper- short-circuit current shall be calculated using
ating temperatures between successive occur- transformer impedance only.
rence of the short circuit, provided the Category I11 and IV. The sym-
accumulated duration of short circuit does not metrical short-circuit current shall be calculated
exceed the maximum duration permitted for sin- using transformer impedance plus system
gle short circuits as defined in impedance, as specified by the transformer user.


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Table 11 Asymmetrical Current. The first-

Distribution Transformer cycle asymmetrical peak current that the trans-
Short-circuit Withstand Capability former is required to withstand shall be deter-
Withstand Capability* mined as follows:
Per Unit of
Single Phase Three Phase Base Current I,, (pk asym) = KI,,
(kVA) (kVA) (Svmmetrical)
5-25 15-75 40
37.5-110 112.5-300 35
167-500 500 25 K = [1 + + n/2)r/x
sin 91 Jz
E = base on natural logarithm
*This table applies to all distribution transformers with Y
secondaries rated 600 V and below and to distribution au-
totransformers with secondaries rated above 600 V. Two
4 = arc tan -, rad
winding distribution transformers with secondaries rated
above 600 V should be designed to withstand short circuits -= ratio of effective alternating-current re-
limited only by the transformer's impedance. Autotrans-
formers having nameplate kilovoltamperes greater than 500 actance to resistance, both in ohms, in the
that are built as distribution transformers in accordance total impedance that limits the fault cur-
with ANSI C57.12.20-1981 [4] shall have withstand capabil- rent for the transformer connections
ities of 25 per unit of base current (symmetrical).
when the short circuit occurs. When the
When system impedance is not specified, data system impedance is included in the fault-
current calculation, the x / r ratio of the
from shall be used. Stabilizing Windings. Stabilizing external impedance shall be assumed
windings in three-phase transformers (A-con- equal to that of the transformer, when
nected windings with no external terminals) not specified.
shall be capable of withstanding the current re- Values of K are given in Table 12.
sulting from any of the system faults specified
in 7.1.1, recognizing the system grounding con- Table 12
ditions. An appropriate stabilizing winding kii- Values of K
ovoltampere, voltage, and impedance shall be
r/x x/r K
7.1.5 Short-Circuit-Current Calculations 0.001 1000 2.824
0.002 500 2.820 Symmetrical Current (Two-wind- 0.003 333 2.815
ing transformers) 0.004 250 2.811
0.005 200 2.806
NOTE: For multiwinding transformers and auto- 0.006 167 2.802
transformers, the required rms value of symmetrical current 0.007 143 2.798
in each winding shall be determined by calculation based 0.008 125 2.793
on applicable system conditions and fault types. 0.009 111 2.789
0.010 100 2.785
0.02 50 2.743
IR 0.03 33.3 2.702
ZT -k ZS 0.04 25 2.662
symmetrical short-circuit current, rms 0.05 20 2.624
0.06 16.7 2.588
A 0.07 14.3 2.552
0.08 12.5 2.518
0.09 11.1 2.484
rated current on the given tap connec- 0.10 10 2.452
tion, rms A 0.2 5 2.184
0.3 3.33 1.990
transformer impedance on the given tap 0.4 2.5 1.849
connection, in per unit on the same ap- 0.5 2 1.746
parent power base as IR 0.6 1.67 1.669
0.7 1.43 1.611
impedance of the system or perma- 0.8 1.25 1.568
nently connected apparatus, in per unit 0.9 1.11 1.534
on the same apparent power base as IR 1.0 1 1.509

I = IS,
- = symmetrical short-circuit current, NOTE: The expression of K is an approximation. The tab-
'IR in multiples of normal base cur- ulated values of K given in Table 12 are calculated from
this approximation and are accurate to within 0.7% of the
rent values calculated by exact methods.


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C57.12.00-1987 IEEE STANDARD GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LIQUID - System Characteristics. For Cate- However, in certain circumstances it may not
gories 111 and IV the characteristics of the sys- be possible to provide the requisite strength in
tem on each set of terminals of the transformer the transformer and in such situations it would
(system fault capacity and the ratio of X o / X l ) become necessary to limit the fault current by
should be specified. For terminals connected to means of additional impedance external to the
rotating machines, the impedance of the con- transformer windings. For example, it may not
nected equipment should be specified. In lieu of be possible to design a reduced capacity auxil-
specified system fault capacities and rotating iary winding to withstand a fault directly on its
machine impedances, values shall be selected for terminals. When the current requirements of
each source from Tables 13 and 14. In lieu of a 7.1.4 cannot be met, limits of fault-current ca-
specified X 0 / X 1 ratio, a value of 2.0 shall be pability of the transformer shall be specified by
used. the manufacturer in the proposal and incorpo- Current Limitations. Conventional rated on the transformer nameplate.
transformer materials and constructions have For distribution transformers, the short-cir-
inherent short-circuit withstand capability lim- cuit withstand capability limits of Table 11have
itations. An example is the tensile withstand been accepted as being representative for con-
capability of annealed copper, which places a ventional materials and constructions.
limit on the permissible hoop tensile stress in Application Conditions Requir-
the outer winding of a core form transformer. ing Special Consideration. The following sit-
New materials and construction techniques uations affecting fault-current magnitude,
have been, and will continue to be, developed to duration, or frequency of occurrence require spe-
extend the withstand capability limitations. cial consideration and should be identified in
transformer specifications.
Table 13 (1) Regulating transformers with extremely
Short-circuit Apparent Power of the System low impedance that depend on the impedance
to Be Used Unless Otherwise Specified of directly comected apparatus to limit fault
Maximum System System Fault Capacity
Voltage (2) Generator transformers susceptible to ex-
(kV) (kA rms) (MVA) cessive overcurrents produced by connection of
~ Below 48.3 - 4300 the generator to the system out of synchronism.
48.3 54 4300 (3) Transformer terminals connected to rotat-
72.5 82 9800
121.0 126 25 100 ing machines (such as motors or synchronous
145.0 160 38 200 condensers) that can act as generators to feed
169.0 100 27 900 current into the transformer under system fault
242.0 126 50 200
362.0 84 50 200
550.0 80 69 300 (4)Operating voltage higher than rated main-
800.0 80 97 000 tained at the unfaulted terminal(s) during a
fault condition.
Table 14 (5) Frequent overcurrents arising from the
Subtransient Reactance of Three-phase method of operation or the particular applica-
Synchronous Machine tion (for example, furnace transformers, starting
taps, applications using grounding switches for
Most Subtransient
Common Reactance relay purposes, and traction feeding trans-
Reactance Range formers).
Type of Machine Per Unit Per Unit
(6)Station auxiliary transformers or main
Two-pole turbine generator 0.10 0.07-0.20 generator step-up transformers directly con-
Four-pole turbine generator 0.14 0.12-0.21
Salient pole generators and 0.20 0.13-0.32 nected to a generator that may be subjected to
motors with dampers prolonged duration terminal faults as a result
Salient pole generators 0.30 0.20-0.50 of the inability to remove the voltage source
without dampers
Condensers-air cooled 0.27 0.19-0.30 quickly.
Condensers-hydrogen 0.32 0.23-0.36 (7) Faults initiated by circuit breakers may
cooled under certain conditions cause fault current in
* Assumptions of rotating machine impedances should be excess of those calculated in accordance with
defined by the transformer manufacturer. this section.


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7.2 Components. Transformer components, conditions of simultaneous loading authorized

such as leads, bushings, load tap changers (LTC), by the nameplate must be considered to obtain
de-energized tap changers, and current trans- the maximum value. Base currents are calcu-
formers that carry current continuously shall lated based on self-cooled loading conditions or
comply with all the requirements of 7.1.3 and equivalent (use multiplying factors).
7.1.4. However, when not explicitly specified, NOTE: The following base current definitions are applicable
load tap changers are not required to change only to windings designed for connection to load.
taps successfully under short-circuit conditions.
7.3.4 Base Current in Windings of a Reg-
7.3 Base Kilovoltamperes ulating Transformer. The base current for
7.3.1. Base Kilovoltamperes of a Winding. each winding of a regulating transformer is the
This is the self-cooled rating of that winding as maximum current that can occur in that wind-
specified by the nameplate, or as determined in ing for any loading condition authorized by the
accordance with Table 15. nameplate. Base currents are calculated based
on self-cooled loading conditions or equivalent
(use multiplying factors).
Table 15 7.3.5 Temperature Limits of Transformers
Base Current Calculation Factors for Short-circuit Conditions. The tempera-
Multiplying ture of the conductor material in the windings
Type of Transformer Factor of transformers under the short-circuit condi-
Water-cooled (OW) 1.0 tions specified in 7.1.1 through 7.1.4, as calcu-
Forced liquid-cooled with either forced air- 0.60 lated by methods described in 7.4, shall not
cooler or Forced Water coolers (FOA exceed 250 "C for copper conductor or 200 "C for
or FOW)
EC aluminum conductor. A maximum temper-
ature of 250°C shall be allowed for aluminum
alloys that have resistance to annealing prop-
For a transformer with no self-cooled rating erties at 250°C equivalent to EC aluminum at
the applicable multiplying factor from Table 15 2OO0C, or for applications of EC aluminum
shall be applied to the maximum nameplate kil- where the characteristics of the fully annealed
ovoltampere rating to obtain equivalent base kil- material satisfy the mechanical requirements.
ovoltampere rating. In setting these temperature limits the following
7.3.2 Base Current of Windings Without factors were considered:
Autotransformer Connections. For trans- (1) Gas generation from oil or solid insulation
formers with two or more windings without au- (2) Conductor annealing
totransformer connections, the base current of (3) Insulating aging
a winding is obtained by dividing the base kilo-
voltamperes of the winding by the rated kilovolt 7.4 Calculation of Winding Temperature
of the winding on a per phase basis. During a Short Circuit.The final winding tem-
7.3.3 Base Current of Windings With Au- perature Tfat the end of a short circuit of du-
totransformer Connections. For transformers ration t shall be calculated on the basis of all
with two or more windings, including one or heat stored in the conductor material and its
more autotransformer connections, the base cur- associated turn insulation. All temperatures are
rent and base kilovoltamperes of any winding in degrees Celsius.
other than the series and common windings are
determined as described in 7.3.2. Tf= (Tk + T,)n(l + E + 0.6m) + Ts
The base current of the series winding is equal
to the base kilovoltamperes per phase at the where
series line terminal H divided by the minimum m = Wst
full capacity tap voltage at the series line ter-
minal H in kilovolt line to neutral. c(Tk T,)
The base current of the common winding is These equations are approximate formulas,
equal to the line current at the common winding and their use should be restricted to values of
terminal X, minus the line current at the series m = 0.6 and less.
winding terminal H, under loading conditions For values of m in excess of 0.6, the following
resulting in the maximum phasor difference. All more nearly exact formula should be used:


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8. Testing and Calculations

Tf= (Tk + T,)[Jt2m+ -1)- 11 + T,
where 8.1 General. Unless otherwise specified, all
tests are defined and shall be made in accord-
Tk = 234.5 for copper ance with ANSI/ IEEE C57.12.90-1987 [25]. Un-
= 225 for EC grade aluminum less otherwise specified, tests shall be made a t
The appropriate values for other grades the factory only.
may be used
T, = starting temperature. It is equal to 8.2 Routine, Design, and Other Tests for
(1)30°C ambient temperature plus the Transformers. These are listed in Table 16.
average winding rise plus the manufac- Definitions of these various tests are included
turer's recommended hottest-spot allow- in ANSI / IEEE C57.12.80-1978 (R 1986) [24].
ance; or 8.2.1 Routine tests shall be made on all trans-
(2) 30 "C ambient temperature plus the formers in accordance with the requirements of
limiting winding hottest-spot tempera- Table 16.
ture rise specified for the appropriate 8.2.2 When specified (as individual tests),
type of transformer other tests shall be made on transformers as
E = base of natural logarithm, z 2.718
listed in Table 16.
E = per-unit eddy-current loss, based on re-
sistance loss W,, a t the starting tem- 8.3 Additional Routine Tests on Trans-
perature formers with Load Tap Changing or Regu-
lating Transformers
- 8.3.1 Ratio Tests on Load-Tapchanging
Transformers. Ratio tests shall be made
E, = per-unit eddy-current loss at reference (1) At all connection positions of the tap chan-
temperature ger for de-energized operation with the load tap
Tr= reference temperature changer on the rated voltage position
- 20 "C ambient temperature plus rated
- (2) At all load-tap-changer positions with the
average winding rise tap changer for de-energized operation on the
w,= short-circuit resistance loss of the wind- rated-voltage position
ing at the starting temperature, watts 8.3.2 Impedance Voltage and Load-Loss
per pound of conductor material Tests on Load-Tapchanging Transformers.
Impedance voltage and load-loss tests as listed
w, = in Table 17 shall be made on one unit of a given
rating when produced by one manufacturer a t
w, = resistance loss of winding a t rated cur- the same time.
rent and reference temperature, watt
N = symmetric short-circuit magnitude, Table 17
times normal rated current Additional Tests
M = weight of winding conductor, lb
Voltaes for which TaD Changers are Set
C = average thermal capacitance per pound
of conductor material and its associated Tap Changer for
turn insulation, ( W s)/"C. It shall be
Load Tap
determined by iteration from either of 1 Rated voltage tap pos Max voltage tap pos
the following empirical equations: 2' Rated voltage tap pos Min voltage tap pos
3 Max voltage tap pos Max voltage tap pos
- 174 + +
0.0225 (T, Tf) 110 -
+ 4*
Max voltage tap pos
Min voltage tap pos
Min voltage tap pos
Max voltage tap pos
6* Min voltage tap pos Min voltage tap pos
for copper
405 + 0.1 (T,+ Tf)+ 360 AA-i, 'For tests 2,4,and 6 the current held may be such that
the current in the winding corresponds to the rated kilo-
voltampere and the rated winding voltage, when the trans-
for aluminum former has been so designed with the load tap changer. All
other tests shall be made at currents corresponding to the
A i = cross-sectional area of turn insulation rated kilovoltampere and the voltage of the tap position
A, = cross-sectional area of conductor being tested.


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Table 16
Routine, Design, and Other Tests for Liquid-Immersed Transformers
Test Classifications
500 kVA and Smaller 501 kVA and Larger
Tests Routine Design Other Routine Design Other

Resistance Measurements
Of all windings on the rated voltage tap
and at the tap extremes of the first
unit made on a new design. NOTE: (1)
Tests on the rated voltage connection
and on all tap connections. For LTC
units, see 8.3.1.
Polarity and Phase Relation
Tests on the rated voltage connection
No-Load Losses and Excitation Current
At rated voltage and frequency on the
rated voltage connection
Impedance Voltage and Load LOSS
At rated current and rated frequency
on the rated voltage connection, and
a t the tap extremes of the first unit
of a new design. For LTC units, see
8.3.2, NOTES: (l), and (2)
Zero-Phase-Sequence Impedance Voltage
Temperature Rise
At minimum and maximum ratings of
the first unit on a new design. May be
omitted if test of thermally duplicate
or essentially duplicate unit is available
Dielectric Tests
Low Frequency 0
Lightning impulse NOTE (3) 0
Front-of-wave impulse
Switching impulse, phase-to-ground
Radio influence voltage
Insulation power factor
Insulation resistance
Audible Sound Level
Short-circuit Capability
NOTE: (5)
Lifting and Moving Devices
Telephone Influence Factor (TIF)
NOTES: (6). (7)

NOTES: (1)Resistance, impedance, and load-loss tests are design tests for distribution transformers 500 kVA and smaller and
shall be omitted when a record of such tests made on a duplicate or essentially duplicate unit in accordance with this standard
are available.
(2) For duplicate units, these measurements shall be taken only at the rated voltage connection for a two-winding unit, and
for three or more rated voltage connections for the case of a three or more winding unit.
(3) Lightning impulse tests are routine for Class I1 power transformers.
(4) The transformer shall be connected for, and energized a t rated voltage, frequency, and at no load. Noise contributing
elements of the transformer such as pumps and fans shall be operated as appropriate for the rating being tested. When it is
impractical or undesirable to include the appropriate cooling equipment, the self-cooled sound level may be corrected for
cooling noise contribution, if suitable corrections are available and it is mutually agreeable to those concerned.
(5) Testing of large transformers may not be practical because of test facility limitations.
(6) A test method for measuring TIF may be found in IEEE Std 469-1977 [49].
(7) This test is not practical because of test facility limitations for transformers larger than 50 kVA.


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C57.12.00-1987 IEEE STANDARD GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LIQUID - Impedance Testing on Regulat- ings, shall have a tolerance of 2 10% of the
ing Transformers. The impedance of regulat- specified value.
ing transformers shall be tested at the maximum Differences of impedance between duplicate
and minimum rated voltage positions and at the three-winding or zigzag transformers, when two
neutral position of the load tap changer. or more units of a given rating are produced by Test Report. When a test report is one manufacturer at the same time, shall not
specified, the impedance values of 8.3.2 or exceed 10% of the specified value.
shall be included in it. (3) The impedance of an autotransformer
shall have a tolerance of 5 10% of the specified
8.4 Calculations value.
8.4.1 Determination of Transformer R e g Differences of impedance between duplicate
ulation. When specified, transformer regulation autotransformers, when two or more units of a
shall be determined for the rated voltage, kilo- given rating are produced by one manufacturer
voltamperes, and frequency by means of calcu- at the same time, shall not exceed 10% of the
lations based on the tested impedance and load specified value.
losses in accordance with the procedure given (4)Transformers shall be considered suitable
in ANSI / IEEE C57.12.90-1987 [25]. Regulation for operation in parallel when reactances come
calculations shall be based on a reference tem- within the limitations of the foregoing para-
perature equal to the rated average winding graphs, provided turns ratios and other con-
temperature rise, plus 20 "C. trolling characteristics are suitable for such
9. Tolerances
9.1 Tolerances for Ratio. The turns ratios be- 9.3 Tolerances for Losses. Unless otherwise
tween windings shall be such that, with the specified, the losses represented by a test of a
transformer at no load and with rated voltage transformer, or transformers, on a given order,
on the winding with the least number of turns, shall not exceed the specified losses by more
the voltages of all other windings and all tap than the percentages in Table 18.
connections shall be within 0.5% of the name- Table 18
plate voltages. However, when the volts per turn Tolerances for Single-Phase and Three-phase
of the winding exceeds 0.5% of the nameplate Transformers Losses
voltage, the turns ratio of the winding on all tap
Number of No-Load Total
connections shall be to the nearest turn. Units on Basis of Losses Losses
For three-phase Y-connected windings this tol- One Order Determination (%) (%)
erance applies to the phase-to-neutral voltage. 1 1 unit 10 6
When the phase-to-neutral voltage is not explic- 2 or more Each unit 10 6
itly marked on the nameplate, the rated phase- 2 or more Average of 0 0
all units
to-neutral voltage shall be calculated by dividing
the phase-to-phase voltage markings by 3.
10. Connection of Transformers
9.2 Tolerances for Impedance. The tolerances for Shipment
for impedance shall be as follows:
(1) The impedance of a two-winding trans- Single-phase and three-phase transformers
former with impedance voltage larger than 2.5% shall be shipped with both high- and low-voltage
shall have a tolerance of 2 7.5% of the specified windings connected for their rated voltage.
value, and the tolerance for those with imped- Unless otherwise specified, single-phase trans-
ance voltage 2.5% or less shall have a tolerance formers designed for both series-multiple and
of 2 10% of the specified value. three-wire operation shall be shipped connected
Differences of impedance between duplicate in series with the midpoint out for three-wire
two-winding transformers when two or more operation. Single- and three-phase transformers
units of a given rating are produced by one man- designed for series-multiple operation only shall
ufacturer at the same time shall not exceed 7.5% be shipped connected in series.
of the specified value. Unless otherwise specified, three-phase trans-
(2) The impedance of a transformer having formers designed for both h and Y operation
three or more windings, or having zigzag wind- shall be shipped connected for the Y voltage.


Authorized licensed use limited to: ARAMCO HQ. Downloaded on December 15,2012 at 04:22:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
For the manufacturer's use, the following specification form (or equivalent) for power transformers is suggested:
Power Transformer Specification
For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................. Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proposal No ......................... Spec No ............................. Item No ..............................

TvDe I Class I H Winding X Winding Y Winding

Phase V V V
Hertz kVA kVA kVA
Temp Rise kVA kVA kVA
Insul Liquid I kVA I kVA I kVA


H Winding
I X Winding -1
Transformers in Bank I To Transformer From I Phase I Connected I To Transformer To I Phase I Connected

H Winding
Basic Lightning Low Frequency
Impulse-Insula~ Voltage
I H Winding I kV I kVA I Applied Voltage Insulation Level

ings and ground)

Line to Line
Induced Voltage X neutral

Losses and Exciting Current Regulation'


Excitation % Ex 1 No Load Total Loss Power Factor 70Regulation

100% 1.0
110% 0.8

Transformer kVA I Class I Watts Aux Loss Not for Construction Purposes
W I Outline Dwg No
Dimensions (Approximate) Ft (m)
Average Sound Level Height (A)
Width (B)
Height over Cover (D)
Windings I I &A Untanking (Plus Slings) (E)

Masses (Approximate) pounds (kg)
I H-Y I Core and Coils

Tank and Fittings
Total Mass
~ Gallons (m3)

Shipping Mass lb (kg)

Shipped lb ( k d

Data to be furnished only when requested.

NOTE: It is suggested when SI units are used, that liters be used for volumes less than 1000 liters, and cubic meters for
volumes 1000 liters and larger.

Authorized licensed use limited to: ARAMCO HQ. Downloaded on December 15,2012 at 04:22:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
For manufacturers' use, the following specification form (or equivalent) for distribution transformers is suggested:

Manufacturer's Name Distribution Transformer Specification

For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date .............................

Proposal No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spec No ..........................

Class Type Phase Hertz H Winding X Winding ......Winding Temperature Rise


Additional Approximate Voltages

H Winding
X Winding


Transformers in Bank To Transform From Phase Connected To Transform To Phase Connected

PERFORMANCE-Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Levels

High Voltage kV. Low Voltage kV kV

Applied Voltage (To other windings and ground)

H Winding X Winding . . . . . . Winding Induced Voltage
. . . . . . . . . kV . . . . . . . . . kV . . . . . . . . . . . kV Times Normal Voltage

- Losses in Watts 70Regulation*

YOExciting Current 70Impedance Volts
Item kVA No Load Total 100% PF 80% PF (% Exc I ) (% IZ)


Dimensions in In (mm) Net Mass in Pounds (kg) Gallons m3 of

Item kVA Outline No A B I 1
C 1 D Including Liquid Insulating Liquid

'Data to be furnished only when requested.

Page of Pages Prepared by

NOTE: It is suggested when SI units are used, that liters be used for volumes less than 1000 liters, and cubic meters for
volumes lo00 liters and larger.


Authorized licensed use limited to: ARAMCO HQ. Downloaded on December 15,2012 at 04:22:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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